yp .,;! ——I 1 ML ; * t VOL 1 * DUNN. N. C.. AMU 1. IIM £0to /* "■ rSi C-?J '..'0 :M;NNj *. *-t- r» 1s.-.i, u:\; Up Cam-1 p;.:L't- w* ' V'eru k-i:l adv.ws T;-*: C'UO.rt ACTION I .**« nu :«• Cr *>i Vhi. Accrue* Uj; a w C.t'tiu^iis Ihrotjh' 'Vjtt.uit.' £ u& a i»f.* *«—W«ntj| Co r^.-iat w. .».* !«tr>i'.dy in liic briti 7,300 « tvi in Drive. j , Piii'itN (.ItMi Ur> und Pi.»tn Up[ <‘ fajMiip.li b**.:in. }io»«dn> mo iiIm**. , **C1»*ur. U© ©i d r.*< nt Up—make >\i . lta.ni it*- ( :/ :t(*u!ifut. i •••* pood in be ari erapii “’wd in hm*»i work ial • x'nr out of p***»•..*r *n lo tin rstvfiM ■ r.int t-oub!** J in ;tn jiiwtu . f»o* li c’.mI, fi%n» every «n_orid r°int m:xirrui«:V-;;n‘i»)!y in the •#* ri>rtn|r ot I’m -.•» . •nothin* v.«UU * • .filch dividend* by wry of good A ht;«Hh hj‘K»/ .. un*‘ pi* ajii*T n«««i •t * attracto< r .■ .»» h .t*c > *:t rn.»r*i:ti« an - is-. ..• i . . p the Chfttnl* * t'.in.di'Vt''; "W«f thi'ii1 i* **-..*« w# *h i.i Dunn — ••thr l»\ *■ t town under the *tinM t«« look oar ben; to p* *eot to thl e\i*. bail: i.f .'trunfrri * red resident* o*ir tr.ifn enga- up and convincing Wf rlivjiii .»bl ? tj b.i.ir clou* c'Jiuo. Li-jfu all angle*. "Spi; »* r.iiturnlly u Neuun of /ii iho* r# nr.*l beauty - when tbv • arc b.r.niy.ig to no.I th*. t ’O'i \i. ;* <«utn their |*:*ceae*t Tilmeal. Bet t»vi*r and beyond the matter of arpvvrajic* i: the vastly ivnpo'v.irt Dititoi v»f h*«Hh ©nil phy fnviI ccmfo/t. It M fine- to ifon uui **b«*d b b and tucker*' for epcciai oe fiauns *ny but it it oven finer lo dean up U.s.» our dtJscna may be hrallhicr and .happier Ih* yet. lounfi. Dearly ar i Attraction. [ “Thu Clitn Up uui’. F ini t*n cam paign ia largely jur.it.iy’m it? o|w And the view I. llu* iaivt v netble of all. For wh<.» u can-.pn tpi ba.< that * aa •' i *«Jcct. it c*irrj?* inevitably alao cvrrv attribute of beauty and att'Bcl*%« r.e.’S tint may i. tionnMy nt — tach VVlit V**'-i. : *v *. uvery per* aon in no your pari willing .hr* aril Intelligently In thu . rroa« iMuVt jncntr Will you do Ihi thing* for D»irtn? .“"V A‘Flat npoov o ithmtyc/- ? d fen»r<<; - ■ •'■»*« oSr* vef*rtaolar in "ront and b*ck yards; “Sprl.i; f • Tif.;. , „t*« pr» r.,.»r'v« vl. jv ;i*; >i i y ; •'PalmTrtlrr '.ha? c !♦•*» bn»*iJ 1? a viriae. uT|ui|ch'.liM-r* .« (crinn ; •'*i*dii»t the i.iidencc if pot nblr. “fllHin up tbc bach yard* and make them *mIo yaid' ti#; «.?• pcncr oUs* n.mnt.ith'F o* soap i;nd water mil >»jjr picmi-'Cs-. «r-.i»y &*i.t not; work th good old Hrt»**v itur.mi', white w .th vt»a» r«*nr* r. ibal U:< y :nty be r. htly and .*r ni.ary; btirn sdl th* Laev nb.oit the place, unpack dark closet? and r?t »i«l of moth? aril I’erwin; uee plenty of paint. Lei*? make thii year'* CJcim Up and I-ami Up t.amp:iim tin* biggest amt m'tt ?mccvfB: of all? Dunn U en joying a great period of prosperity—■ ’•he W facing n wonderful year—#he i* on the threshold of her nw^t ex pan? ve anti ptogr»?A:vi 0*4. Li*l\ mnke In r supremely presentable In the r^rc rod nrnjwv* accordingly." Vore than 7,li('il citici n.'d town* in th~ United Slot■-•# h.T*l Chun Up -nd Puint Uji ciimcuign* Ian yo.ir. Every one of iK-v cvnniunitiet niv •'O.mr to i>'!•' another thi.. y. nr. Tbit yrar fu’ty S,<#•!» t-wre will ji.iu in ! be ni jvi-munt tlTiy? Rerauac each ot,.i of them ha* found it vcly r.tm-b worth while to do ». They Iravi.r.J '.hut a Clean l.’|i and I’nlr.t !*•> oampalen reduc'd dl-t and r<ihbi.'h anil »n a rbtult L'i <*> war lev a’cbEir* actually dur ing (i»t euanmu- thin tbe.e bad been In ptvvinu* •urnmem and falls. They lforp.