... mn * \ f UTTLE MESSENGERS W ^ W Y ^ I zgg THE DU ^ DOWN. A*Y Mk, 1»M - ---:__- _ DANIELS DECLARES AMERICA'S DELAY HAS BEEN TRGED1 Pi\*l One of Fiddling an Delay Secretary Of Navy Says lu Address 4 -- CONFIDENT AMERICAN PEOPLE WsLL DO DUT Speak.nC In Behalf of Near bait R« liaf Fuad, Ho declare* P'wpU W* Respond to Calif Navy Not Sin ply Fight in* Machine But Ale Powerful Implen ent of Protecting New York. Feb. 1 f—The pa*t yoa fee the United 8U(n ha> been on ‘ »-f fiddling and delay, and chsi ecr ized ax -the t: sc edict** by Sec it ary of the Nuv* Daniels ahu ad '.reseed th# opcervr tncct’ng her lay of the mmprbfr for tb# N.*a ;.»*m Rol.ef fund. Although Amec Vr\ had not kepi f«\li with i*,r Allic lb fa d, be hrd mjmIUUjk’o th.*t ;h Ainnaan pcop’e wuilH dc Ihoii duty “One n| the Wlitfs that carried u nto the '.rar“ ndikd Sac'vtory Dan iclf “woe that mmll peep!*!* have th' ri;ht to liberty end \r, control thd o*/n de^tlnic*. Shall Amcriru alon< f r 11 now In lUMm'r.hg that principle' I do nut belimo it I m conftdcu thit th# Arm*-'CAr. |» vplr w’d! roe pend to thin till. Oivr to Aimenu • ireier.t r. Iic*f from th# |eri|» of star vttion and then ;>i*ovido for tho free nem of the country from the rub . the Turk*. They will refund U th i call as they have r«*vpond#d t< every Vail mud# aoon them vine* April 0. 1V17.** Secretary Daniel* in speaking ol th. Navy war that it only exUt* a* * flghting machine. Thiv, he odd.d, »> it* chief m>p;o»>. but if it had noi proved n lK»a*.*rfi;l r. ft# .’*<•>• in poicc tinr the pcopl* anr. urdiolding thi d .rnity of the Hog at nil t:mu> it ha< fe-led of it* nriaion, In the war, hi declared, it had proved iu worth and n*u none a* run »lwrt !n l.rmginj phuul peace. Thor* was nothing *.h« matter with thr American Navy dur , irg.the if«r. James W. Geraid, for * mna Ambasaador to Germany said lr a brio/ address. "The trouble with thr Secretary h that he it too good ngturcd," add ed Mr. Gerard.- "If I had-beau. Bao m for Jet board of oitkim, 1 vovM have had them on the glide and tivoU o*. «« --- —t the TurViah trader* wen- rtil! attrh-rtio'* "t«» w o<• ojt thr A menlai pcoutj." There ha* ahead*- Ix-c.i HI.UOO, fif'O *uhcril»d tn ihr relief fund in Nhw York City, it win announced • li ring thr mert'ng. SPRING HOPE RENDEZVOUS FOR S10LEN AUTOMOBILE. Richmond Police Claim Gong ol of Thiers* Used Tcwn as Hcadqusrtsrs. Eichmo id. Vo. Frb. 2—With the ar rest of Hi-Wirt JV-cy today, police lwlievc they have inupht the find tn 'anher of an organised cane that, it it charged. Hrm lr -*n itcalinir auto mobiles hy IK* wholesale, taking •h -m to North Corollas, treating ‘ 1 *m to a new coat of paint and aril . :ar *n<m to farmer*. According to |xdlcc n-poita the** . *r» have been taken in Ilirhmofjil i>rd run In a point n.-*r Spring Hope N. C., where the officer* say they rnu*td u veritable net which tht "h eves had been liuddiuy fur thi-m tflrc*. Captain Wrtght. of the. Police fores end Detective Sorp.-sM A Ikin'* hnvt bcf.B in North Car*,lina for Severn' •lay* and returned today with A7.00C worth of stolen ontemobUrs whicl they recovered, The chargee aguinrt Felvev is tfiai he broke into garage* h»>f and atcal 'ft cai-s belong to W. H. Parker Me*. Carrie Row and W. R. Powell When arraigned his ca*o was rontin ned until February 12. According to the police reporti ‘•l-ealinp plan?" At Spr'np Hope, N. • C. The plare war in an I*oIatod nre tlcn of r.tiA town and difficult of ae re)*. The officer* r.urrnonded the r lace and rwoeped down ui* the oul 01, Apparently too Irtr a> all but Fal v*y ware away. CAPT. FIELD E. KINDLEY. AMERICAN ACE, KILLED Son Antonio, Fob. L-- Capt- Field ” Klrdlcy, American aca and com rrvnder of tha OWi aero sefuadron '»• a killed mxUr.tly In aerial maneu • « r* at Kelly Held number two thia f-rmoun Captain Kldlay'r home at Gravetto, Ark. The an-idaot occurred while a rronp of planaa were In practice for mrtlan preparing for an exhibitor c icduled in honor or General Par • .