#•*'*>* # '*" +”4 •LOCAL* Henry Grady, of Clinton, wn hare today. Mine Pearl Gcantham visited rela thraa In Smlthfleid this nock. MUi Norma Parden, of Durham, ii hare to visit Mrs D. L. Temple. Westbrook complete* hit rtudira in pharmacy and peases the State board. Mrs A. J. Broughton and her non. of Kenly, are here to visit relatives Born—to Mr. and Mrs. W. Claud Bell, a daughter, Thursday morning Born—to Mr. and Mi*. Paul Hood, David Henry Hood, Jr.. Thursday af ternoon. Mias Beulah Tcnaplo left Wednes day for Fayetteville to enter Pittman hospital. Mrs. Bradley Godwin has gone to Carolina Beach lo spend a part of tb» summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Denning relumed todiy from a wedding trip to Northern cities. MDs Brownie Fuseli spent a part of this week in Smithfinld with her brother, Prvntis Err ell Mias E mm* Young and her Belem, Elisabeth and Daisy Young, of Smith field. are hare to visit Mrs. I*. Smith Teddy Vlhnei and George Mandia of the Dunn Cafe Company, return ed this week from an outing to the beach. K. J. Winges, eoMon buyer, left today for hil home in Augusta. Ga. He will not return lo Dunn until next season. Johnson Brothers biff reduction sale continues to attract large crowds of bargain wrlnt The sale will end June M. Mm. Wallace E. Coltmne and her daughter, Misa Doris, spent Thursday In SmithfieM with her mother. Mm. T. R Hood Dr. John A. Ellis, formsr pastor of the First Baptist church her*, now a meldcnt of Raleigh, was a visitor ham this week. Misa Fraida Isaacs returned this week to Goldsboro after having spent several days here as a guest of her slater. Mm. Ellis Goldstein. Marsh Mbrrow and Rev. Jana M. Daniels will return tomorrow from Wilmington whom they have been at tending a moating of Scottish Rite Masons. Benjamin F. Oden, former pastor of the Christian church here, ia in town and ia a guest of Mr. and Mrs. McD. Holliday. Hla present home is la St. Stephens, 3. C. Mias Magdaline Bmith la ia Dur ham to visit her graadmother, Mrs. Mary E. Smith. Her mother, Mm. T. V. Smith will Join her there tomor row. They will return home Monday. George L. Caanady. accompanied by Misses Grace and Edith Crockett, left yesterday for Oxford to visit re latives. The Misers Crockett will re main ia Oxford until their mother re turns from Richmond, where she ia ia a hospital for treatment. Mrs. J. E. Crockett and her son and daughter, Charles and Mias Ruby, {aft this week for Richmond, where Mrs. Crockett and Charted catered Johnson-WiUis hospital for treat ment. Mias Ruhr wiU rsmata thane —— with them until they arc ready to return home.. Girard Wllaon, captain of the Unl vemity baseball team, was here this weak to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson. He left this morn mg for Burlington to pitch for that town’* ciub In an important game. He wiU return to play with tho local boys next week, however. The old tieae bell players of Dunn who have married will orgaaile next weak and prepare to give battle to the yoangAvra. Among the old tim ers are "Rusty’' Randall. Bunk Lane, and aoiraral others who used to draw cheer* from Henry Hood and Erneot Young in tho good old days. They promise to show the kida how base ball should bo playod. Mrs. EBl* Pops, of Stoney Run, Sampson county, diad Wednesday in a Fayetteville hospital. Funeral ser vices were conducted from the late home yesterday afternoon by Rev. K. A. Jackson. Intermsnt was made in the family burial ground. Mrs. Pope was the wife of Hoary Pope and a daughter of George Strickland. 8ha leaves her husband and two small children. Mr. and Mr*. William R. Johnson are here to visit Mr. Johnson’s pa rents, Mr. sad Mrs. Wiley B. John son. They will Isavs Saturday for Boos Hill where Mr. Johnson will as sume charge of the Westbrook Drug . Company. He recently graduated in pharmacy from the North Carolina University and passed the State Board of Pharmacy last week, no will remain in Boss Hill until A boon Miss Ruby Godwins at Washing ton, is bore to visit Mrs. James Far thing. George K. Grantham, member of tho Board of Trustee* of the Univer sity, attended a meeting of the board In Charnel HU1 this waak TV. Ra.,,1 decided M build ten new bouses