m DOWN DISPATCH niBLttlUD IVUY TUESDAY ADD TODAY. April let, 1914. at the pent «PU* At Baa. Jl a, «ritr tte ut «f Much I, 1ST*. REPUBLICANS ACTIVE AMwwgh the “doabls croteing” of Albert F. Sariat ka* work ad to die tnh Ik* harmony heretofore taming Among the Republican force* of tlar» “•tt, it U aot probable that there will be any break la Um ranks. Daunt to from the Date errata I* stranger la the beam of the Republican than la friemfchip for any particular awn. Mr. Buriaa himself, knowing as ba dew the taanger In which he was left owt of the recent aadersemenu of hu party eeaoandon. It too stronr a Re. poMlcaa to 1st that instance stand In the way of work for hi* party. From LUb nylon comm the news that tba Republican Executive Com mittee la osiny It* fnnd* to pay die paQ tax of those who would bo dis qualified in the con*lag election. We have censure to offer for this h Is Icyilinutte and a shrawd move. The Republican* are going to fight hard. The Democratic margin of safe ty is too narrow to permit of Demo cratic loaders loafing oa the job. If o*o are to urln this year, wo most work. SPEEDING • A little negro boy lies dead la the humble home of his father over in the western end of town. ^ Ho is a victim of thd speed erase. Hmn white man—no not a man. Sums bipoded animal with a white akin killed this boy. His big green car, o nxutnots, powerful thiim, streak the little black body and broke It U pieem last Saturday. The angel of Death relieved it of its suffering* this morning Nobody save the man who struck down the little boy knows the drfv ' or’* identity. After the big car had crushed the little figure, the-driver had not the manhood to stop and give ** *ne**r- fctially ha swept on Us way, with never o cars for tha -nth This could happen to most aay child in Dunn. Speed merhlnee in tha hand* of mentally perverted drivers •weep threugk the residential sec tton# witheot a ear* for those little feik who ptsy in the street* One eon its could pot n stop to the FOR THE LEGISLATURE U. ». Thomas, Duke druggist, has hucu induced to bwoui a candidate •* tha Democratic ticket for tha lag toioturc. This is wall. Mr. Thomas is ••• of Harmtth moat papular huai naas man and win acquit himself with credit to tha county ia tha araat. Ffahlla T. Dupree. Republican caa didata, doaa not hang bis scalp ta his bah. Duiia people will be placard with Mr. Thoanaa* candidacy. IS! IN AND ABOUT ' | I«eTOW(N I AS'&£lrsufirci f* th* Metropolitan The* iif T^aday • rasing, April R7. Mias tihaaen m reputed to bo oaa of the Magars on tha coaccrt stage. Another attraction far tha Metro* peittara nan week u “Kair and War* that baa been gives mtmh favanble attention by the pram • af tha larger town and cities of tha •ntlro country Tha company coming ta Dunn is said to be the same as that wfceh played in Mow York. This show win ha here for ana performance •nip—waeneenay. April 28 B. B. Tbemee. of Duka, baa been POT*«ded ta Make the rate far Dem •anrtW candidate far the oflre af BapmeeataUae ia the L^UlnUre frw» Haraatt Cawrty. according to CHmmI Daa Hugh McLain. af Lit Itaptoa. wka waa la towa today- It it praettoany ecrtala that Mr. Tbataaa wiB ha namiaatrd. HU opponent wOi ha Franklin T. Dopraa. Republican, af Aayier. Hath af the »1,<H># donated to the BepoMjeaa K incut We Committee of Haraatt eotmtr U beta* need ia pay lay poll tax of dettaaawt voter*, ae roaataa tea poanx Democrat af LM Unfttaa. Thla, it la aaid, la Mae daoa neiatty. hat nor effectively. It will ■MM mack to Ua RapahHean candi date# antoaa Choir Democratic oppon ent *tt kaoy la the name diittum. Murdock