r^1 THE DUNN I VOL 7_ . DUNN. N. CL. JUNE II. . RAMINS CANDIDATE PARTY'S DIu TASS Convention Meets at 9 O’clock For Continuous Session To Nominate Candidate AGREEMErTTOrT LEAGUE PLANK RESCUES PARTY Cninnai, fratMcal'i L«**»a Ccvi Appro*#* Senate's tcjcdica Aad Eadarm Principle «I Inter national Poor# Cooaort in Her moay With American Traditieoi. Chicago, JBn 10.—"Rescuing the party by eleventh hour compromise! from a threatened split on the League of Nations i**ue, the Republican Na-1 tionsl convention today adopted a ptstform and then adjourned to tium-1 inate a candidate tomorrow. Harmony on the League .muc ws» rvnehad after many hour* of hmied negotiation revolving about the sub committee on resolutions, hut bidng '■R into consultation first and last virtually all tbe big men of the par ly. In the end the 11 reconcilable* and Mild Rcsrrvatinuirt* accepted a t>ea ly pWak drafted by Elihu Hoot before hi* dtpurturc for Europe several waoks ago, but revised in aimt de tails to meet thr rlca, of Its contend ing e lament . I* condemns President Wilton’s • sarur covenant, uphold! I lie S--nstr in it! rejection of the treaty, and en Hto punriple of an Interna tional peace concert In harmony with American traditions. A fur impatiently maiking lima all day for the'resolution* committee to complete its work, the.tired conven witv cb«r,» the reading #* th» pUtfurm by Senator Wateon, of Indiana, the committee chairman and adonted it with a great chorus of cncort. It nenly drowned out i mi nority repdrl presented by Edwin 1. Gitim. the Wisconsin member of the committee, and signed only by him sslf. The substitute provided flat re jection of the L>eague idea, advocated government ownership of railroad* and contained other proposals which the convention booted as '‘socialistic.” Dos; o'I Affect Candidates The relative chance of the Prcri dcntial candidates apparently was litr tie affected by the platform agree ment and on convention eve there was in evidence po development which fflnmrt J niSVnt ol'hatmony 8ver the trouble aome treaty plank had no reflex on any of tbe candidate* Ltcru poeaibly m the ca«e of Senator Johnrun He will not now appear on the conven tion floor and taat la a duappoint ment to hie aupportere, who had be lieved that the appearance of their I'.-ader in a treaty nght would help hla tight for the nomination To Harry Nomination In arrord with the plan to finiah up the convention’! work on a akip »top aehcdule, it waa agreed to con vene at 9:01) a. m. nod to burry through the nomination em-ion until a candidate it nominated. The plan teemed acceptable and it Milted delegate*, been one they are worn out and anxioua for the big thow to end. The convention held two lemiont today. Meeting flrrt at 11 a. m., if r,uiekly adjourned when word wan brought that tbe work of the teaolu tleui committee mill war uncomplet ed. The eccond »ea»ion began at 4 o’clock p. ra., and then two hoari were whirled away In muaic, apeechci and cheering befoie Senator Wataor brought in the platfoim. Tbt- retolulion committee complet ^ A tka uinulr cam « I* m tilriftftniNh it 4:41 o'clock and started,for tht Coliseum, where the convention hm* reconvened. The treaty plank was adopted by the resolutions committee with only one vote against it. Ob* Vote Aysiatl It The vote against adoption of the treaty plank was cast by E. J. Gross, member from Wisconsin. Prohibition was not mentioned in the eommilloc draft. Instead the com mittee retained the sub-committee's plan of including a gsnsrul provtUon declaring for enforcing ail laws. RACE BETWEEN COWPER AND HAMILTON CLOSE Kinston, June 10.