MONEY for FARMERS If you want money in amounts from $1 000 to $30, 000, on terms running from 5 to 20 year·, for purposes stated below : (a) To aid in providing loans for the purchase of land for agricultural purposes. (b) To provide for the purchase of equipment, fertilizer, live stock, etc. (c) To enable land owners to invest in buildings, drainage and for other improvements of farm lands. (d) To liquidate and consolidate the indebtedness of farm owners, etc. into long term loans payable in easy installments. or for any other legitimate purpose, come to see us for further information. CALL TO SEE US WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN AND LET US TELL YOU OF OUR PLANS TO ASSIST IN UPBUILDING THE COMMUNITY . Our Bank Will Alway· Treat You Right, Whether You Come to Atk For a Loan or to Make a Deposit. STATE BANK and TRUST CO w»;»»mnmmnfflt -- ·· V; AEROPLANE DELIVERY Parson Maynard Has Nothing on Ue. SPEED IS OUR SPECIALTY < / ^ ^ Every delivery boy equipped with • motorcycle that f eta jroceriea to year door u ιοοη ·· the order ii placed. Good Groceries Delivered In time for You. M. M. DRIVER Phon*: 46 44tff Hampshire Hog Sale. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14th 1919 - . - Sale to be held three mile· eut of Dunn on G. R. Lee Place 30 head, bred sows, gilts and boars ANNOUNCEMENT In announcing my first sale I wish to say that my herd is of god quality and breeding. While there are herds better advertised there are very few with more good quality animals than will be found in this herd. The sired sows in this sale are being sold because 1 cannot lceep hogs to any extent for a while in my new loca tion and am compelled to let go of stock that 1 have tried to produce for several years, and am sure they wijl suit the most particular buyer. BRAZIL LEE ■e0îS»îii« *»»OCIATI©H Foejt*° at rArrrrEviLLi luUon will b· computed by ■ com· mitta· eompowd of H. L. Brotho·* Mayor John Ualmnod, Ahvriff N. H. McOaarhjr, W. C. Downing and •V w· Bentof. TH« objaet of tii· aiMBeiial mom talion *u «utrd by A. Li. KcCaakin. who pnwtM. κΐ '■"•■m hi fnrthrrincv of Um ibov» ·»"' te honor th· former PneUant Γ®*Ϊ» '•S*' U»··»·™ Unl«lit bT D. M. 8lHnfA*M u< Dr g, γ. KrCoomn. ι I SENATORS DISREGARD PRESIDENT'S ILLNESS I Republican PariiMBl Continue N*(|ia|—Friwdly P*P«r 1 Rebuke· C. O. P. Washington, D. C.—It must be evi dent te all fair-minded people of the country that the Republican leader» of the Senate arc conduction a ram patgn of hate aninst Prwident Wil L*ea. Such men a* Srnalorj Pmtw, Bcendcirec, Moar· and Nerri* do nnl quit when hr t« (1L They try to create nupkloo in attacks that hi· cannot answer while under the cart οt a physician. They In d nu· te thai hr is artinjr President through oth er*· There >■ boo rid to be a roue· •ction, Democratic Cggfldeaeo be lieve, and Η will hart the m« n and party.guilty of offenses »ueh an Uieee Senator· have been cumroKtn*. In thv Smlc, PeoroM and Brande βς conducted a port of minstrel per rmance at the expense of the tick President- Senator Brsndegee had been trying to prove that the Presi dent had not himself made answer to a resolution of the Senate calling for a certain re pert on the Chinese railroad situation, altboagh the re sponse from the White lloun bore bw name. Thr dobate nwixl de signed tu bring out the insinuation that the President w» too ΠΙ to at tend to the affairs of state, and some body else was actine in his stead. Mr Brsndegee had plainly inti mated that hu did not boliev· Presi dent Wilson personally considered the request of the Banale, or signed the refusal to transmit the report. "1 wonder how many Senators think that the President of tho United State· has read that report or given it · thorough consideration,' " said Braodegee. Then Mr. Penrose, the interlocutor, said : "I did not quit· aaderatand «brill er ih* Be π «tor stated thai it was actually the Praaidaot'· own «1χη· tnrr on hi· communication to 'Ji« Senate. 