THE DuNK DISPATCH I*. t»M. «*·!«( rnm mm. M. C. mém Ik· mi «4 ι a. îrr». W. Haywood, (tttar at theNewm Obnmr. tad· too ·μ!μν» 1 k«r la th. OW UUOTmmI tov· wfcv ike Hfti at Dm'· utirttlM iW U«|Nt Weefthe! thni· it ι point to •or tows'· m»U— poo hi· lift m'~i·* «Wmu w· could reach kta. ud tti ^wtW. of Nttkn Dut; Sarefoot ta Ik isttrM td Janll County u· w»U naotkevd by hi*·. Whether re ·ι ■tmeil.ef our m baaattag or that af Nathan Darby )iïia|iti< the following wc know not. However tt eu· ahoot, tte Diapsteh h grateful beciaai the New· and Ob· wnar uiaa cosviscee a* that k· too ha· gottcs the Daaa Spirit. Her» i· what he my» ot oar town la hia (M* of Saturday: "For «ever»] yean the town of Dunn em Is Harsett County, has I Itself knows ta the State. When Duo started oat had the food lack to coast sataag it· psopU mow «rtire fallows wha had sarre a» well m hsstle. Thoy hare Mm «topped orer thaïs. A few might· ago they held a wsetisg of Cm Ultwakwi TWj arc itutiif η «W «a «Banal liwt mt tkoit a·»·· Tbitmea< Mkn. Aad wbat la bettoi teay in* mm Umi «toi tbey w r*>nc te da wttb tea ioa«y. Boat iatntwat ia em af tea tnt tbiaci thqr are gaiag to teelde. Good readi art wMmm H" '« Dmul Akil tiaaa tea plaça 1mm te racrait ι dob H began te Mid goad And Dub «h on tea tnt hra^raara Wfora teat Uci> It» preaent direct Una forty aflat to tec «ait "Ttat'i tea way tear da tUngi "SASS-a • htgbcat ■ado. La _ «*. Aad tea farmeri •a wall m tea tm people kin Mtty. Far wanl year* bui ha* bad as aaiMUna te ba a caaaty aaat At eaeli aaniaa af tee Lagialetart tea 4 tea lm b a farming territory af tea blgfcaet Itbaraetor. if β ST* arrtè'is's.^S «•«ate, here la a Mt af lafonaatlan tkat fa aa ami. Bafarc teay gat Ssx.tacv·^ *· *·-· teay gat away fraai baa» teay doa*t bare to explain wbcre teay caaM ~ — m ap ia tea morning aad tear mere around r, aad «ban teay coaat laat one af tta beat clti wn arbaa Dr. ta teat reward teeo wa tnt a«i tea wkoa all la tela aaettaa kaaw as Dae·! tar lakh. Ota ι bad tea ptoaeare of ooarecrtug wMb kka. Always, after teaaa el toe la fraqaeat ■igîtags. ara bad tea feel lag teat wa bad »peat a littla wWle wlte a— af Pad'» aw» aiblna la gaatle, aa ktad, aa tbiagbtfal aad c wa ba teat ta baybaad Dr. lakk, barn ta tea patpla, aat above ιliliilUnlag to tea Warty. AO tefaagb Me aatere Ufa ba warbid far tea Baaafait of aim aad wwm ia al wafea af Ufa. The fanaar dm wba Ull«d tea sell of bU firtiaw wee aat toe Wwty to laitw ft h piaaaed U ] o« the oatakiru of Du· ter • «MMM· oU« tirwdr ha· bm TkU wiHcoet rw··. to taste th· aew Institution 'will *Ml oppmrlnmtoly 918,000 Of IUo reqairod amount Marly I8.00C beoo pledged and nhaiiM by » an and women «f Um coa» munky. This convinces that Ika la flnvntial ui wtll to do —ιh«r* of the tut tn >iUn< ib. I willing to hoar M large ■ port of Um bordao m tkty cab. Now sollcltatioa «ill betfia mom tfao whit· peopfe. Thoro aro aujr who ahaaid sobacribe UhoraUy ter the reoooo that tHcy in iliMdy employer* of color ed labor and that the acho< . to increase th· oompoteney of ProfMor Smith ta Mt of that clam of colorod «tacolor objeetioaable to the whMo terthwuii who hare th* bout latarmta of tho oigro at heart. HU methods arc modelled aftor Ihon of th· lato Dr. Book ·* T. Washing ton. Ho bopoe to η traia the negro so that bo witt become an important helpful factor la the apbailding of the Sooth. It I* bis belief that M la only the ignorant negro who be come* a problem and that the wdl treingd negro il a holpfal factor. It le hoped that that re nit ruction lof the an Institution eon bog la by Jaaoary 1. Profomor Smith la ihap ing hi· efforts to this end. If he li ■occewful la hi· efforta Dunn may yet htiomt the eradl· of · groat progrès]?