THE DUNN DISPATCH _ DUHN, N. C., JUW* «, - -I- ■■ •_ _ NUHUIh DUNN IS PL JARED FOR CELEBRATION MONDAY JULY 5TH Goldatein Expect* 15,000 Per tooi In City For Gala Event EXPERT DECORATOR EMPLOYED TO HELP Fail Horn* Working Out on Track TKi. Wook-Ftflooa Will Rac»— Two Boll Cam** Mium of Day— Interesting Program It Arranged By ommitteet. Plant for Dunn’s tug relebiation neat Monday arc practically com plete. Tha Fairgrounds have btr-i cleaned up and gotten in shape for the horse race*., baseball game and other athletic events which are to be staged the rntrn smnient of thr thousands who ate expects to calc braleil in Dunn. Several of the fifteen horsei that aie to rare in the big meet have brii, on track this week. There are eume speedy animals in th lot and their trainers say there is no doubt that a new track record will br mode Mon «l*v. Secretary Riddle, with members uf| the athletic rummittie. has caused to be constructed an excellent baseball diamond In the race track infield.1 Hare will be staged the game in which i* to be decided the championship of Harnett County betwex n the fast Uair. of Duke and Dunn's hilloea won ders. Girard Wilson, University star, ton of Jesse Franklin Wilson, wili pilch for Dunn. This gamr- will be started at S:30 As soon os it u over Alloy Womack's dusky warriors will• take the Held against e strong colored I M*C A ^ **r th* Du,h,ni Y The Chamber of Commerce has ae cured the aorviccs of an expert deco-] rator to prepare floats and to decor ate buildings along Broad itreol. He ia O. L. Berner, of Winston Salem, and can be reached at the Chamber of Commerce all this week. With Mr. Renner It "Rihe" the tign paint*, who was here during the Fair Iasi year. He will work ia coopeiallon with Mr. Renner. . Ellis Goldstein, president of the Chamber of Commerce, one of the leading workers in behalf of the cclc bration, is confidant that the biggueli crowd ever seen In Dunn will be here) Monday. He ^stiixatcs that at least dir and Mr. Goldstein. U it about a>| follow* ■ i* A. M. Band Concert 10 A. M.—Parade start*. 10:30 A. M. — Arrive Fair Ground*. Singing contest* begirt. Climbing grca»y pole. 10:4b A. M Athletic contests begin. 11:30 A. M. -Dancing contest. 12 II.- Fiddler* contest. 12:30 P. M.— Uanlo contest. 1:30 P. M.--Hor»o race* start. 3 p VI.—Announcing of the prist winners. Ball game brtweei Duke and Dunn. b P VI. ball game between Alli-’i slugger* Slid Durham 1. M. C. A. Aeroplane flights begin at 12 o’clock and continua all afternoon. Admiaison to the Fair Grounds will be bO cents for grown people and 25 cents for children. This will admit them to the grandstand frse. Tickets will be on sale at all of the drug store down town. The following committee* hsve charge of the celebration and its fis turea: General—M. F. William*. Wiley B. Jackson. Eugene W. Smith, L. L. Le vinson, W. R Denning. Entertainment—G. M. Tilgtiman, EUis Goldstein, Marvin Wade, V L. Stephen*. H. A. Turlington. Athletic—H. B Taylor. C S. Hicks, W. A. Erwin, Jr. Racing—j. w. Draughon, E. B. Warren, G. 8. Loe. lee Water—O. T. Noal, W R. Howard, Ralph Parker. Advertising—Ellis Goldstein. By ron Ford, Eugene T. Lee. Ah Bth Judies Decorated Automobiles—Dr. C. R Young. w. Spall. Martin » Wilwn. N. T Patteraon, Cha* Allan Flout*—Owrn Odum, Jamei Bry ant, J- R Hodfaa, J. A. William*, George L»l'< Singing"0’10;. Prince. It. M Warren. 1* v- 8n|P«», A. E. Wbrria. Min Gertrude J»ek‘0,h Live 8tcrk-J- “'K‘l' »)r(l, W. Samp. StriekUnd. » *•- Jneknon, J. C. Byrd, J. T. L*«-_ FED CR^^y0CHIU>lulN Atlanta, On., Juna Junto! chapter* and member* ienew lUd Cron .re prapann* ^ ^"^ on a larger male than rrgr »• Xlt duetion of clothing tor n, Vu(.or, dran Id thl. country and capecinlly In cautrld Europe, where It la •* d r0^. among the poor ur* truly terrible • Anungomcnta Have been »* with many achool* In the louthe»“ for Junior* to make many of thru* garment* In the eUwroom next and winter from material loppueu by Rod C.roa* chapter* aad p.ttenil and luatrurtion* furolahed by the heat concern* of the country. Thu*, domeutlc *clonce will ba taught th* children whll* thrtr product I* uaod In a good cau*o. Tho chapter* will handle the packing and ihlpplng o< th* garment! • Deal** Bap net* of Plagu# Mexico City, dune J7.