LEGAL ADVERTISNI NOTICE. ΝΟΓΓΗ CAROLINA. HARNKTT COUNTY. Lillie B. Puyh ν*. * Durant Pu^h. The defendant above named wil take notire that an action entitle a· above ha· been commenced in th Superior Court oi Harnett Count; to obtain an absolute divorce; am tba laid defendant will further tak notice that he It required to appea at (he tern of Superior Court ο ■aid County to be held on the JjjJ day of Oft., 181V, at the court ho^B aforesaid cvuiily, in UlIinKtun^^^H and innwer or demur to the co^^^H in aaid action or the plaintifl^û a^ply to the court for relief demand Thi» th« 7th day of Oct., 1919. A. A. McIH).NAI.D, Clerk Su|x-rior CuorL C. L. GUT, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtu# of a decrec of the Su perior Court of Harriett Coanty, '» •ued on the 8th day of Septezaber 1919, in U* nailer οί "Γ. K. limey cutt va. L. B. Honeyc-utt Ft a)," lh« uadtrewnod comminiionrr appointed by th, court In Mid derrwe lo maki ■ale of the Vand» hereinafter dracrib •d, will on Saturday, November 15th at lU:3t o'clock a. m. olTer fur bale at public auction, for caah, on the premluu, the following Jcocribod tract of land In Harnett County, North Carolina, to-wlt: Located In Black Hiver Townthlp, Harnett County, North Carolina, aa joininc the land· of J. A. Adam and Joaopb Adam· aitata on the North, th, land* of Ale* Flower», and oth en·, on the South, the land· nf W F Flower*, and other», on tb« Wcat, and containing 17b acrcs, more or leet. being the tract of land know· at tha Pemn Honcyeutt old home place, and including the mill and mill pond, known a* Honeycutt'a 11Π1 and Honoyrutl'e Mill Tond, the une being located about I 3-4 mik* from tho town of Barclayiville, North Carolina. The land will b« «ub-divlded and Λ ret «old in aub-divi«ion and will then be told a· u whole and report made to the court of tho hlghort bid for name. Tbil tha 8th day of October, 1919. P. Κ. nONFVCUTT, Commissioner. Sale will l>« conducted by WALTER * GURLKY AUCTION COMPANY. NOTICE OF SALE OF ROAD BONOS OF DUKE TOWSSHIP, HARNETT COUNTY, N. C. Th« commissioner* of Duke township Haraet County, will receive sealed proponU for the purchase of thirty thousand (I80.0U0.0U) Road Bonds of Mid township, up to (We o'clock p. m., Friday, November 28, lui9 at the office of th« Erwln Cotton Mills Company, Duke. North Carolina at which time and place all proposals will be opened. Said bonds will ba issued in denom ination of' s 1000 00 e*ch, unices ο lb* erwlse prescribed by the parch·arr, will be dated November 1, 1919, and bear interest from date at six par - U ι kl ; of New York, smi5T>onde to mature serially $5000.00 payable on the lit (lay of November, 1939, and $3000.00 annually thereafter until the entire imtue is paid without option of prioT payttest. The approving opinion of Caldwell A Masalirh, New York City will be famished to the purchaser without char**. The bonds are general obligations of the township and an unllmiU-d tax may be levied for the payment of Çrineipal and interest. Chapter 427 ublic Local Laws of 1913, undar authority of which the bonds are is sued, also requires an annual tax levy for maintenance of the roads. Assessed valuation for 1918 fl,797,· 312.00 No oth«r debt. All proposals must be uncondition al and be accompanied by oertttled check upon a responsible Bank pay able to Um Trcsaan of tit· ι Com missioners of Duke township, in the sum of $600.00. The Board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Tor further partie·Urn address the chairman or secretary at Duke, North Carolina. S. & YARBROUQH, Chairman. Γ. M. McKAY. Secretary. