VOL. T DEMOCRATS BEAT G. 0. P. CANDIDATES ! IN CTTY ELECTION j J. Lloyd Wade Victor Ortr C. Leslie Wilson For Mayor CITIZENS VOTE ALONG STRICTLY PARTY LINES; RtysblicsM Flossed With Result* Al-| though They Lose os Every Office; —Thieb Township Will Give Then*' Big Majority io November Eire tioes—Oppecition Responsible. Democracy was the virior in thr i town election held hen- Tuesday. J.! Uoyd Wade, nominee for Maynr, and all of the commissioners nominated] by the Democratic party were in-l ears over C. Leslie Wilson, Republi can nominee to oppose Mr. Wade.' and tha candidates for romm'ivaioner* by hia party. The vote stood ns fol-| fowai For Mayor: Wads .. *21 I Wilson--- ut Firm Ward— -Commissioner: Jonra . 224 Hodges _. . Ill Second Ward—Commiiviomr: Tart . 22* Crockett. Ill] Third Ward—Commissioner Newberry __..... 223' Gainey ...-.. 111 i Fourth Ward —Commissioner: Goldstein .. .. 223 Morgan . Ill Nominees for commissioners were on the Democratic jldc: W Jud Jones Loftin A. Tart. William H. Newberry and Ellis Goldstein. On the Republi can aide they were: M. F. Hodges, J.l ® Crockett, K. V. Gainey and W1U-| ism Morgan. Voting was practically I along party tinea Mr Wilson. It Is thought. Dolled a little mere than his party strength. The Democratic non ■ ■neee did nat forget, it ia alleged, any where near the full Democratic strength of the town. Many Lhmo crata, it ia aald, did aot taka the time to vote became .1 Was practically certain that the Republicans did not stand a chance of slactioo. Defeat of the IspoMicas hosts was the direct outcome of Edgar Carlyle West’s efforts to tho select cilia ens' ticket to oppose tke Democrats. His efforts la that direction proved a fias co. Really no greater ‘‘/ox peer" was evac perpetrated In Dunn. The dtl sen* meeting almost unanimously en dorsed the ticket chosen by the Dem ocrals. After this was done Mr. West and Albert Suilcs, aided by five oth er Republicans, wishes candidacy up on Mr. Wilson and his fellow run ners. These candidates are among Dunn's beat dtisens and aro the most pnpu lar men of thetr party in town. Hud they been opposed to men less popu lar in the Democratic rnnlu. it is ad milled that they would have made a much batter showing. As it is however, the fact that the "disgruntled’’ Democrats are more noisy than numerous. Not more than a doien of them voted against the administration which has backed the police department Id its efforts to utake Dunn a clean town even if it has to Jail some of its best eilicms.. Republics ns. though, are far ftom displeased over tbs result. If. they ay. they have at least 111 votes in tho town of Dunn, Averasboro will give thorn a large enough majority to carry Harnett county In the No vember election. COMMITTEE FOR FIFTH TIME SELECTS WARREN New Bara Maa ia Made Chainaaa af Doaeseratae Party by Executive CessnaiHee ia Seesiea Hare Raleigh, May 6.—With 85 mem bers of tbe body present in person or by proxy, tho Democratic state com mittee toniaht re-elected Thoms, I) Warren of Now Bern chairman and named H. P. Whltohurat, of New Born secretary of the committee. Col. Wllaon G. lamb put Mr. War ren in nomination and It waa second ed by J. Crawford Bigg* of Raleigh. There were no otbor nomination* and the election eraa unanimous. Chairman Warren recalled that ibis was fifth time that be Had been the unanimous choice ef the Demo cratic executive committee for chair man. Six year a ago the Democratic majority was Sd.OOO, four years nee 45,000, two yean ago 110,000, and he called on tho Democ .at* to set 100, 000 as the mark of this campaign. The talk ef arranging for Colonel lamb to certify tho nomination of Jnatiee Hoke failed to materialise in to setion by tho committee, alncc it had been possible daring the day to get the written consent of all tho can didates. GOVERNOR EDWARDS DROPS HIS HAT INTO THE RING New York, May 6.