THE DUNN; * • DUNN, n. C. HA*Ci — ‘ ■ — -u x ---mm-—-- ' SERVICE MEN WATT WHILE WATCH DOCS HOLD TO TREASURE Action on Boantiu Hold Up By TKom Who Want ' Economy TWO BILLIONS NEEDED FOR SUGGESTED SUMS Fr*ar Sayi Mousy Could Be Quicb% Raised If Country Wu At War Several State* Pay Ataeaota Rear lag Up te 929 for Each Month la t the Service. <y By J. K. JONES. ' * . Washington. D. C.—Congree* ap psn to be taking its time with the *• ''yropoeala lo grant additional boat) l . tie* to eoldiers and sailors who sorv ed In the World War Again and again the question is asked, “where are we (ruing to get the money to * pay out 92.0OO.OUO.000 to there former soldiers!** Representative Freer of Wisconsin, hae answered the question by saying “If It was a question of raising 99.04)0,000, 0(10 to pay the expense* of a going war no <-ne would stop to ask where the money was rnretug from.” Con ffonted by burdensome taxes and never-ending complaint* about war extravagance* Congress ha* reached thr point wheiv the advocates of economy and the watch dog* of the treasury aro popular. Ktrrv effort it being made to prevent the bills providing soldier bounties from be ing acted upon by Congress When the whr enthusiasm was at its height tho mm who entwervd tbs rail to colon wen lauded and patted on the beeh everywhere, flac retary of the Interior Lane proposed a worthy plan to provide lands upon which the returning soldier* might build homes for the future. The homestead (Sw at the close of the riull IT_1_I__A__ t_ . the men who had been in that war, and. at the tame time it had per r formed miracle? in developing the rveouivcf of the Nation. Whether therr was too much lassitude among oor yoon* men in accepting the Ijne proposal to give them farms, we d.» not know, bat ot ony event the scheme was abandoned. Other proposals of the Govera • mant to provide job* for eoldiors and to furah* vocattooal education for the wounded have met with * gratifying so ceres There era no i longer any unemployed ooldiero—ret hast none who era. willing to work. The wounded men have .peer. vsiV .. m Ihcv have been supplied with ewi I’lbymriit. Still another proposal • Civil fvrvier preference in • '<* Irsl nnd other portions in puV ill- employment, but this has fallen pretty Bat. Since the policy of Uncle Hsri a« an employer of person* in rivil doty has been quit? similar to that of private institution* that havr mtni'Mr war plant*—and with no wu- ,r. prunes* they have been com pelled In shut up shop. Many thoa •ardi of war workers who came to W^rtiington have returned to their homes. At urn t>m» it waa estimated that there wvr? 110,000 rlerks eiaployrd ’n Washington. Wlut th? number now is the wiltif does not know, but real friends of th? fnited States Government wh> are familiar with Washington renditions believe that about BB.000 • mpli.yccs would be a full euffleioncy. \ Th? War Department is preparing to dispense with the services of ap proximately 10,000 clerks on July t. The War Risk Bureau has already mad? a big slush. Many of the spe t nl boards and diviaions created for the War, notably the Food Admln i tration, War Industries Board and Fuel Administration havr practically pawed out of distance. But in oth< r lines the Government evineea a big natural growth, and among the most active institutions at the prea ‘■nt. *'"• »" the Census, Fedtml Trade Commission, Federal B""k end the Department of Justice This laUrr institution had Imm n Kivtn trnaendoui problenn connected with the war, and aaoriy everything that cornea up la '■ refer red to Mr. Palmer.” Tn« Slat*a of Hew Harapthira tad Massachusetts have riven tholr *nd marine* the sain of 1100 each Th? State of MlnnoooU h»* »llo*»d each soldier toward hit education the sum of 1100 The “/North Dakota h.e.tlowod S5»h til iTu *°7“l •on* the sum of *** f“r JBoath of service with which to purchaao a farm or go Into bui’neas. The Stot. loti each of her defender. oi **•» a month toward his Adaea* lion. The State of Wisconsin 1mm «*'■" *** ®f h" r,BhUn« non 110 a month for each soath'i asrvte# !