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to a deed made by H. N. Biased and wife, Mary C. Blue 11 to ,D. H. Hood. R. B. Jackson and W. M Pope, trustee* of the Holiness Tsbernasle of Dunn, N. C„ we shall ■all at pulbllc auction for cash, Thurs day, December 4, 1919 at IS o'clock Ji at the Post Oftee hi the Tow· of .Dunn. The house and lot described in said deed, known as the Holiness Church lot I η the Town of Dunn. D. H. HOOD, W. M POPE. NOTICE or BALI OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by Ttrtae of an order of tho Superior Court of Harnett County, mad· in the Special Procee ding*, ««titled, "Ι· r« H. B. Tart guardiaa of Bad Tart lunatic, at aU •x part*, the mbo being Number 1862 on the SpeeUrf Proceeding! dae ket of «aid Court, the undersigned rnmmiulon, win on the 4th day of Dee*mber, 191», at IS O'clock U. in front of the prêtai»»» hereinafter de le rl bed o(T«r for aale to tfc* MgWeai bidder far caah, a certain lot or par cel of land «ftuated in the town of Dunn, K. C. and more particularly deiorlbed a« follow·, »if. Belag lot Ko. 11 In block "R" In the DiTtaton of real dent lot No. S block "Ê" ta Ue plan ef the town, Dunn, N. C. Thli the 28th day of October 19 L. L. LB VINSON, Com. Time of aaU: December 4th, 1919 IS o'clock M. Place of ·)| . i„ front of lot In Dura, N. C. Term* of «ale: Caah. NOTICE or SALE. By "iU« ef the term· of cbe mort gage deed executed by Y. T. Tart. ·" **··'? *· M. Pea nail, »nd reg<«. »«red la Book 11», P», 111, record* of Harnett County, which «aid mort Wf« been duly trmnffcrred le H_ B Taylor, (lie „nde*<-d. B. M PMmll. •'"rtgagee. and H. B. Taylor. Aaeignee ofMertgagee, wtf» on Monday, December t, lftl·, a IS o'clock M. »t the Courtboua l>ixir, in Lllllrtgton. N. C., *cll « uulilic auction to the high ret biddei for cuh, the followine de*rribo land* In Harnett County. Nort Carolina, to-wit : Beginning at T. P. Tart'a and S M. Pear «a 11'« corner to the road onde a Jltch briil**, and run» aa thalr 11» and aa the ditch 8. 24 1-8 E. 10.4* I chain* to their corner in th· creel 111 of the ditch, Mn J. W. I^nt'i Une d1 thance an her line and R. M. Pearaall' • ilinr along the ditch N. 88 1-4 E. < chain.* tu the cross ditch, near a pine theme it* another ditch N. 4 1-2 W 1-20 chain* to a corner In the roed Uicoce ax the road N. 72 1-2 W. 4.4< vhaince; thenc. N. 86 1-4 W. < 1-1 *,e beginning, conlainini — or leaa. _ day of October, ltl· KAKSAI.U Mort*a*.e TAYLOR. Aatignec of Mortgager NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF HARNETT COUNTY I Your attention it respectful ly called to thai portion of the "Machinery Act" which pro· ' vides a discount on all tas·· paid before the first day of De cember. In order to take ad vantage of this discount, your taxe· must be paid on or before ' the last day of November. AU taxe· are doe and paya ble on and after the first Mon day hi October, and the hooka are now open so that each and I every citizen may have fall ad vantage of the discount by pay ing bi» taxas early. ι < ii mmmmmrnm upon all citizens te take advan tage of thU opportunity to pay their taxes, thus making rf sav ing to themselves and expedit ing the matter of collection. Herewith is printed that por tion of the law which refers to the time of payment of tax··, I and also give· the rate of dis count : Section 8β—Ttxn Dm the 1st Monday in October. All tax*· thai I be due on the first Monday in October in each year, and on all taxe· paid in tbe month* of October and No· ▼ember a discount shall be grw [en to the taxpayer of one per cent. All taxes paid hi tl month of December shall be paid at the net amount char·· ed, and from and after the first day of January a penalty of one per cent per month shall be charged and collected by the sheriff or tax collector t that is to say, that on all taxe· paid in the month of January, after the fifst day of January, a pen· alty of one per cent shall be added on the taxe· paid, and in th· month of February, after the first day of February, a penalty ef two per cent shall be j^^and an additional cent for delay W. H. TURLINGTON SlwrW HarMtt County A. U.l.illw S.