gat'*-"111" ' ^. -ucetate. The child '•» bring aeglstted to »ueh an rxu-nt UmL Uk time will jsaan come tbnt ha will bo rightfully taking tba credit far railing h-mealf. jBaw tba Basra tog manage: “What ; Manner af Child Stall ItBe.'* ‘ The renting mbtoet: “Tba Mon key Wrench of tba Bible." The char acter Is placed there to shew every .phase of Ufa. You may know where the path lands before yog follow. Haatr It ^51^——mw—a • tioed Malic. Good fellcerrhip. Ho. near and peace U the linceie dwii* of um church. Cone ever and wonhla arilh u«. . J. J. LANCSTON. 'dor* than 1,000 niUtnan aasenb led in conrvntten at Near York vole-, aw. to ratio the price of winner ha; Th -rti. nrdi of aroint a had dee-aled the1 If fl »cl»-.Uru continued to ’it* th. could not ratal- th* price. - * ivi£^LM£NT AND VOLSTEAD aCi UPHELD BY SUPREME COURT 1 < -> — i Which W»i Unnhwn, Regarded Ae Striking Death w To Hope. Of Wata, Although firmiiiina U Created For Filing Motion. For Rehearing. .. a.h.ngton. June 7—The prohlb •jo omeedmant and the cnforcemct t verb held constitsUonal by tb uptime court today In a unanimou iLicn. While attorneys for the in tercet: .stacking the tsro anami were Vented permission to file motion* •»r rehearing*, the deelaiea was re . aided generally as striking a death i'l»w to the hopes of the wets. The court’s opinion read*red by us. ice Van Devanter, was sweeping, it held Uurt the amendment net ealy came within the amending power coo pered by the federal constitution hot nb lawfully propotil now vu the law ef the land. While recognis es that Congress has limitations hi tespect to the enforcement of laws rewarding beverages, the court held iHote limits were not brahaceaded fas the enactment of the eaforcement act restricting alcoholic contest at lntox I* ant* to one half of one per cent. , „ Slate Acts Invalidated j While New Yortt. New Jsreey and Wisconsin nets permitting manufac ture and sale of beverages of more than one per cent alcoholic content we;e not directly involved, the decis ion was Interpreted as tedaUdsthm thorn. Tbs court said the tint section of the amendment of Ha own fores "invalidates nay legislative act— vhothar by Congress, by a state leg islature or by a territorial assembly which authorises or sanctions what the section prohibits.’* ■ Concurrent power granted by the> ndmmt of federal and stats gov ernments to onforee Prohibition, the court further held, "does not enable Co tigress or the 'Several states to de 'Ml or uwart promnition hot only toenforea it by apnroprista moans." 1 be decision of tbo coart was set is eleven conclusion! covering *v»« separate proceedings These ’oucccdinga included original mite brought by the state of Rhode Island directly attacking tha constitutionali ty of tha amendment While agreeing aa U the validity of ihc amendment and enforcement act, Juttics: McKenna and Clarke dlmant od from the majority Interpretation of the power of federal and stain governments to enforce pro hibition. Chief Justice Whita Md that the court should eat forth the reasoning for its declaim. Ha did this in a supplemental opinion Justice MeRoynelds i„ a brief uattmeat declared bo waa of the opinion that it was Impossible to my at this time what construction shoo id in- given to the amendment. He added "but ‘'because of the bewilderment which the amendment creates" he p.sfcrrod to remain free to consider the mnltituda of questions which will -bit'vitably arise and demand eola Applies to All I Ignore The decision set at rag contentions previously laid before tha const that tha amendment could not affect aleo ho’> IV.uora manufaefered prior to ’senary t<. when the omendmeat be came effective. The ' e*uit held that «h« etc. *-oent. appW* i ouch