· movgasoat that will mcaa th· satrati·· ol th· negro and the emancipation If the race from the tyranny ol ignorance. The Dispatch wishes him «roll and promise* him all the aid It can giro. I Meyaerd i. tk. ; HuU· ·* Fri«-4a. In apite of the fact that ya editor ef ye Kawtey Time» Knaàw ua of daine *n effective cxpreeaiea rtftrd itag Lieuteaant Meynard'· feat in burying tk· bom of his futou plaac ia "tk· Hwli of kia aatir« h rath," w itfll contend Out r* ««(1 known •fcy pilot did kuraw into · aaketaiwc aa designated. Beally ka did it twice —ynwably In tk· mm spot, enca tke landing apace iferM h m by ki· brethen of wwt Saw paon would kanily yen It Ma atopping at any otk er point Tkaraday ka practically re peated tha performance wkick prortd ao nearly diaaatroua on the day of Hi debet ta 8ampeoniaaa at the Clin tea rair. Tke oaly difference ni that ke kroka a wkeel and injured kkaiilf and kia méchant Ian In addl tiea la duplicating tke breakage of , a propeller and tk) auAt(t of the Tka pareoa kad looked forward with a keen degree of pleasure to hie riait to Saipaon. He waa freak frum a victory mi tke air aa* equalled fay any atber dyer of tka American »>r rice. Ha and Scrpant Kline, kia Ay teg partner had landed an tka moat dMkatt ftelda of tke coon try. Some of Ik··· were ia tke wQda of tk* Rocky Moaataina where mo hand of au had worked ta aak< aach teal# •afe. He kad come tkroum «11 of thi* wtthoot laiakap. He ante rated the (Teetest aviator of tke day Kot until ha came aa the ga«at of hi* fel low countyaen did ko And a fteld too diAcmlt for kim. That, too. had bera tooted aa one especially prepared for hfc· by the kiadly kaada of friead*. Maynard really came near meeting deatk when ke vieited tke land of kia birth. How natfr, few who wttnmeed kia laadiag reaH&ad. H la eoolncae dia anaad ma ay of their fear. If he geta eat of Baa paon aHra ke will kare accMapUM a feat much more dan gerous than that which «tamped him aa tke premier flyer of America. Tke ftgld at tke Fair Greande ia Cliatoa i· a trap kia wkick no man except one who areata above all alaa to pleaae bit awn folk would eater. Cadwi· Cm· After fleger. Repreeentative Haawlbel L. Godwin at Dean, kaa atartad a little move meat ta Washington deeigned to re liera tke aegar famine ia North Caro lina. Pram diapatckee from tke cap L· ■ — i* — g Βλ Α-β lak. a — · - β · — Λ I hi Dm situation that wy gWe Donn •ad Harnett Cooatjr ImnwItii a lu|«r sortira of the awoet rtaff la Tkk I· well. Tor tha put few week· our grocer baa heaa acruatoi e4 to 4olh« ont a little aack that reo harrilr aaoagh to awoetm the Java of Um hood of tha hoaao. The of tho hoaeaholJ hart hr whoa their portion waa eat. if the nnwnlrtlvo HcnoU la r* Hrrtag the dtaatloo to the estent that wa wfll ha agala «ι frMt; terau wkh the roaptm we art· forrver I ho Ma debtor. More raver to Ua Toe hoara after Km ihortoge of ' at the araatalpal power plaat • tho atlitlia of tho of Coaaoite pnalat ft*· the Nattoaa' I» Oi*ala huail U he In Tha «WwattoB waa laplalaod , ■· wtm4 Mi «mm hi W, Wi A MAX wm A BW mart. —Harnett County Nrwv r·opt· U thla «fli« w* color γ pcetars · raw «mu i«o telllai o. the mI« at auction o( J. D. Bant Una. Tbm tale va* held. bet th«>c «aa a Caatir· at It—a heart later* . •lory that not nearly all peopte hnr kwl Dow* on Lb* old plantation U-..v lived Ban y colored people. ' Don ■ tan Is hi· yoaaasr days Mr. Baruot krved Boat to room Um|k Ijk woods wltt Iba llula piahaalaales— what whit· child haa sot had th« oonpanlonslilp ot llula klaky haaul. who adored "dm white ehilee" wnd would