CAISAHXA SOVUNiltMf * ***■• ucpt. eS>fflSy8«pmpAv| JUx!:s CJU 1*.—v»r-1’ |or>t'.bir..r.c ct ; ■**•*!«" •’1- . -* »4‘ * <«t*y anoraintt! •> * ’il . ivut* of-thr 'Reit. j ta.C -If led V m«u. Pablv Unu:« ! ■ ntvrttl ihv cap.U.1 IM M{ after-! t.W3, Oca Alca-b Obreeoa ioilowc I morning at the Head of ten! tl*uiaa4 troop*. Roaxal Obregoa. intei-rf.-ered by I an A wooiaud Pro*. Ywiaeeathtle* at Tacwbaya. * suburb of Mtsdeo City I •fcclaird that Mexican 2«i\oJutUna;1 otfcce baa been g.rin itict oMe~ to pr»v»at bloodshed at far as uoi ■ bk. He said the Liberal Constitution a«at* IcoJ. r* plan to ist up a g»vem suntflo b« cuided along tr aatitatiOM cJ mitho lj. Tb* rebel leader said i,‘ «"» also planned to hold f ee elec-! %2A%2£rjj2r"' M,,> r«c occupation of the Mexican ■capital wa* t-: Grow town *h p. St00 and other valuable con sideration. Henry Pope and wife to Mr*. Lula Yoon*. kit in Dtinu. *50. C T. Barafeo' and wjf* to Noah 3. B:«i' 8 "S H C Coliiru to T. G. Collin*, I 8*00 and other valuable eon-i cidt ration. _ I' P. Collin* and wife to JMrm. K. I E. Collin*, parcel of lond in Back hom township, *100 aad other* valu “b'l ron«.i].. mtion. Brm. B. H. Collins to r■ G. Collins, t It* rrros. <1 .*00. J• E. Tfr.tiems and wife to J. B j H at thews, lot in Anyicr, 8160. Hr3. C. 8. Giles ec al to W. B. Olive et el, 4 as re* la Johruoavillo, 8400. J. U Wado and wife to J. K. Bat ’*•' lot in Dunn, 81,786. . W. H. Moiby et al to Mr*. Mary TjkBmn. 1 l-f arret in Cillingtan. ff. L. Smith ami wife to El 1. Pcwtilmrter, 38 1-2 acres (a Johnson v.'ilt, 888*. CiU* A. and Christian M. )kG:.v ror to Kufae L. Paindostor, 1X6 acre. ‘a Johnson vil I*. 31440.—Ilnrnett County Nero*. —" . ■ i I Tfca Bum* * Holliday Cm THE SKY CL RARING (New* aad OUwrir.) An tk* Providential mnvtntlom ap proach the tbjr la materially clearing. I hi asiinnk ;* gaod. Tbe Democrat*, -ho hare piloted the nation through the grealm* war af (be world’* hi* t* ■/. are •te;-d,r.a by tbair work. ear. rcM la fh'dr deem to K» the period! (f oronitnxtfon and peace bring for; our country Use mm* «*ll*f«etion. that the remit! «f action la the field1 ear* bt ought. They ar* MOt divldud by and tcrloa* party jtaloaaic*, nor wkeying far plant, with Hoover, af! dHterbea af the pear* *f alt of them 11 r -Tko lapubliean convention will ’ m«t« *n lb* platform of anything to (furred* tb- prevent edmiaiat ration, i bar that atetfons will k* overtook** m*r* ** tom baaam* while (H* party *• »b«-#f anything to ; defeat rkta, ea abstract a papeei I'M to too far *ff I* bald the eandi dal*-- Jakama te not mrwa.aad la W’leon JtMt new. Wood and tbe Old Com*, and Denver and tko minor, iMdVita err tko enemy he to after.’ Word to eoaalbr determined to «k| tb* bi*ad *f tkaoa b* go** wMt to tk*. rmwllm. Hoover to taWag atari**' H hto aatag*atom that wffi a*t leak * • / 1 I * ♦' * * > • ♦ # * * BUSINESS LOCAL * have you thought of thk Battery oa year carT | It aaytkinc row wron* with the Battery oa your car coma hi and tcil our Bat tery Department about it—wo era ***v wr mb i ii ■■ui uui a«i - ▼'erf axe at roar command at all ' SMITH A McKAY. WANTED-20 GOSLINGS « la • twtka old. WIU pay moat any rnaiviiblr price. Write ate what you hart. WUl go after them. D. R. Lee, R. 1, Box St Dim. To. 20-t7-4pd BRICK FOR SALE.—CAR LOTS and retail. Doan Development Company. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS • -If you have property to mlL why not aee the high dollar tail estate man. Goo. L Cannady. BATTERY SERVICE—FOR ALL make* of starting Batteries a aar viea that la just as thorough, ]u«t ai dependable, joat as painstaking for other make* of Batteries at It U for the SX1DE. USE KXIDE SERVICE REGULARITY. SMITH A McKAY. FOR SALE—1 HAVE A NICE LOT of Porto llieo Potato Plania lot sale. Price *2.50 per thousand dr tivered sc Dunn. Rrady May 10th Place rout orders now. Willi* l“ope. Dann, N. C. 27-tf NOTICE — PEOPLE DESIRING hcBjns should let their wants be known to the man who can buy a real bargain tor you. Sen Geo. L Cannady, the real estate man Doan, N. C. KOR SALE—I HAVE A LOT OF Nl train of Soda for sale. B«* ■■ at once for your supply. WIHle Pop* Dunn. N. C. 27df FOR SALE—NEW FORD AUTOMO bile with olectrie atm ter and lights Can dclivnr on short notice. Writi or wir* J. C. Orion, Mount Olive N. C._ 4-4t-pd Diwvih r\m aAiA.-H.AK LUTS and retail. Dunn Development Company. IFOR SALE-GOOD SECONDHAND ftv® itaiienjcrr Ford tounnr car. ! For tjkth or on credit. E. F. 11-tf. ¥ ! good a: Republican doctrine fivr neoVu f ora no*. From the beginning the whole at titud* of the Republican organise :ion har boon to aroaeo hatred again* tbo administration for political par pete rs her than to scloct a capable man an 1 back him op with good Am triean principle*, and today the Re publicans are lighting each other for the spoils, and never a word as to national welfare 1* heard from them What is their fight about? Office, pore and simple and nothing else. Tbo situation la pretty dearly de fined now In both camp*. In thr out American duct, ins prevails, and little fust about the candidate. In the other it U a froe-for-aU-fight of the candi dates, and devil take anything else And »o we ate going to Chicago and Kan Fnieriaco, and from there to thr country for a decision. It ahoald not be hard ta tell what the decision win be. SIX GALLONS OF BOOZE CKTS LOST IN TRANSIT (Harnett County News.) Twist the boose kitchen an* the consumer there lice a deep gulf. It i* Hard ta cross. It is an awful twix tnro. True, it often gets across, but it la a risky venture, and the low is great (at 20 bean* per). Monday morning as aato load of citizen* coming Into Lillington from Upper Little River ran upon six gal lons cl puis old (now) Xawth Kalina Kawn. They were'nt looking for re f rudiment* particularly, but the whoopee juice "Jo* er dttin innocent like in a ole holler stump." Thu slump wai no doubt a point itWMiMetMeMttetetxoc, •f titvf-r, Ithe tfcio

tUi here o’:.- tu kind -S ■ -a’.-* m ds.-ttciuor I or the l • ns how i.otbirvy pros doi.-ij. • he party who an ini-* tL- r i ot Sam Juim.on derided that r.' body cared much about hoi:-, n^. J vatsl’e’; , ~r- i. t -■> cii/j fn: rum i aitd rabbits |o b« loraptee W So U'.y nform.d Profv*iar Kyli . . ttk.-rr. Ppeial ituppcr -rxlrar »••£**•* iwofcator t. jMilrril to th - it: itt! >t*-te< tbe cargo :» tV '?'r* r> cf the aUtaruiir \Va>c Hotw*. PrceiW rj it wry, th« D>r Kut: *a" pour'd out oe ihu ground in ™** °/ the coenhotia door, whero it i.-ickiid ar.n nn athwart the homes * cooiiW und ant*. FROM BUIK’« CREEK Mr. O. C. Cruutt returned from Ro*bo»i» Monday. Pro/. L. H. Campbell want to Ra lalRh Friday in buatnoaa. Mr. and hlrt C. H. Flaming of Ra. leigtl were In town Friday. Mr. anil Mia. J. K. Crown of Fay cttevlllo Wv-ro in town a few bouta Sunday. Mr*. 4. F and ten Litter eicKny treat to Raleigh Monday 0:1 WlltMt Dr. E D Poe of Durham pleached ibi .lunurtinmrii ret men here Sun day at 11:30 a. m. end alio Sunday ldgfa'. at b, Large congrcgalioiu at tended the »»rvic«t. Among the out of town vimtut> who attended thr commencement ear vice* here Sunday were the follow, ing: LUhnrton—Mr. and Urn. J. B. TugwHI. J. R. and Hiram Daggett, J. A. McLeod, W. P. Byrd, W. M Bryan, Mr. and Mm. K. H. MitehrU. Mr and Mrs TiS Salmon. Mr..and Mr?. H. «. P-r^ 5r»iiff TF. H. Tur 'In-*;on and olhon. Coata—Mr. N. i Fattatron. n. A Matthews, Dr. H. C Roberta, Mr and Mrt. It. Klcks'ie, Mr. and Jlr» John Ps-nth add oth ers. .tns'.ri—Mr. and Mrs. E/ C. Nordm. Mr. W. H. Stephens, J. H. Williams ami others Hog feed, toted, freighted, srtvolc e»Kd and reimlwl may still be chew*. -r than you can rails It. if so the ehsp who produced it most be a pret ty as>od farms. ! . > *. : . / v. .