-• • to * * . i EH3 THE DUNN DISPATCH ) V.t. 6 DUNN. N. a, JAN. *|. 1B20 * . .. — —— — , _-.. Mvmm 40 PRESIDENT NOV TC . CALL MEETING OF LEAGUE COUNCIL IJaiied States WiU Tc!u- N-. V »rt in Mecll.it; BtCt Of Treaty Statu j ASSEMBLY Wt'jTW' MEET IN KEMv T ^ Treaty i^npro^.:* Retchei Mori* r j;d'»I Sit.K? S«.*iaior M.N«*»y, LttJer nf V.i.lo RciorvstMQ Rc.olticani, In Ou f«r«.ic« With Sr • a lor laitcHft*"’’* \VM.-h;np^on, D**»*. til* —P«v»i|%*i.! Wilton has no# Ih n i«’* ItC«J to ( V iltp ft»-i ot tiu* r um* M of i • It iiru* nutionu i»f .-r rnlifh ution u. ih»- in aty of Vtrvn.lltr H»«* l»i.*r» pitted. Stall r»»-i)l\r:mvot *j«T*m nl-' oM| today. Th’r» wm *» *uy.f*-fin* ^.tn». ti,*.. j ayo that th<- invito* io*i to be er.tepd j td to h.m, l>dt th< queaiioii wap not! d* Icmvncd at that tim* Some ad M in utm t ini. i".l4ir* ■ f. I . K. li. 1 A k i i.'atl lt< I I ucquictec in the r< '|Ui tl from the it! In-d powers, but the United Strt»*\*iU have no part in the meeting of the tollin' il liy it-O'On of tin- fst I thst tlv treaty h.i-. not been r.stilted by .it* Senate . The treaty provide! thin the fbr*i meeting ot the n. setnbly of the l -vyn* hall bo railed by the President lull the assembly is not xpwctrd to meet ,n the Immcdint* future. The four, oil, however, must assemble wilnln .1 fortnight lifter rutili.-at'Oli is idmsii -l «-«l at Paris as the carrying out tit -omi- provieion of thi treaty av.' •->n truaUd to it. Peace treaty compromise tula reach* d a more furme.l stage today whin Senator McNary, of Oregon, t lender of the tmlrt reservation Repub licans, discussed vnriou* romF,',,,nir< ■ llggvetinns with S< natei HiUHsts's, of Psebraal.a, ihe acting Dcmo iut.i ieader. It was raid that although no agrer incnl come out of the confers n< (• the conversation took a hopeful .mu. Afterwa'd both Smator* iemu.1 c -n dent that a middle ground could be found that would insure tul ficat.01. early in the year. The reKvrvntion in thi majority pro 1.1am dealing with Section 10, Shant ung and voting power In the Iwpis of Nuliona, It wna mid,, wore dn rusped. saw a njmfii 1 of oih -r Si vuoi -. are. Scuaior bwaiison, of Yiigimu, a Dem ocrat of ih* Foreign Relation* com mittee war preaent during a‘port ol the talk with Senator McN’ary. La ter Mr. Me Nury co.nfi rreJ with sev eral on the Repulican side. BUILDING DURING YEAR SHOWS GAINS Nearly Billion In Euen of 1918 Total, Says New York Authority New York, N Y.. Dec. 2!) —In the colire country the 1 Oil* buitiing pro ject* will reach $2.600,00(1,000, saya a New York authority, baaed on K. W, Dodge Company report4. Thla included engineering opciation* and construction of all form*. It i* nearly a billion doilor* above 1018 total, which held ih liitrh reran). Current prejetT* are one-third rwidi-m'.ul. one third industrial, 15 per cent fur gen eral huaine*M and 10 per cent for public works and utilities. Builders in New York City diotric; nre rounding out a (55*1,1100,11110 yeat, more than ono-thirri of the building being residential. While Manhattan’* main activity Hoc hern ni business pro jects, Brooklyn and Qu**o:u arc hurt ling with home bu liling, and suburb no oih raiorf. have mil up mall ionise by the hundred* and vastly improved traiiKportalion facilities. v>ii pim iv iruiui’iin -.v* mo uv iwim available in the Central West, when.. operator* are running *'nr u.t,; nil previous volumes. Report? nm Illinois. fmlliioH. fov/a, W; ico.iirn. Michigan, Missouri and Ken .a.i ihotv outlays of y 3 JP.fi iJG.GUO for c’cvrii months of the ye*r. AU paits cf th. country score gomle gains over th< ir old high record*. New England. In its rush to git al»enst of the rtrirmnd for homes, has called for outluys of t£07,*88,00i> luring the year a-tj the Middle Eafitirn Kction hay a record of nearly double the best volunn, of a .v preceding yeor. IVjee In (lie N •’.» York Industrial ft-bl .» tentnlively nwured for lO'Jn by the agreement now ponding he twt-i r the Budding Traili* Eiauloy improbable during lViiO by thia i>rreem«pt ami a clauaa is provided for the coi tinnation of the plan into 10*1. The purpose of the m- nsttre I* "to •>b(«m continuity of employment and aiiiptorropU'd production" anil it jirovklcs for a permanent Bonrd of Arbitration. It would lifts to herald a new industrial day MERCHANT called from his STORE AND MURDERED. Asheville, Dec. MO.