MOUNTING UST OF DEAD REPORTED IN SOUTHERN STATES State, Fadarc.! ,vtd Red Croaa Official* Provide Relief For Dwatitute WAR DEPARTMENTOFl-ERS TO FURNLSH ARMY TENTS Property Le*»*a From Tornado la Fair State* of Mih*it,ip|,i, Ala* Warn*, Toaaoaaao aad Georgia A a*want* to Million* of DalUnl Nu ■Meant Countia* Stricken Jaekaon, Mite , April 21.—Report*I received today at the office of thr, Governor, pul Mimwippt'* know dead ip Tuemlay'* tornado HI 1*1.1. [ with detail* lacking from iaolatvd «ec-1 tian* of Iba itorm-ewcpt area. State, Federal and Red Cro.** ofT»- j eiala are c<v-op*r»tiny In furnishing relief to th* lufTorera, and lent*, ruje* ! K" e, nonet and relief worker: how? n sent from town.- in Mur.,o|ipi and Lonldana to help iu th*. car*, of the Injured and hom**le*i*. Meridian today reported a total of 15 known dead Fll in hoepilal* ruffe* - Inf from Injuria*, bat only two >*rt ouily hurt. Property damage there * aaall I Wa 2. .__ _ t itflllt Allfl LI OP. I than $20,000 waft subscribed by citi-1 mm af Meridian for relief pcrp'-ript! at a bum mealing Inle today. Senator Harrison telegraphed act ing Governor Ceiteel today ibui tm Adjutant Central Dcpartm- -nt w«< ready to offer urrr.y tents and -upplie* to the needy. Representatives of the Kalvalioii Army left here for Neshoba county, where IS worn Wiled and more than 100 injured in one commun t|r. Tkm •ituatiun was partially.relieved this aftarnoon, when Htny Hopkin, manager of the Gulf division of Hu Red Cross at New Orlrana, wired the Governor he had shipped 6u lent* U> Philadelphia. 25 to Aberdeen. 20 to Baoaeville and 100 to Meridian. Ho also slated $1,000 had tern appro priated to Booneville 15 doctor* :.ntl nurses tent to Bay Spring*, Meridian Philadelphia ami olheiv were enj routs to Aberdeen and vicinity. THREE PERSONS KILLED FROM TORNADO IN GEORGIA Atlanta, Ga.. April 21.—Three per- ; sons were killed four probably fata*- , ly injured and property damage n- [ tlmated at scv.rul bundled thviuund jaanamsu umu-wg< northeastern portion of Georgia, ac- ( cording to word received here to- ■. night. j, The storm was frit >n mid around! OainesvUtt, Lawrence, 5iuyat.Hr, , Bremen. Brazolton and TIuBiei'. file! three deaths reported occurred be tween Maysvills and Homer whnt the residence of Thome* Hardy vu wrecked Mrs. Gibaan S. Chandler j of Atlanta, sister of Thomas Hardy, and two of hie children were killed. ; Mr. Hardy his wife and a son weir not expected to sarrtve their Injuries. ; TWO MILLION DOLLAR LOSS IS REPORTED IN ALABAMA , Birmingham. Ala., April 21.— | With the organisation of relief vvp* ditiona In aeveral Soulhorr. cities and , offers of aid from local and National , elurltabl* ittMiRLiAne t_ha- u'nrli of an sitting sufferers from yesterday's! < tornado which caused the loss of 15$ lives was well under way tonight. Destruction of linsr of comminiua- , tiou and the complcto blocking of I roads traversing the devastated uqmj-. Uons offer the grentett nbsUde to . operations of the relief partite. The property damage directly doe , to the storm is consei vntircly placed •t **.0*0,000 and many hundred* were injared. Crops and fiiitn equipment and livestock suffered M" riooaly. Temporary hosnitsU will he con- i strocted to care for th« Injured und i •tek. those in eharge of the relief ■aid toaigbt, and plans already under way to provide shelter f*»» the numerous famliier who?