FURTHER IMPROVEMENT SHOWN BY COTTON CROP D«pi*rtm«nt of Agriculture Reports Excellent Pro|r«u in Caro lines end Georgia Wiihintjt'T, June J3.—The cotton t rup showed Lxnpioversciit duiing the pji/t work ir. practically all sections »'f the l>r'*.. aCi'v \*.nr to the weekly vmther and cr .f bulletin of the de partment of agriculture irvutd to nigh Improv snvr.t. it «tMti practical ly mailed :n tliar eastern district, ^h*-rr moiatuic and tempentnr# con ‘i.ton* v%re «sp-cia(ly favorable. In *.^r nui ih.vt'l M-rlion, however a waa t°o cod for best growth. Both there i- id in il’.i- wiftem *n,.ign of the L'.-l: heavy mint, occurred. { *'Yoit cxuTr i: i>r*^r i wns re 5 1 •• ril iii ihr Ca-'olirn- 4 m| (icoigia.'*| i.u bullet *i r* ported. “the recovery? »* » inft tin/ lust two wick/ in Georgiaf hi »g especially marked, but the coi>-j(, »’ t:on than Is still vimaitiefactory. "The light! • run.fall pi .milted bi t-'. l»*r cultivation in Florida and this? work mode foil to very good progress I and u a ell along in Alabama and! Mississippi. although much complaint^ of gras* 14 still received from some localities. “The weather was generally favor able in I*ouiwin*ta and aims in Arkan sas and the cotton made mostly very \ good pi ogre, w mi tho>e Stater, al- 1 though it wiu too cool for best 1 growth in Arkoneah while the crop | I Here is »tiU grassy in plan*. it was \ too cool and wrt for best result* *1 in Oklahoma where tho condition of 1 rollon ranger, from poor to fair. In , Texas the crop made fairly rood im provement. < “Rains in the lower Mi&dsvippi val ley favored an increase in tnc boll J • weevil" ihi report Staten, “while they I; arc numerous and causing sppiehen- . Mon in many other loealltl* ».*' I < OWENS BORROWS $3,000,000 ON WOOLWORTH BUILDINGS New Yo»*k, June 23.— Tor the fl*-* ' < time since its crectk»n. m dread? ago. the Woolworth Building—tallest of • \ fice stfucluie in th* world—h to he t » neumbcreil by a mortgage. < It wav announced today that heir? < of the late F. rV. Woolworth, fuun- ] dee of a chain of five and ten cent < :.ior»». had arranged to borrow $8,- < 000.000 on thr nlruilure to praviil* | f ady funds to rout *.tate and federal < inheritance taxe.-. which total $8,000, 000. Th«- Woolworth building, 702 fr»-t h:gh i»rd covering nearly ar acre of. land in I.ow«t Broadway return* anj annual income of S1.50.0UU and it) valued by fin moial t-xpert* at $10,-1 000,000. « Enough | A big. powerful car plowed up as the occupant* perceived a car of very modest proportion* standing by, tha roadside in a rather battered cor.-. dition. The owm. r of the car wiu on I h>* kn«e«. endeavoring lo straighten j out tome of tht parte. | "Have an accident, my man?" | queried thr man in the big car. f “No thank you,*’ grimly returned1 the other; just had one.*'—Life. | Diamay I* Right! There wa* a young lady named Bank-! •r. I Who eieot viiii* tho ship wu* at au- J chor. I She **rokc in diMxnny When ahe hcatd the mate nay, “Now hoirt up the lop ahret * and spanker .“ - Kingwond fW. Vg.> Journal. PERSONAL LIBERTY TO BE DRY SLOGAN Compruiu Prohibition PUok At tracting [aland ml Loader* At Friaco San Francisco, Jane 23.—A rolls leer ronatructlou corps of platform builders war busy today srhltuiag oit plank* which they believed would moot the needi of the Democratic Na tional Convention in expressing its v>ewx as to prohibition enforcement I-coders, including Chairman Cum mings, of the Notional committee, were In agreement that this question would monopolize the carter of the •onvention stage until it was settled. Mr. Cummings biarrurd the opinion lhat it wonld be the only issue to be -arriod to tbs convention floor. Informal discussion by dciegule* ihowt several schools of thought intone the anti-bone dry advocates is to now the question should be ap proached. They vary from the Statin •ights eland taken by Governor Ed vards, of New Jersey, to propoml* hut Congress bs urged to proceed iircctly toward modifying thr one i*lf of one per cent alcoholic con ent restriction of the Volstead en orcocnrnl act, so os to lift thr ban rnra