n. ii.. r/iuc riLCO QUESTI0NNA1RI Answer* Labor’s Inquiry Full But in Very Brief Form FAVORS REDUCTION OF TAX LIMITATIO! Ksllwer Leber Body Will P,WM. With Wa«e Diaral* lo.sl.iny ih Claim* W Nearly *.000,000 Mae Haad* of Four BralltrWi aa< Chalrmaa of Railway EmulW* AUaad. The reply of Robert N. P**r. ru. draatt for Democratic rubumutorii! Domination to the labor farmer questionnaire was made public yea by the Pifp headquarters in Raleigh. Mr. Pbkp'. reply was the diet filed !• M. McMahon, chairman of Uis ssrcutivo committee of the State Federation at Labor. That body had not contemplated publicity on the candidates’ answers until the entire batch should have been received. The request from Mr. Morrison for release of his answers last week opened the lists and yoeterday id mi* Jar courtesy was accorded to the Pa*e force* Mr. Png. favors a penalty against I an employer for discharging An ploy* for political, religious or trade anion affiliation. Ha favors tha sob •dMes of a constitutional aotend aoat reducing the present constitu tional limit of taxa tion btMd on tt- I valuation. Hp would divorce eh.ld labor legislation from achool or wcl Jjf*. .JVT* would penalise tha 8uu *—«ec Aa for free text books, Mr. Paco want, a set of book. Zt^i properly constituted Bute Textbook CommiaMon to be asod la all State jebaola or State supported schools, from first to sievwith grades, these to bo secured at lowest coat by competitive bidding and sold to the J*tr*** °f, tbs achool* at cost pin* tks cost of distribution jJJj kaawaei to the questionnaire :-fc£Rii^gjK.rrr;r."; f°r political, religious or trade os! ian affiliation t j Answer: Yen. , blee existing at tha place of employ ment, and to further penalise adver- t Users who fail to live up to their ad- f eartiaamants? » Answer: Aa modified by striking i eat 'for rasp Iry-u, stating that then • are no labor trouaier existing at the I place of employment,' thereby < broadening the law to meet *n false I unmanwui yve. •—To prevent rent profiteering 1 by fixing a minimum rental of not I exceeding IS per cent annual rant < upon valuation aa shown by tho tax I books, plus same percentage on tho I value of improvements, this not to < apply to Aare forming? I A as war: Oao of the greatest needs i today is more houses and more 1 bomea. It does not seem to mo tho I time to discourage home building by singling thin form of investment uuL i If the State la to andertake to Iegle- , late again at profiteering why not in clude all tracaaetiena for'profit? Be- , riousty, 1 doubt tho wisdom of legia- , lotion along this line. Uncouragv the building of homes and compels ties will regulate rentals. 4—Will you favor the submission of a constitutional amendment re ducing the present constitutional limit of taxation, State, county^Rd towns, baaed upon the revaluation? Answer: Yea. Sub-question to Question 4. Far mers’ Union asks how do you stand on tho repeal of tho Revaluation Act. Answer: 1 am in favor of tbo basis of valuation aa provided in this act. 6—A child labor Iby divorced from school, welfare or any other law as now existing? Answer: Yis. (—Fixing a penalty for “blaeh lUtiag" employee, wherein one em ployer (Ukhtryw an employe, and has an agreement with ether em ployers not to hire? Answer: Yea. 7-PravMiMfMy Rfntn aim flfglg in. dilutions lstting nitncU for nay public work upon nay basis that may bo construed at what Is commonly known aa "coot-plus'’ basis? Answer: Yea. I—Fixing a penally for Importing guards, whether armed or sot, from outside tho Stats during industrial disputes, and making it compulsory that only lawful officers • scared from within the State bo so cm ptorsdT _ Answer: Yea. S—A law aader which the pseale shall ateet the County Boards of Ed ucation, aad such boards Asti elect County •ttpurintaadents of TuMle Instruction, and those County Super iatandents, with State Superintend ent of Pub 11« Instruction, to consti tute 'the State Text Book Commie siea, who shall assemble at Raleigh sad adapt a set of books throughout from tho Brat grads to aad includ ing the eleventh grade, to bo used la all State-supported or partly sup ported graded schools. And thou these kooks to bo published by the State, If found to bo practicable 01 mors economical, under contract te the lowest bidder, after ninety days advertising of same, or by the so UbMshmcnt af s State printary, si which ell school bodhs sod othn State printing might bo done; aad sack books to bo supplied to patroni 'of school at actual east of produc tlohT Answer: I do sot believe it win gj FINDING MISSING PERSONS 11_IS NEVER-ENDING TASK Thr Salvation Army, bocauoo of II branches la every coon try Ur the worli coodacts what la probably one of tb ■mat officiant of deteetlre horeaaa l la tt. Samoa of Mimic* P«m» which loads out dally alarm, to A ■orrioai la Its <Sorts to tod thorn wh h«*d dtoaypenmd. *“ the Doited Malm ever MM to nMaa far miasm* perveos come let the SalvaBoa Army aaah year, and n til# HiftmtH #f the ffivmltm ** ***u °* ,h» '«< *■* • larva proportion af these wfet ^ ■*■■*** do not want to bo feaad a eplte of all the ohatadm and bla ”* WOO are located by Mu lalratlaa Army each year .**••• *he child who raoa away *T,.*“* the terrors of com "4 hua*nr are noth In* to him camper d is the fear of aebeel aad tenches aiMMaldeh-- - - - - ■ d—t then w maon tk( _ <■ - l^r. ta ' m ^T175i **•’• *k*1 r1,,r« t *” **■"«■• Mlataa tamryli.,, ,ta_ I **** *f nfh For all tbeoc va 1 ?*”? *tb**7 **• *al»eaoe Ann l« eao A»« the uatboda eaed la Sadias the danasaanta ere aa varied aa tha raaaaa ’ of their lUaappaanaa, Bo—ad—aa » ’ "ir00** ***“•« latter aa the ‘ •* e»HaMleeB» ta the aad - of the March. ~—llltan a pare. ; £?* ‘“'T* ** “» *mr Crr-tha ntlrttlea Amj pnltinilig whtak ta rlroriatad la er^, oaJ-Sr ta tha "“M—aa la other —adtaa— — iniataB BMah tha mr% will hnaf the —larfa# maa heat saae aa her yean. eetj la tha *•* ta tree—a eae at the—--1| ■yataatae that the world -r—IM "P— tor a -oath ar t-r a select men for technical positions 4 r to positions requiring technical nowledge by ballot, but that they hould b» appointed by some respoa ible agency. I do believe that a eoperiy constituted State Text Book iommiaaion should adopt a set ef oaks from the first to eleventh T>d«i to be used in all State schools ' •t r/h-ols supported in whole or in ' ■art from public appropriations; that he State should purchase or con racl to have published after due ■dvcrtlaement for bids giving the ontract or making tbs purchase fom the lowest responsible bidder md furnishing these books to the istrona of the schools at actual coat >lus cost of distribution. 10—Inasmuch as It is now lawful 0 exempt from taxation mortgages in homes of fa.000 or leas on a 4vc renr term basis, will you return the nmpllment and support a law to exempt the homesteader from taxe ton on the amount that la so mort gaged, thereby placing the borrower ipon the same grounds as the leud irt Answer: No. I do not favor the present law or any extension of ex emptions, hut I am in favor of an unendment to the present provision »f the constitution so that a lower rate of tax may be levied upon home* owned and occupied as such by thalr owners fl—Making it compulsory to In corporate all towns and villages with a population in exeats of l.tHIO? Answer: Yea. 12—-Restore the law that Was in force In 1917, wherein counties and loams calling upon the State for sol disc* in amergeney, have to pay the aapenae* of such soldiers furnished* Answer: The supreme butineae of tha State is to maintain enter. If the disturbance was merely a viola tion of the city or county ordinances the city or county calling for the sol di net should pay the expense, but in caee of insurrection or riot involv ing the paace and dignity of the State, then the State should bear tha expense. IS—Will you favor tha appropria tion by the State for the use of the Boreau of County Health Work of the 8tate Board of Health, nf an amount sufficient to treat free of charge all defective school children? Answer: Yea To tha available limit. 14—Would you favor the Austra lian ballot system, when by every man entitled to rota can cast hie rota free and untrammeled and without Intimidation, coercion or espionage, thereby insuring a fair and honaat election? Answer: I am in favor of u sys tem of voting whereby overy quali fied voter can cast his ballet free and untrammeled and without intlmlda tlon, coercion or esptoeage. Wheth er tha so-called Australian bullet ■ tha aaeaua u accomplish this 1 am not MM. 1&—Will you favor an act Mqulr Ing tha quo of a eudtclent pert of Um funds derived from the tua on farts Haera for the establishment ef reel plants ua will unable the Arrteultu rut Department to sell fertiliser aim lariats in car lota to farmers at coat' Answer: I do not believe the Stab can safely eater the ield ef buaiaea 1 er manufacturing. :ar driven by negro KILLS TWO WHITE MEN 1 - 1 rhird M lijarad —Niaa BUaka U v A at* Said la Ha** Bum Drank. ’ - I New Bern. April 18.—Paul Taylor 1 ►hit*, aged 87. ia dead. Sam Wilkin- \ on, also white, la dying la a hospital : icrc at 8 o'clock tonight, and Ed- ‘ sard Johnson, another white atari. It , altering from a broken ana aad oth ir aerioua injuries as the resnlt of ! i07ing boen struck by aa automobile ! Irivan by a negro and occupied by ! ight other negroes, near Pembroke in the Sloan highway, two miles west , if New Bern this afternoon. It Is , ■aid the negroes were Intoxicated ind that the ear, a high-powered Cad Use, wat being run at a high rate el peed and in a suckles* manner. Pour if the negroes were apprehended and 1 placed in Jail by sheriff'! officers, but [hs driver of tbs machine, Berman ir*#kint, ie still at larga, having lad liter the fatal occurrence. Charges if homicide win be preferred against tU eight I The threw white men were walk ing np the rood, well to the left, aad th* negro driver of the car la said to have deliberately or very tarsisaaly iwaived the machine upon them from the middle of the highway after be had sounded bis bora 16 or 80 feet ■way. The auto went over aa em bankment and demolished. The ne groes fled. The death-dealing automobile was the property of tne Marks family here, who are oat of the city Their chauffeur, Herman Gaskins, for whom oAcera are new searching, was driver for the family. He is said to have taken the car without their per mission to take bis black friend* aa a joy ride. Taylor, who was killed, waa em ployed by the Roper Leather company and leaves a family. Wilkinson, re ported as dying, worked for the New port shipbuilding rorjxHBHKn. CUTTING PRICES TO THE FARMER WRONG WAY TO REDUCE COST OP LIVING Three-fourths of the Income ef the family is spent for things other than food, but town and city people direct practically all of their complaint at the cost ef food. They seem to think that tbs coat ef living should be re duced wholly at the as pease ef the farmer. City people spend . large part ef their salaries for luxuries. The far met and hi* family are eempelled to do without many thinks considered nseeemry by elty people. The city man work* only eight hours per day, ■»d his children ere idle [the farmer tells from twelv* to fifteen bean, abd whoa a child le ftve years eld, be begins to work on the farm. The farmer baa a right to com plain, bet he la eemplalaiag lam than any other elasa ef people. He ie do ing ht* fell duty by the aatien, but he le quietly organising, and srhlls in no hurry, ha will aeon demand ■ square deal at the hand* af society —The Program* to Parmer. BBo* dot the lea damp a arbors thro >.stock thrive*. Tour county agent tea toll yea about budding them. BOARD BEAR It.