—TH# pro* dent of Ihc board of health of Corrl toa But# of Ban UHu Potoid. when two niapected ca*e* of Bubonic pla guc war# reported Thuraday denial today th* exirtcnc* of any Bubooi, cane* in arrltoa. STATEMENT BY GARDNER DENIED BY J. F. BARRETT H# Navar Swt Out Dim Balloti To Labor—Western Advertise dwsId Doaouacod Also j (harlnile, June 27.—J. P. Barrett here yrstmday, gav# out the follow mg statement denying etatcme/iti | mode by t). Max Gardner and alsc denouncing XX falae certain newxpa |>«r advertiscmrnU in the western i counties: , “Hon. J. Crawford Dings, state maimgcr Gardner campaign, Raleigh. I "Hr*ns reports state that Gardner I says I will out a form ballot at Ashe ivillr to crganixcd labor tailing the members to vots for Cameron Morri son That statement Is absolutely false and whoever gave your ca idi jdate that information purposely falsi fied. Throughout the campaign I d J not express any proferrnt c betw cu Mr. I'ngs and Sir. Morriion, cor. ,i ing my efforts to the withes of the Slat# Federation of Labo. ,.i pr-seut •ng facts concerning Mr. Gardner. Your lieutenants are publishing paid ideeilisrrnrntx in the mountain pa pers stating that Morrison paid asc to muhr speeches against Gardner. That is ft*lee and 1 defy you to produce evi dence of the truthfulness of such itat-.'aents, and it is either a ease of your pulling up or shutting up. I ask vhu to convey this information to your candidate and inform him that I expect him to stop making theae false statements." LAND ASSOCIATION TO BOOST HEALTH Fra* Illustrated Lectures la Sanitation and Hygiene Will Be Given Wilmington. June 2d.—W A. Girt, general manager of the North Caro lina Landowneis association, has an nounced that an in tansies education al campaign In hygiene and sanit* Lion will be conducted In eastern North Caiolma as a part of the ---— nation's activities. The campaign w.ll bs in the form of frve illustra ted lectures to be given by Dr. Chas. E. Low. formerly snpr-intrndvnt of tiealth for Wilmington and New Han Dver county. It was arranged through the efforts of Mr. M<-Glrt, whoVt cured the cooperation of tbs Wn»n koard of health. Dr. Low has had a wide experience n public health work and brings to :hc undertaking a ripe experience as i writer, edacator and asaeativa iif this line of work, he hnvlng given Hew Hanover county th« lowest i«.iK i make -r "— cun. flic need of the work l» evident] >om the fact that of the 27 regislra-i ion stater there err- only three which nave a higher typhoid death rata than North Carolina. In 1918 there were r,S8 deathi from that disease in this it*to. (he namber being reduced ap proximately'25 per cent in 1919 through education and law enforce ment by the Hate board of health and local health organisatiodfe. The number ef deaths that year being re duced to 417. For the yearn 1918 and 1919 there were approximately 1,090 deaths and 10,000 cate* of sickness due to ty hoid, which, at a conservative aeti mate, represent an economic lorn of 95.000.000 dun to preventable dis ease. There are only two states In the registration area which have a high er malaria death rate than North Carolina, whom rate la three and one half timex that of the average for the country at largo. The imsnenao amount of chronic malaria and con venient phyaical incapacity i* point ed ont ns being ono of the greatest factor* in retarding material develop ment of F.attern Carolina The importance of an educational campaign aa a mean* of combating Inert from .