THE DUN i l V‘*~ '_ _' _- _ X»U»«I PAKY 22. .Tio LISTING PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER REVALUATION AC1 Discrimination Agoiml Forgone.: Property Ha* Bean Remove —Low Rata* Will Apply uid Full Listing at Fair Value Ri quired—To br Listed r.s of January First and Why—$30 Exemption Allowed—Form Products Listed at Nat Vale Above Indebtedness. The Revaluation Act comprr he,« aa complete and valuing of pc, ■onal property aa of real proper!] This could only he awempliahcil j removing the discrimination againi undervaluation of real property. Thia discrimination hod reached th extreme point that a truitee list*, ln a North Carolina city persons property yielding an income oi fbo and paid mure than <800 of il i State, county end city taxes. An array with banner* could tic produce a complete listing of per tonal property under such ur. igol eon* tax method*. Thia discrimination liar been re moved Real estate it lilted and value, at conservative May 1st curb markc value. The tax rate* that will apply ol personal property listed January U will be but.a small fraction of th, 1919 ratea. The Revaluation Act bring, tbi measure of justice and equity to th, owner of personal pruporty and de «aande a full and compute disc lev urc in return. The same guarantee of proportion ately induced tax rat*. that applkt to real property applies to persona property. Tat is to say that Iru tou revenue collected from all property In 1920 cannot exceed by more lhai ten per ceat the total ie\u.iuc col levied in 1919. Pardon the reiteration, for 1 seems not yet to be fully understoot f1#dgc, involving the goot faith and honor of th* State, appliei to the Ux rates to be levied by th< coantics, the ritioa. towns and spec •ol-tax districts, aa well as the Stave tax. Every tax rate levied in No rib Carolina, without exception, is em braced in He terra*, and trust be re adjusted to the total value o* both real and personal property listed. Personal property will be listed ai ef January first. Real property that has changed hand* aloe* May first will b* lister M*™ the new ewnsr January first If you built a house between thus, dates exceeding (100 In valuo it will be added to the list. L If you had a house destroyed be tween these dates exceeding Juki r "* T*iu* Wifi he deducted. Wins WVe change —May 1m oo geo. uary first! two good reason*: Pirvt—To give plenty of time foi the Job. Plenty of time to have th. work done carefully, and accurately, and plenty of time to make inquiry and investigation if the taxpayer .. meeting a State that t> toting equate —has toted equare. Most pcopiv loU aquar* when given a vhancr. They have toted square on their real prop Wtf and a* a general rule have placed • “dr value on their real property The State doesn't tote square w li those who do tote square unless it give* tom* attention to the lontamu. , minority who try to dodge even when !.-(h< State duo tote square and thti '-Jitmtsllbore era toting square. .1 The Stale intends to tote M|uar tjall the way through, and some tiro Hand thought will b« given in eael Iconily to locating the Us dodger; ;;jar.«i lo see Ihst they bear their pari 1; May first listing permits no tiro I,for ih* sort uf inquiry before th i[iiX books must be made up. »; Second reason—Th* straight cal .in.-lxr year is hie logical year. Jan ilnai-y ftr.t is the time for every bod; -jin take an annual reckoning am ■juriko n balance. Business enter l-riarx now conduct their basincss oi - lit.