-J tbni the rcmo\.il or rubbich from attics. cvllur*. -beds, battiii. bark yard* and vuranL Iota, materially ndoed liro danger, curt ly* improved the look# of private pr-pi rty and pold’r thurouirnfaro, inei»M*<:l kcur* rnd land value*. * tiled up th* purl* of the property ftyrtr in h..i h.'iir-noa, and tuc prid of e'/e-iybody in the look* of the town. CONTINUE OPERATION OF KINEb PENDING WAGF. ADJUSTMENT New York, March 20_The tcalr committee# of the bhatalnou# oper. nlorn anil mine work-re, in a joint coiifcronro here th’s afternoon, Jp.'ivd to make the monetary pro vi ;on> contained in the nwerd of the1 biivoiinou# roal. commission, an af ftlmed hy llic. I*r< ndvnt, to become i IIactive on April I pad that th* n.tine* rontiEtK in operation, pond ing the wo hint; out of u new agree ment. The awvid provided for a wage Incrvaao of 21 per r*nt P.AI.EIGH MAN AWARDED RIG CONTRACT AT DUNN Cdntrnet# totalinu 1700,(1(10 Have been.awarded In I* R. Arhhy. a Ral < ieh ron*rnctn . foi the court ruction of f>0 mil** of hiphway* ra liating from Dunn. The roudr will bs of day gravel type and when * com pleted will cive that mtUcii of Har rett county n iplmdld ijrrtom of road* Thrio main road# will be built. Wad>0/ from Dunn to ths (umbo-Uml llr.<-, the Jrhn*on county line and to th* 3amp#on county line. Worta will b* atarlad Immedl »t*ly. Th* inHacr? ht charg* of the work will b* Mr. W. T. Smith. I . t r — • I . I k l LET US MAKE OUR lOWN CLEANEST IN 1 ME WORLD _ i Ihc cleanest town m the world if the last iown to live I {n. Boat because it U ih»- health . Ii’Jt. Best bscaun* it ha* . the | f«-w mt B'Vt because it Is tlx »no*t boutilifuJ Tbi" Clean Up. Point Up cam t l>mgn reduce* Sre insurance lA'.ru and Arc lot*; it Incrwaar* | pivjnrty value*; makes tertians | of vacant lot*; removes unsafe building*; rmU the fly; devel- I op* n<-hool and home gardens; j | cleaner alley*, yard* and | i homes; educates children in lire prevention and cli no up mm* u»e*; plants trrra, removes rub- | b**b; make* more attractive and I . ^ofi r home* and placee of but- j ' ir.p**. It develop* a rumnuni I ty splr»t that permanently e»»- j «ur. s a cleaner, safer, healthier | • aril more beautiful city. Willing co-operation In this • work will acrompljfh wonder*— f a magic transformation of our ••‘tv will be the re*«ilL It will— ! will you? I 1 Cleanline** is th.* he*t life in- r ♦urancr. It •* the best flrk in- | I marnnr*. •. I-1 DUNN POSTOFFICE BILL INTRODUCED L'.llU Vope for Dur This Ssuion, Mr. God win Writ**. To provide $II4,<Jfco for the pur rim >e nf site nod the boildtug of tirdiifllit' in Dunn, Reprveentative Hnrmttal I- Godwin ham ialtoduced the following bill In the Floaee of Ft preventative*; “He tt enacted by Ihr Senate and House of Representatives of rhr United States of America in flonirriae assembled. That the S»-e of the Treasury ba. and Hljh hereby. authorised ervl direct-d to acquire by pur ehs e. romlemnation, 01 other w:-c, a e>te and eauee to be ■ - rrted thrrrnn a nilabh build - irt. including firerrog^ ran Its, h'aiine and ventilating apiut •atue. and approach*#, for the ue and accommodation of the port oIBce and othar offices of the Government at Dunn, Har nett Countv, State of North M^td Vifr lit cort of said baildina, eomplote, •ol u> i-u'ccd lltiO.OOfl.’' Introductinr. of the bill followed n requem to do so made by the Dunn Chrmbcr of Commerce through ita w-etary T. L. Riddle. A letter Inter from Mr Godwin accompany ing; n copy of thr hill reads: “I »m is receipt of your two fi.voi-e of recent date which havr hern noted with mueh interest. Tin one with rrfcienee to Fcd t-:al aid for good roads will have mv immedi-ita consideration and u- joon as I ran gat the infmma ’.ion dra red, 1 will communicate it to you. “The other rvlating to the post offlec at Dunn. I wish to ntaU that there will he no public huililfcire legislation at thta ses e on of Congresa but I will re introduri' the bill and keep it alive so it will be rowdy when the Congress vnacts legislation on this aobjeet. I am carefully guarding the interest of thu peo ple at Dunn and you may in form them that they >rill be nest is.