for the fee*tty and a aew dormitory ia addition to the one just completed. Mr. Grantham laid that there were more than n thousand applications for entrance ia the college next year being hold on becaasa of th* crowded condition*. It U to rvliev* this situation that the new dormitory it to bo balided. Lewis C. Stephens aad Mias Ague* Viola Warren, two of the moat popu lar reanc people af Duan. were mar dad ia the boats af Rev. Father Wat kin*, af the Dunn Catholic ehareh, last evening. The bridegroom's fa ther, Vane L. Stephens, R. Darham Tayter, Mine Emma Warren, sister to the bride, 'aad Miss Uant* Uainey were the only attendant* Th* yoang couple left immediately after the cer emony for points North. Mrs. Steph ens la a daughter ef tho late George ft. aad Mrs. Ida Warrua. She is one ef tho aioet charming aad accomplish ed yaung women ef this district. Mr. Stephens la a member af th* firm ol Stepheae-Howard Compear sad waa far several rears connected with tbs Darham aad Southern Railway. CapUla aad Mrs. I. M Renans cola hraUd their illver wedding Frida) afternoon In their bowse hors. Scorn af gaeeu wars ia aUeadase* to d< them boner aad wish them man] ■rare years at Imagines* that has amds of their home life a thing of Joy and beauty. The guests were greeted bj Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clifford, whs presented them to the receiving Um which sms farmed ef Mr. sad Mrs »iiiii, Mr*. Varaoa Friddy, of Rich munti, Mr. and Mr* Hugh Parham, of Kinston, Sara H. Reams, of Pur- 1 ham Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Farthing. ! of Durham; Mr. and Mr* Ernest Par- 1 ' ham. of Oxford; Mr*. B. J. laertim, ! of Raleigh; Mrs. A. C. Carodo, of < > Durham. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. FusseU ! ’ ushered the guests to ths dining room < when, the many beautiful gifts war displayed and where a salad followed by ice cream, was ■ Later punch war arreed by Viula and LocUle Howard. , , mttttttttttttfflffltmt’ i i I; /AT AND ABOU1 if: g THE TOWN i|i| uuxmttzminuitm i i ■■ i ■ Sheriff William H. Turlington, of 1 1 CJroro Township, was n visitor to our ! oCcc thi.- weak. He wm* beatan by ] Mill McArtan in the recent primary ] for rercah.iatlon as a candidate To* ‘ hij p.esant office, but be bore no ns- ! lice toward any of those good Demo ernts who voted agios! Mat. Sheriff ! hat twice carried the haaner of Do- . Jnocraey to victory—first in that mo- ! morable campaign of 1910 when the ; hope was mart forlorn. The radical* < had swopt the county la tha previous olactioB aad It looked as If the Do- ; mocratic aorainees would have hard ' Madding indeed. FrfaKdJ MMbUpM wm ' ; Turlington to run for Sheriff. He yielded, with tha result ail of yea ! [ know, la the succeeding election ho was again gir*n a good majority. • This time ha really naked fer tha job and him friends in this and of the county were confident that ho would be renominated. But tie a bad year i for the prognosticators. We were con- ! (Ident that Bob Page would be.aomi- J naiad. Wo were pratctically eertaim ; that Sheriff Will would come through < with colors a-flying But 'twua not ! to bo so. Mill McArtan, a fine fallow. ' a good officer aad a splendid Damo- ; crat, carried borne the bacon. Ho will < mako a good sheriff after ha has ! beatan Will Holland. Meantima Shar- ! Uf Turlington desires to return ; thanks to thorn of his friend* who • > stuck to him and tell all of them that ! ha will work as hard for MeArtan’s ' election as McArtan worked for his ' [ two and four year* ago. Hia fasting 1 ' irieretu in urove require most KbH . . time any way. J Bad a wire from Old Bus Than- ! day. He and the real of the Sbrln- ] era had progressed a* for as St. Paul ; By this tin* they art wall up ia that ; 1 part of the country mnda famous by ! “Ruygles of Rod Gap " Aftar a ! | week in Portland they ■will swing | ; down the Coast to Friar o and Los ‘ 1 Angles and then tarn eastward, sr- ! . nving hare ia time to vote for Ban- ! nihal and Cam. * < I — —i ■ • > This baseball aggregation that ! 