—News received here tonight from Etowah in Hender aon county It to the effect that Ahcr iff Case, with posses, » still nearching the mountains In an sffort to lueote the murderers of William Erwin, a prominent morehant of that piaee who wna called out from bis store end i i*ern t-'cople Do Th

ktv*!£ Proud ui Entertain ing Visiting Shrinert , c- jld? :or-.c WINS OVER R/.i.« alt StA'.v Capital in Spirited Conli’M for bprii-* tn ' i.M'^io*: PuU.'tlal* W. A. iVaeli /* J OtHc.4* Oter-» of Divau. Kc t1 i-u J ml B'jtincit W-w 3c t, Die. 1-At;< nd**d hy1 to e thk* B'**' viVMjh SSrin*r« and v.i nii'OfiT'-. 11 cm r. li t-Vi-r lit; artiun th - ■> -jtion o' Sudan ■•c.u U- it.r .A :icl*-■-1 Arabic Order •V ** <*r '.h-f Sly.tic Shrine, v'r' •’ • uuffl >uial held in - t a «•» .1 today is ntvloinu-d by curl) i ■ oro of the* visitor* av tilt in i.i. i-u-'oesaf1»1 I hry huve ev.-t par ticipated in Special trains from • • ..•:ish. Wilmington Hod Itoi-ky y.'ttiti* brought ShriitiT* and i-amii il*‘ r t.'-oil (li.-.i: <•'!.•«» while on cv •*■•>' o'b.-r train coming i:ltc the city .• day them acre mores of th* wcar h of the fee, and all during the day * hoy have b.,n jn evidence about the cily Two butin- as seas ions were held, ■hi fir,* convening at 1(1 o’clock. l'ulilvk.oi was ncti cted n* the place i* whit li ill-.- Spring t--r. aonlal *>-» lion is l«* be- hi Id. RiiL’igh Shrineti. p-if ui> n herd lioh( f«*i thin .-.■n.*;->n ami oil for the fact that lioMebaro •*•>(1 n '-p|n-il nnido on a previous ne <-;i in- s-i«| o'lowed Wilnon to enter tain the Sh iners It in believed that 'he Capital City would have l.-tndt-d tho foctm-oming gathering. The of fi- vrs. ijui had pci-oidcd during the final Kim were re-olvCtr-d an fol low i ; Y.TIliair. n. French, dlustriou* po tentate; A. W. William* Smith, chief vahhan; John A. Andcrao.i, assistant million; Raymond C. Dunn. high t'lb-ri ai d piophvt; Jake T. Lwssiter, oriental guide; Caleb [>. Bradham. in.-, surer; Joseph I-". Rhem. recorder. At the (-lore of the morning htu>i r. r see. -o-> the Shriners were ten a.'t.il a ft*h fry and bnibrcue tt a lucal .vBrehon**'. The members of the hirst< rn Star had charge- of this oifa:r end it wa* a Complete succeed ir. -very dotoil and the ladies were waimly praised for their hospitality, -’jt'-.-v in the afternoon and this even ing the Eastern Star nerved a Hutch -upper at the new home of Sudan on the river—front ■ and hundreds were unnamed there. '•kc second and lait buaiuese see ween *k*s ■**■"■■■ i. s — liflr. * by .i.n.ci" a id .nur tile Shrinrr?’ ball at u local wai.-ho.i*< . The- immense ball :o-»ni had brtn decorated for this oc ':-n, and when the dancing began th.r,* warn a larger number of cou ld-« participating than ever before at a dance h.-Jd in this city. The vir-iloi-s declared that they | * • v j-ntm-nrvly enjoyed their visit to NT--. ilt-M-.. tiv- hospitality of Iht ,-,opl. er.ii will curry uvvay with them the m.wt pli-icsunt rccolleclion:- of thi mid-winter ceremonial. 'the Raleigh del-gallon which wunt down folly determined to acriirr to. Spring emonir I for the Capdai pity stood aside in the interest of naimi.uy. as Goldsboro felt it was cnti.'ttii to it on in-count of having -toed ns p.i M-.d on February 7. »! •.•publican* of western count!