wad· Lhrougb Sre Just Is please the white chant Or. the old taammy who told wterd talea or "Choeea" aad "dehhila" UU the mud κ» cam· an* look uni audiauc·? • Thaae colored people. ion· of ib«m boat with Iko weight which tlate load· upoa the ikonldcra. had Utm ■ad la bo rod upon Mr. Barnea' finu fklT )OTad IHIi homae. tb«y love*. th« «oil, Ibay loved Mr. B»rne: U kl* own word*. they bad mad· bin. man? a dollar. Would ho now loi the llttia komeetrada ha broken up, ud hkouUi they bo compallad te teek am m pliéaa of abode? They read tko notice· of the male with hearts aching Surely the good "mutur" would not let tkeoi be turned oat. Tkejr appealed to kin. aad tlietr prayer waa beard! Bone mu Ml*ht tara a deaf ear to raak pioadla^B, but not J. O. Baraee. Hikltf a· laTesUaeat that eoat him Ihtaeudi of dollar· which ko wteked to place elsewhere, he re labor problom ooaM tbu ba aolrad? War· Ml lb· Mirow In alava-Uma knh to Imt· llu whit» lull!*· «bo treated tbaao w»U Τ PoaatMy batter treatment of ae(r«ee to thia ter and Uni would bel» to kaa» labor oa tha farm. At aaj rat·, the eiaaflt aat t>7 Mr. Barnaa U oaa wall worth «eu lallaf by thoae who sow kin ldi« latnrW Lh« farkla utlMt ktMlilïf up their lilt)· hota··. "Star «km you ar·." Mid h·. "I will M· jrou Utrouah." te U Dot poasiM· tkat th· colored PHYSJCIA.^y NEW RATES The physicians of the ;uv.n of Dunn and immediate vicinity have thoughtfully onaidered the situation and have found that in view the high coat of living they absolutely cannot serve «.ho general public as is de manded of them at the present remuneration and sup port their families. i.uiisequently the following charges hsve been fully dv.ided upon to go into effect — at once. Prescription Oftice consultation Town call Day 1. (u (Inside incorporate limits .«ΙΛΟ $1.00 $3.00 lut raiU 2nd mile $4-00 3rd mil· .... $*.50 4th mite $8.00 5th mile .... 6th mile $4-00 7th mile $7.00 8th mile $8.00 9th mile - —-—$9.00 10th mile » $10.00 11th mile $11.00 12th mil· -$1X00 ETC. ' NIGHT Bedtime 9 p. u. and 7 a. m. Town call — — $8.00 Country call - - $8.00 plus 81.00 per mile. Norjpal labor caae 888.00 plue above mileage Vaccination Small Pox — 88.00 (Patient tarnishing virtu Typhoid or other 81.80 Urina'yaia Chemical 8B.00 Microscopical $3.00 For Sade by E. L. PARKER & SONS American Gentleman Shoes for WMduB.EE. SisMS.ll '» Skoé, *4.80 ι· ιιαβο WUtfc» Α-Ε »u. S 11 A La^iM ShM. Illo to Slt-SO MED COOSE SHOES fer OiiMraa Try Mr >H br Geo. E. Prince ami Son The Things You Want Our buyer· have searched the markets of the country to get into our store the big array of goods we are now displaying for your approval. These goods were hard to get. But we knew you wanted the best things the market get. But weiknew you wanted the best things the markets afforded—so they are here. The stock includes Suits and Coat Suits for Misses and Woman, Suits, Over coats, Shoes and Hats for Boys, Young Men and Man, Millinery, Dress Goods, Furnishings. Y ou must see this big display. Everything in it will interest you. Prices have been held down as low as we could possibly hold them, and our sales forces will always welcome an opportunity to serve you. Johnson Brothers The Commercial Bank announces that * will $. J , ^ \ Open for Business Soon and invites the business of all firms, companies and persons who seek saety, convenience and efficiency in banking. Location: Lee Building, west Broad Street. EL P. Davis, President and cashier. Eugene W. Smith, vice-president. J. w. Purdie, Eugene W. Smith, R. L. Warren, J. C. Byrd, F. W. Mckty and EL P. Da vu director·

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