LITTLE MESSENGERS ΉΓ'Τ WT^ W ΤΊΙ^ Τ — THE DUN VmLé , ' -Ï.-T JOHN M'COKMACK SINGS IN RALEIGH FOR CAROLINIANS Créai Irish Tenor Booked For City Auditorium December 3 FIRST OF FOUR ARTISTS ENCAGED BY ROTARIAN3 (0.111'CuJtl. G·» Aid* Sck«4«l«4 to Appaar During January, Febru ary and Merck—-Club· All Over Stair Cooperating Wilh Capital City Organisation. ■ otaii McCormack, tenor. Herem ·< r 3 Airth'a Oal'i Curel, soprano, Jan -urr il. Ruriclph fiai*, pianixt, February •JO. France* Aida. soprano, March 8. rhlt is the .irray of artist*. wull r.olvn all cf thi-Bi the luuntry over, li rh the Italc'gh Rotary Club ha» t'liL'd u|· to hrini» to Raleigh Jur ist ih. wtnti·/ ami *pnng month*. ij.leigh thai liraved the worn weath 1-r the w«»ather works erer invented far » inmcrt night, tu hear Melba and liitbelik; ihot cruwried to hair Karrar trd Werranrath; lhal liatrned apell t-ound U| Iho mutic uf Padwrewski; Jcl.^ht«-d in Freda Hempcl, ' mate. U'inci. Cadsil, Calve, Nordic·; 'Hjc fell for the rhano of Alic* Nicl . j.i and May Peterson and laughed with Harry Louder, may look forward .» ro< h a winter of matieal treats as η rity ha» »rvi r had liefore. rh·· |jriiii;itiii uf thee· four artist» ι Rali-igii toiMther with ih* Ιμηγ gbu whi· ni-i--.mpaiiy them and vary .II' .r program*. m Ihi biggi-st under a'sinr that'lhe llulary Club hag ever .il emotod fnr thr jilcanirc and profit of Raleigh Aevordinc to President .urow. th» Rotary Club took up the iirowMiliuti of bringing Iheao artist» to Raleigh witii the Idea of the run ■ IKtiii' development of Ralei|[fc's uppre'iition for mustcal affair*, bc I evlng thai ibt» ia one thins which the . lub ih «piftal'y able to handle welL . he e lib txgan wuch a program bi-fore h.- war put ai. end to things muscat thin pari of ihc country by brmpnt I'arru: and Padcr«w*ki to th· city. V :h concirU balng among the |uc < cilfcl musical event· of the paat. Avurvd of the ro-opcration of oth «Γ Rotary Clubs of tba State. the Kal oi^rh On ta going forward conedeit ly 'in th; amnfflnata for Ik· eon rvru, looking for soong support not «tily fnnnJLht· music lover· of Ral presi dent haeiug Intimated that «t I—> on» hjndnd scaton tieltcU would niobably l>. in dcmird at ht» collège .t ha. been :.ajyc;-*lcd that u-nti aold lu uu'-cf-Ui»n viaiton. be in («etion*. grouping peritoni. from the «am·· town· (oKtlhn. The l»i(r thing ia that four of th« b>citl*t muaical Man of the country have boon engaged for concerta her* within the next idx or aavan month·. Ci«M svrh artiita, the crowd· will take care of thrmeelvea John McCarmeck Wherever * Mother Machree*" i* 'mill arid «cbk, and that la rarely in ι» .ry little waynide town, lone coun IT.v f.Mtn hnua· t>t biialiinjr 'ity. it ia r afr to vi · tun that the* of Mc Cfrmaek ιι> l.nown. "Toother Ma eh ee," "O t.i.lle Mother ul Mine," f tKoup oth« r vonice that jomehôw (ret hold of the heart, arc too closely al lied with McCoraack for on·- lu I'.row th·· v>ng> without the »in**r. ■h.Tc'u prebably nowhere a Victrola •ι bout η Mei.ormack record, and if ;hc vole· were taken Raleigh would rtoubtleti i.itb· r huar John MeCor mack thjn any other artlut who could tie brouicht to the city. It it probably because he υ irixh. bom in Athlone, Ireland, that John MrCorraack knowi how in interpret in aonpt the hearti of American people to a way that ne olher» caii. while ho ha* b·· η wit* the