-the line of public bulld inge." TILGHMAnS MM SUFFERS BIG LOSS Fire Destroys Main Plant, 8oilara and Engines Saturday Night. Fire nf unknown origin complete ly destroyed the main milling plant, the boiler and engine rooms of tho Titghnuir Comber Company here Saturday night. The loss is esti mated sc probably less than s quarter nf a million dollars, since thousands of fbet of the highest clans lumber made by the company was also eon mmod In the blase. Reconstruction of tho burned plant will br started immediately, accord ing to a statement made yesterday by Regnellle M. Tllghman, managing dlrbeter of the company, who arrived her* yesterday from Hot. Springs, Ark., where he was sojourning when news of thr disaster reached him. • Mr. Tllghman could not state the eaaet hiss, nor what part of it was covered by insurance yesterday. In Mira nrc adjusters are here now to ad just tho loss. The new plant win ba fully as large at the old. Nobody knows how tbs blase of Saturday nlr.bt started. When dis covered it had gained considerable headway in the southern part ef the building. From this it aproad to tho holler rooms and bod enveloped tho entire building before the Dunn Fire Dopartment could reach tho scone. The mill is nearly two miles from I ho heart of team. By tho time thr firs department reached the mill tha hig water tank , erected for Ars protection had caught Art end a few minutes later esllapo cd. This i<-daced Chief John Tkor 'on’s Agbtiifg rqulpmoat to the eheual ral tanks stationed about the yard. With thsae his men kept the blase /rum other buildings and saved many piles of laraber on the yard. SCORES OF PERSONS KILLED IN STORM . i Property Damage Rune Into MiHiona of Dollar* From Ravage* of Tornado UTTERLY DEMOLISHES NUMEROUS BUILDINGS State Militia Flacae Elgia Under Martial Law Fellnwiag Destruc tion By Terrific Wind—Many Fleet la Wake el Siam: Many Tawae aad Cities Suffer. Chicago. III., March 2d.—A ecorv of persons were killed and a hundred or more Injured today by a tornado that swept the countly and * num ber of loans north and weal of Chi cago. and ravaged sotnv of the city's notthwestern suburb* The property damage ran Into millions of dollars, including the■ demelition of many buildings and the raxing of telrgraph and telephone linen Communication with rural rffciont was for n time cut off. •d'Kiik Hvi nuiir w««v niut-u nuu ■ wore injured when the tornado swept through tho renter of Kirin, Illinois, about 30 miles west of Chi cago, enuring 14,000.000 damage to properly. Melroee Park, a suburb of Chicago, reported six dead and Hanning, another suburb, and Wil mritr, a North shore town eueh re ported two dead. CEORGIA TOWN HIT. Montgomery, Ala.. March ?8.