THE DUNN » » i ‘ . Tagrg!|C__r #r 1 V°l" T . - . _ DUHW. M. C, JmJ It, 1M0 LARGE GROWTH IN HIGHWAY MEMBERS North Carolina Good Road* Association Holding Annua) Meeting in Asheville Asheville, June 1C.—The North Carolina Good Roads Association, which opened a tb lie-day session at the high school thla morning, has ex perienced a remarkable growth dur ing the past year and has breome a formidable and militant force und an important factor in the movement! for n State system of. hard surfaced roads and local county roads, accord ing to repot U filed by officers of the association during the morning see sion. The growth of the organisation during the past year has been nothing abort of phenomenal, while the mem bership has gradually climbed to the 4,000 mark, from 272 members which the assoc is l ion had enrolled a little over a year ago. In the past year 20 naw counties have become represent ed and the total number of counties now Interested, including thorn from Cherokee to Pasquotank, reaches 76 Total receipts during the fiscal year were $29,432.47 and of this amount $19,249.$4 la on hand and will be used to “further spread the gospel ol good roads", declared an officer of the anaoclntlon. During thu day 122 delegates reg istarad while several in attendance probably failed to register, for the crowd continued to swell until late in the afternoon session while a nun. per of Ashevillians wore In attend ance. President W. A. McCirt, of Wil mington, presided over the morning session, and following an invocation by Rev. R. F. Camptx-Tl, Callstin Rob ortt. mayor of Ashovilic, welcomed the delegates to tho city. President W. A. McCirt ottered In arorda and also displayed hie deep emotion In expressing his gratitude that tha good road* movement haa the power to attract other eoaitruc tlv* agencies. In the absence of W. T. Morgan, of McDowell, the president asked T. Lenoir fivynn, of Haywood, to speak in behalf of tha delegates. N. Ruek aor, secretary of the Asheville Board of trade, who has had ranch to do with tho association, designating Asheville as tha meeting place this year, and through whoso energy .more than 200 persona are wearing a buttoa which Basra the inscription "’aapaanttattti 1%. sc ~^isrsnaasatm which amts more than BOO wai net tiled and overflowing with good roads enthusiasts. Judge Pritchard mid early in his address "I have be so a crank about good reads, end have a good reason for so being. When a young man fanning in Madison county I would bring tobacco and othar cummoditioi to Asheville and during tho day the Laagron hilt was a menace by day and nightmare by night. I have bro ken jSown more wagon tongues, torn up more harness and cut mors polar on that hill, than the tax for a good road would have coat me during ray life.” PREDICT HOT FIGHT IF BRYAN TRIES TO INSERT DRY PLANK French Lick. Ind., June 17.—Dem ocratic party leader* In conformcs her# on candidate* and platform plank* to bo prmented to the conven tion In San Francisco predicted today that a hot skirmish would remit if W. J. Bryan attempted to inaort a "bone dry” declaration in the rraolo tion. The conference hero will probably end Friday and the leader* will move oa to Chicago, where they expect to hold further aoaieon* before leaving for San Francisco. PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN TO SERVE THREE MONTHS IN JAIL Knoxville. Tenn , June 17_J. J. Aaba, prominent bualnma man, Is In the Knox county Jail to serve a sen tence ef thru* month* which was named on him earlier by Judge San ferd In th* federal court on a charge of transporting liquor. la addition to the Jail sentence A she must pay a One ef 1500 and half of the coat* of the trial. EMPLOYES OF CARY BANK VOTED DIVIDENDS ON SALARY Canr. lad.. June Id.