ANNUAL STATEMENT AMD REPORT OP RECEIPT! AND EXPENDITURES 1 OP COUNTY, JURY AND SCHOOL AS ITEMIZED IN STATEMENT BELOW; H- **■» CeustT Auditor fur tbe ounty of Harnett. do hereby certify that Mt—out Weia um li t tmo mad accurate statetatot of the receipts and ex l' penditure* of School. Jury tad county for the year ending November *0. 1919. ,, . ,A.friSh'l»»“* i u SHAW - ■ 1.- CouMy Auditar fie Hai- ett. 11 * Sworn to aed subscribed to before at* this m December 11, 1919. .- ~ t L It. CHAFFIN. 1 Deputy rlatk of Court for Harnst County. } ! Mb Ho, Value Total l EiS.-. -.1 gg« property A _ IR.HiW 1 TlMlf w * *0.160 I Town lea INI 1.140.537 i Teal value of real emate 4.913,004 t Horses 121* S 131,0*4 1 Sll 4*01 <56,147 Jacks 4 191 Cattle 4910 191.177 1 ilu*. 20700 177,41* ■b»«P INI Ml 1 uoavs It! lit t Do«s 11M IJI4 I Kenning Utensils 144,SS4 ' ’.My* ca and other vehicle* 140,49* 1 DBm furniture S7.S97 l Viral* of iMbN 11,4It 1 :iou-ehold furniture 700.236 l.lbrarla* 7,900 1 Money an baud *5,4*5 Solvent credits 972,499 ] Automobiles 1*3,547 ] AM not enumerated 1.944,115 i Total personal property *5.439.401'. , — r y- • . _ Total real and personal property *10,154.411 Bank stack *4,519 Bgrens 28,12* Corporations Public Service 1.424.319 Grand total taxable properly for 1*19 tll.982.73u Number of taxable potto 40*4 T*» rate ter county ' ' — —’ 2T. T TT3 State wish School tax 47 2-* - CeoaVy feboal tax 40 C«uaty General 19 * ",7r f County Kosd 4 • * • jT~* * *C\* . £ " Total county U< rale It* 2-3 Poll tax 1.00 lo addition to tbit wo law a Bar- . iy» nett County SI tpeciai school districts with various rat* of taxation and cloven Road district* with various if -JBT ratea ail of the inerea** in hi rata > jv yr over 191* from If (4 t« 111 14 goe* In tb* school tax also the dog tax goea to rant*. AprjximaUty increase of * l .500.000 in res! and personal property oe«r IBIS. r «3T -<f i V ^22? **T • Summary of General Cfcasaty Expert dtt am at itemited below: Farm Demonstration S *0100 Health mark ijmo General Bridge repaid 3.499.1H Court expense 2.033.5'J General iihm« 4.799.02 Cmmg JaTl iHiiMe poor SJSO.mi Light and fuel 6*8.04 Election expease 383.75 Coroner* Inquest 188.00 Uat taker* 1.276.90 Commissioner* expense 948.86 « ■ Total 890,823.21 Sew concrete bridge* 110.0*5.88 Nmr vault fixture* 484.10 Improvements Couaty bMqjL^ _ • 12.S99.0t ToUl wwaol> Grand total *58.188.30 Jory expense 1.083.65 Saboel taseadlarM. Officer* salaries and expense $ 3,778.71 Teacher, latariee *8,813.84 Current expenae 2^951 04 Improvements 14.700.18 B*?«lr* 318.11 Office expenae 1.087.1% ToU1 *81,736.86 Grand Total 8139.906 81 Fuads f(i* Ip far pea*. tfeboul funds 868.418.85 County 47493.88 Bond* 6,040.00 Snlnnr 9,000.00 Paed la from county hum* 9.138.88 BaUnee on band Dee. I. 191% 11,771.86 _ T°**! r, „ 0140.794.S1 8138,906.31 On hand Pee. 1. 1919. 847.56 ! 8140.754.37 |H04»Ts7 AVAILABLE FUNDS FOB 1910*0 Eipm. School tax general 167.240.20 Ertiiaatr to receive from Stale 36 000 00 CoWJty 24,877*44 Bead tax 7,129.64 Commission. and fees salary 16,271.84 This does sot Include rand tax or la- /’ ;.y corporated school districts paid by their o*n treasurers! 