*■ - AMERICA’S GREATEST CHAUTAUQUA SYSTEM oMUSICM Rousing martial airs, mellow melodies of music m sa te™* old songs and new songs, lively modem tunes, humorous recitations and dramatic readings,—pre sented by real artists at your coming _ Community" . j Chautauqua As an added attraction a company of talented players will present the thrilling drama, “Fine Feathers.” Here is an opportunity to see this greet New York success right at home. Five Days of the Best Entertainment and Music Boston Light Opera Revue Six young ladies presenting selection* from most popular light operas. You are familiar with many of these operatic songs and will enjoy hearing them sung again. “Wedding Bells" from Frit* Kreisler’s Opera, “Apple Blossoms," win be a part of the program, as well as selections from ^Yokohama Maid,” "Florabella,” “Joan of Ar kansas” and many others. Allpress All-Star Company A quartette of musicians well known to Chau tauqua patrons. The violin, piano, cornet, flute and cello music will drive dull care away. There will be whistling solos, violin conversations and other features to entertain you. Kissing this attraction is depriving yourself of a musical “treat” Sheehan Concert Company A trio of entertainers headed by Theresa Shee han. Clever recitations, beautiful Bongs and un usual violin music will make your day more en joyable. For dean, sincere, worth-while enter tainment these artists are unequalled. “Fine Feathers* Telling you about this clever production would rob you of many of the thrills that will be yours when you see the play. Do you live within your means? The man in this stoiy did not—and the consequences were—well, come and see if he de served them. Here is a typical Broadway pro duction with real actors and special scenery—-the best of each. Weltman’s Famous Cosmopolitan Orchestra Entire last day is given to this famous organiza tion. Your favorite piece is on the program, also many new tunes. Before you know it your feet will be keeping time to the music., There are eleven players, including an organist and op eratic soprano. Come 1 Hear the best Chautau qua orchestra in the country. DUNN CHAUTAUQUA JUNE 7-11 INCLUSIVE Your Rich Uncle i I i I BE YOUR OWN RICH UNCLE. OPEN A SAV INGS ACCOUNT. BE THRIFTY. THEN WHEN MISFORTUNE COMES, YOU WILL BE YOUR OWN BENEFACTOR. BETTER BE GLAD OF ?bUR OWN FORESIGHT THAN. LIVE. IN GREAT EXPECTATIONS. ' • . ‘ ;; ! I ;; | -. ; 1 The COMMERCIAL BANK ; j * * :: * * , WOMEN! Goldstein’s wants to show you its new SPRING MiLLINERY— SUITS— DRESSES— — and — SHOES— —YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING PRETTIER OR MORE STYLISH THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. THE GOODS WERE CHOSEN BY OUR BUYERS DURING THEIR RE CENT SEARCH THROUGH THE MARKETS OF NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE THEY REPRESENT THE FI NAL WORD IN STYLE. QUALITY AND PRICE. - WOMEN OF THIS LOCALITY WILL FIND JUST WHAT THEY WANT HE*E. the dresses WE H A V e I N STOCK ARE NOT EQUALLED t»'» lt^oE CARRIED IN ANY TOWN OF EASTERN CAROLINA. THEY ARE EXCLUSIVE IN STYLE AND WERE BOUGHT WITH A VIEW TO PLEASING OUR BEST ^.v^SSING WOMEN. GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. The Goldstein Company DUNN» — *•*— NORTH CAROLINA • . • * * -a.gS •» . •• . • /V $f'-9 .< \ • • * • v. •. r* £>Ji V''-:*, •/'•- £ ; ; ;■ •' ;. ' ■ . • | • eK-v’ • * •*..§' • v. ,v - • ..r .