*' homes were iMorally blown away by tin- wind. TWO MOKE STILLS AKE TAKEN B YDEPLTIES _ \ , ^ ***gallon still, *00 gallon of *nd Av« empty barrr l* v»«ro cap Ms* week in the Little Coharlc to Dismal township by Deputies F. IW. r. M Tow, i. 6. Ttw, W. C. Draughon, Zeb Taylor and John lial* sou Thi* same bunch of men late In Meres captured ■ 45.gallon copper Still !•> **jB^^townehip and took 1*0 TB* *»i buried in ike river, k*4,,. *"4 only after a loar search. !*••**«* Is unknown.— Clinton Ntws-Dlsrtaeh. FARMERS I" ""*AT region# URCRO to IHCREAib acreace Waihin*W'> a*-—Re porta from tha of a plan far padjjj^^Jjjrit*!^ **»* year eauaad tha Orp^1"^"1 of Agrleu). Uar* to laana * **■*£? SL,*?*'* or*, ing fanner* to •••"»** - ftsjwa.^S'^J production Ibees uar *f lb* ,,oor. 'on SSan of tha arintai’ “?? •** 'bn continuing world dor**'*1 ,or wb*M. Haw York, April ■oat charging fir/ dr**** wma rataraad by th* « day agnlnat Thom.. W. narnat priaonar, who ah®* Dr. iaaaa Wright Marha*. gaaa daring loot Sunday * *rrK* >n St Gaorgn* Ip Iw opal charm AMNGTGN PUTS ! Snu«Jii)£R BEHIND RAILROAD SCHEMI Seaport Buaineaa Man Praniit Aid to Samp ton County Promoter! ENCOURAGE DELEGATION BY HEARTY RECEPTION EntarUlaW hy Chamber of Cos .nerc and Told Thai City I! Daay ly Intara.tcd ’.a Project to Cm County Roil Connection With Out. ♦id* World. (Clinton Nrwj-Oiipatfh.I A oip btop towaiTi the realization I f • .tea. » ■ ^ C...a.— a i a*| taivt w>M Lh* of i».»rv ce v»4i r-tday. whtn a cummitiet from thi« voanty mn lh_* remittee* of ’Ik* various civic nryn nuatiO.m of Wil mington In tunt city. The Kmnpion ■I**- fo’j’i i ih’i city men in a rveep five mood insoux to hem of S&fttp yii..tnciu and willing to Join •n nny move for the common good. The lie meeting of the day waa i*k* i nt the rooim n( eh*. Aiuocia t ct*» of C. mietcee. w(u .« about TO f t>* leadiiK* bn- ne<e nn n gathered let til'.' r.» 'roud m*u»-r ditcu^scd. TT o-c *r»-*vtil votod mlidly before !n - m-fling closed to give the road <•:!' m-ml and ftnsnns? support. y * •• aid the Sampler. Jelegation In . -k. iv iV a reality 1 be SuintiMHi dvlecation found that ivhiJ ' W.fmintrton 11 ant ous to do nil pe.»ible/o build up the country from %huh il ctinwi* it* ttadr. that the *on-| -:al kno^lufd^c of Sampson county h^rr • limited, a*'d that th* business ti. n vz a CVf rrsI tb:n£ do not rrul >c the vaO market that It is posnible 0 develop IV Sampson. The meet fg l'ndsy did excellent work alone hat line and left the city with tho ratine*.* men convinced that they I nuat tap thl» n.d, section nod that h» only Kay DOMlblr to do that ))r aid of a railroad through tku ace .ion Th< ranting avnonbled at 11 a. a . a, th. room/ of tba chamber of ommerre. on Chuatnat street, and »as called u> order by President l. R.i Moore. of tbr rhomb*. of com rev. He welcomed th* Sampaon 1 i<i Clinton dclcgmtiuo and a/rored b. m. of th* (Imji interest of Wll nington in their plan* to aocuro bet '•r railroad faclUtir* for th* devdop or the rol'ef of rtinton la n*r ortr to develop ai fully aa h*r ad-1 autey-cs mnl;c it poaaihlc. He then ;.qn<. letl Mv. \Y A. McGirt, of the Jtrtfc Carolina Land Owner* associa to |>:eride ami conduct the meet '.If. McGirt Gini WilcgiM. Mr. McGirt extended a hearty wel* oni>- lo the visitors, and Mated that her had come to Wilmington to pro. «nt a matter which would itrongly ppeal to YVilmingUm—that of the >ro;oet In build a railroad from WlL nington by way of Clinton to RjJ u:h. He emphasized the. fact that Vilmington needed another railroad luilrt. and pointed out that the proe ■"»*d railroad would run through the irhcM and mod resourceful sections ■f Lhr whole State. He bespoke WII nington’* ro operation in this