•preventable dinease it further evidenced by the support giv en it by Dr W. 8. Rankin, atatc health ofllcer, president of the Am erican Public Hraltll association and one of the loading health authoriUoa in the country, aa wall aa by the *up |port of the International health board. Tho participation In the campaign i by the North Carolina Land owners association has been mads possible .hroufh tha assistance of broad mind- 1 A mm who are Interest**! in tha de velopment of the state end the wel fare nf their follow man. Among Jiasi> who hare contributed liborally iowards making this important work possible arc: W. H. Sprint D. L. Gore. Hugh MacRaa, and Dr. Jamas Sprunt, of this city; Cant. Nathan O'Barry, of Goldsboro, and C. 1. Mil lard, of Norfolk, Vn. In discussing the campaign Mr Me. Girt states that tho program includes tha full time service of Dv. Low an a •ftniUry •Xpert, who. with other work, will deliver free Il lustrated health lectures dealing with the subjects of hygiene and aanita ttsa, including malaria, typnnld, I*#*kwona and tha rslatlea of inaacta a* it* transmiAdoa of thoao ditaasao. * dtaeoaalon of soil and water pallu H°*. «*d thv nacesalty of privy “nt luni** related to thooe conditions *** bo Included as will under fault* diet and tha aacd 2?. nstlk supply 7 -,^. hoard of boatth, acting Indepari—ntty, foU<n, this edu cational '“"ipagB by one of vaccina tion •*^^J>hhold where tha coop arati** l* commissioners cam be bhta^— jfhv coat to the counties for ^*"77,7. wl v*ecinations, which will he axp,rtA furnished by the **JL0iJSI"* *TO ho tl sent* for each c#?VmT *.>\«‘"ation, »hleh la tba actual «•" •* the wark to the "^Mr. McC'^ JjL 'placed that health Is **L^wture“Ration on l£-KKS5*if, f™""* a DHiu program wnira, in the opinion of rtperta, la trolng to haro a far reaching effect and play an Important part in the redaction of the ataU'f atekaoaa and death rata and In the development of natnrnl roeonrcea which silal in ehondanc* throughout Kaatorn Carolina. Mr. Mcfllrt thoroughly believe* that Ihlt I* on* of tha bigguot and moat eonatrueUvc undartaklnga ever attempted la the atate and that It will b* tha meant of placing oaatarn No th Carolina in th* forofront with regard to health condition* ' Life it awoet and It (a good to ho on earth, hut not oil on earth nr* otthor good or awaot. NEW RECORD FOR NON - STOP FUGH1 jLaraen Plane in Air Over II Hours; Did Not Reach In tended Goal Philadelphia. June 27.— Darkns* tonight fore oil the Larsen airplane which left Omaha this morning foi Yoih. to roair to earth at Pirn Valley. 16 miles asst of this city, bul not until all American records foi a non-stop flight had been shattered according to John M. Larsen, one of the passengers. The aviators made another stop half way between this city and Lancaster. Pa., which point they said, was about 1.200 miles from Omaha. This distance Larsen deciar <d. was the longest non-stop flight i vsr mads in America. The men were in the air a frw minuter less tha> ♦leven boon and, atlowing for the ad ded mileage caused by losing thoii »*T. a number of times, coveted ap pro »imat ply 1,400 miles. Leaving Omaha at 5:12 a. m. the machine, a J. L, all metal multiplex piloted by Bert Aeoata and carrying ‘Wf**0 wed W. Bugh. mechanicso. encountered dinar fug and stronu tide winds almost immediately. The conditions Larsen said prevailed vir tually .iroughout the journey and ' T-• HfUiWHHV IUI U1W1I not Icing able to ranch their goal. Ha mid'*)* machine worked perfectly all the way and only for the fact they lo»l their bearing* to often they would easily have arrived In Now York by snnduwn.. "It was a wonderful trip and a wondr; ful performance," said Larsen "Wc encountered dense fog and ationg side winds which blew us oul of our course shortly after leavin, Omaha. Both these adverse condition Much to us almost the entire Jouracv end added a great deal of extra mile age “Wo endeavored to follow the rail way lines, bat frequently lout our bearings on account of the fog. Short ly before 8 o’clock thia evening we Cn lost our way and decided to * to earth. We found we wen about half way between Philadelphia end Lancaster and that although wo bad not reached our goal, wa bad art tl * new American non-stop flight tocord. Taking lbo air again, we art for New York but again encoun **• brovy f0g. Shortly after dx o cloek It became so Impenetrable Mil* decided to comm down iml landed at Valle*.” raw i DANIELS ARRIVES AT SAN FRANCISCO Pk«di For Aftrmitire Plat form and Big Mon to Hood Tho Forty Tickot San Pranciaeo, Jane 27—Secretary Daniels arrived aboard the battleship New Mexico, flagriup of the Pacific fleet, where ho will retain quarters