9 02 Do* tax for schools 2,479.00 Total available funds far 1918-20 $161,998.02 Vjrt account for 1919, commiosisn on sheriff far taxes $6,271.84 Other fen 104.82 Salary, stamp* _ 4 -24,639.94 Total $6,376.76 $ C. 8. C. OBm Ftea • nmmietioa* paid $2,086.94 SalarW*. stamp* 23,309 09 BspisSav of D*«ds. “TSsei. F«e*. commission* 12.628.10 / Salaries and stamp* |3,2t«8l Auditor's salary and bond 1.226.08 rice order salary 304.00 in addition ta the above tbs Begister of deeds paid la for sal* of Idairiag* Li re- .r 633d 08, that was Stele and Ceisoty Schedule B tax and not credited to sal ary fends. PiiiiAw l*i» l tH>—L O Amtld, tmnym**-. % HM 1**1—o. rn«»,m r*r a**»- ^^ 1IM—J. H. N**< Hi I*Uh- « °® 1**1- K O Priwrw*. p*H WAi • •• IM4—H. A IWowij, l*f ft* M. CnA -Lu»< 1W» sasritf. .««. am \m*m It IW /, ftjCni, iwiiir ciik.'. !MI 11H turn Brri, jUliiltir ... AM ito#—J. A. nmrt, No*. Own tt.ft 1101 —J. W. Brr4, hI Mia... I N j»o»—W^H **M* •nr .. TI M I AM—D. P. *«jr. Com. . SJO ! >■ Com. 12 00 i V**** eta*, com... 78.001 • *•*—H, tl hp#liw for j -£77. McArtoo, Copt «in loo* 1SU—CW torn, Co. Attjr. • !2!?—-mi,i ‘lo;S# io!J~2^!*2>4T’ * ^ - 4«M I Sifcfl'ESfe'Xi. ci m»-ir. f*,MJ*1 oJ2—7’ 7* 2^***£“’ ••‘■'t- . *t<‘ n Ef—A- *• m<Dom(1 mini... *6HJ «• Cm. MUry.. K-.3A isfa^fKSaggo ss; ZZSZesr^-w: *•*' for Ibmo. - tIH |, '31—J. 1. Thnmp-on, cloth* >, I for luna.U ..._ .. J.U; US—S. A. Unirr, Cic.L Adi.. Sl>.w \ 120—Chandler Lem. Co., IumL:i for body . ....... 47.07 12:-R F. Jernlynn. .am. tie to i.yium . . _.. 21.CO lid-—D. fiiutor It as. Cum Co. Bund Int. ... 93.34 lift -L. H. Co*, poll holder_ 2.0t 130— I. A. William-, pel* Koblot. i.OC 131— J W. Heelerdn>, Rty. B. River...... 15.20 162—N. 8. Atkin*.k< p. Lillinirtyii 16.54 133 J. R Youna:, poll holder.. 2.00 i 114 A K. Fowler, Rc;r, Duke._ 14.75 i 130— 4. \V. Lokitmtr, poll holder i.00 136— L. E Stnncil. poll holder.. 2.00 i 137— C. W. VnttVw*. pull bolder 2.00 438—W L Hunter, poll holder . 2.00 i 139- f. H. Taylor. Rey. N. CreVx -. . 13 11 140 IV H. Nucdo;j, poll holder 2.00 341— B. B. Holder, Rey 4,'. L. Rive* . _...___ I4.9t 342— H. A Morrirvu. poll holder 2. JO 343— J. A. Spivey, Reg. Jnhn ronville .... _ 12.20 314- Niven Ray, poll holder .. 200 345 — L. C. 8> well, poll holder.. 2.00 340—H. D. McDonald. Reg. And Creek . - 12.30 347— -J. R. I’itti rion, poll hoide<- 2.00 348- O. T. Cox. poU holder_ 2.00 31ft — W. L M Hnrrington, Rec for V. L. R. No. t. 14.27 350— H. O. Camereti, Reg. Brrbctar ...._ 12.69 351— .11. r. Inyvatu, >>otl holder 2.00 352— A. U Adam*, poll holder. . 4.00 357—II. A. Barker, Hog. Avertv boro ......... _ 18.01 351 -M. A. Elmore. poU Helde* 2 00 365—Scon Muon.'V, pauper__ 6.00 35i'—J. J. Slarllnp, pnuper_ 3.00 357--l‘oyjy MrL*ort. iwupet.... 3 00 188—Martha Kni*rht and aulur.. 6.00 359—Rytha Waddell . 12.00 .160—Carrie MotcUon ........ 3.00 361 --Robt. Mnyno.* . ......... 3.00 ««•> nr U ll.ea f raWAtlw \ Ml iSf.S—Mrs. Dan. Lotos. 4 00 1361—Holt William* . 2.00 1365—John GrilKn . 2.00 Total . 