LEGAL AD cot m4 tkt p«r· I |W> turn Nona tar let. 1·!» to rat mm, tatefil· fewtof èmtAmà kadi, *t»i 1 ■«!■■*)« to tta mMUW *t tta "E tu· mHo» i. IwnFl umi C, L. Sorsir· Ha· K. S* 1-4 V. 45.1S «ta. to a atota, witt petotoet inn· to Lan» Γ. MtaMit Ua*i «ta··· ■a Lmto F. Tvftvlal Ito, K. M W. ».T0 *Btoe to a stota, wito Mtot •n to ail Ito·; ttaaa· · sew Ito· S. M 1-4 K. 4S.SS ttaiaa to · atota to tta Awiafctn tad SaflUUM i«ad; Itam mMldiw4 10.SO ctatoa M tta fcutoaint. coatatotoc 44 1-« km, >ad tatoctta m« Iu3 to aM C. L. tamn by Us r. Niaay i. ~ ÔTOti, » l^tiala SOth. 1·» snwïn tuhun X. T. Y· r. Attjr. By TfatoM of (W utkority ooafar Mikjri Dkm of tk· fap«rior Ce art •f Htrun County iaaaM on Îllf W 11, Itlfi, te tka aaMtel pntnd te« «tftjo* "I· Um Bettor of L» tatto DtntWm, and irtin." tk· ma ilt rtaa>< Γ ηπι·)ιτ' r wfll ok Kib day. th. Ir4 day of November, 1»!», at 11 «'dockX i¥jni balm pakUa aaettoa. to to· ktefcart M4te, at too Cwutoiu— door ta LOUactoa, Nortk Carolina, tk· feflowtn# tomb al tea te, to wit ι Bcfteate* at a (take te tk» orisiaal Itea i-t dtatea fraai tk· SoatkwMt SSSSn*· Xw^umi ttMM laatk M But a mw dhridiaa ltea tO.4· chain* to a itaka te aaotkar of tka ori*lami Una·; tkaac· Noctk Î1H B. lJti chaîna to a ateko; tkian Martk *7* W. 1&.80 «katea to a ftak·; tkanc· S 78H W. IL. 10 *ate« to a ataka; tkaaa· S. 1* W. ·,» ckatea to tk· kafteateg. coatatetag II* ami, mmr* w taaaJUw aaa un. îwi«H ta Α. α W«faan. and alao laaa 4 atna «aa»aiad to Ttto Hatmr. aald «owrayaaea» kata* rridaaord by daods awiiriin of reeani. IV tena» af tk· ak wpHwW. 181#, la tke natter of "P. K. Hoaey euu n. L B. BoMytott it ai," th· iu4tnl|«W c—ûwiwwr appointed by th. court ia aid decre· to aik· al« u the landa ktnlaafln describ ed. will oa Saturday, November 16th, at ItJt ·'clock a. ■, offer for ml· a* public asction, far caafc. on th· ρτ—Ιιιι, th· following dncrIM tract of lattd la Harnett County, North Carolina, to-wit : Lo»at«d ia frach Hirer Township, Barnatt County, North Carolina, ad jointe* the land· of J. A. Adama and J··rah Adaau aetata es the North, tha tat of Alai Flower·, and oth er·, aa the Booth, tha land· of W. P. Flower·, aad others, oa tha West, and containing ITS aeree, more or lea·, being tha tract of land known •a the Perrtn Honeyeatt old home place, and including the ·411 and mill pood, known aa Honeycutt'a Mill aad BoaeyevU*» KOI Pend, the tarn* being located about 1 3-4 wile· from the town of Berciayrrine, North CaroHaa. The land will b« cut-divided and Ant «old ia aab-diriifoa and win than be iold aa a whole .aad report Bad· to the court of the higheet bid for Tht· thé IU day of October, 101·. p. κ. MONrrcurr, CoBurinioMr. Sal« will bo conducted by WAXTKS ft GURLEY AUCTION COMPANY. NOTICE or IALI OF ROAD bonos or duke to^Rhip, ΗΛΚΝΕΤΤ COUNTY, I*. C. The commliajoiim of Dak· township Hani·* County, will receive naiad ■npoah far the pirektK of thirty thousand (ISO,000.00) Bead Bond· of laid township, op to five o'clock p. a., Friday. November 28, 1919 at the ofllc· of tka Γητίη Cotton Mills Company, Duke, North Carolina at white tira· and pUca all propoaala will be opened. Said boadi will ba two ad In denom ination «f 11000.00 each, nnlaaa oth erwise prescribed by the purchaser, will be dated November 1. 