color-Line wiped out . • BY LABOR FEDERATION t Negro— M»»l Be Givan. Full etd Equal MaiebarAie in Affiliated Ueiaei Montreal. P. Q., Jane 10.—The I American Fade ration of labor in Ita annual ronvantion her# today wipes* j out the "color line" and warned ilrj affiliated international union* thot IK-! gro worker* muat be given full a-ul equal membership with white mm. Tha federation’* action raiae a: lb. I and of a stormy —Ion, which tienrl* resulted in a “race was" bciwien del rgalre from the souther* slate* >n< the negroes and their sympathiser. ' Rejecting the recommendation in it* organitatioci committer, the fiilu alioa for tha first time in birtoiy th res tuned the autonomy of an alii hated union by requesting the broth erhood Railway Clrrks to give th negro freight handle)*, express ami station employes full member*)*; |> am' eliminate from it* constitution tb words "white only.” Th* committee'* report of ”ihhi. concurrence” on the ground that the federation had no power to intrrfct) with the constitution of an affiliated union, immediati-ly drew the fire of lb* negro delegatee and those of sev eral northern states, chiefly Illinois and New York. There wae a voluminous esrhang* of oratory in which the negroes charged ‘tgxuiion without represen tation'' and ''discrimination,” to which thrir opponents rrplled with acrueualiont of betrayal by negro workers of the whites In past labor disputes Indignation of the negro delegates was aroused several times during the debate when speaker* referred to them as “nigger' freight handlers” and their objection to such remarks was • attained by the arling chairman, James Duncan. They charged tha'. Ih* use of the word "nigger” was c slander to the race. NEXT SPRING In Ihc rotation of muvn—spring will again appear. This means that busy days ore ahead for the house wife as well ss for the farmer A* the oul-in-the field season anpioechcr for th* farmer it means added bui den* of the housewife. She 1, i\(|uir cd to do numerous chores and addi tional odd job* about the place which th* farmer handled himself during the winter reason. Also it is |h« time for preparing to increase production. When increased production was de sired in the factories, seme of the lint things the executive did was to Install the moat modern machinery that money could buy, cut out all lost motion and to employ various sorts of labor and tinir saving device*. These are practically thr tern* pol icies usually adopted by the up to-thc minute farmer when he Wants to pro due* large crops, to save lima and labor. Ob* of th* first things he will u dopt ie the use of electricity. By the instit)latlon of the smell individual farm lighting plant, th* farmer cut* out hi> lost motion in carrying wa ter tu the Mock, can work out in the field until dark if he desires, because be bat electric light* all over his pre mises, so that when he gets In to the barn be doeaa't .have to stumble around in the dark with a lantern fin lehlng up hia. .numerous nocewenry _ Jfven thouglftqi housewife's duties the farmer to raise larger crops, he. bora, us can be greatly reduced^gjyl cv will afford On of these farm lighting plant* will furnish brilliant electric light* for the homo and farm premises. Here is a relief for the housewife from earing for kerosene lamps. The plant will run small motors to opciate the washing machine, churn, cream »cjt arator; it has power to run a vacuum sweeper, fane and so on. ami heat for eloetnc Irons. Farmers’ wivep who have these plant* declare that the; save from throe to five hours on the washing and on* half the time fur ironing, when they have electricity to help. Than it can ha used to pump all the water for household use, kit chen. bath, laundry, sad for the stock at the bant as welL So you me it will be puisible for th# housewife, by the iaetallation of eae of them plants, to carry on her increased program for the coming ••aaoi without the drudgery of for-| at the same time sb*| will enjoy the numerous comfort* end ! conveniences that et. Fear 100-gellon still* were taken with full eoulpmant, 16 gallons of Hmar panrad sat a* V*>.f io*biy a.;i n>i,i o wi jrn*l. ft ft* a vJu m aat’n • i»f :» ft;•• ». t V •>f pnts. u|. in a coatrir !!«••• i%ie Yurt *ny, u»!*» wm* * .... • «it*ne«r uml whit bvn.w tb** , It-tt »»r b.'Wjfvfrt i:« » - lx: went ever i!i *;f:4 o • ti*.*. %• ,» hi* vruiino* r. Mr. .[ •«J :o trior onuftfr t - i,#. v* > of Triuk* i’i. x'.'