—It may take the o(trial canvsee by the board of elections to determine if thsre win be a second primary between Lather Hamilton, of Morehoad City, and Senator George V. Cowper, of Kin ston, for the second place in tho State Senate from the seventh district. It la claar that Hamilton ha* a lead mer Cowper, hut the Utter will not admit that be has a majority. Th« situation at Cowpet's headquarters, whs-r his lew partners are'trylng to Verify un oCetal returns and striving lo secure the vary few returns outstanding, is ■Mil itnvC‘ Whether Kinston will rapport Cow per If there ii a run-off la uncertain The maehinn here which defeated him la claimed to bo oiled and rowdy for another run. The maehlno wae pow erfal, and Its influence waa left In the moet remote parts of the district. Without its opposition, Cowper's friends declare, he would hare led the candidate*. The machine wa* built upon losal issoes. HUNDREDS OP SPARROWS t KILLED BY EXPLOSION Bluefkld. W. Va., Jana #—*• cor al hundred English sparrows, roost ing In the naves of tho Norfolk and Western Pumping Station, were kill ed when the (team pop valve lot go. The birds were scalded to death. Tha pumping station wae noted as s homo for sparrows. (big increase in FUND FOR RURAL SCHOOLS NEEDED j Nearly Quarter of e Million More Needed In Wake It will require ■ fund of nearly a , quarter of a million dolls.* outaide |of available appropriations to onw ate the Wake County publ.c aS "*■*» year and thiaETAOlN. N..N n**1 Vrar according to the Raleigh T.moa and thia fund mu* be pro Vided by the levy of achool taxea b the commissioner*. The echovl fund for Un y,,r 197 » 21, «• cording to the bud—,; adopt i Monday by Ue board ir ducat - and approved Tueaday mo nine b I the commissioner*, calls for f.Qn 898 for taachera' mlarU. I ?«w huildlnga and sites $35,967. 51 for fuel, janitor service. Insur ance. etc. and 1130,609.18 for build ing ami expenses of city school*. Th* total amount* to 1477.361. 68. Against thia fund the echool au thorities anil got 1138.449 from the “•■t* achool appropriation and $28. ■ 8.C7 for poll naans, finer, dog taxes tnd the aalary and feo fund. The cninmia*ioners must provide >.v taxation a total of 8142.449 as a peelal county tax to lake cate of w inciraac in salariea and $101,. ■ 20.07 for the iceuUir expenses rhich will be $244,076 67. ^ 2b , Th* Ka I A o*l ea>»**_f_ a I $l74.9»i> in talarie* and a dJfratr in building fond from $7G,9ll lau T'mr tn 110,497 the rouing year. The iVfrTZlC, “I*i» fund in 1919.10 «u ■ HOG,982. Th« 1920-21 (alary fond ii divld |rd a» folio ore rural achoola, 6161, ^38; county nop*riatendent, 68,000: city echool*. 6101.200; Wake Fore* cily !,»P«’lnindent, IT j .f"’**1 "Pannundcnt. ft jOO; adult illittiacy, $1,600: Fan Life school*. $1,600. OPPOSITION TO PRkTcHT »ATE INCREASES WANING I'eeeee Do.ailed Croaa-Ea auiaadae of Canun at C. C. Hearing Waahmgtoo, June 7.—Oppoattlon U the general freight rate increaaca Mked by the railroad* of the rail .of **•••■■**» weakened peh reptibly at the reaumption of the MMmM WnaBo^oiOia itrthHwl Introduc ed by tko carrier*. Plana af tfa* shipper* originally tilled for aa attack on tha exhibit* p re Mr ted by the roods, by whteh the estimated aggregate book eel Be of over twenty billion dollar* waa placed on tha properties This would form l he basis for th* da Mr cent re tom, which tha carriers claim will osceo ■itato an added Income of more than one billion dollam annually. C. E. Cottrell, of Atlanta, repre senting the Southern Traffic League, however, declared that K waa hi* In tention to question witnesses for th* road* on all th* phases