12454.94 January 16I6 1306— M. A. U-t, poll holiW- 4.00 1367—J. W. Halford, health_ IfpOO I3fl8—J R. Mitchell, poll holder 2.00 1369— Bank of LUlinKton, Bond coupon* _____ 1704.UO 1370- -L. 1>. Arnold, ferryman_ 26.00 1371— -Boh Cox, wood __... 5.06 1372- - Dunn Hoad District, hr id* os in A verasboro _. 717-77 137:1 — Pv|m Frmlintc Co; printing matter for S. _ 14.60 1374- -J. W. Halford, health .. 50.00 1375- -Mnrvin Wade, lumber for bridtp** Avcraxfaoro. ... 60.09 1370 —H. F. Smith, work on Jail 3.00 1.177 —Darker Bro*.. burial of Mr*. McDonald ... 20.00 1378— J. H. I’enny. poll holder.. 2.00 1379— H. F. l*opc. lumber for htitles- i.-.t Averacborn. . 25.00 tS8o—Atkins 7»ro'-, clothing Co. Hetnc . .. 17 50 1381—J. D. Imnicr, Supt. Home.. 118.31 1.182 -J. N. Stephens, poll holder 4.00 13A3—J. tl. Thomson. Agt. for oBierrs .............. 11384—C. T. McCU-mptu, bond for rberiff and Keg...... 1383—A. S Johnson, poll hokW 1386— I. s. Mann, poll holder. 1387— R. M. Blanchard. Reg. .. 1388— -A. M. Shaw, P. A. Co. Ilnmt- r tutor picking. 1390- A. B. Shaw, auditor, salar 1391— F. J. C--T. jailor, aalary__ !8*2 -I*. H. McLean. Recorder, salary __...... 1393—W. H. f-uucitt B. ef D., salary ami fsiup*_ 1394 -A. A. Mcf>c.ii«lvi, C. S. C.. salnrj and stump* .... 1395— W It. furtinipon. vhcrig.. 1396— A B. Currin. bridge in Grove-...1.. Mg.23 1307 —T. V. Stewart, bridge in Grove ... 198.05 J39K——J. >8, hlcArtan, rapturing still ....- 40.00 1899 W. H. Turhnirtnn, bill ... 28.25 1400— W. p'. llockA'by. rapturing •fill... . 40,00 1401— Stott Mooney, pauper_ 6.00 1402 - J. J. Sterling, pauper_ 3.00 1403— Peggy McLesn. pauper_ 3.00 1404— Martha Knipl.l and sister . 6.00 1408— Hythc Waddell, pauper_ 12.Ou 1406— Cattle Morriron, pauper... 3.00 1407— Ralph Manor, pauper_ 3.00 1408— W. B. Ilare anil family, pauper ......_ 6.00 1409— Mr*. Dan Lucas, pauper... 4.00 14(0—KobL William.;, pttuper_ 2.00 141 > — Patsy Bryant, pauper .... 8.00 1412— Jack Untie; la a, pauper_ 17.00 1413— - W. II. Holmon, jumper . . 8.00 1414— -Honry Overby, paupor ... 8 00 1415— Fenny Black_........ 10.00 *416—Duncan Black, pauper.... 10.00 1417 —Muy Wicker, pauper __ 16.00 1418— Stephen Arnold, pauper.. 4.00 1419— Jessie Williamaon. pauper 4.t*0 1420— Goo. Hargrove, pauper.... I2.u0 • 421 Annie Morrison, pauper .. 4 00 *422—Mrc O. M. Jackson, pauper 12.00 1423—Archie Hitlhcn sniner 19 nn 14*4—Martha Johnaan. pauper . 8.00 1425 -Eddie Baker, pauper .... g.00 1428—Sucan Raker, paupet_ 8.00 1427— Lurenia linker, pauper ... 15.00 1428— Rachel McLean, pauper .... 4.00 1429— Rachel McLean, pauper... 8.00 14J®—Harry Campbell, pauprr... 8.00 1431 .Martha Parker, pauper .. 4.00 1432— Cameron, pauper. . 8.00 1433— Mary Harrington, pauper. . 8.00 1484—Sallie McNeill, pauper .... 8.00 1425—Carolina Cox, pauper_ 4.o0 1438—-Cinda McLeod, pauper .... 8.00 |p,B!*r. 4 00 1438—Owen Willm*a«, pauper... 8.00 1480—I. M. Davia. pauper.... .. 4.00 1440— Me Covington, pauper.... 10.00 1441— David McNeill, pauper_ 8.00 Gi,Jort- l*«P»r- 8.00 14 48— Mailed Ammon*, pauper 8.00 1444—Alex Pegram, pauper_ 8.00 14 4fi—Kaxbwrt Kj-cn. pauper. 8 00 446— 1-mac McKay, pauper_ MOO 447— Mnllle wood, pauper- 8 00 448 -Win. Stanly, pauper- 8.00 44®—T. B. Buchanan, pauper_ 8.00 TnB’«h*«f4- Proper. . 