-h'lur** vWt ToawJh/. Carta’n Kindle*',, machine fell when ho wax about fit) f„,.t aboyt the ground He wax cruahed and burn ed. PRICE REDUCTION ON ~ CiOTHVS DIEEICULLT JOB. Wanhiogton. 8—Nciroilatioac batwr«n r apartment •# Juotice offl <J#la. charged with drlelng down lie inf coate. a«d roprcwmtaflv**of h*. ♦areata angayrd ip the man of acta re •t d aal* of men’* dothmc had made littla progieta tou'pht toward* the -I* volopmnt of a policy tending to bring lower price*. Tha trad .rep r« aentattve* am tv^cd tn ahare thtlr margin of profit a* '"r'acan* of producing lowar price*, but UU* aufgaation apparently bad develop ed • heated argument [DURHAM CONCERN TO ESTABLISH I Representatives of Juli Close Deal For Brie j at End of Wilsoi Campaign to Dunn is to hxva a knitting mill. This was assured this week whei f r<-pr»*rientatlvci of the Durham Knit ting Mills Company closed a contrac • with the Dunn Warehouse Compan< 11 wh«*r*by it acquires a threa-yc-a .ill use of the large brick warehouw J"* the end of North Wilson Avenui j with tn option to purchase fhc build • ing at fhc expiration of the learn. p P. I’ertin, general superintend [ S.nt company1* chain of mills f. (. Harrell, field representativi who wax first to look over the fl«l< h-..i«. and Mr Ferrell, who is to man agi the local branch, were the rep ! msmtalive* hero this waek. Thel mr.da the deal lor the warahouai ■ l through V. U Stephens, director ol • "ho indurtriel department of th< ’ Chamber of Commerce. T. L. Rid, ■ dir snrielary of the chamber, will ' dh-ert n campaign through which ; worker* for the new enterprise are to f be nciui'xd.. All that is required of the comma ' nity by th» company'is the construe lion of sewerage and water lines U Hie warehouse and the assurance that labor will be plentiful. These detn-ls are now underway. The linet will be laid as toon at excavations ROBESON MODELS FAIR AFTER HARNETT’S PLANT Cwaltlx. Smi Her. lUpaet. P. vorably to AhmIiiU. .1 Uaskastaa 1 lie following story Is taken from fhc T.umberion Robesoniaa. The following committee of Utc Uobcaon Fair Association, composed of Mee.tr*. W. O. Thompson. D. D “tench, O. O. Dukes and B. Sam Ed wards. vhited the fair grounds of Dunn Friday and inspected the build ing*. The committee found At Dunn Ju^***** wanted In the way of hnildingx, ate. It amt found. upon inw \.U9\ re* VOUQ 'M neecKary to build ton building* ii dnd.*f u ni flret HnnnH SujhHhg-l* to Uk.a"rf ^5T?- “»V »nd eMther,. and will be 4blM. Moond h?“*~ aU* >*’ «5xl< '*'• with two walk way*. The plans for throe building* will 1>* •' ■»*•« nil construction will bc •»*« i<nra“d»'clv The n*eoc'-ai!on expert* to offer a hoot <2.000 in premium* which will hr >u(*cientlr lergy to *11 three bofld to thohr capacity Th- ferjo* around the ground* i« il'Tadv *n chijree of conotruction. ELIM’NATF. USELESS EMPLOYES New Secretory of Afrievltaro Sug goet* Remedy fey High Cert ef Living. Woxhington. Feb. 2.—Elimination «f uc-oleux emnloveo* in non-produc tive hnxinexs. tho aneeding up of all lWe* of irdp*t**v romm»nxur*te with tho nrexent activity of the firm era *nd determination of retailor* and iultltyre to exact onlv a reaonablo pro fit wore recommended a* a eolation for the Melt coxt of living nrablem. hv Erlwln T. Meredith on taking the oath of office today a* Secretary of <«rrienlti»ee. The hfyh eo*t of living problem, •ho e-or S"cr«t»rv inerted. cannot ho »o|vod theouyh the effort* of ono -l*w hot nil hnxlnem and nil labor •onxt rvcoenlxo the notation no a *«mmon d’tty. RUPGAW WOMAN FATALLY BURNED IN NASH COUNTY Rocky Mount* Fob. 2.