— Messages received here at k p. m from weat Point. Oa., over railroad wirus reported th* death of four or five persons and th* destruction of the northwestern part of the town lute today by a tornado Since that hour no other Information has been received from the stricken town. The tornado came from the south shortly of ter 3 o’clock and tha fuey of the blast was expended largely in the boainsm section, according to infor mation received her* tonight. The thrcc-rtory building occupied jointly by the West Point Manufacturing Company and the First National Bank was destroyed A Presbyterian church, Chatta hoochee Valley railway roundhouse, office of the West Point Iren Works md Harmon Annex were all par tially wrecked. The pontoon bridge thrown acrues the Chattahoochee river after tha December floods, also was destroyed. It was reported ‘hat the West Point Wholesale Qroeerv dead tonight included fxvn Ackkew. Roland Horne. Isom Stanley, in aged man who waa killed when th* Presbyterian church was wrecked, and Hlakr Hinry. That others were killed is believed prohabl ■ whiio vcorcs of tiersons wets’ injuud. Th residential section of th* town was not greatly damaged. HALF MILLION DAMAGE. Macon, Gw. March 28.--Ahh.<ugb th* weather bureau reported the highest wind velocity evur know hrte. SH miles an hour, Macon escaped the storm with a property loss estimated at a half million dollais. There wan no loaa of life, and few persons were injured. • Buildings wers nnroofed and trves were tom down in all parts of the city. Not a home or place of busi ness escaped damage. The East Ma con Baptist rharch was unroofed, and two negro churches destroyed. The Buckeye Cotton Oil Com pany’s McCaw mill was unroofed, the roof being carried onto the main line tracks of the Southwestern Hi virion of the Central of Georgia railroad. Considerable damage was done at Central City Park, whera a circus had pitched a tent Tha lent polls were snapped in two. EIGHT KILLED IN ELGIN. Elgin. ID., Marrb 88_At least eight persons were killed and prop erty damage estimated u high as 14,000,000 ranted by a tornado that struck this City shortly after neon today. A large pert of the baainew quarter -and a portion of the real dontial section was in ruin* tonight and It waa feared more bodies were under the wreekag*. Military law was declared at 6 P- m. and the ■Areets cleared by troop* to prevent looting. Elgin waa in darkness tonight. More than 100 persons were injured fn this city. Light wire* and trolley wires wire down, fltrsat car sor *j«* was suspended. Trains were blocked by uprooted trees and Tor * time only ona telegraph and tele, phone wire connected the city with the outside. MAYNARD MAROONEDAT MORGAMTON BY THE RAIN > “The Plying Parson” May Vied Asheville Today Deri.. ReseheM fan*. , Asheville. March SR.—With Mor gun ton cut o# from the world by tb* . 'olograph office being closed for tb* day and the long distance Hne« down. Aah*villa tonight D unable u ; learn when Ueut 8. W. Maynard ; the "Flying Parson.", will eom* hare . Earlier la the day he wired that th« steady rain which has viaitad thh section today mad* his field there loc ; wet la loses and h* would crime to morrow. Everything it in roadinmi hers for bis arrival, ho having over I shot Asheville Saturday in Sylni « hare from Knoxville, and landed or t the roar lawn of the hospital for t)u - Insane at Morgantoa. If tha rail - stops tonight than Maynard will flj here tomorrow and gir* exhibiting I- daring the major loagur baachal » game betweon tb* Detroit Tigers an> t Hoot on Braves, whkk will bo playn in the afternoon. I DECISION Of DRY LAW POSJBLE BY ; MIDDLE Of APRIL Argument* t*j*l Tuesday and Supreme £d*rt Take* Rceew Unit 1M > JUDGMENT EXACTED immediately then /rluus Mslu Ar|a«MU, Fortjia Tara Attscb i»| Validity of ~Ae ^ CiflilMqtk Amtdutul and iKnua Appearing for Cavtriuutul. ' V _ _Jk .