Dowd and Bari Hiaaoa, two hay* wka have had maeh riper l>aaa ia practical electrical remttrnr ttoa, tort farmed ■ ce-partnerUilp to , da etoetriea! work beta. south m Posmoit To build •••‘V W _■»<*> •***. U to Mto. oandJttoa ta da vjIm Ha faraton trade." mid A W. Hal me, tf wiufeiiytM, director af j*»» frcahpaaMt^ef the hoctlMato a NEW HOURS , — at — HODGES MARKET i After May 1 the follow Iowlng hours will be ob served in keeping our mar ket open: 6 to 11 a. m. 3 to 7 p. m. Qne delivery wlU be made in the morning. One delivery will be made in the afternoon. M. F, HODGES wavrc miMHwij in cgnuKi wuo outer ! parts of the country sad other no i lions, aad will certainly make the South more aad more influential In the nation aad the world. “ Mote favorable freight ratal will help to bring about the industrial de velopment. Wartime ■ congestion at I northeastern porta ehowod <u for the flnt time the vital need of Increas ing facilities at the ports of the Sonth Atlantic States. Speaking not from a sectional point of view, hat as a matter of currant economic adjust ment, I utg* the change from a sys tem of sending North Carolina prod ucts to foreign coca trice through the porta of Now York, Philadelphia. Boston, and financing transactions through the Northern hanks whan (hay ought to ha tent from Wilming ton, Charleston, Savannah and Nor folk, aad Southern banks ought to handle the financial arrangements” Mr. McLean spoke ae on* of a ae ries of frustrate mca who aru aooear Imr before the stadmtfa of the tobool - ***» *»hjeet was Trade." and ho held the close attention of the audience for more than an boor. Luck of trained young men is the greatest handicap la the foreign trade development of the United States, Mr. McLean thought. “Prom the viewpoint of sur national resources, our manufacturing ability, oar bank tag faculties far foreign trade, our !S*rch!lai ■•rink." he mid. “the United States is ready to extend Jta come through the present rapid de~ veiomnaat of our lecuign banking fa ciliue*. but even the extension of foreign banking facilities is held up now by tha lack ad trained young man and the whole program of in ternational trade must wait until we can prod use the men capable of handling it. I know of no place •her* prospects sin more alluring for a young su, particularly if bo h" » broad educational training to his credit.” Mr. McLean described in detail bow the .war flaaacs corporation is financ ing foreign trad*, citing Instance* of cotton mica to Osocboaiovakla aad other Europen•* countries Ho mid the war finance corporation wna one governmental agency that was show, lag a dear profit. physicians fue IN DISPENSING WHISKEY Tbo Prohibition CommIce*—oo Clamp* Deane — Writing Of Washington. April SS.—Over ]ib cralitr of physic mas in proscribing %?Jsz?zz?s%is£r$z: •• boMch, kick, schaapps, Are water H.V J®*1 P*«J» •hickcy, has caused Prohibition Commissioner John K Jawn tbe lid on both the physician* nod druggists. Hcraaftnr, affording to word re curved from k raamoi'i oAf • today phvviciane may b« limited to writing only one hundred whiskey pivuerip t!o«» In three month., aB avrrage of a bit more than one a day. and drue glate are to be likewiae limited in the amount of whtrkey that they may aal! in a given period. Thssa regulation, am to apply rtrietl, except Where the phyelctan can .how the prohibition agent that he has caoaa to write more than 100 prescription! in three montha and where the druggist cun show that he hua legitimate calla for more than the amount he ia permit ted to sell. The reason for thlt action is that investigating by Kramer's agent* ha* ahown that both physician* and drug lfi*a have been overdoing that bun "**• «f udng whiahey a* a cure all. It has been shown that any kind of a cough and catch ia the throat, any sorenw. m the chest, or even aprmltr ed anklet, and in some taw, eut «n gara, ^have provided aufficisnt ea liUMt for the issuance of whiskey era se riptions. 