18 00 441—McCormick, pauper... 5.00 4*2 Mary Ollea, pauper ..... 4 00 4“*—Amanda Mill*, pauper.... *00 Klin BbKpt. paiMr . ft.00 408 ..Harry McNeinTpauper ... 4.00 T"4lt ..15298 46 February 1010 456— J. B. Jahnaan. aawing wood for C. A_ 12.00 457- J. W Mr A nan, wood for H. ....... , «o.00 Farm Dma. . . 81.00 ! C. Qilchrig, repairing bridge IT, L. R . 17.00 1 «W_J B MrDenaM, repairing l*»idga U .7T..7T. 18.21 I 161-A. Y. T«to»; repairing ... — >«» 108—W fl McKlewae, I am her ... f" bridge . 101.10 I MsairsUiii- "•, le-w'STSi^X^..;; 'its, IS6- -I. W Smith, Reg. for 1. . '’lev*. | |«7—J. D. l-mater, Supt- of C. I -r.i .. 99.54 ) ,iv .,>• .< H ifth on. help Coub- 1 • I! m»- . 13.84 | • ; Kil Clarks, holding elec- I lion ... ... ......... 6.00 1 t~f -J. A Stewnt. officer grand 1 jury . 400 l <TI—K. K Anderson. burial old 1 soldier _ 20.00 1 172- Mr*. Motile Decs, burial old soldier (Ferrell) --l 20.00 1 473—D. A. Collin*, eourt o®cer 7.60 l 474 -Mrs. Jack Collins, burial 1 old soldier.. 20.00 1 476—Harnett County New*. printing report - 80.00 I 476—A. M. 8haw, r. A. County I Hume picking cotton.. 14.30 l •177—J. H. Autry, wood for C. H. 60.60 1 478— A. J. Godwin, capturing skill 80.00 I 479— Harnett Farm Life School aproprialion__ 1(00.00 I 1180--A. M. Shaw, P. A. C. H. J Stationery __... 844.00 ] 1481— A. M. Shaw, auditor salary 100.04 1482— W. H. Turlington, sheriff 1 ■alary ............... 876.00 j 1488—A. A McDonald, C. S. C. salary . 219.73 ; 1484—W. H. h'aucett Reg. salary 230.03 I486— F. J. Cox, jailor salary.. 43.60 : 1486— J. W. Halford, Supt. health salary ............... 80.00 1487— T. V. Stewart, lumber for bridges .. 220.94 1488— D. U. McLean, Recorder salary _ 60.00 1480—Polly Colville, pauper.... 4.00 1490—Scott Mooney, pauper- 6.00 1401—J. J. Starling, pauper ... 3.00 1492— Peggy McLean, paupar_ 8.00 1493— Martha Knight, pauper_ 4.00 1494— Bytha Waddell, pauper- 12.00 1406—Cattie Morrison, pauper .. 3.00 149*—Robert Maynor_...... 8.00 1497—W. B. Ilarc family, pauper 6.00 498—Dan Lucas, pauper_ 4.00 1499—Bolt Williams, pauper .... 2.00 500—Mollie Wood, pauper ..... 8.00 Total .. 33825.54 Orders issued far March 1914 1501—Mies Rachel Martin, Farm Dcm. .......- 60.90 602—John Johnson, sawing weed for C. H. -. 10.00 1803—J. R. Holst, bridge building Duke.-. *0.00 1504—tv. 1. jonnson. vounvj Com. 1*00 1508—W. H. Turlington, sheriff salary __....... 3*0.26 1*06—J- w MeArtan. capturing .lUI. 40.00 1807 —1. G. Layton, bridge in Grove_...._... - 416.10 1508— J. D. Barnes. Chm. Com... 76.00 1509— Min Speight, court sten ographer ............ 103.90 ir,t0—Mi* Martin, aalary -- *6.00 1311—-W. H. Faucett, R. of D. salary ...._......... 232.48 1512— Pope Printing Co. station err ami advertising_ 58.16 1513— D. H. McLean, Recorder.. 60.00 1514— J. C. Byrd, Cem. .. 12.80 1515— D. P. Ray, Com.. 11.60 1516— W. J. McStewart, Com. ... 16.00 1517— Jsv A. Taylor, Ina ...... 101.60 1518— W. K. Turlington, lunatic to asylum-.... 10.00 1519— 8. J. Webster, dog tea for Jno.. 32 90 1620—Harnett County Keara, ‘ Tax Notieoe .......... 