ESTHE DUNN DISPATCH f^=| . _ ^ _ ..>» * , v«i • , DUNN. N. C.. MaJI jm*- would run through the country between the Southern on the sk«1 end the Nor folk Southern on the v**st It would traverse a section or Wake that la without a railroad, crow over into that principality of Johnson county and penetrate a v*#t >ection tKol :s without a railroad. skirt the edge of Harnett whrrc fertility is lavish, and then enter the long run thiough Sampson. a count” that in itself, could probably feed tho whole popu lation of North Candin* if it had to. From Sampson on into Wilm ington through Pender county th» territory hi tween the two Mnet 011 the Coa«t Line cerrowr, but it u nine or ten miles wide on the aver age for moet of th«* way. ^ut wiia* U more to the point R Is fertile land with great possibilities. And there la the whole story. tend the very possibility of the area. I and the need* of the ' pop ulation of the country and the world will utilise this great opportunity. To start with tbit is .a favored cotton belt, all the way from Raleigh to Wilmington, and in spite of any fears about I lie holt weevil it will Continue to be a cotton belt. People must have cotton. It is the material that provides for clothier far be yond the posribililirs of anything else. Necessity him nhrays made the success of the human race. We are obliged to have cotton for clothing as well as for many other uses, and long experience has shown that the American cotton Stairs are the de pendable supply. Boll weevil or any otter pest may come along to bother the planter, but the combined nec essities of the world are at once brought into the fight against the * weevil, and human intelligence does not run away from on insert pest. We have not stonjieH eating Inth po tatoce because of the potato bug. The world has not given up vhml be cause of the hessian fly. We con (Continucd On Isu>t Page.) RAIL LINES GIVEN BACK TO OWNERS Hines Says Government Ope r ation Saved Money For Pub lic—Deficit $700,000,000. The White House announced at (1:40 o'clock Saturday evening, says an Associated Press dispatch, that President Wilson had signed the Roll rotid Bill. The railroads, which hava been no de' Government control since De cember 28. 1817. will be turned back to their private owners at 1*$>X A. M. Monday. Before signing the Railroad Bill the Preaidenl iuved Executive or ders continuing the Fuel Administra tion, the functions of which have been exercised by the Railroad Ad ministration. until April SO. A com mix-ion of four waa named to handle the export and bunker trade and Di rector General Hines will, under the second order, handle domestic dis tribution Thr action was taken be cause of the present fuel situation. In ending tha uncertainty regard ing hi, attitude toward this measure. Pro dent Wilson disregarded the pe tition of organised labor and certain firm organisation* that he veto the bill. OIPciahi of tha Department of Jus tice on returning the measure to the White House yesterday expressed the opinion that all of the provisions are rorstitutional. and Director General uf Railroads Hines. t« whom It waa Intor sent, informed the President ‘hat it wav probably the beat meas ure of Its kind that could be ob tained at thia time. Walker D Hines, Director General of Railroads, in a report transmitted to l*resident Wilton Saturday, em phatically denies tbe assertion mads bv various railroad executives that th- roads are going back to private control at midnight Sunday in a b*okendown condition. The report coven every phase of Government control from Janaary <1. UH8. when Mr. Hines succeeded William C McAdoo as Director Gen -ral, until the properties go hack to the it private owners Outstanding features of the report ore asevriions by Mr. Hlnex that: I. Government control haa coat '<■3* than operation of the roads un der private control. 