of the evi dence submitted. He conducted cross examination today of M. P. Blauvalt. vieo-president of th* Hlionls Central, on the earnings and operating expen ses of the carrier*. Statu commissioner* and various shippers questioned Thomas Hahns, of Philadelphia, valuation expert of the railroads, at length, on the prop erty items of the carrier* which want into thair book accounts. Shivers generally, however, evidenced fkdr intention of relying upon the eoW mission's analysis of AguTea filed or Che earners relative to th* property Investment accounts SENSATIONAL MURDER OF MERCHANT IN HIGH POINT High Point, June 1—One of the no*t sensational murder* the people of High Point have ever known was committeed hero last night about 19 o’clock when Mr. J. E. Fletcher, ow ner of a meat market in Negro Town, wai shot and ataoet iriataatiy killed while on hia way from his mark at to hia residence. The murderers hare not keen identified aa yet, although two negroes, Kagan* and Roy Alford, now in the city JaU, are rnapocted. II is alleged that the purpose of the murder was to rob Mr. Fletcher, it being evident that he carried several hundred dollars on his person. A preliminary trial waa held this after noon before the coroner. The Jury held the alleged criminals for trial. FOURTEEN KILLED IN WRECK ON N. T. CENTRAL Rehnoetedy, N. Y., June 9, Four teen persona were dead tonight aa a remit of a rear-end collision on the New Yerfc Central Railroad, ’three miles went of this city, early today and hospital physic lass said one oth er would die. All railroad equipment was ivan« ww m perfect condition, according to Mow York Central official*, leering the In ference that lfnrtia Doyle, engineer new dead, bad driven hi* expreeo train peat three cautionary and dan ger clgnal* and into the rear of the etallod pa monger train. Of tba forty perton* taken to the ho-ipital* hero, fifteen remained to night. Score# of other! received at tention at the wreck. leteraatieael Mirim Profit* Mew York, Jana 10 —Director* af the International Mercantile Marine compear today declared in addition to the regular •emi-annaal dividend •f three per cent, on preferred dock an extra dividend of five per eeat, oa preferred flock toward reducing an accumulation of 47 per ft. ia back di vidend* MILS BOTTLE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTI Show Lt Grand Cantral Paine* ~lu New York W*a Imprae D Up lay (New Tork Evening I'nl) If there ie anything in the powor o] euggretion N.w York will eooa take to drinking milk in quantities thua fur undreamed of. A visitor at the milk .how Which lr being held in the P“l*ec thl* can •Mutely fall to come array with a Mibconacioua ,,n« of thought running •“"“•hat an follow.: quart of milk a day,” "for StJ f,rcn three glaeeee of milk daily” old people milk ritiminea (apply rtrer.fftli, ‘ “civilisation owe* its pro grea. lo daily milk”—not to mention rueh imp tea I on* aa eat more cheeee,’ chaise helped to win the war," and England seta thirteen pounds par per •on per rear, the United State, th.ee pound* Then there i* the gigantic milk bob J« in the centre of the lwn confi dently proclaiming its merit* aa a fountain of youth." Thom m upper nily no ease* to be alarmed, how "«• bJ “* "jreure m tkr demand oi milk. One of the mom interesting ixhlbiw of the State Department of fanaf and Markets is a chart which “* york h“ • total uf 1,875,. 2iL <U*ry ?°V: ^ >-"«• leading nth a total of 100.248 and Delaware TI»U Mate diftp Lay j. conxidared the »Oftt complete of thoae in thia year1! *bow it* exhibit* of milk fed .