Et^I THE': >UNN * • VOL- 1 DUNN, N. C., JUNE S. IBM. WESTERN COUNTIES GO TO MORRISON Will Probably Require OfBeia ■TebiUtmi to Determine * Leadership ; JUDGE HOKE APPEARS TO BE NOMINATED N(W • Will Require Second Primary Ic Nominolo His RiumIbi Mete* on* laiicittoai Point to Adorn*, Loe| or Staoyi Wodo Ho* M*i*ritjr 0*oi R**h Oppoaontrin 41 Coantino. Mere complete iclurn.i from Wert era North Carolina countni yettvr day reduced O. Xax Gardner'* ap parent lead over Cameron Vurrlioi for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, complete Ague** froa 1.292 oat of 1,564 precinct* giving Gardner, 44,906; MoiTison. 44.541 and Page, 28,966, and indicating thai it will probably require ofl.cioT tab illation to determine the kadevehi* in the primary. Heriot Clarkron, manager for Cum sron Morrison, last night claimed i lead of 109 ovur Gardner, hij figure: including complete and incomplete leturna raprcacnUny leporle from Of counties ehowiny Morrison, 46,600 Gardner, 46,260; and Pe«r, 28,785. Complete returns from 4!l cuur. ties, repretentiny 864 of the 1,546 precincts In the Stale compiled Ic tae news ana untervcr lest night in dicau that Justice W. A. Hoke ha been renominated for the Court with a vote of 23.9!»7 out of an estimated 48,892 vote# arconutrd for lodieaUoaa are from the vntr in hanr< that the two men to run in the »oco-. primary for the other vacancy on th< beneh will be seloctod from three Adams, Long and Stacy. Adam* ha a vote of 14.474, Long. 13.803 and Stacy 12,488. Gulley had a total ui . 9,848, Colon 7,6.72 and Room- 4,962 A second primary i» indicated Ir the contest for Stale Auditor, baaed on returns from the counties inrlud ed in the Supreme Court count. Dur ham la landing with a rote of 16.187 Cook fa second with 9.612. Other flg ur«s are: McDonald', 8,940; Boyd, 6, 942 and Woodley, 8.811. Wade for in. rarance coaaidientr has a lead of approximately 4,000 over both oppon •nts. HU vote rtands at 20.tod. with Underwood, 9,613 and Mctllenaghai. 7,619. Cooper's lead over Harding for lieutenant-governor was increased la the return* yesterday, with a vote of 88.841 W 17,889. Lacy led the State ticket for runominalioa with a vote of 29,888 against 9.909. fer Ben 12,080. Graham is leading Thompson for Commissioner ui' Agricjl'.ure with a vote of 22,171 to 11,210. Ov erman continued to distance Brooks with a vote of 31,304 to 8.C01. Pago Makes Statement Robert N. Page, candidate for Gov ernor who has conceded hit elimina tion from the cootost. yestenlsy is sued this statement. "Pur tha campaign for the nomin ation far Governor there has come am pip* compensation for all I put into it, in the splendid fight made by Mr. Raaa, my campaign manager, and thoee associated with him—olway.i keeping it upon a high plane, never one* having used questionable mean-; to advance my Interest—and in the loyal friendship of tha thirty thou sand who voted for me. I wish to express my thank* sad appreciation to every one of them. “1 made the bust fight 1 knew how to Stake, never striking once below tha bett, and in defeat I have no re grets and no rceentmonta." Congressional Fight i no congressional right in thr First district apparently is sstiled Halle; Ward over Congressman Small, the former's lead ever Smnll being ap proximately fifteen hundred. The Third District race has already been settled, when Charter L. Aber nathy conceded defeat to Cong.ess man 8. M. Bn neon. From the Sixth district, with thr vote of Brunswick county still miss ing, tha race Is ntek and nork bo tween Hannibal Godwin and Homer Lyon, the latter having 4.744 to tha former's 4,MB. A second primary appears to ho Inevitable. la tha Seventh District, retnroi from Davie and Hake still Burning, W. C. Hammer appears to have the load over Walter Brock and J. C. M, Vaan, but not enough for nomination. From the Ninth District, A. L. Bui Winkle is leading by nearly BOA volts, - his nsorest opponent being Judge W Council. The returns show Bui winkle 4,488; Council, 4,083; Qu.rkol, 8,400 Marvla Bitch. 