(. flh· ( l«md»riy ) : Wh»«i did yoo ftr»t knew tm to»ed ■·!" R·: "VkM I b*yan to r»l aud «Mn p*epl* aald fia wtr* hr*inl<-M •-d uMCtncti*·." A DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION With · IWHtHJ of Education in Um PnOdoat'· Cabinet By HTJCH ■. MAG1IX. Hi»M Secretary Nitiraai Κ duration Aaaoctatira , The SeaiOt-Tuwner Education·! Bil ι new Mort Concraaa. Introduced ta ; the House by Congressman Horac< ; Mann Towaer of low·, acd knows ai ι Η. Β. 1, and la the Benate by Scnatoi iioke Smith of Georgia, and known ai ; S. 10IT. establishes a Department ol Education with a Secretary la Uu President's Cabinet and authorise! the appropriation o( 1190,000,000 b) the Federal Government to enccurafi the eta tea in tba promotion of educa tion. Of the $100,000,000 authorised U be appropriated, $7,600,000 it for th« removal of illiteracyj $7,000,000 foi the Americanization of foreigners $50,000,000 for tho partial payment of toacber·' salaries and the promo tion of public education generally, particularly in rural communities; $20,000,000 for the promotion of phytical education, incladlng health and eanitation; and $15.000,000 for the training of teacHera. The biU provide· that a elate must furnlah an equal srsount for each of the purposes natnrd in order to re ceive lté «bar» of theae apportion ment#. There ia a specific provie ion "That all the educational facili tiea cncouraged by tho provisions of thin Act thai) be orvaniscxi, aupcrvis ed and administered exrlasivrly by the Ufrally ronstitsted (tate and local educational authorities of the state." All funds allotted to a stair must be distributed and administered in ac cordance with the laws of the state. Under the provisions of the bill, state sutonomy and local control of educa tion arc most earcfully preserved. What benefits will accrue from a Department of Rducation with a Secretary in the President's Cabinet? In the flrst place, it doaa not mean that tho Federal Government prop rises to assume the control and adminis tration of education. Such an at tempt would bo clearly unconetite tloaal. nor would It be for the best internets of oar public schools. Tbe schools must be kept in dose touch with tbe people whom they serve and be subject to their immediate saper viaion and control. The Federal Gov ernment can set up standards and show why such standards should bo accepted, but tbe authority of final decision in all educatjoaal matters mutt rcmaia in the statea where it is placed by the Tenth Amendment t to the dêôëtitiâtioa. GItw DmvtW _ The MUUUuMit of a Dm, in th. PTMUm·· CMM wfll rl> te ed a cation th* recognition whi*& jartljr deeerres because af tta *H importa»», from the standpoint < national welfare Thruuah nek « 4 kaWata^ *L- B.J « "λ partmeot th» FadanJ Ο oven met ceeld pro nota odnanttm. a· it hi promoted ether Interests orer whil it 4*m wt hers cwti*), Inayli of promotion withe at central M found to the Department of Aerieti tar· and the Dtputmfst of Labor. When our OeraMMt waa estai lished It waa decided, after a«ry ear ful deliberation, to place the admil Istratioe of (ha différant dipailunn· then eras tad ender cBrlsIs appointe by tha Praaideat and eonflnnad h the Senate At «ret there ware b« three aoch departments, tha Daaar neat of Btate, tha Denart Blent of th Treasury, and the Department a War. Tha haade af thee· depart menu together with tha Atty. Oea eral, appointed by Washington, war his immediate aeviaors ana oacae t be known a* tha President'· Csbtne« Id 17N Congress established th Department af tha Navy, and a nei Cabinet oflct