during the convention. Be called on Chairman Cummings of tha National committee and at headquarters of the North Carolina delegation. Hie only public statement was a plea for affl imative declarations in the party platform and big mta to bead the ticket. Mr. Daniels wae accompanied from the South by George Creel, head ol the Committee on Public Information during the war. "1 rpn prophesy accurately," tht secret! £ said, "the result of the dec tion, it uiu can tell mi whether the people U.11 year will vote against something and against somebody, or for something or somebody." A majority of the people had voted affirmatively “for Wllaon" in 191 (, Mr. Daniels said, and against a Dem ocratic congiasa for 1918, Induced by premia00 that a Republican eongreas would reduce taxes and living cost! and bring quick readjustment when the war andi-d. “The congress failed to keep every nramise made in 1918.” he added 'and tha Chicago platform presents < iot avail a tingle clcan-cut, explicit I >lan for any constructive policy." < "The Democratic convention," [>aniola mid, “needa to bear la mind i hat whila in 191* tha majority voted i igainst aomethinc, they can ha won ' his yaar only by a eonatruetive and 1 infinite program for something, and I hat something mnt appeal to the i national conscience, the national tent* of Justice and the national re lotva that tha fruits of the war ■gainst war shall not ho loot. Oar ivelarmtieni must bo afllrmmliva and must appeal to the aspirations of men and women who believe in American Idealism and in America living op to Its rerponsibllttea and obligations. “ I woald like to see a Mart plat form so clear and ringing that no caustst woald place two Interpreta tions upon say deliverance, and I be lleve the convention will give us such a platform and name Candida Us wbttsa records will be guarantees of 0-- ■ ■ -1 I BRYAN. WAL>X ANO REED TO FICHT • plank on league ! 8an Fian^^sT”Jon* *•.— i Plans for oppsetaC (Ac admin ! istration treaty »*A Lasguc of Nations plar.k ware formulatrd I at sui hour's eaoferaace tonight I between Willses *• Bryan and I Senators WaiA •* M«»sacho i chusetts, und lead, of Missouri 1 I Their first dtfarL Senator | Walsh said. isfc> * the ! resolution co#edBtes by offer ' in* substitutes *•* thr adminis tration plank/ . - i If drfeaUxflR the resolutions I committee, 8M*°r said, | It was plarnsf.f* preaant a mi l nority rtpsiJl'tO eanvention. I i the major ctffa** those in the morcmiit the kfassachu sstta Senator Jadwd. *» »0 pro- I I vent cHiiMtR|N °f the party I to snrrsmsf ratification of I the present M" eo»*nant. ) | "Wa d iabused W*aral platform ' planks. prmu|pa»T the treaty i and the IcafS, •**<1 Senator I i Walsh. I For the .dgifclet ration treaty I plank, it ia reoerally I 1 agreed that we Ntall offer sev- | oral snbstltwtR. possibly three i or four. Thfc’R** »ot hewn i ; diaftsd, bod par sanaral pur- | pose is to upssse committing the party to anraoar»ed ratifi cation of ths preaant coven- I I ant-" If ths subMtatc planks should I bv rejected. Senator Walsh said, the r.,V mors would be I I for prcsentatUB ” issuer to | I the coneenUat Itsdff. j Sensior Rssd dadllnsd to dia I CBM the sasart O-----41 | REWVESlOfOYER NAVY TAR RECORD Roar Admiral Dackar Say* DuUii MUrapraMBtad Fact* About Oftcars admiral ams, fullam and VlSKE INVOLVED That Ha Batlaaa. What Th. Sectary Citad t. Die cradH O*.^ Waa Sa Pa rear tod Aad Twiatad A* Ta Cha Facta Fala# Matala* Wa*htn*t*a, Jana '27—Tha Sima Danitli row -vf* navy', conduct rf the war jraRfct?^"'- 1 1 * ant o/ the seventh diotrWiWsJof id*. in which the charge* that Socro lary Daniel* In.hit testimony baforc the Senate investigating rnaamittee intentionally *nd deliberately misrep resented certain act* of Rear Admir als Sima, Kullara and Flake. The letter, dated Jon* 17, and ad dressed to Chairman Hale of tho eon mittee, was published ia the Army and Vary Rcgiater, a aervics xnega aino. Admit*1 Docker aaid ho alao lent n copy of It to Secretary Dan iel*. Senator Halo la In New York. Admiral Decker was formerly na tal attache; *1 Madrid, but waa re moved during the war. Secretary Dan iel* baa Stated that his removal fol lowed rouiooantation* from Ambas sador VUlaid to the State Depart ment that bp yro« encroaching on di plomatic function* in bia activities tl ere. Say' Would Twin Facte The admit*1 drriared in hit Setter t'i:,t "from (9J pcaonal knowledge of Mr Danisl*' ‘kametor, ! am led to be... ve Dint » _r i* ci.