1B3B and A- L. Petal ■on, MJ2.—News and Obaeiver. SUFFRAGE IS DEFEATED IN LOUISIANA SENATE Baton Rouge, La., Jane 8.—Thi resolution providing for rstifieatior •f the Federal suffrage amsndmunl was d of sated in tho Senate of tha General Asasmhly af l.oaisiana to sight by a vote of >3 to IB. Tbo vote was on a motion to l.wief Inltaly postpone consideration of th< resolution, which eras carried. Thlj action of tho Sonata does not meat the definite defeat of suffrage in th< Louisiana legislator*, as a rasnlulioi exactly duplicating the one intiodoe ed in tbs Senate is now pending it tbo Lawvr Homo and If R pxssas wil again come before tha Senate for f! sal action. , A Now Yorti publicist believes tbai Morris HtBcjaR, tbo Socialist load," who landed Eugene V. Dabs, the con vict, and mid a goad ward for Soviet lam. would bo a batter citincn if h< changed Ms nams to Wlllquit, *n< acted accerdingly Many strikes have abhorrent fra taros, hut tha (tribe af 10.M0 balr cutters and chin-sera pars In Nos York is generally admitted to bavi bam tho most barber-a as of ad. K’ARTAN DH1ATS BOTH OPPONENTS I Ccb 799 Voi*i to Turlinjjton’i 336 And Gre«ne's 247 GODWIN GIVEN BIG VOTE BY HOME FOLK Shall Wtfhdt&wt and Ltyvtt Racr Fcr RicorJcf Cinched Kor Cel. McUtc — McDonald BmU War* far Audi ter j—Harrington and Odu.-i Wia - j Jc baton villa niiiinf. j J. IVill Mi:Arlan, for !t Ih*. D |57cLca»» for rccoidt i, l> JeDo 'for auditor, amtl T. V drriur |?.r.d Owen Odum foi rn r* of ;N«>«.d of rduenuon a:* . irtmx [;c nnmiiiecs for lho*»* • **• «»' KuntfMtH in the primary I tmla>. ilur.mbal L. GoCaJi;, rujjrc v-pta •i** Ul Cohort?;*, w*, f09*nm V-M voter in h1* homs iAt.a;y fer *• ,«»m .nnlien. Hi> <'p.touv».Ut »a*re fFirtf*. *27. Cf '.time Hornn Lyon, who it k'n .'ll OiAti'ct -ia u r/li*Ir |wiu tfivari HO. John G. :$Wa. ofi I Cumberland, war p vrn Bit. ThL 1.1 i-hs entis? vot# of the coc.ity rrirt 1 -?i * ♦**caption of Jvbfs*otnHe whose |Vo».» ha* not l>e-n eaavtMjd. Cal fed.ran wta without oppa*4 Ition li hie '• net* for th'.* tx*-o dcr.hp ' lOfh 7*. 5?hci! of Darn h..t! hn rnmluiury to oppose the Lit jllbrqof man, but In the lart bn.i.c of ' tbr campaign *'ith-lr«-w in the inter I |i>t of party hnrmony and bora-i i. h*J .'leiirtd that Dcraoiiocy r*c.- y, oid lighter anyth, if he| at fall ova: F-.r Hhrriff: To lingtn _j. _3Hi, Clean . . _ ..247 i Fi Recorder! , Me-' *4..745 Vfrl.rwr . ...._ ...l,i>CS JheU. bV For Auditor: W: ... ..ih VT>. ... t.ccs Board of Kdnralion: Smith _......_ .-..000 Harrington ... -. 812 Odum _ 731 Stephenion .. _, ....429 Dameron __.. . 305 BEQUEST BY BEN FRANKLIN TO BE USED AFTER IN YEARS Philadelphia. May S3.—A bequrt! B*od ifu-r 100 yean "to make living :n town more convenient and render it more agreeable to etrangara," la to bo applied by tho board of city trust* to the erection of poblir comfort Na tion*- The beqneat now amount* to $88,323 while a similar legacy from John Scott of 93,000 in 1910 has in | creared to 914,085. The board decid ed to apply both fnndt for the pur &c*e Mated, open recommendation of layer Moore. CLOSING EXERCISES OF THE TURLINGTON SCHOOL Edwin Smith Pou Medal Gtvoo In Memory Mr. Pm’i Son, Is Woo by Soloes R. Cotton . >• •• • - Smithflcld, June S—I ait night the cloying raorriwi of Turlington grad ed school here took place in the school auditorium, eight graduates wceivlnij d:piuma6. The commencement addrem ft.