—Governor Ed wards. ef New Jersey, tonight became tn avowed, active rondldat* for the Democratic nomination for President of the United State*. Walkor W. Vick personal friend ef the Governor, le aned the formal announcement of hla candidacy, and of the opening here of Edwards' campaign headquarters. “Gofsrnor Edwards begin* hi* campaign without any political mach inery or prestige lent him from any aourrs," Mr. Vick mid. "Ho run* on his record so Governor of Now Jer sey, aa It* former remptroller and a* a man of affairs in the buatnes* and financial world of (hi* country for the past 10 year* Hie rise in the busi ness world as a self-mad* man, as wall as Ms entire career, both bust nans snd political present nhundant proof of Me sympathetic regard for the geest productive forces of the Conakry." Invention of tho organ Is attributed to Ctesbias, a barber of Alexandria. FULL PROGRAM AWAITS MEETING LEAGUE COUNCIL Fifth Meeting Takes Place at Rotne Next Friday Washington, May A foil pro gram ■vuli attention of the council of the League of Nat-oiu. due to ee •emblr In Home neat Friday for tbe fifth meeting. An outline of prepara tion* for th* meeting received here •no* * tbal first steps sre to be taken townrd carrying out such provisions the league covenant a* interna • tonal disarmament, publication of all treaties entered Into by league mem bers, plana for tbe first meeting of the league amembly. admission of new members and many other mil ler* Tho method of presenting these questions to the eight members of tho council has been worked oat very fully and much data aaaambled by lbs permanent staff about which dis cussion will center. Suggested courses of action also bavo been outlined and la Insure adequate presentation of -•ch subject, an arrangement has been perfected under which it will be Ihe duty of a pa.licular member of Inc council to familiarise himself in advance with data on each specified question and to lead tbs considera tion of that question when it is called up. Under this plan the French repre sentative on the council will be re -punsiblc for diseua.inn as to Article IA, which provides for creation of a jrvrd international dmratiacnL The BriiiVh member has particularly quea liona regarding the permanent organl-' latlon of the .secretarial staff of the loprur; the Biazilian. steps towart lupprruing internstionally the Uaf rie ut women and children and the Japanese member, consideration of Ihc report of the Washington laboi 'onferanee. Badget matters of the league, In eluding tho determination of the me Inn inn of exchange, whether dollars, pounds sterling, whether other units, n which calculation of money are to Pc made in future have bean mad* especially the province of the Span *h representative. In some instances, all league mem bers, and even nations outside the league structure have been circular zed already with requests for Infor mation bearing on questions to come p-for« the c >unc:l. Ir, approaching problems to be takea up by tha spe cial economic conference, to b* held at Brussels. May 21, preparation sent even to the extent of submitting Co all powers a full questionnaire, rhe United States Government re ceived ohi of these, but it is not known what reply was made. The information sought was not such as is usually regarded as confi dential by a government, but merely called for plocing In standardised form figure* us to the trade and other Blatters which as u rule are contain ed in routine government ports. “DRY” WAVE STARTED IN ISM But Movement Didn't Become Wide spevad Till' 70 Yoars Age There i* interest—tinged with Mel ancholy or with satisfaction, accord ing to one’s sentiments—in recalling Lhe outstanding dates which mark the ralendar of liquor's decline and ex tinction. A legislative proposal for the outlawry of distilling was actu ally made during tha period of th* American Revolution, but the begin ning of the prohibition movement is generally held to have been in 1808; ■ L .1_J JIJ_a V_ .a spread, however, until about seventy year* ajp, and the hrat convention of the Prohibition party waa held In 1869. Main* had gone dry meanwhile in 18fil, but the accord state, Kansas, did not Join until 1880, Georgia, Id 1907. started the remarkable sweep of the South, and by the time the con stitutions! amendment was adopted by Congress in December, 1917, more than half the state in the Union had banned the traffic. Meanwhile, drastic enactments had shown tha course of public opinion, among them the Webb-Kenyan law of 1918, for bidding the shipment of liquor into ‘‘dry*’ Maleu.