AIM by too wemw of Dna tko tw Ckokw of Cmuwtm did Us nt |«k Tn—Hay itunMi ta 11 U that U|MI v«U for Ma ; h« It —tortafrood too four any Ma of to· Md artiDary It to too baarta of to itai· tki *u t wilto·· tklif to too too. H fa M Wy ok tat| m pe—rittod to —joy t *»—■. aad vkoa *00 of toe fair** taaaof fee Old K«rti> Hto toooo bo • totck of Doaa toUty H en· tod wfcbia tWir • npid for too ton that win s®-*» cfc Αμμ Ma tn 8e. ud «nrliaf «in, 1 -««te* M mi farrwcU ; The -Joy «f wkicfc 70· p« Wttkln MT n3 *all »·1ι aeenratoly aWed. aad ail made of pmer aad bamboo. The Interior of the car wae alao aemMi «■ detail. being earofaHj apholatrred •J N»w. .The efl0 of the driver aa TUa ia the drat time a motor ear m been barnod at the «rave of a MOTHERS* CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. RUFUS SMITH Mr» N. A. Towmeod ii Elected Prwidint N«»t MMtini N0**mb«r 7. Tha Mother»' Club held it· iveond ■nKinc ahKi· iU oiganiiation lart Friday afternoon al the home of Mr*. J. Kafaa Smith. The rabjcct fur the wa«: "Com·, tot tu live with the children." Number* on the program war* "What conathuta· a Modem mother," by Hit. Paul Hood; "The calf path," by Mr*. Robert L. Wirrm; •"She W*J a phantom of de light," b* Mr*. J. Lloyd Wade; "Mar rtjfti" ay Mr*. John W. Diauyhon; "The colltn woman," by Mr*. John W TWitos. The meeting clotcd with a xinr, "Speak Gently," toii| by the entire vneaiborAip. Mr*. N. A. Towntend «u «lortint prcflldont of the club and Mr*. Rofna tkaith, newUn. The*· ϋΓίο·> wVv ι tf tirl· ··.!» • * ν·*ι '*.»· < • » Κ ■ ι .· i1; ft/fki. j«i |.i < ...· ·">&». ·: R'.ch>m>r>l. '.'u ■ · H"·;· *V w;j> ·' ·. n.'il f'j · If·.* ι. ι n'ajf in Ibiin pi.··!·· ·> · ■ r. ^t ·ν ill . '*· . lU JC^ I. it h · • :> ί ·. ·. C V>L Tti'iu of IMt.b jiç-l· Τ··. . "i'î Vsilt Sti-waii. «·< 11 nui ::··1 a* th.* !:on»< ··( R<». ·!. A. Camp '«•Il :.»· ι V.Y«'.n«»et. 22. t:.·. Mr.t* Vr-:. Y*. M. Keen and WIji Λιΐιιΐ·· Κ<·; ρ tnd A. R. Byrt *p«-nt a '»*■ h«ui'< In Dunn Suoday eremlng. S·*: "·>«».' of OviM'Uif, M*n*»r xinal, Clrcvlallo·, Et*. Rt^uirf^ fc» Ket of CDUT** «f Au |U1( XÂ, 1912, Of the Dunn Diapfctch, publi«h«l w· Λίν <Λ Dunn. Ν C. Cot October 1 1019. Stat* of North Oa-olloa. Coci iy of Harnvt.i. L'-fore tar. ε miUnr public in ami .for th· county uπd State aforesaid pireoitTilly appcsrrvt L. Bu.cbee Pop» who, ha ν .ig been duly sworn ae-ord iiur to l««, ili-poMB and eayaithat h« the oF'i« of the Dunn Di*patch. η~> manager» arte L. it.nbee Pop·, Thnin, N. C. Ryror i'oid. Dunn, N. C. That th· owner i· L. P.u. l*c Pope, Duno. N. C. That Ihe known bondholder», mort· Cagrr» and other «ecurfty Jialden owning cr holding 1 P*r cent or morr of total amount of bondi, mortgages or ether wruritica ar«; (None.) !.. BU3BEK POPE. Owner. S'vo-n »a and •nibacrtbed beforo thli Ιβι.Ί day of Oct 1919.. >'y cnmaleicn e xpire· Oct. 28 r« 1919. C. Η. Λι..^·' Notary Public My comtaiietiou exflirea Oct. 23. 1019 JStmrntteet'' I Wmtf fmm UmOf «M· mmé»r wêÊ6i elteÉvfo DELCO-LIGHT 1 "· "Wjm."*—' /> α Γ ±·τ.· .. Ψ1\'* τ %% ÛUii · ) ^ · si*. CASCAPAV ' ^ 0ί^"Λ*: S:«o4ar<* < V*. ?·■<·« ν . —·* U.M.; Ι- ν . ..... m »« U*r— ·*«>■ ·* 4 t ^ ■ *r/. I,.x i.'4 ·- l ·!··■ - jK&'V.·· Λ"', Y V IS » ».· .11. For Sale by E. L. PARKER & SONS American Gentleman Shoes Widths Β- UF.. Sim. 5-11 Men'· Shoe» $4 50 to $10.S0 American Ijidy SSm· fnr woman Width· A-F. Sizes 2 1-2—A Ladies Shoes $3-80 to «12.50 RED GOOSE SHOES tar Children Try mar «II leather shoes to,· service and economy. Geo. E. Prince and .Son for men j >~ 3·Μ and R«commen· ROOFING And Sheet Metal Work We will be glad to furnish estimates on any work in our line. All contracts filled promptly and efficiently by expert workmen. Place your orders now. J. E. COLE Jr. 222 East Broad. Phone 276 PAY YOUR TOWN TAXES NOW I wiH be in my offlee from nini to twelve each day until No· ' vcmber 1 to receive your taxes Pay Now and tav· rfiiconnt You Ket one per ccnt off for payment thia month. Next month you will have to pay par. PAY PAGE NOW notice or HAi.r. or valuable REAL RBTATE. Undar and by virtue of an order of Uw· Superior C'oort of Ham»U (iennly, ma da hi tk« Special Procfo dlrc·, entitled, Ίο ro Η Β. Tart iraanllan ef Bad Tan lima tic, it ill o* parle, the am' Mue Namber iMf OB the Spar la I Proceedin«* doe krt of Bid Coart. tha andar«Hr>ed commie* ton, wfll oa tha 4th day ot DeeMabar, ltl·, at 18 O'clock M la front of the premU*< hereinafter ia prrfbad offer far aala to tha hi*h«a* bidder far cajh, a certain lot or par cal of land eitaatad la tha town of Dana, M. C. end atere particularly deetrlaed aa fellows, eta. Bein« lot No. II la Moek "R" la I ha Dhrlaéoo of raatdent lat No. · la Mack "R" la th. piaa of tha town of Du*. N. C. ThU tha îtth da* of October !·!·. L. L LCVftlsON, Cam. TiaMetfaOe: Daeenber 4th, 1*1* >« oVlo.k M. I'lacr of «aie : In front of l«t It Ιί»»". N. C. Tin·* of mIc: tuh NOTICK OV 8AIJC. ^^ By virtue Of the term» of lK rnort. Wf·' drod ciHatrd by Y. f, Tart a*4 wtfo, to K. M P^rnell. and rc^t In Book lit, Γβββ ill. Krortli •I Ilamrtt Conntjr, »Mch *ald mort *·** d«r4 hat b^»·