—Emnlovcs of tb* Flnt National Bank of Gary were today voted dividends of fourteen per cent oa their salary, the tame rata at paid etoekholdan on earning* of their holdings. The local bank it said to be the first ia the country to adopt this P»“- _ SUFFRAGISTS PIN HOPES IN TAR HEKL ASSEMBLY Washington, June 17.—Aetivltlei of tb* National Woman’s party at the Democratic National Convention as outlined ia a statement from the •arty's headquarter* tonight, do not Include picketing of the convention hall a* conducted daring the Republi can Convention at Chicago. "The campaign at San Francisco,' the etateasent said, "will Inelado the Interviewing of every delegate befon the convention opens by Mate bran, chat of the party and Interviewing ol each state delegation during the con. vaatien. The party bopoa to obtair from Democratic national leader* I promise to erect pressure *n lh< North Carolina Legislator* to ratifj Um amendment at the tpoelal eeeelot In July." The party's activities at San Frau class, the statement added, will be dl retted by Mr*. A. S. Baker, of Wssh Ingtoa: Mr*. W. G. Brown. Worn Vlr Stale; MMa Edith Callahan, pf Louis villa, and Ml** Betty Gram, of Fort land, Oregon. I * CONVENTION BIDS annual meek::: State B. Y. P. U. MnIi Nnl Year in Charlotte: Azalea Man President Durhum, June 17.—The B. Y. P. U. Convention, which has been In samion here since Tuesday night, closed one of the best .escions in hi history to night to meet in Charlotte a year hence. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, W. Allan Riddick, Azalia; vice presides,, J Kitner Van Hook, Mount Aliy; Mizi Wtimer BaitleU, South Mills; Miss Mary Sue Beam. Shelby; P. L Go»r, Wllmlngun; Miss Hope Barkct, Durham; recording aoetc ary, !!.«. Louise Miller. Craensbo u; tress te Pvrter. W. M. Gilmore, t. fold. The address by Dr. LuUiur cattle, of Charlotte, on rTb» Winning Life," was a fitting close to a convention whom keynote has been “Evange lism." I>r. Little based his addraaz on • he teat, “lie that wlnnrth souls la wise." “It ii not hard to And Ufa." said the speaker, but to find that magactlc winning souls is a rare thing. ' Among the motives given that inspire with a desire to live the winning Christian life was the fact that it will begat the highest wisdom. He that win nulls souls will become wise. To win oth^a the minister claimed, would keep Wk from being won to the world. an^Kn on* to bocom* strong. A widEing Christian will not remain a weakling. The last motive auigaed waa that the winning life waa the must beautiful and pleasant thing to God. Mr. J. G. Murray, of Morgnnton. made a practical address at the warn ing session un "B. Y. p. U. in Bnn Ust schools." Perry Morgan, of Dunn, the a aw Acid secretary of the State B. Y. P. U. work gripped hit audience with kits military subject. "Our Farm to the Front.” One of the boat ^teaches made at lk»c_coavunttoa was that by Thomas P. PrulU, a young attorney of Hick ory. who spoke on "Evangelism in a Dnornr national Setting.” Pei haps the moat belpfal work that has been done daring the eonvmUau baa been the practical talk, and de monstrations by Clarence Leave U, of Andoraoa, S. C. Other features of today’s stations were addreaata by Hortus Scott of Wlnstoa-Salem. on “Work of Ctty wida aniens”: "Vaiua. of the Bib!. Hsndara’ Conroe." by «os Wl ^ ■clean, of Charlotte, and il [-— ■ -1 DEMPSEY TO GIVE CAHPKHTI ZR WEEK TO DECIDE UPOtt FIGHT San Francisco, June 17.