—Detroit Journal. CONFEDERATE REUNION FAYETTEVILLE JUNE I. 2. * Mr. J. Lawrence Smith of Daniel McDuugal Camp 1669 U. C. V., the 1 organisation has received the following general order from Brig. Gen. Wm. A. Smith commanding: Head quartern Zd Brig. N. C. U. C. V. AnaonvUle N. C., lfay 1, 19*0. /: N. C. State Reunion will be held ta Fayetteville June 1, 2, 2. 08W e4J* w®. attend In uniform and all others who eaa. *■ Fayetteville honors you as her KOreU—you will honor her by your appreciation. i. ?"Jr those camps which have Kid 1C89 dues to Ocn. A B. Beoth, 4 Commerce St. New Orleans, will have representation 4. Railroad far* two cants a tulle each way. Idonti rication cards shows Jf. the ticket agent entitles an* to this rat*. 8. Notify these headquarters promptly the approximate number of •■xU*ry organisations and that the card* may be obtained Delay In notification may fore* you to pay full far*. WM A. SMITH, Brig Oen Commanding. Fipros on crop acreages In the south show a tendency towards more diversified farming. Only 88.4 per sent of tha total acreage 7a 10 south ern states waa in cotton lost year, com pared with 88.8 per sent the av srmga fur the past five years. AUTOMOBILE SHOW TO BE FEATURE OF BIG CELEBRATION Fourth of July Event Will Be Biffost Even- Hold in Dunn Cl 1AM BER OF COMMERCE ARRANGES PROGRAM **• Yet Secured For Gather Committee* Will Meet To night ta Complete Arrangement*_ Parade te Include Lies of Floats itepreeeoUag Burineee He****. DannV gnat lndipei Aik.’ Day Celebration u to br featured by an automobile show in additmh to the many other attraction, arranged by the Chamber of Comaoeren, it was deeidtd yesterday by Ellis Goldstein, pic-sldunt of the development organl tatiun. Space in Floral Rail at tba Pair Grounds is to be sold In all dis tributors of cats who cure to buy and 11 is expect'd that at least Ml cars will be shown. b-i »ur .in xpouasi has ben engaged ror the occasion, but Invitations srill he extended Immediately following the meeting of the various commit '*« called for tonight in the Cham ber of Commerce rooms by Serrctsrr T. L. Riddle. In the meeting tonight a general Crogrma of the celebration will also c outlin'd. Plans for the big parade and tbs various atMctle and other 1 rontpitg will Vw <4igpit*.aaJ Kw ■ l. _ mllUej and the several prise* aril) be fixed. No greater celebration than tht# planned by the Chamber of Com merce ha; ever been held in Dann 01 any othrr town of Eastern Carolina. Feouhi'of the four countiee in Dnnn'i trade territory will be invited to take part and thou land* will reapond. Frna ident Goldatein ia planning to enter tain at leant 16,000 on that day. The calibration will be held on Saturday July 8. ilnee the Fourth falla on Banday thla year. It will be featured by aeroplane flight!, horaa racing, foot racing, a baae ball game and other athletic event*. Fir* work* will be a feature of the night pro gram which trill algo include mnaie by a braaa band and n ainging con teat bp the varion* achool* and Son- : day achoole of the cniroundtaig conn- ! iry. , Secretary Riddle ie now in correa- < pondence with the War Department i and the Navy Department in an ef- 1 fort la gat at leaet a platoon each of go Idler* and im flora and. an army band aad a navy band to take part i in tht big parade which i* to mark i the opening of the celebration, il* i* confident that ba will he aucceaaful tine* both Senator Hixmnon* and Rep