- valeiuUr year basis. They kcc] lihiir Hooks on th* calendar year basil ll»<lb refeniiro to all reports to thi .iPederal Guvrrnmctit. It is unreason able nnd illogical for the State ti i require an aeruuntlng on a difforen . date. No injustice Idas done by thii thiingc in date. i This was carefully considered bj i the l.rjrii'lativo Committees. It sx t fns'tlcreii that there were two par Ciiulum in which the change mighi res ah m increased tax upon farmers i 1 *1 both of these provided against The farmer needs no apoclal attor ney ill the scat of government ir this State. It hr » been and will lx the policy to give hto farmer noi a square, but a generous, deal Farmers make their own uri.vie ons, nnd hare more on hand Jan . fury first than May first. Tla ws< met by going the full limit of ex vfiiption pcrmitteil by the Curatitu lion on certain kinds of personal prop irl>. which includes provisions— three hundred dollars in value. Ex emption formerly nllow-id twenty f»c dollar*. There can be applied against this 1300 exemption provis ,ons, household and kitchet. furniture wearing apparel, fire-arms, agricuh turnl implements, tools of mechanics and libraries and ac.entlftk matra ! u-.-uiW. The moat import int difficulty was the fact that farmer* woold have on hand January first farm products raised fir market that would ordi narily be marketed by May first. If ill debt the proceeds of the sal* would lie applied to their d-*bts and they . otiTd therefore have less taxable . *f 1-ri'ty Kuy first than January first If net in debt their tamable waallb would be the same la either case as, if property wote sold before May firwt, they would have either the money or sc,me equivalent in taxable piopcrty. This difficulty was met by permit lir.g.indebti-dri<sj to be set off against Ih'" Mtluc of ‘‘cotton, tobacco, and ■qher farm products on storage In warehouse*, in the hands of com mission merchants or agents in oi oat of the State, or in the hands oj original producers. and held tem l»orarity for market.” ; fto with respect to these producti ,th* producing taxpayer lists only hh | net worth, and get* and give* a per | fcctly guod honest tquaru deal. REPUBLICANS WITHOUT POLICY, COLBY ASSERTS Natiomal Committee Official CnWm Party Leader*. Washington, D. C. —Everett Col by of New Jersey, recrntly appoint de on the policies committee of the Repulican National Committee, bae iaentd a statement in which he finds fault with the aimless attack? and pol kies of Republican leader? He brands the present party leadership a* calamitously idiotic and declare* that with BO definite porty policy the leaders have been left to "the device* of their own minds," with tha result that they ha». **„te<L their spleen on individuals *rd done things for which the party over the country is unwilling to stand n*pOTV Ala, Colby, who served as a major in the tank corps and «* now * Re publican candidate lor United flute* Senator from Now Jorney. #"ds JP® eial fault with tha party* ^bsoluU kck of U definite foreign, . When It was announced th»t hr had been appointed to the party ynh Idas cornmlttvr, recsntly author***^ •I the Republican conclave here, h< ia***4*.**? statement: 1 **« action of tho Rerul Mean National Committee in appoint Inf • eommlttoo on policies and plat for* to ftnc It s the best thing th. orgeat***-1 ®’'h dons |» yean What St lwtT hu needed, it «.» to ""I**. other on. thing. U •/•*"***•'"taruih,, bu cnlifhtcnod_J»og«m-*on.e con crvta *t*U“* , Jfineipl.s Upo, which the njl0yJm\e}on can sgrer And sntil fo;.h ■•‘•k—et u upon wu »hnl* ®*v* no party4 wqrth; •^r^nhon"0"* when a p*H , wjJ^y^|plOT rentroiltn, th. « Here of-R. «• '«kkv. sr . loft to the d5* ^Hull •" minds, srtth 1 ‘^n*^f,Port is hound «nd .h?