“-“■sari THE DUN y«|. « DUNN. N. C BOLL WEEVIL IS MARCHING ONWARD SU te Entomologist Says Ho Will Take 7 Years Reaching Hills REQUIRES 3 YEARS TO DO MAXIMUM DAMAGE Coastal Plats Counties Will Not Fool Full Fossa CM Dastrae tloo Until 1921; Con Noraiolly Bo Empeetod To Wipo Out Profits In This Stats Cotton growers m the counties that lie in the coastal plain region of the State trill this year begin to fee] tbe effocta of the presence of the boll weevil In their midst, but not until they gather the mi crop will they begin to realise fully what the presence of tha past means, accord ing to Franklin Sherman, State Entomologist. Mr. Sherman is pre paring data to assist farmers In fighting the pest According to the findings of sev eral months investigations by the Stats Department of Agriculture, the weevil has gained a pretty thorough foothold in the frontier of counties bordering on the Atlantic, coming there from Georgia in col ton seed During the preaent crop year he may be expected to multiply himself to destructive proportions and next year will make his presence fait diaaalrioualy 70 Milos a Year. OVTVI11J unit* ■ / ■poed with which, the pent travels over the cotton bolt, anil by the be ginning of next year b<- will have moved a hundred milra inland, and the conditions in those counties will then bn about aa they arc in rountiei along the eoaat. Ry the end of th* yaar 19*7 the wrevil will have about covered the entire cotton bolt, reaching up into the Piedmont section as far as rotton is grown. No appreciable inroads will be made into the production of cotton in this State this yaar on account of the presenra of the weevil, although in some communities production may be reduced by 6 to 10 pnr cent. Next year it will b« greater, and the jaxt still greater, until the average re duct ion of from 15 to S<1 per cent la reached. In tha lowland, wanner counties tha loss will be Issrgur, and in the higher country muy not raarh more than 10 per cent, ut Ita worm Batter Farming Methods. Better farming method:, is about Use only ram ady fWttt BeiJ'wowffT that agricultural experts have been able to devisa so for. The weevil himself continues, unchecked by the utmost cnduavnnt to deetroy him. unmindful of all the snares that have bean art for him, *e-mingly thriv ing on nil poisons and enemies that have been spread in his way He ia a fact that farmers can't get around and they have to make the bvot of whatever hr lavn of tha cotton. Closer attention In growing tha ___\_i_lit.._. 1_1. _ financing farming administration, bringing on the crop earlier before th* sreevil get* time to destroy It, will help some. Finwo who ore unable to do this. Mr. Sherman say*, trill And thoiT entire profits gTown at HADDOCK, PIKE. STURGEON AND TROUT WANT TO BE SEA ■ GOING MARINES Kansas City, Fob. 26.—Answer ing a blood call, perhaps, thin ouar tet want to go to sea: Haddock, Pika. Sturgeon and Trout rhiring the past week Alfred J. Haddock, Peter F. Pike. Charles C. Sturgeon, and Brooks Trout were ac cepted foi enlistment in the D. 8. Marine Carp* at t> elr recruiting sta tion here. This “human Aquarium” w*> transferred to the Marine Corps Sea-Going Depot at Paris Island, 8. C„ where they will train for life on the ocean wave. INFLUENZA IN DUW SCHOOLS. CHURCH Health Authorities Adopt To Protect Com muni Epidemic—Disease N Says Dr. Darden—/ Although influence ha* not roack-i rd an alarming stage in Dunn schools and picture shows wars closed Mon day and orders ware issued prohibit. Ing the bolding of church earvicoa and other public gathering* until such Ume as Health authorities will bars decid'd that all danger has named. This condition probably will continue until the middle of March. In Dona there arc approximately SO eaaaa of laSasaxa—moot of