beers and light wine». I Tire most pronounced movement al he moment, however, and the one vhich appeared today to have taken he mr»t definite shape, was the or •insting in Washington mid designed o offer a basis on which anti-Do ti ll y forest could concentrate. Persi .1 liberty will be the ale:Mi of td‘o-1 cats* of this plank. j Mr. ('.amjninga was emphatic today, in defining the question to be solved' as not a prohibition issue bat mere)*. < expression of the party’s altitude a* to the Volstead enforcement art. J _i I [soldiers are warned TO RENEW INSURANCE Attention is called by the Raleigh chapter of the American Red Crest u> all ex-service men carrying gov ernment Insurance that the etoaing time for reinstatement is cloac at hand. Thousands of act all ovr-i th* country have allowed thslr poli cies to lapse but under the liberal terms of the government will be al lowed to reinstate them up until July The Red Cross here sends out ths following warning: “Attention, sol dier*—This is the xeru hour for War Kink Insurance. Have you reinstated yuuivT July I, last date." New Haven, Conn., June 23.—Yah University at its two hundred and nineteenth commencement exercise* in Woolsey hall today conferred the following honorary degrees of Doc tor of Laws John Joseph Pershing, who com rnsndud the American Expeditionary Forces; Thomas DcWIU Cuyler. rail road administrator and war time of the Association of Railroad Execu tives; ths Right Hon. Sir Auckland Campbell Gcddea, British ambasea dor to the United State* and Jean Ad rien Antoine ambassador to the Unit ed States. 'LEGAL: ADVERTISING -: — EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix un der the last will and ti -tumint of L. U. Lee, it., doewumd.this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to fila the same with the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of May 1020, hr. this notie* will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All per sons indebted to ihr estate will make settlement immediately with the un dei>i|picd. This the 12t.li day of May, 1020. MAHTIIA LEE, Exocutnx of L II l.ee Jr , deceased. Clifford and Townsend, Attorneys. Hay 18-tit. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Harnett County. tinder ar.il by virtue of an order of ihu Superior Court of Harnett coun ty. made in ih» Special Proceeding entitled W. M. McDouttald and Rox ann Cameron v» Arrhie Mr Donga Id, ft. W. MtPougalil, W'm. T. McDoug aid, Mary J Mclivurald, K,-Ule McD. McLean, ( has IV. Cameron. John I. f'ameron, Cvr-rgo W Cameron, Sam uel CamcionEmilrna Cameron. Flora Came .on and W>v.ina Cameron, the some hefnr No — upon the Spoeial Proci-mliiip Dock, t o* raid Couit, the underrate"' d Corrfi.aionrr will, on the 28th day of ian, llf'd at 12 o'clock non -. .U Ihr rounVyjsr In Lilling ton, florin Carolina, offer for sale to thu highest bidii.-r that certain tract of land Ivins nt.d beiry In Upper I.it 11 ■ Pivti Towashtp, Harnett County, Vo.th Carolina, and devvrib.d an fol low:, : Ki-ginning at n slnkc on the south side . f Coir H-ancli. l*i-.na the third corr.or of * fill, i ,-re trnet of land of Ann G. EtoitVe isd runs thence N l-> elm o. In 3 i-.t'- e: thence E. 18 l'M or and 12 1 isf. to a srake; thence S. 1b < hunt- w a stak"; tlicr.co i.o the lieyinrioK. containing 2ii m-.eiv. -a d o.l. to be avrordir^; to the olio.-mg terms: Ca/h. Tine iftith da.- of S.ay, It 20 E. i. YOUNG, Commissioner, rt-l-IL NOTICE CT SALE. OK LAND Under u::o by virtue of an order i't wlr made by Clerk of Superior Court of lla neu munty, in a special proceeding), entitled (J. H. Himpnon, Administrator of K. L. William* de reaMHi v«. I.illie U. Spearman. George 3. williams et air, bring No 1885 i>i: the Special Pi oci-edinjp* Docket nf wnl county. The undersigoird com iniraioneri. appointed bv the court, will on Mondar July 1th. at 12 o' •lock M., at thr court house door in Lillington. X. C.. vapour to Rale to the highest bidder for earb. tbe fol oaring do-rnhed tract or parcel of land, .ituatr in Stewart* Creek Town hip, cdjo-niuy the McArthur land*, -he land* of W T. Smith and