1 «m a little carious to know whether he » iff Bed It hiaaaelf, and «hen he read this communication, in the multitude of DltUrri rny rotting hint, and in view ot hit Lamentable condition wh«i he returned." Mr. Brandagee au*cr«4: "I will a ta La (hat I am not an ««part ia handwriting and I aia not familiar with the President's nrutarc. I did ace the airnaturr, or alleged «icp» ture, la the response to Hcoate reaoluliaa. 1 do not know whether Η ia the Prt-aident'* »nnatur* or not. Λ momtgr came In here yertcnlay or day before from the Ρ rendent of the United Statua aad I did not at* that- 1 do not know whether it eon tained hit signature or nqt." , That ia the kind of petty lUtuMin· (hip one ftndt ο nthe Republican aide of the Η ana te nowaday* under the Ijeadcrahip of Mr. Ραιοκ. Il «ai •ο apparent to the public what the Republican· wcra tryinj to ret m Ike Cimfnaaioaal Record that a Wash ington paper which i* not a aupporter lof Γι «aident w Ilaon, waa constrained to rrbuke Mr. Brudtfec. "There ia an inaeodo in thia state ment that the public will believe to be entirely unjauiflcd," «aid this paper. '•It ia a imputation of bad faith of prhieh, manifestly, nobody about the President could be rullty. The author of thi· atatitBcat, oat' of the inn> uva and militant opponents of the a eut of tfea ΙΛΓ* *f MOftwia, perhaps already haa retarded hia ut terance and realises the injustice of the natoral inference. 'L lleprcientauv* Cbtmp CUrk h»i reminded the Iniblini lodm ol U( Hou» of their pretension* to economy. Ho w»ni«i them that they fmrc f often og legislation that "ap peal» to the aendbilitie· ο I mm." He ru «peaking o( a wildcast vule-halt tnc scheme to provide money for all the crippled people ia the United State*. Having promised a great deal more than they ooald give or had any intention of giving to the >«Mkan oho fought in the world war, the Re publican! are new running a boat at the eleventh hoar bidding for rapport kl the ballot box· "It la a great pity that every one who it crippled cannot be doctored," wid Mr. CUrk. "It b a great pit* that everyone who 1* sick cannot bi taken care ol, bat the United State* Government il pot an eleeraoiynary institution." "We have come to a pretty paja," ■aid Mr. Clark. "The chairman of the Committee o* appropriation· «ay* —and he ought to know something about it—that there U going to be a deficiency is the mmici of the Gov ernment thla year V $3,600,000,00€.1 Why go on rolliaf «ρ that deficiency? The gentleman frem Wyoming (lu. Mondell, leader at the House) *ayt that thla proportion will coat a mil Son, dollar*. Every dollar that is ap propriated by thi* Congreea mean· »weat and toll aal labor somewhere, and yon are loading the baciu of the taxpayer· of the country until you have bowed the· «Ρ. It la eald that the'United Stat·· Government give* only a dollar and tho 8tato (H·· a dollar. Where dee· the United State* get it·' dollar. Out of taxation. Where dee· th« State get it· dollar? Rut of Laxatien·—*«d the taxe· are high enough now. If we de net cut down tbeke tax·· Jnd the expense· you are piling a# ben·, three place* that know u· new will know ui no mora. " w· have cot to cot down theac appropriation blUa. I *>■ in favor of Ue soldiers' vocational education bill boeauaa we will aavav b* able U re pay the debt that »s owe the men who fought for tM "** of thUrooo try in ihe great world war. Bet this I» dot a parallel «**» at all. TV· United State* cannot do everything It I· utterly impossible. The beat thins 'or Congress to do would be to pan a reeolutlot» bar· directing the States to reaam· their govern m η α la I functions, and let ui alone. "Our daty is yial" Ws »· tha people all ws