*™ w,ll attend the Statu executive com m'Uec melting id Grr'.nifboi'o on January 8, and will leeil their sup port to Crtctieboco for till* State eon V, ^on, Ibcrv ia much talk of In* s.riutlng l.hi North Carolina delegate* tt> the national convention to voting for Judge J, C Prichard of Aahevill* for presidential nominee, •In H»c D mix'nit it- camp thing* are rather quiet, although some of the congressional aspirants are not idle. It ia gsncmlly understood that Zebu Ion Weaver will bo a candidate to succeed him jelf. J. Scroop Styles |ls busy building fences and only ro • cuntly vigorously denied a report that ; he had withdrawn, i The William McAdoo club, organis 1 »d here in December, I Sill, lo to be actively ruvivrd during the early part of January, record In*.* t< the an nornet-meat of J. G. Stikeleathcr, president of the organisation. * . THE MOVEMENT FOR MY WORLD Its Origin, History and Purpose Outlined: The Work at Home Soon after the armistice warn aigu il about twelve month* ago, when, v/ith many prohibitionists, it was a lourliMimi that national pro hibition would come, friends of temp i i.-uu-c hegsr in theoiixr about what Anti Saloon Loague would do ii' xt. Ur'nilc men on this aide were thrnilaiiig, cries were coming from other nations asking for help. Fol lo'.eing tlu-rc suggestions the Antl l.vugue culled a conference at Colum bus, Oho, which met Novrmber 21, iPih, the same day that the President * gnad the ‘'war-time1* prohibition measure. At this gathering were iwp iitK iiutivci of temperance* organisa tions from at least, thirty nations, and these didcgu;?*, with or.e accord, made the-ir appeals to ths Antl-Saioon league to "ceme over und help" them. Theac appeals were »o em phatic that every "doubting Thomas" wo* convinced snd the confarunce went. on record unanimously a* tavor ii.g the enlargement of the work of li.ij Anti-Saloon l-caguv for world pro hibition. In June, 1919. at the Anti-Saloon League convention in Washington there came together again delegate* many nation*. At least fifty *ii the.e addressed the convention, come, however, in broken English and , vm several joint session* these dele e.i.tvi* formulated the "World L*s j-,io Against Alcoholism." composed „l twelve nation*. Dolegates from the other nation* fully approved of this otemulation, but were not au thorized to commit the tempo ranee or ganisations of their nations. The wo.UI is looking to the Anti-Saloon League to leart in solving this world problem. Since last June the calls hove been many and urgent and the field* are while unto the harvest This ‘Macedonian Call" 1* s command from the Master to go. The other nation*, carved by rum, want to know America't. etoiy, bow the Anti-Saloon League .acceded in lining up the captains of industry and the mc-n of medien! . eicnee with the leaders of education and the Church of God for the ovoi throw of 1 the legalised liquor trallic They want the data, statistic* and information ,;f how prohibition has worked or the results of prohibit on, and it is the purpose of the An.i-Saloon Lea gue to answer these quextionn. Th« invitation I* urgent and pressing How ran they hear without a speak er. and how can be speak unless he f ,w • 1 Therefore, the need of laigr rontri btitiona and much fund* nt thi* tune. It is a fact that the church hue seen the vision and answered with the Cen tenary Drive, the Yfi Million Csm- ] paign, and other contributions. It Is nlan a fact that the liqeor traffic, driven out of America, ia now seek ing a location In other cation*. It ;* colonizing in Mexico. The German brewer* who formerl. curved our land with their brew.riiw arc now moving them to Japrn, China and. other land*. What will be tha effectj of thi* on the work of the missionary, tho mission school, sud tho mission horpilul? To protect these interests the Chnutisn Patriot in America it, aiding lho World Prohibition Move ment. Protection appeal* to every level-herded nuin. Already the Anti Saloon League has -i-von men working in other na tion*. among them Mexico, Japan, England, France