«• than *50 |n ur event! I n11ed Stataa Government (icrnrdingr to HeprceenUttve Rmer‘ ron of Indiana, ••enu.ndered millions an this war. paid the contractors all '*! jr nski'd, loaned money to Barone by the billion*, and extend ed*<K lime of tha payment of intaraM mid sqnaiulered millions on ships nod millions on /lying machine*" Uot we have not matched op with Other nroitravelTo rountriee in 40 ;»• s» intion of our soldiers. The Dominion of Peiafa, iMi et i shed by tho «*r. pays cacoJrT "sea toldict from I2M to MSO F’Alice. who teat her eons by tha thousands, and hod the enemy apon lirr soil for over four years nan her private soldiers from MI.Sv to On tha face of tha returns it la <|i'Jt* evident that the Halted State* lies lost a lot of its war enthusiasm Ei nc»t V Yount and Oranvillo M. Tiffhnaan left last week for Hat Snrlnrs. Arh., where thay srtll spend several weeks. 111 ! mtiM It tti # * CLEAN - UP PROCLAMATION Realizing that clear,lines*, thrift, and civic pride arc essential lo make homes »rd '.owns beautiful and safe from the ravages of disease, tiro, und storm, and act ing together with the Chair,bee of Commerce, the Woman s Club, and oth-:- organizations, I hereby designate the week, April lUi to April 10th, inclusive, as Clean - Up and I’mint - Up week for the town of Dunn. During this week, every citizen of Dunn should make a special effort to clean up his house and prop erty so as to avoid fire risk, lo clean up hie from and back yards, to paint his premises, if necessary, to # whitewash his barns, if they are not in a condition to be painted, to abolish all places that might breed flies and mosquitoes, to eliminate weeds, and to amist in cleaning up alleys and vacant lots. Citizens should not put their rubbish on the aide walks or the streets, but in a bo* or barrel and place near to the edge of the street. If collection is not made immediately, citizens .should telephone the Chief of PoHce's office and it will be given immediate at tention. If all refuse o-.uitcr Is placed in such a man ner, so that it can be easily loaded and hauled away, Dunn will be readily cleaned. This is an opportunity for every citizen to show, not only his persona) pride, but alao his civic pride. Dunn is known as "the livest town under the sun.” We should nil endeavor now ,o make it "the cleanest town under the sun." No town is attractive if it is dirty and littered up. I. therefore, urge upon ail the people of Dunn to work together, during ih-> week ni ove designated, to give Dunn a thorough spring cleaning and keep it clean all the time, as a good housewife keeps the in terior of her home. Let js plant Itowcn and grass and make Dunn, not only clean, but beautiful and the result will be a cleaner, healthier, happier and more attractive town in which lo live and n town which we will be proud of. J. W. Will I'EHRAD, Mayor Town of Dunn. BOB PAGE FORCES ARE SAWING WOOD Rom Pleased With Progress But Makes No Premature Claims So Far. Ralalgb, N. « C.. March 22.—Thr Pag# lOTTts, while cooperatively quiet are extremely busy and arr jubilant ovar the progress that Mr. Ktdt Candidacy la m*H— aiUtvsr tha farts toward getting retails end let the results stand for themselves ‘‘Wo arc making satisfactory pro greet," said Mr Rous today, “tr.d in a quiet way all over the Statr or l perfecting organisations to look al ter and further the Pag» interest*, and awry day in ali parts of the State more and more people arc join ing thr ranks of Pagr supports i-O' “In fact," hr conlinuisl, "thr- re port* coming in from all um-iioim arc so encouraging and indicate tha* Mr. Page's candidacy is making such marked program that I am almo’t constrained to do some 'claiming'; for example, a poll of two tosm ! ships in Mecklenburg county show*! that more than 00 per cent of the I democratic voters in the** tow< hips' ■re for Mr. Page.” In spite of the fact that both the other candid".'