-l-.l. comparing them to animal* that are Mk'pnppiaa, kitten* and other animal* art ahown, two of ,ne aam* age and in aomt inataecaa of the uni litter, one of them milk fod being placed together. A dumbel of pmratr competition* In weight gn«aatng are being conducted in thia comer of tho big oahibiUon floor, bat it ir not noceaanry to be an expert •t r collar the east difference made by lbe milk diet- Children examined by doctor* at the Milk Show have been effected in the aame wny, and .t baa boen found that the majority of -ho*c aufit ring from malnutrition hn*o had ton and coffee aubetitutad for milking thair diet. Moving pictarea lilortrate the ben efit* to b* derived from drinking mitt torn, bine-ribbon Hojstoia cow*, the teeting ad milk. milking bv n. — mflk from s corps of women from Prat* Insti tute. Brooklyn. Another doily event will he playlets by the nrieii schools illustrative of the benefits derived from drinking milk. A prise will be awarded each day by th« president of the boroaefa which Is competing. Tha board of health awards prises each day to babies brought up under ha lUpsrvlsics One prise goes to a baby under two ysers and one to a child between the fears of two and six. DURHAM MARINE FIRST ' GRADUATE OF INSTITUTE P. C. Erwio. SOS Raasaenr Street, Durham, Finish** Livestock Course at Quantise, Va. Washington. June 1.—To the na tive state of tne secretary of tha na vy, Josephus Daniels, goes the honor of boasting the first graduate of the Marina Corps Institute at Quantlcs, Va Corporal W. C. Erwin of 806 Ram spur street Durham, Is tha North Carolinian who will go down in the history of the Marine Corps institute Las ita first graduate. His choice of course dhows that Erwin believes is I he old slogan “hack to the farm.’1 I f..r Km ma>Imr*tnri tkm l(vg«»Aplf rnnrti of the school of uricultar*. Hit mart) on the fine) examination wot an aver age of 99 per tent la the 21 separate textbooks of the course. The vmrloat grads* covering twine, sheep, hence, ponies, mules and cattle ini the the oretical study wet supplemented h> practical work oa the flae stock farms with which the Quantieo conn try abounds. Corporal Irwtn's military career is typical of the marine corps. Ha enlleted at Durham August 29, 1*16, and served in Haiti and Cob* for a period of six months before be was thanaferred for daty with the fifth marinas whoa that famous fighting regiment was organised for duty lb Franco. Re landed with the first Am erican troops of St. Naaaira oa June 27, 1917, and deserved through the Verdun, Etcllsuu Wood*, 8olaaona. Marbache, 8t Mihlol. Champagne sad Argons* actions. Following the armis tice ho sure bed to the Rhine with the second division and waa an German territory until the ascend division wot ordered home, arriving In New York August I, 1919. Corporal Erwin wear* the famous Indian head Insig nia of the second dlvMea, four ser vice stripes and a silver star on hli victory medal for bis citation far "ex ccvuvrau Hivvuvn w duty.” Aa a Toward far hi* rplmdlil work la tb* Uvootoek tern* Corporal Er win kaii bora made aa Inotnetor-ex aminor tad added U tho tracking rUff of tho Marino Com InrtituU. Mid Nollia Erwin, hu aiatcr, live* at t0« Kamaour atiect, Diilua, N. C. WEEVIL MIGRATION HAS REACHED SPARTANBURG Spartanburg. S C., Jane S.—Aa inmrt drelarod by export* to be a bolt weovtl waa found atock within tb« pajnl of tho wall of n houee bore thla morning. It had ovidmtly arrived within tho past day or *o. Thla In mid to ho tho rerlicet migration of tho crop pact yet known aad Spartanburg la tb* highaot point, both a* to lati tude aad alt it* dr, tho boll aracvfl hoe yot roaebtd. FIVE INDICTED FOR ROBBERY AT OXFORD | Ooo of Acoutf Convicted of Similar Oloii at Dunn !