and 8w»dcn, and these have proven this work will be a roarer Iona success. The purpose of the present -cam pnign is to raise fund* that literature v, ith statistics and information may bo printed in the various languages of those countries and others, that (he people may read the fact* in their mother tongue. Money is needed In order that witnesses may be sent over to tell the story of the marvelous rc Miltr «f prohibition here and refute the falsehoods that th* liquor advo cates are sure to carry. Money is needed to five assistance to tom per sud- organisations in these land*. Since the recent war. the American flag float* above all others. Tho eye* cf the world arc tumod to America; th’.i enra of the world are open to re ruiva her advice and God U preparing the way for America to lead the world to a higher and better civilisation. Along with thi* responsibility God has given to America the ability to m, e( it. No other nation i**ao wealthy. Tkc a'seu of America are three time* thos'., of England today. In fact. iuwtt* co-jiu miy e.nginna, w ranee, Italy, Spain—and Germany, too. If rbc would havo it, Twenty-five mil lion* for world prohibition from thl« unt'on, 9700,000 of thin from North Carolina. How small it eeema when wo consider that thie State recently received more than 9900,000 Inherit itncc tax from the citato of one eWI x«u, (hat the State rercntly sold one farm for nearly thi* much money, and that ciuny oilmen* In the State are v*'o? th three o' four time* this • mount. Surely evary man and woman who love* the cause of righteousness and want* to help carry the biasings of prohibition to the end* of the 'arth will b< delighted to da his pvt to make up thi* fund. 1 have not mentioned law.enforce ment. but for twenty-seven year* it ha* been a cardinal doctrine of the Anti-Saloon League, from Ita very Inception it ha* contended that temp rrance reform nuit bo brought about by agitation, legislation and law en focuincnL The reballiou* nature of tV liquor traffic *u proyen several year*, ago aa the Anti-Saloon League bdd It up fur violation of the ro rtrlctive law*, 8unday mica, tale* to minor*, etc., and with added emphasis today the organisation stands .olldly for the law enforcement code and for executive officer* doing their sworn duty. Half of all funds contributed in this campaign win b* used for law enforcement and the other half win be used to carry the gospel of prolb-1 bit ion to the other nation* now call ing for It Win you da your part SCORES REPORTED DEAD BECAUSE OF DRINKING ALCOHOL Death Liat ia Massachusetts and Connecticut Orar 70— Mark Eafty ]■ Night DOZEN OR MORE BARRELS OF STUFF DISTRIBUTED New York Deteetfvee Seeking To Lo cal* Makar af *Wk«W' Manu factured ft*o Waod Aleak at and Prediet Anaa| Will ka Mada Soon; Four Dio la I (Wage New York, .Oae. 27.—Seventy ilght person* have died during the ie»t forty-eight hour* and accrue of •the;-* are suffering from paralyais and bl'ndncse, doe to drinking wood alcohol "whlekey," according to r» ports received /oaJjrht from seven •astern cities and Chk»Ko the toll of putaanou* liquor is the bfghml in Ncw.Baglaod. where sixty deaths and six reported in Nnw York Chicopee. Falk,' ’Meat., and ona at 9pringfletd, Maas., are incladed in this list. In connection qgtfc the New England Iraths and ilva reported in New York City, police, laftaffaal ravanue officers ar.d spent* of U|f Department of Jus lice, arc surklughAdoiph Paranrii, im porter and r« vion merchant w* this city, who, >y assort, sold 12 barrels of | liquor. Th« oolice charge “whiskey'' wai concocted in ill** store in Hlercker (treat' In Chicopee, ,, thirty-four men and two worn la Springfield three men and woman; llolyoke ix men and in eafield. Mass, one man. In Hartfj Conn., IS persons diet ef the pa! Chicago r* four death* from Ihe drinking i beverages, jnd Pittsburg Two deaths announced at Neerark, N lice. Three d eland. Oh o thi* week hi total there lc 14 for thg Anybody. Ad] .. Solicitor Foils lo Cot Logo) Assistance. By IRVING CHEEK. News and Observer. Looiaburg, Dec. 3n.