—Georgia Carpeotirr will be given one weak to decide whether he wants to fight Jack Dempsey for the world's heavy-wslght i nampit.nahip on or before labor day i and if h« does not meet this demand ■t must be taken far granted that ha doss not want to meat the champion, said Jack Ktarns, Dcmpaay’t mana ger today. "This putting the match over until ha return* from Korop* dees net sat isfy US." Xaaram added. "We will give Carpentler one week to My whether he wants to fatal Dempsey on or before labor day. If be doesn't want to fatal then Heap, ivy will start a campaign among the other heavyweights of the world.” MR. CALICAN TO LEAVE HARNETT COUNTY SOON (Harnett County News.) Rev. J. A. Callgaa, pastor of Ihs Mt Piagah group of cbnrehdk has accepted a call to the I’rosbArtan church at McCotl, 8. C. He npr^kte enter upon the work there about first of July. Mr. Cuiigaa has served the Mt. Pls gah group of charchM very accepts b ly for a number of years. Ha has a billty of a high order and bis many friaads In Psyottavills Presbytery will regret to see him leave the State. Mr. Caligaa will be missed la Her nett county, where be has he coma so wall beloved. He preached at Lil llngtos church last summer in a se ries of revival meetings, and made a lasting Impress too upon all who wars M fortunate as U hear him. He is a preacher of more than ordinary qual ifications People bora will wish for him groat alcccss in his new Sold. KING - BARNU (Raleigh Timas.) Hr. Frank H. Xing and MUa Ella Banna were quietly married Tbura day morning at 11 o’clock la tha chapel of Christ church, the yostsr, Ur. Barber, officiating. Only a few Intimate friend* and relative* war* present. The bride wore a modish traveling suit at bine with a Milan straw hat to match and carried a shower of bride roam and valley liU •a. Mtsa Marlon Baker wan maid of honor and ah* wore a dainty frock of pink organdy with tonchan af Preach bhic and n pink hat to match. Has flower* wort a shows* of pink sweet pell. The groom was attended hy hit brother, B. O. King, Jr„ as beat man. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. nod Mrs. King left far New York asid Atlantic iCty. Mm. King Is the gmaddanghtar of T. L. Pitsgerald, a prominent (Rites of Duan, with whom she made her home for several years. Sine* earn lag to thie city she has bean (to nee ted with the desperation Comsat* sine as assistant fan dark, where At U held in the highest esteem for hot rharmmg personality aad start! !W qnalitlaa Mr. King U a son af Mr. and Mm R. O. King of this city and b n mam bvr af Ih* firm af King * 1. Th# man* friend* af tha yonag com plo will be interested In their air ring*. MORRISON DECLARED LEADER IN PRIMARY Jud«« Bin* A(tm« to Dtdt ration and Ask* For Sac ood Primary (New, and Observer.) Cameron Murruon era * formally declared leader in the Statewide pri “"T by a margin of 87 vote* when the 8tato Board of Election* met y*s Urday morning after Jndge J. Craw ford Boots, Slata manager for O. Ma* Gardner had withdrawn his re queet that the board allow him time i to investigate possible errors in the abstract of the vote in Edgecombe. • snd Lincoln counties. Notice wss filed by Judfv Biggs that be would, artthin the required “Jf of Or* days. W# formal request with the board far a second nriiuty to detsimins the nomination between Morrison and Gardner. Formal re already been received from J. r. Cook, second man ia the rare for State Auditor, for a second pri mary. No word ha* been received from Judge B. F Long, second man In th* race for Sopreme court, bat hi* friends here arc certain that he will try it again. Five days are allowed by the board in which to file request for a second P'?