eras created. In 1·»' the Postmaster Oaneral wna eieratai to rank and —rte a niember of Prea) dent Jackson's Cabinet, la lMt th Department of the Intarier erai treated to take charge ef Indian af fairs, which had baea an dec the con txel of the War Department nod « the publie Lands, which bad been an der the Treasury Dopai fat. T< this new t^ait—I were issimei also the Pension Oftse frees the W« Department, the Patent Ofbee froa the StaU Department, and sarvec other boreaas. Theee seven Cabinet members wen •etch in charge ef a department erhid administered affairs ever which Um Federal Oovemmeat had abeoietl control under the previsions ef Um Constitution. U was thought thee that there would be ne fnilhsi «Mi tions to the President's Cabinet, la latl tha Barean ef A«rtraltar· re created, and a few yean Inter the Bw rean of Kdncattosi. It see· beeems apparent that agriculture eoald net obtain the recognition which its to po runce in rilntlsu to nei tuna I wet fare Jaatified without belag rapr» ■•ate* In tw President's Cabinet, and thereby being onsNori te obtain di rectly Ik attention at Pinim Ae «rdadr. the agricultural interest· «of the caantry etarted · wnanl far tha eotabMshaaeat af a Dspsilai int 1 ef AfifcilMr·. with a isintary In the rnUnt'i Cabinet at iU bead. The opposant· af tkli a· argued that hi aa aaucb aa tka Federal Government had aat bean granted *7 tbeConaUtntioa ta aoo trel sgmaltars H vaa illogical, If aat sarsastXutioaal. to ereato sack a de. af tha sahjsst (na unai standpoint syrien] reeclv* ncà faeofutioe w tion. Tka Dcpaitant af Asriruitura wai mated ta 188», tha Federal Got crnwit thereby slahHrfiiiig tha prin cipe] af asttonel ranfnttioi aad pio aotlea without Dation·) control. While the controversy over the aa tablkhmrnt of a Departzaest af Agrt caltaia vat going on, the aducatori af the country urged tha ealabliah rnent of » Dopastaseat of Ediatlo·, Instating that education «aa af no Uas importance to aatmaal welfare than agriculture. Although than data* ware net luceeaafoUy refuted, their petition waa not granted, ana ed«cation baa remained ante thia day ta a subordinate boreau of the De partment af the Interior. This U probably dae la part to tha fact that ad oca tan ha τ* aat been aa perdaient and effective in urging tha promotion of adaeatiea aa bave the cpoaaora of other lataraata. aad alao ta the facl that carta in private in tar acta have it· wayi upml tha develop Kent of pab lic edseation. A few years later the re ;nta tivaa af ooeamerca and af r mi op their daims far Federal cogni tion, aad aa a rte nit of the · raiat aat efforts the Depart»οπ ι Com aad Labor waa aett uAed in JIM far the recognition a. d promo tion af theaa two faaportsnt I at areata la Itl· this Department waa sepa rated into tha Department of Com merce sad tha Departawat of Labor, aaah with a Secretary la dae Presi leat'i Cabiaet. » aisled ta National Waif earn. la tha light af this history it b necessary only to show that education is vitalHr related to national welfare in order to justify its recognition aad promotion by the e»tabli*hm<.rit of · ©•pert· ont ο I Education with » Secretary In lh· President'* Cabinet. Thie ii ao evident that It would »e*m hardly neccseary to offer argument* in it* nippon. When ft vu found that of the 2,400,000 dratU-d men between the or* of 21 aed 31 aure than 700,000 could not read and write, the Federal Government eaa> face to face with (duration u a quaetien of the greatest national hn portaneo. When another 700,000 of thaïe young awn had to be rejected from military aerrice beeaaae of ohynK-al defacte, «Met of which· cmU have be«n prevented by preper tUeoUn and' iastractioe ta youth, the import IUI of education fro» the national •landpaint was again emphasised. No aae wOl contend that our country M a whole ta aot γ *■ lattoo. all of whom have hoe· admit ted to oar iheret under natioakl laws. Bat there i* still a deeper signific ance to public education from the' •landpoint of national welfare. It waa recognised by our forefathers at the very beginning of eur govern mrnt- The Ordinance of 17H7 tie elareo that "Religion, morality and knowledge being iKinary to free government and the happiness ftf mankind, erhoolo and tho mean* of education ihall forever be encourag ed.