-. di|,vsred by J. M. Broughlom >r., of Raleigh. A fU-r the addreat hodR Ci rols were imad and medal* deli/ , ered The Edwin Smith i’ou medal. which in riton La Hia Kmai mil mtind f- ipT during four year* of high school by Congressman Jt. W. Pou in mr-ni cry of nit son who laid down hi* life in tho recent war, was won by Solar. 1 P.nnell Cotton A number of the younger folks of the city were charmingly entertained Wednesday evening by Miss Lou ir e Alford in ho'nor of her guests. Miss Elisabeth Iiwln. of Lcxingtnn, Vs., and Mia* Pattie Britt, of Tifton, Oa. Leap year proposals were the fea ture* of the evening, the young ludira favii.g given a "heart” or “mltu-n” ae roiding to the dl*|>o*ition of the “wood” Mm. F. K. Rroadhurst was hostess to “the Cirri#” and eeveral of the teachers of the graded school Tues day evening at her home on Oakland Haights. Progressive rook waa the ; form of entertainment, a delicious course of cream and oak* bolag serv ed at the cloac of the game*. The Koand Dozen Hook Club en joyed a pleasant afternoon Tuesday with Mrs. E. 8. Aball. Rook was play ed at seven tables, several out-of-town guca'.s being present. Ire cream and cake were served before the guests departd. The 11-year old daughter. Millie of ciz-Sheriff and Mr*, W. F. Brims*, died at their home heie Thursday avanlag after an illness of anveral r.-a-jk*. She waa a bright little girl be ing in the fifth grade In school. Ser vices were conducted at tha raaideneo Friday afternoon by Eldor W. A. flimpkids. of Italelgh, after which in terment wa* made in Oakland eeme A splendid rain fell hare Friday af ternoon, tha first good season ia a month. The fsimora am vary busy today planting sweat potatoes. WARRANTS ABE ISSUED FOR THE ARREST OF l,MO SLACKERS notion, June fir—Warrants for the arrest of 1,000 men listed at id ackers because of failnre to reply to draft - uuattionnaire*. war* Issued by tho I Federal district court here today. The possibility that many of the men so classified war* actually la cervices, oveiaea* or la this eountiy, when ■. questionnaire* were mailed them has i iauseit foderal attorneys to arrange i for individual investigation in each taao before arieate are made. j Wii; 'w.u£4 V/itL iV.nd Con' corf Ctj 'Mday Night ’! h (!o|#riii,'Uy Ch'iltae.jua c yei» id h.,% M ivday Vai ii S>*ic i'll tra.. Ilh sltr Mi tfcr l.oril'.V ,*i f il riir.'t.n f venue r, id vl*| coo finuv tiinmefc Friday nijA*. f^olicw inp if : '.ic • W odn--*«-i*y . : " Tapula. Cft-u* ri ef •in*' in*.i*e—Thenrvi Shcitert Coneerl Ct Knfer*a!:snj .'i fV'Imle If i fii'.!,«n r«. -rt «’. • c-et-t *, “M •'!• } pf« r .il. i d IVf.u'- -1*. !M. c C i •• Che Set'll Ii V;..y. Jj.) »tin .day - m Toy Shcijj I Jiseani -Mc* « » • ' file luaitii- Ch»!‘luki|au iK:l> ls.t"u. “Tfcf Cl atrr |*yrj i*id"- —'iVal.rif Kirkland fire-tei. W:«“ Tin* b e 3ri’.i-».iil"»,|i 11-chf ‘til (. f »-■ . ix .iif'u l i.jr 1. i'' » ,r'i • ij.e *i . 1 I i » v ’J in . Vht .I'ini-iui •V./ 0| ,1 ,:st ) f’tfie first d iVraltit' ( oot-irrt—Weil Tlat »V [f f-*r •!* r: 1.1*1,! mi- of Gcaiii 'O.i'i n i.-t T'v.'ii eitisea?. diet! at his hin.r ir. litr 3n-u^_- itncit see •i/n■ at >hc »]?-• of 72. FV T.'rut r~-v«t«a v.rr cc-ducted at lUt ; t • >.. V plot JJ<..-i1ay aftsrnctit be Ibv. j. A. Camnr.'tl, Kb p**r.»i . Uki or .no lu.p.ect ctstnii c*e» to ut •c-rd ; fan'rat »r. that airt'.-n sea/ pro i .tt la ys" Its lei pen-: to tho lit* mo 11 of th‘- tli ;isrter.» wkr* beautiful i rd iibui.J-iat t.*. /■ c-ivd tea.