enter irlsc, Hint congratulated tha Sampson I' Icgatio.t upon the important errand >hirh brought them lo Wilmington mrri tht» eltyV oigaalsrd bodies or the furtherance of the drerlop n»it ot this sertidn He drelared bat it was a sign that the time had nmc when the business men of the auntie* of eastern North Carolina lT** getting together for the ganaral li'vclopment of this marveluus por "'ii °f 'he State. Requesting the lowimaprr men u< act *s secretaries, ■'r. Met,irt said the meeting would war fiom the Sampson d<legation le Intrndurrd Maj. Ceoigc E. Mut er, Clinton, a* the spokesman for he delegation. Major Butler wsi greeted with ap >lnuse, and in his remarks of great ore* ho presented the railroad pro uet ns it ha* taken on tentative h*Pe. He *aid he eras delighted that JJf, committee had come to •"<* met by such a body of buslneaa of w/l»>lngton. lt seaa anothar ■videnee that Wilmington m.n ^rl dive, and ho rotated that all over !,e country that IWe aplrit in wfl lilngtoti is a matter of common ro nark ev.rywhcra. Commend* Land Rady. Major Butlvr aaid the paopnaad otd from Wilmington to Ralegh ie he most practicable railroad propo '•■"u in wmi >" to commend the work of th# 'forth Carolina landowner* aaocue 'on and othc oraanited hodiM for ■Vhal th»y ar« doing to promote tho Uvnlopaicnt of all eaetcro North Car empkarfi# the peat poa dl.Ultlc* of thU lection. . r*.,lrd*d. Major Butler mid. FiVT hLlo which the delefa i!,rnuoh dnn,i*k*J ••""ft would run 5saSfR*tair2 entire SUta. It woald «— ,ho £2 and .J1? Pronoaneod ~‘!u$ZTi£ESS if th# meet productive metloj, •>7) North y> 4nlm4 th*l Clinton, the “•» of bSmooV with a population of branch railroed whlel1 pav» k.r „„ opportunity t« £“* JW Qt„. •op want* now l* • railroad that win onahlc har to reall*c on har aa*mj^ T.n. «-—■—* Wealth. M«j«r Itutier drveribed Sampaon ■« •" Pfva of about l.00" •*)“"* mllea, I DUNN PREPARING FOR ITS BIGGEST ] FOURTH OF JULY Chamber of Commerce WUI Di reel Program of Indepen •nee Celebration. RACES AND GAMES PLANNED BY RIDDLE Horae and Feel Crete at a. Baaa Ball Spaaklac ood other Feat a roe to B* Vaf*J in Fair Created#—Pa rede of FteaU Repre»entia< ■>»• Baiaioeat Hetaaea “ The Fourth of July wfll be ie Dunn." I So Kara T. I.. Riddle, eeeretary of I v luira'jTT ui ^gnmcrcr, wnu •* now planning to stage tho biggest la drprnce Day celebration ever bald In tine Lein Carolina Race*—bora* and foot —baseball gamra. band*, float*, aeroplane flights fireworks—all of thaaa are Included in tbe program to which many in lervstlng feature* win b* added dur ing thi: two month' left to prepare for the big celebration. Hi-sJia Oo'd.leln, labs Drouchcn, l.loyd Wade, MeD. Holliday, Mario* Butler and other boaincaa man of Uuni. urr working with Mr. Riddle , on the project They arc eathuuia* t*c and art: confident that all prcvloua occasion* will be eellpaed by the 18*® event. Gamp*, recta and other feature* of the celebration will be held on the ground* of tho Harnett County Agri cultural Fair Association. A parade of floats, representing every business enterprise of tho towa, lad by a bra** band will opco tb* precram. This will form In Lueknow square and trover** tb* principal streets of tb* city and disperse at the Fair Granada An effort will be made to get some man of national prominence to ad droa* tb* crowd* expected for tb* oc casion. Since tb* demand far speak- | era on that day will ba groat. Sacra- , tary Riddle ia already at work ia an i effort to get oat. i Many priaa* for the races, games, t athletic svanta. staging. dancing