-.i n h IP ll*o ii. « rodit ci ihv • f f.ce. i- t • pcpvortet’ nnd twiivd j. to give tho aru * !*• •* a fal',- m*.ni mg ’■ •'it i, probpblr »I -J tr.orv than like ly,” Admiral Decker’s letter aaid, '•mat If there officer* had bowed doom and had served the god* that Mr. Daniels worshipped they would today have b**n fattening on tho na vy a* commander* of fleet* on octree duty or In pl***enl Jobe In Wnahlng ton. To me, •• to other high ofRcsra of the navy, 11 ha* coma that If we would bow down and do the withes of Mr. Daniel* wo would receive the rewards therefor. Intimation* that one by circuitous routes end uader juidsd, sneaking ways, so that no no can take bold of th*m. "My explanation of tbs Incident* at forth by Mr. Daniels >* baaed sp in any person*! expeiicm# with him rhi* explanation is that Mr. Daniel* bund tbcae officer* would not follow >tm to Utc limit of doiaoraliaing and lograding the navy; that even though hey ho neatly desired Ole reward* and tromotion of dielr career, which all mnocabte men reasonably desire, hey were not willing to sacrifice hair character, their manhood and heir country And as a result Mr. Daniels determined to break them bv he use of all *ho power of hi* high >mce. by the am of the power of ridi cule, sarcasm and half-truths that as i newspaper man he haa learned how to im so skillfully, by the us* of the itreagth of publicity secured through kls newspaper connections, all tbs weapon* which Prusaiantam used to destroy its enemies, asd autocracy has used through the ago* to malm tain Ms poorer. Credit Du# to Thee* "In my opinion, all credit la du* to there men that they have fought unto the end and uphold the staadard of aprlghtasm. loyalty to couatry, ■elf-sacrifice hard work sad goatl* manly conduct, attribute* that la* ideal naval offidor baa always rover od. "1 have no destro In Uila lotto* U bring out my personal saporlenooi with Mr. Daniels, bat he knows o! them, and ho known. If ho known thi differs nee* between rtght'and wrong that he has been dishonest; that h< hat been autocratic; that ho haa abaa ed his power; that ho ha* doa* all thi Coatlauod on Pago Its DISABILITY REiiEF ;| BILL IS DEFECTIVE I Republican* EucU'J IVlu:urc Whick Will Prevent tn crtiud Comptnutior. „f . (By K. K Waahlnifton, 0. C.. Jin v 27. -A publican rooif;w iml Pt-|i b.'nat.-i . bono. bill that »„* d.,iy.. \v fvliiY u> the *:loir roldicr*. hot ir. - attempt u, pam U relief m. r.-tm f..r <>>• diaubjad nr.e* it eniiitvd u d-fi.. i.w wh;‘k' •" ovy tt'ilfrn I ill ■ iu»t, will ,von' the * I mediate ifranliny of .i ro:c peimatlon. wk" fume with a .in- eio |iifwation of the rcliHlitonliui: ir.*„(. |UTf>V Vf'"’ brn Uxi ° ‘•‘••'e trmi lhl?u^k ,h« I'f-lr III bo .nl ocatiDHAJ cdaral.on cum«* v./il. Into ./foci <Jul> 5,|- o' J. , T*’*'’ kttt the Bepaetmeitt me nnda incre*a* can oniy be hod aft.. a tdiowinu of "uoaaualiy b'jfh rort u’\ malatenanct and ftt|iporl." 1 „oJlV.IrT “^miniatratlv* oftiecr in th rovenunert wrvicr ha* had exi! *; | which'a w,ih th' .... h»cb ha* led large number* if h-u-i oatod people lu bellow h id bcc. Ml^ ,b*f. nr* ' -".tordmn io for L .A111 ftebly mr.f’.c pro''».< n I." .*"”*'h,',*1 <nt.i,|> different. -,7t W^I! 1r v«-i -'*>nr’ • i. -n I Won i* face t„ f,y: , •* I ">t that kiod now. The ex-ioldlers ha-u »a led to li'.l ti«ve that the ami ndi.o..L to r>..n....( iti the d^*\«itncy of*l,rc*j pnaUon bill granted to. all disci l-d' “■Idlers receiving rrhubibutian rrui' i ,nR an mcreaer of *20 per month „■. { ter July ]«t above the pri-t/i.l ruse I for raaintruunro and ra|i;wn, yd Ih law makes no such pic vision. Tn ' payment for raoii'teiiunct' an I n;,-; port to all lininect r.