** It bvi b* co&ecdcd by all that the security and perpetuity of a government of the people la depend ent upon an enlightened citixenrfiip. If we an to develop a civilisation which ahall eiand the severe teste of the earning year*, the right kind of education muet be promoted through oat the ontirs aatuin. To give tha greatest lmpeta* to a movement for universal edueatioa if tho right sort, there moat be the stimulating Influ ence of a national purpeaa. Λ question of m»cb transcending importance, so vitally related te th·; eoeurity and prosperity of our conn try, cannot ho disregarded by tho national government and left entirely to the elates and local communities. National Idtal* cannot be realized by eta tea and eommmnttlae unaldod by natioaal encouragement and sapport. There mast be the unifying Influence of a natioaal Incentive that educa tion may arrompUsh the greatest good and make the largest contribu tion to national welfare. Tbo Natioaal Government through Ha Department of Education will ex ercise no autocratic power In the realisation of this end. It will stimu late and encourage but it can never dictate. It will make a thorough In vestigation of all educational qoee tien*. ar.d · cnmparmtive «tu ci y of Ukj educations) 4rt*> of a0 the >ta«in. It wil1 (hi η -uvTrv»i rt-nalu ednratterv .1 -tahdarrlv ï*.-( d npon ibis broader knt/w.trfm.. which mhouid be attafoi'd ta all iha -u«le< in e«!(if to pnwrrm· uur frac institution» and make pa» nibli- the rritliutlaa of our highest rjiCoaai Vital*. The Swreur» of Education, beraura of hi* high ofethL ■ >[iK.tion, *)!) aJwaya have a Imiinf. What hU department propoaaa will receive the tooiiecration of tfca Prwat drnt, of CongrcM, and of the people of the eovntTjr. Through rational prcoetion mad id atu'uiioa >tanciar all alatu. Trt« day will ha haeteB ι<1 when h can no longer be (aid that million* of American citisaM rannc: read the ConuMtution, nor «ran their tmllou, a condition which hoe Ma· nritW. iW la wftk tfta graevat daager. The perpetuity and pro «parity of oar nation dam and that it gif* all (i.minb'n· enfournement and aaadjft anct· to the rtat<·» in the dereloy taint through education of · citiaea chlp phy> Watty ai«i intellectually brand, and imbu-ii wfth tbc tpirit and ideal* of '.rue Americani«m. The* vniy can cur K. nubile b· made *af<. cAVient and enduring. See the little Car at our Salesroom. PARRISH-DRIVER COMPAT YOUR HOUSE la worth more today than it wm a year a*o 't would coat you a lot mor» to rebuild it—if fire (rot it. So why not tncraaM % your insurance7 Soma are addinf a third, I others mora. It ia the wlae thinj—the safe thing—to do. It takea only a little accident to • » turn the biffgeet house Into a pile of aahea. Dunn Inturance and Really Co. J. L. Wade, Manager Camel· expert blend moke· aB thii delightful quality pn—η*» Year - personal teet win prove that Camil Cigarette» are the only riflwiillee you ever smoked that juat aaem made to meet your taste! YouwiO prefer them to either l*»* of to bacco tmoked straight 1 To abort a. cold FALL STYLES SHOWN at GOLDSTEIN'S The biggest, beet and n^WPIRT^«tock of men'·, women · and cKildren · wear we have ever carried it now j ready for your inspection. THE GOLDSTEIN COMPY I Dunn'· Beet Store