_ a te ss sLr «r&jaas Mrof for iaitiivcf phoold ftn«l it#*] ^^nTuStg *h*a' #‘,«" tf? WASTING TIME WHILE TALKING OF ECONOMY G. O- P. Refuses to Adopt Bud get to CaL-Expusaua. Washington, D. C.—Constructive notion In Congress without so muck talk would find welcome from the people, in the opinion of Repress rv tathfc Bynm of Tennosaoe. rankinp Democratic number on the Hou*< Appropriations committee. Hie re mark* weie in reply to many speech e> by the Republican leaders on th, (abject of appropriation* and theii declaration* that the total author! sal ions by Congress during tho next year must not exceed $4,000,000, 000. ••Wo should get down to businesi and devise a system by which wt may know accurately the Iinaneia demands upon our government, •aid Mr. Byrns. “We should ereati •n efficient budget system. Then wi would have more opportunity to tall “bout what should and what couli he done.” Republican loaders In the Hou* *T")'hs«is(ng (for poliUcal res n "•comity for drastic sco ™n,i0. **RT«»-ntstive Good of lo mending that the taijf yvn ds sxr «! ffiJFE lar to poods that ft might hav t been • copy with only . c£” > and there. A few days later. Sens t tor Smoot came along with .ao,u. - offering for public Consumption i Mr. Byms IwinU out, . that the official record I* the Hous I Is not In keeping with these speech*, ’ He shows thet Keproeontatrv# Butl. of Pennsylvania, chalnuan of th • Naval Affair. CemmK**«. present. ■ a bill to increase the eommutaUo * allowance* of MOfol oflw*f* wiChou > giriag any special c™*i<,";iU<”? ‘ r the enllrted men. The hill _ too r somewhat more then three mHUo. : of dollars a year »»d though eom [ of hie Republican eseodetce pTOte, ■ ‘'a. Representative Butler, with th } *mUlanee of Mondell, shoved the hi ttr,ou«h. A few day. prwtouslj, r providing for another ph"“* * \ work and duplicating tk . tf*!* being done In many State* wi i- ce^l ^rouffh even though It wi it would take million* < *M » year from the Treasury. TAKES ISSUE WITH f ADMIRAL SIMS AS ; TONAVALAWARD ) Rear Admiral Henry T. Maj • Tastifsaa Before Senate Subcommittee r DIDN’T PROTEST WHEN MEDALS WERE AWARDE ► _ : Read. Latter Which Ha Wet. 5a I retaiy DanieU Chlsf HU View Thoaaht That Net Ests|h Cm slderetWw Had Beaa Given O* I ■ , Wha 5arc ad at Sea. Washington, Jan. 2u.—Direct law with Rear Admiral William 5. Sin on the two loading controverted poinl I in the nnval decorations dispute, wa taken today by Rear Admiral Hear T. Mayo, war-time Commander o the United Stales fleet, in Uatimon today before the Senate mb-commil lac la investigating the medal awar controversy. Reading his lalUr to Secretary Dan iris givving his views on Iht decora lions awards, which he raid, wer not presented as a protest. Admin Mayo first disagreed Admin dims as to the relative Importune of son and shore duly. Admiral May explained to the committee that b wrote Rorrrtary Daniels because h did not believe the Knight board e awards or Mr. DanieU had givco snf fleient consideration to the import anc<- of tha duties performed by of ficeee who served at act with the At lantic fleet Sima Thinks Differently Admiral Sim* in his testimony, am alto in his letter to Secretary Du* ■ri» aicimmg