THE DUNN VaL · d DUNN, N. Cj -FORM BRANCH OF AMERICAN LEQON ( W DUNN DISTRICT Former Smlu Mm Saea to |« Called far Oritnlutie· MMtb| WILLIAMS· TAYLOR AND M'KAY PROMOTE PriHailuT Dtulb Km >■<■» A» r«>|W With VUw to P«riUt ee Marl·· Wke la iii Dar lag War I* EUglU· lar Haakrrtklr. Undrr the direction ef Captain L Rowland William», George P. McKay and Herbert B. Taylor a local post of th· North Carolina branch of the America^ Lesion will ba formed with in tba neat few weak*, according to Captain Williams, who i· now arrang ing detail* preliminary to calling a meeting of all service nan in thr Dann District aariy in December. Any taldiar, sailor or marina, ar any woman who wai regularly en listed or commissioned In tt>« army nary or marine corp·, who served honorably at any time between April 6. 1917 and November 11. 1019, I* eligible for membership in the or gan nation. All auch are invitad by the promoters tu pt in touch with them ai toon aj possible Ofcjeeta of Orgaalaatiaa Thr object* of the organisation are explained in the preamble to it* run ktitation. This reads: "For Uod and country we asociale ouraalve· together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of thr United State· of America; to maintain taw and order; lo foeter and perpetuate a une hun dred per cant Americanism; to pre serve the memories and incident· of us raaaoclaUon In the mat war; to inculcate a sense of individual obliga tion to the community. State an? na »- ■-*-· · » -a might ; to promet· peace ud good wlU en MTtli ; to MftritH and trans Bit to posterity Um princlplee of justice, PMtoi ·μ) democracy; to couMrtU and sanctify oar comrmdr ■hip by m devetion to mutual help· falaeae.1* Nm-rutUui Nea-PelitUal "It la," says Captai» William», "the organisation of American veterans of tho world war. It is non-partisan and ao apolitical It 1· a crnUaa or sr'-ix: allitary or mLlitaria Naut; all of tu mokwa are r· civilians baton Um now again civilians. It ι maiaaaa Ban iM m«a whu did not gat overaeaa." The organisation waa tentatively formed In Paria la Mirch. 101S. by a III—< oAcara and man who bad bean elected delegates from all Um units of the American forces than overaeaa. A declaration of principle* waa made and the name, "American Legion," cboeen at thle moating. *Ttu> action of the Parie meeting waa later endorsed by a convention of aervke man bald in St. Louie in May, when a permanent organisation waa set up. CONSIDERING RAILROAD STRIKE DECEMBER FIRST I National Laadara Of ike Four | Great Brotborhoods Hold Sea ai Matting Chicago, Nov. 25— National lead era of Um four great railway brother hoods held a secret union today at which the Insistence of many local unlona that a general strike of all railway work en In the United States bo ealUd by December 1 to enforce .demanda for general increase In pay, waa given aeriona conaideration, ac cording to laformatioc obtained to night 'from anion railway men. It waa said by oae onion official that man y ef the delegates who ara now in Cleveland Went there with th«· specific purpoee of forcing the gener *1 committee to call the nationwide strike. ABVFal reason po« A SHORTAGE or SUGAR . iNew York, Hot. 24.