otheri, end being the w.me tract of land wh.ch formerly belonged to K L. William*, bound and dc*ei*ibed a* fol low* ; liuginniugt aCa stake in tbe center bf the Dunn,aM Lillington road op p -Rite a larrfg ai-ad piiu* pointer, Geo. d. Smith'* corner in thr McArthur ine. and rum| lit ncc S HE. 2200 feet to a ruin-, McArthur’* and Bailey'* cornet in the old plantation load; thence t. 74 W 11K feet to a ■take; tbenre'h. ul W. 2S« feat I*.a •lake and pointer*, a coiner In Bailey'* line; thonce X. 8 1-2 E. 1012.1 feet to • * inter Henry Davis' corner in If, Cameron'* liar; thrnc* Ba»t 208.7 fart to a stake, Henry Davia' eorntr; thonce N. 8 1-2 E 1043.C foot to a-Hake on the south Bide of the Dunn *nd Luflington road, another of Henry D.ivi*' comer*; Ihence a* the lionn and Lillington rond East 04b.3 feet to the beginning containing 3-i ncrc* more or lea*. Time of talc; Monday July 5th. 12 p’clock M. Place of ale; Court hour* door, LUIlngton. K. C. Term* of fair: Ca.-.h. CI.AJtEXCE J SMITH, K. H. DYE, Commireioncra. ■ Thia 3rd day of June, 1820. I r_a.*i I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK North Caroitns'-—Harnett County. George E. Prince, eurelxing executor of Sarah M Andrews, deceased. ▼l fanir C. Andrews. Rory Andrew* anti I. C. Andrew*, 4r. Order ef Publication It appearing from the affidavit 01 George K. Prince in this action, thal Rory Andrews, one of the defend anU therein, is not to be found in Harnett county, and cannot after due dlligenrc be fount) in the state, and •t furthei appearing that he is a acecSBary defendant to this action exists against him: It is therefore, ordered that notice ol this actios bo published once a week Tor four weeks in The Dunn Dispatch, a newspaper published ia llarnall county, netting forth the ti tle of the action, the purpose of the .ante, and requiring the defendant. Rory Andrews to appear boTore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Har nett county at hi* office in Ullicglon. N. C.. on the I Bib day of July IW20, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff. a. a. mcuonald Clerk of the Superior Court. This 12th day of June, 1920. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Corlana F. Booth, late of Harnott county this Is to notify all persons indebted to raid entate, by note err ecooant, tn present the umt to the undersigned, duly proven according to law, on nr before the 17th day of June 11*21, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate, will please mate nett lets sat with the undersigned at once. This the 17th day of June 1V20 . Charles H Jrrnigan, Administrator CT1AKLE8 II. JERK1GAN, Ada. nf CORRINNA F MOORE. Deceased. Jnswe P. Wilson, Attorney. Wire ASK HARDIKC TO VISIT ASHEVILLE Asnevillr. Jane 10.—Judge J. C. Pritchard left here this afternoon for Wnahington, whe'e he goes rarrying a special Invitation from western North Carolina Republicans, to Sen ator Warrco fJ. Harding, of Ohio, Re publican candidate, to enter to Ashe ville to spend his vacation. Judge Pritchard Is personally acquainted with the Ohio Benator and K is be lieved that Ma Influence la urging tho nominee to coate here win he worth a great deal. BIOS OPENED YESTERDAY • ON THREE ROAD PROJECTS Flfty-ai* MiWa of Gror.l Highway ImhWi Cut HU, 000 Bld« w»r» opcao4 by tho 8tat» Highway Cotnmiaalon yaaurday oa thra« io»d projaeta aggregating 50 ■Ur* ot irradtd gravel fcigKVa« m Sampoon, Stanly anti Forsyth,- nun tiae. Thie total uf the il-.rv. bM r< tehred wax (MfM*-. T.u ru-/> the and Stanly accepted, ar.<1 articn un piart of the r>ad ttinnl aiont ri of that coanty. Tiio "OLi.e concr-r.eJ «*, «, To,, lows: Sampso.i coai.t:-, \ -* u.:l.» v i" »rovti ’-coo Tho tLgvni «<* n«i .!•«■•» 'c .rriaruiU-d cum of . ! J-. M-v.t ..: •(< „t . .MM;, rh» r!J -.<*> i xOi’ii:; il.i2 milr* of ;:,i rx t > .»t •• tr|n*ici;-&4loo: Xj *1 K.> .. ftr fc’14l«3. •* • ': 'Oj-. Aj?ra«rio to Tn>>. > ' Ui .to Cl CHI1 'Xiod. lot to J. K. L u. fur 918 I.. 6 >t. ..*....♦»»»»♦»».. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY i|' "ATTENTION Mr. FARMER" Now is tlie time to place your orders for .v^SSING WOMEN. GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY. The Goldstein Company DUNN* —NORTH CAROLINA -----—T~ * w Dr. J. Vance McGougan De clares for Godwin Favett 3ville, N. C. Ju -e 21, 1920. Hon. H. L. Cook. Chairman, Godwin Campaign Committee for Cumberland County, w , Fayetteville. N. t*. My dear Mr. Cook: A« you well know, 1 waa campaign manager for the hcr.orabli John G. Shaw for the nomination for Congress from the Sixth District ir. the prima *y recently held. Now, that Mr. Shaw is not in the second primary, i am very much in favor of the re nomination of the honorable Hannibal L. Godwin tor various reasons. In the drat pTace, let me remark that Mr. Shaw was xoy friend, and in myoninion fully Quali fied to make us a most excellent representative, and natura.il> i >\a* supporting him. and would have been glad to have seen him nominated, a* he has had experience aa s member of congress, but under present circumstances I earner see how it would be of any possible advantage to the district to displace Mr. Godwin in favor of an un tried andainexperienced man. ^ Witn ‘he present troubles conditions existing in the cour:try and world at large, experience^ the legislative halhi of our counti y must be ar. asset which must be re cognised by the people when they aelect their reprueentati-c to go to Washington. So that in holding these viewn, my support of Mr. Sha.v is not inconsistent now in sup porting Mr. Godwin, as both are men of experience in Congress. Mr. Godwin has by bis unfailing courtesy, fairness and prompt attention to all ' | matters entrusted to him, hla evident desire to do evrwthi.ig for the interoat and ad vancement of the people of the district, and hie friendship for the laboring man and fanner, and his desire to be absolutely fair to all clarxes of people, causes me to give him my support in this second primary to be held July 3rd. I therefore offer you my hearty co-operation in your efforts to carry the county of Cumberland by at least a thousand majority in his favor, and ask my friends not only in Cumberland, but the other counties of the district to join with us In hie support, to the end that his renomination may be as triumphant ar possible. 1 am satisfied the people could do no better than to renominate and reflect him this year, and let the future take care of itself. A man without experience at this juncture, it seems to me, would be of little value. Therefore, let’s retain an experienced Congressman who has the confidence and respect of his colleague*, and a Congressman who knows the “ins and outs’* of matters in Washington. I believe if the people will think about this matter .■arefully they will come to the same conclusion that I have, and will go to the polls on July 3rd and vote for the renomination of Mr. Godwin. Trusting that my friends will serious]-/ consider this natter and can arrive at the same conclusion that I have, and assuring them I will appreciate H, 1 am, ’* • — .Very truly your*, J. VANCE McCfOOGAM. _ 2*. FORD 1 H , {f IT / The Universal Car I %# ft —~ r w - • * »■ >* — _■ ■ 2T • xx I March 8, 1920, the Ford Motor Co. advanced the prices ci 1 ord car* because of the ., increased cost of production. No specific announcement v us deemed necessary at tha IX - j time' but developed that misrepresentations and r. i«iuotaUonii of these ad* XX I ! V4nced prices have been and are being given out. So to sa/cguurd the public against ft II *be evils of misrepresentation, we herewith give the present prices: If u XX I RUNABOUT . SMCiiL*?. -If I TOURING CAR jSlSSSL?? ***-««»* m ti rmiPF #7CAwith dual eloctrie~s.ir":inff and lighting i EX vVUI u t • ^leJVsystem and demountable rims_$980 H SFDAN i*07Cwlth "dual “electric starting and lighting II JLllAn ._. ♦o# Jsyatem and demountable rims_.$978 \l\ | TRUCK CHASES 7 5“ “ud.u~ " $600 tt (With pneumatic tires and demountable ritss $940) ft These prices are all f. o. b. Detroit. n » » | [ XX Fordsoo Tractor $890.00 f. a h. Dwbora, Mich. J. W. Thornton i Ford Can-Ford Trucki-Fordson Tractort-Ford Service S; ;: N. WiUon Ave. Phone 177 1