—Invading lhi domain of Franklin county territory For the second time in nn effort to learn the Identify of the men who lynched Powell Green, slayer of R H Brown, at Pranklinton last Satur day night. Solicitor Herbert K. Nor ris today secured the Aral real clrc with which he expects to implicate member* of the tnob that figured lr the crime. As a result of the resumption of lh< coroner’s inquest yesterday It devel oped that William Haynsworth, a New Yorker, who had been linger ing in Franklinton several day* la now wanted by the officials. A search for the stranger eras Immediately ordered by Rolicitor Norris for his appearance before the eoroner’s jury. Thn! Haynsworth was active in securing Ibo rope used by the mob after U* negro's dead body was cut from the Irre and, it is believed can give won Information ea what took place or the road to Raleigh than has yet beer divulged was brought to light In the •semination of witnesses Haynsworth Nos Located. Besides being Identified ms the man who seised the hope and placed it In his autesnobllu, Haymworth was con net led with Green's garage in Frank Union, located near the mayor's of fice where Chief Winston and his de ratios made the start to Raleigh. vidence alto dInclosed that the lynch ing rope was a tow line used general ly br garage* In pulling disabled au tos fnto the shap for repairs. Inves tigation by SoKeitor Norris rsvsalsd a new tow line In Qrven's garage. ’ Haynsworth was not to be found today, although Solicitor Norris mads an evert to get In touch with the New Yorker. Information was to the ef fert that the man had not beau seer since Sunday Re has an automobili now parked In Green’s garage. When the Sequent was resumed thii morning Rolicitor Norris did net havi me Help promised by Governor Blc Wett. Messrs. Malone and Yarbor ®*gh, wbas the Governor requested tc assist la the Investigation, ware una We to take part la the proceeding* After accepting the appointment Mr Malone declined to serve as asHstan' boeauae af illnoaa In kla family. H< w«» released from hie prtrvicvu* agree went Mr. Yarboreogh wo* unabli to attond the hearing bocauao of bu flneia In Raleigh, bat Solicitor Nor Hi announced at the end of the heaHw future Investigation would be con ducted by Mr Yarbo rush The Louis bniw attorney la to rail the Jury to fMher again f*r the sext hearing af ter he has had time to gather add! tie sal evidence. . Only shout onq person In ten *nv<, according to mvfaga banka report. GODLEY ADJUDGED SANE BY DOCTORS Com Through Test Until Wife Is Mentioned Then He Breaks Down end Weepa Kaleigh, Dec. 81.—Churchill L. Godley, whose electrocution is act tor January IA pending thorough ti-siiru. of hie sanity, will not be able to cacapc the chair on that account. He made a good score under the exhau* tive examination of Dr. Louis B. Dae., of Asheville. Godley appears almost as willing to bo executed as to be called insane, albeit, his letters to the governor arc Lite best evidence that anytsody has been able t<> produce in hia behalf. Testimony from Dr. Ira M. Hardy, flrat superintendent of the school for the feeble-minded, made Godley o low-grado of moron, moral pervert added to child-mind. Dr. Bisch has been down to teal him and Godley stood up in the ex amination. One of the»o features In the stop-watch trial as many laymen call it, in which the alienist names war object and the patient tts.