—AmHinf that there «u no real nuoD why •■Car short·*· «hoald «let here, Arthur Willi·ou, federal food admin istrator. émàtÊm today that he «U going to InraeUgate reporta of ahort afM and learn tha raaae tf thon», lua report», ha aiflalaail, ihaaa " " Um raflnarlaa in thii dlrtrlct tarntag out mere than enough to «ap ply tha MIBMl demand. Any attempt to hoard augur In tha • xpectatloci of getting 4 kigher price after tha firet of the yaar will ha fa ille, he aaid, bataoea tha |»»w—ml will ooatrwt Um erica far another yaar. Ha adriaod bearder· of «agar ta gat rid af It quickly, "for If we And it we will nt it out af their cellar· within »4 hour* " S DOOR M CUMIir-lOOOl I I No hotter Ulaatrution iftkeik . titude of Damecrutla and Repub# 1 can leader· an the peace treaty 1 may ho cited than tha dialogue be tween Senator Swanaon of Virgin- I la, and 1 octet or Lodge of Mini- I I rhaeetta, In the cloaing hour· of the Senate fight. Whan H hiiami appereut that I tha treaty wu in real danger, Senator Swaoaen went evor to 1 Seaator Ledge and «aid: "Par Oed*l aaka. Senator. can- . ι net aemethiae ha dene?" Senator Lodge, according to tha I I Ameclatod Praaa, riflil dovly I I and IncMraly: "TW> dear U rleead " | TREASURY DEFICIT CONTINUES TO DROP Secretary CÛm âmmmm Re winpti·· of Semi-Monthly Certificat· I Mite· Washington, Ν·ν. KS. -λητηκη OI*m to η if M (incut · further re duction in monthly drtrlti of the treasury tnr tlx· Oftok·* record nut announced that. on DeceaU>ir I, the •.•ml-monthly iewa of Ireaaery eertj H«atn af ImlrbMliiHi and tax certi orate· would to mtacii While rata· *a celt money have been «oaring, and th· ritMtiM ia It nancial center» h·· bean the occaaon of Mac concern, treasury official» point with (alMactrfin to th· reduc t on of government aectrriliae held by banking i natitution · during the l*at two month·. In that pcrioiTi of if* Aaerku Expeditionary Force· In Siberia and tm United BtaUe Mi dler· In the tUwailaa and Philippine ialand· malted7 ander the f areata* arrangement· m«at etherwiae CMIwa to the conditio·· applicable ta ChrM ma· parcel· aent to amaabirr· of Ufc ÎAuntaa lipadM—ary For*·· la Eu rope ae iboee aat forth Chrtetaa· pareil» far tBaar· tad m la the UaHod Sutaa Meal wrrtoc M>y ba accepted far tiw condition· ae te rate· af pe«U«. "?.