7-50 »621—J. R. Mitchell, Grove . bridges ......._ 186.00 U2—Town of Ulllngton. light* f«r 3 month* ....... 22.06 v.. n. .............. nijtt 624—A. M. Shaw, P. A., biUa I for County Home_... 10.17 1625—A. M. Shew, auditor, salary 100.00 1526—Mrs. Annie Cavineaa, board for jurors __..._ 13.00 527—A. A. McDonald, aalary end stamp* -- 217.81 1628—A. A. McDonald. C. 8. C. court cord Fergueon Rob . arts. 26.27 1629—F. J. Cox, Jailor . . ...._ 47.90 1580—N. T. Whitten ton, grand Juror otteor ...._ 600 1531—W. H. Turlington, lunatic to asylum-..._ 15.00 1532—J. W. Half aid. Coroner's Inquest- 25.80 1533—J. W llalford, haalth offi cer -........ 60.00 1634—Vital .tatiatlcsi for ilx mos. 152.25 1636—J. D. Lanier, Supt. of County Home ...._ 132.26 1336—C. R. Graham, poll holder.. 2.00 1587—C. M. 8trwart, bridge in Grove _ 4S.eO 1538—Martha Johnson, pauper . - 64)0 1639—Elisa Johnson, pauper_ 6.00 640—Catherine Massey, pauper.. 4.00 1641—Scott Mooney, pauper__ 6.00 1642—J. J. Starling, pauper_ 3.00 1513—Peggy McLean, pauper_ 3.00 1644—Maltha Anight, pauper_ 6.00 1545—Bytha Waddell, pauper... 12.00 1646—Cattie Harrison, pauper_ g.OO 1647—Robt. Maynor. pauper_ 3.06 1548—Hare family, pauper ... 5.00 1649—Dan Lucas, pauper__ 4.00 1660—Bolt Williams, pauper.... g.OO 1681—Polly Colville, pauper..... 4.00 1552—D. A. Collins, pauper. . . . 26.00 Total.12977.14 April 1910 • rrunoi* Keeping ferry 2 month! ........ 78 00 **84—R. F. Jernigan, capturing 2 etfll!. 40.00 1555— J. L Hare, ur.irlt an bridge.. 17.20 1556— J. C. Oilcbrixt, work on brid*»___..... 4.00 i«22~S’ 5iu«ett* “U,F- *83.78 1S56—c. D. Stewart, work on .... bridge U. L. R.. 96.88 1869—W. II. Turlington, sending patient Goldsboro_ 28.00 1860— Parker Broa. burial ex pense old soldier. 20.00 1861— J. W. Halford haalth de partment ........._ 50.00 1562—D. H. McLean, salary_ 62.80 1868—F. J. Cox, jailor salary and board ...._...... 68.60 1664—Chaa. Ross, attorney for Coen. - 7S.oo 1868—Vara Richardson, scene .... „ *r,l'.h . • 80.00 1606—Dunn Insurance Co._ 231.07 1807—Clerk Superior Court cost of trial ........._ 78.87 1868— Rachel Martin. Dens. ... 28.00 •809—R. B. Mitchell, salary ..... 60.00 i 1670—Harnett Co. Nswa/adr.r- 1 Using, sic. ........... 88.80 i !s2i“«*®*' -tor*- SO^OO 1172—Parker Broa. patspar colRa < ... . Pway BlaeV. 18.80 ;,T»—A M. Shew, F. A., Mile 1 foe C. n. 56.47 !Kfci:S &t,X“&SS7 ,0,"‘ ■!«:1 str s ■ swS'"a’a.-i- “"i ‘“I *>-> .V. L"M, and 1 prisoner ....... 10 06 88B—W. f. Hockaday, rapt, still M OO \> i84—Jack Turnage, eapt. atllL. . 20.00 1‘ >81—J. A. Spivey, eapt (till.. 20.00 ) 66—Archie Matthew*, pauper . _ 12.00 187—Martha J oka eon. pauper.. S.OO ) 58ft—Slit* Johneon, pauper ... S.OO >89—Catherine Maeacy, pauper.. 4.00 180—Scott Mooney, pauper_ 0.00 l 191-—J. J. Starling, pauper__ 2.00 592—Peggie McLean, pauper_ S.OO 598—Vaginia McKiniie, pauper S.OO S94—Mr*. O. M. Jacluioo, pauper S.OO SOS—Martha Knight and sister, pauper ...--— ... 0.00 596— Bytha Waddell. pauper .. 12.00 597— Cattle Morrieoo, pauper.. 3.00 598— Robt. Marnor, pauper.... 3.00 j 599— W. B. Har* and family. I pauper —__ 6. 600— Mr* Dan Luias, pauper.. 4. 601— Bolt William*, pauper- 2. 