them mild. Since December 1 there have boon nearly 100 other* la the anno wading district, how ever, the dlaeaae is widely preval ent; and in many eases the malady has developed into pneumonia with some f stain let. In aome Instance! the disease baa «pr»ad to horses, ac cording to Dr. Thomas I. Darden, who la now treating many fan* ani mate far opiaoatie. a disease similar to tnSnoaaa among poaplo. Dr. Darden is not certain that the dloaaaa it not eproad by ho rate among man and eroman who eome In con tact with diem. He advieea all who have ailing boraae to raaeantine thorn and call la a veterinarian at aaco. 1 • ■ —■ ' I 160.000.00 SUBSCRIBED TO NEW HOTEL COMPANY Nearly $30,000 was yester j day subscribed for stock in the [ Dunn Hotel t'umpany. This lx I in addition to the sum eubserib I ed in the one-day drive made 1 ' several weeks ego foi the pur | nose of selling the stock and , tilings the gram] total up to i $60,300.00 In actual subscrip tions. The drive will continue I through the week nr until such I time as at least $80,000.00 is subscribed I At 0 o’clock yesterday morn ing a group of solicitors work I ing undo the direction of Rob | ert L. Godwin of the Sold to ' work until noon. By 10:10 | I o'clock they had sola nearly . I $20,000.00 worth. At noon they I had paarrl the $60,000.00 mark | I and prospect* for the new hotel were cxcKodinjrly bright. ^ Many of the best business . men and farmers of the Dunn District could not be seen yea | turday, but most of those who were seen subscribed liberally. I Some who had subscribed In the | I initial drive doubled their sub- I | scriptions. By tomorrow after | noon It is expected that the do aired mark will bava been | reached. It Is figured that whan the | subscriptions reach $80,000.00 the promoters will be in position to lour bonds to an amount suf | fW-ient to complete the hotel, which it it thought will coat ap ' proximatcly $160,000.00. • -- a NEGRO MOB IN LENOIR TRY TO LYNCH A BLACK Whits Formers Hold Blocks At Bay sod rretool Ntyrt TUI tko Shortly Arriveo. Kinston, Fsb. 2ft.—Pour wbltt farmer*, armed with shot mins, held a crowd of armed blacks at bay at a plantation in tho Contention Neck suction to Lenoir county yesterday while Sheriff Taylor, Deputy Thomni Conway, Coioner Eugene Wood and Police man Lemuel Aldridge hasten ed to tb* place to take in ruatody Haywood Motto, a negro prosper tier victim of a lynching bee which would not have accorded entirely with Tuakagec Institute's Idas ol what a lynching should ho. The blacks wsrs after Matt* and tha white fanner* were holding them Archer, a negro, on tha plantation of Frank Pope, a few hour* pro ving sly Wh»n the officer* reached the neighborhood they found the farmen euanling a pack hooae in which they hod concealed Mettx. The men wit* •hot guns told the sheriff Metta had distanced the mob in a speetaculai race. Member* of the mob declared to the eight whit** men that Mattl would be killod before he could b« gotten to Kinston Officer* argued with tho enraged nogrot!, warning them of the ton sequence* of th< vengeance they contemplated and ad' vising them to disperse. The mob appeared to be determ ined to make trouble. Shajrtff Tayloi demanded that the nogroo* give uy their arms "Sandy” Council, appar ently a leader, front the back of t plow horse declared "no d—d man’ ehoald take hi* gun away froir him. Tom Cnnway. the shci-tlTa chlai deputy, was bora Irish and showed Sandy that he had made a misstate, nr.onl Convav crabbed Hondo's ■*>* and rrfuecd to hear a word from him aboot it. The situation looked dark both a* to the background of tin martial ratting and for Haywood Mvtta, hiding in the tobacco barn. l.nck' it largely a matter of conr age. Many a rale la killed or made li the approach. A revolving