1. Had K bean practicable to in crease rates on January 1, 1818, In stead of six months later, there would hava been no daActt or laoo whatever far""»hort of the reported deficit of $100,300,000. 4. Approximately *i.zuu.uuu.uuvi hu been expended in the period of federal control for Improvement* Vo p'o peril ea. 5. In compliance with contractual obligations the roads srlU be returned in as good shape as when taken over. PRESIDENT HEADS OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Washington, D. C.—President Wil son has acrepted, through IniHsiy Tumulty, the honary presidency of the United States Olympic Commit 1*0. The committee Is arranging for the participation of American ath letic teams in the Olympic games to be held in Antwerp, Belgium, la August President Wilson was ask ed to accept tha honary presidency of the committee and several Cabi net members were asked to serve as honary etce-presidents. Hone* goods and service are more profitable for it costa less to sell them. REPUBLICANS PREPARE TO WAGE STRONG CAMPAIGN IN THE COUNTY Will Reorganize Machine That Beat Democrats Six Years Ago—Prepare for Big Maas Meet ing In Lillington Late This Month —Send Delegates to Convention. One whale of an effort will He made by the G. 0. P. to swing Harnett County bark Into the fold of Re publicanism this year. This was evl danced la the convention of delegate* held In Lillington Monday to choose cmraisartes to the Stale convention In OreensboVo. It was a harmonious meeting of about one hundred of the staunchest of tha old guard Irterepersed with a few of the youngar men of tho party. Not even the old war horse, Z. T. Klvett. could raiaa a rnrus. Tho fellows were there to work In har mony and in harmony they did work, appointing a full act of dele gates to the big pow wow and to the coming senatorial convention, and calling for a big mat* mooting In T.lliington March *9. Walter P. Byrd, the suave lawyer who waa ctefk of tb® court during tho raeent Republican regime and who la now charged with the posses sion of senatorial aspiration*, pre sided over the meeting In the ab sence of Dr. 0. B. Young, who was kept away hy the prevalence of fin around Angler. Albert P. Buries, of Dunn, was the strongest flgoTe prea out, overshadowing David Henry •enter, farmer and publicist, whose tended locks have been prominent la - ' every Republican meeting in the county for the last two decades David Henry supported Albeit in moat ovary thing proposed. Z. T. Klvett repeatedly tried to get 0 rise out of somebody but waa not roceoau ful In hit effort* to disturb the bar mony. Re creation of the organisation which so effecthraly fought tho Demo crat. in 1*U was tho aim of Mr. Soviet. Ho W*» rortain that there wore enough Republican votary la Harnett to carry the county in eor mai time* if thoy coaM ho gotten to the polls. Now. whh high taxoo, cotton lav at, and various other al irgrd crlla—all charged against tho Democrats—di«e*U*fytng tie farm er a. he waa confident tho O. O. P. could make o clean swoop In tho No vember elcetloaio. It to not Intended that tho mam meeting to bo held la LlUlngtoa this month bo known at a convention for tho nomination of ognfMWffi “Under tho Dontoerstlr primary low,” mid Mr. Surlee, “wo or* not permitted to chooee oar candidates •n tho good old Republican way. Wo isnrt bold a primary In tbo huaioel ennsoa we farm ora hare. But we ran frame a date and «uggem to oai fsllow rlilteei. whom wo thhak they should support.” So, it la to recommend that the mow mooting will he Hold. la tM« mooting candidate for eR eouaty offer* will bo named. Delegate* appointed to the Blade convention am: J. W. Wltoon. John B HoUand, W. D Holland. Marti* 7. William*, Albert P. Sarto*. B. ■ j. Ktuctt, i McLeod, Enoch MeUrt7Tb. Stew art All Of tboaa from Dunn eaeop Dapt. W. D. Holland loft yooterAt] for Oraonoboro. « ORGY OF SPECULATION IS REGARDED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ir^TENTILY - ' Sees Tendency Among Bankers To Put dfe Brake.) On and Exercise More Discriminate^) in Extending Credits—War Expan sion To End Soon. y -: Washington, Mar. 1.