002—Polly Colville, pauper.... 4.00 603—Patsy Brysnt, pauper._ 8.00 j 004—Jack Douglass and wife, 1 pauper _..._.... 17.00 605— W. II. Holoman, pauper.. 6.00 606— Henry Overby, pauper.... 8 00 | 007—Penny Black, pauper, can- ] 60S— Duncan Black, pauper- 10.00 609— Mag Wicker, pauper. 15.00 610— Stephen Arnold, pauper .. 4.00 611— Jessie Williamson, pauper 4.00 612— Gao. Hargrove, pauper .. 12.00 613— Annie Morrison, pauper.. 4.00 614— Eddie Baker, pauper ..... 0.00 ifllG—Susan Baker, pauper- 8.00 616—Larenia, Baker, pauper_ 15.00 1017—Rachel Mcl.ean, pauper.. 4.00 618—Harry Campbell, pauper.. 8.00 1619— Martha Knight pauper. 4.00 1620— Rose Cameron, paupar- 4.00 1621— Mary Harrington, pauper.. 8.00 1622— Salltc McNeill, pauper.... 6.00 1623— ^-Carolina Cox. pauper_ 4.00 1624— Cinda McLeod, pauper- 15.00 162 5—Robt Cott*. pauper __ 4.00 1826—Owen William*, pauper- 8.00 1627— William Darla, pauper .. 4.00 1628— David McNeill, pauper_- 8.00 1029—Mack Covington, pamper.. 10.00 1630—Mra. B. Gilbert pauper.- 8 00 1831—Gua and Malimia A rumor.?. pauper . 8.C0 1632— Ale* Pcgram, pauper..... 8.00 1633— Robt King, paupar ...- 8.00 1634— Isaac McKay, paupar- 8.00 1(35—Willie Wood, pauper ..... 8.00 1836—Wm. Stanly, paupar..- 9.00 1637— Taylor Haighwood, pauper 5.00 1638— Joe McCormick, pauper- 6.00 1639— Mary Giles, pauper....... 6.00 1640— Amanda Mills pauper--.. 8.00 1641— Ellen Baker, pauper .... 6.00 1642— Harry McNeill, pauper... 4.00 164S—Mary Price, pauper- 8.00 1644—Martha Johnson, pauper.. 8.00 Total...*2844.21 mar iv'f 1646— J. C. Anthony Farm_ 50.00 1846—K. J. Co*. Jailor.. 64 00 1647— Harnett County Nam, ad vertising ---___- - 117.75 1648— A. A. McDonald, salary_ - 818.10 649—L. M. ChaRVn, salary ...- 50.00 1660— A. M. Shaw, County 1*. A. Filed hill* .. 231.78 1661— A. M. Shaw, auditor, mtlary 100.00 1662— W. H. Paueett R- of D.. salary __ 221.33 1668—W. H. Turlington, sheriff salary... 864.08 1654—J. W. Halford. Supt_ 50.00 1656— J- D. Lanitr, Supt. Co. Hone --- 118.00 1686—L. K. Matthews. Capt. of (till.. 20.00 1657— W. H. Hoekaday. Captor ing still . *0-00 1668— J. W. MeArtan, lunatic to agylum .. lr, oft 1669— J. W. MeArtan, Capt. of loci—Juhmoo Mrux, bridirv m* torial . ao.ia 1661— State Hospital, .-acaped lunatic _ «.7j 1662— J. D. Johnson, hill for Co. Home _ ..... 14.66 1663— J. L Hare, burial of sol dier _........_ 20.00 1664— D. H, McLean, salary ... 62.50 1665— R. B. Mitchell, salary ... 50.011 1666— Parker Bros, pauper coffin 16.00 667—J. D. Carroll, prisoner from Wsko-....... 22.50 11668—M. C. Thomas, burial of soldier... 20.00 669—General Utility Co., lumber for bridge_ 83.90 1870—L. P. Surtea, oats for Co. Home _ 27.60 1*71—T. B. Buchanan, pauper.. 18.00 1672— Martha Johnson, pauper_ 5,00 1673— Elisa Johnson, pauper_ 5.00 1674— Catharine Massey, paupar. 4.00 1675— Virginia McKcnaie, pauper 5.00 1878—Mr*. O. M. Jackson, pauper 6.00 1677— Cinda McLeod, paupar_ 6.00 1678— Scott Mooney, paupar_ 6.00 1679— J. J. Starling, pauper_ 8.00 1680— Peggie McLean, pauper... 3.00 1661—Martha Knfrht, pauper... 