door la a poor placi to drop a quarter. I FORCES CLOSING IES AND THEATRES Precautionary Measure! y From Danger Of oted Among Horses, lUthorities Ask AidT " To further aafrguard the beeltl of the community haalth auUtorttit aak all paraona to aid In the enforce mant of regulation* to refrain a much aa poeiiblc from meeting wit! rrowda. For the Uaoa being all pal eon« ahould remain at home nnlaa buainaaa demand* their praaance alac wharo. Children ahould not be al Lttinj i* uUU alVaa ahdiua* Maine they ar* to ploy In tho open nlr ind then only In clear weathor. Saturday crowds in at eras offn lost ao strioas a danger as to Otha indoor gatherings. Shopper* shoal tot loiter around atoroa attar that bad nans there W traneaeted. Thi offara a danger to themaalves and t their fallow*. Above all elae cam should b taken to keep wans, bat the wtndou of every homo dl>»M be kept ape day aiad night. Whoa the ana 1 shining Its ray* Aould ha adaattta to homes as froaiy as possible To avoid As flu— Keep sweet; . Keep warm; bet clean; Avoid the parson who coogt Avoid worry; * Oboy hytth.raguWlf* ■*■>>. HOOVER AGAINST TREATY AS ISSUE Former Food Coo broiler Say* “Roaervattoauata” Should Got Together. J BalUmora, Fab. SS.—Herbert C. Hoover, former food administrator, declared today In an addraaa at Johns Hopkins University bis opposition to maxing ratification of the treaty with Germany an issue in the Presidential campaign. Hr Insisted the injection of thr arguments for and against res ervations would “obscure oar press ing domestic Issues by conflict over a question in which the country al ready has mads up its mind," and added, “it is my tmpraaaloa that there is no party credit in this posi tion." Hope for immediate ratification of the treaty rsstrd, ho added, in ths ae. ceptanee by the “leaser reservation. lata” of thr proposals of the mild ree nrvattonist*.'' The two combined, he said, could secure ratification. “It also appears to us.' he continued, “that even from the point of view of the ‘leaser rowrvationlsts' they will have secured all of tba major func tions and values of the league. If K be put into being and if it prove its living valor in the world, no one can doubt that any nocaasory changes will be grunted to it by common con sent as tba years go on. For my ptn, iv uw iiw|UP cwnoi H,u’* ivi value under the latest proposals of the ‘mild reservation! at*' It will nt-ver prove them under the proposals of the •leaser reservation lata.’ " The present danger Eu'opv la fac ,ng, Mr. Hoover arid, (a not, so much a revolutionary eataelvsm aa the "steady degeneration of the Man Aar d of living and tha alow decay of the forces of atabilltv.” Restored produc tivity. he Insisted, ia caaentia! if the Allies are to receive the maximum reparation. "Until then we shall not have real pear*," be said. “It will be delaynd as Ions aa we hang the treaty in the air, for wa are a part of it." World la Soap so so. "I do not believe the adherence of ; the American people to the league re quires any demonstration." he con tinued. “It Hal been undos disc no tion for eight months. It has boon given able debate and consideration In It* every complexion. 1 betters that the majority of oar people arm coi vinced of. the neci-sslty of _ reser vation* with tha teagoa. Both par Usa to the conflict appear to concede this. The conflicting groups over the character of the reservations have, gradually abandoned their extra* ground and have come cl appear ts an outsider that both aides wars In agreement on all tha trust major idem of the league, ana the major 'ideas of reservations, hat that they am in disagreement mostly over secondary qaratieat in tha reserva tion*. In the meantime, the world is held in suspense. Infinite misery goes on accumulating. Forces