reaentatW* Godwin arc aiding him in the project. The parade will b* on# in which gvvry Industrial and mercantile con cern of the city will take part. Many of the farmer*—little and big—also will have team* and float* In the pa rade. Hundred* of decorated automo bile* arc expected to form a part of the long line. WANTS PEOPLE TO DECIDE QUESTION Former Satratary McAdoo Not laterattod in Political For tune* of Anyone New York, May 4—A letter from William G. McAdoo maaurtipg that while he waa not intern*ted la thei political fortune* of any man, leaet! *f all himself, the welfare of the American people alon* should deter mine the choice of the next Frcaident waa made public today by John Mr Murray, secretary of tin; Metal a i«umn ui orooiuyn. Mr. McAdou's letter wax written l» repir to a communication from Me Murray enclosing a resolution adopted recently by the council •» iloreing the former Secretary ef the Treasury for President snd express ing faith that if elected be would g.ve a square deal to crorjr one and harmonise every element of the peo ple Into a united body. After thanking the council for its endorsement Mr. McAdoe asserted U*« next administration faced tariu demanding “the highest order of statesmanship; the finest qualities of American patriotism and character; the noblest conception of Christian doty and a just regard far the rights at .humnnity at homo and abroad/’ "* meet adopt a national policy with raoptcl to oar aittrlil rtoour* oes and development which wiQ pro serve the welfare and prosperity of •ur owe peoples,’' he said, '-while at the same time giving te the suffering peoples of other countries all of the help, moral and material, which we, m .• rsneroue, high minded and Christian people, should contribute to the restoration ef peace and the protection ef humanity against the recurrence and horrors ef war. These groat objects cannot be et «*•»«* »'**««* practical virion com bined with lofty altruism and broad humanity. Wa must try to find tbs man, whoever his name may be, who caa meet nearly measure to thee# exacting requirements. Wc must lock to principle* end policies primarily and then seek the man through whom as the meet available and proper in stramontaltty, these principles sad pelieias may be realised. I doubt atom seriouriy that 1 poet ess the qnalifcrtkm* required, to meet tho exacting raqulremaata ef the present situation, notwithstanding y#ur generous endorsement I am net Interested In the peimeai fortunes ef! any man. lSuri ef aU myself, hut l1 am deeply into rooted, as every patri otic mao aid be. In the writers ef CANDIDATES Sh2«J> TELL WMErTYhey stand, lUl PACE I Greensboro. May f£—Robert ! Page, candidate fortfte Daaao- I cratic nomination K ' Cover I nor ef North Cardfca, spoke j | Kara last night to a*lpcg* au«Li- f L anra at the county ritv Jo 1 ne I Bute. He spoke of i a buddy tdkknt I t on, one that would I t»« payer* full vai„ dollar received in t j p:a;scd the Democr I I teuton. declaring ( | the peep)* or Nortel •- n oactUt^l ife.ardr1 peciaUy when the Ip] capita is eenalde thlnki that an eveal cient ene ran b* a founded an stiicUvlV p lncfplre. Hr 1-(AJ l. _ ' the Bhatea bualnaja XI far aa I I be >a able, if fleetesfian each I j principles. J --— —li.-° HYGHAHOSPPL SOU) ID DR. HAIR BpR.J.A.p)GES PnrchlM Price of iHPtitistson UnAlittaod to Bo Ajyoxi % ■Mttoly <75.000 Bkhmond; Va.. May t£.?be Hy ml* Mwrltal, located at Adams and 'iT?c* streets. and pentuaDr owned tad conducted by Dr. J. \Qtaca Hod N* for nearly twenty > m|0 for thr ieatssont of his private jaflsnts, was eld OB Saturday to Dr. J. B- Blair, i i poiminent physician nd eK®»n, it this city, -wbo has a I: ie surgical aracticc. Or. Blair srill eSducl the Iy*eia as s ymeral mod eZ snd *«r tical hospital, bat will d. Z Us spe -*1 attention to napry jB will aa ame personal r ha lire Or jli I, and rill form a staff of /m^iUslr who aiU be aasostssad wita dwnSai jithii eork. Dr. Hodyes will coaUiiao