™»r7 in decisive contests After this time has elapsed, the board will orda. th. tickets printed for the aac ond primary. Th. ballot will bo con minim was ml ns ak..nSw. n nunc* for r«*raor, two tor auditor and twa for Supreme coart. Tha an ginal auditor's ticket . carried Ova aaaas and the Soprams court seven. Contests arc indicated in only two CongreuMonol districts. Jndgs W. B. Council having unofficially notified Use board that ha coocrdoa the nomi nation to Mayer Dunwinkle. Mm i. -Steady Sixth." The . board considered the allega tion of illegal rating in Brunswick and Columbus counties contained in a telegram signed by Hannibal L>. Godwin, runner up in Um Congress i®nn» primary in the Sixth diatrict, and by Addison O. Ricaud, defeated candidate far the Judgeship in the Seventh Judicial district. Tha telo Cm raqusriad a (nil Investigation ora -the vote in tha counties nam ed was declared. Tba vote waa da e la red before the telegram was receiv ed. Illegal votea ht great numbers wen cari in Brunswick and Columbus, Mr. Godwin and Mr. Ricaud allege upon faufenuaUon that they sag is reliable grgapaBdsgarjji tatha only charge of irregularity that has boon received by tha board in the primary. According to tba Wilaali^toa Star’s story of Mr. Godwin’s allegations, the Congressman from the Sixth diatrict claims that many Rrpublicani were allowed to vote In tha primary in Co-' lumbus and Brunswick counties. Mon tiou was made of no specific Irregu larity in the telegram received boro, and tha matter was dismisasd. three western counties, the beard brought to light the fact that the Australian ballot had boon used in Buncombe, Macon and Htnedrson counties, by order of tha local boards of election! in those counties. Results obtained wore entirely satisfactory and members of the board expressed tha opiaiea privately that tha Aus tralian ballot would be desirable all over the 8tate. The monumental teak of collecting and tabulating tha vote in 1,664 pro eineta In the State has brought to the aUads of the board the detirability of voting machine* that ar* need In many Staten With this device, the en tire vote could be certified with a hand edlh part of the labor that the present old fashioned system rcqnirer it is pointed eat, and erithont the possibility of errors that cseap la when 1 664 men are charged with the task ot finding out the totals, but it would sunrise nobody if the legisla ture ib mid be ached to bay voting machines next year. GODWIN OPENS HEADQUARTERS FOR PRIMARY IN WILMINGTON Wilmington, June 17.—Congren man Hannibal I., tlndcrln today open ed headquarter* in Wilmington in hi* campaign for Congress. Hn la being opposed in tha second race oy Solici tor Homer U Lyon, of Colombui county, uongrcmnan uodvtn bat ap pointed K. P. Bond, prominent young man of t'n'v city, bi> local manager and la aow org ir'aine his forcer berr for the fight in July. Lyen led he race in the fr-nt pri mary la Vow Hanover county, bj» r’l'igwim> . Godwin .»>■» iber- •* a rmrnl of L m sentiment and ;hat he will be I1* trader >a Ihi ^-nnd race. The congressman left thU after noon fee Cemberlaad and Bohrtou coontiee where ho will confer with Menda and wTO assist la perfecting organisations In thoen coeatic* ILLINOIS PR1MAHY LAW HBLD UNCONSTITUTIONAL Springfield, Jane 14.—The State aupretac court today held the IHinoU primary law anaeaatitutienal. The validity of the-primary election law, which waa passed by the Stale legislature m ISIS, waa attacked by attorneys for Wttliam Fox, convicted la Chicago of fraudulent voting in tb< primary olactloa hold April II, 11120 The ease waa brought to the rupivms court ea a writ of error. The decision throw* State centra cemaUttees at Iks political port in and all eoaaty central committee* ott and Priori ate* old committee* elector ander the primary law, row revived It dhOUdeodtho Mayor Tkompson fac tie"* la Chicago and retarne to pow or tho Doaava aad Biundag* force* Bhnwhoto k upsets plans for ^oci* •KcLona. <1-wi • SHALL PBUtDUKY Be ' j ? SOLO OH AUcnOH •BLOCK? ' I Waahingtan! Jude IT—The ! Senate investigator# foand that I lj the Republican Candida Lei have ' I collect ad *I,157.T*|.T0 far are- 1 I cotiventioa pumoaagxad the Dem : errata S1213*f1 I The Kenyon .onOhitter has e*. i tabllthed there cOontribution*. * 11 which include l ha mi made by ean ■ I H-dales thcaaehraatS- | EfUMUf • 0*"- „L. Wyodijl.180,045.tO I II Lev. F. Lowden .i. 414.984.00 I ' Son. Hiram JoM- . | I inn (animated). ‘ ‘ tOO,000.00 I Sea W. U. Ho.tUgg; 115,109 SO * I Sen M. PoindMt#* • 1 • (about) .