art act in motion that may yield now con flict. Already the distrust and un dermining of confidence and credit in the world Has crippled our export | market." junnaivn wun i i bums CONDITIONALLY FA*DOMED CwrioW Of H>hI«|Ii1w la 1913 end Kept la Jail Far Twe Years Before Trial. News and Obeorvor. Joa Bryant, of Johnson county, sentenced to ten yean in the State'! prison for mansiaaghter was par doned yesterday by Governor Biek eu on condition of good behavior. ‘‘The defendant,” eaid Governor Biekett, ‘wne indicted August, 1913, and wna kept to jaQ until his trial in 1918. He was then sentenced to the penitentiary for ten yuan. Counting the time that he wa* in jail ha hat tervrd about six and a half yean. The jurors, the judge and the solici tor who triod the ease all recoin mend that a conditional pardon be given the prisoner. For these rat ion* a conditional pardon is grant ed.” ACED MINISTER DIES AT HOME NEAR BROADWAY Sanford, Feb. 38.—Rev. David McNeill, of near Broadway, died yesterday morning, lacking only n few days of being 91 yean old. The deceased was born and roared in I Harnett eeunty, and enjoyed tbe confidence and aetoem of n greet heat of friends For many yean he was a local preacher in the Methodist rharrh. A few years ago he united with Holly Spring* Baptist church. The funeral services were con ducted this afternoon by hie patter, Rev, W. C. Baxley, of Broadway, at i tbe family burying ground. Two i sons, Claud Me Neill, nf Sanford, and - R. C. McNeill, ef Jonesboro, and two > daughters, Mrs. Katherine Bloein and i Mn. M.'ggi*' Washburn, ef Harriett ; county, survive him. • NEW SERIES HAYNES VOTED FRETTfEST CAR • _____ A galaxy of star* from “Manta Crtsto, Jr ," attended the Detroit r automobile show last weak no an of. f drill rommitVan nf ennnnluaurt fwt I motor cur bneoty The* purpose r waa to Jadn il the ears in the ax i portion and to determine by ballot • the moot hoaottfal among tboee dle l ^Xfter rrvry ma»o every modal i had boon appralMd. tile groan earn* I to the Haynaa exhibit.-to the now • aariee Baynee Brougham--where the » flee points of motor ear boaaty were pointed eat aad exclaimed over. Thon, without ■ dt wanting veto, the near aariee Baynes Brougham war do*lered queen of the shew, the yret tiee ear en exhibition. • . Wbat-e become of Urn good old Bfaeewtfe who brawnod bob owa eof P feet . ! Fn £•!■«» uni j where them are d. by the »•?» »/ kin, , af War Baker ku inn Plane for ' the return of taps of the dsad are now being fSmalatrd 7b. Secretary's declEa was made to avoid aay ecaadbl in contrarts foe the reburial af the soldier dead, and tha tradBorlatioc eac tlon of the army el take of the soldiers' W— Isis _lr, each time as Metim direct I what disposition 5s to be modo I of thorn. Socretagf Baker says, j FAIR PAYS^ROFtF TO STOCtBOLDERS Cheeks Aggraga&g 91,50000 Ara Mailed Out ^ Ssc’y. Rid dlo—Drive Starts Soon. Checks aggregating 11,500 were Inat night nulled toVoefcholder. in the Harnett Coantg Agricultural Fair Auaelatlon to gnr dividends of ri« par cent declared by the as sociation in its Amt annual meeting here in January. Right on the heels at this Sarrs ■»ry T. I* Riddle amasneee that an additional stock Issue «f 1*0,000 will b«- offered investor! |n Ac Dunn Dis trict during the Woek df March A to im B__ B f —_ a I_ . <d to engineer tha sails »f this stock ■ ad considers that ha has an my Usk la view of the fafct that the ea terpriee haa already demonstrated Iket It la a money a^sr. Present stockholder have «*. praased a witling***, ia takr all af tha new lav, hat brfera they are allowed to taka any. opportunity will b« given amall Invaetet* ia ELarnett end Sam poos counties to bar If ““ is not dijpoMof by tha end of tha week, thee# who already hav* stock will ha permktad to