1 pt* Methediat Chunk ouniay srnooi ounuay morning at 9:45. Preaching at II a. m. and 8 p. m. hpworth League Monday (Toning ■t 8 o'clock. * . Prayer meeting Wednesday evvn ■nRKif at 8 o’clock. Public cordially invited to attend all nervier*. I _ „ program First Baptist Sunday School Sunday April 2Cith—Beginning promptly at 121 a m (Tonic s?> " W1“ Koth I:°^4 1. Kusir. * Stil*n,t .. P«»«» closed with prayer by J. F. Byrne. 8. School standing, song, “Come Thou Almighty King ” 4. School standing, song. “I Know Whom I Hav# Believed.'' 8. Devotional reading. Psalm 91 the superscription being “Security of Him who Trusts in Jehovah." * Seutenee prayer* by teachers and officer*. GlL ^SSmSjPe ■" *" k’mJ. &£r sas^si blind lady. 9. School repeat in concert the twenty-third psalm led hy the panto r. 10. Music as classes assemble. Thirty-five minutes for lessen study. School reassembles. 1. Music. 8. Secretary's report, -announce ments. bosinesa. 8. Benediction. “Going quietly into the preaching service?’ Bring your text book “the Bible.” Visitor* are always welcome If you are not already a member of a Sunday School, this is a cordial Invitation to you to join our*. FALCON COMMENCEMENT Commencement exercise* at the W_l_u. ii . a.L. i „_is« a Sunday, May 16. The following program will be observed. Sunday—commencement sermon, 11 a. m ; Sunday school, 3 p. in.; ser mon, 7 40 p. m. Monday—KsnrlM by the Or phanage department, t p. *n.; cxrr eisea, primary and Intermediate de partments, 7 40 p. n. Tuesday—Devotional service, 1| a. m.; declamation and recitation contemn (boy*), 3 p. m.; exercises byl mnaic department. 7:30 p m. Wednesday—(levotjonnl , service, * II a. m.; reading and recitation coo lest (girls) 3 p. m.; drama: 1**1-i grim's program, 740 p. m. SENATOR COLLAPSES IN - THE SENATE CHAMBER 3easier Swansea, of Virginia, Suf fer* Attack While Engaged la Debate Washington, April 22.—Senator Swanson, of Virginia, collapsed Into a chair In tho Senate chamber ISte today and was carried ont by col leagua* and attendant* while the Senate adjourned. He recovered al moM immediately. The attack we* said to be due to a heart weakness of long -tending. A panesge In Sonata debate on the nvers and harbors appropriation bill Involving an amendment which he had introduced preceded the collapse. Senator Pomcreno, Democrat, Ohio, presented a statement dram n const! tutfit IfMrtiQK that th« EfnrnftmpRt Professional Cards •••••••SI • e. F. young james best YOUNG S best Attorney! it law OIRce Sad Boot of Fim Nation al Bank Bids. Prompt attanttoa given to all PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS ••••••••• • DR. 9. H. STEELMAN Oa«* Store OfBca ho an: lio to 6:00 J C. aUTord. N. A. Tawnaaed. CLIFFORD S TOWNSEND Atlaraaja at Law OiBm on SnJ loor .of Ftnt Nit hmal Bank. Prompt attention Siren to all *~ie imi JESSE P. WILSON ATTORNEY at law N. c. Oflk. oret n«liluaan Broe* Stora formerly occupied bp R. L. Godwin. Practica In all Courts. Pkampt Attention to aO Bosiaeae * JOHN AiERNICAM * DENTIST * 85-38-37 Pint National Bulk * BaBding Fho»t No. <1 * E. C. WEST * ’ ATTORNEY at law * Office; aid fcor 1* National * Bank Bnildin* X- £ Prompt and Pemonal Atten tion gtvaa an Buainew * <^»a.ttou