uk awn|riwH«« vice medal, contended that too mucl importance waa attached to the acr Tien# of officer* who eerved at act ai compared with thoae who admin atered important poet# da (here. T)m second point on which Ad miral Mayo differed with Admire 3irat was the question of awards o: medals to tht commanding officer o ships rank or seriously damaged b; torpedo attack or aainea While atat mg that a broad general policy alooj that line would no* be a good thini for th* edrvle*. Admiral Maya declared that it rases where the commending officer' conduct waa of aa eeptc tally merit "now character, a proper reward should be given. Admiral Mayo ap proved without qualification the ar lion of the Knight Board and Sec rotary Daniel* is awarding Diatiig guiehbd ffowrlae Midi! to Contati Christy, of th* cruiser Ban [Siege runk by a mine, ahd CotnmanSe T. W. Foote, of the transport Preal dent Lincoln. Admiral Rims severe I crltii itod the action of Secretary Dan iels In insisting on the awards to th commanding officers of ships rank b the enemy. General Barnett Admiral Mayo’s testimony seas bris and tomorrow th* sub-committee wj hear Major General Barnett, cow mandant of tbo Marina Corps. The naval award controversy let In the day reached the floor of th Senate through presentation of a rei olution by Chairman Hale, of tbs rah committee, to authorise employaen of counsel and a clerical fore* t aid in the investigation Ailhoug Anal action wns prevented by absene of a qaorum. there waa considsrabl discussion. SUPREME council, EXTRADITION OF KAJSEJ Eaplahsa To Holland That I Ho War* In Germany Ha Would Bo Surroadorod The War Department has authoi i**d Colonel A. V. P. Anderson, R< crultlng officer for North Carolina, t announce that a prise essay coatso known at th* “United Bute* Arm School Contest,” has been opened t the students of all schools, ovee; college* and universities, wbetht r . ■ or norvwi Urian. JVixea wilt ba awarded fa «w& '“•** on th* **hjeet; , WK*‘ er« the benefit* of an e< *** U 8‘ Amy" regan o“th? wwLi*%^^,^ rnt^ °* c#k £ Jh* competition wi : ajagaittsasnyws i^^tta-uirfcsas 1 and Central Peyton C. Th* prlaee offered by the War Di partment are three medal*, gold at v«r and bromu. and a free trip I Washington and return for tbo wii ' non and their parent* or gaardiaa 1 In addition thrao tiiver cap* win t given tho winnen to take homo fc 1 preaentatioa aa priaaa to Urn achoo 1 they attend. Colonel Anderaon and the m«a ban of the North Carolina Ruerai ' jng Party will doaata additional prta . i8r •,wmrd «■ th# North Carolina R trailing DUtricl. " Further detailed information aa I r Jhe competition will be announced I • iuss.'ssjr1 —*• ^ “ r CE<»«CIA JUDGE PREVENTS > „ NIC*OJ BEING LYNCH! 1 from X’ SV, J“»- *1 — D«r*U 1 iifll£ tk*. ^inr,nton county aborM t DeaIcJJr,Vii"* h*rc tod»r with Jl ► daaoTLJl *"!' M »•*** nnd • the negro*°n Pleated (yacking • Jordan .**■—Rev. Jo 8 8*'U'M ^HtAoJtl^ 8^P88«» "T • third edition la t 1 k08k ^b^» >>«* r#r u waofca befor* itT^L1**8 *tm CONTRARY OF PREMIER GEORGE BritUk SeeraUrg War Wi-.tao ® Ckarakail Wa«U,£„ja Ratiia To „ * Daadrag ■•'•hoet^ Wkila Pre*a iar Caarfa Tkladba Sack Caaaraa ' W~1J S»Mifr <Wrv • P*ri*' y“*; 18~j{rhe eommumei U<x> concerning tka Bolahevlat mr fc>r lhc *"»r «* • 5/ ' *n eanaaquanca a j£* plicy divergent • « th,t Ucjrd George. • T*** ATCJ‘ U informed r •*«■* */* ‘“‘WKy. wiiuton : sere [ Georg, that ha rfu T!? kJ“ I the tenant* of «£**£_ 1 bat that ha balia^J