IS DUNN DISPATCH' TWUIHIP SVIIT TUESDAY AMD nUDAY. I_ EUSBEE POPE, PahiiaW Tkna Mtfka..M < IBs — • e . Om HA.Iiw 1 * BAPTIST MEETING TO BEGIN SUNDAY A two woohs* oraagolirtle mb. M* wlB koala M tboFtrtt Baptist k MA Bnaday moraine, it Her. IoIomi, pootor-olaet of Mm (kink of Tacoma. Mr. Jakarta ia • ran of orator, humorist, con kamiUty He kai ro aoicrml ability which ia io| hy the boot of training and Far ftvo years after grnd Oarsca Newman caller*, ; ha was panto* ia La* An Califoraia. From tbarv ha mac i Bonlhcm Baptist Theological Louhmllo, ha n Lucky, ho- grad a* ted in tlu full . b, < k i stay in Kentucky ■ yaator of tho CompbeUjibnnt ■opt.** esusrea wtisc ho ted in e non n^aihahl* way. Tba church in Ta i limit* which h* go** in July i* a grant downtown church in a largo uh niinn styon cnurn ui UMr City. Rot. Mr. Johnson U aa old frtend af filar Kogan* Olive, of Out Fine -a^uat church. Kor nearly three Cite they ware students in the firm ly together aad were co-taboron la several evangelistic campaign*. It la through Mr. Oliva’s Invitation that ho i to oar town, and he assures aa had no evangelist roc eat years who hen done aaharaariol aad mtlsfacuty wash la every respect than we may i ttwm Mr. Johaaon. oa Sunday will bo at ” a. aa., aad Mian. Beginning •day morning, tan day ecrrieaa will bagla promptly at 9 o’clock, elo*. lag WSI> oan boar. The evening ter vices thmagknnt the week will be gin at • o’clock. Mcatbors of choir* of the different charchf are earnestly invited to as sist in Waging with the large choru* »r sack irmtag, aad a hearty io ta ertaaiad to all to atfarad LEVI ATM 1AM Jane 10—Bids for Lgriathiaa, tha largest la merchant mar June SO hy the i of the eky having gene aa Wte harieg become loafer*— florin sail re lastly faced a shortage WJtMW leaves daRy aad a bread I-XICAN BUSINESS LIFE < i.EECb REORUANIZATtui. « ■ i WMqi System Retards fnmii : 1 eial Pwiliymssl Fasasmis . Law* DfartythM 'Washington Star.) t At ths present time business Hfe In , lexica is a cunous tffslt. The cana ry Is on sm absolute (aid basis—that i, practically no paper mopey and no ubvdary coinage is In circulation, lire smallest gold pisca is SO cents, oid those nlscos ars few in number ind dUficuK to handle. The two-do W nr told piece ia the real unit of mo i. y end any changing of this lata atelier denominations It dona by aeons of nonage stamps, nrcct car ieketi mad any other substitute for tarh which the public can be Induced :o accept. The result U, of coarea, a thaotjc condition ao far aa tho car rying on of business ia concerned ir'a.-ioos issues of paper money have tern pat out by tho Carranta treat ary authorities, bat rap sated repudia tions hare taught all Mexicans to be ware of paper money, and nothing but hnrd cask is bow correct. Ths sil ver content of the subaidary coinage was so large In Mexico that Ores ham's law came into operates com parativeir early in the price n»e which silver experienef-d, and, as s result of its raJas si bullion being greater than its value aa a circulating medium, silver money entirely dutap prnr. ,1 from Mexico. Mexico might have triumphed over the political mistakes of Carranta h economic laws had been allowed tc take their course, bat the leaders of the outgoing administration have in titled on an attempt to put into ef fect a mass of socialistic and poorly cevueo nmuiw wnirt reaaereo i bortive the plan* of the country’s bus ;ne«s leader*. The great* it need ha been a banking eyatem in whieb the people would have confidence, but ivory plat, for such a ijnrtem has beer Tctoi J by Camnn. With natural re source* of unparalleled value, and with every necessity at hand for ■ r-'er nnd Hnppy development of theii country, the lack of governmentai and bu->ire*» machinery has been *r great that Mr*iCo ha* not only failed to advance during the past tight year* but ha* actually fellon bad! ward. K Need* FlaaxUI System It is to be hoped that one of th< Ant art* of the new leaden in Max ico will be to eatabliab a financial ayrUci for their