-maiti. Ih • ,ai: l aa K has born heretofore, "< xr. p | that the boaid mnj l.i<mwr -th: amount not to »scf"d $20 ptr i>mr:i w aoch. trainee* a* arc ie«'diup a tm, | analntanancr and rapport is above tin ‘ nverago and comparatively blrii.'' I\ increase can be given until th« choir inir is made to that effect It would require a nation-wide mi< <tey, first, to Mammae what tha ai trmge is. and aacond, to locate th.-i places that are above that average, | and there Is no way of determining 1 whether Conprem Intended “cvrapur- 1 stieiy hlph" to mean a comparison . of one place with another or one tint with soother. I The board has no machinety b** 1 *hrcfe foch an investigation can be opaducted or eomparleona made. It Ttiftitm.'-* r™r LAUNCH PLANKS ON ' PROfflBlTHMSm •_ i Bryan Comet Out With Hi: Dry Plank and BurUaon Ha* One Somewhat “Wet” San Kranclaco, June *7. Doth th" wcta and dry* today launched th j r plan*i on the Democratic a- a- of al coholie dlffnmte* with n rtuiaiy p»* sage promised to th* flnnl harbor o' th* ronvantion floor. For the dry*. Wm J. Biyun wi de Soblle hit propoetd plank a S'rit'prr; oclaration for o-nfnrcenw nt of lie Volatead law without inrieu** If al coholie content of bcvorairf*. From thr wit ramp ram- altcrrua plank• drafted by Po«mt«*frr Ci-ic-ra! Burienon One decloroa fo “i ij-vbl oal liberty.” and modification of lie Volftrad ln«' to renterc it. “dnirlie aad unreasonable fce‘*trce,“ and ih. alternate for *m»i i“fcnt permit! ir.: beverage* “in fact -Hhi. ii-.tcxltni;r.;r “ The plank* are w b<- pn-fented »c the resolution* commiUoe npon It* or (animation and regardlrn* of th ut cone there it war jjrntrallv c-upcrlc.. that the liquor fight would each .h convention Itteif. With both wet and dry facto* working hard throu, h thr Sabi-'. 1 h there also wa* a atrorn- movt men'. prevent any mention of nc 1 question In the platform, h rr. '- men backed by many pow.-yful Ur.dc* Teat Bry*»’» Pliok The Bryan prnmo:i m jcuhu in\ low* ■ • Wi> heartily contfc: n il ta: ' 1 nocratic party on It. «|il»“«l>l kfllt in the eubmitrion unit ulifta t:on of tho prohibition .iiu-muinci.1. t tK Federal coratitu’. ■■ t on.I u ■ledge the party to th- effective < r. forcim.-nt of the Vole. at i::vr. h-.> fatly and in good faith without any in :na(e m thf alcobol’r ,,1 of pi-e ■pitted brrcragon ard wilhoiiv ary weakening of any oth.r of (« lont.” •‘I guctf there if no doubt i.Imui what that m<ant.” en d Mr. Brjn "W* will giro every delegate a crton to go on record for or ajrainrt It 1 expect to havo it adopted by the ice oluiiona committee Mr Burleoon. ofu» Vmnttnir the Biyan plank, gave ool bi» propo»< declaring, however, he Had drafted Jwni by himeelf and spoke only for himaelf and "«• iwt t«> b. rvwinhd at the leader of the force* modification af pereent law*. Bavletow t Wot Plank n.. .re do ted plank which Mr. Buis IcaonVld^VhcHcvi-d would meet the (woxtn Iftlood h*i bifW hy the Amdrk-.npco wall being of the people >« ,rV» ■ oration tbould not be laleta11d. Tho iSdtty of the eighteenth amendment uf tho Federal eonutitation having hLa toetalaed hy the Supremo Court any law enacted under itt authority loW bo ftrlrtly enforced However K oXcmlk party pledgee ill at meet #odeavor» to prevent thU m * l £mrfPedereJ pS-erfr** Won, •xerelned la aueh manned a* to bo tome tjU'cedn or H prlvt the peo ■i\ of that individual liberty, which '*. vki Il f peipoee of tho Union of .Ttetaa i« ynaruntoo and preeervt 'hiouirh all time. The Velataad oat oo void by a Dtaeoeretle Freeidout, and mrertl over bio vote by a RopuMicoa i’ortir^o, it an ertrewo exertiee of 'the nnwrre yarned by tb* el(h«onnU ■iiarr-dnient and it thould bo on MW did In alriet conformity with the «#tr 1. and pnrpoae of the eoaidltatlona M a* in eliminate therefrom He dearth and nnrranonnMe feetoroe. Wo favoi cn amendment to tho Fedora I Con t|ilot>n requiring oil UMohemti h.-renfloT nropoeed tberoto to W mti fled ot •fiteted by o referendum ol the qualified voter* of tho eevere State* of tbo Union.* j WUMINC.C.-* will sen© I DPI.EwaTIon to meeting I Meni Appointed to Attood Good Eood* Coasoatioo ' __ :<n!r.ert3e, June- “8.- Carrying t.iuu uf a icsoluticn rccmt* •• j«tt .. il by tb« rlly counnl. Mayor " '-oor* •>»>> designated mere *|4"' nen n bo arr to compose a | -*> represent ihi, city at ! 