—Early and ing of the general expansion whiefc has characterised war and immediate post-war periods was forecast In a statement rannaniiog February basinsos conditions, issued tonight bj the federal reserve board. The up ward movement of prices, so far ai the board could ascertain generally had not met with any chock. Financial and banking authorities everywhere were asserted to be look in* more seriously at tha general situation in cradit and beginning to urge the adoption of conservative policies. While the review asserted that this could not he accepted as {meaning that "the orgy of specula tion" had been absolutely checked, 'here was said to bo the Indisputable evidence that banks ware exercising | a “greater degree of discrimination xnd judgment in complying with the demands of their customers." •Throughout practically all of the reports of federal revery* agents,” the statement maid, “there runs plainly a recognition of the exixt •ncc of an or entrained condition of credit and of aom* continued tend ency toward speculative operation* High living costa and the upward movement of prices have apparently not been cheesed although there is a decrease in prices is certain lines and a tendency toward restricted trad* in others. Interest rat** are rising In moat districts, while bank* are exercising a greater degree of discrimination and judgment in merl in* tha demands of their customers" Socarittec Affected Adversely Tha Incrcato in interest rates hat had the effect of lowering security quotations, the board found, a* av,-e the best investment securities have suffered in this rasped. It aleo has had the affect of forcing a shrinkage or contraction in the volume of trading in all classes of securities, tho magnitude of which was regarded aajaMrmtag by the board xr.^j months ago. In some federal rs acre* districts there were indications of a reduction in the volume of •pecalation in commodities "Tho affects of the increase in dis count rates," the statement contin ued, “made themselves evident In a conservative attitude on tha her banka with, ra^iect “Contraction of baci credit wa* not. however, egAJly general throughout the count** but the re duction reported in lit' Nrw Vort d (strut Ms initially*.ut by an in rroaso eK-where. A we lino id bant drpout*. both in thdffiBanclel eon. tore nnd rlrcwhvre, -Ifts occurred. a pwrt being due to witQrawtl of £,.v cmnarnt fumla. VerY*'»t difnrulry in placing both romMrclat and ip_ vestment ancuriliaa V etU.le s." Caneral PrsswflM Cood. General pi o-F pee toll the Hone c.' Pebroary were forKn aitiv. 0-.| prosjieroua spring Jm in all Hues, the statement aqV Agricultural prospects Were uatdSa be “roasar ing* and the curtaUSggt in nxjmilv dun to the exchan||XSaBtion, ivhOr undoubtedly b. emn^fc!to mak - y„ , t; felt, was believcd^Vnaanv of ih,. banking •ulho :ties*w>n to hr vf benefit to the coBsfluf b'-iv latV-r than injurious. It W Poi::<*(( r,at also that there was flLjBSidrii'v \u sist the advance Inmjeers and th*t greater care wiu bfl exercised in pure ha ring, all of Slirh n,r, re gorded as “ravoratAlsyniptiHn*." Grit' ml enj.i- u facBpof war rt,_ portei] very active ^Krrr the mun Whelasale 'rads^^Kdduins tor i d to fcr prospers^Hsiont 'br.iugli nnt the country. ^■eportm indi vidusl llhi n. the bo^, , ,1 •he damand for go^Hrades of ..hoes regardless of prl Jmeew> to ion tinue and shoe )>'frAlt> for th- new reason arr< higher over. Some improveial^Kwai noted in general tabor cor ittfBs. Thr v wa.’ It" "unfaroralile uBt," how vnr a tendency reported^Ba var-,.„ jj,. fneta toward rott^bn of output i »ren in thoio cnsKit was shown the opinion wai rt. m+cd that ibe «4fl»r the n*trW Uvx policy U betdA lo be undin sIaot by th»M pr^Hcinj? 4 u |n. jurhif them as ot^Kai any other The B»1 FrriouBSt'sat i.e jn t|,e libor field is uo.-to-i*. A grnutno searrtt^BO aotid which :he board feared, ^Bht result in a reduction in fjrm.^Bagi This war said to be pirtidK t ue of the • outhwest stfj^X uankmju Skdjr CONGRESSMAN GODWIN IN MOOO TO CARRY HARNETT Taial* T* Record Aa Shewing H* Always Carried It By Big Majorities Safer*. ' Washington, D. C., Fab 28.—Con greaeman Hannibal L. Godwin ex pecta to carry Ilarnrtt county tbi* vrar by th* IU» large majorities he hea in peat year*, he indicated to day. Ha hat no idra that Mr. Shaw or Mr. Lyon or Mr. Anybody clue ii going to bo able to acalc down the voting for him in hi* own borne county. Ordinarily Congreaeman Godwin can keep silent In seven language* while thr newspapers Inmbael him or praiee hi* numerous opponents, bat he Is Just a little proud of th* etrong backing hit home people give him in the biennial elactiona and *ald *« mueh when a recent etatement of a nc-am story in the Naws and Observer that be had log the county in past yeor* was called to hi* attention . “ w« muntwG pretty nroofiy that tt had always been abeat evenly [ I divided between him and his oppo nent. 8nch la not the case, he say*, and point* to the record as showing I that only 85 vote* were east against him in Harnett in 1910 while in 1912 only 20 votes were cast against him. Thera was no contest in 1914 while in 1916 ha had a local men < to deal with and thcra ware 185 votes 1 against him. He had no opposition 1 In 1918. i That ia Jnst for keeping the roc- < °*d straight at home. As for other j counties, the Congressman Is mak ing no claim but ha nuts Harnett down aa being safely roe bias in any event SALUDA IS SCENE Off WAR BETWEEN RACES Ciriie Lenghlee, White. Expected To Die) Other# Shots Negro In Joil. Asheville, March 2.—In a whole sale shooting affair, which took place in Saluda, Polk county, near bore, tonight between white man and ne groes, Girlie Laughter, white, with four bullets In hi* body, ia expected to die, and Boanar Washington, eol irad. believed to have done the shoot ing, is in Jail in Hendoraouvtllo. The cause ef the rioting eeuld not ha learned here, although the officer* at Hendersonville and Saluda ware talked Ip over the telephone Willie Johnson, white, who was also shot four times, is at hie boss* 'n Balada, but is expected to recover. Oempsey Walker, the fourth partici pant In the shooting affair, is at hie nom* in Salad* with a bullet wound In the beck ef hi* head, which. It i* believed, will net prove fatal. Thru* ef the men wounded were i unable to make their escape, and are i at their homo* In 8nlndn. w*dilng . ton essayed, but wu intercepted in - Hendersonville by Chief of Polleo Oti* Pew era, and lauded In Jail to , await details roneemlmr the ugly af . fair. -■■■■■■ i t . It’s never safe to Judge a maa’s f disposition too soon after the Bret of January. I FLAN FOR RETURN I OF AMERICAN DEAD i BEING PORMU1.ATFD i Washington. D. C.