country by mean of Which bnainca* will be nude p«M> b!; a> d the development Of the coun ti.' bx.y n«d. The problem! that will ec '-front Mexico’* legislates* in dc *u nr. * ir-mcta-y intern for tboli country will be far different from th - it now facing tho legislative a* *e:.iblica af Kuiope. Neatly, every eo-jt y 'n tho ver'd lo astVng * era— to Introdist piblc co-:rdone< and tnc value la to huge amounts of paper money issued during the war and since the armistice. No such prob leu face* Mexico; it to on a sound me tallic baato aad the problem aov watting to be solved to more ilka that in the United State* before paauagt of the law creating the Federal re serve system. The United State* had a largo stock f gold, planer lot tV n-.-rt our Sty bet ,t lacked :h'j -« -i lobililiui it IX I'MC". of cm r 1 nd had r.0 -na:hint .\ ■fun : amount cf tumiitl i' t for the cnnjinf-; on of the rat'on mx'r.r-. Mexico, llk« «:**. ir rot abl. 0 not lull tala* for it b. cau<«- hu.'l icact thi i time i» limited to tranaar ion- which arc actually m tthd in Bi ll. Credit la. to a large extent, non iXlfcnt. Wh.le thi- remain' *o, t-j.v -<*• and deVklojtoienl tnu->* pi ve il nith halting steps, but when u xi-uni ay.tin Is once ini.ce'urrn ind the people again -wcurvd the pni dbUitit* at growth for thie rich na Eioa arc boumileta. Financial Note: The dvbeiitu<e bonds of certain o’ssnntMtlcn* nr; high-grade investments. but the Debt 01 the Soeieli.t Pnrtw can not he re. commended to COrri'i-vmUre ciSlirr.i. VCwL.-C ?rc?i,25' RALLY - p I he voting people of tha Preaby- » ■an churches of Cumberland u J.hnxtoo and Harnett countie* wil d h-itf a rally at Ualatia charrh, aaai , ryrttiTlilc on Wodnaaday Jane 22 "f he- i-ra-cme* will begin at 10 o'clock t * I cc-tlnoa all day. Picnic lunch .. T Or rrrnd on th church groout 1 A -‘ini ia being prepared, I '1 cunxirt in part of the follower Derotional. , “xporlx f:om Young People*' cor i '“•.• ore at R»H Sptinga. i Addrcsi: “The Choice of a Lit ; :,V .ItMira: Sav. G. E. Headerllte e Minionary to Brasil. Lunch. Reporta from Socialist in each : church. Addreaa: 8r. Antonia Almcldo, Na ll vv Pactor. Pernambuco, Brasil. Charclwa that have no Young soplss’ Societies are especially urg I to tend representative*. ' the year’s work will bo made by a j (legate from each society. Eveiy ! sung persoa la the Prcabvtarian 1 larch In the above mentioned coun- . es ii Invited to be present. fANT PRESSURE TO BE USED ON CONNECTICUrS GOVERNOR Hartford, Conn., June 10.—A tele ram urging the Republican nation 1 convention in Chicago to bring all oasibl* pressure to bear on Gover oi‘ Hoircmbe to secure from him a all fer a special session of the Con ccttcut legislature to act on the suf rage question has been seat to Chair san Will Hays of the Republican ns ioaal committee by the Men’s Re ublican Ratification comanittev of his city. XJUE KILLED BY LIGHTNING Detroit, June 10.— Four boy*, waging in age from 14 to IS years, rare killed and seven others were in ured. one probably fatally, when Ightning (truck s tree under which hey had taken (belter this afternoon. C*OAl. DIGGER AN AATUT Cardiff, May 9.--Vlecnl Evan* a oung coliicr living in Swansea Vai if, has had ot>« of hit drawings su it led "An Underground Seers," nc epted for exhibition in the Royal Ucademy. Evans worked at coal haw ng until quite recently and spent hit (pare time in painting and drawing. Professsr Messer Fireman—H was the water tank >n the top of the flat that buret. Dyslaouer—Waa he excited at the at dt .t? Fireman—Not much; to absent m ded he was o-'dor the Impression hr was having hia daily shower bath v, sjactilot t>. »j_d l-oh.14, for a piece of reap. A Detroit man got a dlvo»ee he. causa hia wife went out looking foi a bargain and uuvai came back. 1< may be sho is stilt looking for it.— Detroit News. Congressman Gallivan of Massa chuartts declares that prohibition «n forcement will cost $1*8,000,000 an rually. No still hunt in a great politi cal campaign could be more rostiy. TWF COMMUNITY L TACilP t Dorsey W Hyde. Jr ) )le u a mail whoa- , vet Mate!) tar ahead la faith of what will ruivly o me to be. Uc maker tlia e,gh'.k.