• Wsahington, Alar3-, fE - A poami billly that the Saiirdpipraourt might psan boa! jtidtir.. nf A p inhibit ion oncat.oii now before jfcfar the middle of next month wax iby some ob server,; today In fhjk announcement -hsl the court rr-eo*5 tik«n it I ihe cunclo^on of itfurntrU on ■nvM imidij ivmorrow, would extend to April t# inaieud of J Api il 12. The opinin'go* exprt-ued by thc*« familiar with the court's procedure that a dvrlakm might be rendrred immediately when Ike court M'ecnvcMk * ' • ‘ Fuitber nhxth sides of <tu rdions touching vMty of the con.-mintionrl - — «." >Jgg« ami the '.nfon-.-mi-ni act now lihefore tha -unit was prrsrntosK 4|Ray. Thoy weiv in eonaoet'on w|ti the original mil brought by New Jhrsey. as well as nppcol* from that gpte and from WUronsui, Rhodv Inland, Kentucky Hid Maxxorb jHifli ri.aee haw already be-.-n a rued .-ml will da considered it the same lime. CHhu Root. reprrwyalHK Christian Feiger.span, a brewer of Newark. N. I.; Altormy Clcm-.-al Thomas K. MrCnn, io.ist Rational amendment, and Assistant Aitomoy Oaaeral Wih '■aui Fric'Soa. for tha geva-rnmant, ■ddrr.wrd the court today. Warns Cassrt si Banger*. Mi. Uoet -*ir—*•- lasr the pro h bitien amendment as (lew legtsle ' 'Oil made under “color af an amend mint" directing P' raonal rights. If da validity was upheld; he said, Urn fset would b. that the camrt rreog nimi d in additiea tail-.* legislative lowers of Conrrxpg _v' Ap state*, s third leaislatiyc^^^^^c.t namely, c*,“ent only of . whole tone ar.d characuT^^* eonstitu 'ion.” “It It.of little conacqueaec,” Mr. Root midrd. "if there be or be not nrohibitioa in this country. It is of rust lontcqo ore. however, that roue honors now decide rightly and 1 fey the cuod of oiie. country in the future if thrrr are to be any limit* to thr iMiwnr of amendment and where the l<nc of limitation Is to be I drawn. “1 inilsl that your honor* am not it liberty to pat A toon ruction upon 'll- puwci to amend that will over-' lam tbe fundamental character of this government unless the Language of the article is ton plain to admit a question.” BUI of Rights Three laned Mr. Root further argued that the original bill or right* upon which the' fedcrnl constitution wan founded would .he swept away If the amend ment were suduined and laws en arted as constitutional nmenriment* would bo mnde superior to other I lew*. Thi. would m.ftti, hi added, I th.t “we are not a govemaacnt oil limited pow.-r. bread*1 there i« a1 legwlative body that i. not aubjcctl to thoat limitation*.” ( Replying to an inquiry by Aaao elate Justice Day, Mr Root .aid only two way* related to lo* rt a prohibi t'en amei.dment In tbe constitution; to tranafer powci to regulate the liquor traffic t„ Coagfrsa. aa sraa dor.e regarding interstate commercu, or to call a convention to propote anerdmeuta on the mmo authority ns waa dope for the original consti tution. ”1 contend they hare not put that ••cw-r into the hand* of the umend ny authorities,'1 Mr. Root mid. Attorney General McCran con tended that the aroiadment sraa leg -datlve in natar* and rerolationary " chatacter and w.. not ndoptad by two-thirds the membership of Coa ctres. nor ratified by three-fourth* of the state*, owing to referendum tin visions Ip various state constitu tions. Presents Cmramat’i Sid* On the government's behalf Mr. Fnerson reiterated arguments made in llh- Rhode IsUmd cuan that tbe question of tbs amendment* rnlid Ity Is not jtiMirtable. The l»th amendment could hart beam inserted In th«* orifrinnl ronrtftuUon and fnr that iwarun hr said, ho could not «e ihc force of argument* -that H can t be murted by amendment ” Ita