to end patients then, and will ho a con tUtanl, bat will have ao pstrt la the ictivi maaayrmsat of the1 hospital.' It in understood that semnty-tkor hour and dollars Was paid for 'thr KMtpitel, equipment and-food will.' The building is completely equip p'd now os a general hospital with ibout forty double and sicjrU moms, ind has in addition, separate depart nentr for hydrotherapy, etc., toycth tr with sun parlors aad roof garden, ind every room is occupied at pres ent. The Hyyels was ibo second private netitutlon to bo rstahHdied in this :lty, and has had a successful career inder its present management. Thr totpltal it located on the old Laay. lorne property, and Is I* the center >f the residential district The sals was effected “lrouylr the real estate ayenry of A. «• Cover. ALLEGED BOOTLECG** Is CANDIDATE FOB SHERIFF (soorys Cathey, Whom Ortrsrr Bie kott Pardoned. Offsse Himself For OSes Ash.-ville, May S.—T>e political Sit boiled over here today when eoryu Cathey, lony ttoarn as a «...wrj aciirr ana arrc»“«ii on nun* uruus occasions for dealing In liquor, made formal entry as a candidate for dwriff of the county on •« independ ent ticket for tho Jane primary. Cn Lhoy wt« tried here nt the -January term of Superior court before Judge r. B. Finley, of North WUkeobor*. on : barge* of operating aa Hllcit still in Limestone township, baring been taught there, H was alleg'd, by Sber ff Mitchell cad Chairman Patton, uf the county commission**. while the Mil was in operation. After two sen ■ational triala Kara ha *** acquitted, lodge Finley denounced the action of the juries In a public statement which caused intense fseltag hers at th« time. Oas rote In tho primary win tasurs Lathey’e Domination for sheriff on the independent ticket pad carry him into the November election. Cathey was captured by Sheriff Mitchell three yean ago with • earload ai beer aad wine at 8kylaad and pend ing an appeal to Supreme court from an lo months’ sentence dipped and si a 12.000 hand, which waa paid. Gov otoot Biekett pardoned him aad k< came back a few months age. SHORTEST "BETTER 1 SIRES* STATEMENT "Disposed of two cows aad 00 bull; reason, aeraW—fttatemeat a; L. 8. Dryton, of Nactfe Carolina, t< United states Department of Agrt coltara. the American people, and K u thst welfare alone that should dctermln the choke of the next President. W must nut, la oar consideration of th personalities of candidates loss eu perfect hr s of fondamontal prtsrl Mr. McAdoo closed by arging ai ergtni rations of labur to "naser themselves energetically. InUlllgentl; aad unitedly against tbs rsmteMish msnt of re-action and <■ favar a those progressive hum*". and pom »rfsl forces which truly expruue th interest #f the masues of the pcs pie.** DELAWARE HOUSE POSTPONES VOTE ON SUFFRAGE BILL Adjourn* Until May 17 Witk out Taking Any Action After Spirited DvWto ANTI-SUFFRAGISTS TRY TO FORCE VOTE ON MEASURE Bull" McNabb Indulg*. !• aa.ur^g CkargM af Bug Faith Bat Rayah FU.. La.d.r Calk Hia BlaB Saffragi.t Leaden Will Caatiaaa Fight far Ratifkatiea. Dover. Del., May 6. -D.-apite thr riioru of anti-Sulfi-ngut* to forte a rote m ih« lower hoaa* of the DeU war.- Legislature today on the reso lution to ratify the Federal .mead meat, adjournment waa taken until «ay 17. without any action on the meaion. Buffi*** leaden admitted Jney need at least three more votes to pa, tthr measure fa tha House at this time. riu. nrfuaul of thr Senate, which yesterday passed thr mrusmre, to mcisagc it to the Hou.o, and the pro mentation of a eonrurrvut resolution from the- upper brand] calling for a t*n <*•»■’ reecse created ono of the moot imlritrd light, of the special sea juon, charges being made that the de jay waa “for no other reason than to DUV kkika aa charge by addressing tbs United ’ State* Department of AgrimUara ■ Washington, D 0. ' Tb* "Cotton Be* Weevil’’ la a ana a extension eirealar issued by tbs N • C. Agricultural Extension Service Ask for B. C. 1M Ns pbarge. 