S^SteTSE: . inter rukigrc^mgtoS £1JZ^l £11 the reread of arta*g nSuhevTrtn , If Mr. Chorthui? JKfTSTL^, 1 r**1’ AJlio* w«uld Invade Rue«U I for tbe purpose of a. n ■ i * ■ ■ o«] ( l» |U bona, trkil* Jlt *Uoyd ! R^UB‘^pu>‘Ud »“* •*** ih*! : f^sr0; lh tsflssrtts* «ssr today; r^Jl ofuU ct%- 1708 to toe V JtC dSV *£ George on the 1 rood by the '* ffk. insisted o JL "5*B eonncU partially »«P™£ 2g££JttjS to rt.w indirect tio^fT^Ru«L b/^d timdo In food. „^r 1 «ss The Italian* tak»_ I military ronforeWc^ FieM^ W?rvh^ . Foch and Field K_ZTK, ' roancU **o hr c"*«Mu‘«d military , f -iS“-.nd ^r-mSSS10^*^ 1 Awxuud Pr+a+ ^tUbcfitlow, 4hf 1 EFmSfuaTJL ini9m^ H*v. . Hah military J rTtr>1"i"* Po | Ru,«. than w?5!^2£Sin/a£2: i • •*»«**•"■ kf aid fJSTSSSf. I ; - T^o pnma. mlaSW£l5f"S» thoj Polish oaeiUon nwuh Thursday! ; Mid Friday. Their InKmation was < that th* Polish armies here during 11 i !**“* wT',k* oecnpiod" considerable . territory beyond the Polish boundar- i . '«». and belonging prcftwrly to Uua ala. The pnma minister warned the Polish government that they could not rapport a policy of expan r S*,*-. V**1 "«■••«? ** Padek. the , Polish foreign minister, now im Pa . rU, to ad rise Poland to evacuate and abandon Russian oecupird temtori ea and thua avoid riving caoae for' attack by th. S^irf gSernment. Tbii, M. Pid* k r**u«cd to do <>n* of the principal m|lli*ry 'snd political problem* o*t yet detcrmln rJ.,°y toe raprem* ^juneil and lu military advleers 1* %hat should be don# If the Soviet *»»eea drive Po laad from the oc^Pied territories and follow them i»to Poland The prime ministers admit that they am much embarrassed Vy the p0IUh gov . rHmml I* »niw within the t boundaries Axed by the supremo eotracil. holding iaiMad, UioerU ™d p on historical claim* »kieh are deem «d ufuc by the iMiodL ATTRACTIVE PRIZES for best ES3AYS O" ARMY ; CoL Andwrson Offor, Addition » *■ Tropbio* Far North Car [ olio* Child raw r ***■ Amoelat - t*4 Sojrem* Council’* r .!? .U1 Pu*e> frvcmmeat uk »» that the former Gorman Em i- ?i!Suh*ooYT!l alike* under trtJd* 227 of ua Versatile* treaty r {or trial, point, art>t if thV tiZZ I, Emperor had rrmdnod fa, Germany ,1 k* wo«,<« !“’• *•» delivered up 4 U>* rfodittoa* by th, t goreenawat. ^r7S£LloUt~n th* r HL°LJK£“" *n4 i*»w h mnV<<:Sto,t‘ll£l.Wi^,"t ran L clare*; wmT «»d de * JZot •* oi *fcio*1 act* rc*poa*i t Se^moyt * "The niTUtl eaoaoteare. o *£***-"ST**ti^SoS D leant hft» i^L*?|^r##^<^>to or ii :; SSJ’S^KS.-*’ »■•“—* •> : &nxzs\?8£.*& * gaAejjjfcm «£r«a 5 AH2**««MS»*«5GS»iaIA ,f AND Czechoslovakia made ,. »?«■. Isa.lRc-Dr. Karl Renner, |k« Aaatrlan thaa**Hor. had Informed ***** ojaualttee of Um " «£■* M offawHe and do a ^gfwssur t i LITTLE HOPE NOW OF AGREEMENT ON TREATY BY SENAT May Introduce Joint Rasolutk In Cob|nm Declaring War at An End TAKE ISSUeTtcTpEOPLE SEEMS ONLY SOLUTION Practically Deadlock Eaiete la • Pertiean Committee, Which Hi Keen Trying Te Negotiate Cra prumiee; Better Progreee Made A Serend Saeiiaa, Hewaeer. Washington, Jan. *0.