191·, and bear tatereat from data at aix per cent, payable semi-annually, both prin cipal and ta tenet payable In the City of Now York, Mid bond· to mature serially >3000.00 payable en the lit day of November, 1919, and tSOOO.OO annually thereafter until the eatlre lane U paid without option of prior HJWMt Th· approving opinion ef Caldwell « Masslicb. New /York City win be furnished te^the(· purchaser without thai··. V ι The bead* are (neitl obllgatioas ef the township and an fmHralted tu may be levied for the payment of principal and interact. Chapter 127 Public Local Laura of 1911, under aatborttv of eUck the bonds are It Ned, alao require· aa annual tax levy for maintenance of the roada. Arnaud valuatioa for 1911 >1,797, >11.00 No other debt. All proposals awt be uocondition al and be accompanied by certified cheek upon a responsible Bank pay able to the Treaaore of the Com miasiooere of Duke township, in the •am of >>99.00. The Board reserves the rifht to reject any and all bid*. For farther particular* address the chairman ar aecretary at Duke, North Carolina. E. S. YARBROUOH. Chairman, r. M. McKAY, Secretary. NOTICE Or SALE Pursuant to a deed made by H. N. Bitsell and wife, Mary C. Biaaell to D. H Hood. ft. Η Jackaon and W. M. Pope, trustee· of the Holtaeas Tabernasle of Dunn. N. C., we than nil at pelbUc a actio a for cash, Τ lui re day, December 4y 1919 at 12 o'clock M at the Foot Oftye Hi the Town of Dean. The bouse and lot deecribed ta Mid deed, kaown aa the Hollnom Church lot I η the Town of Dona. D. H. HOOD. W. M. POPE. SCHOOL AND FAFM It M|kt te dawn on aeM of u fairly mob ttat batter «dotation ta •o* aiataJy a matter af tam ballA bip and iffaraUi, mora pay. μπ taxa*, mm erwaalratloa· Thw , tkhws ara ail helpful, bat (km nit b« mm aathre *yr\ng of Ufa ta the child to (low oat throogh Hu rrowth ehanaela «Uck achooMnc cas Ht Tlu taarhar bvilds on the aolid femdatien of aaw raaomtaa. battar »|llw«< koan, binar eattle, mora ■kfiMally attandad JUIda. am pre dnative «rape. Ta pepalarfce gard aaa, ta dailai ttWw wan af atoriaa, ia»la<|. aad «allia* food. ta aiaMaly poMia Mrbli, to «law the «aura path from the farm ta the family earner tabla a· aach taaprwreneata hep, dbaatly aad oigMly. to aaka ■ am «fartlr· «docatha paaaftl». la tMa ttaM of change wa meat take account af reaUUea aad aaka Ilea af the |aad aehool la the feed fana — CeUerO Ka«aaiae. ΜΑβΤ TO KELT The law af ItlT aatberfeed the , Give the -world, ν the once over Î, fellow*, to tome tight talk. Many a HMD when he gets So to 40» mnwi aoarte 'lAia|. He may have V*» of money, and a fine IT "sot oat and thing»"· After he " down, if β too to tee world- No man likes rjfeo «and etùl all his life, m» beat time to TRAVEL / NfwT* "* f jnmy—flpt JNOW 1 jar Onck S*ra ίΠ- Htnnti He'· tnvitmc TV Navy goa all στ* tha ■odd—«ait· the Seven Eca#— aqutata at tfca six continent»— c/uf>Aibuvneu. You stand to tea more odd right*, wonder* ftji ie entry and «trente people than you «ver dreamed où YeuH work hard white you work- You'll play hard while yn ploy. Yon 11 cars and learn. You'll (St, In addition to "rtiore leave", a 20-day aeraight vac»· ttm wliicli la mora than the average bank prevident cam count cm. Yon can join Ear two jiai. When you gat through you 11 