1,0u'! 'xadc maw meeting to , a wv'u n IJi-.ldgh on tba we of the » i ... »». itlt of tlH legislature- to '• _r«***tJ mi July. • S.' cothoiiut oc of thia commit "T •> • contained in a reaolotioti by council approving the ■ iti'- hvmg agitated foe a big iti.i* bond issue to build a state sya '•r. r.f p'-rrrmtent roods. object of live roe.-* meeting ia •> ti iron-irate to the governor and ii -a. •••.. of the gen- a! assembly that • o in -jl.1 dr-.ijv u state-wide ay<tem .1 t..tu« .git of permanent mater a' r h- the sUto with die •tt -id ip rou'ity liner. duiib^.oi-Mcna air strong booat t-1" r -'ti road* and il la certain lht;t tit.a t-l*y will be represented at mseting by a substantial dalega ’ •f o’l'm-ngion’a most progre's • i'i!i«-ai. It i* rstirrly powil ’ i|-l ii -'.id car load of food roads -■•ocl-.-.c will go from here. j t-RSES DEATH Of RATS. 3"READERS OF PLAGUE (Ciil.iii. cf L'. B. Pnblle Health l Service ''Jrtlliir oileoMna to the diacovcry ,r b..h i;-‘r j.lHguc j. nererol Am* f. • a" and Mexlcun gulf port*, and re wanting regarding lha io af ilnc'ue from Mrdit- r ’loiti. \vltK-i, a,* known to bo ! ':u-go-jt. moral ugh B. Com. " ' urged loamanHiee .h.iui th country, and tapodal ' c in toa/r. to inaugurata rat . :in el'or. and rut-proofing cam "DuHonic plague ia primarily a dl«. ">*: of rodvrte, crpreislly rata,” aald • '. 1 *• ummir.g, -and the diranrr v • c .r.lrnlli-il > ffeetivcly by mea.v in <li'i e:e Jldiminat tha i«L The «&• »:r_- i-a ion oT’nit* ia all the more to ■i d wired Item arc of the trneieini ertm'-r damage they eauaa.” Aero, ding to eonorrvmtiro oati noi«« made by the U. & Public f"tilth Service on-dae-boaia of uom • » a wrvejrg there > St loaat one rat b>’ > very geraon in the United Stutaa. rb'a catluiBfu eetorida with that of !r> at Britain* end Ireland, and with ivhoiltetln flgurat for Denmark. France and,. Germamy. The anneal ip keep pee1 rodent waa computed by S <3me nhthoiitira aa SI M la Croat! in 'his • ,-d State* »180,000,000 a year I .. -. ■ -«i 1 ;U rat population. TV:*! ; n>l include mice. -.V... c. S. Publ’c lira kb Service • . .. ;ai:v-u u» detail trained aaprrta' >c ct-mmmiritt in orpaniaina •>.- irht atro'nit raU," mid-General *\ nvnhist. “ii any of onr officer* have .v,;' th- . practical experience :k t- r.-orv. aid know how to make effective. In the seaport eit ie, the- A.irk of extermination should i— s.-ipl*irinwd by bacterioloecal la s' ••>.> examination* to deterrain? > >;■ ii--i cr not plapue Infection is Mc-sr.t imunr the rodent*. In the in ij •: ci-. -c> til's U not now necoaaarr." nh- r. S. Public Health Servlet' hu* in/t r.tsblished a new bulletin -,v.' ’ i "Th.- Rat: ArpamenU for Its :: 1 = .ion anil Method* for It* De ll ■ octiiiE." Copies may be obtained bv -b - I’. S. Public Health •."ic.-, Warhinjrton, 1>. C. LirLT. COL ROOSEVELT RE I SI-TIfS KRCM MARINE CORTS j ViAisirioii. D. C. June 28—l.icnt. P.-rr) 1.»1 robe Roosevelt resijrn •! H» r-i-m/nas-iion In the Marine ■ 1-y’jy to accept an important -M-t*j:;vc pool ion with an oil con ii. the Oklahoma field. Colonel * \ ■*, is a cousin of the former •• . -M u* Theodore- Uooecvelt and of .•Ian A/sndai.t Secretary Franklin D. of the nary department. * j: - l-ts nauished kmeman he I-...C horn ta the Marine Corpe a* , ,'»«ldv. lie entered the Carp* in De P T. • .1 rtUfol ut ** in xto Sptnllto .An- «,. War. and »»' in ebanfe of | :h;. •■—i ;:-n««ien of the cantonment r* A> u-'.I"ir«'. V« . ip tho world war, n a. d there at Pott Qumtertnat ; - |Ji# i. -. to? in the corps comprlr ic tho Philippine*, Panama. Crl. Usisi. In Aumut, t»H, he tv'* t rcl |« Fra-»» * and attached ip the Amn 'ican Krabawy In conn** Ctuts with the rcliof of American eiti rn* who caught Hi the woo of ;h -V...V ooiMen ontbreak. ,‘OTQMAC YARDS EMBARGO IS Li FT CD FOR PEACHES Macon, Join *27. Peach grower* of m'Jrf'i fh-orgtn. were notified IhM the I’cturaac yard* embargo hot been toird ,'ri |KTithabk*. Peoeb train* wilt be ei*en tho right of way. It wn* y.M OhipmonU W* wack wilt be hrt »y. CANDIDATES SPEND $65,000 IN PRIMARY TW CaMnUterU] -it«rti C~m» Within MOO g# 1*. UUuAad UbIi FIRST TlllI COST OF FOUTICS