• I • E^ITHE DUNN DISPA uai m """"" ' “ “ * *■ * VOL 7 DUNN. W. C. APRIL M, itM. MOTHERS’DAY SET FOR SUNDAY MAY 9 BY MRS. BUCKNER 3«cr.Ury Addrwao*. APpMl to Baracas and PhiUthea* of North Carolina WILL PAY HOMAGE TO QUEEN OF HOME WkiU Flawor* la Maamy •( "Baal af Warn..- Far Tin. Who £nier Chare ha. aa Thi. Day—Doaigaad ta Widen Inlluaaea* of Hemelife ■a tha Ceauaaaity. . "1*0*,,*r’, Day" I* the second Sun la May. Tbi* day ha* been iat •part hi honor of tha "brat mother that ovor l.ved." On this day everyone •hoiUd wear a whit* flower in mrm •ry of “mother." and if she be living ***** .“«*• • letter or giva her tome •peciai attention. 1# “mother” 1* dead *>eet*l *et or kindnea* •boold be paid to tha cck, Uif .hut in* or the poor. In order to leearv general obseiv. snee of the day among the Bamea and HjDathj. el...., of North fa" Mb*. Mr*. N Pcckner, of A -SevMo the general secretary, has addrev.ed **• letter to the Batura* and Philatha**: “*>a- *"«> Philatheni: Mother * Day” is a da-r ,,-t apart oo9 acxm mb a * p4*oiai hooor to mother. the "oae-n of the homo. Mother's Dor hoi como to *Vv_“f w' ■*» r.Ud of It. for the mother It never Riven too much hon ^ffsxvztusi .[tr1*?*- w« cannot afford to ioee tight of methir'a love and watchfulness whan we seeded her oo much. More than oae mother will feel that Ufa la worth livinp when she receives the bouquet of white ^0*to on the second Sunday in May ead the expression *f lova and appre ciation. Joy and thankfulness will e««ia from har heart as ahe looks upon those token* of her work and ■aerifies aa the children remember mother. "If too^tor It away and w* cannot vcaMoabor her in the personal acta of kindnam. wo can write her to aha will put ft on that day and feel that her labor of lova it remembered ami ap preciated. [f mother U dead, then . » rommKie^fjom^or clam at the door of the ebnrck on the second Sunday in May to pin o white flower on each who enters "In mem ory of mother." See that some kind !■ *obo on that day in particular aa a token of your love to the mem ory of your boat friend, mother "The beraca or Philathea class that pays no hood to the day loses the op portunity of doing a proat deal of pood aa well aa local the joy of aer viee. Tha white carnation should be much in evidence, and it would he a pood thing if the mothers of aD the member! could he invited to class on that day. "If possible, tend in mother's name a whits carnation to every person in a tick room, hospital, a Umbo use, pri son or orphanage, and klndl* a flame of new Ufa In the name of “Mother on Mother's Day." “Wear a white flower, the moth er's day emblem." ■READ UPON THE WATERS Getting money from county board* la not the easiest indoor pettime, oa many e person ean testify—they al wuy» hove to be shown, especially in tMa year 1*20. The On alow Board ef Education was in session end the district bom* demonstration spent was pleading for enough salary to keep tbs Onslow horns demonstration agent on the job—also for a now car, with a aalf ttartor. to make har work mors of factive over the whole county. She was Interrupted by n former who saddi uviilMinvn, i hyv lfl« lUMK Uv* tie ««nu hi the world it heme, but ■he dtw’t know anything mock ■bout cooking and serving, and che doesn't know much about tewing, and ■ho doesn’t know a* much a* rile needs to about ‘fixing up' the house. Then I’ve got soma girls who are ■boot grown now, and neither one of them knows how to make oven a draw for herself—end gentlemen, that it not as it should be. Jam to show yon haw ranch wo believe In heme demonstration work, sad how much wo need it in my horn*. I will toil yon that my wife and I have of fered Miss IfcFayden a farnuhsd room and her board fro# of charge just ts get ths benefit of a few sug gestions from her from trine to time You know that I am not a rich man, and if, the hosaa demonstration work means that mnek to ms. It mast mean a good deal to ths other /oiks of thk county too." The board decided that it could not afford to lose the home agent, and made an appropriation M| enough to give a substantial incream