PREDICT BIG THINGS FOR TAR EZL STATE . WON H. BUTLER 00 each it U seen that a" ding now to the stata the equivalent or about twelve to fourteen of our aveiagv counties ii, the census ter yrais, or curb year we are now find ing the ct'ii* 'counting up at much tu IS IM u county nf 30,000 population. ~ * i aunty like Edgteumbc, or Cleveland or Davidson or that type of ten year. ago. i .. ibJ1' wt' m«y making a ttill Ucttei shoaiMg. But *c may rcaaon •bly * xpect that tv, are adding eve,) year the Toll equivalent of one of the overage counties, population. Indos t'us. wealth and all, or to be mur< exact, Wc a c udtling far more In lbs *uy of Wealth und industry, for thew have inc.raaod out of all proportion to th, increase of population. In wealth and industry in the last ten yours North I aiotina ha. mldcd more than her entire po.aaaxinns of thi laid census for ws hav# more than doubled our product*, our farm Muff, our muruTorturer* and our aecumu lotions. Diversification Another Hung w# arc to rcmembei when we consider what wt are doing as a state and what th# cantos will •how us »« have accomplished is that w, **r diversifying our industries as w#U as cur fanning. Tea years ago ask ar. ordinary man If ho was using any copra and be would ask what in the funny world ix copra. Y#t a man dtting oci the joggle board at my hollos Sunday told me that he had out bcon able to get a cargo of copra at ajL WiuniMgon as he had expected and *• negotiating for a cargo fra fa efalpt that ware expected at Son Fran darn and Seattle. Copra li the flash of coroanau. and oar oil mills crash th* stuff for oil after the cotton teed has htii work. J up. An astonishing iotlurl.y that ha* sprung up all over the ftate new is automobile repairing Knitting mill* haee multiplied amai •ngly. Shtpbuibii-ig Is p> arlrally a sew indostrv, at least eoaciatv ship budding !x, und tl.s expansion of oth er typ.s is next thing to it. Chccsa, batter and canned goods arc expand ing new industries. The list can be extended, but this is enough to show that Vtv are diverajfy'tu* in manufac •ui.r^ at well ax expending. Wo has -> tom* to r im d rt the hc life, economy of fuel, durability, and * i- factory service — make the Majestic the ’"c&t economical of ranges. [ ma to our Majestic Range Demonstration I li e lupntsentotive of the manufacturer will our store to help us show and ex lou the many Majestic features of |y i seasons why The Majsstic is the range for you fed shifting lever controls water temper ature. 2. Body of Charcoal Iron; resists rust and . lasts 3 times longer than Steel. 3. Lined with Asbestos Board, 1-4 inch thicl|; prevents loss of heat and saves fuel. 4. Air-tight oven; all parts riveted togeth- * er, assures perfect baking. 5. Large warming closets; roomy and con venient, with drop doors. 6. No springs on oven door; it is supported with strong durable stake, ana holds any weight placed on it. Unbreakable malleable iron; permits ri vet-tiobt inint.. *4ves fuel and repair ex pen 8. Fin or pipe double weight; pipe collar double strength; front of flue at . top and bottom of oven covered with in destructible malleable iron — strongest where others are weakest. 9. Open end ash pan; like shovel, removes ashes easily and cleanly. Ash cup catch* es ashes that otherwise fall on floor. 10. Cooking top burnished dark blue, re quires no polish. 11. Heew nickel trimmin__. Doth as glass brioht. easy to keep clean. j No othei ** money. cally at our stration. The more more you will BUTLER The v Condensed 1 7 .* •’ ' . w RESOURCES Loans. $818,509.20 Bonds. 198.800.00 Stock Federal Reserve Bank. . 1,800.00 Banking House and Fixtures. - 51,105.22 5 per ct. Redemption Fund_ 2,000:00 Cash on hand and due from b’s. 96,790.11 %* • Total..$1,169,004.53 LIABILITIES Capital stock.50.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 40-866.90 circulation- 40,000.00 Federal Reserve Deferred Cr’e. 16.967.21 Rediscounts . .. 28,750.00 DEPOSITS1* ^lberty Bond*) 100,000.00 Total.$1,169,004.53 One reason for our growth is that no account . is too small for us to handle. $818,509.20 loaned out in this community speaks for it self. We take care of the Merchant, the Far . mer, the Business man in every business pur suit the little man and die big man alike. We baae our loans on your deposits, and try to •how our appreciation of your business by giving service. / X. VjSj w