liqu or* me earns aa any produced after that time. Regarding arguments la the offset ‘Hat a state having constitutional ref erendum provisions could not have been said to have ratified the amend ment until it had been submitted ta ‘•he voters, the court cited its opln on. rendered lam Monday In the Ohio referendum onset, hi which it held Inst such referendum previsions to apply to tha federal amendments. Only one prohibition cam of impor tance remain* undecided. It U an ap peal from New Turk involving tha coRst’tationality of portion*, or the e-fsitsmiot act prohibiting storage n warehouses of Intnxieattnw liquor* IrsIgiMd for peisenal urn. This was — u*Md this (print, bat with the •oart’i adjournment today for ihc summer cannot be decided before Oc tober at tba earliest. TO KEEP LIME UN SLAKED Wa often with to keep Mm* an Uaksd lima on hand for fruit spraying mixture, Ota. It la usually a rattier bard job to Sad a contn'ner vVek win not allow the liar to become air Uahad. . **? *."?*» car.:, in which the fad tor our acetylene ■aapiant came, solved the problem. Tmic cua, vkkh hiv« mo( ft: Uag tops, will keep the lino perfectly for a year ar store. carbide cans bare a way at P*Ua» upon a place where there is ‘l« Plant e«a folks asually dispose of ftam ratbsr ckaaply. But anywny, bo Its price cheap or dear, the enr Mda can will prove its worth when it S®"_ *° £••**“* unslaked Ums.- - ®- ^Jda, Jr., in The Profrte tra Parmer. i Trsmm ell .tyle. HOOD*A QRAX?HAM REIGN OF O. HENRY OVER 10 YEARS AGO <{J*w York Evening Post, June 4) Wm. Sydney Potter, better known ae 0. Henry, died in thia city ten r" ago tomorrow. that ia, on June: 1S10. So did all tha diverse roads 01 ba destiny bring him at last to hj, ?V" hiagdosa, for “Bagdad-«a-the. Subway belonged to him at K neve hooto aay othar man. ., Tear* was the short span of his Caliphate here, yet in thatUrae ho penetrated clone to tha intangible *“ . peefeetly recognisable thing "*ieh the ancieata worshipped aa go and which we leaTroverant: »®rtal* ityie thp “anlrit of a place." i ®fton without realising ita aignifi eaace. Not oaly did ho got cloae to the Jpint ef thia city, bat ho Interpreted ■ta mutencaa into articulate ap&ch 5S1 ^f°rae. •P®heaman for It. and this office of apokeaman and interoro *?r h*» »«* boon challenged. Whether, like a dimmed .lb_lu ■® walked the water front or dropped into •oma itriap tttinf place on or aa the spectator of the hf* *f the great metropolis he occ» pied hie ealiph'• throes in hie favor It* restaurant, watching people around the comer that never dis appointed him, the city became hie world and furnished him a rich store af material, unfailing inepiritioB and a revelation of that Innar Ufa which Mamina to meat of us a sealed booh. Mo. whatever taming bd took, what ever fork of the road he chose, it would not have mattered. 0. Henry .must have Anally reached this city that wac waiting for hiih and claimed I him a* her own. So much fable and legend have grown up about the nemo of 0. Henry tnlee of his extravagant generosity. ®f his eccentric treatment of celebrity hunters, of his ndventures in end out •* the way pieces and with-out-of-tbe ordinary people, that he begins to •••» almost a myth. It Is hard to J®®li»® that ha was Uvlag here Wa than a doien years ago, er t*.t his favorite haunts knew him then as a <*®ll7 vjWtaat and hi* circle of friend* in hi* flashing wit and run sympathy.: Ho it in with a alrang* Min uf tuuch >n* flngar dpt ta a past already my thical that ana talk* to aoaM one who knew O. Henry during kit to Jo urn bare, and wko can really my. "Yet. It wnn tkua and to, at you believe, for I know him." A New York man, hating swallow 'd two tacka In the aoup that he waa taring