Had* . HetUhy * * DR. PAUL A STEWART EfjfV 8a«diHit * Fourth Floor Pint Nat. Bank * Bid*., Dana, N. C. ••••••• • * . T. K. DARDEN * Veterinary ITyeieiae, Sorgoao * *"d Dentiat. * PHONES: IV, *0. Night 810 * durn. n. c. * • •• • • • • • • • • I which provided for a government nr vey of the Notthwert river, between Virginia and Noeth Carolina with i view to determining the work ntcee •ary to make it aavigmbte would no* benefit commote but wonld bcmefH private land owner* materially Son. •tor Femervne wjd be abeolved th< V iryinia m«B)b«r from having any n|i|>d, ,»nd Sccatoi In the reroM "ej, hia conrv«?ond?nc! sn the matter. Ad he turned to leavi be dropped into a (hair. “t>Jv( at home" ia aa good a «)ogar a ever—paatnrea for llvoetock wit help carry oat the idea. * to it eaid to hare one aulomo- i >ue hr rrery tin persona ia the state j —corn and hogs are one reason why. J Where would busuaus he without ^oaed foods. How about animals that have no food “canned" in silo* for next winter! Tbs Uaaseeptable Heeeee. It la very evident from the state. : ... ■onta put out by Hr. Hoover, that be * °® politician, in the uroal accept ne'.°f Word- ,f h* poneeaed poater ikill ,n the aria of that trib. ko would know that he i< about th< l*tt ■tail in the world who would bo icceptable to the Republican no tloMl boeeca, and that profculon o ■Uoftance to Si- O. V principle, wovld not improve hip chnntee in th loatt. Mr. Hoover is, na Chniimnr ... Cummings sty In him, "u Tmsnllsi Democrat," and erould find himself In more congenial company in opposing the CMd Guard than in trying to make terms with it. lit personal fitness for the presidency he stands and shoulders above any Rapubtican as i pi rant, and for that very reason he t will be barred from the race_Phil adelphia Racord. A Complete Line of Machinery I Boiler. Saw Mill. Cotton Cin. u • Com Mill. Crude Oil Engines Edgers Feed Mills Gas Engines Trimmers Wood Saw* Steam Pumps Lath Mills Pumpq We also have listed with us all sizes and type* of second-hand machinery. Let us figure on your requirements. HYMAN SUPPLY CO. Mill Suppttss and Machinery WILMINGTON, N. C.—NEW BERN, N. C /•* ftmm mSmUbsS IS* mmm —«M»'t t«Q ^ . b——. u mmwiw 4 »tb- «W> it bo ~V11 f iTuiT \ m ir *•' aSWn a* Onj im Mr m. C. 0. fr-ftiwu. : —•! it* ]2’ it' ' > < »' ‘ : 2 ' ' ’ * , J | Furniture for the Liv ! j > * <“ I ing Room : :<: • *» i 1 H > J j > < H » Have you seen the new pieces being displayed in our •how rooms? ; ! If you haven't, you’ve missed a treat! Nothing niftier was ever shown. J;; i 1 < >, , j | We have them in mahogany and walnut, upholstered : ? • ::: lustrous velvet tapestry or in the dull finish of fine Per- ! 1!!! sian weave. N < - i < , These pjeces were bought especially for those of our i i : j jj • customers who desire something better than is offered in ! ! ;;; the usual everyday stock. They were bought for those i ; 11 homes whose owners care for beauty and comfort. ; ; They will please you. I The prices are not too high when the^eauty and quali- i ty are considered. ! Come in and let Bob Swain tell you about these pieces :;; You will fall in love with them at first glance. 8 ;;1 - ! —- n BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMPANY BOB SWAIN, Manager Furniture Department DUNN- —NORTH CAROLINA < - • is ** * % 1 XX JJ ♦ < I > Q 1 •< > 1 Liberty Bond Holders mm , ^ , B < N . K •«, U ' X - |T « * . lx » I — —If you want your first, second and third issues ex 0 j| changed for permanent bonds let us have them before the end of this week. J # •• • • ♦

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