IKED BODY AM) SOUl Not Sick, But Still Not Your MM. Tkmk You'll Bo Bote •or Tomorrow — only > Yoo’ro Not i _________ TRY PEPTO-MANGAN II Wt Dm* To Need. But a Coil : Any doctor oilfteU yea to be oare ful to a time like this. Year body baa Rule noon of mbtuu, and the danger of catching uot urku dt •mot b gnat. Troporiasily, your Nod bea too f«T;rflght»og " Vo“ do. Irt Ike work af these samv rod cor Marian ta heap you free from fatigue Being coUttlhr tired out-depreae ed hi body and mind—ka almost a for'a'tSmo!*"* ™r b*°°4 n»<** help Oodo’e Papto-Mingao la a atnad-' ord remedy (a cues of anemia (or bioodtaaaaaaa) It supplies »he iron nod other properties your blood needs to retch up with Its task of keeper you freak and alert in every fibre. Prpta Ifangan has the hearty ea doreement of pkyheiau. is an agree aMc tonic to take, and may be bad at any drug stare In cither liquid or , Jrikt form. Both haee same med ic Inal vela*. B» mre ta aab for -iodr a There is only ene genu.n > Pepto-Mancaan, anj the name “Gules" should oc on DAISIES AND DAYLIGHT. Dairymen who deliver tK*ir pro dnett either to nut omen in the city or to the loading platforms of rail rood or interarbaa linos find it nee '■■» hd»» greet deal of work bo fore daylight, and tboe are particular ly Interacted in all way* of nuking these earl* working hoars as short aad no eflciea as possible. to Moat to modem dairy machinery, Wh os the separator, the most im port*** factor in the matter of time mtetag is that of artMUial light, aad dorteteity ■ rapidly coming to be roc JDWf ■ the safest aad meet coa U «toi».dTa!lt 1light radaeeo the time tahaa to perfarm a certain operation by glvtag a bright er and mere evenly distributed light oa the trorfc at hand. Aad in no Wnd of farm work is this more tree *£“ W the work performed In the dairy harm. Electric lights can be yjaeed whcM they are moot needed along the roars of stalls, and once fWcod tho worit i. Joes The fast hta of saving Is effected because tha ”T aa longer bee ta move the "t** "too place to tones when. •STiifr* Tfc? taudSat form •rty had to lift aad carry the lantern 2JJ?* ^.rds”rlar,ry * pt dJKOyo srorfc. Aad, of coorao, ia steaming, separating, coaliag aad bot tUag mflk aad ia stetiUeiag battles end* egnlpmiBt. situ tilt light -proem aa iavslasbie aid. . The naall electric plants, which terwUhtWe light aad toSeh are now •• widely need oa farms mil over the c*OBtry» "Hh —«gh light net only for the dairy bars*, bat for the house aad all other baildiags as wall. Aad i la addMioa U light t£sy furaiab pica of carroat for oloetric power. Tbo separator, chan, milking ma chine aad other dairy power appli ance# caa easily ha operated as wall as other light power machinery for farm work. And la the house the vacuum swM^Waa/a^a&cdothor household appliances moke the farm wife's work much lighter. There arc 115,000 dairy cows in <orUi Carolina, yet the dally cwn uraptien of whole Milk it leu than ine third of a plot per capita. UNITED STATES TRADE BALANCE IS SWELLED Ikewe lie Iuimm Foe Merck Doc pi«e a Eaiacd Monthly Velour of I u porta. Washington, April 20 —Although report* In March leachod a new high ■onthly record bf MM.000.000, the lanle balance In facor of the United n< cnned 8338,000,000. -r.ctd >gu;nat the record ita ?vr- , vrerv ,-sport* of $820,000,001 ir • > -reord lanr-vt in the hiiton :f 0.2 rcuntry. TbW total bruugh1 ’' < vyo't' f>-r «h# nlna month* tad i.ttf with Hatch to 80,061,000.0CK n *1 left a 11aua balance f*r Oh o’.t r.iodk. of 83,332,000.000 rr.i ;,f IU trad* bntn.-.rt- in* '.1 _*; Ir "*r eb th; c-ranwy’s *o!d a~d .-il ce • rinply declared. export' nf 847v OCC 000 »r>d 'N>jo*ta of 'liver amottn lieu to 144.000.000 an ar-iinrt iu pom 't $8,000,000. OVER 100,000 TAX SLACKERS. Washington, April 21.