THE DUNN DISPATCH, nikLUNkD eveby Tuesday ! AMD MU DAY. Katotvd *•* .old the Cor mment’ ■raeaire to par you bar*. Tli** p- m be lx rottci a Libert- Bond or VL tory Not”. Ci thU Boo l It atnUi’ the coedttioae under wh*.a I ha r-ov ClUKat bon teed the awmty froa> m. Par ixjtaact: If you hold « Bom) of the Third Liberty Lrr.r, it narco that on April 14th and October .Sih of aaefc year until motor)ty, you will recehre interest on the amount yea paid far the Bond. Other taia-u tea other rmtra of interest end— ioa turtty dates, all ef which ate dra>In stated oa the Bead. Now. if you keep your Eoml until the date when the Oonmment pay* yoa Im full for it. you do not heed to worry if. in the moentime. th price is low oxo day or hlxh th* next You axd Uncle Sam a;e Urine up ti yo«r aXTtement with each other, one neither wil! lose be It. Ob the other hand, if you sell ycui Liberty Bond now, you will And thr. the ana yea sell It to will nui give yea a dollar for rrcry dollar you Mhl for it. The price has been brought down because *o many pro ole ate offering to sell their Bonds u the market is flooded with toms toos. you ran buy them cheap, but it everyone is clamoring for tomatoes and there are few to be had, the prlec soee up. The tarn: is tree of Plbertj / Bonds. Short sighted people ait dumping them on the meikct, and I wise ones are buying them Th> beat advice that caa be giver.; to the owner of a Liberty Bond is1 this: Hold the herd you bought dur ing the war: It is u safe and sound as the United States I internment it self. Bat as maay m-i.-c at the present low rate w you caa afford. If you hold them to maturity, you arc bound, to mis the difference between what they sell at bow and their lace value. You will also rorohre good interest an your investment. Hold on to your Liberty Bond* and hoy more. • THE BACKWARD SMMNG. (Thursday's News and Observer: Whet you have nothing alas to talk shoot von to taro to tho weather, far U la always prvoantiag some change able . eaters. But this.year it h more than passing eomarent the weather colls forth. Following n winter of con tinned ewers cold the spring ap pears unable to shako off the habit, and the planters arc not Jsyoue ewer the continued low tamnemture for it is seriously affecting the cotton pros pect oO over the South.- and also in terim leg with the growth of tobacco, corn, garden staff Bod everything. Much cotton wiB bo replanted, and senes will bo allowed to grow as it steads, tho rosolt being a lessened crop in such caste. The outlook is for a total yield eemawbet short of what might be normally expected. When an ice bridge I* frost □ over the Ni agara river below tho falls In the asidd 3 of May end snow storms are reported over muck of the North in ' the period^the weather » cer tain to be affecting the f< o.i supply of thy nation. THE KNOX RESOLUTION Tb 1 pouaaf* of tbo Knox ponce ror ahttica ia but another move ia tb* potttkal abaaa game, in which the for tune a of the-nation*, and tbo future of tbo peep [a* are tha pawn*, to be merit'cod onboiitatlngty to nave the knlg> u aad rook*, and bishop* aad *oy*l./, the oflec* of honor aaJ pow or in tbo government of tha United Scat. .. Tha game ha* gun* on ao long that ha prop la of tb« country here* groom apathetic. Nothing that Con great can do now la icaaclalou raoo-.h to drew more than paniar comment- Everything I* bald up until tbo November eleetion*, and *v- re body more or torn pawlvely tveept; the fact. Thtreforo the Knox resolution I haidly worth much comment III make* no groat difference abut it s rent -in*. It v-Ot ret no i ito effect, aa ita writer aad every maa who vo ted iw It I* perfectly wall aware. It ia political buncombe—nothing tire. Only In A* far future some i t'.i drat of ong affaire may find tins aba Mr# an* aa intern tunp odo I'gh ao tb* atruggln nf the Ci'tra motr. of Aa United State* again** the •oik ft an bnciaot, outgrown -.yctem The pcaula want ponce, but they are abac utaly Impotent, bocaitav the fn thor -, who mad* tbo eon * tit ution, tied A*l. baud* They cannot cart nut *Rh* ' A* l*«MaUv* or A* cxceothc; aad Aa lagUlative aad tbo oxccativ* . are it war. The people are t-uried aad 'teundad. their buaiue** intereeta are . ttaeked, their fa tare pvr.