Metropolitan Orand Opera Com pan y and can ting the reo*t exacting grand opera air·, It il for the «impie, haunting mélodie·, eon*» of hi· own native Ireland which he learned tr* ma a hoy little dreaming of hii future fame, thai he ia known and loved. Who Ca'i explain the chaim ol Ameltta (jalli Curci? Critiea have •flight to diacover the aecret of th< unique and aeemingly magical iaflu n e which ha,ι drawn the world ol music lovera to the feet of Galli-Curc in mn MttHiiWn rtf U>v* and bXibImIIa* that i* akin to wonhip. They hav< croM >» vain until they have founc ihe on· word, gonia». See it a am« of no ichool, no rait, no profaaaor She πρτγγ wu taught how to aing. AI lh« element· of aueceea and aweet· r.c<a were within her. There la *ome thin» 1 nay Irion In thla girl-like, mod eat flgnre, standing unaided ση hai own merit·, waking no praiee wMct l> not her dot· and commanding th< ■•d miration of the world a· few «in* era hav« donr In thl· or any othei lime. 8 he resort· ta no trick·. 8a pr*m* at a coloratura, the la evci irr -atar aa an interpreter of lyrl< •on·. Cialll-Curei waa bom twenty eigh veara ago of Speniek-Italien parent a«» In Milan, Italy. She comae «1 .1 family af artftocrat^ haj wit, wti i'om and «oeial accra^ahmenta, bo at heart U truly American, a plaii xoiMi, gentle and approachable. Af ter ■ eeriei of trlaiapna in the prin cipal opera-hoax· of Italy, Spain Ctnaia, and South America, aha earn· to the United State* where her Ul upmh waa tawed from the ftnrt "try oat-" Can ead Laaaari Rudolph Qana ha· forged ahea •tradily la public favor aatll now h< h recognlaed «ι |n the front rank ff the world's great ptaniat. hU rape tatlen being balh an merit akoa· Mu· le» I (mm have vied wti h eacl other *a flea pre per ehaaraetertaattai to the qualitlae whleh have was fe JOHN McCORMACK Mo μπιτ· at City Auditorium in ital I>«rerab«r 3 him » unique place amonr th· «mi· rent paniit» of tho day. A native oi 8winerland. Mr. Cant has through all th« twnli of the Kreat war main tained an uniwrriog devotion to ihi r(u<* »nd idt-«l« at America, hi >econd home Hi· vigorous denunci ation of Germany'· attitude in the war brought on n.m the naeuriation of thr pri-mi of that country ami he look early oportumty to reaift) from On Society oX Gorman Ciimpowr. of which he wai one of the founder· and t<> <*«ver alt relation· with tj<« Mu sician*' Club of Berlin. Gam will be a Minted in thr Ralriirti concert by Carolina Uiun, contralto one of the bright «tari of (one newly arisen, a native of Greefaeille, M·»., of Frrncb-Italian parentage. In the Chicago teaaon of 181» alu- will be |r cially featured in a revival ol 'Sampan ct Dalila" and aa leadlna contralto in two important roles with Galli-Curci In opera* which will be prmented in America for the flrtt ,ΙΛ,Γ Fraxei #QJa Of the tonr aUllar artiat· Trance· Aida 11 thr only one who ha« ever appeared in concert in Raleigh. Her ippearance here in the laat muiic fmtival before Aairka entered the war and war work took th* place of muai cal entertainment·, u «till a pica* ant memory for all who enjayed th« richnr* and beaaty of her aoprmnc voice a· well aa her wliutomi pt-raon ality and felt tha magnetic quality ol her appeal aa an entertainer. It li to the woman a· wall aj the artiat thai the heart of the nation haa (cone ant Τ be baaie aiaaaoota of Madam» AMa'i «nccaaa ara genlaa and weak. By reaaos of Her ptu and gener· oui tervice to the can·* oi llbartj I* Mil tfc* OM il Du Metropolitan Ο perm Hou* which th* organized and managed herself. ML· Erin Ballard, a young American firl. * pupil of Frank La For*e. will ap pvar hen: with Madam Aida as at· -omparlK and pianist. R. J. REYNOLDS ESTATE IS OVER 17 MILLIONS State of North Carolina Will Obtain Over a Half Million In Taiai On It W.niton-8alem, Not. 18.