in salary and make a new ear po* aibl*. The agent immediately went dowr to plaae her order for tbs cor. A bis gruff men waited on her and teri her that there were Jest one hundrsc and thirty-six seders in ahead of bsr and that she might onset bsr cat la about eighteen months. Of roarw rim looked and foil disappointed the the oar could not be delivered earlier As she started sat sf ths door th< big man salted bar hack—bis fact ■ensued; and hla voles was kind. Hi ■aid. "You earned aa when wa had jfcT*0e', you amy haws ths find eai Deep bras thing Increases the wil p9W9€t REVOLUTION IN MEXICO IS RAPIDLY SPREADING Movement In Cleee Vicinity te Mexies City. But Official. See Ne Cauee tec Alarm ■ • Washington, April 28— Mexican advices here today both through Am erican and rebel channel*, continued to note n rapid spread of ths revolu tionary movement against the Cur rants government, particularly In the close vicinity of Mexico City itself. officials here, however, said they saw nothing In these rather scattering incidents immediately criti cal in the situation fared by ths fed eral authorities. The bent available information, it was added. Indicated that the rival fnrcej undar arroa ware nearly equal in numbers. COST OF LIVING TOO HIGH, BURGLAR RETURNS TO PRISON Joliet. I1L. April 37—Robert Need Ham, paroled three week# a^o after | serving part of n sentence for borg ■•ry, scaled the walls of the state penitentiary from the oauide early this morning and anaaltad back into prison because he found himself un able to cope with the high coat of living as a free man. "The only way to bast the high roet of living to bo In prison," said Needham. HIRAM JOHNSON GOING TO INVADE THIS STATE Wilmington, April 27.—Wilming ton is to have trie opportunity of hearing at trust one expirant for tha presidency, u wu announced today that United Biatei Senator Hiram Johnson, of California, ia to apeak here within the neat few weeks. Mr. Johnaon, it ia announced, will dativor a non-political add leas setting forth hia views on various questions coo fronting the nation. Johnson is the only presidential candidate, who has announced an invasion of the Booth. FIVE PLANS FOR BONUS AGREED ON Thane Include, Boa idea Cash Payment, Paid-Up Insur ance and loans Washington, April ZB.—Republi can memben of the bouse wan and mesas committee today virtually de cided to include in their soldier re lief legislation program a plan of paid ap Insurance, Its raise to in crease annually by ansnpoaudad In terest, and on which loan* could be (WnmmMmmi might elect any one of the five fol lowing pinna, included in the Repub lican piogram: A cash hocus of $1.26 a day for each day of service; aid in buying farm land to be reclaimed by the government; aid in buying city home*; old in thetr education; er the insurance. To popularise tbo last four plana, the Republicans propose to allow $1.76 a day for each day of service, Instead of tbo $1.26 case bonus as tbs basis for computing farm and home aid, loans and tbs amounts of'financial aid each man might receive in the farm of educa tional training. The Insurance plan, as much, was said by committeeman to be a “mis nomer,” but they declared it was the ”mo«t attractive" of any of the five plana Tbv average period of sorvice for worn wax veterans was 400 days, they said, explaining that nader the insurance plan the average veteran could rpccive a paid up insurance policy of 1,867, payable to him in cash at the end ef 20 years ar im mediately to hia hairs ia event of death. The loan value of tbo insurance, denoted in the legislation as "adjuat [ ed service csrtixicatos,” would not accrue until tbs end of tbs third year the plan had boan in fores, and at that time an e*-»ervlcs man, with a record of 400 days service, 'would be entitled to a loan of $681. This would be the cash value of his “certificate*' at that time at fiva par cent interest compounded annually. Similarly, the veteran of 100 days* service would bo anti tied to paid up. 20 year endowment Insurance of 9464, with a cash lorrenoar or loan of 9197 In three years; the 900 day veteran to Insurants af 9929, with a loan value of 9979; the 900 day veteran to insurance of 91,992, with a loan avlua of 9699. This plan, if adopted universally by the world war veterans, would coat the gov# mm on t far more than the cash bonne of 11.96 a day, com mitteemen said. Estimating mat 9, 690,000 cx-eervica persons will bo af fected by the bill, committeeman de clared that the ultimate eoat af the Insurance plan. If adopted by all, would bo approximately 96,000.000. 