-e Im port d by (ho vrare of tb* politician. —at d they are ahooiataly h.'/lau* Tbo: o la aamatblag of high comedy aftoi *11, In Ale * ported* of tbo m ul pow ful nation oa earth the* tlod head and foot ia bo ad* of R« awn Cabr .-ntiou. Posterity doubtlo a -./(ll ladCl : bat far the prarent (here |* Nag !y onough ia It.—Coe Acre Xrw* . Or , of the farmag** matt diff’.i’* Prehl «« baa boon Urn keeping of the boy < i tho farm. It aocaw to b* ho mo* aturo that ao ooon aa a boy a? Hoa* el the yoang manhood ported ■ !Si;’«Til5 ia sucadinjf fbo coon 1 Ny m ool be hoar* all aorta of mortal ' •bom tho good Utuaa folk* or* hav.r* ia tb id* During tha aawmir f. rumor ported, hi* city rood** warn , out *c apoud U fow day* OU tbo farm I aad ( Da kfau all about tb* amuao- I moot gator ou buck bom# aad the aourv tea##* ho bua ia tb* «Ky of I Hjfab >ha form lad la deprived All > Amo eater* towd to umlt* Ike ruri •dfy t Ao aouatry lad aad by tha I trmo Sr reach** about twenty part «f Uf bo baa daridad to desert tb* 1 g stuir sw&g’.r; ■ ^jg,«ggfc'a,cuf &: *»d the million and oac other! thing? MrcMrv to ths umatfgl op cratmtt at the farm. His value to the Itvaer ran «>t b. vAiuaUd imi at rcrfcm.'i rfcjuM the lad drnart for ‘hk city, it Li nccasiaty for the farm •r lo try and replace him by tome fellow »tu» k Inexperienced, which recalls in a lot* of time, production Md moary. Quite often euck action i* a detriment to the young man at wall a* to the (armor. Par whan h* gate to tho city ha finds that things arc not just as ha had thorn pictured Ha is raquiiad to start la oa a jab at tka bottom and often ttmss before he has worked himsalf up to a ra ? haro them back here. M Mr. Buck Smith of Dunn »*ic Lillington Tueaday. Mayor Ed Smith of Kaeford was In Lillington this week. Among out of town lawyora ia at tendance upon court this week wars Jf. C. Cli If aid. E. F. Yeung, G L. Guy and R L. Godwin of Dunn: Jamas Barnor and C. R Barbour of Benson; U L. Levinson of Coats; Franklin Do* proe of Angier. Mr. L Norris of Clio, S. C., seas in town Monday. Mr. H. L. Prince of Kipling R L, wax among those who renewed his ac quaintance with The Nows this week. Chief of Police Page of Dime was in attendance upon coart this weak. Mr. Frnnklijt Parker of Duke S. 1 was among thoee attending court this week. Mr. Otis RegioUr left Sunday for Mount OUts where he has accepted a position. Hisses Mayae and Sudia Sexton motored oxer to Trinity and spent Sunday wMk tkdr aimer, Miss (Mb. Mr. Martin Edwards spent the week-end is Durham oa buadnees. Mr. J. R Fuqnay of the Coat* Mer cantile Company spent Sunday in Lillington. Mr. Fuqnay says his new brick plant at Slocomb ia nearing completion and writ! shortly be turn niff out brick*. Mr. and Mra. Tom Stewart of Coat* worn in Lillington far a few hours 8unday afternoon. Mra Claud Burt and her daughter. Mur Ada. of BsiB Creek, vert visi tor! In town Sunday. •*__a mm m mm m m mmm. Me M. MKRWBJ I C~ turned Sunday from Greensboro where they spent n week. Mr. W. C. Matthews of EipUng was among thooc who paid the News office a call Monday. Mr. Marlon Matthews, who is a --•udent at Atlanta Southern Dental College, has arrived at home to spend the summer vacation. Mr. J. M. Hodges of Linden was in town Monday. Mr. John McArtan of Linden ^hl wus in town on Monday. W Mr. D. J. Parker of Duke R. I was a visitor to tho county seat Monday. Dr. C. R. Young of Angler was in Lfllincton on business Monday. Mia* Millie Cos of Harnett was in uva tbopping last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, M. S. Green of Done wore In town Tuesday. Mr. 8. W. Withers ef Route 4 was in town Saturday. Mr. J. L Wilder of Route 1 was in Ldllngton Saturday.—Harnett County News. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED SINCE MAY I J. L. Sorrell, Harnett county, to Mnv Johnson. Duplin county. W. J. Byrd and Lueilo Byrd, both of Harnett. D. M. Johnson to Aaale Turling ton, Harnett. W. A. Porter to Susan Matthews, Harnett. G. IS. Johnson to Ida Cotoasaa, Ha-nett. W. V. Marsh. Raleigh, to Mary C Melon, Lillington. Walter Norris to Martha Loo, Har -sett. CrIrtr4 WSlio Jenoe to Coaale Hicks, Har !«.tt William Dawto. Cumberland, to weilha Williams, Harnett. Simoa Caddie to Della Matthews, rferrett. June Johnson to AMc# Latetter, Harnett. fHAttlERfU OP REAL ESTATE W, H. Lucas end wife to T. L. *• acres, ceasideratlon, llAOOl J. fe. Utoaa aad wife to T. L. West. • 1-0 acres. Ml*. I wT Smith to T. L West, 4 441 Ed Elliott aad wife to T. L West, "•wo. MO. . E W. lie aad wife to Lew fame* knot aad f Robt. Tseng, lot la Dana. W. D. Holland aad wife U R. L. i-Milrg aad Lae Jsan Boot, lot In June, f t.fot *• ft Holland aad wife to E L Nwnlap, STOO. Ed^n Sm'th and wlfo to E L hnaiag. land la Dana, $*400. Flora Matthews aad other* to E ! , »«'*> E L Godwin aad wifo to WU) Us. ac let ta Duaa, MTS. J W. Whitehead aad wife to Mm . b»ass lot to Dun, 11400. I B, O. Townsend and wlf* to /. Towrsend, two l*u rounly, wnlat forth the ti (t (hr artioa. the porpooe of Ulo •'me. and requiring the defondant 'o uppmr at the term of tha Supar o - Churl of Harnetl County, to bo belt’ on the flm Monday in Sopteni it being th* Stfth day of June 1020, at «h* murthouac in taul coun ‘y. and nnawvr or demur to the cum ilaint of the plaintiff. • ThU It day of May mu 6-31-41 a. a. McDonald. Clark of 3aparlor Court pactadly; Out wc need not heap tbr tabU spread far them.” CarelrMteai In every day living wtaketie the reserve utiength of the tool.—Welliprlng. i Rear-Admiral Washington. Chief >f the Bateau of Navigation, atatea hat there were thousands of dmer ■ona from the navy last year, and an twraae of 700 desertion.' per month inn.' far in 1020, due to inadequate per “Jfoo should have seen her face light up." “Did you set off the powder?" ■pAGLB Shirt* challenge your > -L< attention to their fabrics -ao rich, ao varied, at> firmly woven, ao appealing to the eye, ao astia* tying to the touch. A wonderful variety of weaveaTrare blende of cotton, fibre and cdk. The weaveta of Eagle ttrtfaf know the lure of fine Ahrica. Every ahirt the ultimate in value w _■ B. FLEISHMAN & BROS. ^ • Dunn. North Carolina r " WE A* ~ CLUSIVfvJteENTS -FOR , ID OUL AND SEE OF THESE FINISHES. Every product guaranteed FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE. The Baran ft Holliday Co. % AUTOMOBILES t . ’ LIBERTY AMERICAN CASE (Liberty Motor) a • done by any one, eren a :bljd, yet It will fool the smartest people. A coin la borrowed md by a simple toes in the air it disappears. No elastics, polls ►r tom used. Any coin sad it can be done at any time. A great Mckot trick, and you will never resret getting it. To introduce our catalogue and goods, will be aent for 16c. t book of How to^donm|k^aUo^se nt free. Address JOHN; —i—i— NORTH CAROLINA * < !! n. ' ; ' * » < 1 {Spring Modes For the Best and Prettiest in Spring Dresses Suits * Shoes and Furnishings For Men, Women and Children » . • ,, i go to • 'a WOMEN! I w 9 Goldstein’s wants to show you its new /'RING MILLINERY SUITS— C DRESSES— — and — SHOES— * —YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING PRETTIER OR MORE STYLISH THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. THE GOODS WERE CHOSEN BY OUR BUYERS DURING THEIR RE- ' CENT SEARCH THROUGH THE MARKETS OF NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. THEY REPRESENT THE FI NAL WORD IN STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE. - WOMEN OF THIS LOCALITY WILL FIND JUST WHAT THEY WANT HERE. THE DRESSES WE HAVE IN STOCK ARE NOT EQUALLED BY *n^E CARRIED IN ANY TOWN OF EASTERN CAROLINA. THEY ARE EXCLUSIVE IN STYLE AND WERE BOUGHT WITH A VIEW TO PLEASING OUR BEST D.vESSING WOMEN. GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. The Goldstein Company CUNN, — >»— NORTH CAROLINA ' * » — »■———■»———I ■ mm ——————MM———————————— 1