* father of Mr*, tl-s-gc F. I’cpr u *il Mm Piciiard M W»rn, of Uuun, Mu. N> H. McLeod •>f Ku'tlgh, Evandei Strickland aiut 'V. S. Strickland, of Dunn. He «u c member or 3p>mg P-rauch eh., th and war superintendent of it* Sunday achc-ol for thirty one years. Appoplexy was the immediate cause o/ Mr. Str«-kland’s Heath. Hi wma born in Sampaon count#, Juns 20, 1148. and waa a big factor In the trlig cue and Industrial life, of ha ttmtte&r**** r.MLLD TO CONFIRM A LOT OF APPOINTMENTS Coagrcea Before Adjouema—mt Did Not Aet m Nearly BOO of Thom Wuhingtofb June t».—Failure of Congress to art on nearly 200 execu tive appointments before adjourn ment today, combined with the rum ber of vacancies row existing or ex peeled to occur soon In government lal drpaitment* and the diplomatic ervir-, is expected to lead la a oum ber of veerss appointment# by Prwi dent YYiLon. YY'h.h- tho larger portion of the un • c-iIirnK-d nominations are postman tort c.f the lower grader, appoint .acute to a number of intpoitunt clti res were not acted on by the suaate. The latter Included the nominations of llrnry Mo.gonlhati t« be amhaxsa dor to Mexico; Mark W. PotUr JJenry Jones Ford and James Dunes’ ■ the Intcr.'lnle Commerce rommis rral Trade commission; Martin L ,:ill:.-n to the shipping board, and Jobs jlt lon William? to be comptroller rt Ihr currency. 1 hr sit* mcirhnnt. marine bill sign ed by the President just before (Via t'icv adjourned crente* a new chip "leg board of tovc-n members. Ap o.'n'mu-nlj m the new board probab ■1 will be made by the President be fore Cenrme reassembles In Decern br-r. The principal existing vacancy in the governmental departments is that of under tcer.-tmy of stats*. Itvst •vh-ch olTsce V »nk I. I*ulk will retire Jjnu 10. 'The slut.- department of iho acceptance of the poet by No-mar '■! l»ov in, now an axnctatit secretary of ih-> trroenry. It U exp fried tin President will annouoev s rccosJ ap .xd.itmsnt for Mr. Davis within a few days Diplomatic posts now vacant iri c'.odr- those of ministers to Balgaris. Finland, Greece and Honduras. NUMEROUS ACTIVITIES WILL HAVE TO CEASE Agrimltaro Department la Saffae ae Account af the Rsduead Ap praprlatiea Wt.-diiacloi , June S.—Seen tarj Meredith In # statement tonight out lin'd mms half a hundred d, ps tmont of agriculture ncttvitlei which ka said would have to h- abaa Honed M the result cf reductioilt It ‘ ho spproprUtloM rarrtt d hi the an neal Ml. lUe itgriraUurMl bfll as passed b; Car;; **« appropriated approximate ly l* * r’ i- -.JO. which Bee . ■„ Mir or’th -aid was ♦ r.CO'’000 loss th"» the d.-,>artt;ii;it’* c.l-iast of lb ih-.'-i s: h SI.lEfi.W ;i l;*v itian the temn-jn* nrovldcd in ticc app oprls tien se: for IHj pTPsor.t yea-. Th- secretary's Micnm ry raid ii (tart: "Demon.stiat.os work to aid ertsb lit Intent of general livestock t vdu» life, m an b* ubaulcosd in cattle liel frt- d Soath Caiollna, Gro K|»r ids. Alabama. Mississippi, Lop n ans Art iaoa.;. and Oklahoma. "Dniry sp-rUlt*;* ir-ist be d'**wr-' »ed with In North CuroMr.a Eoall Pa mi It ns. Mississippi Arkansas am Ok’ahoma. KlC'OFARCONNE STRAUS’S PROTEGE ?SiianlIir«piit Briui Up Aa "So*" Jawiah Bor bar Who . Sewed "Loat-Battalias” (Vcw York World | 'ite doturfibcy who won I lie D. S. C. .ur anting tho “Loot Battalion” ia the ^rffenn* I'ovwt and who ease back In liryi h!a adopted country had no •'•••*■!< '■« offer hits*—only chaa.u—la -rp brouph'. up aa an adopted *on by Ilj'.han Straua Mr. Straua. apeak "iff Ut i; momoilal acctinx Friday, • vt U.t r.-loptio.i atn’ tba fact that i.r had offered hka.'oatate* in loka w< -d, N. J., and the Adirondacka aa c.