—Ub of ths Rail r thrm la the railroad they would ■Its tOgstlMT 'a* mil" to *111 batfn *HI con I The board «•<*•. _ _ £**•*■ ■ - dec Urine I* would enly who were m ooiro. kooju urn i,wv men in he Kew York district woeld net go «ek to work until snek seen ranee rae received. IOOWIM WRITES VOTERS 1M CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Voters have received the folio ra ng letter from Hannibal U Godwin: “Dn time for the primary Is rap diy approaching and I (Ini ft will be locoamry for me again to ceil on my Friends for support. I am n caadi lete for renomlaetlen and I win in a hart time present to the voters a it*lament of my "stewardship." I red that many already knew my record, hut these whe.de net I think ihould have knowledge of my aervics n behalf of the people. "I have two strong and active mm in the Said again* me. Either one eould make a good Coagreeeman af ter the required amomst of expert race: but no matter how able e neu wan stay ha bo cannot enter an im portant duty aad attain to n high da tree of efficiency until after Um proper length of servlco. A lergi number of things mast he learned tad experience count* far msec li Coagrea* (hen it dees anywhere alw In the world. “Wo ere living in a new sn brought about by the w*r and me men ton* question* mnfroat - Con gram. They ought ta ha mat by m« of sarvieo aad oxporioaco. "I shall make a campaign pHebei upen a high plane to bring the* matters to the attention *f the pee pi* and I shall eat only app racist anything that yea may da tor are mot* the |-of my saudidatj but I rtml r try to compos ■W jam IT year effort* in my na half by cunt] note* to render yea tba vary boot cervine at whlak I in to pabla.” ■■ ■■ ■ i i PACE MAKES AN ADDRESS IN ROSUOtrs CAPITAL Lon barton. Ayril 7*.—H believe that tba Governor** chair afm aa oaportonty far aawlao by a nan train *d In bnohiaai/* declared Han. R. N. Page, ana of tba three Democratic Candida tea far governor, In addreao teg Rob aeon voter* bora Sn ter day. Mr. Page «eM hie create at Induce ment to enter the race for reverse* cam* tram wKhin and net wttbont Ha hnd nothing to ny aoatnet elthai of Me opponent* and tnid ha we* ran ning man hia awn merit* and net the demerit* of hi* apponaata. I will ham Ufa** page atom and gntaadT** “* t—****1 KnewMge • waived no vote* from the county from which As hail*. Apparently the convention wee not strong for woman suffrage. WALNUT COVE IS SCENE OP DESPERATE BATTLE E a. Sheri* Soyeo K Nearesii Thvno Wineteu-Salem, April Sheriff Las Joyce was HIM, i thews, special deputy, was w through the nock probably fa tall] wounded, and three nsgrsas wan killed In n fight between oAaars an< negroes at Wabfet Cove, N. C. II feUas from this city, lata Uds waning According to rep arts received hen tbs officers attempted to break up i card game said to have bean In prog ram la a restaurant operated by Nicl Hairston a negro. When the ofleers entered the ree tarant the negroes according to tb< report received here by the police, he gna shooting. Ev fiber XT Joyce is mb to here boon killed immediately am la addition to the neck wound Mai thews was badly beaten. A race rls Is thought to bo Impending. TORNADOES KNOWN TO HAVE KILLED PtFTEEl Many Other* Injured Whoa Norik Ceuaanunieotloo Crippled. Little Sock, Aib., April It.—Th dumber known to have been killed I ' tornadoes which struck north wester Arkansas late lest night stood at 1 ' tonight with many others known 1 . bays been seriously injured. A 1 means of communication with t> ' storm swop* region wore badly cri] ’ pled ead belated reports were m 1 Sea*4 U bMr*M* tk* iM **•*■ One of the tornadoes, of whk - there apparently wove two, twist* h) • eUtaf path a* I at 100 yatda »y* throngfe franklin, Johneon, La yma and Tall eavatlee wkUe the oth er wrought d Detraction la Boom eoaaty from which few reporta bar* ham iceeirad. NEGBO SEIZED IT MOB AND HANGED IN KANSAS PStahorw. Kane] April It.