*» ·? .ad dm. manner J téénmfy, Λ., regaterir applicable ta parrel· M-nt te neb eBewi and Yoar laat chanee to aave diaceeM .aa State and e»mty toaao—eea MmtM rssr- "ha> GODWIN UNAFRAID AS BRAVES WHET SCALPING KNIVESI éd A· Eâftr For All Cfnar. MIGHT RETIRE IP THEY'D QUIT PESTERING HIM| Mm The Merrier, hi He Dm· Nat Aat'ulpal· Mvefc Km) Q|f »irin Wk.. Tb v.u. Are Cmlii Hea«e He WU1 Net De Mm* Cui reicmta·, lit. Me key·. By R. E. Howell, ui New» and Ob- j Waahinirlon. DeC.. No*. («.— Heap Big Chief Haanlbel Godwin, with ap ledi than a doMD acalpa of Sixth dis trict politiclana aeetlln* m hi* crown, la wlwttlaf hi· tomahawk for all CVm tn again Chief Godwin tax month* I prior to every contre! begin· lateaaire | training for hi· biennial boat In tl Sixth and right m* the proltmlaarle* corneal of lone walk· over Ma Har nett plantation and an occasional hunt for nailer game. He put oa tea pound· whoa he road a frw day· in that John 0. Shaw, of Kayetterule, waa coming ia thia Uae. Mr. 8haw ha· been mourner at all the okMoiiti la U Sixth from Pattanaa to Clarti te Sin clair through the mrraorable aomatr whoa Ernoat Yçang, Joe Little Qulnry Nimocka and Joe Brawn, of ('«lioabua. made the Sixth more Hke a Booth Carolina battlefield than any century before. The entry of Coton·! Shaw, f ore «hodewing, aj H low, tke Inevitable plurality of candtoataa hi tke liltk, ■■ notking, if ul aUodng, to Mr. God^p. It relievod »rm of Much ··» penae and put to root the prediction llut the anti-Godwin folk· were fo ia« to ga« toyoU.r and aaaka ana Lgrând il ι lilt to ratie* the Sixth 4ia [triet aaomber and tako froaa kin the victory toareis af a decade. And when to ratr—poatl»a Nwllif he 1 «on thon twelve unlfkaa on ho te hat, several that might bavo - marked for A- L McCaakill, of Fayottevilla, arc mlaaif he an to tW tone which baa keen tka ! ·. P< ——. There n no aecrat akout tka fact thai the Sixth District Maker has boon lncliaoa ta retira. Boaao weak· ato he was ordarad to kia farm to Hmmett to cat mic axarriaa and bead off threatened attack af appendicitis. And durine tka reet ka hod at Me home ha doctor*· that kla political trouble· nrvtr eocarrod la kiaa at alL Whrt ramlniacescae are to order, there lant a men entertaining mam In tke Tar Heel delegation than Mr. Godwin. Especially la' tkla aa aa H affecta kla political fortaaa. Ware Soutor Simmona aa toqoaci· oua. bo migti onefold a few yarna tkat would eome aa near prompting aama broathleae momenta aa Mr. CMwin, but tkat la an entirely different «tory. When Mr. Godwin look» back over kla bottles In tkat blaodla·» of hlaody d «tricts, l>J*lili»i for five mora Angers on which to name those who have taken tka eoaot In that alaaoot "uperhamaa struggle to unseat him. It ian't strange, therefor·, that ko take· aome little pride to tka to are]· he has won. "I know the people af tka Sixth district will voto for aa to Hay in Congraaa aa long as I want to stay here," be aaya. They bavent for Cttsn that I gov· them the primary » under which they are able to caat their Ikrat untrammelled haUota. I am going homo now and raat on til the -—itor *■—' ' ~ rwtor seaaioe begins to When I get bock. f think IH bo fool·. "hind JtU? Λξ*9 dWtim* 1 '"'•I Ho« Ahmed Over Pl.T.._ And do thorn Include preparation· "1 ion* expect to do a thing.