?> J*'*,·*..: ·> ·.·'.·» *"* W ι ( pjL VACUM Ι 'Fabrics" guaranteed for 6,000 mile· I "Cord·" guaranteed for 9,000 mile· ■ If you want long lerriee and absolute dependability in tire· I the·· are the kind to buy. We have them in the size· you want and I can make immediate delivery. CHANDLER, MITCHELL and AUBURN AUTOMOBILES Chandler equipped with Bosch hightension magneto. Price $17 95 f. o. b. factory Mitchell Remy equipped throughout Price $1690 f. o. b. factory Auburn ha· Red Seal Continental Motor Price $1695 f. o. b. factory Chandler in Stock and can be demonstrated to you now. All three are standard cars upon which the buyer can rely to give the ut most in service and satisfaction. We have a complete line of Maxwell and Ford pert·, as well as iee for other can. Our mechanical department is manned and equipped to give you the beet in service. James A. Smith, R. I. McLean, Β. B. Baggett and "John'* are numbered among Our mechanics. They can repair your Ε. V. GA1NEY MLVtt DOHA»» WOKTH MOM THAN PACE VALUE , Htw T«ik, M«v. 10.—8ihr*r dollar* Sf· worth ·ιιι M «Urcr Iku they ar» M BoMJf. Bihrvr In th* local ui M m «Mtod today at (m I SO to (U1 1-1 ll«>l aa oancc for 8*b Γι·· linn éaliary. TlUa I· *-4 of 1 Wat to t 1-t casts a>cw Hm |»ld parity price, «M ta abnt f 1.(9 1-4 ■«■ta «a hum. LtttU bûineci 1* being (iwiactnj here and th· quota tion· ara largely nominal. SAMPSON MAN WILL GET DECORATION FROM PRINCE Clinton, Nov. 7—Pvt. Harold 0. BibUrd, of laapwn rounty. ku been ordered by Ike war department to Waahinirten, where ha will be de caffttad by Ae Prince of Wide* on bafcialf of Kin* George of England. Hf has alrrady been decorated by Centra) P#r*tiing for hornimn while under fire during tb· world war. "Say, Jimmi·. what'a d« best way to ltarn a glri to »wtmT" miked the younger boy. "Dat'i a cinch! Folft you put* your laft irrn under her waiat and you gently tak«i her left hand—" "Came off, tha't ma riater!" "Aw, ptub her oif dr do^k." YOU AND VOU* MONEY By JOHN M OSKISON. Six BMBbvra of Iki Pmlint'i cab inet. eminent kea4l of the Council of National Defeaae, Hot· offered ■ cur· for the hick coot of living. It U ■ Kood old time-tried euro. "Oar common duly no·», fully m much «s In th· war, li to work and U> novo," they a». And they quote tk« President aa follow·: "Only by iatreaaiec production and by rifid economy «ad Mvinf on tlx port of the p«epl« can wa hope for large decreooee In the burdensome cort of ϋτιη* wkkh now weighe u> fktwa " "WjrV. lava. co-operate, producer Tku enda t>« report of th· otran cU. TV· worda auk· a rood dogan fur you and mi. "Gooda and not m on· y are tfc· maani of Ufa." aar thcae (tu cabinet member·, Be for· UM price· of thine* yea and 1 uaa can r· down the sup ply nuit ba meraaaad. That ia an •lemeatary truth Tka parckaeing power of th· dollar ia meeruod bjr the rata tir· Mpply of dollar» ud things we buy. J not now we km toe aaaay dollar· •nd toe few |oefc We are bidding •gainst one ««other fer the limited iupply of koueee to It*· in, c lathee to wear, automobiles te érhre, and food 1· vat The fallow who boa the actual Iking wa want cam knat kia price «at Π all bat the lie keel of aa drop *t of the biddlac. and the rick man'· >M ketsmes the steadard of that Jung's ralue. wonder we find ourselves short! Now oar young men *re batch on Iho job. Th« cull from Europe is ll reedy much reduced and will grow lew and low a* the demobilised »ol diert of Knnu, England, and Italy get back to their home farm* and facto nee Personally I know the feeling of irritatiqa that la being ttpraMO by une two milliona of Americana who have tone back to Oed'i country" from a land of no butter, little augar, •rant fa*l. and hlib MM only to And price* (till humeri I know why they think the prontwr* are too busy, why they «rant to kick something •ver. Bat 1 alio know what the *i* mea in the President'* cabinet «ay concern ing the remedy ia tree, It len't a magic remedy; II wont bring down food prier» and rent within twenty four hoar*. Work ia weariaome, and •aWag require* self-denial Wheneyoo are Irritated it I* hard to co-operatr with cap<tal. Can a workleea world bo comfort ablet The anrwrr from Kuaeia, where the experiment ha* beep tried for three year*, la "Ne.H Can the iadi yldoal profit except by bone«t rtfoartT Not for long. Work, «eve, co-operate, prodace. SAMPSON COUNTY FARMER IS POUND DEAD IN WACOM Waraaw, Nov. Τ.