—Sccre I !ary of Wnr Baker hny an- I ' tiour.rrd the appointment of the 1 ‘ two American member* of the I eommiMion to aerve with tepre I •entatlvc* of Fratiee in the work ! ■ of returning the bodie* of our j I soldier dead to thin country, j The officer* named are Col. I Henry Rrther*. chief of the I h Grave* Uerrixtretion 8crv1ce In I France, and Col. Brntiev Mott, i I military attache at Faria- The ! I Secretary will ihortly »cnd a I personal aide to France to make ! the detailed arrangement* for l I the chipping of . the returning I bodies. Sitea will alao be In I apoeted for improvement and beautification to serve na a final ' renting plaee for thorn.- bodie* I whose nearest «f kfn elect to I leave thrra hi their grave* oa 1 French soil. democrats will hold state CONVENTION APRIL s EiKutin Nimi Dal. f" Pmliil Meeting *ad County Convention> A ton minute aowion .1 the Ormo fraMe State Executive Committee U«t night served to fix March 27 a# the date for all Democratic precinct mretingi, April 3 for all I Vmoc-ntic county convantion», Bnj April 8 for 0»* State convention to be held in Raleigh beginning at noon. This, In brief, mnu up the work ol the committee which 1mA right bold, prohnbly, Ha briefer nation. AH leader, were agreed that the com mittee should not take up maltert not directly Included If) the c< mBlitter call. So it wax when the motion U adjourn had b«ea put by Col. A. D Watt*, and Col- J. Bryan Crimei placed In th* hand* of Ibe actini chairman, R. B. Redwine/ of Monroe a telegram from Col. T. L. Kirk Patrick, of Charlotte, ashing thi comraittoe to go on record for hart turface ,ioad*. the preaidlng oftcei unhailtatlngly folded up the talc gram and ca'lod for th# vot. on ad JoummaaL Warren Ofcr» Reeelutiew. Chairman Thonjax f>. Wurren call •d the committer to older, but will tha Mil call committeeman, «ur and altered th* resolution fix'pg th rcrrdrred bit chair to Mr. Rcdwin time and plae* for the varkiai reset Inga. Mr. Warrvn explained th neeeaMty for early meeting, on th ground of oarly RopubHcan aetivit and tha necessity of getting po taxes paid. PAY* DEATH PENALTY. Waxhiagton, Mar. 2.- -James lies ry Jackson, negro, who *hol a* hilled Mhw Lillian Hood, of Brown Wile, Tcnncaaer. here move than rear ago, was hanged today at I* district Jail. Jack.on wa* In the ai of robbing tha bourn In which Mil Ho d boarded when the was steal A desperate eU-oggie botwes •ha nerro and the gH followed, tl ]«»ii dragging her through a wh low into the back yard after ehon iog her. -AGE ESTABLISHES i :ilS HEADQUARTERS ? r. Thad Page Ammobcm Lo cation of Fatker11 Tem porary Office*. Mr. Robert N. Page, candidate for 1—: Democratic nomination (or Gov 't dor, hai wnnd temporary heart • arter* over Beivrangor’a more, on ■ yettcvUle nro< t, a on the name of Me. Page’* campaign manager to ; thcr with thv ammuneemtnt of r vmanent headquarter* will be made lurtly. according to Mr. Thad Page, • " Raleigh, *on of the candidate who v * b*w! looking after hi* father’* despondence. Nov.' that the influenaa epidemic U "I. tiding drat the State, imid Mr. : -uni Page yesterday, thr artir* cam. •Ign for hit father will be returned \rorou*ly. • ITe recalled that jart a* the Page • -cn« had arranged for a State-wide ..nference in Raleigh a month ago hr epidemic begyn and the meeting ■t at onr« called off. Sine* that •I'lc. Ur. Page said, hie father bail not only declined all i*qne*ta for v.