ha/. Promoters of the fafr my that tha making of moooy ia got tha prtma object of the hutftaRion. They feel that If the etock c*> be placed oith a large number WllmaU buy era K.tWad aver tha •XTSSLtSSTm rraatcr Iqk. row will, Il<£Xd aad »*•'*«■ nT*JS of m»u-w5«* win men end many oT^he* Sampson aad Harnett. On# 4aok rrom Monday morning tVtgirm 'T1 taka the flald in an -»—* trWars ell of the Stock within the waef. FINDS PRESIDENT IN PINE PHYSICAL TRIM “Ha s Cot a Grip Life. . Prtoo Pighker," Soya Railraad Uaioa Chief New York Herald. Washington, peb. tl—“Don’t make any mistake about the Pnd dent; we fopnd him cocky as b—L” So one of the three railroad onion ehiefa who recently aaw the Presi dent oa the Whits Sanaa portico told his aaenrlataa here fnoaa tan out ride district to attend IM wawn eon I«RM* “He Ht there with a blanket around him; we didn't see his left band. He had a golf mp perched on one aide of his heed. Bo ware look ed cocky. Lee told him the profiteers were nuking all of the trouble. Bo told Lee he would like to get a good ekaae* at thorn. 'I'd Ilka to put them in the front line trenches, ’ he said. PESTIFEROUS BOIL KEEPS MAYNARD AT COLUMBIA Columbia. 8. C., Feb. 21._Ltrut B. W. Maynard, who arrived her# yesterday afternoon oa his recruit l"f trip, want to the anuy hospital •t Cemp Jackwin tonight to have a boll oa the hack of Ms neck Taarid He may ha delayed ia Columbia far two «ore days been see of thin Maynard was unable t* apeak this afternoon at Memorial services un der U** auspices of the local poet sf the American Legion *ad also at a local church, bocoaaa ad the hoi). TRIXIE’S FOUR RABIES KERR HER AT HOME lingvton, Fob”2*7—1« will bo of rT,'7 keonrf in • America that Tbixlo, firm dog to fly acraa* the continent, is not aceoanpanytag Lieut. Bobrin W. Maynard oa ma PfMool southern trip. Maynard's tameas German palieo dog ia about the beM known eon la* la the eooa try. She ia now at beam with four I ‘ I | code together oa a trataifrow Suf folk to Hohgood the Other night. Maynard promised Hall t* com* bar* when he doubles bock far the earth, aheald the pubHe desire • viaH from hha. The I-.e.o- wil k. ea. •1 F. C. OF CHICAGO'S SCHOOL* CHILDREN UNDERNOURISHED Chicago—Folly si per east af Chicago^ achool children am coder "oortahed, according to a. Health do I food. Caeca co dofeettre aa to enur P-IWTWt ~ Ueoally, the looaor ■ oooaan tlat a nan (ha tighter *e halda Mm. eh NAMING OF COLBY SURPRISE TO AU Prwidial • Crutu BimHob Rivalling That Of Lansing Washington, Fch. 26—Praaideat Wilson again opart the expectation! of oAcial and political Washington today by naming Be Inbridge Colby, ■ Now York attorney, who left the Re publican party with Thoedero Boom vcit in 1212, aa Sec ratary of State. The aelection cauaod scarcely lea of a ssomlium than the dimlmal of Robert Leasing from the State por tfolio two wooka ago, and was re ceived with rack undieguleed sur prise In the Senate, whore the Freoi dont'a choice mast ho approved be fore Mr. Colby can take up the da Urn of ofBea, that no no of the load ers cared to predict when confirma tion might ha voted. Not even among those on the In side of administration circle# had there been any exportation that the ■election weald fall on Mr. Colby, who told inqalrera today that he him self had been given only a brief no tice of the President's intention. Summoned to the White Hoorn ho •pmt an boor with Mr. WUaon. as nouncod that ha would accept, with a deep appreciation of the reopens! blilty imposed upon him and mid ho would hove uo further comment to make until the Senate had artad. Word of the nomination reached Senators Just as they wot* assemb ling for tho day’s aomtoo and in their private talks daring tho day they die rusaso situ* else. Vlrtaniiy all of