-» haven for -oIdler*. regard lent of .rci...color or creed. The atory of Ah uhtrn Xrotoahouid, tn# "adopted boy," iycd.' Ilk* a rftnea. V-'kcr. the United State* decided to t*hr a lined In tho Workl War "Abe,” non of hi* fiiaadc know Xroto h-n«k\ wa* a Bioas barber Ho had >*h:rc from Poland, a Jaw. Be knew how to mile and that won Vm fricr.d* One of tbeaa waa Benny Vwr.;rd, the finhUc. He taorht Abo how- to uae hi* firU. »•'« waa 2b ycai* aid when h; re .'.-U-.-d r*r lh» draft. Hr had takas •ur h» firrt ritiaaaabtp panel* and loyal to fa« adopted country, i hen ha wa* rallod to tbo color* v.'rt otvlgntd Ip 77th Division he! on. of (be most enthusiastic sf .he Kaissi't enemies. So he went across, and nothing was word of him again until tha now fa ant iCory of the “Last Battalisn” **» mode known to th* world. Abra • K» K oto. hinaki’s same was Hated n "Who’s Who of the World War” iv Ca: dispatches report ad that Osn rri Fenbing had pinned the D. 8. C. >« li!s '.riant. Whti the heroic “Last Battalion,” « if was to become known, became iuiU’eJ in th* Argonnc Porsat, nod cftei S7 of Lieutenant-Colonel Chen .V. V-. h.'ttieaay’a msn had boon loot n u ».ii? effort to ahp through the lines nod gat. aid far Umir .osawc/ss, "Abe” at laps it forward >m. vo'-uii'carad to mak* tho attempt 7 vs < tantamount to offering hta life ■it the country of hi* adoption, hot K< pljcdml to bo allowad to go. ror more than It bsdri Aba drag ;cd Irmaetf an hla stomach, some* • mi-s daiirg to ran a few yards and lae'.'inu rolling down embankments ind into shall holes. At one time tha .1 dr of anoay soldian crushed bis ■sad, a* hg lay Wind until tbsy r.i.j nLor^oT^t ^elli itu* dead of, heroism hi* comrades were raved. The news of bis set preceded him, and when hr was returned to New Vu.L h:* fame was ipread broadcast. But "Abs" had been gassed, and lectors against his returning •c hi; trade. He was glean fall dtv -iwhp paper ; he eras feted and rfcecied. hot he had ao job. Then Ns'hnn Straus heard of “Abo.” H* win d the hero, who now was t7 yearn old, to hio hoove to ask him -hat hla ambition was. "Abe" said be ..anted to be a farmer. Bo Nathan ’trout sent the jo hi am D. 8. C. man .o the National sarta School at Doy 'etown, Ha. Th* philanthropist also promised to have a farm ready jest outside of Hackensack when “Aba’s!” -ourae ia finished. So th* matter stood, sad area Mr. Strnur’ closest friend* bad as Idea ’.hat there would bo a sequel to the ithiy. It seamed ■ officiant to bars -an rduealion and a farm- But an if/rrtion had reewltcd from this ac quaintance and tart week, in PhOadel >hia, arrangement **» made eo that Abraham K rotoahinald dull be broui*kt up aa a aoa of Nathan Straw. Mr. Strnui made hi* announcement it memorial services for soldiers slain tba Civil War, Spaaiak Amarieaa War a ini the World War at Mount Xeboh Temple, B oadway and 160th treat. At th* suss time the 1*0 sol tier* present veil informed by Mr. •Uraus that he eras donating hie Lake •ootl piopsrny, valued. It Is said, at tl.li00.0M, and his Adirondack aa. at*' to sold iera One Preeidcat Wilaan has a license lo drive tn sutoosobiU in North Car >lina- lie 13 -described as "aa Atre > me lean agriculturist who has srau -J wiulthy raising tobacco.” Wood row Wilson, a white man, ala* baa an automobile license in the Old North iltnto. Lic ense* have boon issued lucre to Pari* Kidd. Wat Flower* Bush Flowers, ond Few Cora, all ol :he colored persuasion. "Cereal improvement held stations in North Carolina and Tennossos will be closed. “Mast work In maintaining and re producing forests it the Math where the problem of future Umber supplies Is matt acuta, srfll have t* be aban doned. "Yellow pint stwdie* In tha south's vast acrms trill be abandoned. "Crop reporting spectaHaU on cot ton, tobacco and riea trill he dispen sed with. "Fands for sredication of pink boll weevil, cotton's moot dattraction ene my, hi* bom considerably reduced 'The aourh r.nd southwest, In la gv ** vsmre, must he deprived of It* mar k» t news serrieo. "Mnas for aa office for lametta ■ of fruits and vegetables at Norfolk, Va.Leanaot be carried oat. "Work In sootkeocte.