J e of July WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING STABS AT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. IN THE MEANTIME WE ARE REDUCING OUR STOCK FOR INVENTORY WE HAVE THE CLEANEST STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, WE HAVE THE HIGHEST GRADE OF MER CHANDISE, NOT OLD OR SHELF-WORN STOCK, THAN ANY OTHER BIG STOCK TO RE FOUND. THE FOLLOWINqi&EDUCTlONS ARE MADE, NONE RESERVED, ON ALL THE HEADS MENTIONED BE LOW. THfeRE ARE NO RESERVATIONS, OUR PRICES ARE ALL MARKED IN PLAJNFlGURES, AS YOU HAVE ALWAYS FOUND. THESE PRICES ARE THE SAME THAT THEY HAVE BEEN THE SEA SON THROUGH. NOW DON’T DELAY DELAY IS DANGEROUS Ail Silks in our store one third off. Georgette and Crepe de Chine, all good stock, all shades, one-third off ladies Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Silk, Serge and Tricotine Dresses, one third off. Coat Suits, to be perfectly frank we have only four left, one half price. Best grade of Percales, one fourth off. Silk Skirts, handsomest and best grades. Fancy weaves, one-third off. Georgette and Crepe de Chine waists and blouses, one third off. Every pair of Mens, Ladies' and v~t.«idren’s Shoes (Slippers) in the house, one fourth off. * Millinery is classed under two classes, $3.95 and $5.95. These hats were sold as high as $184)0. Some of the seasons best stock and summery stuff in the bunch. Men and Boy's Clothing, every suit in the house, none reserved ex cept the Mohairs, one third off. \ / ONE THIRD AND ONE-FOURTH OFF OF OUR PRICES MEANS THIRTY-THREE AND ONE-THIRD AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE, OR EACH OF YOUR DOLLARS BUYS ONE DOLLAR AND THIRTY-THREE ONE THIRD CENTS WORTH OF MERCHANDISE. THESE ARE NOT HARD STOCK ITEMS OR OLD STOCK THAT WE ARE GIVING YOU THESE PRICES ON, BUT THE BEST. NONE RESERVED. HASSELL, JOHNSON C. Duke, - - - - North Carolina I