—Poaaibilit] of the introduction in Congress of t joint ot concurrent resolution drdar lug the war with Germany at an ant loomed tonight, following a nharj break in the- compromise conference, which hare been trying to ad]net die igreran nts between Republican am Dvmoci attr Senators a* to the word ngof the the Lodge re nervation* The assertion of President Wiieoi . .. “i lumnit {ft. juettion of the adoption ot the peso x««tjr with thr League of Notion 0 a vote {.f the people, which bn T£ »»„’Pr,JVC,t hy 8onutor Johnson >f Couronri., and other political op lOnvtiLv of the administration bat lot «mi; Senators to believe that thi nay p< rhopv he the beat solution ot hv Ir.nty cor troverity. In Ihr menu time, it is pointed out nmolhing should be dans to sUbilist rade relations with Germany whili he treaty issue n stift undecided ant 1 rckolulmn d sc is ring the war at ar •nd is uni nvnady which has beer (maiden, d by both sidea in the con rofiwy. Open ruptutc today of the leaden or.fer.-n.« was averted, tomporar ly at least by passing over the dis lute on the lodge reservation re tnrding equal ty of voting in U» .cagu< of Nations. Tha bl-purtisai <>nft rente will meat again late to norrow, but with lenders of both fac Ions doubtful a* to the possibility ol ilumata agreement. Prospect/ of failure of. the leaders :oufc retires and nf formal auspen ion of their suasions today move* 'mild reservation" Republicans and ■ v* I.emocrult not members of tk< “lien' committee* U dloram fas lepaadenl idepu toward a Salomon at ha treaty sstuotUn. Oh “nM user sties ~ Republican giidr soman mid «* ■,«"»» wonld ba forthcomina f confiTunees of tbe leaden fall (Ithut a bw day* to give more aa h<rv were two, said aa Impasaa and uspcnrlon nf thr com promise move nsnt was virtually reached the Aral vision u.- a result of inability U gel orethcr on the equal voting rracr nation to the League of Nations eov -nart. After mors than two hour (»rtr‘ted debato, the whola subjUr «us put over. BRYANT RELEASED UNDER $2,000 BAH Judge Godwin 3undo Case t< Higher Court—Find* No Evidence of Murder Wash Bryant, charged with lulling his wife, was released I under gZ.OOO bond for bis ap j peeve nee in the May term of [ Harnett Superior Court whoa given a preliminary hgoring be fore Judge R. L Godwin, of tbe Dunn Recorder*■ Court to day. Jnduu Godwin, in sum miog op the cnee, eta led I Wet ho could Rad no raasaa to bold tbe man without privilege of bond and that from the evidente preserved ha sow nothing that warrants the charge of wiuydsr. Bryant govs hood and ho* re turned In his home near Duke. ed against Wash Bryant, wealth farmer, charged with wife mardat by the exhumation of the women body Monday and the holding of post mortem examination by Dr. . W. Halford, acting coroner, ia (h ir-tuenco of lawyers for the 8ta1 •i'd defeat*. Bryant, however, still hold In jail here without prii •lege Of bond pending a pretiminai hearing U> be held Util Week. Mrs. Bryant wae shot to deat Monday of last week, Kryaot a< nutted that he killed her, bat nlem rd that hie rev elver wae accidrnU ly discharged while he wae la tl act of receiving It from the hem of hie ortfa. Mrs Byrant wae sh through the loft eye. A coronor Jury, called together immediate after Bryant had notified Sheriff V It. Turlington of the alleged act dent, returned a verdict of act dental death and exonerated Bryar Subsequently It wae rumored tk the woman bad boon shot more thi oaee; that aha bad wounds la tl nork and body It was to aerorta the truth of three rumors that tl authorities determined to exhus the body. Vo wound except th through the eye wae found oa tl body. Charles Loo Cay. who has bo employed by Oill Lucas, father Mrs. Brvant, to aid in the pro sec tlon of Bryant, still Inaists, bowev that there I* sufficient widen upon which to hold the man withe bond. B. F. Young has been emph •d by the defense. Bryant urea arrested here Seti 'day when he earn* to