-jJ* 76,000 00 S°VC ' 88376.00 I I 11 e>beet Hoover 8t.084.00 1 Niche las M. Butier.. 48.6C0.00 I | Sen. H. fiuthorlanLi 3.700.00 I | Total .. .ju87.746.70 I i A. Mitchell Palma/" 168.810.70 I Gov. J. D. fljjr I (with ptedgva-ju' ft.000.00 I Gerard,.j 14.040.00 I ; 0®*- E- I- Sdwai-da J It,000.00 I Sea. R. Owan.jT 8310.00 I I Sea. G. M. HltaBa? I j each (including^ * y I personal expen-t* I ! «»).3.837.00 I Total.1121.297.00 I The contribution' to the earn- I paign of Jad*e Pritchard of I North Carolina, tad Senator ' Kncx, both RrpoMhxna. have not 1 I been reqnamed bylfce committee. I 0 THE SHIP <y STATE 0 (Klbert H. Gary, W annual meet ias of AaaerieanMpi and Star) In thin presence iftar be ancrtat, without thought of Butradjciion, our country le the beat Ul. A, frequently etqAt notwithstaod <ny th<' United SiaXtu only S per -ent of the world'^buiotion and 7 per cent of the land yet we produce: Mr Twenty per cent She warid's sup ply of (old. flr Twenty-flue per Mm of the wortd’a jvippiy of wheat, la Forty per cent #jha world's sup ply of Iren aad ataHPi Forty per cant JHl world’s aap pl» of slhrar. ill Fifty per aent Jfc world’a sup dWMSfc*; AjU. «iji pty of »fatn!aum|r - i Sixty per cent of the world’a sup ply of copper. Sixty per cent of the world’a sup ply of oif 8ev«nly*f}ve per cent of the world’a supply of corn. Eichty-flva per cent of the world’a upply of auteaaohUea. Better still, wo have constitutional freedom; protection of Ufa, liberty and property. If, in any respect, these principle, arc violated, it ta by iadi mental law*. Aa one becomes famili ar with the constitution and with all department treated by it, one ii con vinced that the scheme and philoso phy of the fanaan was to guarantee equal protection and opportunity te all the people. With the preservation and functioning ef the government in accordance with th* letter and spirit of the constitution there is offered pears and protection; with disregard or violation of any material part af it there i», pro taste, suffering, distress and ruin. Pomsmed of three natural resour ce! and opportunities n moral, intel ligent and industrious people have reached the first pines la worthy achievement Bence, persona from ev ery part Of the world have cease te die United States to better their con dition by participating in the Mean ings which are here provided. Far no other reason, except aa intention to wantonly attack, destroy sad forc ibly appropriate, woaid foreigners settle in our midst. Tbs great majority of Immigrants have roans with purs motives. They have been wtlsomed by their preda tors and eagerly aad gladly hava become a pnrt.'ef the mesa of loyal sad deserving cHiacns. Wa have ap p.oaimaluly liO.OOO.OBO inhabitants, and, aa a whole, they raak high (a the world's throngs of human bein^. eye* and can to the gttmnw of loomed men in editorials, lectures, public ulilrmn nod private speech, to the effect that even oor govern ment iteelf ia threatened at tho proa mt time; that for me month* there bar been and still is being carried oa propaganda, thrt.ign*trd and control led by vicious men, mostly foreigners, which tends to craot* a fooling of un ram dissatisfaction and antagonisms Anneal I* made to the cupidity, the iu) Asha ass and