- ho TU*K CONCRATlfLATEt U. S. OM PROHIBITION CanataaUnapla. Satarday, Ntr. It. —Uratification mr the Ht te tb 17 ni tad States wWlw fae blddint Uia Ml· ·> liqaor «H HHK Mi by Abraham Standi. «BS ■! iilaai, •apirkoa) haad ot Uka HmIm chart V. "Drink ia tha taathar af all aril and no afaatantioa baa M »na^l oar dawafall. 1 an dritefcMd to u>»m that AjmHc· la raalfaaç God'« ota uM «a «p>kw to W mil», te la •Uaaca that, after It mm) a Ml aaa tortea, a aaw aatlaa AwU iw»: On laad, *l»lH aae I ^0. I wae gathered I ι profeaaor of ! " llverdty af ! the Vap Ufe." ftxei »! ι klfkiM, lt.Ul,H04M »n laoeerf. A*· 1 latter were of •ad- l| o« la l| vative. ia l| the mlae- | > dead at l.Mlr M &m» death 11· added fc-known dead OVER BOON • thM km thaa that of the &44 of traae-Atlantic In, the Ml fell S2T Hfttac" power of flfty ton· of I·. Tkta U «Uty per coot of hrr power, 82 too*. The eirehip'· wtifbt, thirty-two ten*, » reckoned uTdwl Hfto*e.~ Th« ok (j attributed to domoa for acaAaay that Wn Worn ·>ι)· ι_. the BrltUh air minietrjr. Conetrttc tioo of the H-M wu becaa laet y«r at IachJaaaa, on the Clyde, whtrt U« R M was bailt- Her croirfng radar - »»c« will be forty-flve alia· par Hour far aeariy aine day·, la length ibc thaa tke R-&4 Λμ with fanr IBO-hoi i« Ml foet, twenty-ftvt feet - , end ber rirth la eifkty arrea feet rtx iachea. Th· airvhip la «raepower _ aad twa ITt-horeepower Saabeaia Maori en gtaaa. Altogether the will develop a ten·»— ef naariy 1,0 DO. Her •peed will be irventy ailca pit boar. •Treaty aille· per boar. ■4 ia Eatlkeb aereaaati t «be will be eaaraeaiided _μ to the Uai ted fttatea beiaa nuUM in a few , by lUJov SeeK, ark· flew the • Aawriea aad back. It i« : m! eircftei thftt I acT.w to the United Statea| ■oatl K-K ta Pint Scant—Tea Bred oa ν «actable oahr, far twa vaeka. fteeead Scoet—-Thit'i nothing, I've I Wed oa earth for a nahr of year* ΛΑΜΥ DKMOBIUZSO rAJTCm AfTU LATE WAB ΤΗΝ IN PAST -Η— RAIDERS ASSIGNED PROHIBITION TASK IN NORTH CAROLINA Each Zom Udtr Will Kx. V 5·τ·η Men To Hel,J Fight WbUkay I NEW ORGANIZATION MAY START DECEKF.LK ! | Uimn< Wtrk Et|w«t*d Vo Κ f; j F«m«· B«ty la Trying To Μλχ·| I laia PrakJWltioni Rjim Is Salary H·· B»a r%twniMi><>4; Zo..« No I I· Lar|i»t. Tb orftiiiuUoi uf th·· prabfottion form io Nonh ('4<"f!lcr j completed la«t Saturday a η co.ii. ι I «nee ha Collector Bailty ι cX. »·. . λ. ' peeted lo b«(-umi effretivr D.'r' Xi j 1. * Th· cirllot lb organisation ι ;.p - proved at Wenhlagiup ih* ecor.'i CommiaBtoner Vaadurfonl .