■ 1908 Five men wet* Wednesday indicted by the (rand Jery in the United States district court, charged with having stolen portage stamps, Mr savings and thrift stamp,, coin and currency of . total value of more than Md.000 trim the United flutes postoAce at Oxford on March 9. The mu are Older arrest at Brook lyn. N. Y., and at bearing has been set before lb. Unit* flutes coenm^LT *r <a- Jmi>> lT>» *rVt>l time u writ *ha «n to this Jertedlc ‘i<* T*11, '•amrtod. It to not ex ‘Had un til the fall terra of court 0,Mf ®*Utc ntaa.audor arrest tot penitentiary at ftlklU An*tk*r John O'Brien. .1 » <Bostll. *3S?S nor been eonrkt d of torero! eimtkr crimes in Virgi. la a* Wort Vir ^nin. None of I is others hare bees onrlcted belon ia this section of ' he country, bur two of thou. Xohn duriay, alias “QaUfamia Bni’"have reaordu The fifth. J. C. l-atbrou, m unknown to nrern nvm 9iscitM. . £l?*"p* at v>xf«rd Wti not,yet Wen recovered, «rt the nee, %baa Minted, had la hair poMMiea war Milan itaaipa Shortly after lb* robbery, it wu lueeicred the ajaa had —iT their l” « a&whiu rt^en^t ■ranklmton. PoMeO* loaoactnm H V «r«*wy and **W. Hodtfn/af th# dorth Carolina ' * traced the iHtomubile to v77*W™ t w«* el Deacrtption ch ained at Li aad point* *•»*• H** "*n forward d to Now a dra, not aot or the mo obtelnad «“ '«t I. have *cen identified r* mob in -ynehbnr, and point* in Vtr rinia. ’ALMEE^i ID ENT HAS TIN IN WHICH TO API - UGIATVUI W -Id •ted toTrVJjWlfilm. tCt“ -kief exMuUtcIfi tea days after the idjouinmrnt of Ceafrta la which to .tgn tills and resolntiea. This rale may change the status of ■ number of Mis which the preal Ivni killed by a'"pocket veto* ex. ilaimng that he had had saAeleot ime in which to consider them. These a ensures include the water pownr >111 and the resolution repealing most >f the special war-time legislation. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS URGED ■Y LABOR FEDERATION Montreal Jane 10.—Government iwnerahip of railroads ie urged in a oint resolution presented by seven ntarnations) anions to the American federation of Labor at its annual :oeveotion today. The resolution de :lares government ownership is nee amry to provide mere adequate tnd cheaper transportation and to diminate the "slaiatar Influence rail wad corporations from out national Me." Declaring that mUbon* af negroes ire ignorant of the benefits of eol eetive bargeialng, resolutions have wen introduced in all states. Bin (UIRldrlCT PATATTkfft FROM PAMLICO COUNTY New Bern. Jane 10.—Thirty car o*ds of IitA potatoes peseed through Vtw Bern yesterday n reate from joint* in Pmmiieo County to the Not hin market*. tM* being the largrat •ingle shipment since the opining ef be season. Prices of potatoes are said to be falling with the increase hi the •uppiy and grow* a or* doing every king possible to get their crop* an .he market at tb* earliest poeedM* moment. Retail prleat are $1.75 par peck or 917.6* for a banal ef ten peck*. Ran of the field potatoes are being sold as lew a%|6.M per barrel. ■RLVIN W. MAYNARD TO' SPEAK AT KINSTON Kinstoa, Jon. 10.