-to date* instantly with it some idea. When Dr. Bisch would say "bird," Godley would immediately think of a tree. Dr. Biach would say “flower1 and Godloy, "pretty;" the alienist would eail rapidly and Godley was ready. It is one of the objects of these exparimi-nlnl ions to connect the crime and the criminal, the layman would gucm; but when Dr. Bisch sought to suggest the plight of the prisoner by bringing him to contem plation of crime or penalty. Coilley did not catch it. The alienist said "chair” and Godley replied "man.” In another sentence “electricity” and to Godley it suggested "a menus for making light.” The doctor called out lb 11 f if utvi-IIiwJ h a Miinrasirf inn I a. Godlcy of his wrong against th< 9 >• car-old ciuld, and Godlcy a.tswcrnl “boy." Anti when the order was re varsed Gediey thought of “girl.” The fellow showed no more *mo ;*•*•*•»'* •* P»g until tha alianist said wife. ’ The prisoner waa allant. Agaiu the trial and again the failure. When prcried for an answer he aaid: '1 can't." He broke down and wept as a child himself. Tha defense which did not repre nant the ji. Loner on the trial will pres.* what it regards strong evidence of innocence i> to the capital char acter of the crime. The prisoner is not making a good moron, even. His Worthless record fa aaaluat him. There are charges that he had at tempted the same crime agaiust other children. • _ *ho happen to have been the most important have joined in the request • or coi.iruatution. Judge John H Hetr who tried the case urges it; cv w*y juror joins in and writes his own reasons. And Governor Btekett is having about as disagreeable duty to perform as any executive ever ha. had. The foaling in Johnston is Highly anti-Godley. Which prubablv Account, for the delay in the request of judge and jury fur clemency. ■Made down Uier«r it mitfit rioi havo bellied Uie situation. FIRST OF CUBAN SUGAR WILL BRING 20 CENTS A«*rUc« ShipanamU Sur* To Be That High But Main Crop May Sell For Lass New York, Dec. 29.—The public probably will have to pay 20 cents a pound for the advance crop of 9,000, •)00 pounds of Cuban sugar now bu. mg delivered and ditribulrd here, according to a statement today by Hood Administrator William, “This is due to the fact that dealer* here siro repaired to pay a higher price to the Caban producer* for the crop whiich is in advance of the re gular output,” said Mr. tVjlliam*. “We cannot control the prices charg ed by CubanR." After one ether shipment next month it is rxpectcd that tun regular 1920 crop of Cuban augur will com mence coming into tha United 8tale«, and with the delivery of the regular crop, Mr. Williams said, he and hi* aides would try to keep the price flown to 14 nr 1 *i amnia a n/vai.iiom,r brut*.. The Atmrn-jiu t«t lon Arrociatiou, a* an all Souther.! organization, in about a year old. 1 n. Nona Carolina Association hi m , olitl a: a oaic of the nut onai organ-1 ixallwu sincr Utx-c.iiht. It. >• heu tho State curiw.it»or. lv'ia.u tile permanent org.iiiizn.ion. bir.ee the work of nrgu u)..n,; tbe Slate war xuirti d litM moilUiit ago it large number of tbe cotton cuui. ti.ia linvi bear i-aavaesco and county u* »cll us iovirtzhlp oiv-ruizatiolii* **• cawr.iincii. ■ ne iiuin.'ii-uiv \,u,a v, the pvrm* vest l>vy..i;iaiUiir i, •jn/cr] :lw kuieesh,}) cl i're*iilent L. &.' iivinilnkn of IVtjtvti, v.\*l| !»'r vo mut< ill ml/ enli-enclt took- o.-£*ntiJu'i-,v. iu iho.-e ilUiicti where the nuileUi hu* been fomnd, and t*» it up nrpir.lu iionk and kecjre noembe,* in thv fits cotton manlier a-liii'li **r. not .i wrhiil in Lh. p.*Luilitgj> tr -lj|>* £1) Duriiu' the campaign it n cumstat! Ihai 30.OOU people w.-vo cab',aevtl. end a largo ir.« m ji-nti-ii »•« ujiuioii All county uiganucctjoin. reprc*.vl.'d at the Stave tni-t-iing p'vadid /or ni-.tv time in which to work, aiwoitmg tliiw it was imiMiokiblfi to ri i the poupk in the rural diatrieta during the tit.> v month* Un~ campaign wo* on. Will C*U Moctiog. Eaily in the new yeat Pruridvat Tumlinoon will coli a meeting oi in. executive committee of the uacucui tian for ih<- parpen- of working out the plane for Lite rtuning year, tbit committee is charged wvtn tin- Cl tion of a roerotaiy trooktiri i, who will bo tlu.