Statement of The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dunn, North Carolina October 27. 1919. . f ■.· Condensed from the books of the bank at close of business. RESOURCES: Loan* and discounts $627,623.34 U. S. and other Bonds j 41,000.00 Liberty Bond· 166,150.00 Stock in Federal Reerve Bank ; 1,800.00 Banking House and Furniture ; 52,615.11 Redemption Fund ' 2,000.00 CASH ON HAND AND DUE FROM BANKS 622,859.05 Ν Total $1,514,047.50 / LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in -.Λ .$ 50,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Unaividd Profits 25,568.33 Circulation - .· ι 40,000.00 Bill· Payable Nooe Re-Discount· «. Nooe DEPOSITS 1,388,479.17 Total Λ __ $1,514,047.50 COMPARATIVE DEPOSITS: Octok·* «T. ItlT - Hie.MZ.44 October 27, 1918 $875,6»1.38 October 27, 1919 $1,388,479.17 The First National Bank publishes herewith the "biggest" statement ever pubished by any bank in the county, it is the only bank in the county that ever had more tha η a million dollars on deposit at one time; and it accom modates more people in all lines of legitimate business by its liberal, though safe methods of banking, than any other bank in this section. To keep a good deposit with this bank during the Fall, while money is plentiful, does not only guarantee safe ty now but it purchases a line of credit for you next summer, when money is scarce; and the man of good judgment should open an account now and lay the foundation for future business. The man who never deposits his money in the bank when he has it, is never entitled to a loan from the bank when he needs it, and every man who does any business whatever, needs the services of a good bank, and why not make the First National Bank, your bank? 4 It ought to be a source of as great pride to the depositor to have his bank account with the largest and strongest bank in the community, as it is to the stockholders or officer to own stock or have a share in the management of such an institution, and since you need a bank, WHY NOT CHOOSE THE BEST? MftlCTOMi D. C FUB8ELL ' 1 G. M. ttLOHMAN > JOHN W. DEAUGHON / JOHN A MeKAT \ MAEVIN WADE « ·· · * J OFFICERS: D. C. FU88ELI,, Président G. M. TILOHMAN. Vlee-Pree. J. A. CULBRETH, Cwhior W. K. BALDWIN, A«'t Caufcler H. B. TAYLOR. Aae't. Cashier