—Roe. Behria W. Maynard, mines hi* flying trappings and paraphagimlia ef sear, I* expected her* Friday far a leek around the town and a talk to tb* folks. Maynard will tell thorn ef "lb* motor rtouWet of some person*,’ or something ad the sort. He '» back at preaching sad making good. A* Ltoatoasnt Maynard he area the transcontinental air raci and Intornattoa*] fame. Before Umi he made another Mg rested leeplni XIV iwp. Ml. Ml. W||| w WVIIVIlr I ■My flea* to heme km, for Maynard know* DopUa, lampoon end Wayne i rouatJeo aad M» reiaUroa rrolde down that way. UTTLI MOVOAMTOM OIRl MEETS TRACIC DEATH Morgan to*. Juno 0 — Mlaa Racket Corptnlng. young daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Homer .Corpaalng. of Mor gnnten, BMt a Mot tragic death thli morning at tka lake at Bridgewater. The girt It rear* of ago, waa the member of a netting party which loft tarty in Urn aanralig for* an all-day picnic and Baking party on the lake. The party waa computed af Bo He (tor and Mr* Boll and lilm Hop* BeB, of Margnaton. Thor had been flaking a abort Urea whan the girl either fell or .lipped kite the water and wont doom oof ora reman waa paatfbla • WIDE VARIETY OF SUGGESTIONS . ARE MADE FOR PLATFORM PLANK2 TV«nty-Ei*M Sobjocto Rangimg from Prohibition _ Tb* Homo* For Hiplon lorilun Art Dioeuoood—iUcoo nition of IroUod ood R-ot.l * lUflroodLoTu Chicago. Juno 8.—Twenty-elghi subject* ranging from enforccmrnl of the prohibition net to fres homei for baplma inventors, wore dtscumod by «0 persons today before the rcao latioae committee sitting to receive «ugg»»tio«* on planltg for the plat form. Everyone who wanted to talk *“ *f*d *d «k» »vv mlnuto ml*, adopted yosto-day. was subject to ’koral intorp.cu.tion and many r*. -•rvationa. At tbc dose of the bcor ttg the committee had enough test I rnony to keep it occupied several I WJT». “W epou in the meeting included > rigorous attack on the anti-strike T*1*™ oflke Esch-Cummias railroad »U1 and the Kaasaa Industrial courts Gompera; a streng by Senator Capper, of It***** ind others for enforcement of Urn • clash between members the committee when Ben C. Marsh, ■eprvanting O farmers' organisation, node what one committeeman called ‘ “soelallttie speech." and a demon tratfon wfaaa Prank P. Walsh spoke i n behalf of Irish freedom. ■beamed tonality For Nagraae 1 TUaaaai* sL.a ah- _ n a .. \ . »«Kjr lake an "unKiuivccar rtand ror enforcement of the 14th amend against continuation of the reiga -of the lynch law- wen mad. hy a delegation headed by William I “ negro, former immUot Onltwl State, attorney gon.ral. Kej •'25?* *. eon«re»*ooal ineectfeatien •aoUng to a i ad action in the mdaB " „r»>7»"tatooa in Congress when itUI enfranchisement has bo* bee* *!• 2&tW«-P asgro, ^osMts an theSem—ds also, do eland that bona of the claims mmA+ •ad coma “from — aaaayplieanU for, ZnSU? “ r* bntkeT% *** W«rl • Qacteaa* af taxation must ha ‘fawe^s for* the national riw'ilalliiii oflmaal isctarm. told tha cammtttao ia lay og before h gerlmgiab elate far aOahUaa. Tha at—hit—r acted itet tha 00X00*0 mar debt te •—-*-■• Prohibition crept into the hearing when Wayne B. Wheeler, general counsel for the anti-saloon league, and four other "drys” urged the coea rn itteo to fake a firm Hand for en forcement of the “dry** lews under the Volstead set. Wheeler mid that the Democratic party would be com pelled to take a similar stand. When Wheeler finished, Conuatt teeman Richards, ef Washington, leaped to bis feet and Insisted that he be beard in oppeshlen, bat be sat dows again wbea be was advised that he would be beard In executive see lion. Joseph ObetgfeM, of Cincinnati, urged a modification of the present “dry” law*. Others who spoke at the morning saaalon included June Adams, for tbs women’s international league -for per man rat peace; Lucy Branham, Dr. Robert Lovett and Hiss Grace Abbott for e lifting of tho Russian trade em bargo end Jobe Kelly and James Rada How. for the enfranchisement of ite nerant labor. Prank P. Walsh pleaded for the i^ elusion of a plaak pledging the par . to a “full, formal, complete ana o*d cinl recognition” of Ireland’s ‘.elected elarcd, the nation would bo vlndlcat-1 mg thr principle* for which tha eol dlcss had died ia tha world war. I Mr. Walsh charged tha government with ilurking K» doty la dealing with Irish freedom. Representative Mason. Illinois, also spoke far the plank, saying that such a pledge by the party would draw thousands which bee* keen "inherent ly Dsmsctatw.