- The laU R J Reynold·, the f ara ou* "tobaect 'ring," wtvo died Jaly X·, 191R, left in ertaUr valued at 117.110.428 31 according to the inventory report Me< •.oday with the clerk of tbc Fortytk Superior court by Mr*. Katherine S Hnynolda, widow of the deceased, anc «limlnutratrix of the great estate. II ha· been figoreri out that the xtate ol North Carolina will receive an inheri and lax of approximately $628,(76 An interesting fact obeervwl la tlu inventory la tilt extent to whirh Mr Raynolda waa InlemUd in every lini of city, county and «tate industrie and commercial development·. Whili his greatest interest centered In th< development of the tobacco manufac turinjr company, which beara hi name, be waa alao Interested in acorei of other enterprises, making for tin general development of his commuai ty and «tate, end alao in other ctatea He waa largely interested in textUei thus aiding in building the cettoi mill supremacy of North Carolina am the south; he we* interested In fori» '.turc manufacture, mercantile enter priaea, bank·, land development· hotels, recreation and amusement on terprtaeg for publie benefit, railway· fanning, livestock, etc. In the repot as administratrix, under the state lai applying to administrator and admin iatratrix, the estate ta be Inventorie» include· all holdings in the «tate will the exception of real estate. Tb report anosrt an estate valued a |10,1 S9,7S4.16, FIX BOUNDARY BETWEEN MEXICO AND UNITED STATES Idtzieo City, Oct. ».—Commiphora representing Um United Statu and the Mexican imrnunti will meet ton In Monterey, Mexico, to defln· the «Met international border* of the two countries according to nowapap era h«ra The Rio Cranda rWar hai atway· boon acrcptH u the bounder) .Mae hot of lata It hae dww» u ar raOc dUpoaltion, at many plarr* tear lnc I ta old bod and wajaderlng ale I«uty north and eooth, and It II deem ad expedient to Sx tac boundary bj I other maana. MELVIN W. SHEPPAJtD IS TO PAY PAYBTTEVILLC VISIT Fayettarrllle, Nov. IS - IjÀrin W ■ Sbeeard, hero of the Olym^Bgamw in London In IIM and hol^H of It or more world record*, a^Hbe it I thia city teatorrow aa a paB Pay ι atteviUc'a community aarvlcaq^l· nam ι ortaaltattoK which Ka« (raalBit ail the war camp community aerrlco, it . order to center with member* of Iha ι axeeutlre roaamlttee and loading cltt ι H»· regarding outdoor athlatk* ' playfreunda and parka. SHORTA^rm i MAY FORCE COTON ; MILLS TO SUSPEND I Fir at Five OB Priority Liât All Allowed Fuel By Government ISUPPLY LIMITED • TO PRESENT STOCKS I Curtsiln«>t Μ*4· Nm««mi7 ι PreJecii»B U Below R«^nlr«iNbAl> I of Preferred CUhm. Railway·, Myalcipalibu aid R«UÎ|»f ι in Ftvnrtd CUa*. Atlanta, G·., Νυν. 17.—Order* lim .I'rtff drlivrrteat ul roel in Ut«· South em region of lh« Railroad Admlnl» tratlon to the fint of flvw tlaaws on th· fu«l priority lift, which iln·* not include manufactutcn, were i«u»-d late today at headquarter* hen. Τικ action on it» f-iee means th· cloaing down of cotton mill· and the.