effect, he said, waa merely to *•**5®"*''*' sutbortty to enforce preblbiiicn |n thr Mates. Asother prohibition rate reached rtir eaurt today with Oh- ffllrg of ap pvala bjr thr St. UuU Brrwlnjr aa* -oclation float federal court de pro* rfismWing injunction proceed ■"£* brought to prevent prohibition ofnriali from interfering with It In tbe mano factum of berr. The court grant* d per mission fo< the ease's submUnion In connection with to do-’* arm-menu «. w"» ■’** Wsyno B- WheeUr, t-rneral counsel for the Ar.U-J-W lesc-tc to *1# a brief la eornvrtwu with tbe pending prohibi. Ho-i cases. Wbreler contended that the il' d flnitlon” of intoalcatlng liquora I'rn bod-cd in the Volstead act,” Is a lartiiiuiti av.n-iae by Congrae* of tb*' pow.*r of tnforcoMmt roaferr^ U|. on It by the 18th amcadnsnC" ANGEL LEFT BOOZE 1 AT WIDOW’S DOOR! So Mr*. Hoyt* Toll* Police J WbH Moak*r Rais I* j Found In Homo "An angel left the Jug on "»> front] T>oreh with a not* tolling mo to di*-! V*oao of Ha contents anil make sywlf | tome money.” ThU U the plea of Mrs. 'Edd'r Hoyle, sixty-four years old. who la I being hold ta jail here awaiting trial, on a charge of selling ardent spirit* in violation of thr But* law follow-1 mg the alleged finding of Sixteen pint bottles tilled with monkey rum, sad n gdllon jag about half fall of the mm* liquid In her home Monday ! night. Xhr la to bo tried .in Recoin-1 •r'a Coe it here Thareday morning, j James Cameron Smith, carpenter and faraaer, U named in tha tame' warrant that was served on Mra. Hoyle. It la alleged that ha erar to be good RamarHaa who supplied the ■Iqnor. Smith is at liberty under 1500 bond. He, toe, will bo given a hearing before the Recorder Thurs day morning. M.__it. __a__ >_* m I ralnxy of all rscd whimsy sellers for "'Hum warrant* ha** bo«n imiod at th# ladtanre of Chief of Police Pago end levcral plain clothe* pollcmcx who have beta engaged in guthtv 'ng infoimstion on tho whitkey traf fic boro. Non# of tho other war rant* have boon aerred. Mr*. Hoyle I* th* widow of tbc late “Dr.” Hoyio, a “yard” quack who origioatad Hoyle’* fndian ait and peddled it over Kastcrn Caro lina until hio death a few year* ago. Her homo I* at the Southern edge of town, whom she ha* led a lonely life •loco her kutband'i death. A few week* ago eh# returned from Ral ’lf^ dhere the bad spent several day* in a hospital. H was upon bar return from Ral eigh that she found the Jag' af spirit* spirited to her horn, by Use sprite, according to her atory. “I am a tone end peo- Widow,” she wept in pttoaa, “and somebody prompted by th# ■ngels Isft that Nqtsor thers." The airmage. the mid. admonished her to ■eQ the liquer to provide herself with food and i aim eat. NO FEDERAL ROAD FUNDS AVAILABLE Noith Carolina cannot receive any further apportionment of Federal sld fund* unless Congress makes ad ditional appropriations. Congressman Godwin has been advised by the Bu reau of Public Bond*. Already the state has received a little more than ■U and *0110 quarter million dollars. Information to this effect was sent to tbc Sixth District member who asked it in behalf of T. L. Riddle, secretary of the Chamber of Corn Commerce. Tbs chief of the bureau wrote Mr. Godwin: “I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 22nd of March with which yon enclose letter of March 20, from Mr. T. L. Kiddle, secretary of the hCamber of Com- ■ merce, Dunn, N. C-, in orUcb he 1 makes inquiry a* to the probability of Conrroo* making additional ap propriation to North Carolina for building Mate highway* AU of the appropriations already1 made by