can. Tfca Ropubli can· should h« Money. Wa iwant make ap for wkst the war cast a*." ILLIt-UCkU Roanoke, V·. Tie SO. Or Taeaday evening at β o'elork in l h» 8t John Church Miss Ilslsn Mary Beekar, Of ftaanokn. was married to Mr. jab· Alston EIHa, nf llaWlgh. N. C. The ehurcb was baao MfnMy deroratrd with automa leave*, and the altar wHk *s>sri and white chrysanthemums. The bride bad aa he r auiil of honor M tas :Virginia Cald well. of this city, who wort orchid satin with tulle, and carried lavender chrysanthemum* Mr* Charles Blake, of Detroit, Mich., «4 —»>·■ of W tbe 5 ' jmk shrysaaU V; · "™· "e**oa « aon *ho was frtMfh, raaa ralrst, ****■. ** undi d by >\U brother, Mr. W. Caawet EII1». of Now York, a* Wit un TV uJ»T> wr. Hugh J. Hafan. Be fore the bridal party eatered the rhurch Mr» 'John M Horion played a violin ι οίο, Bokmua Germ tin·, with cxnaMte rympethy. After tbU, the wt-dtlinjf hymn. "Oh, Perfect Lore," war «uni:, richly interpreted, by Mia· Κ m me C-uoW. Mr·. M. K. FaviBe play i«nra*l Atten tion riven «H BuuoaM IU· a Spaa laity • a a · a a ' DR. PAUL A. STEWART Emlrt· Ifairlalhl Fourth Floor Fint Nit Beak Bid*., Din, N. C. B. r. YOUNG AUwutr-al-La* Office Inf. fleer GoMaUln bli*. Prompt attention firen biabveaa Practice la all Catute T. B. DAftDBN Vetartaary Ptryalrlaa. Satraaa a ad Daiht PIlONKfi Day. to. Ni#h< CIO DUNN, N. C. J. f llffeid N. A. Τ «w η» end ' CI.IPPORf) ft TOWNBBND * Atterneye-at Law Ofct «m înj flaor of flrd Mat- * tonal Bask. Prompt atteatioa * gl*«n to all ku«Mi. * |im ■ , I MBBMMMÉ LAND SALE W. D. SMITH Old Home Place -- ι- · Under aa order οί the Superior Court of Cumberland Cow· ty, in η epecial proceeding therein pending nnd entitled. "Farquhard Smith va. John Elliott, Lou lee B. Webb, ft ata," 1 : will eell at pubhc auction to the higheet bidder η certain tract or percer of land aituate in Cumberland County, North Cam linn, In Black River Townahip. bounded and described aa follow»: Beginning at a stake and pointera in the Baa between John C. Smith end W. T. Smith in a branch aaar the old mill Mat aad rune thence N. 7 E. 19 chain· to a at+ke and pointara, a corner of lot No. 2; thence aa the line of lot No- 2 S. 8* E. SO chgtae to a etake on the Stage Road, a corner of lot No. 2; thence with the road β 1-2 chaîne to a peraimmon tree oa the went edge of the road; thence S. 8 W. 14 1-2 chaîna with the road to the Una of the land of the eetate of W. T. Smith ; thence aa that Baa ST W. 18 1-2 chaîne to e atake by η large pine .Smith'· corner; thence aa the other line N. 48 1-2 W. 12 1-2 chaîna to the luffn ning containing 100 acre·, aame being lot No.'l in the dhrlaioa of the Lan da of John C. Smith, deceaeed. Date of Sale: Friday, November 21, 1812. at 11 o'clock a. m. Place of Sale: Old W. D. Smith home Place. Terme of Sale : 20 per cent eaah, balance in thirty da ye. · Sale mede subject to confirmation by C. S. C. . ^ , .» * · ·' Dated thia the 20th day of October. 1818. Clarence Smith. Commierfoner. . L'A M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS Com to ri r\ *. WAFFLES? welcome "Waffle* thse mcrninf" im alway» Btwi. hven the busi ·1 of hoc*ewiv«_ them «« uf.v.i aa èh« îtrnily wnh«. if ibe ι Occo- nje-i h · > ri Rxing Plour. b air* conruin· b:J:nf-puwder iOdv and Mh- the tow notnk-al fleur Κ or ihtw infcrcdwj*· 00M mon if beu .ht h μ-a ately ih«n π jao nn-chi*. It'· easy to mile b»jun*. wifilM and het cak·.· «i n Dcco-rve-chr-e juat mix with water or mUk and bake. . Reaults are always perfect becnU'wO CO neachee Salt - Rtaing Flour contataa the air« întrrdli-nt» In rtRbt proportion· to fa aura perfect b .lunf OCCG _ -2-3ES-CHEE Seli'ZUpinrfFîour u IUdm the Gam oat of Cikktf end Smci yoa Man97 T%m hé—m Η—Λ ι» ρ*·*? μ.* ·~ Oit· mmm mkm %·* *UUm fiUm*. Um pmmw «■—■ nêmt An •xjomllmnt pimim âomr im fwfc*. ι Cfe, Durham, N. G.