bo ptunicaHy and mentally "tuned up" for the reat ο yotir life. Yosl be ready throuc-t and through for SUCC228. Thare*· a Rauuitlue Station right near you. If yea dont kaoie «bar· It ia. ycur Poet niaari t will be glad to tad you. Shove off!'Join the U.S.Navy IS HERE ' - It's the Sensation of the Season See the little Car at our Salesroom. PARRISH-DRIVER COMPAQ YOUR HOUSE t la worth more today than it wan α year »go 1 / 1 Tt would coat you a lot more lo rebuild it—if fire ' cot It. So why not incrcnac yonr Insurant·»·? Some are adding a third, other· more. It Ih tlio wiw thin*—the «afe thine—lo do. It take* only a little accident to turn the biRjr**i houno into η pile of a*he*. Dunn Insurance and Realty Co. J. L. Wade, Manager RWrr-v*- . · . . λ £ «· ;.>.· · ·· · · —·-- · — 'g λ f, f . / 18 cent» a pixlcaje What you pay out your good money ft* is cigarette satisfaction—and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camelal Expertly bonded choiie Turkish *>r»d -jh.iice Crtme.stic tobaccoô in Car.i«l cigarettes elimi nate bite end free them ίππη any unpleasant c :nd colion waists. We buy the best Quality for our customers and sell at lowest prices. VISIT OUR STORE AND GIVE US A TRIAL FOR . YOUR MONEY AND FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. ι McCALL & COMPANY 1 I 3 East Broad Street DUNN, N. C. FALL STYLES SHOWN at GOLDSTEIN'S The biggest, best and most varied stock of men'·, women's and children's wear we have ever carried ia now ready for your inspection. THE GOLDSTEIN COMPY Dunn's Best Store A DAD STATE OP AFFAIRS Kot Ιοπμ »ιβγ" Tin Rotithcmar li«h«J Mime Yvty Uff'x ·4ιΙ*τη<ηΙ* In r> «>ril l« Uw propl·· <>I KdjKMlk· o.tMty. one fcatar« rtf which we wuh u> utt uitantioa to — that la the hu it it ryuUn. *hwh 1* an gnitrmlly In V«rai h»r< . It Wl< · (Γ(·: ΜΙΓρίΐΜ to lift to '«•art» that arrording Ut Iboaa «tatlalk» m»r·· than half tha wtiita farmrn of MdXiibf arc tananU. Thin 1* an anfartuiiat* condition at affair*, and It a '· rtoon tar to praarvwi There »r> too many lanr»· fane* Id tha band· of a (·* mm fa ibr Wt* tha avaraxo farmer U ratiaflarf to awn KO Bern af laid oa *ti rh ha maka» ■■ bttkf IMnif thaa th·· a* »raifr Kaatham Urniar malt a ι An xftfl tent. With a iratUr dlvirion of farm land« in thia county into nmaUer aa Luu/. thf proap*rity at th» famaci if-narally wo-ild U» Unfold fritter thao u«J»r the praaant tenant tya Un. Jhrrr would b* better and mora In t«IMlvr cultivation with far greater ylrld« of all tmrm predicts. Th# rvr»· of Ireland i« tba Owner ship of land by a frw ladlridaala, and It w tfcv 'ur« of any coantry that practice* It. WKh the preaent hl«h price* frrr fana prodjrt», tenant farm·™ uaght te atrtrr to aara In ordre that they, too. may ova land In tM» connection. the familiar lince Irma GoU««n Ith ara *vain*ntly appropriate : AU farca the land, to haatniai IHa * pr*7f WW» «hHIi KnavkiM and aaa dwsy, FVinr·» and lord» nay ftoarlah ·» aq fad·, A braatk e»n make Dm M a h art hath mad·, Bot a bold poaaantry. tbafar totntrr*· pride. When ooca dcatrayad, «aa mw U ntpplted U th· traant «)■>■■ te emraa and rate ear nation ukkaa Iratand ud other nation·Τ—The lllHili·, Tar boro. Mr J. A. iohaaoa >nt to laatord Be«day. ^ Too often thar· U · atlng kaafe af koneyAd ward*