-u states oa is sect infestation of cut timber sad forum product* wBl be absndorfed " Disco nUnuane* of Chad bos me, N C.. Motion 'lavaotlgatlng korry and cahbtf9 i nwrti Hog cholera apoelallata will ho re duce a In number. "Dlaeoatiauaac* of *R srork to do WOOD HAS MOST OF INSTRUCTED VOTES itU Total 1* 125, With Jo Won Sccowd With 112; N. C. Gie»a Pritchard 22 Chicago, Jon# 4.—At reported I committee*, without coneidcring prw : furvncea. the tempo,ary convention I roll follow*: Alabama, total delegate*. 14; gain rt rue ted. 14. Arizona, total 4; aninntrurted, 6. Arfcaniaa, 13; Lowdrn. 1; uain etractod, 12. t'alifoinia, total 2C; Johneon. It. Colorado, total 12; unlnttracted, 12. Conneettieut, total 14; naiiutruct vd. 14. Ue'awarv, total •; aniaitnieted, 4. rior'da, total 4; Wood, 4; anin zt,acted, 2. G-atria, total 17; Wood, 4; ania itraeted, 13. Idaho, total 4; unin at.-u tied, 4. UllBCit, telal 44; Johneoo, 1; lew den. 43; uninetrocted, 14. Indiana, total 44; wood, 10; Jobn •on. 4; uminatrocled, 14. Iowa, total >4; Lowder.. 22; anin Ktnctcd, 4. Itaaaaa. total 20; u»inatnKted, 24. Kentucky, total 36; aninatracted, 24. , IQUJ 12' UIUHHTUCISO, 12. Main*, total 12; ualnstruetsd, It. Maryland, total Hi; Wood, 16. Masaochaactt*. total, 115 Wood, 6; an Weturted. 26. Michigan, total 80; Johnaon, 80. Mianoootn, total 24; Wood, 10; ua ! attracted, 14. ^MMasaippi, total 12; uaiaatructod, ^Missouri, total 84; uaineiructad. ‘Montana, total •; ualnelrucUd, 2. Now HaaspaUre. tout 8; Wood, 8. Krw Jersry, total 28; Wood, 16: Johnaon, 12. Now Mexico, total 6; Wood, 8. ^Nra York, total 88; nainatractod, North Carollaa, 22; PrlUhard, 22. North Dakota, 18; Johnaon, 16. Ohio, total 48; Waod, 8| Harding, 80. Oklahoma, total SO; Wood, 2; an* instructed. 18. Oragon, total 16; Wood, 1; Jofca aoa, 8. Pennsylvania, total 76; Sprool, 78. Khoda Ulaad, 10; uahutruatod. 10. Sooth Carolina, total 11; aula stiuctcd, 11. Booth DakaU. total 10; Wood, 16. Taaaaaaec, total 88; Wood, 14; na* ipsSruetod, 8. Texas, total 28; nnfamtnmtod. 28. Virginia, total IS; Wood, l; Low. icn, 8: uniaatruated, 8, Waahlngtaa, total 14; Poiadaxtar. 18. Wcat Virginia, total 16; Sot her load, 14. Wisconsin, total 28; nniaatrhcUd, 26. Wyoming, total.6; onlnatroctod, 8. Alaska, total 2; uainstructad, t. District of Cnlnmhla. total 2; aafca atractod, 2. . Hawaii, total 2; oninatroctod. 2. Philippines, total. 2; Wood, 2. Porto Rico, total 2; aninatractad, 2. Total delegates 882; Wood, 128; Johnaon. 112; Lowdon, 78; Bproul, 76; Harding. 80; Poiadaxtar, 14; Su therland, 18; Pritchard. 22; uoin structed, 506. Nate*; Missouri ha* 86 delegates noimally. but 2 from the Kansas City of “disg.urofol conditions’* in the electors te Nebraska: Johnson wen the pri mary. bat four district delegates held Ing district inst. actions far Weed have snnouorrd they *il fellow thorn. New Jersey: Wood won the pri mary, hut 12 district delegates ore nlcdrcd to Johnson. Ohio: Hording won the primary hot 9 district delegate* are pledged to Wood. Oregon: Johnson won the primary, bat • district delegates are pledged to wood. North Carolina: State convention instroetod delegatee for Pritchard subject to Stoto-srido primary. Hi which ineomplote reports give .John son load over Wood. NEWSPRINT SCARCITY U POUND -ARTIFICIAL” Washington. Jana S.