Umb, however, psefsrreil to withhold public comment until the subject came up formally for action. PROHIBITION DIRECTOR -INVADE*" MICHIGAN Dented 1 | Mo Champion. Mich., Feb nied warrants for the arrset at #f 11 rials of Iron county, Mich., wham ha charcaa with conspiracy to . ob struct tha prsMtette* law. Mai. A. V. Dalrympic, iMth a forco of Si men paaasd through Champion to night an root* to Iron Elver with tha a vested Intention of the arraata without wai whig ll Wrrsiajf state constabulary In tha an par pen insula, with a half traop of hi* maa joined Major Dalrymplr and his party of II federal oSeers. Five ad ditional state trooper* at Caspian, Mich., have order* ta proceed to boa River tonight to join tha party in tha morning. The men whose arrest Major Dal rympie seeks are: Martin McDon ough. state’s attorney of Iron coon ty, dvr deputy sheriffs, tha chief and captain of police of Iron River *0 lags and three eitlaaua IfaChse Major Dalrympic nor Lieutenant Downing anticipated any rosisteaea at Iron River. The state trespass '.aft their rides in barracks and Ilk* the federal agents carried only aid* arms. OPEN* FOE SETTLEMENT UAKUE DIUWN SECTION Settler. Already o. Ceeead, l.ldl.r. aad Sailer. Given Preference— Public J.ly • aad After. Waabington, PA. IS.—Sctnttty Lane today or dr red the opening to homestead entry of mors than »•«. OW acres of land, a portion of whieb edepted to ealilvatlosi, la west ern Oregon, formerly embraced la the Oregon aad California railroad great. Battler, remiding on the tract einee December 1.1*1*, aad honorably discharged soldiers, Bailor, aad ma rina. will be (riven preference rights In the AHn* af applications, the for mer being permitted to ftle between April It aad May * and the latter between May 10 and Jaly 8. Land, not entered on by thaaa two elaaaaa will be subject to entry by general bomemseder, on and after July *. KRMUHO LAUDS NKCEO PON HI* AC HIE VEMENT* Hampton, Va., Feb. *8—General Pershing told the students af Hamp ton Institute been today that the peo ple of the Booth ware becoming marc and more InteroNed h» the edaoatlor af the aegro papulatian. "This center of adacaUea la ths rmateet encouragement to the color ad race throughout the Booth.** Orn ate] Pershing said. T have boa* •truck with tha aatMMoc of educated cotorad people In the Booth. I bar. mat asaay colored people of higt ebsmeter aad ability.’’ Pralatng tha moord af aapo troop, la the Spanish aad World Warn. Can oral Pen bin* urged that the negrt veterans amaciata Thimr*— wNI tha American Legion. After Inspect lag tha cadet battalion aad maarei e«oer» training troepa, be woa ooter tel nod with plaatatlen me todies. "Too have gHao me estreats ptsao ■ra. OaomglParahlng said. “A pao •la who hav« masle hi their tSS mocb else that la worth wMs.1 PUNISHMENT DOESN'T ITOP ----—« mgwiai oiei ARMY VHIfKT TANKS , IN PLACEOT HORSES »• C.—G***t ' ■■■■■*• *f tkf tractor* goad by I "l***? »>«• or* bdaj I ““ •* »•* »*«•• to (mebe* | country in wboac buhou tho I I traction prohUm U o matter to t* reckon with. On* luto ecseera in Aritonn i* no* t»inr use rs^sr.7• uSs JTTm. s bnul log* *11 viator butcad of only during favorable weather. •-- — MISS DAISY SRYANT IS A VICTIM OT EPIDEMIC [ -_ 20.