-c^ srr claiming the Ninth diattict by 7.bOO majority Mr. Rost is Ml din-, mayed and ia runfidont Mr. Pag' a HI* incrtvs a (tattering vote In that if1*1 IrlcL ‘‘Mr Pagr haa Jus* rrtur.ied from a trip through Mccklcn'mn;. Gar ton. Lincoln, Cubarrue and Iredn.l." be said, “and he was oxcrvtncly pi eared with the support V.n candi dacy It reeelving in that uetW of the State.” ‘‘lie spoke b-forc Iniyc audiences at Gantoni*. M'int>i*.vdl'’, Davidson, Cornelius and Moore* villa and found at each place a lent' number of supporter! who assured him that he would get hi* ahara of the voter in that tactiMi." Mr. Hons laid that next wcoi^Mr. Page would visit Johnsoa, Wayne, Greene, Wilson, New Hanover and Franklin. “Fram all reports,” hr said, "Pagr supporters in there counties are growing in number* every day and I am confidant that upon Mr. Page’s return next week ha will bring new* hut M encouraging aa. ha brought iMt week from the southwestern part of the State.” “A* a matter of fact," ha coaejgded, “hp, sentiment is sweeping Urn State and If Ms caaft ,5«nUaMh to program at the rata It lma Thrtng tha -. Mat two week*, aa 1 confidently featfcae' It SAarsun ua«ui iu DISCUSS INTERCHUJtCH Clinton. March *4.—Tha pastors of tho Clinton churcheir hart united with the pastor of Aha Salcmbunj Rapt I at church in MMing a call for a meeting of tho mlnirtere of Samp •on county to he held in the Clinton Presbyterian church on Marrh 30. At thia meeting the aeope and poa •iblc limita of Interdenominational activity and other topic* will bn con* •Ids red. Tboae signing (he call arc Rav, E. H. DavU, paatnr of the Clin ton Methodist church; Rev. W. J. Jon**, pastor of Salembnfg liaptial church; Rev. A. R. Pnrshlcv, rector of Clinton Episcopal church; Rav. G. M. Mathie, pastor of Clinton Praabytarian church, and Rav. U. P. Harris, pastor of Clinton Baptist e"OFlh. yaak of prayer will be observed '*7 MlaMoaary 8oeirjty of tha I Cariftlan Church beginning with •writes In the church at 8.S0 Toe* day Mjenmon. Other meetings will ^JmiU at the same hour Friday and FOLLOW "CLEAN UP" WITH A REAL CAMPAIGN "Clean I.'p aad Fatal Up" ii now the arccpten Houston slogan. It la heard on every hund and in every homa "Pa<nt Up" came bounding in right on tna nerds of Houston's clean up campaign, and has spread like the traditional "wild fire. Dif ferent from other civic campaigns. ' paint up" baa a double appeal. It appeals to one'* pride end it appeals to one's pocket. It appeals Is pride in that a very small outlay of aaonsy caa transform moat any homa Into • beautiful place. It appeals to tbo mcr* 'nh.rb.table aad more saleable. I»va! estate mm all say that |60 0' 1100 worth ofpaintlng adds from or *100 worth of painting adds from ray billing. In the large cities i' f are ;peculators who make a bovine*.- of buying old. dilapidated Inoking xt'Ucturee and repainting Hum ond then jelling them at a big profit. Faint is ilw bast ptrerrvanv# yet dikcovorval. it ia thr girataat homa ir. autificr beyond question. It is tha I* - -I invettm-nl an owner can make or. hi. premise* The National Cl*an Up and Paint I'p campaign hue had a triuanphant manh The newspapers have taken up the pork and the various civic c..x rixafion* throughout the coun try hnw i-.poused the crusade In Houdun today the homes in all tactions of tbo city are being dressed with blight, fri ah painL The slap, slap, elan of th« paint brush ia heard in all section* of tha city. Mer chant* arc repainting their stores, cities na arc painting and fixing up their homes. Tha movement has Just b reran here. Houston will look like •t hat just coma out of tha bandbox before the summer cloaca. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. W* nr* proud of the Interest and the p. ogres* of the work. Tha fu ture seems to have some vary faaci nating things for us. The B(ble school U now getting a Ji.i.>up on the work that la to be don*. Growth ia tha one aim of the, whole church and wo can fsal our selves rxpanding. We had vsiy fins attendance last Lord's day, and arc expecting bet ter next Lord's day. Our desire la to make each service just U little better than the previous one. Next Lord's day we are putting in a full program, beginning with the Bible school at »:f« a m aJZ Every moment win contain real Ufa and anthuxlaam. Coiac la aad let ua teach tha Word. - It Is tbo xulds of Ufa. Morning worship haui at 11 a. m. sharp. Be on Ha. Evening worship at TM p. m. Morning subject, “The Passion of Jeans.” evening aobjoct. "Gopher w ood. Wa cordially Invito you to cans and worship with us You will find tbot you are perfectly at home. A welcome awaits you—CO MR. J J. LANGSTON, Pastor. 9EC«ETARY BAKER1! MOTHER SPONSOR FOR CONCRETE SHIP M£Wl 8<‘,n' *»rcl» *4—Mr*. Mary G. B-rker, mother of 8«ritiry of N«wtc»n 1). Btkif oon bo rsd Br!£,d‘!7 "9*0"*1 WnTu^t u Alejander, «l*th of the concrete par •'f** ntrarnora built hero for tha <|ual termaatai department of tha when the launch ad at ■ local today. Mm Baker, wboaa home 1* flai Hand Ohio, i» the iruaat of retail roa Haro MRS. HUMPHREY WARD DEAD London, March S«—Mra. Hum phray Ward, tha norcHat, diad ol heart dlacaao today la a London boa ifml. | HUNDREDS! attend PRETTY? WEDDING Mia* Madrid |btd Bacosn*. Brida of Boat At DiritM StrJt Church. Mia* Madred ~^Ed and J urn cs Beat w«r» narritJktn >" Divine street Methodist Wmptl Church, South, Wednesday^Lbt in Ihv pres anec of naariy lMm persons, who taxed the iuaieaaKdtBcr to over flow ing. Bm Linking es it diMMs liven of two of Dunn's most pUar young per* •on*, whom laniUBuc among lha mod prominent iw/Tartrrn Caro lina, the weddldhow on* of the mat notable in tbXwant history of lha Stale’s social BL It was the most brilliant ever^BI in Dunn and stir noted to the Aft hundred* of relative* and friaiSjyem all parts of tha State and gMgy points in the Southeastern SlateA' • The bride, a aft charming and lovable yoong weZ, is x daughter of Mr. and Mia rKyt Henry Tloed And s (naxddsugfat^Ll the late Rev. Or. Peter Harmsn^K* many year* s power In the MeflMat Church and' <till remrsabered *B Be of the must I .slued mrmbtri o^B North Caio lina Conference. ^By father i* a member of the l|Bef Hood 4 Grantham and is Mb of the mon who helped to btiAA* town of The bridegroom jAfts Junior m*m mr of the flim of 4 Best, one of the most prom^Bflsw Arm* of North Carolina. sAa son of L,.* J. Beat, of the la^Hpar, who |« a member of tbs Pr^Bant Br.vt falB j ihy of Wayne Coi^K^ Young Ur.n wa* ■ lleuton^Ha the late war sod served with ho^Kne is a gTadu ate of Trinity Ca^^ft and one of Dunn'* most proj^Bk young men Both he and hi* b^B^fe natives of; II 'TJfOifC . .-ctting into wklcj^HV bn<l, IfTo.ixn marched i^Ki first ttrmina of wedding i march were vaftej^HAr thv iirai,, church whoa** itird^ftcu had beer, enhanced by the 4|^Ktive art uf loving friend*. minute* be fore, Mr* J. Lioy^Hpe bad enter ed tha organ lof^^H played the sublime Brthovea^^^Auct in (; dhu wa* followedeonira_ "Beauty'* Eye*.” g|Biaa Martatet Pope, soprano, ait&^Ae Hour That Made You Mlar/'j^Hiaa Margaret Menton, *oprano.J**ln«ton Rob art Jordan, vioild^A- Played. "0 - pink and g%h £Bt Cd beep VWWWlJ Taiwr*. Long laafpJmT fare*, palm*. Ollea—the verdure of foreat aad hothouse,—had been brought by a master hand to *h*d their fragrance and appsaling