and other thing* incident to the eetebi-a- i lion wlU be offered by the bui.ness , men of Dunn through the Chamber of ] Commerce. road to give its raaourcefol section* , outlet to the markets of the count; . Uy. Last year the gtnner*' report , .showed that Sampson's cotton crop | »»' about 39,916 bales, of which the , authentic reports gave 14,416 bales at ginned inside of the county, while 5.000 bales of cotton grown in the county bad been ginned ia neighbor* , ing counties. Sampson's cotton crop and the cotton seed produced in 1919 brought a value of 11000,000. He , said the cotton handled at Clinton i was around 12,000 bales, and that receipts todey now average about 100 , bales from wagons. Sampeon coun ty, ha pointed out, produces about ] 50.000. 000 feat of lumber a year, and , that Clinton alona handles around 12.000. 000 feet. The county last , year produced 6,000,000 poands of tobacco, and bar com and bog pro- , duct ion was such that Sampson ship* , more corn and meat out of the coun ty than Is brought Into the county , from the outside. Major Butler guve . the statistics as to the production of com, soy beans, wheat, oats, and forage crops, which anaumlly an 1 worth millions af dollars in wealth to tho county. Sampeon, Major But ler asserted, Is ths leading cotton county in the South aa to average production per acre, that belag shout three fourth* of a bale ta the acre, compared with leas than half a bale to the uere for the whole Southern cotton belt. In Billy Peterson, he declared, Sampeon county has the champion cotton grower of the world, i Major^J^lrr^wesTViTai length t", •dro^atc the building of the road, asked Wilmington’s co-operation, and urged that WUmlngtea and Clinton Dairymen who deliver their pro get together ea the project and then make a raid on Raleigh la order to secure her co-operation. In fact, he mid Raleigh Lt already deeply in terested In tbs project. Dr. George M. Cooper was the next speaker end he presented tha railroad proposition In very earnest and con vincing words. He created a strong ■•"timerit for the project and do —pvwvitiu rniwm wni um nui J**JL ■ praetleabla projact that it ana ondty naadad for tit dcrolopm.nt of °a« °f th* moat ramarkabfy fartllo VLJSt Sorth- Hc pnintad tfcnJJoUdin* af tha roadwauld H* "• 5th"f rm*4- wauld bring «W a doralapaant that wonld balp thorn at wall byraoaon of dav.Iop *»* raranreao that wonld fornlah Uwm with tnflc. Among tha Wtlmlngtoniant who •poko atrongly la favor of tha prop oalrioai and atood for co-oparat2a J*4 fc^°" w*r« M**wn. W. B. £°°.?fr’ Si.A *‘c<3irt’ 0 Horfcort Smith, MHUm Caidar. Jamaa H. Cowan and Iradall Maarba. Major BoUar crprnaad appraeiation af the ctMipcTnUon randarad, and eommand ad tha aptrit thown by Wilmington at tha maatlag. At tha ronclorion of tha mac baa, Uia moating took a ririag rota on a motion to andona tha railroad pro ject and glva It Inanelal and moral rapport. Tha eommiUaa to bring "“Kar Warn U organUad bod lm of WOmlagloa waa namad by Chairman Metiirt aa fallow!! /. Hanphton Jamaa, W. J. Pradaw, t-wi&'wE IEm^Tw. 0**p#r lfc4 L#o« H. BviHt JOHN RpfoPE WES WFA|0TEVIUi / WTB&lffiNTHERE ^*0 For SareraJ w«*Jw Bat TlM E»d Warn • t,“—ip i rti d ONE OF COmSSTnitYS vauiep members W7 #k7*f Count, For ’* T 5V Otw c*i.«- c, WUi*rk]7i*^ *■“** ** Froo w,l) Ck“>«b_y„ ■■jit. Foycttrrillo, g^j,, m6rninJt , k* h^. b*,rn Ilia th« hoipiul and ZZTt tyS™; *' “°‘tkol°«ht Mat bu UIbmo would —. - Bprnwr irom 8tre« cWch b hu n-v. J. C3^vi,_ wbo WJU „ n7 f'V**99 “ Daniel, pas md **«tb®di»t church hTSl^t ,U”J^"*9 •» o"9 of ftaJSTTnilJ?