· manufac luring plant* of alrao*t all daacrip tiotii u auun a* th· r pmrrit puppliui ai» gwd up. Th··* KJppln-a generally kl\ understood to br «canty. Curtailment of roal consumption *b mad»· mrriwry the (tat· mcnt miiiI, btcaow "coal production ia atill bell·» th. abaolotv requirement* of '.he llrxt ft*» classe* of wnnmcn." Τ he pc claaaw who are (till to κ ft coal arc government department*, xtate municipal and county institution* public utilities, including newapapcrn and retailer* to eupply dome-tic eon kamrr*. May B« Natiaa-WMe. No announcement wat mad·- hare o* to whether th» κ harp curtailment of coal roneomplion would be na t or.-wide. but α ha· been understood that about the tame condition» pre veil In other (action* of the country lia-part» generally ha*· «hewn many miner» no» Tel.irnirr tu work, < roncelljtion of th·· itrik* call on rrde: jof the Federal wwt at Indianapoli· Tfre atatetaanl announcing th.· eoa consumption ci.njii.meat fellow*: "Under order* l*rued today at thi direction of the United States Fun Administration delivery of cna| b\ the railroad' Tor the pr**«m will In limited to the lirai fir* claaae* of th· Fuel Administrator'» preferane· Hat This action ht. bxomt imperatival) nit »**ai j bccausa of the failure tf miner· In th·'* great prwluc ΜΓ haidi to rftMn to work. ahjiouxh In oh*dkace fi» the Federal· Court'* mandata chateruoo uScutla MAC «lie# cUMPbf eoinmtr· and lb Mlicftl lupplylnjr arrant need* of all prefer red Classes had bm depleting with dutntiaa rapidity the rlorki held tlbj cl to tlx· Fuel Admir.i-trvtur'i irdir. Thu.. thv utuetion w» be -nm lit critical and it wn·. d' t'-rmiηcd to withhold deliveries temporarily Iron manufaclurrm, (.-van thoufn they be in the claia recognlacd at i-saential. Five Preferred CIimw. "Tha first live cliiw< wbose ;mmi· diale m ed* will continue to be »up j^lied si*: , Clan A- - Railroad* and inland and cuaitwi** vtsaeU. "Claas B- Array and navy, to gether with ordi'f departments of Un P. derel ro-vemraent. Thi» includes b.tair.'noue coal contained by manu tacturer* nr producers of supplies loi di purtmvnls of the Federal govern nient when auth department offclaU; approve* th« request. I "Claw C—State, municipal and county department* and institutions Cl»» D—Public utilities Thii In eludea the· manufacture of newsprint paper for daily newspaper tu and '.be printing and publishing of same "Class C—State, municipal and cour.ty department* end institutions. "Class ft—Public utilities. Thta In· rlodcs the manufacture of newsprint paper for daily newspaper uae and the firu.tinr and publishing of samo. "Class Ε—Retailer* (supplice for 1 domestic consumer*). ' Τ· Car· Pee Pre««i»e Needs. "In dealing with application for coal from retailor*, this committee • ij under instruction» to aee lu it thai I deliveries are- made solely to cars for the pre?Jin* needs of domestic con silium; in eth^r words no dealer can be permitted to obtain supplie; pre sumably f«r domestic ennxumptior but actually to be turned over to a ; manufacturer or other uacr of steam coal not included in the first Ave ' clan»» "With the hope that in the near future the situation will inpraY· iuf ficientlv to warrant resumption ol rtfliv«rl\'H of clame* F. and ϋ., the lecal railroad representative* will con tinu· to receive and forward applica tion· from conmieer· in thaïe clamaa. Having thr*c application* (or imme diate requirement or Ale, thi^ommit tee will be In a poaitioa te act .promptly and quick deliver·*» will bi mured whan the restriction* nom imposed art lifted " C AMP LEE INTO CHEAT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL P«t»r*burf, Va-, Nov. m.