-v « ittse <i u- wa A naw town blooming n town teemed dead. He baa no fvar of U'lbla/* d ;«iih, to Unul . Hi* heart rrultr to muhi I. a |>*o;ilc (IM, To help them realiie the die m*»i tliul he lla* woven from the tlvivf* which ai 'li hare laid. Ot>r tovrr arv dow-vd with “Jut gift.i of time, oi.'/ hund itae pine il liu-.n unde.* m*.r*» i-c-ntrol. "el; ' ? 'fe't mnn who yearn* to give h*a nrime i in ne,|iina yon ntlam you,' civic oiml A uiOti elm work, to , c ad la ‘.li.* *u«l lublime Neeil have no feai for hi* immoicai bouL Having failed in all hia other <!•’ a'rr.s the former Icaieer l.i now en gaged in derric-iina clethca.—Vanrnu vrr. D. C-. Province. V m SIUUItrLESTI Bed Cedar Shingles Direct from British Col lumbia Mills Best and Moct Serviceable -in the world- f We have a limited supply that we will sell I at low prices to quick buyers. 9 THEY AkE GOING UP I Butler - Brothers 1 , t >mM. NO FERTILIZER? WELL USE COTTON i j SEED MEAL * , , 4 , ( j | ' 4 | | BaMar alaaia thaa na fartWaar at all. , We Here Meal of Finest Quality And at the J Right Price. REMEMBER! . ; | : : | Thb b the year to farm, better get this meal :: before we ship it away fro mDura. GENERAL UTILITY COMPANY —.....a . t'Kb&^Bse. v-Z ''/* VV*' 2-. v - ’ •« * < 1 TiATS when.a.good shirt shows its beat qualities. If you are struck by the set across the shoulders, the atom smoothness of the front, the taper of the sleeves, the easy drape of the back—then you know it's an Eagle Shirt. Eagle Shirts are cut with the care given an outer garment. f Every shirt the ultimate m value _■—I B. PLEUHMAN & BROS. Dunn, North. Carolina NEW PLUMB!NG~BUSINESS |° I wish to announce, to .ay fiieid^nd the "pTomfiitfg'fjU^fheaTin* Dunn be j ready tor work by Jane 5th. I will be located on N. Clinton Avc., next door to W. J. Jones. , -?V y\tV' ^=n-nin.‘*» n*1 expert plumber, who is well known in Dunn and vicinity will be manager and all work will be done under uis supervision. Our stock of goods is arriv ing daily and we will be glad to make you an estimate on your next job of plumbing. E. C. Edgerton i Dunn. :—:—: North Carolina ..k : Little time and no trouble b ] I Bonj Paint Insurance Destruction of your property by fire Is remote, • destruction by decsy and neglect is certain. .You are carrying fire insurance, which protects you against poeeibleloes, but does not prevent , fire— Paint affords positive protection and insures you against decay and deterioration by the elements, be Oul/t- aides it increases the value of your property and adds to its appearance. the Surface and you Save All" ^ 9 F°r every surface that needs to be painted, varnished " •y or stained, you’ll find a Pee Gee Paint or Finish that • wQl give you lasting satisfaction at lowest cost. Half a century of refutation tor highest quality is behind the Pee Gee Trademark. " ' 'HI ■ - I! H* < £ The Universal Car [ ; I • !!! March 8, 1920, the Ford Motor Co. adva iced the prico* of Ford car* because of the >» . increased coat of production. No specific announcement was deemed necessary at the \ I; 11 time, but it has developed that misrepresentations and misquotations of these *d- ;; > ■ ; vanced prices have been and are being given out. So to safeguard the public against ! I ; the evils of misrepresentation, we herewith give the present prices: ; ■ 'M> « M . RUNABOUT . {550^mJ“*-'. -If TOURING CAR J575."“ "'Sa rnilPF ^7**Awith duml •**«***« aUrting and lighting " • • glwWJjmtcm and demountable rima_$A&0 SEDAN Cfi7Cwith dual eloctric starting and lighting uajt/rui _• • «fOI«#*yalcm and demountable rima_$975 TRUCK CHASSIS SJ5 ~~ $600 ' * • > (With pneumatic tirea and demountable rima $540) T|»eee prlcea are all f. o. b. Detroit . Ford ton Trattr- 45COOO f. o. b. Dearborn, Mich. J. W. Thornton t Ford Gu-s-Ford Trucks-Fordson Tractor*-Fcid Service j j N. Wilson Ave. Phone 177 1

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