town for 8 unity's shopping by Deputy She It 8. Jeraigaa. I S^raUrr. CUaUr of -„r„ m i EPIDEMIC IS NOT EXPECTED Soot* Scattering Cum of lain. »“ Throughout State But la Not Sorieu* No general recurrence of the eni draiic of Infloenca that sweet over •**. *^5 In the fell of 1*18 is ta inted *>J' «®ci*u of the Slate Board “f Health, although there arc scat tenag reports of mild outbreaks la various port* of North Carolina The disco*# u not included in the lint of ^•epbrUWe maladi.. and only Mof. flcial Information roach* the depart Inquiries reached tbf department I yesterday from Morehead CityaikiM rhat step* were Decenary to quar MDLnelhc neighboring town of Be an tori where there are **id to be a considerable number of cases of iw ilueaaa. Morehead City wiebae to oeure itself from an invasion of the disease*. Othsreaeee are repotted rroai Faqoay Sprieg*. the namber lieiag given unofficially at 14, and 8*LCV“ fr*“ C*Or. boti> pieces ia Wake county • But little apprehension is fait that tbarc will be Hach infhiento this winter, and the belief is held that I there are maay cases they will be base very much milder thaa the eriw inal invasion and very few deaths have been reported. The cloeing of -*** »* Finiaay Bpnngs is rv *aIctT **tfcar BORAH QUIZZES GOOD ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Idtha Senator Sends Letter To Cwmaral Asking Far Hit Viww* am Treaty. Washington, Jan. IS—While Sen ate leader* ia the peace treaty cen tre veray today prepared far -mail •ion tomorrow of the bi-partisan sen ferenre on compromise reservations to effect ratification, Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, made pnbtle a > Jettsr to Major General Leonard Wood, candidate for the Republican nomination requesting hie view* oa jtwaty question* and Senator Owen, Oklahoma, imuod • state if tete^Srt^st w'sPS lia=WrsS5s££ s jsar"•a~ 1 W Owenin hi. .utement de clared that forty Democratic Sena tor* would rapport "reasonable tw t treat ion*” and predicted that Pres ident Wilson would accept revision passed by lwo-third* of the Senate. Mr. Owes deplored reports of die agreement between President and former Secretary of State Bryan. Definite outcome of the bi-partisan compromise conference it expected this week. Leaders continued to day to be far from opthaistic. - . "•’***•«' Owen, reviewing events leading te the prevent conference*. V8!'8fcd *om* nvwspaser* were ctr ’ r»P<,rtJ ealeakted to stake . sdjeeiment of difference* impomibte. ■ FTTHIANS meet at duke. • °®W**»* nd R*V. J. M Dinfali Abmi >Mikin. Duke. N. C Jauary 17s—A thre. " covm lunchton waa aarrad by tlx - Pythian ardor Friday ia the Lyteum I* Korh mamtx r waa toppoerd to brlni I* hit wifo or a friend. Bor. J. K. Dan • leU, of Dunn, wai the (rat apeakr * uainy aa bia aabjoet “What wa a * Pythian* can do to help aoWe tb< a problem* of today.” Elli* QoMataii y paid a beautiful tribal* to ”0or Py ' thian Woman” arvd Mr. E. T. La i- confined bit remark* to tba "Pyth *- ian Goat.” R. 8. Yarborough act t. ing aa toaatmaatar railed oa at tare kt v i*i tor* and member* for rwmariu in among thoaa responding war* H. 8 ie HartaoU, I. B Thomas. H. F. Rd ia ward*, E. rf Boat, C. R Millar, Bor >• A. H. Porter, C. B. Rieka and w. A to Erwin Jr. at The luncheon era* prepared am ta Barred by the ladle* of Urn comma ntty and waa cert*infy a trlhwt* ti in the good hoanektaper* and woald h »f house-keeper* Tba mean rarwiMe. u- af Mowed ayatara, a m!ad court* n, cofTeo. and