—It i· of flefelly announced her» that th· wai department will locate at Camp Lei one or two rTeat vocational ichooli for a«n of the army. The other will »· eaubllihed at Camn Fun*ton. Th« on* here will be fer Uie cnllated met «tationcd i**t of the Mlaaiaeippl En' liated men rtationed Weet of the Ml» •imlppi, will be cent to the Caia| Kuneton eehool An Iriaii quack aoetor waa batnj examined at an inqueet on hi* pa liant. ^ "I (rave hinMperaeaanha," he laid "Yon might (art a» well have *ive« him the urera Boreal!·," replied th< coroner. "Indade, yer honor, en" that'· Inai what OI'd ha*· givm him neat If Im Hadn't unfortunately, died." IBHT IN AU' SAYS SUTLER former Senator [ Impmi Co «η- 1 _J ai the Simpoun ι ,<rf the Amricu I ' « cktractoiiu· ; ic profits·* in I is the other I Mr. Butler'· I I JT (rat «tapie ι ι In only a email I , nM, and which : 4 BWt have. It [ι which ia oaiy to I without deprecia prorid will pay a Th· cotton mill* ι ttton. They can't tko·· who ni·* Ί It. If we will I Mr the «ill* will > fair and jut 1 *le world Boat | prie· or ko I _J have keen apla crop at | Aaaociation (of «ankeun wo 1 ■j hi to only a pa.t I -*- month. Thli •va ever I , of the I will orne U I _j and «tay or- I 1 ΝοοτΙι toKothcr. I saa fail in thl· I • I jataat movement ! to liberate the ! i hU wife and evtl of eottoa I •eve to every ~i $10 to ISO a ι South aoveral dallera a year. I 1 cotton have not ι rower» of cot- ' ι of th· South, I •at to Malta the I foreign finnan . .he «topped, mod • it M to ontaniic between what I far aatten le CuœWUmd «Mi Prepk •dM Am Mad·. roretttTtUL'Ner. II.—A Mo can didatci f>nl-T*4' A» fteid again·* Con rr««gm»n ΟβΜ-fa today when tt wu announced that John G. S haw. former member of the bouae of mmWttU Uvea, would be a candidat· for thi rofiff««ion»l iwl from the eixth di* ixict The announcement aay» that he will make a ftroif n>n, while Mr. Shaw'· friend· are freely predicting that the Kay»tteviTie man will eaaerj· the vie tor in the bif acrmp now warning ap in the "bloody sixth." Mr. Shaw i« a man on whom all far Uon» in Cumberland can nnite, it l· lac tared. Thai he will make a itnmi candidate there t* aaid to bo oo doubt Ha ba» been active in every Democra tic campaign noce 1ÎB2. He wu 1> the legislature fro· 'Sfl to "M. After bavins acted for foar yoara aa county •llorney for Camberland. be vu made a presidential doctor in IBM In 1894 ha waa choeen by his party ui make tha concreaaional taco acaiaat the "fu«on" ticket, and after a bitter debt went to Concraaa. Mr. Shaw ia a lawyer with a wide reputation aa an advocate, a farmer ?n an oxteatfvo «cale, and a aaw mill Pnofactorcr. About 60 yean old il a very active man. He bad two boy· in the aarvicc. DUNN SPIRIT INVITES COURTS OF RICHMOND Chart·· Lm Guy Brine· Hem· TH· Buoo," » Smnm Wîtk "John" Convicted Friday, pardoned Sat ■rdty, homaward bound Sunday Thai It tlM cipcAniN of a Harnett Countjr boy who boemme eotanaled la the w«b of Virginia Lew at Richmond lait »Hk ud was ttttla* face la lac· with that brand of Jiatfcc which hat made th· Old Dominion a terror to thoe· jtbo trod th· path which la nelthei jitraiglit nor narrow Hia good for tunc It do· to tha Inraaion of the court by the Dunn Spirit. Chariot Le· Gay waa tha vablclt throagh which Th· Spirit Joantayad to Richmond Judge Crate WW Id— "Juatlca Johta"— purveyor of juatie· <oldom tempered Vy mercy, wat ht ta whom th· Oven lawyer had U plead. 