000. The cash bonus. It was estimated would eoat 91J07,000,000 if accept ed by all. - < CHRISTIAN CHURCH We < njoyed a good day last Lord's end are expecting a better owa next Our attendance and interest waa good and everything was wall pleasing. W# are planning a goodbibls school program to begin at 9:4t next Lord’s day. evary teaehar and every napll to be in hta plneo at tha boor Every member of the church should he in the Bible aeheel and ovary mean her • 1 the family should saa to il that every ether member geee to Uw heunc of the lord. Marnmg worship at sloven o’eloel Evening worship at 7 JO. The morning subject: ’’Why Mei 1 loot”. .. . .. The evening auWect: -The Hoij Spirit and Human Kind.” I Yea will so Joy the thought that L to be presented sn thsee sabjects | Come over and worship with u ytn I are wslcasna. . „ . ’ Splendid music, good atteadaaea bettor bearing la onr data tv. Oomi and enjoy the worship. Ton arv eee I dtally Invited to ba with as. J. J Langston, poster. FARLEY TO TALK ON TROUBLES OF BUSINESS FOLKS Export Illustrate* Lector* With Moriss of Merchants Worrios SPEAKS WEDNESDAY TO DUNN AUDIENCE Fissures la Skew Mistake* Usually Mad* ia Average Star*—tpealssr FaiaU Way t* Ceerectleu at C*U ly Error.—Uadsr Asspicae al Cbaaskar *{ Caware*. "Troubles of a Merehaat" ia th* subject of a lecture to be delivered here next Wednesday night by W. H. Earley, a btuine* expert of Dayton. Ohio. Mr. Farley will speak before • meeting of butineas mro and thoir employees in the rooms of tbe Cham ber of Commerce. His talk will be II metiutsd by motion pictures. Th# lecture and picture* will bring t* the merchant, clerk, and profam ional man, one of the most faacinat Ing stories an retail merchandising and store efficiency over pr seen ted. Mr. Fartey, by moving pictures aad Stereopticon views, will (Low and ex plain some of the latest and boat me thods on Sts ekraping—arrangement of goods, window display, how to writs MWntllteP ai4a sui hsHw t. _a beat remits therefrom and many other into resting thing* minting to re tail business. Ths feature of th* ***aing will b* a three-reel film *h owing "TVs Tremble* of a Merchant”—the als take* that usually occur in the aver age stare, the Indifference among clerks on account of lack of proper supervision. bad system, poorly ar ranged stock—which resulted in loaa u and leaks in th* business, sad fi nally ceased th* msrchaat to bscorns disheartened and about ta give up Ihe struggle. The merchant's career changed, however, after k* adopted a system that gav* him a proper check so hi* goad* aad money, rear ranged his star* aad roods to that tkay attracted customers, and taught hi* clerks haw to become more effi cient through being courteous and attentive to th* trade. Th* lecture and pictures bring out many other ideas of interest to th* merchant, and are instructive u well as cater- 1 tetning. Thau picture* have barn shown before «am*^ ef^ ths^tery^^a legend 1 bar* received the tion and *ndoraeas*nt There will be no charge far admis sion, and every merchant and clerk in the city, will no doubt, taka advan tage of Us* opportunity offered and attend. OLD GUARD LIKELY AGAIN BE SUPREME Progretsiv* Elam amt of C. O. P. Worried at Prospect of Bo> tag Flattoaod by "Rollor” Washington, D. C„ April 18.