a cooraa af tVfw ea Tba table# ware daeorajad wltl y- crota* *2^ 2^”*^ sardr-s saru s £-sr“j s c“4«r flatkrtaking bualaaaa. DURHAM COMPANY CERTAIN TO START BRANCH MIUL HERE KNITTING CLAMS TO BE STARTED SOON l-o»g* N« Waaud f.r •VU W«b-JUt berMnUtin »-rh,,|,,, i,' f**t Plurt to ha Oaa at'‘ A branch of tha* MiUa will ha the next taw waaka, aneoaacoaam U Kiddie, Chamber at conference wMh T. C Harrell, r tentative at the ! war bote for the veatigate local conditio aa It la pc eh able that the company will partham the large brick building at Dm and of north WOaon Arena* and aerie art it to anil the nature of tha ha^aaaa. General Julian I, Carr le tha hand at the Durham company. It M hm tfaaatod that either he er Me earn, J. I. Carr, Jr., will visit Duma within tha aast taw daya to leak ever tha WUaon Avenue property aad earn# other aitea that are lion. It U improbable will begin the maaa here tor several inary aifaagmmn have bean made, be crested ta halt. Attar t has haea i ■tsrtcd ia The bashi__ aay la eae of tha laisaaft at Ha L. v, in gm^oantr^ ^ha mala plant la ham started ia tha Ueldahere ia paahahly the laapaah If the Ckemksr ad Caamret la ■ la paaMhle that Mss -a® eventaelty beeame m ad tha eompaay’tmoat -■ V eat. The hulidiag is that which' wee originally constructed (er a *-•-1 warehouse. Its dtmaauioae are aheat 100 >y ISO feet. H tha Host__ merec will begin towa and Ha e ' dents far the Only wernaa are . They mam be above and wfllintj^te week. are Warning. Whaa they 1 detent them mlariea arm ward to at least |SI a week. ^ratable Werk Phased Mr. Harrell waa careful to empha sise the fact that it waa aat a aat rsigarrsi-sfttt aUU village with ha attendant un pleasant features, ha mid. “We edrr clean, who! seems, TgreenMe profitable werk to young -Timm ~ he ■aid, “and there ia no i >e)f-respecting young hesitate to accept it “In other town*,” ha ■,..... . “We have experienced me diScalty ia getting the very highest type si fe maiebeia We de aet expect any trouble from this as urea herc-“ Applicants far employment in tha •rat clam ekould eommuadenta with ihc Chamber of Commeree hnmid lately. *AKE ROOSEVELT HOME AN AMERICAN SHRINE New York, Jon. II_ plae« of Theodore >nimH at M East Twentieth street. Now York. h to he restored as nearly aa peaaiWa U> Its condition la 1M1. isiwBh to the ofleials of the Vaan'a Aosoe veh Memorial asaselatlan fill awing a recent conference bare with Tbao daU Pop# <Mn. John W. Piddle), tht architect haring the plans In charge. „ An adjoining tanas at No. M has also been purchased and both dint ares will be remodeled to conform to the archltectore of the time ad the former President's With. They wffl her# brownetoM fronts and mansard roofs and the interior of wlH be made to tea amble the ksyhssd ' homo of the great American. 014 1 mantels, ehandsUam and IdWtSII 1 wffl be ant back Into nines and sMA 1 hood friends of the colonel wffl ' vise the daroradana. A Passers litas Kkrary • Of Ms books ofr • sad Awsrlcanisas _ I and pabllsbed speeebao wffl be | . In the boost at Ns. id. Me vohsmes the colenel liked to I ' dealing with many phases « knew lodge will . Astros. According to I the top floor of atftlerd for aa an > for gathering of a ' Fire girls or timber j I cations. When completed tk > oriel is intended to sacra aa an lotion fog the development of stnrir i eld-fasMeswd Amcrtanaiam. **-Tn7m ; r Mrs. Henry L. Mun. Mm. :£V’»SK8S Mr* %

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