11m young nut far wheia Mr. Go) aptartd wat chaired with larceny. Ha had confcaati. It waa hit tteoad ef fen··, It I· taid, aad /title· John wai prepared to tentent· hiat to a twalvo aiontht term la prlaon. Plea» by th( Dan η lawyer brought thU down tc thirty day·. Beyond tit it the J ad ft would not bode·. Mr. Oay, bowertr, had prowitec the young man't father Oat he rou)< brin* th· yowsgater away from thi lomptaUont of IS· rtty. A month wai to· lone for Una to wait. Mo h< cnHata Um aympaUil»a of the youni woman who aoocaad th· bey. WW the aid ha it«e«di la pttlaf Jaatici iohr to alga a petition for pardon. Lata Saturday atgkt after a briel aeatien with Govarner Weatmor«laa4 Davit he pardon. father hoi SECRETARY GLASS LEAVES TREASURY FOR SENATE PLACE Pr«u<Ui.t Wilton Urge. Cabi ■*t M no bar To Take Poai tioe. Offered Him PRESIDENT PRAISES HIS WORK AS LEGISLATOR •f Tratiwr DtMrlaMl twin U»i« Prte CUof liMntln B« (or« A neap Hag Hmw OCtntl HI· By Cmnar Dtviai Lmvm With WUin1· Coed WtoW Wuhii^tô·, Nov. 18.—Th· formal OilpaiKu of Carter Olaaa aa Baerc .ary of the Traaaary. together with a Ktar fro a» Prv«ldcnt W iléon erring him to accept t*« appouitnant M llnt d States Aerator from Virginia, *u atdc public tonight by the treasury. Γ here vu bo intfcaation aa to when Mr. Claw wo aid leave the traaaezr. but it >al understood ho probably roald net begia bu dut tea me Seoa er unUl th« opening of the tut eea Ml of Congreea, December I. la ad • iaing the Praeident of Ike tender 'roat Governor Davis of Virginia, Mr. 3laae a d h* rqt>H<d tka appoint ment aa a Bark ef eeeâdawa, but hat ha felt hi· Arct duty *ai to thr tdmlnietratioa. "Here, If It ia your judgmrat that 1 would better ramain at my poet in :he traaaury, you say be rare I a· juttc pnpared choarfully te accept fvmr view," the latter said. "Cea /ertefy, if It would Ken to yoa ad· /baMe, in all tha eircuiaalaaeaa, far so to takr erriea agaia ia the legia atWa branch ef tha govern ment, I weald desire to accept the I jvhleh Governor Davia ha· bees plcae-1 ■d to offer ι _ Tha Praaideot wrote Mr. Olaaa aa follows: "It all most thoaghtful ι ■ua of you te cace·it By dadrea let ha Batter of year nteetiea by Gov traee Davia Car Φ» laiveioesfcip fixa ■ irjrmin,' left vteant bp tha death if Senator Martha. Of ■W •et Ιο β with the establishment of the federal rcaerve act, and you (taut rapport of tha administration at or try tara white a Mabw of tha House, : a used ui ta rely npon |M In tmj -.•merreecy. "White your occupancy of the ef 3co of Secretary af the Treasnry ha· beea brief, thr administration of tta .iff sir* under your raidaace haï Β ar id forward to the higheat levels of fleicaey and high devotion to thr yublic intereat 'Governor Darin ha* honored tha Old 8tab> of Virginia by paying tri bute to so distinguished a aan We 'ball watch your career la the Senate with affi-rtionata intereat and adjnir i ition." WILSON CABINET TAKES UP MEXICAN SITUATION 4rrul of America· Consular A gent ConUlIld But De cision Not Given Otrt Washington, Nor. 1·.