-—Mira Alice VeCnv. of Rurgaw, who wa» a teneb •r of' tho Rnnn xchool of Nuh coon tv. niffered bum* at xrv early boor thl* morn'no from which *ho died "hr hop"* later. According to ro no*t.x. tho had gotten up to take eorae •ncdlcine and wa» Handing by an onen orate whoa the garment! the wow* erarfct flro. She xammoned bit before aid could roach bar Ae *•*> fatally burned. Ml"' VcCny war 19 yuan old ond wrodnated from Meredith College at Weldirh le«t year, aha was a daughter "f Mr.. Frank McCoy a prominent ’•radar county fanner. ORE. TROUSERS ••VEHICLES” INQUIRES UNCLE SAM Chicago, Feh. 8.—The United State* Court prill bo aaVed whether •ha trouno-» of Cbarlea N. Thomas. Oi're-n bark gireeident, ere a “ve blcle ” and If Any are. whether they •.hnuld be confiscated by the govern ment a»d sold at auction. Mr. Thomas was arrested Saturday n'-bt lr a cabaret when ha produc ed a bottle of Honor from Ms hip noe.ket and concocted highballs for hlmrc'f end three companions. Federal prohibition errata who made the arrest meiValn the US of ♦Tic bin pocket to carry liquor makes Mr. Tkoma't troopers a vehicle, «ub leet to solsara sad sa* Earthquake la Bra all Bncroa Area. Pah. t.—Dispatches from the Biota of Miaaa Grraea. Rra Ml. report that an earthquake San ds* Shook down a number of bouaes •n the country dletrtete creating great 55*1?. "Stone the inhabitants. The djmstche. say that In Intensity the that raging1 “ w1,Wot Etweadspt la LEASES BUILDING EMITTING MILLS HERE an S. Carr's. Comparty ic Tobacco Warehouse i Avenue—Begin Procure Help. (can be made, and Mr. Riddle will be gin hut campaign-far help at onca. The company requires the service of about 100 girls and women for lb firm .claw of beginner*. These will “* paid while learning to All the du tioe required When they are Atted 5® “* position* In the plnnt ihrv wiU be paid salaries ranging a* higb •» 2S a weak. The^nill will begin active operation as soon a* the Ant ***** ha* been taught to man the ma stain-*. Some of the skill -.1 help r^fi0th,r Pisnt* of the company will be sent to work In the plant nnd to teach the beginners. Many voung women and girls in Dunn and Its environs have already made application to the Chamber of Commerce for membership in the Am claw. There Is still room for a .!T howtver. and Mr. Riddle w;*' to tok* the application of *"r who 4e»lrs to Join. The Durham Knittmg Mill* Com pany it a Julian 8. Carr entSTpri**. It is among the largest manufactur er* of m<aerate priced and high rrade hosiery In America nnd ha* several branch plant* in thin State It intoad.% according to the represen tative* here this week, to make thi* bianch one of its most important. fight cost of living IN RALEIGH MEETING Henry Pegs Calls Gathering of CNi aans fee Nsst To*.dor Night. Raleigh, N. C.. February 5.—-Eve ry interest in North Carolina—home elub. farm, factory, gBdJjHop—will **• represented at'* meStAg called by Henry A. Page. North Carolina /air pries co*RmiaMoH«y. to b« held ip the Hall of the Hsuss of Rspreeen &ZM9&S3: repmsentth* th« -depart ■***• wffl apeak Thns Hr, ealy» ft* pmeyeauen* under the new J*»ujj»»a been started for profite«r ■ Q bare ;— -■— — ——ir orgaaTcationt, farm demonstration agevU, farmers peons, mere haste amociationa, home d< monrtration agents, and women'i eltiba and varioas patriotic organisa tion*. The night Maaion Will follow an af ternoon meeting when the woman will be