—An unidentified negro, an la hart stacked a rating white girl near Mulberry, Kane., (Me morning, wae taken from ofScora by a crowd late today and baa gad. A white yoath who wa* eaptared with the negro haa barn taken to the eoanty JoH at Gi rard. .P«w. peraaae ondcratand Km oaaaa of their earn fa (turn* Jodgtag oth eta' aSalra at they da dab earn, they eoaldat toll why a banal la empty whan tt haa a bolt to the bottoaa,— C. 0. Staphiai. It is aot flHtgkt flM Mgpo's wotnds win prow* fatal. Darin* Am sham the tiod Am i‘ ' platol at Um bullet* taak The asgri wu . o a AM reads for aad at Lao Albritton of tainted t near t aid. was .-»;>t+*d a* , _ better at Am hatal to gW*- , C. Dali. Trank HI! and Richard Dawaaa, who were alia ta Jared la the accident, are new con sidered oat al laager. SECRETARY DANIELS TO . ATTEND INAUGURATION Chapel lllll. April 17.—Sacra Iniy of the Navy Jecepaus Daaicl* baa ac i eeptad aa {aettatleate b* praaaat at . the inauguration of Praaidcnt Harry 1 Wood burn Cheat at the Uaieontty of I North Carol la* — M and wAl ad . aa loaatmaatar at tb o bs > gtron by the UuWar* aatca fi tha uisttad George H. Meeea, of Nan , l bee been earned aa tbs place. __*■ ,1.1. degree front Daxtmeetb In 1MM i end an A. 1L in ISM. ! three KILLED WHEN AUTO IS STRUCK RY A THAO a Richmond, V*., April It,—Thr* i- person were instantly killed at Clew i- Allen, * few atSee north of Rid I- mood, when a Richmond, Trader lata ban aad Pstawc yawiagir trai b craabed lata aa aataaiatBa. Tk d dead are Mia* Maragartt Dunavan sad Mia AMMt _„ Sg5* *—■ Alfrid • ___ I DATA ON SAMPSON WAN MISTOMT _ ,T0** tW rapart if Dm Praiaat 0“n»r»l Mnt Mr. Imt' QarrUM, fencer ikilraM of I Wo lees) bawd darts* tke draft pwfad, at |*taa Dm followl., faaU: Tkw •ailti ■an called £e service and SIS act»> ally ladactad lata the aarviaa frees Cttitf, ad MM TS4 war* anaatid. Tke net eeet ad tke draft !n5r,,!Tz?in2?ii *2. rss^-ssuSs: d station waa mohL Tb (ton today W several kud Ak« Beitlaevs and OMe __r. of fraught service la tint district. A fear Pittsburg tar ■teal asen »re still out. Virtsalty aonaad conditions wars rapsrted la the Buffalo. Toledo, and fMadetehia districts where tha mo Joritp of strihars had already return ad te work. Buvnaens efforts wore suds last sight to break up the strike to Ctophti. Ohio. Th^prtncipel affect of tha rtrike thus tar haa bean the elosing of many todastrlea hccaass at their Inability to obtain cool, road materials and freight ears to moss their products. One Wundred Ihosmsd men ware re ported idle in the Detroit District, a similar susbor lb the hot* of Ohio and 11,000 to the CosseUsiriUe cake region with many marc tboesand •then out of work to other sect tana of the eoentry. He where has theca boon a vital interruption of tha food _ ' JUDGE IT ACT OUT POOt 1UPESME COUET BENCH 1 u 1 Wlhahgton, April It—Judge W , P. hues, recently of the Etsto tot . parlor Oenrt heart, announced today ! dednttely that ha weald ha a eandl . data far aaeeciate Jastiee of the Su . prume Coart of North Carolina in | the Dsmt watts petmartas to ha held ! June I. Jadgo Stacy's name haa * a- --«-* Im asm. ben yromtnentiy mmooned m neetio* with the aworint* joetke •My hoee tha asnenatement a few day* e«e tha* JuUca Oaoryo H. ■ream waald Mt (tend far a renew U it kaewa (ha* Jadge Btacy haa atom eery earnaat eeaelderetlec to tha tabjett aad a now her ef letter* aad itliciawt today from laflaeatial yertlaa from afferent metier* af the Mate determined the aoane of kU ■etk* hr making definite aaaaaaee ■Mat. Rli friend* fool that hit ret ard ta tht finyrmee Ceart bewfh, eoaykd with hta knowledge af tha law aad hit indkial laumwtt, atiaWarlf fit Mm from tha fieyetene Ceart. A andante ef tha Mate onl eantty, a brother af the lata Dean Hemfa, H. Maty. Mmetlf a man af V aad Maniac, with matealat t ef aayreariea. It k fait by kaewa that Me Mate weald ha far twmte la Ha nnmtnatkn and ala*. REPUBLICAN LEADER SAYS . DELAWARE WILL RAT1P w i _ f*** Cohn With IruimIiHw Aa Tv Bart Maui ml Paee i if* am. ^ Washington, April 17_After conference born today with laaden « > the Delaware laciaiatura, Rcproaoa Utive Pda*. Ohio, chairman M th Republican coagraaaicitai committal announced that ratification of th cuffraye amendment by Delaware ha been blacked only by a pariiamaatar obstacle which would be rim cits next weak, tbna paving tha way fa I Immediate ratification. Mr. Pam ail be waa told by the landers of the Dal •ware Assam M y that there were mil flcicat favorable votes ia each Horn* to injure nUlcatioo. Tbo l—dir ***• ta Washington to confer erftl 8onnte and House leaders aa U th f**1 ■aana af get tin* out af tha par liamontary Uncle which devalopoda: Do nr. Mr. Paaa in an opinion Buyer ad foi the visitors held that while tha orim laal re eolation of ratification cooU not be considered again by the Hoorn Uta Senate could pam aa tdantical rcaotetton now before it and aend H to the Honae for action. I REPUBLICANS OF SIXTH I LEAVE OTP NOMINATION They Ilwl Delegate* f« CMw«» Bui Name Nsbsdy Par Congress Msftoo Balia* Ateood* Luasberton, April 1C—A. U Me CnakRl, of Cumberland, and L. B. Tifckar, of Colaakaa, were elected delegate* te the Republican national convention by the etetb district Re publican convention hare tnday. Tbs mmtXmji nomiaatiag an elector aad a caadidata for Congress from ala district was referred to tbs asoaatlrs comas Ittsa. Tbs convention was wall altmlit, tho seven eoantiee ip the diatriet ad bmag rtpreasated. Marion Batlsr was on band and made a btttar as sault upon bath Aa national aad state admin istrationa, declaring both innapnblr of bapdUag the affairs of nation aad state. Denouncing the ro vahration act ha aadahaad, “ta Hall with such a law/' The convention pnaaad off b mu niouaiy until Btrtlar offered a nsrfs tion instructing the delegatee A tho MUoaal convention to veto far Mu *■ c. Pritchard for PrWdeat aa Mag ns bis name waa before tho conven tion. This brought about a stormy half hour. L A Tucker etta of tho delegates who had been 1 ' made in the district, aad As* At cans Of the district bad tame suoagh to run things. Later a resolution instructing tha delegates to vote for Pritchard for President and if ha failed to gut tha nomination, to worit far bis nomina tion for vies prssldmrt, was | unanimously by Aa eonvantioa. Mrs. Maude Liansy Mannas, of Bladen, urns a candidate for 'dale niff to action*! rnnvAntlan hat MOKE MILK FMOUCEO r m tTAtt LAST TEA of VIA Mil • hm Mm) ' cftn*”*.® • rear***ati a u*aJ prodactioa of Am . I.HO.OOO^O pawIda ai Milk (n* I •><, #00 con which la on hcrata r r* »«. Althoagh that* or* lair i sxu'XxstiiLrsa: , U>« to hrraatfpaiorab Ytraaea aatl «■»*•* ahow aa cnnct of aola in • eow*> * wfcn« »h* SSf COM wafUaa of whole aSk la tho atata I* Uaa Man aao-(Urd of a plat for each poraon. • More than o third of the total pao <h£ioa, of MdAOdaOM powadaof *» /S2aJT*Wa1^5jr,**r‘ *?"? *f took TS atUUan* mad* *na* sad* ThagSS. if*. to atoefc. or Urn la headline The latter Haaa repraaaaU UJH& 000 poaada rallied at ahoat *1400, tATS DCMOCBATS HAVE A COOP CHANCE TO WIN Stedaaoo Thiaka If Steaap Maa la • RAILROAD STRIKE ' APPARENTLY OYER NORMAL SERVICE ' wLd mm!!! Rntam to Work. TO PBCSCNT DEMANDS TO MAILWAY LABOR BOARD U Chi..,.. Original S tribe Cantor, Q«alal. ttoto Walton* Laaa. It. Cbtof. Taba Aattoa to Kaewha Cbartora af Union*. The nation-wide itrlka 'apparently M< callapead. E«c*9t ta a fear ieolatcd lection., ^parted k*t night £• «* tbe nano tHto followed thaJeadtnhip of John Crttn, a CUtoga trainman, had rets mad to taatk Mamal paaaanger ecrvtc* «u rir- >, toaby rariored, they aald, while tub Waattal pragma had haee made in •♦ring tba mat anaoont of freight that Mi Man accumulated thresh tea country, eepm tally In tba aaat Airing the part throe-*~t Ranyof the striker* went ant with aot panting any grievaacan nod ktor aaaeanced that faltar* to re ceive *-in man »>

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