800,000 BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED FOR PRIMARY Copy Turned Over To Shipman By Colonel Lamb ■-- - * Bight hundred thousand ballots far the primaries of Jons 6 will bo print wl within the naat few days. Col. Wll f?" 2 chairman of the State Boaid of Elections, has turned tlx »• Coounlmloaer of Labor aud Printing M. 1. Shipman, who will look out aftCT having the prom work (ton#. , °/ 'h« »°C.tW0 ballots, th.ro HI be 600,00Ci Drmoc ratio and 000,000 JL-oabliean ballots. The Democratic ballot! will eoataia the names of all Stats and district ©Accra whose nom inations art contested and who bar* nst already bean certified by virtue of having no opponents. Members of this clam art compaiatively few, a> most of the candidates will have op position. In major officialdom, how ever, Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes will have no opposition, while no one D in the field against State Superintendent «. C. Brooks, since D. K. Giles's entry and sriu The Republican ballots wOl con tain two names, Hiram Johnson and Leonard Wood, candidates for Prmi rtrnt. The other nominee* ween fixed ootaidc of the primary. Simmon's name will not appear in the Demo cratic ballot. There will he no need of U. as no one has filed against Um. Wood is rap acted to lead Johnson as Republican candidate for President, a nice nothing cun be attached to our. I n*ni talk. Jobrtfloa doumi m*m U taking mock beta. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard'* name will net be oa tbs ballot, been one be never feisnelty ftt ad. Although the Republican con veil lion at Greco d>or* endorsed Jndr* Pritcbs-d la the same manner os tbs Democratic convention at Raleigh en dorsed Simmons, for a complimcataiy vote, Republican. will not abida by it, but will split their votes between Wood and Johnson.—Raleigh Timas. SURVEY MADE OF PROPOSED JETTY AT MOUTH CAPE PEAR Wilmington, May I.—Preliminary larrcy of the proposed mill low-doBar jetty at the month of the Capo Pear river haa boon rariminmisd to Con grass, and JfaJ. J. R P. Msthaoon. ia •harps of the leaal office, has bom •ntboriaod by the chief of engineer* ( n Washington to proceed with the , work. The work will be noiapleteil as , cmpldly at weather conditio as wHl IwnnM. js m about 2,000 feet from Baldhead point, and will divert a current which now passes over Cope Year bar and tends to keep the present channel flU •d with sand, necessitating constant dredging. By their daughters ye shah know them—the better the bull the better Urn betters. CAPPS TABLET UNVEILED Memory of Lieut. Calvin Lora* Capet Of Oafosd is Hs—rod Oxford, May 4.—A b roc me tablet to tb* memory of Lieut. Calvin Leroy Ceppa. who laid down His life in FrancC was unveiled in th* Masonic orphanage chapel Sunday afternoon. A largo number of visiters was pres ent, among thorn Mrs. Margaret Ceppa. mother of th* dead a*Idler; Frank and Carl Capps, brothers, with their wivoa uncle and ether friend* of tb* family, all ef Luc am a. The tablet, a bandanna* memorial placed on the wall back of the ros trum, on th* right-hand (Ida from the speaker's stand, waa erected par w m BW» IRQUOL wmwn Of Lieutenant Cappa the night preced ing the battle In which hit life waa sacrificed. Tbs history of this request, written in a letter to hie Bother and his fiancee, as the last chapter ia a heroic drama was drawing to a close, was tenderly told ia the floe address of W. A. Lucas, of Wilson, intimate friend af the here ef Chntena-Thker ry. la that solemn and thooghtful hour, when he mast have had a pre cision af tbo end to come on the mor row. Calvin Capps, besides leaving all hie property and personal effects to hi* mother, eras reminded ef his fes ter mother, the Oxford orphanage, and requested his mother to make a suitable contribution to the institu tion ia his name. Ia conformity with his last will and testament, written almost from the battlefield, Mrs. Capps, through Mr. Lucas, made