-blic appearance, but hr didn't have i.»y Inclination for political demon drat'oet or actual effort through the t-oal publlcily agencie* to *tir polit cul Ketc-a while to maay were *uf "i ring, dying end in dlatrve* over the dicaaful scourge. ‘‘During oil thin period," hv d« r'aicd, "only deautcory corretpond ’ H't waa attended to, the volume be ll.g large owing to activiUc* prior i'j the epidemic development." Mr. " go eta tad that from now on gvery 'Vng in the way of vigoront, logiti mtf lemooign activity would be ■» n^cu’ed and that the active *n r-tment of the proffered eervicot of foierdv in every community of the '"ate "*•» hem), called into action far •h- pnrpon* of quietly effecting or —taV.lon*. "So far.” Mr Pag* tald. “my ' th'-r'* cr.ndidacy hat received little — K-vput>cr publicity, but that fact ' •» net prevented hi* candidacy tram •n-ikiee ■ egfiTrknblo program- We hiivr li —n too b*«y ait work to do much 'clkiap, and while wt do not ■voponc to do any big amount of talk in * o' any time my father want* Hi* i'vrrd' to koow that at the proper ties. h:» cardidaev will receive tom* -.-irv forceful and convincing public >• thr- ucHi the BlaU prrw and othor bi.dinma." TV-uvo ary headquarter* have bam •urrd mer Berwagner't (tore, and oon announcement will be made of t> raise of the dAai-Ifl haul mcnts. baa been auaMI waPPI •' ■•ty accept aa yet. will loan be msdc pcbl'.r. “Ore thin* yon can -'I’M or.," aM youn* Pi|t, “my I f-tiu* is not soinir to hive * hur mIi rrraniiffn at ill. One rciaon ia bei-outc his rupportar*, la a rule, are *»»• clow srho ire not trained to •'.•kite political ectivltle*. they bcinjr ‘■v -civ nmon* Use rank ef what niyht l>r termed (ho untcrlfltd Dem -erary. srbo have to keep at work and \ln> are more or lo*» reticent In air tiR their view* on political or other lye-'tSom "You mar also reat assured that all wr do ia goin* to be in the open . a far at ear attitude toward oppoi. 'n't candidati a if concerned, and that “ttirudc will continue aa at praaant heneatly, friendly and cordial. It can only be interrupted by unjttiti liable methoda or false report* that i-responsible partiaani of rival inter esta may adopt or circulate. If any. think like thla it resorted to my father, at well aa bli friendi, will certainly at once defend himself in no uncertain manner. Hia privata laud public life has been an open hook, and that record will be hia vindication." MOTE NOW SEEN FOR ■ONUS FOR VETERANS Chairman Of Hhh CwtaiUM Predict* Speedy Rmmm,,. detiM On Subject. Washington, D. C., March 1.—On the »vt of the Hoonr ways and meant committee "bc-ginning hearings on another grntaity to veteran* of the 'rorld war, Chniranan Fordney heard s rtatemont announcing hi* support of “mm form of araMRy** and pre dicting a speedy committer- rccom mondottan. Reyaaeantativa* of var ious wterana* oruantaatio ns win ap pear before the committee beginning tomnnow to offer propoeala on the form of the gntetty. “It may bo that revcral claasaa of •crataitlea will have to be provided, ■*» the! the indivldaal may aetarttho plan bs-at railed to hit neede," mid Mr. Foidney'a statement. “Whether the gratuity should take the form of n cm* banna, securities, tueh aa 1 Honda, or certificate* of Indebteda«a*, fnrm or hum* loan*’ or credit in on* form or nnothcr, I am unable to de *!4e at thia time. The views af the men theraaclvee are widely dhrergent ;,hv numerous bill" to be con skier ad i arc equally divergent.” > lapsed rot-iciEiTMAr > RE RENEWED UNTIL eULY ' Washington. D. C.—Undar an ex > tension ruling by Director E. C, t Cholmcloy 1 one* af the Bureau ai I War Risk Insurance, men who held (lovarameat ineurance policies while In aervlen during Uvc war arill b< •rented until July 1, 1SS0, to NMI • tbeir lapeed policies. Thia haa haea d done to give a "amber of men i i- chance te again tab# up their ineur a a nee, many of whom have been wait • lr* *• How the provihlone o t the original War Rlab Aet woald b< a changed by Congranaional legislation i-. - n North Carolina new haa TS govern > tarr.t accredited twkwaalaaia frd i-1 hards Only seven etataa have a lar I- get number, and Virginia la the enb one af the sevea la lbe lauth ROOSEVELT CHANCED CAi'M*T MEMBERSHIP j MORE THAN WILSON ; Th* compart*.,, or the her of man hoid «a each Cob 1 na^r** -nd j Urdar Ror s, v^TT^dtrV.lann. , {?