beauty over the scene nod to temper the solemnity of the occasion. At the. chancel an enormous aatip pillow had been placed. Upon thl* wa* etn braidarad in aweet pea* the letter "B.” At rack end of the chancel was a mammoth wicker ba*kct con taining giant Barter lilie*. A* the throbbing tone* of Jor- ! dan'* vlobn died In the diatarire. an 1 o*hor rcgnalicd Ih# approach of the brldny party. Mrs. Wad* began the march. Leading the party came tha bride’s maid* and groomsman. Three were Misses Mary Bell Herring, or Raleigh; Pauline Reveridga, of Elies bath City: Corrina Jackson, of Dunn; Nell and Hair Bad Davis, of Pern, indina, Pla ; Eouna Lea, and Gladys Yoang, of Dunn; BhcKon White. Jeaar Anderson, of Wilson; Durham Taylor, Captain Roland WVUiams, Robert Young and Coy Hooka, of Dunn, and Hugh Wry, of Burling ton. These were followedby Mis. Hugh Pnnea, aim tar of tha bride, dame of honor and Margaret Smith, a charming, diminutive lady, bear ing the ring embedded in the heart of a lily. Mi*s Martha Hood, maid of honor, of SaitbMd, nnd Call Beat, brother of the bridegroom, followed. Aa the attendant* entered they seconded to the. altar behind Rev. ■*•**•■ M. Daniels, pastor and old eluting minister. The bride*, maids formed a pyramid: the groomsmen U crescent behind them. With this beautiful stage setting complete the bride and her groom ap proached to the altar and knoll upon the satin pillow. Aa *ha solemn eexa aony begun Mrs. Wade started play ing, "The Voice That Breathed Or or Eden.” In a few mements the cere ■aony waa over aad thv party march ed out to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin. Mr*. Army* Harper Young was direetrass of Uic wedding. It was ■ha who planned the decorations aad program. Urn bride wore • white satin drum, trim wed hi pearl*, and having a long train. Bha wore a necklace of pvarle aad carried a bonnet of bride a rosea. The attendant* were attired in pink aad great) silk and carried boijyct* of Wool pea* and enap dragon. After tiie wruidiwa IS - ,.s s*_ BMt held a reception la the palatial Uoo4 bone la Broad Street. Hun dred* of friend* attended to con grata la U the bridegroom and to with him and Me hrM# a Ion* *nd happy life. The gaeete aleo viewed the many and valuable preeenU that had V*? hoapad lata die *a*t par lor of the home IVr* wore bun drod* of tboee, raafin* from ru*ar "hell* to a deed to • valuable red donee lot la tbe choice* eection of Dann. Mr. and Mr* Beet loft at midnight for an e*t.ndnd vicit to Soutbarn re ,1U^^D U nuk* Among tboee fro® out of town for the weddtn* were: M me Martha Head. Klnetea. Him Mary Bell* Herrin* Beloigh; Mice yinrtal. rorta.e.TUwrllir Miami Umla* and Nell Davit, Crmadal*. Wa-i Him Pauline BHernd**, Ellaa heth City| Hugh tahy, Bariingtoe % « ILEAH-Ui- AND PAINW1P B SET FOR APRIL 4fH TO 10TH BY WfflTQUI " i Ch.*ni; *L *1:i amerce and Women's Club* Co Operate With Mayor In Effort to daan Up *1 own - kiddle Issues Statement. Clean-Up Week is coming to Dunn. 4 i0.!h htt4.l>cen d*ei*nated| Mayor J. W. " h*tcnead an the- time when all . — - to banish rubbish, diM, filth, rant pool*. f.ail»ajrgr»|d whi or things that me? stifl Mr to make an unitary as it 1*1 Co-operating! M the t Commerce, J*|»n WTMrhi_ ment tha.aartiArwoman'a_ munkipality amfjMnt dealers of __...» i vvhen> hftt-e the town has bach slicked op coats at paint will be need 9# to -Brighten tMspSw. Where YourAm” banka .ion equipment of tip to Ml wllPbe placed at tho die pon*1 of committees whose members are to direct (he real work of ckanmir up. Ptarj under which the committee wiffi work 1111 *a during the coming week. S®cr«tAry T. L Riddle, of The Chamber of Commerce, is y.o.*irii,s on derailn o. ,.e campaign and will have them ready -or the committee within a few days It was originally hie intention to conduct the campaign neat week when similar campaign* will be conducted throughout the State under the aur.pi.