—So called “progressive” Republicans arc all wrought up over prospect), of “Old Guard” domination at Chicago. They have heard that Henry Cahat Lodge, reactionary leader, is to hr selected ta ^sliver th* hbyston* speech. To forestall Chairman Hays and Senator Penrone, Senators Borah, Kenyon and others havs launched a campaign for a progressive foe tem porary or resident chairman of the convent! a. Mr. Borah. Baaater ■ Hiram Johnson's "ace," has hern se lected by the progressive contlagant ia the Senate to stand for on* of th* chairmanships. Ilia progressives would do a little keynoting on thalr own account and »rI not pleased, with th* idea of a Lodge slogan. But It Is apparently too late for uw rrogrrnaivcr- u> mane headway against the “Old Guard” leaden of the Senate. They lost their gel don opportunity ia May ISIS, at the be ginning of the ftrat seaalon of the DTceent Congress when they coaid Into defeated Senator Penrose for the chairmanship of the Finance com mittee. Instead, they helped to elect him. and ho has Ween chuckling ever since. Senators Borah, Kenyon, Ker ris, and others of the progressive wing marched up Ilka good little par tisans and supported Peareee Kow, they are reaping Just what they sowed. Penroee will name the “key noter,” and ail of the other speak ers for the Chksgo meet, sad unites a revolution stops him, he win also name the candidate for President. Peareee Agaia Active Senator Boise Penrose, “hoes” of the Slaty-Math Congress, is showing signs sf renewed political activity. Ha has retorned to Via Some In Phil ■dolphin aftai a sojourn hi HoiMn. On the way north, ho begin to talk, di.«ussing President WiUon and Her bert Hoover. Disposing of the Democrats in a sentence, Mr. Penroee larned to Mr. Hoover, the them that goads the Re public an politician of tha Penroee *Tlr. Hoover had what * largo namber ef people consider the Impu dence to Mato that KspuhSeans should not participate in the discus sions of the smiktlce and pact terms," said Um S molsr. “Ho has even mid recently that ho fslt H his duty ns nn officeholder to follow his ehiof, thereby apparently construing his position to ho not Um meat inter national non-partisan administrator of trust funds, but like Um ordinary chair warmer, holding am ordinary po litical office awarded far polities! ser vice." < PACK LEAVES POR WEST Off A SPEAK 11*0 TOUR Appoiotnaeata Carry Him I.U Plf. *—■ Ceanlle. M.n “»» IS (Wednesday Nen, 4 Oberrvar.) Hoa Reboot N. Page, far the Daraocratl* gubernatorial no ■ inatian. left her* mutity tor the aroetern part ef the ague on a apeak InK toor. Until Map 1|, Mr. Page’* tngaaemrnU c.rry him lnco fifteen toon lie*. W.drradav, April jfctb Lawndale M a —a KTam. a 11 •* * | F ; ( i —7—• -r*'» ~iT iiu. un ^t#ni Tharadap, Mbp „u. Aahe ip—ll Aft Monday algfct Mr.Tfcg, ,p<-tc ln lien demon before a hnj, „d:.° uid an Iwpieecd achC ,v«tr«7rTv letter pap far UeehST V The tharga that k* ^ dmart,A Mm BGBIPUkllUVIl \ Hr. Pag* raacntcd _ ■how by the record mpport the admli loralng the revalue mt effort to carry _ yo riant mandate of rtitaUon” Ur. jMw'ndvoeaUd an imondmoat to conatitution yermltttag flaalbOlty a i.i.. -i >f taxation " ^ SOGARDEfiaSTO HELP GOVERNMENT n* »»• iweult «f fka mnfaoaoei between Departmrat official* and -eftnen repreaaatativea bold hare tarly thia weak. While thia move ares net expected « care all the evil* of the Aertag* tad high price*. Mr.'Palmer believed t would aid In obtaining better dm rtbutton of augar eteeka. Tba rvftn be mid agieed tn rtfue to n> *11 to any firm except who the com nodlty would take a direct eourae to he eonaumer. Objection waa rmiaed nr A* refiner*, however, to tbo allm natlonof A* "legitimate augar bro ter," who they mid, «*rv*d a uaafol >arpoaa in Ae diatributlng lyatom. The refinora have reappointed the ruramittac, which faactioaed daring he war, wiA a view A detamiua jon of "roe an a able margin* of em it. ” Official* were amored that they voold have the rapport of Ai» com alttec In running down ceaea of pro Metring, hoarding or market ape co ating, Mr. Palmer mid. Department official! have under loncideration a renewal *f A* Heen ling ayetem which wa* in effect dur og the war. KvpreWntative* of the reflbera mid they Would arrange a ‘clearing hooae, “A ebtaln accurate Jiformation a* a dJAribution at all uigar (tocka A order that exceative yuixhaee* by favored bayeaa might ta cheeked. The