addressed-by Mrs. Wade. CENSUS NEARING END Supervisee Cook Issues Call To All Wko Are No* Listed. The following letter baa been re ceived from Henry Lilly Cook, Ccn aum supervisor for the 8lxlh Con gremional District: "As suggested by the Census, Bu reau, I am, for the U*t time, notify ing the people of ht* Sixth Congrem ioaal District that the Census enu merator* have about finished the enumeration, and any peraon in any of the various one hundred and for ty-eight enumeration district!, who do not know they have been inclu ded in the enumeration, should re port to mo, by card or otherwise, giving me their name, age, address and occupation, together with the place of tholr birth and that of thoir father and mother, the languor tach speaks. If other then English. “1 want to bo sure to include in the schedules, soon to be forwarded to Washington, a thoroughly rom pletc enumeration of the people of the district, and to that end I am holding the ached ulea for a few duy* before forwarded them to Washing ton.” ANOTHER “UNLOADED" CUN CAUSES DEATH OF YOUTH Wilson. Feb. 2.—On the Whlto head plantation, nine miles east of this city, Hi Gardner's township Rob ert Hilliard, Jr., an 18-year-old nc Saturday afternoon The fatal ahot in the left temple caused Inetant death Tha coroner rrrtewed the remalna later in the day and on Son day morning, Sheriff Howard arrett ed young Hilliard wha at the cor oner’! inquoet admitted that he had (hot the deceased but thought the run was unloaded. Ho is now In Wilson jaQ in default of forniching a bond of 16,4)00. MAT GET CIGAR PLANT A. L Sterner, taleaneanagtr for tha rule-So Cigar Company, waa hare yesterday to look oror the Sold with a clow to neUMIthtnar a branch factory in Dunn. He spent several Hour* In ronfaronea with V. L. Ste phen*. director of Ute Industrial de partment of the Chamber of Com merce, and T. L. Riddle, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. He : waa eery favorably la*preased by Dunn, and, It la mid, stated that ho would advise his principals to give Uw taws prrfaraace over all others If adequate labor could ho assured. Mostly female help wtN he required, i The company wants • darn of fifty - glrlo to Bogan learning. A ml«ry of ntao do lien a weak will ho paid i teamerv. These who hseams prod t dent will ho paid eateries ranging • upward to ISO a weak. Thom who i deaim employment M the branch i should communicate with Secretary Riddle, or Mr. Stephens at eaee. To Toko °>* both in *"** °* iy **• xJyTfh* Cornu* Bu° f**u • •>N|FiMn on cotton pco f,r lh* mi 14,1 i*la;14@V>UM4 ■» Dir«. £*•ySpS -Tk® worW> to tol for tha fci Bm, cot Indudlnr |int*rt In tlXM| Stolon wo. I0-»»*.0O4‘mgy &00-j»ord nVl »•!*** «‘th *7.335. OM k*Uo jjKKppreo-ciinj f0Ur " ^ ‘n^9 It"* d^^^J^^Hfc'^'worTnd ing cotUnr^^^BTpet become nor <"“• *■’ tbe .nobil ity on Uio D^^^Upropo u, purebaoe cotton trcw#^^H^K of nrouble con dition! fn b^KMe eountno* or.d ri«*‘yT*T^^y,>l n>U* ** s&SrWs *&'■'*£ •"S'! tho^^ETr boiluiulr oad pUu South Carotin*'. 764,740 bate* and ’a 702,676 bale a. The Util nation t'«u form erly considered a and in many nrt.no-. a naiaanee iHuatratad In :hr Matiatfr* of aaed and cot or aetxl produd bad a com bined value of 100 for the year. Production Cotton teed wa* C,660,000 t*n«j <* which 4.478, 50 tone ware art* it manufacture Crude products obtained were: Oil, 176,711.000 icaDona. frived ut 227. 