■(.·■ *.-■ ; range ^detail» with hli raid nit tua* j leader· and raiding force*, it I» polity ' ad ML \ iTha arrangement of the ii'»t;k*, 0 aonee anJ the diatiibutjo·. of 1)1 h.iCTtnu» m»η «trri^a a rn.<.nnr..j-l detiea far an Inerra»» lr. «a'.itry foi •vary raider It lo «-plair.ol that t : maenar amuani ο I work i« uheud ·»* · lha raKlm and oacc thry b« pin ihi I real "ptuh" then· will b* i"V r.ty < .Ί raiding A· mentioned before thr Stau lw«· I bora divided Into four lorca Mit., h | laadar o( each. The wor. ir r-| Carolina will W in the hands -f Çun I aWMMt T. H. Beadcrford ν bCt . « I myaiTialaa of the farcaa wil' W u..ù-ι 1 Chief Revenue Agent J. If. U(ar,J who will alio be the Wart.of lo:>c ι Me. I. The leader», Itid-iif fuTni, uiu eountie· of each son* art ma fullaw»: Zon· Ν·. Γ,—J. Κ UfKf, leaijrr; J. A. Hatchuu. C. H. icnkfr.·,»» X. a. Btnitk, tub-leaders, Β P. lir.' J. P. Hampton, John Κ Shuffari W. T. Steel·, raider». Vhe coua tlo* in tha un· art Curt tuck, ( te. Paaquotank, PernhMBan*. Choc· An, Tyreal, Dare, Washington, Mart_f., Hjrdo, Baaafort, Pat, GiU·. HcrUotd Bertie, Nntknpten, Hallfu, Nok, Edcccoaab·, Wilts·, renier, Pamlico, Cr»r»B, Carteret. J one». On «low. Lei:· plr, Graaae, Wιτιι, Warren· DÎipltn Zone Mo. 2.—B. G. Galley, leader: jo».l»4 M. A· Wataon. «31er». The >aa, Mean, Lee, Harnett, Curoliti ;*nd, Bake, 8ampjun, Robctor., Blad en, Scotland, Rrunrwick, Columliut, New Hanover and Oiiiik·. Nartlaera DUtrkcl. Zone No. I.—P. ΐ Dtncrr. lead.*, R P. Alliaon, J. H. Johnaon and Γ. I C. Balbart, eab-lraderi; J. It. Bftcuv R. L. White, C T. Duna);ai. T. I) Hatcher and C. C. Short», raider*. The coantira are Carwilt, Roeklr.j; ham, Guilford, Randolph, MonUr» nery, Davidaon, Stofc» Foray"* Sorry, Willi*·, AJIefthany, Aihc, Viui kin, Davie. Irrdall, Alexander, Rowa.i Stanley, Anion, Union, CabaiTum Mecklenburg, Gaaton and Lincoln Zone Na. 4.—J. H. Roed, lead· r; R b. Borer. J. A. Calteway and G R Rhine. *ob-leader»; J. P. C'-al* . α F. Kerkaey, John La il, R F. 4lcFa >and and Charief Stewart. ralutrs The counties arc Watagur., Ave:'.., Mitchell, Yaneay, McDowell, ΠηΛο Cleveland. Rutherford. Polk. Π. -éei •an. Buncombe, Maditon. Swain. Hay wood. Tranaylvama, Jackton. Mar ο η and Graham. DR. CULLOM OPTIMIS'.'C IN BAPTIST CAM! a.CN Reporta That 19000 C u eke: Are Organized For .«at Weak of Effort Kalligh, Νου. 44.— The loat •f the Baptiat 7S Million Csmpacn atarta off with a feeling of optimi -m pervading the State HKadquartvr^ From i»«nr aeetion of êhm fllati· Un report· arc encouraging. SUU Organtlar w. K. Cullom rr porta that out of 21000 chorci i t North Carolina, at leaat 1200 lia*· organised {or the Victory Week