at a reataurant. hat obtained * vvcdicl for td&.VUU daraagr* train i the re.ilaurant pmprivtor. It is raoi* profitable to swallow a lack than to ■it on one. After month* of iurpeiietor of such activity, the Prceidcr.t. vn»hou‘ o League of Nation* covenant to uui.le nlm, has aulociatiraUy is mined in ternational relation* by receiving for cin' ambassador! and rain -ten. I Send for Your Copy of This Booklet Today It is jnour't free for lac 9 * were asking—and it‘s really a very interesting 3 little brochure on the ; ,, . wedding ring, 'rheorie and fancy—fact and history all contribute « |- ijf to making u delightful. « i.'f'i ^ describes our line of Fngraved .5 i.- "no modem Wedding rings—giving the j\.V vntiwent attached to the various de 1 :j Simply make your request on a postal j,ij tlrd and your copy will be sent you hy . t?r.irj hum. f’j R\UL- GALE-GREENWDD 1 • COMMNY. INC. H .{ LA'cc;r j;WCLEfl3 SOUTH * fcJI »*a <»S*W Stsssi. Nuuis Vs ' l-Jr k I Ik* FijniKun -- ^'kowBsSTlBafloMef' ffg» kid *■*««*, Nikmur, 1*. Oak, Ok. Oak, OeMaa Oak. Wwwml, aka. Sbowa Ike paia of tha wood IT IS TOUGH—WATXMOOT—DURABLE _ carmote floor varnish fc • AAfarCdaCal Sold By THE BARNES ft HOLLIDAY COMPANY , -.♦ Shingles, Paints and Building Things ! 4- _ > ■ »< i . >! ' M ' H There is a strong market for all of the tilings we carry for building purposes, but we are still fairly well stocked **** cmn *upply immediate orders with little difficulty. This is the building season. Construction and recon structkmmre going on all over the country. There is not nemr enough material to supply the demand that will come * with the full opening of the season. The goods we have in stock will be sold as cheaply as the price we paid will permit. When we get more, the price ts bound to be higher. For these reasons we are advising our ,r. lends to place orders now. Every delay will cost you m >ney. " Give us lists of the things you will require. We will do I t>ur best to get fo • you :-.ll t!ir,t you may need. • ' l i BARNES&HOLUDAY COMPANY WJNN- — *-t— NORTH CAROLINA «M88nnittniimn»mt»imi»immt^ «««««. .W . ‘*”a===a==s=a===s=*=a=g==s=a=3s== ; , • , , • __ __________ _____ _ N e Kindi Curtain Rod* can’t aag—never tarnish itTc) =5=cz===z^^| Kirsch “Fresh Air” i Curtain Rods || You need these in your home. They are the most practi cable of all curtain rods and can be installed easily, quick ly and cheaply. Let us demonstrate them to you. » —■ fiTjj Kindi Curtain Rods can't Mg —rat't trmi-J fj '' g ■s _ ___. __ _____ _ RATTAN FURNITURE Look over our display of this cool and comfortable furniture. YOU WILL LIKE rr * Butler Bros > , . • ' • . 0 if* i The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Condensed Report at Close of Business May 4t}i, 1920. N. RESOURCES Loans.$818,509.20 Bonds... 198.800.00 Stock Federal Reserve Bank - - 1,800.00 Bonking House and Fixtures. _ 51,105.22 5 per ct. Redemption Fund_ 2,000.00 Ca'jK on hand and due from b*s. 96,790.11 Total..—$1169,004.53 LIABILITIES / Capital stock_$ 50,000.00 i Surplus and Undivided Profits 40*866.90 <• irculation __ 40,000.00 Federal Reserve Deferred Cr’s. 16,967.21 Rediscounts . ._ 28,750.00 Bills Payable (Liberty Bonds) 100,000.00 DEPOSITS . -_ 892,420.42 • Total... $1,169,004.53 ‘ # • ! I / ■ ' '' / ' ' . t. • One reason for our growth is that no account suit the little man and the big man alike. We is too small for us to handle. $818,509.20 base our loans on your deposits, and try to loaned out in this community speaksJ for it- show our appreciation "of your business by self. We take care of the Merchant, the Far- giving service, mer, the Businessman in every business pur • I P. S. COOPER, Prtt. G. M. TILGHIIAN, V-Pm. H. B. TAYLOR, Cubitr !