Congrem to aid the stales I in road construction work have boon apportioned to tho stales. From thesej appropriations there has keen ap portioned to Soath Carolina a total of $0,270,660.68. Thera will br no1 more fundi apportioned to North Carolina unlem Congress should mnka additional appropriations for that purpose. There are a number of bills ponding providing for addi tional appropriations, bat as yet none of these have passed. The Secre tary of Agriculture ia his last annual report recommended that additional appropriations, but as yet none of these have passed. The Secretary af Agriculture ia his last annual rs pert rarommyaded that additional appropriations ho muds In continue the poliey of Federal aid already in augurated. You will rowdily scr therefore that Uto Question of futuru npprspriatioos to North Carolina de pendi'Ontimly on the action of Con jrtcit. GODWIN IN FAVOR ~ OF AU REFORMS lac hading Waass SaCrago and a Shan Cast RaMraad. Wilaaiag taa ta Raleigh. Wilmington, March- $6.—Hannibal la. Godwin is in North Catollaa for (he purpose of repairing his politi cal fence*. Regarding the approaching prcai dential alaetlon. Mr. Godwin an nounces himself a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. "I am,” he auid, “for that caud'date whom the Democratic I national convention shall choose."| Hoover, ho admitted, was an excel lent man, and.possibly a good Demo crat, since he has twice voted the ticket; but unless he should come out and proclaim himself a Demo crat tbs speaker thought be should not lay claim to honest Democratic vote*. Mr. Godwia has been for woman salTmgr every sinre he became con vinced that tha people from this part of North Carolina apparently want ad it. He voted for tho Susan B. Anthony amendment. He also on itorsed prohibition, bat will Incltns ta a diet af light wlaes aad beer If | convinced that hi* constituent* Jo air* them. Radicals, red* and cam pent agitator* he would slump out rant aad branch. REPUBLICANS ENDORSE CfliMlY titbt AND RAISE $1,000 FOR CAHPAKR FOND : Valter P. Byrd .Named for Senate, and Fraa&din T. Dupree for House of "VirruMiUlliea Pmi tain W. D. Holland Choean for Sheriff— ' E C. West for Recorder. MAYKAKD AGAIN FAILS TO LAND AT ASHEVILLE I . | A*b*vttla, Mar. *9.—Lieut £. TV. Maynard. “the Flying i , again failVd to Ani A-iJuv.Ile thia afternoon when I h horded OJT at Morgan ton, , and landed at Hot Spring*, N. | C- forty mile*-.fi-om thia city, . r- the dirt ctien of Knoxville! I Ki- wired back tonight that ha I would arrive her* tomorrow j "urc., Maynard left Knoxville I Sur.day afternoon and* —i~ihnt I i *‘Seville landing at Morgaoton. I ' forty mile* card. . • j It ’>• hclli-ved Hut he'toraed I off On French Breed river at 'len-oort and .atrnck the C. C. and O., going via Marten to ! J'erjanlon. Tied np there oenr I 1 Sur.day owing to the bonvy I ■ »ainr. h* hopped off thia after- I r.con and •truck' out again 'em j t!w C. C. and p. and mtaeed 1 ' tfcv city val»- He panned over i Hot Spring* landing in a laB I oat of gaa. He witl he bare to 1 morrow morning for an nxhibi l ot flight, hv aay*. GRANTBAM MAY TRY FOR LACY’S PLACE Dun Druggist Bsiag Mtasgss-> tunsd" By PH—As Ts B— Mat la Um Wag. <;ro. K. Grantham. member at Um .■giiUturt. Duns drnggirt, sad “ -y fact president ef the Mertfc Carotins t>LiuiriHiil tmili ten, wUl probeMy epfreap Sen Uef or the. «flN at staSe M—w is. he remiss Drmnn^s 1BS Mr. -rantham >» made no fanaal de jTi 'iH l hi •n Viiourledse that friend? in ul >r;i» o{ th.