*' Marsh Stir* Up Harmt's Mast Ben C. Marsh, of the farmers’ na tional council, stirred up a hornet's nest whan he attacked tha Mach-Casa mins railroad Mil aa tha "most un American bio aver pawed." Frank Hogan, committeeman from the Dis trict of Colombia, spear g to hia feat sad Insisted that Marsh was making a "socialist speech" and urged that he be curbed. Committeeman Grots*, •f Wisconsin, hurried to Marsh's de fense, and while tha crowd cheered a woman spectator loudly demanded, that Marsh M permitted to continue,! aa he "was telling the truth." Even-' lastly tha chair rostered quiet, and Marsh urged the raters of railroads to governmsnt control. He said that three months of private control had raealted la a loss almost aa groat aa tha total two ysara deficit undar gov iruB«D« control. (Unator Capper filed a .bale af ree dutions aching the convention to ie loreo the "dry” anfaecoeacnt law and ilea made a speech declaring that the prohibition act. In fore# fa Kansas ror 10 roars, was the greatest place if JegleUtic.n ever enacted there. As s raeslt of prohibition, ho explained, tow Kansas cematlsa have any hew ing problem among Jails and poor hoaeea and semi lag men ta prison has goat out of fashion In lata af pieces. A separate national department of edaceUon with a place In the Provi dent# cabinet for Ita head wae urged by Mrs. Josephine Forest, state sup erintendent of pa bile I aatr action fa* the state of WaahinytOM. Maybe Dsecheael fell ant ad that sleeping ear trytnc to gat away with out tipping the porter.—Richmond SAYS GOVERNMENT budget BALANCED Ltttfa Deleft Washington. Jum- 9_SKiatorr Houston, writing to tho bankersof Ur ro^try ^l^ that th* tJZ & !Z?%2Zlor£F57,or *• ®,tfc Mis month, •honld *«wWds, If nay deficit. DriSriStj* firrt 9«*nrtor mi th* S-s^SrW.-.iss! ns third there was a surplus of soar- . y KOO.OOU.Oto. and tha fourth qaar- , >» •*• M»»Jd Mow n sural as. ! watering January 1, ltfl. Both aartf ■a w<U ba dated Jana 16th. Discerning tha outlook far tha com ing fiscal year, ths sen alary said there would he a farther raoae o of both the gram and floating debts in ths first two q marts r> sad that aa Isss addMteaal burdens should ba tm poasd by future legislation, there would be a eery important reduction ia the last two quartan. "Tha petted of upwards af twain months sines ths flotation of the Vic tory loan,** Mr. Houston continued, "has witnessed grunt sxpaastea of commercial credits, but steady liqui dation of United States government securities. The Federal Base tvs hank's combined loans and discotuts secured by government war mcuritiei have been reduced mot* than 6400r 000.000. though they have increased chair towns end investments by about 91,200,000,00a. All Other roporttafi banks (about *00 baliavad to control abort 40 per cent of the commercial Matk deposit* af tha country | h*v< deduced their holdings of and loam upon United State* government wa) I Mcuritie* by about 92,000,000, but have increased with other loans ami U.ml.s.1. akas.4 • A MAA AAA AAA WANTS PEOPLE TO PASS UPON THE VOLSTEAD ACT Sr* Girt, N. J., June I.