tho baser Instincts of aasii. Promisee not poeaiMo ef failill stent nr* made; sometimes threats and Intimidation* are indulged in. Human nature, wank and greedy, ia easily affertod. The minds of coaaM treble number*, due to war eondi tlons, reuniting In privation, suffer ing sad misery la some ease* and temporary possession of unusual funds in otbsri. an abnoimal, gad false and wicked doctrines are ant to And lodgment. Advantage bus H»»r taken of then* netoral tendencies by unprincipled men, tome of them mol ly enemies of the United States, oth ers merely demagogues, all actuated by tho desire to promote personal gain. Number* of men who or* loyal Americana, some giving evil « dries and others lending receptive oars, will hereafter entertain feelings of regret and sham for their port ia the pnktis discussion of today. The pteaant to-miied labor strikes, Involving riot end injury to property and person, arc lastlgated as o pari ef Ute campaign to disturb and de mo.alias tho social and economic cog onions of the contry. la other land* Serious results have been occobh d by the mate means which have employed here. Ia the disease e< unjustified unrest sad revolt bow discernible progras dve? Will large numbers of our pop ulation ho Influenced? U the Ship of State la danger? Ia she headed fat •he roehs? Ia there a possibility ef ncraaring storms to a degree which would drive her to destruction ? The answers depend upon the con duct sad efforts of the sailers Ura wlvc*, and. and they in clads all class es of people. The ward "clam” Is act used ia an invidious sense. There are no chuae* In the Halted States soeh as have existed ia other countries Formerly, in certain parts of the world, cleasen wen actually farmed aad sustained by the rich er powerful, who were supposed to belong to the “upper class ’' They became distinct sad commanding. They secured sad continued to hold additional privi leges end benefits to whioh they were not iutoly entitled, aad which made them proud and overhearing. They were doomed to eventual failure aad Anal destruction, except to far at they might he deserving an the me rits. Ia America those who now soot to cetahthh closers aad to secure die criminating favor* fee themselves art net prominent because ef wealth; they ere campaesl ef a comparatively small minority ef the population wb< have adopted the word "labor”, whirl signifies nonorsbl* activity, wtth the ssassalsd design of forming a “class’ which they hope will finally attract l majority of the people, and thus ena Me them to obtain one legislative sc (Continued oa Page gix) TIED TO RAILROAD TRACK BY BANDITS Mu WW Loat Haaad Amd La, »* RuhttwaStory at HU KxceUor Spring*. Mo . Juae 17.— Cao. M. Underwood, who lot* a hand •ad a lap lam night whan bandit* tM him to a railroad track live min ute* before a traia pamad, today told the glory of hi* experience and deni ed that the man had any motive that he knew of except rehbeiy. Under wood la expected to recover. “Aa hour or >o after dark," he raid, “aa I waa welkin* to tha Mahon to catch a train foe Carrollton. Mo., ray home, two men with a touring ear foread rae late the ear and took ny watek and *76. They drove south, nnd oaa of the men.* id: 'Let'* kill “ ‘No,’" returned the other 'we wtU Ue him to the railroad track.” We Mopped enee at a pile of bar bed wire and one of the map got err •ml long (trends of It. Wa mopped •gain nod I waa forced to getfiwa on the track. "A few minute* later while 1 wa* •treating to recap*. I heard the ram Me of the approaching train. I tried if **?***• ™ «g» la rar mouth IfcUUad my voice. A* the engine eaa»e within a few red* of me. I threw all my mrowth into another mtempt to cacaae 7y rkh hand wa. ware too tidily bond to be “fcwethia* Mtnd to Mine » on tiro bod/. J nwio I fainted for • BOtowt. bet mob I mi irrweiind SflftK.