department, however, doe* net expect the proamt Wttr Aertagr A Jo meed materially before July, when he 1W0 beet crop Will com* on the nark at to kill oft th* Republican candidates Far President until •* comes to the! particular aspirant he would pet in Lha White Honaa, aad then ha will bring aM hi* paworfal influence to bear in behalf of th* nomination of1 that candidate. Republican Congr**nmen fear the latrar vote this year Thar realise that it will ha diffteult u hold both tha manufacturer, who clamors for a tariff wall to guarmato* largo profit*, and lha workman, who is trying to make a living wag*. Tho outstanding fact that th* It spate! ran party has done bat little far th* laboring man is beginning to hart. White lha De mocrat* point with prid* to their leg islative record on tme subject, their opponents moat rely an promises, and they have discovered, that the people hack ham* have ebadted up on them, contrasting their campaign pledgee aad their uugl slet!tea parfarmanaes. Tha Democrats have a team hot af labor laws to thalr credit. Haro are soma of thamt Tha tight-hour law, pawed by tha Sixty »»«end Cangrem; the tew eatahHahing a chiWr**Ts ba res*) a law making far the safety si railway employ***: th* Workman’i comp* nestle a act; W* aoamaa's tew; the antl-injanctiaa tew, and other im portant maaaarUs 1* th* protection and comfort af watting people. Far twenty years labor's repevaen tattve heat open (fed dears at Om grew, bet worn, aad heard. Whan ths Democrats cease !«** power la Con gress tan years ago- one af the flial things they did wan t* girt tha work Ingwan a fair hoartng aad to mak< aa bonest effort t* aorraet tha grtee aaeaa they complained of and to aaaai deatralte kwtetettea Under th* Dam o* ratio a dm in tot ration, condition steadily improved; »agas have mom than doubted, aad l» many lastsaeos MARSHALL INVITED TO SPEAK HEREON INDEPENDENCE DAY Secretary Riddla Wub Vic Prmnedomt to Talk To Dw> Poopto BIG DAY PLANNED BY COMMITTEE V. L. Stephan*. Chairman of Cal*, htoboa Coaimlttoa, Working Oa Vrmgnm to Etlip** All Ftraa Effort*—Nude, Garno* tad m Among Thing* to Bo Staged. Viee-Pranidrat Thomas M. Marshall probably will be tba principal speaker it Dunn's Fourth of July celebration, which really i* to be held on Lbo fifth. Secretary T. L. Riddle has addressed an appeal to the vlee-presldant ask ing him to favor Dunn and its people on this occasion. 8 applem rating this appeal he has requested Representa tive Hannibal L Oodwin and Sena tors Overman and Simmons ta am their influence to Induce Mr. Mar shall to accept. Mr. Middle's letter to Mr. MarMmll reads: "Through the Dnaa Chamber of Commerce, Dunn, N. C.. the c it bens of Harnett county and the adjoining counties extend to you n mm cor dial invitation to address them at Dunn, N. C., on July 5, lMt, on which day a celeb ration will be bald bare and, If the weather Is favorable, approximately 10,004 people will at tend the eelebmtioa “We sincerely hope that yon have too above named date open and that drta our people. They am vary food el yea aad ere. therefore, eery ui ioue for you to eeate to thi* section of the rood "Old Koith State." Speaking, however, it going to bo o secondary matter la the big pro gram Mr. fuddle and Vaa L. Bteph ena. chairman of the celebration com mittee, are planning fer Independ ence Day. Music, aeroplane night* parade of industries. eoldiera. farm er*. sailer*; base bail and ether ath letic goatee, racing of every kind ex cept automobile, aad any asabu of ether features arc ineloded in a ten tative program which Mr. Stephen! and Mr. Riddle will mbmlt to a mam mooting of Dana's citinsns Monday night. An effort is being mads to got an army hand from Camp Bragg aad a navy hand from Norfolk, shag wttk n ptomna of totdisn oad sailers to take part In the parade and at her tm» replan* flights. Civilian bands also will be promt into service for the parade which it to he the largest and most iarpodag ever staged la Doan. PRESENT CONGRESS HAS SORRY RECORD Ha* Bern In Ranlnei Alaemet One Year—Has AecmmpBale •d Nothing Constructive