- executive ulii-u of Utv organisation. The committal wili oLo name the delegate* to the n* tic.nol cuuvcp.uon in wiiiib North dltlon lirid Bictii.r uf thi- coranrttee will In ull probability make pinks far *• gveieivvly' pushing the campaign ti: the cotton counties until the mem hi ruhip more nearly approach** Uw •I not* *et for North Carolina. WHITE WOMAN AND SOMMER KILLED IN A RACE KtJCUS IwiUstvilH-, kj-., Dec. 10.—A -white .roman *p .hot Oi.d kill d anil a wliilu soldier * or probably fatally wounded In a fight b.'tween negro** and soldiers on a street car near Camp Zachary laylor tonight. COAL OPERATORS WILL NOT ASSUME OVER 14 Ye.R CENT. Chicago. Doc. 30.—Coal operator* from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and west* o*ii P'-inneylv:,nin. at a conference to day, declared that they vreulu snmmu no Increase in miner*' wage* above the 14 per cent granted in the strike set tlement. i __ I vu a mm n n i ir/i ir i vaiuelj jftio nt IS NOT CANDIDATE Secretary of Navy Authcvi.et UcnUI That lit It Running For Presidency tSy It. E. low.-H, ir. X< v. tni Obaewer.j \V#,hiiiyu>n, Dec. 31—Secretary of the Navy Joaephuv Danin* i. not ami will not be a candiJutc for the Dem ocratic nomination for the l i». it.-n cy of the United Staio. to be made l>y the Drrr.oerat* when they hold their convention next Jane. Mr. Dai.ii N authorized Lhb zn-.tr me-nt today when Inform*:1. that i*»o lice F. Lyoi.-t. cotn,mun. mancpi-i of ‘‘omerene for Proziilent noixiiito. hail izaued u statement teiying that Senator Feme rent- vudd uj.iiic hu cooled, fo.* in/tructi <1 il.'.p.ilc in those SLite* in vhich "i'ih or.’.c huh*' ara Ayrcti d to t> ■ in tiie l unmr.z. North Ciifoiiim i» in lha i>*t «if ciirht and lha I’omvrem conraritlec my/ “word hu4 been received” that Sac retnry Daniel:; would be the Tar Heel choice. The Lynn* *tjtcm«nt, «vr.l to ',r.-uhi'u.on coir .-pondenU from < ovuc-tun, If)., .»./>• • 1 "infuanlioii war given out today ! t>y Unurlc. i.-on*. national r.m t)a'Vn m*r.i.io-: of I he i’ann r»n, /ui llt'ldi nt cun »it tit, rhnt eiioah! Sen ut .r Potavieoc ani.iHS.ive in ; r» oil duty th *ri woalil be no routed ir I • ho State* of Or. iron, t.ilclahotmi, Kv ludm. Alabrnt.i. West Virxioi.i Fcanrylvanla. .4 i/ecurl und Norik Carolina, fn m which wori’ *to.- k-.-jr vi.-.-iveil !h.-it Svnaiom Chuaiberln n Ov/cn. Itit'.heoeW, ITnil/rwoed, Am bja«od. r Duvi-, Attorney Gi-iii.J Fa'nu i . Speaker Clark und 8 .*eaotuc;i Of the Kucy Daniel/ would be ”iV vori'.c son.*. “'lac ytnid rote/ of laclnu vrouli 1 be iis..il by thi* committee and tin courier,- duo three potential eandi date/ would be extended." In pur.-iair, V». Lyon* predicta t).» ! lif Senator iSm.-fi-Ri ’a intro uo*« be ■ for# the convention hi will have hi • voti-e on the rtr- to tenth ballot a I .1 - | Smith-—“I av atocka t/iok a drop. Joan*—"Took n drop? I rhaut •my th«y took the whole bottle."— New Yoi k Odd Lot Review. COAL COMMISSION ; BEGINS US WORK , US-INVESTIGATION __ ■ I Jailiil MmIioi of Pruidowt V/iito i’* Cununiuion To Solti. Strike r* LADQUaRTERS IN CZt AJiTMENT OF LABOR ' ■"C-T Strike Su'tl.-munt Plea Agreed To By Idiasr# Body Has Power Te *:,a V’agvi end Workiei Conditiens Pire.or Cc c.rtl Hiaee Reaetu tact of Restriction*. '..'r.ur. iftfion. Pee. 2a.—Prtliia'aary •s'..a' iftm. it.- fv: the i.iv.ttiyation of • -Re aun urU-i .t fn ibe bituminous • -ui *n«.iry, k. picvidvd in the coal ‘ - .tiiMuist. w. *« made at ih» in.iu.i mvsting tolar of the commie* •ou «.t' latvt- appointed by Provident lrl?*on. TIk number, of the rommieeion— Henry Id. Robinson, of Pasadena, C-d', nwsijf tfit public Rembrandt . f»,y the ofn rr.tora, and John P. * . M/t * f»« lltl*' or.—established ra.-j.iv.r.a.-. 1 • h-kt-iuartar* in the !».’-ittmi-r.t Labor building and ■ u ui'.d.tTio-jd te hevc discus tod • »i.U»r of oryaainUioit. F. nwti Last RnfriclieM. tV leal.