-s.'srhSs * # Me 0.9. a ependin* a few dan with hei imirbtor Mr*. C. P. Ward. Min Sab/ Termor op out Tuesday in Wad. with frieade.^^ Mm. Lonnie Ban and UMiUo, of Co Ac Id. ate few dayo with Mr. and Min Ethel 0 reheat and Cala Mar Starting left Monday afternoon fo. ic1k»#1. »•*«* Eula May Starting left Menday •runoon for Bad Springe to attead the rammer eehool. Mm. B. J. Ottorkaap, ef Charles ton, R C.. la rUting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. Mtm Sadia Markham left Monday morning for AUevHio to attend the Mrs. Marshal William* was a basi net* riritor in Dona Wednesday. Tom Spoor, of Seeebero, is outlay Ms brotherTc W. Spell. MU Carfie Rhodes, of Washington. D. C. arrived Friday morning to at tend the marriage ef her lister, MU Bead* Who dm Mia* Eunice Tillman, ef Cumber lead, spent Sunday in Godwin with friend*. MU Bemle Rhodes end Chat! Stockton Koffer, of Colorado w*iv guirtl* married Sunday morning hj Bov. J. M. Daniels, ef Dunn. Only n frw ef their Ultimate friend* were present. The* left Sunday night fat B lack aha rg, Yl, te *isH Mr. Keffer'r people far e few days. After which they wiS mahe their home ia Colors da. IDEATK ut' ELWELL STILLMfYSTERY Investigating Early Morning Viait of Man and Woman to Tho Elwoll Homo N> w York, Jane 17_A* it by a man and a woman to tho horn* of Joe B. Elwell, wealthy sportsman oad whist cxpci t, loot Friday, the morning of hi* murder, waa under investigation by the police today, [ ooeking to unravel I he mystery which » far has baffled all inquiry. Police and m.mbcis of the District Attorney1* office vote- unwilling to admit they attached great signifi cance to Uw repoit of Uite early v'1il bar-uae of tta vagm ?r4*la- Th* ***nr waa vouched far by • »•** driver. wS claimed It had been laid him by an other and unnamed chauffeur, who is alleged to have laid be drove the eou P* to Elwell't tome at that hour. Aceordlna to WfMmT, version of the story, be mid waa told him, the wwond taxi driver watted outside tho Bhrcll House, which be aaid the eou pic tnUrfd. until a moment later the •mam of a woman lucid* the kanu rrj*J’tonr’d and he drove array without waiting to collect hie faro. Key ImpHaote Other* pollee alto a re iryine to trace • Mn and woman mid to Kaon boon driven by WagstaB kitaaalf long be fotK^wn on tho Burning of Monday, Jw*\ The records of the tavlrab *1 TO- Mr. “A1 »eil” oflamJpkB 70tb Street eddrem,tel cpBOMd f*r m cab at 2:310 o’clock that ■ornlnr to rota a Madiaon Avenue y**ft»* k mid to have it vended and driven a man and wo-1 man from them to tbe comer of 70th Street oad Path Avenue where they ‘a^ffgSLrthSraS <ee*er, under Tigwew eraoeaai Mtioo, taid Aeaiatant Diatrict Atter toy Doolla* that -a rove* -woman tad cone to the Bhretl hoaee efcortlr rftar tWSrblat «pert waa dimovanf tad vMtbd riwdl am,. T*U*a had ro«m. . - Dietrict Attorney lew admitted Mo hchef that the y Bag' SUPTItACK _ FIGHTING IN irmtvarajfA Baton Rouge, La. Juac 17_De feat in the Senate today by the Hoaee date riptrta w:nan aaffra«a bill waa followed by notice f:»m leaden fav •rin* ratification of tbe Federal oof • »• h UHM MIVJ ir* I '"•™d»o« a ratification revolution. Tbe rtght, aunie,. ro-called be muM it waasupauiiad by Aon who opposed ratification of IM Susan B Anthony amendment, failed to re ceive the nofmaary two-thirds rote la ho Senate, the eoont showing M to 16 in IU favor. The Senate member ship I* 44. Another bill already ha* been in -reduced in th* Senate, however, rhicb would provide for woman suf ling# by State constitutional amend masit. MHK FEINERS ATTACK g IRISH POUCE barracks JKookatown, IreUnd, June 17.