™» •«•"- • thl frvivod by his widow n. 7 bo had boon hi* com h££ ter n»9r* «h«n o^for Mti. .i9- no children, hi. *££ ''*U9 fS being Lavished iTw« n CL*k" Mn<f nephew*. L!^f ik i ' •* Honyy Pop* *nd TJI. °,nU'’ la»« Henry Pope, Sr John Henry • pi~~ _* ’ " - )unn * non miWtantial citisrn* and mod" tlTnl ‘baepmcnunlly-. man “*r\ , ’!?* rl**y-#ve year* old, a -V” "f ceanty, a tro* whose deed.' °‘d ‘be rood Hem that wa* ia h>* *•*- i°J^*ntr°'>o*aa* «*« •PP-I d to John Hotiyy Pope and want iwny c<npty-hao4ac| .'charitable, kind, CnSJtt.Tp#*" —• H. »«. Ik, rhool* of Johr^CSaad Harnett ; ounty and In lEfitit college. , a the latter in*t£Z^ht spent two fear*—1875 and IgSKdaring which I It wa* while ht war atudent in the .oca* High school. Johnaton county,] 'h*n ha was ig year* old, that he *1“ converted and became a member <r the Free Will BaptUl charcfc. Prom hat time until Id* death he wa* ■ -onaUtenl follower of Rim to whoa le has rod* for hi* reward. He lovod ■I* church at h* loved hi* family and lU friend*. One of his loot act* of ihilanthropy wa* the deeding of half if the lot on which th* new Free Will Haptist rtwreb stand* to the ongrt cation. Hi* w>r* Rave th* other ialf. Mr. Pop* wu oheriff of Harnatt -ounty for two term* from 189* to .990. He wa* *n excellent officer ind a con*cientio<“ *«rvanl of the Mople. Ho owned inueb p-o party In and trouna uunn, ms gently purcuiM irp holdings is Georgia. He was me of the fore*** farmer* of Har >ett county. In his passing th* community loses >ne of Hj must valued and valuable a ember*. MOTHER POISON* SELF AND CHILDREN feang Postmistress Made DespsvaSo By Sheri*go |„ AssssiU Morehead City. April 22—Iloment ■d because of to •'"red shortage la trr accounts. Mr*- Neva Gaakill Spencer, age 24, pPtnlmm* at Lup on, this county. P°laoncd her two ihildron yesterday morning, drank a laantity of th* P***on herself and •non tried to harry death by slashing lev throat. Th* torn* were brought * the Morehead CHy Hospital lait light, th* youagoM child, Mildred igc 4, died this m**hlng. The motb ir’o death ta eafhd hourly. Ed uard, age 7, will IN*. A concoction of /oco-eola nod lye was served the children by the mote ir, who msdo us* •» it herself, then Jut her throat with a butcher knife, 1 gash clear aero* the nock to the MM being mad*. Las* than fifteen minutes after th* rate act had been committed tee aa rortunatc victims w«r* found by Mrs. Spencer** brothdk. Mr. Lather Gas kin. who carries th* mail. The mother iraa found lying *d th* floor and tee little girt beside bf- Th* other child. Edward had left h*°i* to play with some children ow the street. Hit mouth war badly h*rii*d by the lyo, but He said nothing*t what had hap pened until hi* m«th*( md Mater had beer* found in thMr terrible condi tion. A local doctor was mtmmnnod snd upon hi* adrf** the victims war* brought her*. Mrs. Spooctr took charge of thoi poetolRc* at Laptoa on the first of W OIOBWI. Force*—w. *. mryon, realm* *d- In letter* written to rela tive* *• nr* ■■ Mr Him for tak ln« the life of Mr children and Mr own that ah« did »•* eare to lto« lon roT, fearinf Ike *®rta*o would M Bold ace Hot Mr, »*4 by end inf the liveo of her rhiUrM they wo old not be thrown open "* mercy of the world. Her h tube ad died le*t year of influence So far aa known here ao fennel chanre* «f a ihortoto had beta Made •falait Mr*. SpMtor end It le are turned that Mr laaMlty to make her account* batono* *t the emd of the toontb caused Mr Mwentod condition that remitted Hi Mr reeh act. i—; ■Nippon