6.00 1082—Bytha Waddell, pauper_ 12-00 1683— Cattle Morrison, pauper_ 3.00 1684— Robert May nor. pauper_ 3.00 1685— W. B. Hare, pauper- 6.00 1686— Dan Lucas, pauper ...... 4.00 687— Bolt Williams, paupar_ 2.00 688— Polly Colville, pauper._ 4.00 Total. 82197.28 Jaae 1919 1691—Carrie Speight, court sten ographer . 47.65 Ilia* t D fll.uhn.uu W_ll Jl_ brijrc 81.26 168S—J. C. Byrd, payment for bill of paint for bridge. 229.01 1894— 8. M. Byrd, lumbar for bridge ..._ 27.21 1895— J. C. Byrd, County Com... is.«o 1896— Parker Bros., coffin for old aotdiar_.1_ 20.00 : 1697—-Bank of Litlington, interest on note ..—... 20.60 1898—W. H. Faucett, salary_ 229.44 1699—B. P. Gentry, expense for sickness and barial of Miss Martin. 289.87 1708— C. A. McNeill, repair of llOMt | u 701—F- H. Taylor, County As •jsor. 134.6* 701—O. F. Pops, bridge repair- 4.21 1708—Barnes » Holliday, chains and rot pads_ 10.00 704— M. H. Starr Improvement of vaults___ 400.28 705— W. H. Turlington, capture •f still... 20.00 B 80.00 707— Harnett Co. News, station ery -...- 22.10 708— L. X. Matthews, capture of still ...._..._ 20.00 709— Mrs. Cavlaam, board of M Jurors ___ 26 OW 710— I. A. Btowart. grand Jury 71 l--W°"rH«>^d.y.' captors’ ##° 718—^. J. tori!,; grand Jury' 4° °° 718—A.<AT'iKKmaldVrepair of" . g 31 j| Umlaut 7*00 II J! 5~£r!ir^,Br'>\ county jail 10.40 1 —r. J. Com, jaltor .. |7 in «i JIJ—*-.A-Mtkoaald. salary... 217.19 !! wilt m m *• M OO II a’ u m“w' *5^7. 160.9# H ftl—A. M. Shaw. F. A.. bftU J rendered_ iu u D. Wamble, fo^ymaa. „ f W'MltKl -es-oa.... §4 || II Its—n. ■. Me Lean, aalary ..." 75 00 I g—■■ - ..... I-■---1KJ1_LJ It4—W. H. Turlington, salary.. $57.16 125—A. J. Stephenson. Deputy sheriff, Wake _ 9.60 !26—Pope Print!ng Co., sheriff bill* .. 74.00 ra7—R. T. Johnson. Com._ 18.00 r2*—W. J. McStewart, Com... 18.60 129—D. P. Ray, Com. 17.70 J- E ?,*rn**' Ch™ Com.. 75.46 731—J W Halford, Coroner_ 18.80 7*2—J. W. Halford. SupL health OO.Oti 733— John Lanier, chopping rot* ton .. 22.38 734— John Lanier, Supt. of Co. Home, salary and help.. 125.00 735— Scott Mooney, pauper_ 11.00 730—Peggie McLean, pauper .. - 3.0» 7*7—Martha Knight, pauper... 6.00 735 Bytba Waddell, pauper... 12.00 789—tlattie Morriaon, pauper_ 3.00 710—Robt Meynor. pauper. 3.UU 741— W. B. Hare, pauper_ 5.00 742— Dan I.ueas, pauper_ 4.00 743— Bolt Williams, pauper._ 2.00 714—-Pally Colville, pauper ..... 4.00 745— Martha Johnson, pauper.. SOU 746— Ellis Johnson, pauper_ 5,00 747— Catherine Massey, pauper. . 4.00 748— Virginia McKenzie, pauper 6.0<* 718 Mrs. O. M. Jackson, pauper 6.00 750—Cinda McLeod, pauper ... 5.00 761— L. J. Cameron, pauper... 12.00 7R2—Offle Eliott, pauper ...... 2.00 70S—Fennle Williams, pauper.. 2.00 Total .1346 24 July 1910 689—Bank of Lillington, draft for bridge material .... 076.00 754—H. T. Spears. Tress. Ap propriation for 4tb July 260.00 1755—Rank of Lillington, cash ier’s check, bond coupons 1704.00 176*—J. W Turnage, payment on bridge- 1260.00 1757— D. H. Mcl-rnn, Recorder, salary_ 76.00 1758— H. T. Spears, Trees July 4th appropriation__ 200.00 1759— W. H. Fnucett, salary and stamps _ 227.64 1760— R. H. Mitchell, salary. 50.00 1761— W. H. Turlington, salary and stamps_... 