—Go earner Edward 1. Edward*, a candidate for in Democratic praaldantial anihn Hon, has iaaucd a statement her* to tight demanding liberalisation of the Volstead Act, and calling apon "the people ef the United States, lawfaRy tad tha conatHatioaal method pro <cr(bcd, to pass judgment upon tha let" ‘The Supreme Court ha* declared the 19th amendment to bo a pan of the Centaltulion and the Volstead Act to he 1U stetatory Intcrpretatien,” read tha stetnmaat. "That act la open to saeh ant rdment aa tha dale awe led represents tiros of tha people may inset. "No powar axilla which 1% para mount to tho powar of c%a poop]* czprcrscd at tho poll*. There atone ia lovrreignty. Ersry candidate for Congress, every State and legislative oflckal aad tha tend Ida tea for the Presidency itavlf will ho called non this coming November to daelaT* their positions unmistakably on tha MM and reasoaaM* Interpretation of the Conatltational a mas dm ante ia l vi vvv pfnmviTt vw vs wines and bears, each state ta deter mine iU ro*ul*Uo*« under the liberal limitation* of a general federal sta tat*. "I appeal ta tbe great sad final re ferendum of the Americas people” NKWSPAPUIS PREDICT^ V SUITS IN FRANCK Paris. Juae 10.—Ilea’s suite at 41 franc* (la normal Umoa about $•) iwfll b* possible In Pari* accord tag ta newspaper*, If a campaign botag con ducted by them is raeeemfoi. Tbe pwcerrmest Is baldiag more tbaa I. oon.ooo yard* of cloth suitable for •totting, and I* being urged to m lease sufficient for 700.000 suit*, un der an agreement with manufaetur era and onion by wMok onch soM could be made at os law * aaat at PflMflNHI n JSIMMONS BOLMNC I TO SUFFRAGE VIEW AiT* I on retifrta*"Um ■»«». and when the r'; , ': • JaJjr. he will b. I £ *• he did the day_ tflttogloft oi tka u ssrsT ..“s."* •n Mind. WwTg>rgjy?g*—* ^*S« *" bat MfiXHsX publ.c and tbaar -t/JT -uffctad alamya can tia»« thatr ak fo-uinaa to eaaaat dcaear Sm m7 tng*. Hr. buiraMMU SS ^irdsisautkAa * *» Um minority, or bat Abnatthr • Um retired Met, ar rw.» • L (Sodwin It an Aa aSSaSTbSS aa^dSamad • ‘W tbr'w Wo^^SiftJJtiS?1*!! •id today, "aad arkmt ( arnta dZt **ar » fear day* bWara tha tirw fan 1 knew that the tar^M al •void pmuit woman hlnk I would da ao. I .hat they did not wai now that they da. Wo i S*ht to piovyat It* •oath, bat It has ei that are ahould ha again* a ftonewaO. do I think It f oolidh ta anatgonUm now. U bp battbe owt my brain* ajntaat that wot) I taaid help next manta bott down tha tiring, hat might bo differ**; bat tSw to lire and am eajoytag ■fa.” ; yarn* aa gingerly I e did It~elee tiena ago. Ho bad rabid oa bia fnendt and naked ton* tha primary. A* u hla view* an rvfftage hip tabrad with that parfoct candor wtdeb at* way* baa markod bia public Mo, The aaffragiota wilt toko boort form hit oxpreaaioa today. Tboy baot been a mb Moo. Tboy tow ran lata math huMtooa IHpMIlh, Tha Maryland and Oooroto aXoto roraatly nat htra dropped pm t * bit af polM*. But tbaaa i latitat ban •avail raaulned taa loop: They aama U rvatat ratification and --"n‘ -J to maka tba an vialaao aaeaMa aa national prabMtiaa, PriMdlPt flm. aad tba lappa af aartaa*. Na apab ha trad of Wllaaa baa baaa canted Ip I bay baaaaa aoatb ad Capa Cad aa tbaaa woman Waodbt ham. Aad that I oaaaaK an tba fadarni aaaaadmaat ■ ptvtnp aattan-wlda prohibition, aaap lad with ibatr fmraama attaahs af Piaaidaat Wllaaa cat only pava itaa to anrnaat aea rotation aa ha wba aaat ; tbaaa bar*. Wrt tba* anppart tba am •ptvloo of Sana tor fhaaaaaa that thara .ara paniraa patHJetaJ raaaaaa far tbia vUH of tba Imparted aatl*. ! Tba aaaate lovnatiprtlaa ad tba “*»» haa.aama to aa and. O. tblapa na qairUap dawn after alt Va map ha happy yat tHln Ohmrvar.

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