316,000; cake and'' uial, 8,170,000 callone valued at •■8273)118,000; cake and meal, t,170146 ton*; valued at tll6.llh.060; hrfh. 3,1*7.000 tonp, valued at |17,ttJ)“00r aad I inter* valued at IZ2,2*»f*>0. Exporta ware »W87<978 aalloru of retton tcod oil, dA<t 186,618 tone of cake and m«a). ; • • POLES AND Rtl**lANS MOV* To END WAIL London, PA *—Confirmation «u received tednsr that htc Polish government, in WlAnetion erith the alliea in coiuhtagjff' the' offer of peace made by r**mier Lenlue of Soviet Rotate, F<£>8n MiirtaUr Tch Ucberta and MlwAt*r of War Trots ky on behalf ef .y* council of the l*ople*’ eunjailMw***. The offer in vited a friendN^*Lt*ement of all diipuUu and *8P'»di»t qoeauon* between Poland Soviet Jtuaala. THE YOUTh’6 COMPANION HOME calenda*. Po« mo. The PubirahertJ* the Youth*. Com paaioti will, wm At kUa Mason, prevent to weiT/rifcer wIwn MkddKnKA. it4 U>> Iff «A» 104(1 a Calendar for ¥•**, Tka tabtaU are j>ri*d**.1* red mod dark blue, and the days of tbo currant k bold lafribU •rpr, glvn the OfJ*’VUr ef the pro ceding and month to •■tiler type It Jharjin It It a rich and prtetto* Eteeo ef work. NEW >mm# You BENSON. The Benton MAgUsalo Dry Good* A Notion* Co , B *“* name of a new huetnot* for Mf**i of which Pree ten Woodall i* #f Wd. Not only to #* • * MV Midnaai for Benaon but ff tha whole eetn maalty. .ft WbiU the b^**** U now In It* Infancy there to *.Wwnderfu! epper I unity for tuch E^Wprtoe here and lt« proportion* »oon grew to be immcnac. j., Mr. Woodall h#>«t re turn >d from Northern mill* mr* he bought 1*0, WO worth of *§»*** nndnotloni Md rhi promt* «•.*•«»• arriving. Ha win maiattdh * corpa of toloo men who wilt «*•■ *hla entire ate tton. V. . .When asked dljj* *• •*«•»■< which bo could *“hla «e«do, Mr Woodall *ald ME Wlcaa would be Identically the «£• •* thorn of the large at hours to#*** York ar Bnl Uaiora. X _ Until a Inrge/Wldiar can be an cited be to uJgf.g* tom ever hb tua Mare* ay 1B»"t Mrset and Ijp i Sag1 them up for #*• pnrpaaa.—Ban ma Review. ,f - CHAMBER OF COMM COMMITTEE AD> Marion C. Butler's Good points Committee to ) mission For Aid Petition Lt A bond iasoe at $250,000 for good roods In Avcmsboro Is to be advo cated by the Dunn Chamber ef Com merce. This was decided Tuesday night when the Good Roads Department uf which Marion C. Butler is direc tor, met in the organisation's room, to consider means of improving reads leading into Dunn. The bond Issue wae suggested by Ben O. Townsend •ecretary and Treasurar of the Av t*rajboro Road Commission. It was alto decided to join with other communities in asking the- spe cial session of the legislature to vats $200,000,000 in bonds for road d£ vclopment in North Caroliaa and for carryin* out the State’s part in the Federal r«ad scheme. Ben 0. Townsend. Ernest P. honng X P. William*/.!. W. Draagh on, J. L Thompson and T. L. Riddle were appointed a committee to con fer with the State Highway Commia .lon at Raleigh In and effort to get State and Federal aid for road pro jects in this section An effort will also be made to get the aid of surrounding towns in a project to be [Id roads to Lillington, *-===:-— ■■■ a. ——i tOO PER CENT INCREASE IN SOME FOOOS IS SHOWN Boco. mad Ham Load Stoats, With Broad, Boltar, Eggs sad All Else Up. Increases of tram 50 to 200 per coot In retail prices of the principal food products of the country and from 70 to more than 200 ner cent in vholnali during the lent di yean, are shewn in Agar** leaned by the bureau of labor atatimics. Taking th* year IBIS aa tbo nor ■aal year for baaing comparative price*, the bureau abowa that by De cember IMS retail price* of moat* had advanced fram M to M par rent over tha average far ISIS. Bacon P« 108 per cent, and polatoci oent- Coffee, tea and anger advance* of 64,17 aad 164 per emit roapoetivaly. Chao** want np B« par cant and milk 8S par cant. Wholaaalc clothing price*, accord ing to tha barren* figure*, ihowcd