  • —l ht» flrvt day of th* eighth day daah. The ten tbeuaand dollar contr.bu tiaa load* hy Mr». Annio Johnut».. of BaUawlOe awl th· hUth ι»··* c;id other tar*»· contribution* are liKikeil far during thia *t»k. One ad »>aan, a preacher*! wifu, w:lh oat large Income haa gtvrn ΙΧΛΟ aud ' thli waa · rift to her. but the 1c'! tha call of th»· hour io Intee*··!)· tHu. ■ha eaald not gee tho mono ami .» tooa late the Campaign fund. Mir A η nia McLean of Rowland plrtlre» one fifth of her Inrum· for ib* n :;t fir* year*. Other notabV >aatane ted a atery of lar*r rift·. ■van ehttreh director In the 8ιο!«· i« urged to report to h a' director Sunday nl*ht. Nuv.mb.r .'0 Wedneaday > laht. PMOt'jfr i τ,.1 Saaday night. IVrvaeber 8. Thva· rv porta will be made eithtr by t« kpr.r .< ' ar telegraph and will be foreran t'tti by the aaeoeiattotial director la h< Ifilligh Meedqn-rtrr· by t»d>irir|:ii. M· mUHoa dollar» la Kurt h ι.. ri» liaa'a Aw» the exportation no* ti that tea million dollar· will be· rail »«i Year laat chance le «ave dlaroaci ■tat· aad eoaoty uwa aao Mw'f wllagtoe at .Flrat National Bart !; .S."iCO S*1 ILL SîlENT ur. VHE JENKINS CASCj fitUÎ'û;: So Acu·· I-.' » «■ t.xav Hf>j Fin.·, i.ed tu Ctr'ui Oft/. \> j J i'iwa. tfcv. - ÏVh· *Xij !>.·» τ ι,-rl '.'ilj.;- tr-«/r. .η* Γ**χ°ο·.ι fov·' ί. ι- 'ion: <η : .· -■*·.»· ta The «titrp cvi*| [r · : t ·' . toi" J-.|>»rtn\*r.t d -mndinr t li!;· >.. ....' m· ii'nsc uf V.' O !-γ'·'·ι.. '.·η -.cuii MoiiVir anon' «tj ι !.". · , .·■ '. Sir:*)} u«iu*. Handed thin ι I ..y li ι Ni. «it embls>y >wi, la t ·*»!1 ivf .· |··>· i· ;»uvan>· niarîrt ' hut s !o:v»f! 1: <·.«! ·· · pJft4r.K l« t!»e Jvi.trln· ca> !.«ιΗ ι > —·*>ι·»ι il·', ι >nlur. lYutn Mexico s'.ty. Iii.l :.i ·■■ vi. .>·-> μ ρ*τ and nut «·*«α .·ι "it,!! ι'lit th '>ΐ«χ«ιι. (tor ι·· I I' ·*. ;> .-·,,·«·<' '·»" an»*er. βο , I "i ·' -Ai Lr Jtjurtm.-m *·/ ubk· 1 ' t-· i aklit »Ul'. \i!/ *.ck un4 (B >' ..·«·· i»..i>t.««.itii!, or charpa· . i—11 ι s .4 :i>wnh rebwl jljriJ.' 4liii*prii! h m «r.d forrod . ;:»· a ji oi :p-iruxinurto "·.· : "f. ■■ ..» r.. *'m. in cufi'tAutl • (. ti t...!ar «;.>■ '.he .Yaur-1 «••i!. m.jv Mv City and w«*l! Ιν'νΊ it-It i'lC Ci»b<;u ι IMC &riu<4| I !.. Antfiraj r«i· and wM SR»*n-i I·.? Ci;rtm, Ksiilmy e£ th* treasury j j t ·;. uiixu'i cabinet ι^·Λ κη«ι*ΐι tci - « .η oi tht bfttrr anl'-Am.-il· .it".* ι·' V-xteo. I Γ.·« U -nt Ceri-nnrr hat· ίο-ιηί the' ·■· io h< ·>·» ι··-»« tfcfl he hail • v.· -d to .· à* c Cit.· flow Quen-|! .-.» ::· '.nhi· .Wt in Ai conldd«r»-| «t th- \·ϊαϊη* c«.-α. . ·/·: ί» l'ai·; - icxlean oCcial» χλ · . >»pev.« to hv circulated! ; Η i'ihc.· n.'t.i .·«· swtpljr • <· .· u >o n# J<. ;<-i. No tmit hu •κ.· r.*·' tc thtf povi-rnant-ar or iu ' <·.·.; ,;i ■·,·,, howevrf, »· ta th«· .ι·.ι> of ;iir rv' -Λ «h Λ ihr . ABX^'roa r«B» ajri :i( wan Ivektul up if .ceo··'' t;n»c·. HICi-Ι CCà'. CF '.VIVES TROUBLING THE TURK H. C. Of L. Hit» Harwe; Pului . Fûm) Η Ιιι»ί·ιΙ·|1τ Diffi cult To Carry Ge. CvnKtantiBOtf!