■* Bryan • §*°l l*n«ing i I Baron Tr«iwy. Gogt JUrA.’.oo ' w»w. aiaaa I Cortclyou Houtlo.-. War. Root Carrion Taft Bajtrr I Wright Nary. ••oag PiOli> Moody Horton Metcalf • Ntwbenry Allorary-Ganaral i £*®j VeltrynoMa ' : „ Poatmattar-Camaral £““>• Burleeon Pnyne , Wynn* Coitelyoo » ' Von Mi-yrr I _ AyrUuItrra- I . j Wilron Houston ! * _ MondWt « 1 BANK ON WILL HANHS AND NEGROES TO WIN 3«*«f To Bo Plan Of Pu{h »*Utur< adopted Uat year, the DemoeraU 'tndeevtood Oil they will be bald culpable far it* de fect* and the Republleana *vW not. Th* growing boidnerv. of amaclt*. on which enforcaa < , , _ moneyed interact* reeking to defeat the income tax and tn beat with it th* o"cno»*l to hold 1b* po*l tax to *2, h»v* the rmailante of rrvalu •Uon and arc making trouble. The flrit diatricl’* trouble* may be come the convenUun'v wo trie*. If they do the whole Republican man agement may be Jeepirdited- there anav he a dozen .Take Newell* ard John M. Morohcud- living at itdi other*’ throat. But whether there are or not. th* Democrat* now have their rallying rrr. Thev have read letter* from Chai-mnn Will Hap* de claring hi* approval of the pl'nt of Meaara. Morehead and Pugh I the national chairman doe* not teem to h»»o heard of State Prank A. Ltnney) and Ihoae plan* of “Will,” Clnrvac# and Mr. Morehead have re cclvod vaat ventilation within a week. That iarorrurihTe PhilVIie*. W. 0. Saor.dera of Elizabeth Citv. give* a colnmn of ten-point type »c. Pugh ar.d Ike Meohine thie week, but the Pacquotark reprtaenla'ive in the lower bouac doevn't g.i tee ir-nit In aatault on the Elizabeth C*tp innyer. 'i • ASK DISMISSAL OF ! LIQUOR TEST SUIT Twenty-Om« North i " V.’attilnrton. March 1. on* Mat** joined with the Federal irovemrarnt today in aaklpr th* Bo »rem* Coart to dtoaiwi the ertaiaal ‘“.’PPJPkl ky Hhodr Idaad to teat i,h'- validity of the prohibition amend. i n>»nt to th* ronetMutloa. iSviWribmir t* a brief, which wac <<■ aiK-aal of the Rhode bland mm on •hr yr.,iind that no JuctMable oa*e t'ua* were involved, war* the Mata* »f Delaware, North Carolina. Kea ^eky. Louisiana, Indiana, Alabama. Malm-. Aricantaa, Mlchtecn. Florida, °Tro'’ W*J* “**»**• No vad-t. Xrbiarka, Montana, North UaJcntn &outh Drtota, Wy^ttaS! > tah e"d Ancona. T>irml-«al ef the wit, which th* »w’T«.«t baa moved, era* oapooid v mother brief oraeeatad by At »r»ev-Cmvral Herbert A. Rica, ef Dhode frinisd. who ewcrccd Sat th* rr vrrr ment’* view that tim amend ll'rt '» “una-.m liable” roald “only l-'Kd in anarchy and opprearioo.” Arywmenti Futpiaod "Am-"her development today In **»• o'r ec'viinrt wa» Indefinite ml '-n-nt to pcrmiwion of the voitrt. »f arguments. which vm to hoop hnsrd next Monday, to or I* r tt ptrmlt apm-als from Keo •••'kv 'nd Mmuu.huivtt* ia votiwr •to fne-dme-t’* vaMdltv to bo heard t*>* -am* lias. Aaaistent Attar. • rv Gcrwro* ffrirruen indicated to* •ltrln that th- nTuracnt* might bo *ir?rd Ymrth 15. . pvrmimioa to «1» the h».‘rL,Mr the court that *'* r**l« of nineteen of the tweaty **-atos hod communicated with h *u v'.U which can bo rwardad w * '-Jilt subject of jndleial eon ■idermt ior. “tf thie court may eaweMar toe a*r*t'.'