an increaac ef 818 par cent leet Do comber ever 1011 levels and boaac fumiahinga want ap SOS per cant. An advonca of 114 par cent in food aa a commodity waa ebown while farm product* roeo 144 per cent. Lumber and building material* dim bad 168 per cent in the aix year* **,,e the average of all th* couamo ditiaa tabulated roee 188 per cent. DEFENDS WAS RECORD Camming* Cewfiama. -RapvMtoaa* fe Attack* oa Admlaiatretloa. Buffali. N. Y-. Feb. Th* War record of the Democratic party waa defended by H. 8. Cummings, chair man of the Democratic National Committee, in aa ad dram bore to night, He condemned the Republi can* for delay ia raiifving th* the peace treaty, and declared that in all th* world only in thia country “have been foond men who ar* will ing to aland in th* way af a aettlo ment calculated *U> organic* the world for peace rather than foe war." He challenged the crttici of tbo adminis tration to auggoat bow the war could Hava bean wan mom promptly and with lorn of American llfa. LYCEUM THEATRE At” DUKE TO SHOW BIG FAIRBANKS' PICTURE. It ia doubtful if any motion pic ture waa ever talked about and await ed with as much interest a* Douglaa r air bank’< Maw Picture, "Hi* Ms Jcaty, Th* American," which will bo the attraction at the Lyceum Thea tre in Duke on Saturday. February 7 th ThU if Douclae Pairbanke’ flrat l»-1 dependent prodection. and mask* the am rataaae of the Uattod Arttota Conwration, the aadrflad "Bl«l£oy” competed of Mary Ptekford. Charlie Ch.plin Doa.ua Falrbanka. and D. W. OrlmtH. . Tha alary of "HU Maim/. Ae American” le a kneck-out," and t+rea "iW • chance to da a lot of aa tirely now trVcki and Ike picture la far aad away the hifntaat prednctloa that he hat ever tamed oat. It deolf with the adventure of a yoan* How Yorker who llvea on excitement. Hie unqaearhable thrift for now thrilla. leada him aereoa two eentinaata and tho tot tinge noeeeoary for tho por trayal of A# alary have root a tidy fortum, A Mexican village ‘wae batlt la tha hiUa aarroaadln. tha Falrhanka fta dloa In Hallywoad. In nnathar place a complete P'raach lawn wae ooa U meted aad another acetic* of tho ■ladle wae need to roprodaeo a How York Ttneaaeat etreat. A Freneh railway llaa wae aeeded ee one 1*00 fact wnf with fun oqulpaaaat waa Ta appreciate AM picture theugfc 1 one aid aaa It Witt a naw Aim 1 ptax machine M wffl ha ttawa trader the heat condition*. »ai««M •» aVta * M **d HW lNlw^r*^lt COlTlB* i t ERCE AFTER ROADS; nSES BIG BOND ISSUE ———— * Roads Department Ap Vait on Highway Com to Dunn Diatrict— igislature. Gr»™ and Clinton. Th* com mitt pc appointed to vUJt wBlalto hivt thU In chufa. who had boon invited te attend hav ing been called sway by cthar bnd neaa M. F.’ Williams. of Sampson Cooaty, was tho only out of town msmbor of tho committee promt He will work la his community to get aid far roads that laad to Dana, ***** moat of tho trading of North western Sampson is dona. n T5*ae?5P“tt*# wpolntad to go to Raleigh will raport to a fall mooting of tho board of director* of tho twnabor of Commereo aa soon as its work 1* completed. Then will begin ifswa !sSi.vss5s: Johnatnn and Cumberland te any vary «reat extent, tho Chamber La m d covering to interacted tho border township* in thooo counties te co-op erate with Avoraaboco la tho move ment. It ta hoped that bard anrfacr roads can be Wit throughout the Donn District within the mart few pan** FIRST PASSENGER VESSEL ARRIVES FROM GERMANY Maachaeta Dolagod With Apptlo* How* For Paaaigo While Unloading nt Hamhacg New York. Fab. S.