—Despite the government'! war time appeal for tax payments ax a patriotic duty, more than 300,000 Ami and tndtvld nala failed to make honoot returns undor the revenue law in the last tw® year*, the Bureau of Internal Kevenoc announced tonight. In a six-months' drive, which endod Feb ruary flet, 319.081,000 in delinquent t*xee wore collected Commissioner Williams reported. "The amsxingiy large number” or persons who did not respond to the government's appeal has caused Treasury officials to consider the de linquent tax payment problem a grave one. A new round-op of alleged de linquents has been Instituted to cover the tax period on which returns were made March 18. Of the total delinquents I 31,.388 had not paid any income taxon and an additional 44,260 did not pay the full amount of taxes due. From two marose approximately 311.0400, 000 m* collected. Discovery wax made also, the report mid, that 164. 990 Anna had not turned over to the government the entire amount of the so-called luxury taxes on nisi and admission*. In some rates, (lima failed to make any returns of the col lections. Internal revenue collectors in alt eases, forced the delinquent* to make good the entire amount as wrll at pay a heavy ponalty, Ur. WUliami •aid. Thu bureau estmalud that tr thi present year mre than 7,000,000 firms and Individual* will pap Federal tax oa It it utililing every avenue o1 Information to check up on ''U« •lackers'* and an average of 2.S0C persons will carry on tha govern mom's investigation of suspected de linquenry. Taking chances with untasted toed corn i* not giving your land a aquarv deal. Slaying bugs by spraying of fruil or spuds is paying, and thoae that dc are laying money by. NORTH CAROLINA WOMAN AN OFFICER IN D. A. R. Washington. April 11.—Mr*. Cm. Maynard Minor, of Waterford, Conn., was nominated without opposition as president .general of the Daughter of tb* American Revolution toalght at the 29th Continental congress, in ses sion heio. a Twelve woman. Including Mrs. Ja*. S Wood. of Savannah, Ca., war* nom inated for seven vicc-presidonte-gan eral. and these with nominees for other offices will he elected tomorrow. Nominee* for other national olhcaa in clude: Historian, Mis* Jenn Window Coltrahc of North Carolina Weald Prohibit Third Teem Washington, April II.—Presides tia) third terms a'ould be prohibited under a resolution introduced today by Rcpretwntativc Humphreys, Dem ocrat. of Mitidmipni, proposing a con stitutional amendment limiting thu tenure of any person as President to two term*. 9 « * Mattings, Druggets e have just received a nice lot of Rugs, all sizes up to 9x1 2; hall rugs and linoleum, the genuine Ringwalts • . \ • i . \ money on these rugs, because it is an us, and no extra selling expense. We can, money and make some money too. Come we have before buying your rugs. 1 ' • • U • • • Parrish- hriver Company I'l M15 South Wibon Ave. — — Dunn, North Carolina It’s dollars to doughnuts— no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight! r Camels mellow-mildness will certainly appeal to you. The “body" is all there, and that smoothness! It’s a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And. they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty afte^Bste nor unpleasant ciga retty odorl Just compare Camels with any ciga rette in the world at any price! W\ * < j I FOR SPRING ! j | .WEAR ■ | ♦; r; r: . j : OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT BLOOMS ] j ] i WITH THE PRETTIEST CREATIONS IN HEAD j | GEAR FOR THOSE WOMEN WHO WANT THE ] j BEST AND MOST SERVICEABLE WITH A MAXI- j ! : l^JM OF MODISHNESS. YOU WILL DO WELL TO VIEW OUR SHOWING. < i • < See also the pretty styles we have in— ZEIGLER SHOES and the hundreds of ready-to-wear— j | . DRESSES < » i > : VISIT OUR STORE—IT HAS MANY TREATS FOR | | YOUR EYES. : Johnson Brothers jj DUNN, — *-t— NORTH CAROLINA ! - i • 1 * ; ; ; I! \

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