Has Its Salvation Lassies, Too — I Voat. bot tb* twain meet o»d*r tb* -otnni at tb* 8tlTitl*o Army. n«M> HI MM MldMC* of tb* ArajOi labor* to tb* "Cb*rry “'-rrm' *sd at Japan. Tb* color at tb* dtia nr tb* slant of tb* tym at fb*M 1*1 *■*•*• Artay *Mr*i« make* BO dbf«r *o* la Mr parpM* so* *oM*r*r. fb* mem warnr tb* mm* intform a* *uw w***PO oroabara, but the women hntr* adapt ad tbo Anoy'a garb to Uao ktmAoo rvboo of tbalr oath* laud. Tba gteturaa gl*a tool I moo; to I ho I wort of tbo BolmUon Army lu hot mm Ii of tbo « council toto which that or- |i 1 r ALRltK (ibIMO -i -TDTtmiKAUir Mtcrsty-Gwml Loads Taos' Watson and Unit ad States Sana tor Hoka Smith Atlanta, April 12.—Complete ua >Acial returns from all counties in Georgia available bare early today java Attorney-General Palmar 140 rote* in the State Democratic conven tion, a tan vote Morality ever Thomas E. Watson, his nearest op ponent, who had 110 rotas. United Stnte. 8 uni lor Moke Smith, he other candidate in the three cor. Jered race in Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary, bad 114 votes >n these flvu.-rc. Thera are 364 votes n the convention. The a rails bis re ap rns showed Mr. Palmer carried 61 counties, Mr. Watson 65 counties, nany ef them with fewor convention rotes than tbs Palmar counties, and senator St/illh, 40 conn ties oat ef the 166 in the State. The unofficial figures were based in returns that were complete In al nost every county, l it it was point-1 •d out that owing to the eloaencas of ha race la same counties the offiuial lobulation might swing them in so rt her column. Backers of Palmar quoted Sccre lary Hiram Gardner, of ttoa Demo cratic State Executive Committee, which arranged the primary, as stet Xthat the committee had rulad that tavor candidate won the highest convention votes would got the --•,-w ®»n. I no cisco convention. One county, V.ilkir.eoa. with two roaveatica votes, dui no; hold a pri mary. and under the rulai aa an nounced here, Ha vote* would go to the candidate haviag a plurality of rote* in the other coanuee. SENATOR COLLAPSES IN THE SENATE CHAMBER toaster Sweatee af Virginia. Sui ter* Attach White Eegagod la Dehate Washington, April 23.—Senator Swanaon, af Virginia, colUpud lalo, a chair In the Senate chamber late1 today and wa* tarried eat by eel leagnaa and attendant* white tha Senate adjourned. He recovered al most Immediately. The attack wee •aid to be da* to * heart weakness of long «tending. . A pemage in Senate debate on the river* and harbor* appropriation bill involving an amendment which ha had tattedeerd preceded the collapse. Senator Pernor trie, Democrat, Ohio, pre»en tad a itatomcat from a consti tuent smarting that tha amendment, which provided for a government ear vcy of the Nartbweit river, between Virginia and North Carolina with a view to determining tha week necc* ■ary ta make H navigable would not benefit eemmaree but would benefit private tend owner* materially. Sen ator Pomerene mid be absolved the Virginia m*mber from having any rack purpose la mind, and 8*eater Swanaon asked permlmioo to insert In the record all his aorrespondvne. 1 on the matter. Aa he turned te leav* ha dropped Into a chair. “Live at homo” la aa rood a riogan aa ever—paatwme far livestock wtl help carry out the Idea. SUPREME COURT 1 "Fl'JT MAV liAVc j STAGE’S CENTER Expected Lb RaloLgl. That Gb-' Wi-Batorixl Rac* WU1 B« Stcoadary Attraction JUDGE LONG LATEST TO DECLARE INTENTION, W. J. Adame Bare la Be An»|| Candidate* Wha A.,We la Sunmedi Jeetiee Brawn in State# Higkaetl Tribunal—Cnlley, Cuien, Stacy, Aad Raaea Alta la. By W. 7. Bett. * 1 Raleigh, April 21—Sapt-iera coa-t | jurtirof will furnuh m e gubc.