- state here been urgent n ih. ir efforts to get Um druggist o inter the laee: Frienii* of Mr. Grantham have Im >01 tuned him for several year* to ■*y to: the oTcr. Extanshre bust ier- loti'n-d ht-re and la other parts f iIn* stale. however, have earned lir to dcc!i mo. The instate nee >**■ cv.r. though, samas eo strong that t U thought bora that he wjU yield o l He urging. Mr. Grantham's political retard is root:, although be has mldem as to ofBea. Pour year* age ha vk» induced to accept the nomine or’ for mamhor of the Legislators n-roa-e there eras a forlorn hope to •rj. The Kopnblicano had grabbed vi’ryiln-sg in sight two years before, it was nwcMiy to pat Democ aee’* most, popular men oa the •r*-Jt to dblixige the radJcalr. He von, hiiPil* down. The oflcc wga vtbed on him again two yuan age. ft h*s bud enough of k-gihUtingTaa a vs. In rli* big battles of the *VOs Mr. -rarth.-m wes a wlieel borer la Hai M'lt a--H Johnston. Ha did a* mack o urlrt- Ihc W hits Supremacy forces n - Cirrv ss did ony man in the '*-*• H'- doesn’t brsg sbest this, icwrver: noi dees br palat to tlmt rnit os a mason for electing him Hn Is n hai-il-Anted, level-headed fal w who can plow a farrow as well *' hi can fi t a prescription, sad, tf ic rnte»* the rpi'e. will ash for the luff rare of his fallows solrly because v- bol'-vee ho ran render a real ser rice tc hi* state. The mtary doesn't w an sruch 10 Gsorro—not when it » rr in run be-1 d that he owns two big Injr eron», an interest is another, wid a steal farm* that tarn '.it over • W» of cotton to tbo sort. It la praetlcally certain that Prank I’-'axh. of Robeeon. will not be I™0 v "ho w® eontend with ft. This should leave Um 1' Id li. Mr Grantham and the In ri'ml»eot ft will be s great scrap. - Mi ndii>'j News.and Observer. ru/ri MB rr-l aiz-wa as earn Stmarn i. G. SHAW FOR CONGRESS Puri-ncvillc, March 2«<—Two Fay rUi-rillc precinct* tad ono Roboeon roa.ilv i own .hip in Democratic pri mnjy mvetmjra yaxterday afternoon (act niche cudi.rord Joha G. Shaw for tho mnjrroeaiunal notoina tion in the Sixth diotrfet. Iitfotatuilon received hero from w t'.tat tho Democrat* of Pari, ten lonntkip of Rohooon, tho •i've; .1 county of tho diotrict, anaat monrlv ondoned Shaw for CoMtaoa and Ccmcroe MorrUor for GW DOT. The Feyett evilly preetneta, which eaowd nronltnoaaly roaolatkma fav nrt*wr Mr. 8haw*i candidacy wart tho Fonrth. hi; cvhomc prvclnct aad •he Second. The toaraaklp primary mvrtlnaa named delegate# ta the coontr convention and aloe tod exe cutive rnmmlttvoo of too member*, which mot Immediately afterward and rhoee thWr olHoma. Tho oaly nrorliwt In nrhVh any rontoat do •« the Fourth, whero V. r. Bu’lard wu oicotod tho Irma* of '>* committee over Ooorpo M*AhR. inrnmhcnt. In tho Ftrat R. N. Burldnoham woo made ehetr man. Jooeph A. Samoa Hi tho Baoaad Md D. b Hodfpeth la UM Third. Candidate, far Meet, M m, IrtrMetjaa aiaata ware -'-ml to t loaaiaf aMstto* held k, Bmafi continent af the 0. O. P. Mi to Ibauaad MtoMwnZSTti mJk. tka tfoaantiea to dates* tka seat vt aqavatoe a«caa af tka rkalraaa to tka 4 far aarvieaa of 4 lanr.. CaadMatea _ a waltkr p. rtrd,_ FRANKLIN T. DUMUBE, ■aatatfva to T ifMalan CAPTAIN WILLIAM D. LAND. »art>. J.^A. AHPMWI, Reetat l jtt&feHS* tox^ w^t.PA-hr— state health board prosecutes a woman F*,U* Ol !•«*•* A* Hancb 1*.—Tar faMsra to ~*"P*y wttk Um .tou la* rmtSSimm waa irW lii tka taaal Marta at TaJ Sma *oa»kfa*. iMt 110 ut aaato f ** •***•» «a»rtmd of Baaaaa '• canthMM Tvactiaa. {£??*? vwJ*. *•«*. m m i "«£• CT 5^ IStrarSt MJT®* .. m* aaHliaa «r *a . Mata bava bam tnrtrartad tlh wHk gj|£pMli

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