CAN BE SET j Com ta State W HaldU( th-atad al SIMM, w Kamaaditara by Cawaliwi n-|y Oka Sanatoria! Caataataat Caaa ‘ J nl Uaintlaa. (Ksvi and Obtemr.) Sorreaaful and unmu-teacfu] Md data for Stain and ritatTnalninl baa* o<a la tbe primary of Jaac 6 ^aat a total of Ser>,«pft St, according to **»»» rtatemcuu filed with the larrotai j of rtatc, aa raquired by the State pet- * nary law. Some few of tba ant* bam not yat mant aa lo thair _ the final total* ara aa overreach 171,000. Thm gubernatorial | fotth the larrett nradKan at the cnrreee* of the republic, with UmiUd States Rmitm ranklns ssranil raw. rrefuisool can rdTS tte Lieutenant - G Up fcJZ ,• foerth place. The Asroetote Juatlna Alp of the Supreme Court, and tte< State office* where there eras a eo^ ■ teat, are on a parity for the fifth * rank. bwnccifee reqsired from each raadi daU whose name wa* print id ea hat Urte seat out by the State Board of Election*. Entrance tom *r4r1iit a boat UM». Priatiur tfetettSTtX lecbaa tbs rotarne fa al Hate idlus which S«Xmw> >1M—^Mwaid M»a jathilMr A^day "rfttejrTTmii j®**J tt>n ttadtr tke law. Bom* diditfi wkc matintd k kt > fdr As primary matt Satarday wfll bo rrqairwd to nil hoop withia tha Adtajoiy limits for tteiaea. Attor ney Genera] Mmaaiaff tea ewled an o Ac tally that they mast Inm under • the *6,600 limit “At laast we teew now what aatt Ues cost* tte linin'’ doettsad Mr 1 Prv« eMgrambaal fights and OM Moatqriai coat tha eighteen taadi istcs a total of ltt.0S9.ll. tha cost liest Ming that between 8enatoc Lee S. Overman and Aubrey L. Brooks lor the United State* Senate, ac counting for a fourth of the total. Another fourth went to the third dis trict where Congressmen 8. M- Brin son finally routed his antagonist at a cost to them both of between ha and seven thousand dollars. The third men in that district spent only $90. Three judicial contests want aims what beyond the usual cost of sack races, dodge 1. Bis Bay spending 1*34.40 in overcasting hie sppeaeata; Judge Addison O. Btcaud and Judge ,12. H. Creamer down in the Wilming ton district spent 9497 AO aid IJMr 141. respectively, and Judge Ji Uyyd Hcrton spent ittUl In tha New .Bern district in defeating Emeet Green for the vacancy made by the resignation of Judge O. H. Goion. Pinal rcpei ti are missing foe a number of the. contests ia Mate oH ces. The State Auditor ha* no repoet from but one of the eentaatamts and one is still missing frsm the Insur ance Commissioner. M. L Shipman 'spent 9300.41 la defeating David P. , Dei linger for the nomination far ' Commissioner ef Labor and Printing Hr. Dellinger spent 9979. B. R. Lacy •pent 9194 for Hate Treasurer, while bis opponent spent 91,001.90. In of fices where there wage no contests tho candidates spent only the 990 re quired for entrance. SB Rl—I Illl^VilV; VI MH anti for State Senate report no ex penditure ten the S6 entrance fee required of them. Only one ceeiteet ant spent more than the Attorney Gene—1 says it allowed under the lav, Mr. E. R. VirKeithaa of Fayetto eiUe, who wae defeated by Or. I, ranee V>rO)U*»n. Mr. McKehkan spent mi.21. according to Ua own statement. Dr, MeGsugna’e tool statement bos boss filed. NO PROSPECT «>«!■'“*, REPUBLIC BEING REALITY I Seifert, Jane ft—Viecoant Preach 'Lord Usutenoat of Ireland, who lo boro for the unwOlag of war aad Titanic memorials, apeak lag at 0 lun ehooa today, mid: _. . “It cannot be too dearly shewn that the government norev will ondor any dsrnmdtoneee Mate- teaoy po posal either lor the ostoMMuneaf of on Irish topaWfe, or the caendosi of Ulster. Wo derdre above oil things to give the country the atmsagm—ro of noHtieo) freedom. sad hope some time! egsinst hope that ■ peaceable rernaetfn"— dW erentuslly he of . footed. Ant, having sold so mock I would be wantfcm hi my duty tf I did not repeat what I hove mid be fore, that wo krs determined the Irish pecmU shall enjoy the soma protec tion os the people of other porta of ill Kingdom, and the goverumon; wl|l not beoitete to implsy all the forces at Rs disposal to attain this.1' ^HwT^CjhtlY U. SSK bsdecke thscamtvoe ■“^■•■ ^mslbly she

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