·. Ko*. 17.—The h*h i rout 0* l>Ttrf κ badly haaat-rio* (bo J .TdrkUii hounhold»—>aper Tally wtu , [ricanl '.·» »Ki The «ulta-i na r» Joc. d t· · ■ eaa, tkc , pA>epri*on of unmarried maul u ^ «mkrlo be tncrf-as-'jtf M the e»m in , ÏEREWWfflllflP·11 ■ .· ·1 -'·» T>irj»r'« ·<><» in population U not b ν tu b» nadc op by polysemy, , srrovd—e ta ν-pert* mx tr,--·.' "! ηί ψ rare it bachelor :n».(!.· wh-. ti r «Vin* part ία polHIce. Van.·· ui .him in ri porti-d to btf fol «η»ι·Γ» "* eat.r.ralii··», hi vin* been ">ei« d >·* vor.· -nd al»o Uwband*. Thf *oir.Cii of lit· iv. μ η try art atixlnua · fer a W 'finrn' .i pvmee in Tuilcoy .-ι '.tat the <*u.'a:!·, proiperty may taut.. rau■ .'arr Irx dimcait. EXTRA SESSION'S END CAFS C O. P.*S FAILURE Hcuie Wiiiei Six Months Whit* Senate Uaaa Time to k'revanl Peace I» y.· · »·· V * U» tynuu ■ ι ο·' lh< Congrre w'!h a pr»rtie*lly bUciV. > fi-.Vù. ΊΗν livu·» of K*pr*aeata ll!v, ί»>·Γ·. 1:X monih* '.n oratory »n«l i^VMdicatlcn*. end th· BmaU l-Jt'hii.: (.1 ui it» time m irririom !>lsn · îo ici!! iji* ireacjr of pcaec witfc "«••ni.i ·· u ;d tbt is nçhc of Xatioiia '·■ hi announcement of R· publ'tun rί»·'.· loader Moodvil th·», riO .nwtUul 1 udneM woeld bv· tran» i! Jr .c th» '.«ut days of thi Mt v-nc I . )■:< .o'ncrt» lu «hs Hmw l«i> !i'm U:t word and «canpcrcd fut ÎHirr··. in: ihouithrfolly il ri va «β iV t; '.r, c fu/ t:>al thry ftar\4 ηί?!·.ι i» lu t to :fctra bt-rau* of d>« Lkx. . jv»'c la iitv. ' C^ \jrr«e »rh ν t. η .· τ**' cor.rtrurtii ν Γιφ»· I,It··.·. fccfrri Un· i-unTi'Bii-.e of th· ,ιλΙιί ». Γ . tir.l/.T 1. C « μκ ih>· kiiialatlT· h.djr· in/i . ki i>vr. u< tb Eu h railroad b·:! .V . Χι >eKj<-aiM 1κιτ«η to cut -if VV:>)iii|r·»». ΙμΓι,κ "at I'W. !. I» (r ι horn· n.d »'««·.· U»it \ ·. r . ' ->f η·.·.ι·: τ '.ι> which tbey ar* >.« ·. :-'y «» R»i>re*ciiUliv» « .11 μ.-v .i; ι ;:r. wril Ί. Mr. r. · · i:· .. vc k.« rrptitntiti-.; for i -ic, : nor fc? uttv. ira le a ·. ni «t.. ι rtvardlr·.: S «pub •fi:· "Ίιι·Μ<ν' îhat "r.n C«t. */· Il t tf. i j,: Lus r»»f*ï iib r A*v.«ljf con«!:il)"plly and ton· I ! . ■. lt: r·"·I.v· .1 iti·!.' to. «rm-i'i· ' . l'i *j1 -j- fitfuteml, the dut)·· •i i .jtîd ν pou It th··! i.hf r.vinr :···* il-iiWn'à to a -loa ·." ι -1 il*. : iSjt l'.r. Monduil Λ:ά . v..·. tnl'.v ilο ' In » • fie >·)» w.i t'i fi o ' -.f »hf H'.uio, b. t tK riw.t v.-bdci't «air»* of in· ι «lit :«ι· ffcft» r Γ.--gr*/<'or») Km· nrrt •Ηι-λ·'· t.rκ dip ni» leu-mpilos# t·' » *irr. »?tN*fÎ t. 1 T.c IO-P~Trc CcMMtTTCKS TO • ·:Χ NATt'.riAt -0:»VEI«TICN r| . j Ιι'ηΛ:». '» ■·. TV* Dtm >· . .«.v t i»ai cynsmittri· and li»» W» ll'w'.llf i>m· Mm w*ro t «rj.-il V N··" a' Cha.nhfin Cm*· Γ w ια, '«xliy t« murl h*rw Janeary · k t.·' il* t'mH· and pleer for Ih* na tional «onv«»Uo· MXt jrrar. BUSINESS DISTRICT WILL Κ EXTENDED OVER LARGE AREA • ·.