Washington, D. C., April tt.Only about thirty working days remain of this teuton Of Ciagree*. If the plan of the Republican leader* for a re cce* or adjournment early In Jane to fallowed. Thru* or four appropriation MR* must yet he considered by both the Hearn and Senate; the Houac Ways and Means Committee la endeavoring to fermmleu a program for adJurt meat of the nay of retamed soldiers; the House Committee on Immigra tion is eonatdarlag the advisability of adding to ths reateietionj of Die ex isting immigration law, and W Sen ate has before it the proposal t* create a hadget system. This Is about all ths work it appear* Cou grsse will attempt t* dispose of. Craattag that budget legislation will be approved and thhl a bill foe orttnjEted comnsasation far aoldtoe* will get throagh, tha record fo.- thJr icon month* of thl* Congro** wlH be: armt ^Jhtohm^'ff *231? mHy for the government to function and which iboald mot nguire mom than two month* of Um tmm of any Coo <PTr*mmed railroad bill, which actual ly bald the attention af Cengrem aa a whole aboat tea day*. Badge! legWattoa. which ahould net regnire a*ora than twn wain Soldier ad j meted eampanaatiea leg Ulntkra, which *hmUd regatta not mere tha* one week. la all. the work done by thin Oem graes ohewld aot boro ragolred more than Sea month* of real wnd-ttaeer* effort. Bat thirteen meatha nf Coo groom, dtetdad la two *eeeUne.w« knee boon required to pan* thi* left* ktka. . _ Of eeavat, the Coagromleital Jten ord will be filled with dtnaittom. to o>d of aroblean avoided and of ml goartotty record," mad to molly a roe private bllli, ete^ bat It will b< morn complete aaceem la the plan U da nothing. Thl* wma the ptoa oftto Republican leader* whan thto amtoar waa convened, become af the datore far parttoaa raaaen*. to potopoa* aaa to deration of an Important wetter ontD after the November elaetioa Prom good BeaobUeaa aadharit] cornea the admlmlon that tbe Coa gram has dona netting, la a igaacl •a dm flaw af tha Kowaa raaaatl, iipMpmtttolaa Pallar, of Mamaeba »*tu. agpr*m*d tha fervent wtoh the fcto party might be eared fraw to attack of "*#pine oteknaa*” wklal ho daetorad It baa eaffarad from era oiaaa It aaato Into central af bo«l 1 branches af Caagtaaa. Ha daelasw i that It bad daaa me thing cantors* live, bat had daaatod thalarga* par , af Aa Um* to rriUetom of tha Pratt dost. ILLEGAL ACTIONS ARE CHARGED AGAINST BOS AmUCm* Iterates* DmIuH to Hu BltoiHdDepJetothir^r Rod* Washington, April 26.—Illegal m ties* of Uih f. Poet, aaaiatant mi xrtaiy of th* department of ioboi naaoltod in block lag deportation o alian radical*, members of tko beat daclortrf today before th* rala* coa mitUt. "Th* responsibility lira at the duo of Secretary Wil.cn, for not iceoa Banding removal of each a man, 1 them charge* era true." Represent* Uv* Rudenkorg, Republican, of HU noia, a Bomber of tko committee, do eland daring tko boaring, which la ■unrated la vs itigatlon of Mr. PUafi official conduct. TUpraacntatie* Johnson. RapukU caa, WaAlagtan, chairman of thi hoaa Immigration coomittao. pro aatod a report by committee laves tig*lor* oa bor than 100 caaaa in which It waa aald Mr. Poet had earn celled deportations recommended In immimUan officials. Couaaal to, Mr. Post iatarraptod to assort that Commissioner Oeaeral CaaineUJ oi immlrrotion borcau, waa wtthoui l«*al authority to aako any rceoa raHa*11**1 r*,r*rdln* *«*•*•»*•» war Jxszsztguffss Ing tko deportation law “into disre pute and awldag deportation pro seeding* a farce and a join.” Ms ad dad tkm had koan "many plarn vto tationa of tko law," hot Bopraaaata Uve Tiadchar, RepabUcan, lUmas, an otkmr witncamjdoclarod kt doubtod wWilkT lir Peva* k.J .-t-a-s. » at.. lav, although he contended that Dm assistant secretary had —TT"tlrnab ly aboard hi* dlaeretioaary authori ty PRIMARY RESULTS ACCENTUATE LUES (By David Washington, April If.