—The first pas port to tha United States tinea July 1914 and tha Ant Aatarican passen ger ship la many years to undertake a ahaAar voyage, ranch ad hero today whan the American line ataawar Manchuria docked. She mildd from Hamburg-January B, calling at South Hampton and brought BO pataaagrrt NEWBERRY CASE OUTLINED Dailay Hapoa to Fveee Bantler Syant Thousands for Elect tea. Grand Itepidt, Mich., Fab. *—An ouSiae of what tha government ex pect! to prove against Truman H. Newberry, United States Senator and his IBS associates, charged with connlmcy in connection with tha IBIS senatorial campaign, was start ed in Federal District Court here to day by Frank D. Bailey, special aaata taat attorney gantral. When adjournment time came ha waa abont two-thirds through Ms pre patod ooUina. Mr. Dailay, mid Mihon Oakman waa hired as manager of the Detroit campaign "at an enormoua aad stag (eHngaalaTY amounting to thou mb of doBart-” „ . "The evidence will show, ha da cla red.' “that this o****}**"™ more money on »" *r*T*,T *' Jf forty-slight hoars than the last of tha United 8tatss permit for na cm the campaign." *_ STAItT bAWK PROSFEROU9. jnxys^&'l s. stockholders la tha annual meeting last week. An ef this amount was transferred to the surplus aeeount of the bank for further pretoetton to ran, wu elected president, and Ba rton C. Boiler ao/s. *• Jeeknn were feiected vWe-Trr«MenU, M. Reek* end «. T. Drsiwt mtn elected cashier end assistant cashier, ii'ssstUvaly. Dirretaea eheesn in: T. V7Smith, Marian C. BotWr, B *. Jackson, J. D Barnes, j, I. Creckntt. O. H Rooks. B. T. Draper end Q. B. Byrd._ Heavy fane Miss far Heaters. PWe hondred- dollars, the ouV mam Dm, recently was levied hy a lodge in Michigan against a hector 'fer»»mn* M 3o«k» In rioWtWn cf the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. An other vWater, of the same War, la Conaectieot, whn Wi been raiHy of masted offentea area sentenced so 35issrjSJL-tft.HSS fSIL Tee Juiyi 191*. and several hondred eeovteUosM have keen se ?J«d These ewes are cited hy the Biological Borvey, United Staten De asrtnTcnt of Agricultere, arhlch ad ^ He he, to Show, the (»■ ' which Uw treasur y begins DRASTIC PRUNING OF DEPOSITORIES L®** Tluui 400 NatiMMl Buka imotiZZ °* CHANGES IN FINANCIAL SITUATION ~ WWW CattWf Om Tteeeaey Beta •Ml twnw banki dt_ w J, __ ■*•>* dapodtari it nnde br jJMiar dwartMTh* wm the mSt J“»« ao, li«r»A ttpetM uT«e »*t« 0»r pMain« knife. Ctwuct ia the irttiaall B mbcWI trtaatWa *^raabl aba at by swatWBfftas •T *• abaUab bandied* of tbtW PMitorW, mb tba yiaa fay dC MbatWn of mmawt —a in *_ ■aen* (be bank* —rftrrl ZwvW to 191 f. ■■■P'ejea BKI prWr While the Treasury ia —««'— dudmff tha halaaeaa earrWd by May ITuvernment transactions do a*, wm. <J»ira the oat of r “■elan_ _ _. It la *id. will be the i la the fatare «XffT32S-*'c,Sl'=fc.<2 • -fKfra.'rUijffiLs.i; twrrw on • tells of butene** 4mm for 'f9 ^ovoruBiwt Indudte in tte Ite of Nttionil banka Ninal •* ■hot went wSd. the eeeoad Maude Rayle in the ride and went thee ugh My body Mr. Rayle fall and daft* dent flrad three ether theta, two of which pawed through Bayin'* hady. new grocery rimp Kennie Howard, _ tor of th» Howard Electric “Boddie" Baldwin. _ of the Flret Netieoal Bni Joined foroey nad retail grocery bwatnega. 1 they pore hated the M. M. dock and aro now ander the Arm name at Baldwin, limy eoM Drhrer etaod, in the _ tag »t the corner at and PayettovOte Avon wo. ie announced, intend Co make eytaMUfcment one «f the dam proceviea in North will Mid much to the • "d fixture*. Gotten wee with Mr; Drteer, it the new Arm. ■ Bob. *•—The death the mm hurean'a nan tr •tattatle* tamed today «W 1.471.167 doc (ha far am mr renew sash's: rAsrsaS ^m^PT, or

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