869.30 762— A. A. McDonald, salary and stamps___ 216.89 I76S—L. M. Chaffin, salary __ uO.OO 1764— F. J. Cos, jailor . 53.60 ' 1765— W. D. Womble, ferryman 39.00 1766— R. M. ByTd. soda for Co. Horn* ..........._ 140.ui> 1767— J. D. Lanier. SupL Co. Home _... 141.60 1768— Annie McLean, nurse for Home inmate- 16.00 17(9—E. E. Marks, poll holder .. 2.00 1770— F. H. Taylor, appraiaer, salary _ 241.80 1771— J. W. McArtan, capture of prisoner - 16.60 1772— J. W. McArtan, capture of atill . 40 60 7T7—Harnett County News, stat ionery ............... 21.50 1774— Hnrnett Hdw. Co., supplies for Co. Homo- 47.65 1775— J. A. Sptsey. capture of atill . *0.00 1776— Jaw A. Thicm, Desk for Oe. Aeseaaor ...... 27.50 1777— Mitchell Printing Co., booka for Reg. office_ <1.78 1778— A. M Shaw. P. A., cotton picking Co. Home ..... 24.32 1779— A. M. Shaw, sa'ary - 100.00 1780— A. M. Shew. P. A. freight on book' _..... 2.3.1 1781— G. M. Stewart, bridge ma terial ___ 116 01 1782— J. W. Halford, health 8upL 60 00 1783— J. W. Halford, Coroner ... 18 80 1784— Pope Printing Co., adver traing for sheriff. .... a on 1785— L. K Matthewa. capture of still and prisoner _ 8* 8u 1786— Town of Lillington, lights for 4 months .. 29.40 1787— Mamie Sexton, Assistant Aiestseor ..._ 60.06 1788— Atkina Brow, bill for Co. Home - 12.66 1789— Park-r Brow, coffin and outfit for Co Home . . 43.45 1790— Pennington Type Co., ... machine for aaaeeaor_ 106 00 1791— D M. McLonn. pea. for Co Home ......_ 36.75 1792— E. W. Teaguo, tax calcula tor 1919. 28.80 1793— T. V. Stewart, lumber for bridge . 98.9* 17,4—Chws. Boss, attorney in Smith care ....... .. , 106.00 !«r"n ^ c°*llna. court officer 10.00 \tli~vCLrt?’ w,Prr -- *-•*» 1 Knight, pauper.._ 0.00 1798— Bytha Waddell, pauper_ 12.1*0 1799— Cattle Morrison, pauper.. 3.0O !aI2“5fbSrtuM,y"or' Pf-uP"--- 3.00 lfioo—W. B. Hare, pauper. 6.00 ioui—uan Lurii, pauper .... 4 00 U02—Bolt Will lama, £a0p,r ... 2.0O p*°P*r- 4 00 »«04—Martha Johnson ... 5Up }*®8—E1‘«« Johnaon, pauper..II 600 —Catherine Maaxey, pauper. 4.00 |{|®7—Vlrfmia McKenna, pauper 6 00 8ooIIchIdu0ifMi iick*'n’ p*up*r 0 00 atoT2w{uV2iVeod* *“up*r- - - - 0 00 ail uu KlUt, pauper. 6.00 e!i~Ea?nl*nW,^,*n“- P»0P°r-- 2-00 *;*—r’at-y pauper .... 2.uu P*UP»»— - 8.J0 8W—W. H. Halo man, pauper .. 17.00 ■ 0 'Jtnry TThJ‘ p*up*r— 8.u0 § «—Duncan Black, eaupe. 8.00 S « p*up*r- - 10 00 eia~T4*5h?? a,mI^ pauper.. 15,00 ! Mit,|.Wllw,0,‘ pauper. 4.00 871 A e^le P*aP*r- 4.00 2li=A^fe^fep^;: To *24~tdd^*Blkhn*0n' pMper-* 12 00 H,dd paup*T. 8.00 ill—T , **&*?• P*uper. 6.00 P,upCT -- 8.00 »»a’~o h pauer- 15.00 g*a~2*^Tv P*uP*t- - 4.00 830^2^^ P*rhCr’P“"Per- 8.00 tat m Cameron, paupar... 4.00 SjlroL*,!7 E0Z,?,f*on^ p,°p»*’ 8.00 8sI-Zci!liu Pauper- 8.00 U,, Carallne_Co*. pauper- G.i)0 ttS olSUTwnui.1*' p“uper. 4.00 135-0wp WOJlam.. pauper ... 4.OO •»7llM«k C^;J5*Bp*r . «.W 8*8—d££m ’ P*Dp"' • 4.00 $40—Ala* Prmm, paupar 8 nn 4M K;Js;j S=fcM-vK"x::: IH ‘^-JSSUSSUXl’^m:: ■ «« e |J2l 1 78 Ih~a! a. ,o°° IstZjuht IM—D 1. 8mlth, t|attafcerW lg-7 ^ ,wT7J|11“*4o,,• ,tat ^'r 80 00 aiffitfise » ^ ... 1800.00

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