-e:. of tin otato hoard of Health and the State Insurance :>*. 'fhe;c wk». however, not sufficient time to per lect plans to th. point dejired by Mr. Riddle, and the drive waa postponed .or one week. L'wi'.u^sia^ the matter yesterday Mr. Riddle said: „ “1 ai 1 hcur.dy in favor of a Clean-Up and Paint-Up (. nn puiyn imi- no;- »o’vn and believe we should co-operate with the State 'Insurance Department, the State Board of Heulth £ '.(! i.V ftta.o Federation or Woman’s Cluba by pulling on our eampnign during week of April 4th to 10th, inclnnh c. The beet evidence of public spirit is the interest - shown L*. r.atiein 01 this kind. •* 11 ? • 4\l . rt f .. - —-___ . • a ■ • - — wvitoci vHuun Mia jnvuuc* uon in ev*ry w.iyrpo^ible—to conserve, civic ideals ss veil us health ontl property; and to increase commercial and iiduetrm. pro Joe Jon, os well a* food production, that all ;;y Lc enabled ue well as urged to save for ear coun try's needs. Cleanliness, thrift, and civic pride are the ensvimalh '.ar home* and townif beautiful aad save them from Ihe ravage-: o» disease. fire, storm, and sun. ‘Ce<*"T, r. • attic* ?houki be cleared af the winter's sccumulr. Ion oi trash and Are risk, and liberal coats of paint should ’>e applied vhcrever the ravages of the ele ment* ba a. bcp:m to get in their work on the outaido, while overy insiiti- surface of walla and floors ia made sanitary by paitti and varnish. The work of paint and painter* la bringing'cheerfulness, cofor and hygiene to the homo ia discounted, however, if the back yard ia left to afford a ^hi^ii^t>U**JV>^traah and refuse which can be removed show ti .v>li'-it,ne».? to do their part than engage in a Hurl- that on ■ -• *o much opportunity for bettering local conditio.;* and :•* the same time, give that service to their community which is their duty. We should not be left Pchis ;f in ti movement ;hnt has already proved its worth for k veral y uur* in the thousands of communitias where it ha* I-?*" ; : ; ; operation. A small amount of energy used in thi-. ill would do more to attract the kind of people- {h il „c > ..■* here than anything else we could do; nnd in r.u».kinr (Vie a better place to live in, and to do busi ness in, it v.j !d encourage our boys to stay in the home town. "i recc'd hot I air. heartily in favor of a Clean-Up and PrJ-.t Up Campaign." Shelton lVhit<.. H'-rtfo d; Jv*»' An 'ijrioi.. Wl'n-n: Cu'l Uvrl. Dunn; W. A. L'tsret':. F.dc ." ; Edward Wood nil. SmilhAcM • Mr*. Younyblood, Troy, 8. C; Th. -toa Hood, Klna fou; Kl •* 1;. •!< " —mi;, Smithlield; Mir* lit, part* *.a.'4rn, K union: Minj Kivor.or l:ooU. K.netou; Mus •lunnta i'rivru., S r n n c Hope; IIv*. Pani Kuifolk, Va.; ;ir. and M r. J. II. K fkint •« anJ /on, Mr*. Ina Ay cock. Viuliirh. rn; M:**. Dots K i r km an. GciiUho.o; Mr. and Mi\ C. V. Johnson *i»*i win. Jir. Dflnom, Kington. NEWBERRY MOT fit ASKED TO RESIGN Mkbiyaa Gmnrr Soya Compel, o of Hoory Ford Should Now Bo Frobed. Lansiny, Mich., Match 24.—Until the United Stater rup retro court porter over the verdict of the jury In the dewberry election* coorpi racy trial ut Grand Rapid*, none of tho If men found puilty of eriabiol cenrpiracy will be arked to rdin qolah any public office they hold. Governor Bleeper arid today. The Governor aaid he believed the eot polyn of Henry Eoid, Senate Neve txrr)’* Democratic opponent In tho 1918 election, rhould now be in “Senator Nrwb^fc, Richard H. Fletcher, itata UR .-ommlaatener and myaelf have been &lUcke*by the preaa in and oet el the dtlf ainee tho t-iai Ciorrd,' taid the.Governor. It ha bvoa auyye.tvd that Newbury and Fletcher Siould rtvriwn. I wee no caurc for thia until the Supreme con.: make* kjev. i iu Undiiiy*. If I n*K« ,mi:' 'rviu'.u at picarnt, one wtT * ? r«-il th- Fidernl yo .nrnment eot.J. •* jw-i r.n active an inveatin: lion {*:» cumpoitm coiKluclod by llcn»« Twiii aa by Senate Newberry. If •n„ vrnim.