—Him Delay M. Bryant, member of tba~RrrM>.Sry £-€TC3wajr« ■*«*"*M» beta *•* tb* after-egret* of “ Hmr k°4l via **• 4«Wmtsly fll for ow • week end everything possible wae done to »< hor Ufa tbehad to* la Smmm for nearly five roan »"d had made number* of Monde who admired her excellent bntinem trait* aa wall ae bar da* aoMe ehar aetar. Flu Vada Beeai, daagkter of Mr. and Mm. J. H. Boone. dSdlmt“fit of pneumonia following taBaenaa. bn W>■•*» tHl* efteraooa. hold in the kigkoat cateea teacher la the l«.i!aT‘—J - and h^rd a^ beauUful Chrhrtisa life. hr°«**« — >**«ar. All public gath! eriag place* ware dosed a week ago. The town, to far, kae escaped a wide XS'Jftt .JrCxra; *? tfwrfelaM Who are wotfcedtothi Wm* of human « ' .4 : betiding #f tk/ratm Tki* baild --wffi ba foar win be on* *f tb* In the srrtioa. rigtiaa.'i&rffjgi Sr--ps* isssjj-^s mkaMe quartern can ba secured Mr. Woadal) will ase the upper story sf hit department atom. . P*»es for tb* expenditure of near [f • Half million foliars in basiMm bnIMIn*; to ploaaed for Benson within the past few months which will somewhat relieve ths acute shortage In places la which to do NATION'S BANKING POWER NO LONGER CENTRALIZED Washington, D. C.—Evidence of the decentralisation of the coaa try*e banking power is furnished in ••• of the latest reports of tho Comptroller of the Currency. It Is nointod oat that of the ISO naHsaal hanks with roaoarca* abort $», 040,000 oath, SS are in New York. Twenty yuan ago 14 of the 10 banka in this flaw warn in Now lork City. Tb* ISO bash* covered in the Comptroller's latest analysis are scattered la SO chics, while In 1000 ths nineteen large banks worn con centrated la Sue cities FIRE DESTROYS OFFICE or ceoibi r. rurt hill Approraiately 11,000 in money a ad office furniture was destroyed when ftra consumed the interior of the George T. Pope mill office in ■aet Dana last Friday morning. The larger part of the lew was in cheeks paid ta the mill and of which no roe oid had boffin VbbL BUILDING MATERIAL NO EARLY RELIEF McD. Holliday Thinks P Be Improved For Set Factories Cannot Su mand With Subnt There h no hope for early redae tioae la the petew of halMlwg ma ter ie^e, according to McD. HaHidey, •f the Sanaa S Holliday Company. mho WallA^w da1 wflffi f IHS pmspfCUVfi DU1IW9II W place orders for material aoeded aow. “All building aappBoo handled by as,” Mr. HalUday stated. “Is limited baa eaaaad prtew ta ga apward, bat i are low compared to I Miwro Slap will ba sU I ■i > MT «o *aD—to Wrtl to |W. fa ■any M«mm order* placed atootW ,|a|* Wo* »*t pot Wen ftOod aad itre-jyarstnftrs !’S3vs£1ES*‘'|B ! tycrarts X“js 1 *» *! * * l I J« DON! OPENS HERE OCTOfiEK 12 t tober It M« the the i _ »u Ant decided conflict* with bettered that Miffer bjr that (act, nace the •re eafleteaUr far apart te ebrfete M]r competition. It an? nerft, bowercr, ia Pmh net haih^ « totot * fc hejto to thi. ci*eait"toJrSr2i?hJ2rd!JS for Dana. . DmMm to More the fain far s&rcEfc.*1 «••£££& local ontaeleatian, attend* the mnetiae and laaUtod naee »--■ fire, the week immedieUH rrVJ in* the Pair. ' ' * -emiMi I w the —-— ■chednle lenree the ton fee epeto^e Cntnilk, Im. ft; laky » ■apt- XT; Qeldabora, Oct t- Wt «*■*»•. Oct »; KlaManTort. Ill hnim. Oct It; Oat lti BOAT AMP BAPGC LINE PLAN BEING M«N«imp Tar Mania CaTa Va la u. u£‘SS’S?i£rtS-tts .. -^srLrvt! - T%rstt. re s^vS’srsrirJSt srAs^ri-^SH «"»»•«« aarrte* tv* «.IW ha baata. Thaaa boat* and banaa woaid in ■ad varioaa atbar tavaa. Tha aaaal 1« an aeon** daatb ad ■1*1 ««— da* fact and ready far tha aatefaa. rka boat* asd tbabaalaaaa areaavt MOST WAS OICORATIOKS WON ST BjUCTD MSN WeaMngtoo, D. C.—The United Stotts conferred ISIS Iniiatlm es Mee_whe erred to the toil dating Of theee ntl iw ^ went to eaMaud ewe. fleer* received only 17 ear cent. tlnguiebed eer ' awarded to «41 decoration Ihsited to 1 •toned y—tttb it The riaulndir ad the •toted of tweaty-ooo __ ■i dot. of honor to iStin and toy joren to enltttad etea, end I1SS dt Ufigaidied aerrUe ~ men and IMS to The twnaty-ene dUtiagahhea eluded three 1 major, ala tenant! and Sea Nearly ST eer _j were awarded to memhaen *f (he *Oth. SSd and SMh dMatoaa. . MARKET OFFERS FROM HIGH PRICES resent Conditions Csnnot erml Years—Mills end pply Abnormal Ds irmal Production.

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