a donation of $100 which area in atom appropriate terms received by Bspt CHRISTIAN CHURCH Next Lard's day ta another's day, aad w* art pinna lag to keep the day ia the most ceamcodabie way that la possible to snake it Impressive. The Bible school will be at Ml aad ovary moment will be full worth while thoughts far ths better Ufa. Morning worship at 11 aad ws plan to give ths host message that is possible to stimulate us, to Uve op to oar mother's desire* The • object: “The Crown and fiery of Motherhood.” The evening subject: “The Drama tical Experience of a RadieaL" This premises to bo oae of the beat days In ths year. Ws hope far a great servioo and good result* Splendid music. A cordial InvitaUoei ia extended to oao sad all ta come and worship with us. Yea are welrems. J. LAN ORTON, Pimm, Ths farm weodlot seeds ears sad H should raeetve mors with I am be: pries* as Up; a* Q Been land's tNled loads tin largoti ua the great inland plateaus whiul begin M assies (Mm *e stool G9VERN0R URGES giving MONEY TO SCHOOLS OF STATE Green (boro, K» _ _ j ?“"* ■—< »l«y M.aZ addraaa of tba Moot . gagAsrag_ rniitd tk« - ..» "Hdi of tka Stall, aad darata_ •raW. mmSStm te^ELITrf s,s.'^“rs.4rrt &2«rtsss.'5£“asaa jgj«"* i» . w m SoTSI I" addition to tka Oararnar tka Inakara af tka mala, vara: loar n trad rat A. O. Thoaaaau af 3 T. JanvrTftS&te *w! BupaHatradant C. U Caan and *«prrioUad.nl C. C. Irate Tka Hitresxaajtja . aa jartaia a a swwSSSHr ■ale quartet least to Mr. Wllm Governor Bkhett opened tinhhl'i • ►•••1 on by prill!Inwi —t ti ^rtfr a-fesxsrsjsurjs: - Tbo Governor bataa bio ittria rttb a tsetse of the Mate*! paat »nu to tbo tof^TflaluUMUb 2aaa-asasra-s asgg.’aaaaag'jg ttEiaKjSHrS d Noiog hadn't lacroaaad at • rate •id. la tbo ImMitara tba Mm atato of tbo tbaa the flint ” The Gevomor paid bon two by fear tavrot - tort wMhiot o are paid far >f Virginia Darn. tto sow poor. A negro tha S. A. L. Italhray it now i MS i year, more than tbo Bat_ Amt of Public Instruction. Lent yiar tha doom of am than TOO Mill beaaaa wore doted ia North Caroline." COMMISSION*** IN IINOBT ■ MEET (Hernett~Conaty Not.) County "mm*-illmri art in to alar iraoioa Monday with aB am*, err* present incept rmiiwlsrtiim D. p Bay. who u ni. Tba mb* war i mart one, out many atotOarn ceae Ing before tba board except tbeea ad n routine nature. Mcaere. W. H. Mmea W. A. Stewart. A A. Darroeb and A A. Bah vey. from fnbaoaavflli TowwdUp, upon read bead la ahip ia the aoai ad I tlea wma great ad aad •at aa time far heldU A. Stewart «u named aa and the poll balden W. H. aad J. A. Spivey. Tboac promoting the bond Man far bunding goad roada ia fibaanailTta •ay that the alocUea will awd cer tainly carry. The patitiaw waa maao erooaly algned by the bad dtiaearp •f the town d) ip JabnaairrlPa tee a •hip can build good teada aa aa*. nomieally aa i*r aaetioa. native ma larial being in abandonee wtth which to conet met tend-day roada. than which there ate no more aebatawtial the roaghfarea anywhere. Thin roada caa be built at law aad and a minimum of upkeep exp-am. Johneoarrille la fad bacamiag awe of the country's and piegramlii townahipa. The gaatlamaa eremattng the petition my that oarer bedim baa than beea aeab miaadld taeuaunlty Sit shown, aad they bare ae bt whatever, at wal) aa ether for ward ate pa te be taken ia flare. JobnnonviUa la dmtinad te take ite plaaa aaaoDg the remmnattim that datermiaa to pvt la kapreramdMa when and wham they am needed. The lagging day* am paid and gaaa. ruiuumn>» wmfpt in MONTHS "I am baying a purebred Dome Jersey bear a»d will bare all parabeed boga an the farm within six woafha." TMa remark aeeampaaiad parfftea tire In the “Batter Stria Sellar Stock- campaign by Oeorga E Head, a lira-ateck owner in Baeambta Coen ty. Fla. The rate# a4 pwrabrrd aims aad better See abaafc aa gmtiy n oaeda that of Warier animal* that of ten a mare wgtodlav la enough te bria^wboot the change la prrgindn “What lei and -whet h ru.ning I ad