-nt b- r.ncere la IU lit-.. .4»ion it ahot.i.l r...-, stop with lev.-, Jyatlnji Ibo campu'rn of the wi arr, but iht„U. pioUc the cam po oi of th - loner aa well." NEWBERRY CONVICTED. I r, —; r.ji.Id <, Mlali., March 20— T\ m-r. M Ni "'berry, Junior Unitad St U- b*r.:ne *iom Hirfclgmit. *n toiny lOjvleird by * Ju.y of Karin* en it ..tuily In lots to t)o Ut - Ik" Meet ion law*. He was ion tr red by Jndac Clrrence W. S*» •*b ■» t" two year* tm^riMaaiaal tar. i *nad flti.OflO er-WwiI on ham pt <tlns nn am**’ nml at onc« linn a . i«U3bo». •tr -’f irc hit intention U ra tin hi* —v in the upper H«m nr e*a tUi body dreidw otherwiaa o. the Supreme court uphold* hie< cur victlou. Sharing the fate of the-Senator woe bia broth*'. John ft. Newberry and fifteen campaign manager*, ln clading Frederick Cody. Now York, and Paul H. King, Detroit. Both there men received the limit cent net with their chief. Charier A. Floyd, Detroit, waa the •en.enced to two yean la tha pen!* tertiary, bat ha waa flood only half a« much aa Newberry. The brother was fined $10,000 and waa one of four who were not aentrncod to Imaven worth. The lighted aentanca wont to Geoige 8 Ladd, of Btarbridgo, Maca., and ha waa fined $1,000 YARBROUGM^fcr DUKE~ QUITS AS -POSTMASTER Mr. Tarbvoagh T.I.grapk. Mr. God win He Hae fiaalgnad Chair. Waahtngkm, March t«.—Chair man W. T. Lea, of tha North Caro lina corporation eorngJaMon. aad R. O. Saif, ka me rotary ^hra k Waft 5xS* " ^3" I tomorrow. »ion, following the rotanTof thTror rkrr to eorporaU control, are pro paring for a roelaoHSoatim of rntao aad the aoutkern ttakUtacn have hewn invited late preliminary caa roltation. rortauutCT Yarb. engh. ' of Doko, today telegraphed BapvwanaUtlvo G.dwln that he had tendered Mo re.-ignatlo*. Tha vacancy will be .filled by civil aervieo examination. Redrnarotative Godwin kedir re* Introduced bill* pmooting co.\*trac tion of new federal building* at Dunn and other point* In hla dlatrict. l 'EEL NET EARNINGS FAIT. OFF NEARLY M MILLION! * -- N«-w Yovfe, Jfmrb 24—Eornlnr of tbt 8tit#i Steel torpor* & Itlk a«*rdln* to tfco dotaiUdYo port >Mu*d today. 1 Tfcly *om I. r*a«had aftor allow > amco la mad* for ootiaMrtod amoaai jnjfcrd lacome and *k.w£S»L toaczjj’jvvJSE Into which-*-*- “ fortunate | teTWVw ___ S'?45 j^h •.•*.? ■fftnta and MB collector*, ho waa panamad u w tfc. aymboia. Ktrct of tbom waa a portrayal a4 Marc Anthanjh countable af Clew tefP- A. D Carta, dolled apuZa - TV*5?r ** »•»—k playad tha part of Claa, cumaadod by Mack alavna aad gaudily -ntiwaid eoart ■**■**■• AbLteTrffrohTS “CTlod by one ef the aterea. Pram *“■ tha quaea dantUy axtraetad a cocoanut. which ahe anaaarad ta want to crack oa MarcVcnaiuL Thr latest akimmy maafc waa plaxad While Claa aad bar train bcJdtho -Xxt cam Aunt Dinah at tha wait)tub. Caapor Warren waa la thla role, and portrayed the extinct * of aid darkey. She aad E. N. Paarca. bar hobby, did a aoagr and MU OM Borne took the rtaga next An empty kettle, two futile gtaaom and a thirsty dado in the penea of John £• iWipr opened the aetoa. Inter T. V Smith andElMa Ooldrteteaw wa-od with a Arc-call on hr if Harnett County monkey ram. niaae war. rarrouaded by Marti Marrow Bob Jordan and Artbor" fhna! mourner*. The quintet mow "TiHr Old Pal of Mina.’’ And Mate waa laid to rust Mia. Sidney Caldwell, of Chaw lotto, waa the next attraction. She waa tha “Girl Who Pewter* Mar i?°—Aa a ftanle Old Glory waa k*ight la Um epat light with ■ aoldier aad a nailor —at mlate. ~ -Jss.'JT'sik.'i jsfsjc sr^'STzrAtflkx Mr. CWwd Malted tea 11 ihdf ftp' -r~ «-l MM. -tSTV“KSS.‘V: STATE nturruu GIVEN M PEE CENT

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