—β. J. Pee la, a farmer, who livee la Sampaoa county, wa* found dead In hi* wagon Wed nee day, aeon after ha had «tartad heme from rttte plaee, m twit be had aetd a let of Irtawo. As ha peaaed N. I). Qariry'· «table*. H was aotiead that hi* ha* fall off, and it waa after ward* sa noised that be Mask bava died at this time, the wagon aad mala· saatloaed Min* far aomc time till they was* damté by a negro, who noticed that they had na driver, gad Nr. Pee le waa fdaad dead la Uw wafon body. Hi· family »m notified of Ma daatk, and tMiy wHh frhmda and Mtakkn mm* far Ik· bod jr. which had baa· ptapafad far feartal at · local undertaker'· mM lUftaaant. TV daeaaaad, «lie «a·» te fempaon county from Nut .bout ■ rw «f. to wrrivad ky tkf·· eMl Mtkimm to · pl. >·· · htMi Lty a bet on 1 , m "»— _»|i_ ι roBfag an witt» ^ |>RINEE Albert an CPFCIAI «AI ρ m DAYS "VlrtLi k/f\LiLi DAYS i; Bîgi ninj Friday, November 14th, at 9:00 o'clock ι We muit raise $5,000 in the next ten days and we offer our big atock to the people of Dunn and surrounding country at prices as low aa you have ever seen in any must raise the money through the aale of the goods in thia atock. . DONT MISS THIS BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY All goods will be marked in plain figures. The sale is to be a genunine, bona fide event exactly as we advertise it. Living up to every agreement and promise is the fixed policy of this store and will be maintained throughout this sale. No goods will be marked "up" and then marked "down." Every article will bear the original price and the reduction will show for itself. $9,000 Worth of Ladies Fine Tricotine, Serve and Silk Dresses, Coats and Coat Suit·, Georgette Crepe and Cotton Waists, up to Date Skirts and Millinery A complete assortment in every department. Now is your opportunity to come and do your buy ing at headquarters and save from 50 to 65 per cent for every dollar you spend at this sale. The space at our disposal is too small to permit us to give you a complete price list of our stock. You can get an idea of what the opportunity is, however, from the few prices quoted here. $45 FineTricotine Ladies Dreee at. _$31.48 $40 Fine Tricotine Ladies Dreee at.$28.98 $65 up-to-date Coat Suit at $47.69 $50 up-to-date Coat Suit at $41.25 $35 Fine Coat at $23.48 $30.00 Fine Coat at $19.98 $25 Fine Coat at $17.48 $10 Nice Georgette Waist $7.89 $9 Nice Georgette Waist at $6.48 $7 Nice Georgette Waist at $5.25 $5 Ni^e feotwsHp Waist ai_._—_..$3.75 ca ^ A $β-4Α , Ι|· ■ J -'4-* — -^·ιν $5 Cw^é. waist at '■ .$3.79 We also have a big lot of Voile and Cotton Waists—Regular price from $2.00 to $3.00, Sale price $1.19 Special reductions on ladies Slip Over and Coat Sweater·—Regular price $7.50 to $10.00, Sale price $5.98, $6.98 and. .$7.48 Gingham cloth, per yd. 22c MEN'S NECK WEAR $1.50 Tie at 71c $1.00 Tie at 64c 50c Tie at 27c 12 1-2· 10c Handkerchief » 7c $1.00 Ladies Hose 49c 50c Ladies Hose 34c 25c Ladies Hose 13c We also have a fine line of men's Sunday and work shirts, underwear for ladies and gentlemen, .id shoes for everybody. We have on hand some stock left over from the old five and ten cent store that will be sold at as low a price as possible. Don't forget the date: Friday, November 14th, 1919, at 9:00 o'clock McCALL & COMPANY I 11 3 East Broad Street. Between Barnes & Holliday's Hardware and Furniture Stores. Bring this paper with you and get 5 per cent more off on all you buv. American Gentleman Shoes for men Width· B- EE. Sim·» 5-1 > Mm'· SkoM >4.BO to S10.SO American Lady Shoa» for woman Width· A-E Sis·· 2 1-3—A Ladia· Shoaa $3-80 to 512.50 RED GOOSE SHOES Geo. EL Prince and Son «i

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