1 Dunn has is toms toast. They take > all com era and romp upon thorn at 1 win. Pour Oaks la tha latest victim. < » Kemp Massengill breeved down here ' last Tuesday with a bunch of fast ! youngsters including Pitcher Lamb. > The local boys garnered Kemp's goat ' and lammed Lamb all over th* lot. , Up to the eighth inning they had tho 1 1 visitor* Mood sis to two. Then dark- \ aaas descended and caused tho local < > follows to make a few bobbles that ' ’ lot la throe rum. fa the niath 'the < . game had to be called because nobody 1 could see the bell Henry Shell pttefr | | ed for Daaa with Ids aeual effective- ■ aeon Roland Williams scored Dunn’* ; ; first two runs without getting or be leans ml aimed lame a bM I I Thieve* tutored the J. L. Hatcher ; ; Mora In Brood Street lent night and 1 robbed it of a largo quantity of wear- ! inf apparel and a anil rear. No alna 1 | aa to the idaetlty of the peaona waa ' ! loft behind. ______ ■ i Make year arrangement* now In j attand thla rrlerbation. Yto will ' ■aim tha Unto of year Ufa If yon lot ! ! it gat by without adding your proa- J |oneo to Ike twenty thoomad a there ; [ wbo are coming. In a few day* the committee la charge of adrartiMag ! will compile a program and wifl ; [ Place cepim of It where yon can me for yonraolf that tha day la going to » bo an that the premotora prom lee 1 it win bo. ^ i to moMxm i < ’ < > < i — ■ < > ( > > i » * The experience* of u*- ' er* prove that Dclco-Lipht •are* at leaet S I-2 hour* ; every week on the aver ! , >Mfc farm. The electric ■ > power for operetta* llctit ; machinery !« ert, he secured the sum of one hundred and fifteen thousand dol fcrs. For a new dredge boat in the owe.r Fcar> obtained two lundred thousand dollars. He se cured moi'c money for aids to nav igation and better lights for the Cape Fear River to promote the general shipping interest than was secured for forty years,, prior to the time he entered Congress. He is the first Congressman ever sent from the Sixth District to secure sums of money to survey drainage districts, for farm demon-. stration work, for the construction of object lesson roads and general county soil surveys with maps. He * hac brought to the people of his district every benefit and relief of "* feted by the government. At Con gressman s Godwin's request the Agricultural Department has done more for the farmer in the way of selection of seed rotation of crops, the furnishing of ready markets for farm products and the improve ment of soil than has ever been done in the history of the district. Every dollar needed to carry on the government works in the Sixth Dbtrict has been secured. The army post at Fort Caswell, the Quarantine Station, the Light house service, the Coast Guard and Life Savings service, all have been provided with ample funds. Taking in consideration the a bove which is only a brief state ment of Mr. Godwin’s achieve ments, we call upon the people to uupport him in this contest. J. C. CLIFFORD R G. TAYLOR G. K. GRANTHAM ....... , " I apMBKB9S99S99 A70NKALL HUftT Ah*i JSfiB tSTlafTtvokaa fu ££££** * at vtilNAd i|M »wu «u- Af w 1. D.>»li*? rtU cona? Jf®*® Mvml twin WlilM QO a.Trasaissa,T« •illllUIIIIIIHHHIIIIHI Wrt aickt. It it mi taM na ta tkfc kyr^CHAtr kl. If mm ka Wed ar wkrthar it v* ka niowarr to m> #■*•«• a Baaldaa Mr. KaU, t«a aai •nt Mia trm knt kat tktir «w*k ^ JrasvS Sr.KJWXillKSSS wttk av.««l atkar* vara tanlar la •Ac* kavin* bkM tha dayi* work ttniinniniimmimii --- zx XX i ■ XX I Summer Furniture | and I Musical Instruments ♦♦ ; ’ 1 ; ; You will find comfort and ejoyment in these dungs we have gotten for you. Bob Swain will show you die furniture—Marion Bag' gett will demonstrate die instruments. Both of them will be glad to serve you at any time. ■ *__ in 0 • j. ||, BARNES&HOLUDAY COMPANY * I I ! • i ■ • Come To See Us On July Third - ~ 1 ■ • * % ' a , « * • * . i i » . * , ■ *..rrimmmtmiiiimmmniiiiiiiimiiiT I'll Kindi Grata Bod. cut *C—HOT • Wi=$- i ■"' KirscJ* “Fresh Air” Curtain Rods You need these in your home. They are the most practi cable of all curtain rods and can be installed easily, quick ly and cheaply. Let us demonstrate them to you. Kiradl Curtain Rods can’t sf—amr Urnit!i RATTAN FURNITURE Look over our display of this coed and comfortable furniture. YOU WILL LIKE IT Butler Bros '•* . t ^ 1 • . .... 1 1 111 ” "" ... • •