—Holding that eaieity of newsprint paper which has handicapped American newspa pers to ho “more the result of artlfi elol Iowa,” the seasto committee Which investigated the paper situa tion have recommended that Urn de pai latent of JucUeo institate pro ceeding* under the feherman and Clayton acts against printpoper man ufacturers Manufacturer* were charged by tbo committee with "anjust, iUeral and discriminate17" practicca i'resent price* for newsprint paper wars bold by the committee to 00 “excssrive and unwarranted.” Other rocemmendalioas mads by the committee Include 1 RtlahiWhmeat af a federal news print board "to mpervlsa the manu facture aad iigrihiVun of mint pa per’* should government efforts to maiatoin a rssaoaablo price fall. Amandmont of the tew food con trol act to penalise profiteering in aowsprint paper. Impost ties of aa nsrito tax af ton coats on Banday aewapaaem weigh ing more than 122 pounds a copy ae a* to limit each editions to eight pages aalil an edsquat* supply eaa bo sseorod. Appropriation of |1M,M far ths purpose of experimenting with sab. rittats* for wood pulp Establishment of a rats of one cent n pound on Aset print sapor to any part af the country .when son! by parcel* post without Increasing the present limit af ?» pounds peevidod and or the postal regularises. PERSHING TO GIVE UP ACTIVE SERVICE Waahlagtoa. June T.—Cm. Jaha J , wUI •tolw frem arUr. aanrk. within a f.w Months. Ha an . oaacad hit iat«tJ taqalra ataao than a portion of my 'me. Under the rircnm«tx>ice«, I fmrl Jut after the cempietion of the we* contemplated by the American Keoigauutien Act I could raUagahU military daty wltboet detrlmaul to the aerrlea aad thee be free to ca CMgJ^aypatbity ya actfeu •beald arlrnTto juaUfy aay ^^JahaTfe^de*." CAKONuTixPECTS THE PACE VOTE IN jaartaie today: J “Gardner led Merrleea la U eoun Ur» owt ef the *1 from which report* bare We* received, Morrleeo laadtnc *" *V and from tbese at cooatlaa. Gadaer mceirad t,Ut Mare ratae Gatdnat ro ll eery A Mr. Pace Mid : ■ j Pace, writer:1 part in the ee "ThU war net unexpected, aa there baa alwaym bean Mach la common la the flebt that hath af aa bare been forced to auka,” Mr. Gataner Mid. nr 01*ted that hie manager* ware woaUjr young men. and that they art **dy to plunge Let* the aecond fight with renewed rigor and determlaa lo* Ha laid that white the rota was ci- tideraMy lighter the* anticipated, . waa greatly plcaecd with the re sult, aad eepoeialiy planccd with the magnificent labor rota ho received, ita carried a majority over both op ponent* ia the Mdaatrial coator* of Cooton, Rathorford Cleveland, Par ty th, Rowan. Mew Hanover. Union and Roekiacham aad a plavaltty In many ether*. Mr. Oardaer etatad that be wa* eMe to anaoaaao the odkial moult af fin Ant primary hut frit coafldoat from *ft I af arm at loo reootvod that he would undoubtedly load with a good majority in the firat primary. Re fur ther etatad that Mr. Mernaea an yoeetiaambly polled hta full atreagth la thti fight aad that the "machine” cone, titrated ovary element in Ita or tmnieed affdrt agaiaat both Mm aad rage. Mr. Oardaer eeaeludod by any lag: "Wo have Jaet commenced to Aght” COTTOWCOHCAESI MEET* JUNE Ath TO APRIL 11 lb Berlin, Jane 1-—Oae hundred and thirty -delegate* reputeaatlag four toon coantiee will participate ia the doKboratloae af tha firat eftor-tho aotinn eoagrom at kartell team June •th to June 11. ProMcmc of ex change. program made ia tha culture of aettoa aad tha »mi eta ace given by aaioaUeta la the iadwtry will be din camel. Praaoaal* hero boon made foi an arbitration triboaal which win work for bettor lagiatotJea germing the indaetry aad which will attire te improve tha condition of erurkora HOW LATE TO CULTIVATE CORF How Into wa Wall cultivate eon matA ho largely