-na-1 tonal and a prudential ycor tuff I chief interest in the*1920 primary, do-. «plto the entriee Into the govern o Ahip flghi. for teday big caeleiu and weeteii. Itwycw came Into the con test, and the primary iliiyy of grace •re yet three. Nathan Route, of Huwlon, and I Judge Benjamin Franklin Long. of. Statrrv.lW, are eke latest r.-gWJrred I candidate* for tho vacancy to tx cue i atrd f.y the retirement of Judge1 Georg.- II. Ilrjwn. C trlhirn- lu't/er. 1 here today do not doubt (hot thrj name of Judge W. J. Adam* of that] town will RRt/rNl hv Lhat Prof. Needham Y. Gulley, Jrdgt Owen H. Guion, Judge Watt r. Stacy, N. J. Bouse, Judge B. L. Inng, and Judge W. J. Adam* aru almoit mire to be In the runlet! until the end, and Justice William A. Hoke, incumbent, it to he again a candi date. He has filed Me notice. Thue the race between Justice Will- , ■a"1 8. Allan aod Attorney General: Jama* 8. Manning ten yca|« iiro U to bo done over with considerably tamer popular interest. So long ns Jade* Brown sat In the wee. »nt> lYaf. Caller would give him battle. Jmdgt- Bra Long bad discouraged hU frltadl In maktag him a candiu.te on Urn rotation plan. Since Judge| Lang raters he undoubtedly con torts for tha Brown vacancy, but he1 does not any so, nor doo* any of the: namorous other candidates. Judge. Uoka, against whom ao contest is be-. In# we god, mart naverthvluee get a, majority of all the row* cast, eh*; hr will g« tot* the second primary with th* two »o*t highest. The law' makaa a* provision for protection of ■ on incu^ent against whom there1 mar bo no opponent. ror this very reneon Judge Mohr'*, friends might have wished o drain Hold for him. It is certain that net I ton per cent of the people of North' Carolina would wish him succeeded Th* bench has hardly had hit match in popularity, and be is on* of the hoot lawyors that it has produced. He 1* In position that prevent* his mak ing a fight, and nobody In thee* part# brllovr* that be should he mad* to •pend tea coat* above his prtaaary But th* popularity of the contend on makaa it perfectly possible that ih gratifying snaky wishes the voter may do Judge Rohe violence. There will bo appeal* from she friends of Judge* Stogy, Oulon, Adams, Loaf HARMONY IN G.0.P7 FLEES WHEN NAME OF SURLES COMES Hardy tVminhwn Fate Moaluf WrMck is Senatorial Convention ALBERT IS SHOWN TO BE MUCH ALIVE »»d Rajraar ara Nanlaatad, Haurvaar, and Dun Maa t, Ldtla Oat af Rina—lanaai It a. alactad Chairaaa—MaCaaWJ At lacka Laaaea af Malian*. Altiscayh kt »•* double-eiomaJ, ttcoic ioll«d and otkcrwitc drfaccd In the. county Republican oaavra •oo, Albert F. Surlv*, tfec (mid aid ui int u. U. r., tU proven f' ** far f'om b dead am when Uu Viiow. of hi* patty h*JO their aem .te.ial di-trln convention here Wad ’"day afU-rr.ooa. A hert yot litll. out of Hi rogue itatiok mv. tic knowledge that ha h£* norm- '.oral 'rlvad*. bat when Hai-iV L. R. Tiraurhon, a delegate Irv M the lend of Hig Rlae*. to far rorsot lb* rakv or the gam* aa to i- inate him for the patty'* eaodl I*t>. for *rr*torltJ honor* after the convention had rccoauaaadad ft after V. B; id for that fab- it waa u though a govern meat datoctive v:d h.Cn diaeevervd in a martin* if the Uulltorvikl. I Hi ng* were going along too. t*-~a Barker, the auav* and polished uwyer of Ben non. had nomiaatod i.'may Kaynor, of Johnston, aa ona >f m>c procovctko candidate*. Mc Cey Byrd left the chair to place n '.omiiiaiion Hi* eomia, Walter P. kil *n. arcoining to the plan. Me •lies had been encountered. Then Hardy aioee in the rear of .he hall. H era; plain that he seat lot expected. The chair looked hie *ay in opeiMaooth wonderment. D*B matet turned in their eoots to tora. Kobody tarn what ha mat ib«ut to da, hat ah wen rr~tnln that rha tores 'it waa It eoald not be ae oidiag to Hoyle. Hardy pro ended to ewtogta* the ■un be wa* to namiaata. He wound V with ‘dm nunc of Albert V. i uric*. Clr-.