- ui«,nwliio wsr preparing to '•.i* . up tbr i|ic -lions o i the strike, t'ii. toi C-r-rttl »i Railroad Hines, .• ho i:o. I:«T. chary-' of coal ration iif Rt. «i ;t< a. i uf rtu- metric iV pul hv*> v!f«cl daring the strike - — ;/I V I'.MUUg %A|iVtMUWU «« MV uminottf cop’ % .«■ Ii'.rector Cuncral ut-t'd cii o.-dcr ui.der which the over lO-ar movement* of coal up to an a il lyrit c.iKtl to fifty par cent of the ,:inntHy exposed in October may be ..input! f "'.nt the ports in Baltimore stiu Newport Sews. SimiW arrange iat-»»lr r.ri1 to bo placed In affect at •Yt yosts o. mm.ii gf the necessary ufcrl. ten be werkvd put. Dumping -t coal at ports will be regulated, fctwevt'f, lhit.uj.-h railroad embargoes it. tide-water concignud coal. The relaxation of restriction* .igainst exportation eras possible, llr. I lines rod. tbtJuh steadily inerae* ■ I prcductior. u-kullinr from tba re turn ot thv miners to tbeir jobs. The .ituasion in the Eastern fields was HercribrJ as especially good. ('ewer* of Ce-.imi»»ioa. Under the strike « Ulcnx-at plan agreed to by the miner* and In whleh it is »«pi«-tc*l llul the operators sefll luu-uciiitUe in *,>'.tc of objection* iiniule to it by the operators' asaocia ha«powrrTolllRM9nHHHMHBMMMPf' co.'itlit'-onc tn the mine* and prices of ~ ' rcr.l to the public, if its decision is ••■•-onimauc. The return of the miners .0 work ha - been with tb«’ understand i.iif the comraiivklon is to have fail [HWd; to adjuri scale* further, if it rind? further incetase justified. S0II3SINOTEEN ENJOY CHRISTMAS Mrt. Buclrner Thanks People of Dunn for Gifts Sent to Mon VliiuiKt to the people of Dunu vrtio aided i.i financing the project to Car ry a bn of Chrirtmas cheer to the roidii rs quartered in the Otccn Has pits.* xl Asheville j.« expressed in the in)(ii..*ifi|r letter addressed to The Dis ..r.t.b iiy Mr... X. n-.’pkr.cT. general I m . *• '.•! v • liv Bu recn-Philathea | V lli.' ’h ''"hen agency the pi'-, cut v. e lisltnbuted to the 'll '.I: 1... nek oidien at the greet U. • .’>-!• u;y llo-.y.iu: at Ot.en. six miles • • if A-shi-v :H. were given a woii .itytkl Cbriilma.' through the gmer ' **• X •>! "Il - people of North Caro ' ni>. iiii liic tv '-be vt ncuw church**, 1X*0 Ciw ehuptcrj, Canteen workers ' •;* IVup’.tV yetfetle*. women’s elvVr. Jin.uca-Fhilathvn Sunday ?• it cl.w»£, and ether org»nix*d rlc i •> and -.dividual*. “*<•' «r jjicii truck loads of gifts r.-qiwit i >•«■»? luncvivabk nature, . .nc'vu ni' nut', .ond'-t *. fruits, toy*, ! :>< -iU;;' rc&ors, and other i*JV."j* r rj. -'ii- 'Hn' <>ch North Car* |ski:st t’Otr.ci'Jliiiiliwj 1 nadquartar* I'. A >.ci.!l am: Hetrlbjtrd by Uia ; »f.r.c,-al Otccn Fyd Cr.v- Committee. |.. ' l.v Si automobile loads of • V • V-* Kit lati' * at»«s rnsrby place*. ‘•he good people of Our.n hsv* ih- «4:.»’nt* of lit* boy* at Orrcir, ;h<- <"tk n*r**.<, and every of* ‘ fir: r lot tin dt-nationr st-m from limit! wit it h went ro mnke up a very nappy Orktmor for all at Otosn. *'lf lh' people of bunt) multi reek >*j tl-? Jay. cbc-iT. c!,.l inversion v h'sb girit of ih> kttwl bring Into il>- ward* whirv thiy rpti.A long day* lith' hour- ard often l .me* dee pi tea Otki, lit y would ftrl wt II repaid the >1.1'.sti.vti t r.-rt »Oil enntmaa to Pend vnnour r.mt-mbram.-ra for ■ mui d -;r b ji oi, to the boya who 1 > itn.";»! fo-i.-vtary of the ' Vr.-th Carolina o-Phllathaa Union I W'th to express my ti»«|if tr.d «!••«* tpp: nation for the flat - •■-Jfnrat.t. which has anada this • Oltelms* for the boys peart Tit #* AS usual - rid ufm 'lie dUfcrmeas betsroen mint rt snd operators are tetttad It I will all seem no trftnpi* that ao one ! will b< abk to avdr r*t»nd why tt M I qulr rl so much timo.—WertMftM Kvenlng Sun 1 | f w ■■ —s—we—aaw— > la the dag. I ] » Four gills on* pint; two plata ana 1 quart; four quarts on# gnlioa; oao ’• ^ quafrel; one quarrai two I fttfhte four p^HrrjnMl; four policMint iT«»a*>l<>tlt oaf> month.—Law daw TO4ML