—A kindred Sina Fetacr* today attached the police barrack* her* and drove the police to the upper pait of the building. They eaptorrd two police on stable* and withdrew after twe wurs fighting. Cvvkitown is a strong Tyrone Un oniat center. Ulster volunteers were Housed by the ponfirc and mobilised bat ware not asked to assist. They watched the siege of the barracks. One constable was f*vei*ty wo coded by fullhade* by the raider* fioas the greund floor* into tho police strong hold above. isvngannon pone* later intvrctptea ■ motor lorry In which there wa* a man suffering from dangerous gna chot woendi. It waa aacertatned that ho roeetved them during the day. SAT9 DEVELORMENTOE INLAND WATERWAYS WILL REDUCE H. C. L 81. Lotria, Jane 19—Development of inland waterway! will ge fat to ward* red or in|r the living cam, ac cording to Jame* E. Smith, of St Lonia, chairman af tha watarwayi dlvtalon of the Mltalmippi Valley Aa toclatiun -who today jpokv before the convention of the United State, Jonlor Chamber af Commerce in aa*. Mr. Smith eritieiaed Congreaa foi Ito "Indifferent appropriation!" foi waterway* Improvement* aad referr ad to the recent appropriation of SIS 0*0.000 aa "paltry pTcayaaieh ant pnn| w!m.“ He dor la rod that aa a remit of Chi "t}tp-*b«d amt ahaloM manner la whfch Congrats ranted an this wdrk' none af the project* approved by H for waterway* development* in th< Mississippi Valley hi the lam thlrtj yeoea had bee* completed. althoogl "amay had bean surfed." The railroad ha aaaarted, ham reached tha hartt af their eaawrlt! for mUafartery aerriee and thu ha reaahod t* some estant In tha prea lent uadar-preduction ' String bean* can ha canned with ■ oat rugnr, and they load a "ewe* tam* to wtateg mnali. CONGRESS MAOS A POOR RECORD Waafcingtaa. Jim 1»—H Ink* m if tha Sixty-aiath *•-- aL— tha Ant U« ki'pabUeaa party haa ia tan yarn, will pa dawa la m the woat a bah notary. It haa h dta, moat of tha tbaa by an boat, mad Icaow aat wtwt R ■ do. Tha laadara wart hi a Kraat ham ta fat la “to atact naRimilia tatJoa." ltaatdaat Wflaaa no. eJaad far aat__ ■tor Paaraaa^ajhaT ^ of tho firat coaatry to a_^_ Bcpraaratatiae of tha Baaaa, a Ur latarHawa. Praridaot with tion fna war ta Bat whaa - pawoaafa wi publteaaa hagaa ta Rw Thtefa that AaSdhm haaa ha«a bn# |«ft —if ai. aad that d#nU naf I#., a ■>— !S.tS MM&v th, —Hu Hi) Mt tt tha Kenyoa Manama* aa fee* iavoetiiatlea. Tha We He* aa* a half, the T the aot to mt a bare aadt 01. 1 _ __ j (a the ny af 'ffsgsjyttattJs imwrmm* ^rhajrhad^aoT belteooi Jut effort* were a*4a to bap tha Republican eoathutlan. Bat it k now cyldant^thattho tyee era* aa la fall wala* that aa lacairy weal* be Waited to ahow jaec where tha aa n«r was eaaiae frea aa* where k »»» iroin*. BUIE'S CREEK SCHOOL TO EMLARGE^LQUmnUrr •art Creak, 17.—Tto ten teat night mud Mr. M. T. Fkt* tenon, Conte, N. C„ pniidiat of tto Bonk of Bait*. Crook to noted 5! i7¥. McKay, rriptt Tto tokk too in it toca in operation ala moatho Tto rapid growth la rtirflrtahli to tto largo number of taall ateoktoM an, inc lading a largo por oat ad the eMooneh^ tort, sad to tto ten 'bet it it (ItoaLed la peSaltoy tto to Cti fff li tar- Tto f Parana i too (Qlrk of “TteT’Z rnroltooat to tto hi Mary of Crook Academy, composed dTIM <t ad eats from auy roootteo la Kris and other Bute. Vrtaolpol T JL CamptoM states that owT oweo tone are bo In* mods to p MW .-todanta at tto IW ' y. Ha worm all tootdtog lM make ■Nrikk all -pToflotoo room for wtot to pradleto U to to an owbu ottoadonca at tto a. k am _ - « W tto school ao for m i most tto iacrooMog noo do at no tlceohlo jmi MBM teoul oboe reel hoe tow watka and drteoo w tto gk toe rafe-s £5 pal aT rts | tmetkm darln* tto IwHtoMw.

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