• BUSINESS LOCAL ♦ • * ♦ · » · * * TSHAirr wajctzd rot rou* cV»'i lud aa4 du 1i H rjv~ *· *■ *■ ******* HUM MS WHEN IN NEKD 0? ni ·Ι·ιΙιΙιιΙ umIti· Work (Mr· wiiii !>■■■ T. FoiiUr, contrac tor, Dm, SL C. "Ç* A» MCOMDjMAgDTOMM fer ai*. rAiiioukivn oo. | CAHACI ruurr» ALL LXA0- I sSbJXl'wLi. tWpSÎÊ, nfc • n-sr*4. "* MULK AMD BUGGY—MAAS MULc! tar, vafchiae «tag* TM poeadi ■ ittad U a; earn kcM a watk ·*». srsarrrïBAK Ke«t· 1. It p4. FAMI PM SALK.—MIKITY «^Η.*?Α*κΐβΗΧ""η Nona—a uo mark kuu, wc%hta( batwaca 1100 and IKK) *· ■* pUcatatnrday ••Λ Nneta β. Owner can (Ct MUBa by payia* far thia ad ud •Jta* UftaiM. Apply ta flam Draachoa, Damn, S. P. D. t. >t- H. ■UICK «OAD·™ PO· SAL*—I Seith Λ Prtaee. «* *ALE_TM»EE LOTS In| Saatk Dunn. Fee pntti »nd ten·· m I, L unlimited money to lixd om| Wa« tn»e η tnl il— ιμ) Γ I1.M4.M BfL WRk α knnatt; «Itk er m ace ckufn. I ft—i ayprainl mt sad !"■»! ittwtlw it™· to an inllwUMi law C lS-S-tf. «* SALS— SEVERAL MICeI fywté 'm Harnett, 8m Wake coeithi Any . . wajt troM 40 aim to M·. Oood I iragyirausei aad lAnii. WHI Mil · •We prie»» aad μ νπ tow. Set m* if intoreetod, WUHc Doaa, N. C. LOST—THE COAT TO A OUEnI Jofca Ηadeem mmd\ & si' IIQI Sataniar ûfkl. Wilî| ■lira 16.00 reward to aayaac a« uryisc η· M t* ka whereabout·. W. It WEMama, Benaaa No. t. Bas 71 It. yd PHONE Ml WHEN IN NEED or I aay^etoetrlcal ryln. Work faar-1 tor. Dus, Ν. C. βγ too want το Mnr a oooôl I aril a na* Dm, N. C. US YOU* UBEJtTT to aaB ttaa. Wa «Ο far grtview·.. SLt — — Duma. W. C. COO© HOME ro· SALS Iff DUNN. ΚΛ tr» KO* κ α ι ■!<· of tew*. Tctaa rirn. I C. W«t, Atty., Durs. Ν. C. tL tCVCN-TAMEMOl· KAYNZJ AU^ roe IAII—TWO GOOD HUUU. Apply to Dun· If· tad Ful Co·· paajr. 41. JUST UCtrVCO—A CAA LOAD srsœ. «Si-san? κ ■EMMtMC PIANOS AWE CAEATCD to «m·. They 4*. TWktrtr SS ΛΑ55»?ο.*· "" ro> «»ir — Actuu or land m (matf fM >iriw< mitf, 1 mIIm (nil F»7 Htofflk. TÛT m· I· hfcb ta ·( «althrmUM. 4 ktMM, «aUw, I Mmn km. UW nW fa* Mmn, mén m Mk. IwfAk ■h (<«n4 at r«j tow <1··, ·■· •r writ* A. W. fmi, y»ytt»i(n«. M. C. baing born loto th·· nobility fwd lu bo Dm only opportunity to become ΓΜΙ. A«nt|f men then bvgan l<> •how what thry Had In tb«m. In lUnlort, politic·, lavention·, military affair·—la n«ry activity, m«n of obacuro origin bogan to pall tliinilwi «ut of Ik· rank· by tKelr gmniih arul ptor. Our own country baa produced mora (rrat man than ar.y nther, for »f honor «prclal ithlnrmtnt in any fteld. Until Neuit year·, tutccM la basinet* m»«nt nothing in Earopaan rountrlaa, for btialMU—"Irada" ·■> not d«a»ad mytrtablr Fvrrjr achnalbor knowa Ko« in nuwiaraala aro the Americana who bava rlaaa from avarac· atation to rrratnata. So*»» did It by ferra of r*nhia, aowta without tba •iichtaat trara af that ifift. loaaa wara hanrli rapfx-ri by ilr pavorty—and aoiaa by (be burdaa of ton murh wraith If il Ιι Una that a prophat l« an ι rvewn la kle own eouatry, it in »·(ο·Ι ly trva that graat man ar« aaldom rtcafniaad far Ihalr tran worth wbila llvla*. Our Mtltaa af (leal ara ara da rlvwt from reading a boat >ln tone da ad, wtwad. abarartara arc clothed with a aiyart« jlawdar by lb· paaa a«a of Ihia We aaaak af lhaaa ai MM WWaaitly. and waadnr haw It would ha la aea thaw* and toarh tbr hem of their pnrimU A· a matter of fact, if we «»w Hiojrenm, Γηνγ, Napoleon or Khakt ■peare on the «trrot. In modern ilicw, the *)rht of the m would give un no mot» ol · thrill than that of oar butcher, or our family doctor. Peter Witt >* riffht. No mar in a hero Ao hie eontemporari*-* -if hl« rontemporarien con· inta pereonal contact with hi™. The writer hat »ecn ioipe whom the world call* (treat. He onr« »ho·ΙΙ·Ι» ί PRESERVE/fe LEATHER; ί υβυIDS «^PASTES: For Β leek.WWt·.Ian »J end Ox'Blaod (dark brown) ShOM « The New Motor Car The Greatest Imp Riding Comfort Since of Pneumatic TTKRK la m bru! net» type of tTÎcar. It solves the problem which hu biBid mutomotive en gineer·—how to combine riding comfort with tight weight and economy. Our new Three-Point Cantilever Spring* make this possible. These are the first springs of their kind and they are made οf c'.irome vanadium steel. They are exclusive with Overland. Because of these springs, Over I n.d 4 combines the riding qual 14 of large heavy, expensive, long wlioeilxise care, together wfth the advantages and economy ot amall Klht cars. With lift-Inch wheelbase. Over l"^rt 4 has the luxurious riding ease o: US-inch Bprlnghess. The exclusive, Three-Point Can tilever Springs cushion the car so that It rtdes well on all roads: they reduce choppy" rebounds and aide swaying, protect the car from road shocks and prolong its lifw, mini mize twisting or rucking of frame and body, enable the car to hold the road better. The car and passengers ride smoothly as though floating, free from road shocks that the sprints Mtrd off' But this new riding comfort* pos sible only with these, μ^τγΙμΪΙΙγ' —' °* the «dvant^iefc«f