—The whole Mexican situation, including the arraat < ! Wa O. Jeakina, American consular mreot at Paebla and all Ic -ialation, was diaeuaaed today by Pree-Meat Wil son's cabinet bat if any deviates was raaehad It was not made known. Secretary Lansing, who preaided, refoeed to My what took place but Secretary Glass said tha nova» Basent apparently was enable to "Aad eut earthing" about the JetUdaa eaae. Bometimc after the eabiaet ad journed, the Bute Department aa noanced that the acting minister of Mexican foreign affaira lad Informed the American rmbaaay at Mexico City thet the state aathoritiaa at Poebla bad been instructed not to moteat Jen kins, who previously had reported that he wis bMag restricted to hia heane by the staU otlciala. 1» iinifi BiaincT ι action iot lowad dtllvtry of a protMt from th· Sut· Doutant. Mat after Jaektna υ arretted, bat Jaat what It woald ■aotmt to waa net mada elaar. Jan kimé I* awaiting trial on ckartaa of callaaion artth tka bandtta who kkl· sapped and hald khn for flW.OOO ranaom. M«antl»a tka Stat* Dipart ■ant It awaltiac additional report· bafore taking furtkar action. la ' Waahinetoa. Nov. 1»—Revolution kaa broken ont at Vladivoatok, aa «yrdla» to lafannatioa received kjr tka State Department today fro·· Bl beria. Tkua far only Rnatlnad ara Inrahrad, tka adrkii laid. Tko Vary Ida· I Lady—"I waat a collar for ngp kno bandr Haberdaiker—"Ona eoRarT** Lady—"Say yean* fellow. Do 70» mm to Inrianata tkat I ha va «ara than on· traibaadT" Miok* Canto Unde Edita—I think IH 1 ■dUfc Why Τ ^ Kitty—frad pr^oaad to M on Sunday and 1 want ta Ma tf If■ >*nl. Mr. and Mr·. D. C. Fiaal am «te Mag friand» «ad ralatto· In *b1t aad atkar town* In Dm laadklll NEWS PRINT SHORTAGE THREATENS PAPER MÛ* N*w York, Krr. IX.—lUtafel la-1 —aa ia adrortieloc and eabatriptl.» 1 rat··, limita île· a/ the dac of aim· paper» aad provision la advartiatetl contract* whereby rate· tan be ad· Juatot! ra< the day fijr a nodal convention of the American Newepaper Pobluhara' Aa io<i*tion, called ta canaidcr tha news print «bortafa. TV> rrport of the raaolstienj com mittee adopted i»nortmo>iely My·: "Paper nan a fact aroma kam toi that tkwi ή a world wide éatui of paper.· At tl>« pnwal rata of eoa· ramptiaa the newapppen arc Bfi&c about 19 par cent More papor than it baiac prcdacad. ThU maane aa aa-. naal «feort»*» oa tha preaent barli of approximately MO,0P0 toai. Yoar| tttee. therafa •emitter. taoroforo, uni—mil· "That tbo refutation» of tho War Iududrta* Beard ter tkr coBMrration of nawapriat ha ftrtetly edhond to. and that tha Ml text of aB thaoo rw aiaUa·· bo mat to aQ tha daily a ad ftandayyiw.papw. ,f tha Oaitad Stateo whethor or no* they are mem ban of tha Aatorlcma ttiaaiani Pab MAm· Auodattea. 7 ' "That pahUahecf everywhere "Ted ta matelfeUy incraaaa advortia ta* and (ubacrlpUan rata· and at tha Umt luatt the Hi. of their U "That aa ncw»pap*r «ater lato a {•arty coo tract far advortiriac at a axed rate, bat maka rate· adjaatabio monthly or quart arty. . "IV* jfce American New«pap.r PabUaheH* Amociatioa vend oat a standard form of adjaatabie roatract for advertising. _ "That die paper rumhifllii atroe, Jy diaraarace tha baardiac of priât I NO COURT DECISION ON LAW UNTIL DECEMBER I ItrrfWw. Γ6μ_ I of the week. te r. tt ou·, federal prohibition Ma dmtias today u ι m—Mw ul of ·Η