-ai sob* of tftene*, gloomy and tho baU. Everybody rr- i- All. et‘a friend* applauded. •Id Broi bar Dupre# true and oo •’►k** -a piotad. Buck Crum pier, •inn o' voire and mrriout of mien. >• unoAiu uw tiMntm to itich Lu th* dud an dorued by the eon rrntlOB. Harnett delegates were M>uad by the eowvewueo. Other ount>>— Lee, Jobasiou end S*n> ion—hod to foUew Harnett1* load. Albert wa, given *ix of the eighty :dd vote.-. Welter P. got the Mk 11*0- Bat luiwtir «u ao longer • qimlity that canid be claimed by hr Republican* of Harnett So. Republican** nominee, far W Senate fiom th* Fourteenth Die l itt are Jftmc* A. Raynor and Wal ler P. Byrd. Both of theee era fine fellows but it lr not Improbable that ;h‘V vJU fail to get th* support of c/ ..Jr. Sorkr1 friend*. All of tbi* trouble wn* canned by lie action of somcl-udy at the LU1 I'.gtox convention. Air. Sarin* was. i raed.Jrt" for "ndprsement by th* •or. b.Ttion. wht.h was hold on Hog. L.y On <k- pn-redintr Sunday, hew. '>»•. an i til iiLobilc accident Injured t'—u-ct. TU- was unable tor -attend hr (oavcntioTt. and It was rumored ibit h. bad suffered a artrokc of par ulysi* The Republican, did not treat lu rut a cripple In a warm race, so did r.ut enrol ion hi* nun. All otli*r feetem, of the «on*ca ^on i-aw") off plva-wntly. J. McK. f!fid W»* the pmaiding officer and U. e. Wullatc, of B orison, was th* •r-clwlMry. Float Secern*. chairman ■< dli.lKct roaunttlM, called the n- vtiug to order and mad* tha “key. »<AC ’’ ape orb, most of which wa* gtr ■n ovi-r cussing Democrat* and LOl'sjriulng ail things Republican. A. P. Surlct, I la,nett; B. H. Grumpier, Sampson; K. L. Carla, Lee, and H. A. Parker. Johaeton, •ri-rr named the exceptive committee at lie district. No secretary was thosen, that matter. being loft to Chairman 8<?*tm*. A. L. MrCadeaU. of Faycttrvfllo, to mm m Visili.r baa tka - - wa _ *■_ rc-pomli d to Chairman Byrd's request for a speech. He war rnthnwtrll rally iseetved and tumultuously ap plauded when he attacked the League at Nations as a covenant through which Ante leans would loso liberty if H were adopted by On United States Sonata. Mr. MeCaskall Mud that he would vote for no saao who favored the Longue. If the RepubUoaai nom inate fer President a amn who (i to eympothy with It. ho will .take tks stump against him, he saM. Rcrsloatlon and other things charged at cvOs agalaet Hiaimtj wrsrm poken at by Mv. MeCaskall. snd Messrs. House and Gulley. One cnanot vote for all of them, and ho may rota for two. Two ruck votes will he eaat against an tncambent. Among tbo visiting lawyers oao boars toe unanimous wish that a Judge and an attorney ef the Adams type *1* “• The entry ***** NslXa A Route pits to wurk a big territory which knows him f* ' r**Xdrf«l lawyer. He Is rrmesa fal conduct,ng of the Carter-Aher nethy proseeutioa before the legUn thre committee. His tree th» out •taudlug lenul work Ho is brother Iw-Mw of ftmr State Aopertniaad •***■ Y i®***r> *■< kaewa panic, ■tarty wall tkrm«hout the seat.

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