—fcaffl esa primary raauMs la Muauhwttt Oto —d HauJarsay her* failed ta far say riTtha^adiBg aMi dH^daOiiThaOBi Aaalytia af tha return* aad tha ' ealitiaa from which the praf Monas vot* waa polled weald team to iadl rate that the mar* or lam eonaatwa thf* elements in tha Republican real aad flla are dividing their votes bo tween MaJer-Leouard Woad. Baaatoi Raiding aad Governor Lowdaa, whll< the middle of tha rood tsiuhltsarii teow aa inclination toward* Karbari Hoover aad the extreme radical* o: the prograarivet, who hovar aa tin tdg* of radicalism and policies of an Ltoaallma. show a strong Hkiag foi 8caat«r Hiram Johnaoa Tha sabsUtotieo of Wood for Har diag or Lowdaa or the oomiaatiot af any one of the** three man wank net mean the lorn of tha following oi tha other taro. Their strength romai from precisely the seat* type of K* publican voter*. It la interesting ti note that all three favor the ,iagn< of nations aad treaty with reserve tioas. aad their aopportars lmelndi the regular Republican voter* tageth rr with aoaaa independent BepaMieai vat* aa the retain* would Indicate ii being divided between Herbert Hoo ear and Senator Hiram Joknsoa. will U* latter being supported by thou sands of new voters, meat of then termer Democrats whs have diaap proved of President Wilson’s steal on tha league of nation. Jehus an aad the Treaty Certainly Senator Johnson, riu has mads no hones of his absolute op peel ties to the treaty and league manage* ta poll at considerable i VAt> dVfH In fltui n afntoi at kg* slag is the middle want and far waat. Tb eanelarioa drawn hare I* that eith* th* J ohnooa personality. which mad half a* affaetlv# a fare* ia Califer ala. I* imprcaalng Itaaif open th* «a ten with Boeeeeeltlan msgurtiam, « that thee* elements hi th* America] electorate who foal keonly ahaat ar tkla X. are taking this opportunity to nma their approetatfati U Nl na Johnaoa far hi* aggremivo Irh hi their behalf. Nobody who know Johnaoa wall would accuea him a going ant deliberately to corral th rot* of the Iitoh sympathiser* wh feared a hidden vain* to «■»»♦—* a goinet Ireland in article X, or th rote of the German sympathisers wh f*H that the treaty wu too hark again* their kinsmen. ar th* eat* « I Uliana angered over President Wi aoa'i (tend in the Plum* question, e lhe vote of radical* and llharal* wh felt that th* paataSe* iipsiUgsi daring th* war and th* dap* rimer of jaatleerjnce the, war her* trod U) «j»h» right* of fra* speech and But**'hat i* Unquestionably tna that thaoo el*manta hare of the own roll Hoc gone Into Urn prtmarh U rbow their gratitude to Him. Johnson. Hi* point of ei*w on tl trdkty waa uWi long before tl apparition to the poet boeame pm tfre throughout th* country. H nloaa to return American a*Idle i from Siberia which won Johaaou i , mock appreciation on th* pari i relative* of th* aotdien In Mleblga t wne a logical part of tha John* I jST,*> _he n | __ i th* oaurea* of |ohu*> I atraugth and raapect ih*m aa a ea ■ rid arable factor in flipniillmn pa l the. They ar* not aa cur* of tl ■ individual loaning* of voter* an W*< Lawd«n or Harding. Al thro* aa* ' OPPOSITION SHOWN ' TO MEN NAMED BY : WINN DEMOCRATS ; Mm* “-"ii CdM to SWaW Kaw TktoHto, Thia NOW PARTISANSHOPS PCM MWUCAN VOim y»*»» top mm b To Mm Who BoUooo b> Of TV. tomto to Tto AW Poo Tto Poopto" Koory. DwtHiny'i-•-for lava of. toco ara not U to aiactW aUbaat "totWtaa. Tto* «a far, cam I y» V loomed a “Odaon1* ton TIttef* to mm (torn wto vara aamtoatad la tto mat primary aaraial dan (tod caatato faraaa am atwaffcto (Ua and. m Mat to glam ia (to paaten a* to (to idaatfty af to (Wtob who aaa fcatering tto Maa> ia eallW for tto nym -|i1liaj oat a ctttom’a “tow* tfatot,” aaf that -all voton, —r-“— af party affiliation aaa tooted to parllripala ia aaid laiithg " “If yoa totem." tto paatar aaa Uwmo. “to a gminanaa af Ida mo whole treaty ui hag** •* anttoae defeated and ''TMawtoahhi" who wanted Aierha to enter Mm life and ratify the treaty with gaallfjW eoadHtoa*. tha veto in the i le taken u coaehwtoe e rank and file ef the party Itoetf ton "Irreconcilable »** u won M “repot rattontota.*’ Again therefore u PreoUeot WO •enfareea the leane. the ft I itom tha tare wtage ef tha petty senator Hina 1 3 y 1X3*1***“ xx

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