dirocto^U^o^pôcted wKhin ■ few day·. fheqld tit· >ιιρι — Cwit bold tiM Tir 11— ftet iiicoiiitItatk>n*l mil lien, of saJleoa of wM*iy u4 w»« woe Id be nia red u mediately ι· th··· ι not voted ont Uqaer Mon the (pan· tioa of the FMtml act. Thaw iMfinc far a "wtt" Cferiat ■ai arc «et JafHn all thcli hope· en a favorable opinio· by the la· proa· Court In sptta of tiM seme what complicated paaea treaty dtu tioo is IM Senate, many opponent· of peehibtttoa expert peace to be ax •cceepltiwd fact before the cad if th· preaeat fecial session of Cea ptm this month The White H eue bai anaoanced that immediately op en the proclama tie· of peace Presi dent Wilson will declare wmr-thae prohibit·ο* at aa end. COUNTRY'S BEST HOPE IS WITH THE FAKMEKS President Fermera' Uaûoo Dé claras TWmy Muat Μ·| Or der Oat of Ckaoi. Memphis, Ne*. 1·.—The farmers of the country most find the Infloaace that Is seeded to brine order oat ef the disjointed tiaaee, declared Chart·· & Barret, of the Matienal Farmers' onion, addreeainc Wrc today the aa aaal eeaveattea ef that body. "Capital," ha said, ~is perturbed, erea seared: labor is irritated almost te the boOlac point. Bttreen the pahlle it re daeed to that conditio* of uncertain ty ertilck casaea H ta question where ft <e.*^ae to est Its eoai, ita feed. arable·· and aaldat the i mmt-ap haun m·*"1 oc» racine. ik farmer b Um only man who lia hli (xt ntlly on the g round. " Speaking of kb «ipemaet m i dd ■(•u w Um ncMt ΜΜ M» irbl mlwm Mr. itntn iiebnd capital entered the tosfimiee htftaf fer MMMthing of penaaaent nha te HmK la the shape ef an n4eritw4· Ing wkh labor, bât left dhâapalatad. X*bor a be was disappointed, be de clared, bat added that agrValtare oh tla.d.aawathiaj ef yfk* I la the nitndj ef the other del » better «adnata uiMug ef the »tth which the Imm mail -Tbw» a a feeling la Waahtngton Mr. Barrett raid, "that a—wlhW wreat astemheia. tl »«MMw baa failed, and la drelca there la a growing aonrltUoa aofealtare a«t be the later , r between the warrlaf faetiea· ι that Am farmer mat staMUae cocdi Itlona aad make hia graat Influence '/«It^t tbla thae. _ KOUd ht CoW .lia I*. T., Ne*. 1·.—fteraa e* ef aa aateaaiblle, laetadlag returning from a aaale» M .—killed whoa the ear «a* I rti^t by a train at a grade rr»e4«i* ea Um eatafcirta ef t&a city awty ta· W AayVedy who daee haa gat ta da Κ aWae. L% "bile IkqMMN (a Ireaaea at Titbw* te h·»· beca bound for palate - Florid». Chief Face caaturU tkt tkartUw ifUr tkqrkk tM InM im » ntck *Ufd to b· th« ni|1| of 3*U MiLula, a i»al ni aid· at a m the OaraM ρ 'f,,tow*. Tkroa ■«. ►oil«* aW to H«m I pane*, Baa SpNMlK Aittw WR» •a·», war· eanraytac the a he bouac ta tW track M L mSo ID :aj: *bca tWr anr the mt fee· v· wj cauefct later ia «Cater. κ i* bvLMij by tha paHaa taat It., a u.iWr arraat and ua4ar aw·!· jwn foi ai a n*wkg tbat baa baa· aa* .vi- ,n car iou^if·· ban far 5a Mveral «can. P. A. Parkar k oh af tha aaal lojmlar you ne aaa af Dunn. Ma b·» i s.dcd bire far ftftaoa jraan aad «m mo of the Ant af Dm'i rwiwaa * volontaar far aarriea 6 Mm tola nr. Ho aarvad μ i at tba conflict, nlwabia aoh Sat ummrr to rt»a«a· kj baiicaa· actM Im. It i* tba Mlvanal nWa· bare lot ■bat ha la"fraiHteMofTny fractert of tba law. C-, Mwwar, bcli**«-a that ha baa rvidoaca ta caavict ht· la umus HOC RAISING TO BEAT BOLL WEEVIL

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