-· · ·''"·>··.; ·-' >_· ·'« ni F ci tea «ai Hood PNplHltl Τ ο Β· Oifw 0«ν To CONSTRUCTION BEGIN» EASILY IN NEXT YEAN RhUmiI*; Ιμϊμ· Aim to Pnfct H«ul rnjMt fiitiHt l>WM Ttr«u«k «ι brir Dm·. UunnS batiawa dtotrk» «ttt 1m materially aiknid «Ilk tSM aaaalaf 3f 1MI0 If pfciw new oadar η» Oration arc ctrtM «at. In «dditiee te tW ι ulalwBHna ef lb· nid Dévia» Hotal fteprntg, wMcb •ill iptxad te am HUtw Maak .< nth ward froi CwMtti |Ulll and our block VHtatri Ml M» now Suarr, the Haod mMtf ta I'rouih WUw>n Avanaa aad the Pat ion property ht North WUaaa A»iaa« be Milked far mmmhW ι u'.'iiinip·. ThU part of Um métmt i* pntt'eaHr aaturad. A uuOwr project Iwlriaa fwtta xter.iiona in Waat Broad «t FafatM ville Avijaf, wkare At vatdaaMU mr now actgfltd by ϋ. O. Mattes tj w make place far · brick atraetur* .It mr mr the Mattes let and the WB .-•ini kit adjataiag. Pudk Brae aad rtarrin Wade own thaaa two lata. Ji. N. Driver kas purckaaad the «w'Jra beiMing aad wfi a»T« It '.-varai bleckm north ea FayettevUe • vr>nii* DiTtUfaMt Cmmmimf Γ·ιι1ι«ι>· ΤΗ*· Dunn OivtmwM Cw|M> «ι ucKhaNd tha Hirward aroaarty vhich froai the —■» efWl on λτ«Μΐ ilraf 1<|1ι· HiiK u. (fa* alley. The (ob^u^ to plu· uing to mtcrr tlH hug* MMMt ·* ivyyiMr H u mm a· mmM·. Cm· nrMttoa of atorM wffl hagto, & to «id, Mitr to lfS·. ADDITIONAL WAMANTS ISSUED IN THEFT CASK Additional ·μι*Ι« «ara totι* thi* weak for acn tfcaaght ta ha va b< *a 1 weak, will ba bald madar bead lac r lirainary Ik «ring iefeae Jadfa Hubert L. Godwin, af the C^aa Jta . order'» Co art, at a tiaaa Mt yet de c;dod upon. Working with ChiaC of Paiie* »aga ■ ·» —a ». « » « vmihtd proportionJ Μ* ΜρκΜ at h· time of tlM fir*» dtecorery, are «·> «senti of the lutftwM it la·· ' cr. The* men arrived Mmfcr aad :arO b*. r. bard at aro I; hat· and in tbor iwttt of th* BUta «lie». According U tho pollea th· nMk operated o»*r « wMm M4 and ii*T»>tea of Uouaand* of lUllari worth t hi many Iowt. of Ti^ara 'arolina. Parh or .JW Bailed,Il fa TT Carolina. PaHwr, It la an «gat, la aot he only whnlaaalirr implicated, tho ' mMmi bar*. Wine made that )o>hm of tiirr town» aided hi ti tho Pay yoar parooaal tear* taxai a»» ad MMMnt After thta ή"1 » Ά pwe—d te tMn α orb unpaid taxes «r«ntdlaa te Wnr. A rip to City Hail My aai ■le. ankarriMMaat Aftd __ xpanM. U. a PAGE, tawa 1 M-toe—adv. Vr* B. E- Poll and Mi«a 'pcborch wero ihltMl te lOVEHNO* APPEALS TO THE VUKUMIA MW»>I Kg Stsae Gap. Ta., Nov. It C—I J >p«-raten hot· tonight Mmd thry 1 -o ivot expect any traahli at the otght r alne aitac* in «h· Bt. Char)·· ι '-«Mt. I It wa* stated liday about M _ 1 trlket· at tain·*· ι nd the «HoaUoa l ! orne to «Ή··· Κ I ir> te eon ont Governor Wi t Rt. Chart·· ! a appeal to the ■ I er. tad M la aot '('<*« hete that tho ; »er«a»»T te ;.·>* (»a>paa