dotanWaad by the rlrnametoiria In each part lea lar eaao. I bell eve Warn am eoadHkme aadei which It may bo eafe to (toy euMva Uoa before the toaaot* earn# oat, bal ordinarily f think a chaltow eaftiv* don may ba glvaa up anti tha thn« the tamela are fate out. Of tonne H U very omoattol that thie eultivatiof " *£ root*pOf thcola] Mem, h CHARGES CONGRESS" SHIRKED ITS DOTY REPLIES TO TELEGKAMl OP BROTHERHOOD WaahlnftM, Jt_ *M ckaryrd today by L_ ■on with failarn to taka "miyartoat romadiat act!na with -rift ta Uw af Uvta#*' aad to yira “aatliai «>M‘daf»tiaa'’ to tka maiaion af tka «* l*w» aad tka praklama af paaaa. aistaaa railroad *-mbirkMto aararaJ kaan baton tka Wrttoaal jpir mtk PHI■«, niw tku MnllZ awnt at CengfewLldr WllSi mM S5 *hat “to tte%ht of to, mid* the promt CMtrM, 1 km m roo — "4“*-.-^T that Ho loattim aaae la aaariaa waaU reottlt hi raa ■tniethro aimam far tka raltrf af tka aaaaaaric undtooao to which »•■ can atteadoa." The PraHut added that “tka kra tractod dele, to draft* with tka m he* rcrolted *-~-rnnimae^i b«^dcu 3^SS2Et£TSSVZ ^Arssxujvia deal too*S'?ith.£ S*««b£ S^irTaTb; tT* "*** • ’ indirectly meeeaeftje to port far the Ugh aaat af S&h*. Tka protracted de « lai dealing with tka prahlera af tka rattroade. tka prnMei af toa go*. mraeatawaad ■orehratrathi. and nil ted to mataai, tordeae aaaa that pahtte trearary. aad eltliaelily to lewUatiaa aa aaaotirfeetory that I canid eeeept h. if at eli. only ha raaaa I do eye toad ad earthing bettor. Tka praaant Coagreea haa aat aaly prevented tka ceacioelra af yarn la Europe, bat haa faded te praaant any coBJtxactire phi far dralleg with tka deple.ahle rendition! toere, the aon linoanee af whlto era aaly reflect upon an “In the light af the record at the preeeat Caagreae, 1 here ae> ream who leva.' to hope that He aaadan aacc la melon weald reaalt In aan Um oceocmic conditio at U which yon coll attention. K mast h« sxidoo* to •H that tho dominating motive which ha* actuated this Coagram la paRUcal expediency father than lofty Boryas* to mnr* th* poblte welfare. THE WAR DEPARTMENT INTO ARMY ROAD NEEDS An aaalysk i nnaaad the boaopoitattoa sands of lb* Army bocaoo* of th* look of do poodabk highway mtam* to th* * United State* will be mad* by th* - war d apartment through a lea a* eon tiitenUl tier of Army troeka. Th* tear, whkk will he ceod acted under supervision af th* Motor Troamarf Corps, will Mart Jos* It. At that Cm* a convoy of Army transput* will l*a«* Washington, D. (X. far La* Angel**, following a root* *r*r th* |t*olih«od National Highway ibriogh Virginia, North aad SaMh Caroltoa, Georgia, Alabama, Mimkatppl. Ten mnm. Arkansas, Tsana, New Moxi c* aad California. RtcraMag ay mo Uona far various breaths* af th* Ar my wHl b* carried en raota. U k expected th* war dsjiartmsat a ten will obtain *B th* tour valuable date r« lattes te the am of variant typo* of motor rehicks aad definite iafoiautka based *a th* aaosportma af aolid aad posamatli Him There will bo twcotp-foor motor truck# Ur th* oaiaxan that loaves Washington, eight troeka aaah af thro* makes. Ooa group wBl ha Gur fords, whkk have bow* adopted by Maadardn. AS of the troche nrlll b* tho War Dspoatmoot as Ctaa* A of 1 1-t tom so partly. Fifty nor mot of them srfll be aqalpped with solid tiros aad th* others wttk aassomtliL Th* mateiiml ooR will (a ocasptsio I war SUsagth, embracing one sarvko mat aaR aad dateebmaots from the -'Eaginoertag and lUdkalCarr*. R k saUrtpatad that (hie trip will I OTM IRWrtmiRf iWU l> COW nsrtlsa with th* WlSHlt of tho I rntmtry** prsmnt highway systems i srhkh may temh la a greater Imaot m lo tha moraamt far th* raaotroc . Uoa ad a daftahs system af not tens’ • i n *