-i whether aa swsadamat wet Vxorrartv arohibited by the contol* •utin.i IVe’f nut vaUdlly be adopted, it it rah jotted that there ia nothing ^tto wtor. W to. tern SHOWS TOtX or TUMftCUUMU Tuborruloeia wai rwpeadbTe for | the mm damnation of mare cattle, eta lightered under Federal meat in spection laet year, than all other dla rm«- com blood. Inform.ties from the Bureau of Animal Iadaatry. United Stalea Department of Agrt culture, shows that 69,547 earcaaeee of rattle were condemned an poet mortem Inspection and of that naas b' 7 37.60A were the recall of tabor* cu'o-is. Jp addition 53,852 port* of rattle cure assn ware condemned foe lh-- aaaac cause. The bureau points oat that tuber cu'riir in cattle and bog cholera to I ~wtoe ore the two most sertoaa con ttnrtou* disenaea affecting meat ani I xal.i. and there ia evidence that a ! li .svy lose occurs on farms to addi tion to eocdemnatloo* at aateMUb ‘ v,- *» '*0 maintained. Th* Department ' Ajtris-nltare Is prepared te give nfsemstien on th* beat methods of ■fftie'oir the lotus COMMUNITY CHAUTAUQUA COMING TO DUNN FOR WEEK OF JUNE 7TH Little Symphony Orchestra, Sheehan Concert Com pany, Pike the Bird Man, “Fine Feathers,*' All press All-Star Company. Light Opera Revue and Lectures On Program. This Mason's Chanteuqua wilt be held in Dunn during. th? five days beginning Jane 7, h ir:.f announced yesterday. 1'h* proginm is rn ar ranged that each day e-ill be a fea ture day with plenty of mstie and an appropriate lector*. Real ar thU aad notable lecturers hare boon engaged, and a different group will appear each day. A special effort to seeore those ar tist* which will render the best there •a in melody and song has been mad*. That aucc**» ha* come le shown by th* fact that ore of the big feature numbers of the Chau tauqua will be the famous Little Symphony Orchestra wKh Leon Welt man, tke master violinist, ar conduc tor. Thta la aaid to bt- the greatest orchestra in U>* country. Ano’hrr notable feu tore In ma de will bo the Light Opera Revue, a company of eix attraelke yonrg women wao-e work hr' ouahlMipd a record of successes anon th* Chau tadqno ri-euits. I The There** Sheehan Conceit i CemuaaT Is an accomplished tftu » artists who present a program filled ' with mask, monologue and aong. » They will gtve on istsdtlMirol i which la yoraatfl* to a high degree The event which perhaps will prove • of aa great inter ret a* any !» th# nro I ductien of 'Tin#i Soother*" Here l la • company of *H talented plaVri . preseatinw a drama of modrra Ilf* | that U brimming over with amtlei • and tb-ffls bringing t* were one i I groat ■samri of the humo. ll • touches on the high cost of IMng r "Flu* Feathers".ia an Meal play, foi K measure* up to the high staadaei ‘.cmanded bv Chautauqua audtcnc** La*» amony the muotes) nawbert * "h- Allp-v** All-Star Company. P-cr-body Ukn a quartette H ne coaplaM wurietan*. aad the All pica All-Star* are the baat la the country. The committee announce* for W .aw. Denton C. Crowd, am* unique of ubn form non, erb* nill preeent one ■>f 1H» famoa* "to* Jan** Lecture*" •Mvcially modi rotted ia th* lWbt •f oroaent day condition*. to* 'em* had a *r»myn that yrippod the heart* of fofh qnd Made them clad !bey were allre. and Hr. Crowl baa h- peculiar faculty *f rfelny the rar«*»«rr new Kf* and virility. Albert Edward w I imam with aa 'neptratkMial lecture eutitlad "Yerty JL’rJt or root*." Hr. Wtyy*. tton* £? .the forctnott platform men to the ffc tod Wolvn and the dear, oarr to •mdoretead tnnaaor to which ha bawdier hi* oubjoeta will provide aa inferyettahW cronlny of eejeyobt* r •ruction. Oru- very ftrony feature omeoy >?»» lecture mtertalaer* will ba CayL Oliva- 0. Hhe. Copt Plb* 1* com rjz fr m f.nylord to toll the werato if IV rdland with wonderful hithuat* •>'.«wo* and thrllllaa nai laDreo. The juvenile hranch of th* Cora "I'indv CheBtauqua wfl be Meyer nnd better than ever before. A -rut Toyshop Payooat has 1 rtlonaed, a Me parade, aew at* and yaaaao—Jl or* beta* mi and orranyed for th* hoy* and yum of Dunn. *Wot one of the «r* day* will- be laelrtn* to feed wbeloeome