. .. ; Norfolk. V*i.. b r*» ;vt %. .1 • amine tht biul^a n:«» * ;>i and make a «* port t«» ih «**. •..**. -- . ——i■ mlctionei* whether it wilt he pneellili to put in the concrete flooring. If viio concrete cannot to pot to then • uoudflooitng will be aa quickly ae r-wibt*. 'lit. TUmax* dated on Wednesday •flcriioon, if the aumetura in found .U'p to hold the concrete one of the lincnt piece* of bridge work to to '< • dm the country will bo put in I vc. There will be the two drivo V >1*, nr at present, but the danger . v partition now betog osod wffl bo .•■•minnU'd. Kach tide will curve up •n the outeldr for the double poipoae of providing drainage and to keep Lh* driver off the rail*. The Inaide ol a*ch driveway will alio be elevated ■lightly. It (• the Intention of thr cen rr«U carineer* to place there a floor, he that will laat for a***, if the feon latioa of the betdy* U rtron* tnuugh to bold it. Chaim ho £. V. Kdono <*f th* com niaaionn* Mated thia morning that toBethiof will be daaa aa am aa poe aibl« which it rnitlfylaf nawa to IbuK- who have to croM tha river at thi# place.—Fayetteville Obacrvar. Farhioa Item: Striped aaita are now all the race In Soclallat circle*. EwoewarsnaveaBMa row KILLED BY UGHTNIKO Detroit, dene l?*.—Four boys tanying in are froa It «■ 16 years were killed and arm other' were In jured. oao probably fat&'ty. wh. n llaktBlne muck a tree unJrr ebkh they had taken »be)ter uua ftk-.neOB. 9?sa? "s ■'::-g scientific ■ Wtfg {finding out is (He E:>0s£ .h£rapH Havt fou lock*4 mi> «hirtl TmJ »»•*/ pkt*ocripka? II tATTtJby u you »«U* AnJ Jo you W yoai'r* It u dUUoll to drrWt *-'.*.!• » tkr but | !»«*-fr»pfc ry iha •fc?p*i »ir%i ani%v*-* o'tkaj Very few to ur krto .r*>utk U> ri-amlr, U*«qj»l:.» »T -m /Lk* «o tlaOifcoT Vr»y Jefrxxbir tidii ar< ;i». r »urafc; an /U: . pit r» Nil MPV y XI kJM Hi a ft i3y •Cimrk owikod \V*Vt ♦-'WifSe itv a*, t >..>!• of tk: '«U*«tor> muo . m •*•»«• # Ik. EJ.t n Trn lak* (M>» * tk* k-d «v fkm • v*ap>.» Cir *( } .41 r « • m«shvJk wi «4i(k m»f I* l.'i-m i4 i i the fc* •*• i*-Jrr rtw wo-. w«Ji»ni, Bayn^ taiu 4««*,1 u a I ya Ii4 *H; . >»wr "■ a k* a-r k^a.i SM ••*’•' t*»4r T*n»TaMt clrao «p It* 4!owon.-,nl .!»'*• :i up *cw a I ii»v H bnji me c"c«y 4*t •.« k^ tk; aiHtf^s Yjj kuw at m>. #tt;k oup »r't' k.t ! Cli?' - v> fir.&Q'f ® i A ft? ** * * ' • w **1 * * * •* • i t(< !j,v |V i ■’•u .-’w. : • ■ TV Gdvnei T«rn T.l> CvJV f m*6I u <*:.*•»•* ire af**rt fi.<* eke is*h»r«S *4 •#' lav* t«ea- h i<( ».twj *cf i2 Ic-ai, ikry l-ijf rt • C’ n 4 -PCt. )Jllbw I' »« ,mi; Un Uk!1, i ^ ? 7wi«rT>5*L r.v-, J ' *■' '__ Tfc* Ti • ! 'i;lur» i»oJ an l'-'* f“!< * ■ K u j «►? l«:i • ir I «• fTVttti ..'or, •' f JU.KX1 BARNES * HOLLIDAY COMPANY DUNN. N. C. PtI# 7*\ ^ f * I- I., n TU Nk. • <«««'•■ •M.I H»w u . IM'J. kj . • ■« *■ •/ - ' - - I | I 1 Easy! This wonderful J *oep is the best iriend a worn f an ever hud. Parget the old » scrub board—those achings v in the back and knuckles. You t don't have to worry with them any more. | Here's the Remedy! k Get a cake of Clean Easy i a Naptholeine Wash Soap. £ Shave off half of h into 4*4 ^ gallons of water and let it dts k solve. Boil your Rothes in it k for ten minutes, string with ► a stick. Presto! Every garment h ie free from em end grime. j nm turtiest overalls, antra 4 M and clothes'come clean" whan 4B Clean Easy starts to work! 4 B Thera's nothing like it. We wish every women in the world could just try Clean Easy once. Whet hours of trouble and miserable work could be saved! Just think! Ten minutes of boiling—and wash day is over! Get your cake now! Don't wait a minute, but prove to yourself that happy Mondays are ham to stay in the Clean Ee«y Way! k SHOES— -YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING PRETTIER OR MORE STYLISH THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK. THE GOODS WERE CHOSEN BY OUR BUYERS DURING THEIR RE CENT SEARCH THROUGH THE MARKETS O F N E W YORK AND BALTIMORE THEY REPRESENT THE FI NAL WORD IN STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE —WOMEN OF THIS LOCALITY WILL FIND JUST WHAT THEY WANT HERE THE DRESSES WE H A VE I N STOCK ARE NOT EQUALLED BY h iuaE CARRIED IN ANY TOWN OF EASTERN CAROLINA. TH£Y ARE EXCLUSIVE IN STYLE AND WERE BOUGHT WITH A VIEW TO PLEASING OUR BESt o.u^SSING WOMEN. GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. » The Goldstein Company < DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA