THE DUNN DISPATCH P^=) iif __ _ __^_ * • •• VOL- 1 DUNN. N. «„ JULY •. 1M0 -rri - ___ _ _ . _ _ NUMBU ». MORRISON VICTOR BY BIG MAJORITY ON SECOND BALLOT Win* By More Than 8,000 Over Lieutenant Gover nor Gardner STACY GETS TWO TO ONE AGAINST JUDGE LONG Beater Durham C boa am Nomiaee Far State Aaditer, Beetiag J. P. Caob By Blf Veto— Biffs Admits Defeat —Clerkaoa Thanks Friends And Closes OSes Judge J. Crawford Biggs manage! for O. Max Gardner in the Demin rat ic gubernatorial campaign Monday night conceded the nomination of Camoron Morrison in Saturday’s pri mary "by a substantial majority. Returns, complete and Incomplete from nlnety-Avo counties in the State, compiled by the News and Observer, give Morrison 63,038 and Gardner 54,863. The indications are that j Morrison’s majority will bs well over the t,175 shows in those figures. The Ave counties from which no returne haVe bean received are Avert Camden, Cranrille, Macon and Ty rol. In these Gardner’s majority over Morrison in lha first primary wat 297. In the ninety-Ava.counties heard from, Morrison led in the first pri mary by 384. Ia Afty-Ave counties. Judge W. P. aiacy, or nrunungron, tui received 46,171 vote* to the 27,261 (or hi* op ponent, Judge B. F. Long, of Suit* vide, for associate justice of the So mme court. The same give Baxter Parham, of Raleigh, a lead ovwr J. H.! Cook, of Concord, for State Auditor.! by a vote of 87,821 to 22,808. Mr. Heriot Clarkson, manager for Morrison, dosed his headquarter* ye»-i terday soured of victory, and last' night loft for kia home in Charlotte. Before leaving be issued the fat tening statement: , "Ths battle of ballots between De mocrats fa oear, and It ia now the duty of u* al^ to forgot difference*; huekls an our armor; unfurl oair flag and go forward- a against a_«o I Those principle* have bean Hluttgntad In practice in rooaat mars by ths De mocratic party by oun-amtilling thi monetary system, by establishing all over the nation twelve regional banka, I thus destroying the monopoly of tbs few in controlling the money of oar country; by the Farm. Loan Bank, giv ing the farmers an opportunity of homo ownership and by many other beneficial laws la the interim of tbe people. Wo have hid so lorn trouble -in oar beloved Southland, and we want none. The time has come when in a spirit of fairness, we must look into the need* of the toller and bread winner and nt that righteous law* are anaetad In hit favor?’ MOLASSES BEING USED FOB THINGS OTHER THAN MAKING MONKEY RUM Hail to lowly and sticky molasses! From it is being produced "motor alcohol”—a substitute (or gasoline. Discovered hy J. P Foster, chem ist of one of the big sugar plantations on ths island of Maul, Hawaii, pro duction within ths next three months will b* sufficient to famish fuel for ell ears on ths Islands should a gas oline shortage occur. According ter the first reports of the new fuel, brought to San Fran Cisco by District Manager F E. Car roll of The Goodyear Tire B Robber Company of California, “motor alco hol givsa more power, greater mile age, oaMar starting and mors free dom from carbon than gasoline. It taa he used without sn adjustment of the carbureter. The new fuel Is performing In au tomobile, marine, stationary, truck and tractor englnea. In a 84-hoar test made with a" » horsepower tractor the eonsumptjOB of "motor alcohol" was four gallon* an hear compared to four and B half gallons of gaso Hit* 1q the cnfine on thi umc wort Examination of the cylinder* •bowed meet of the old carbon deposit removed and the ''•'•[•der so soft it could be removed with tho finger*. Sugar plantations hare boon lotting their eislam** rp* to wsat* or burn ing it for tho potash recovery. Nluo get, and phosphoric *c*d Br* a,*° ’•» nab 1* by-product* of molasses. Now, however, production of ** »•»! la found to be more profitable than obtaining ether hy-prodoct*. At presejt there la enough molas ses to pr«4"fB„®.800,#gO gallons of “motor "-enough to l»PP'7 all sgtosseh*!** Is Hawaii. Dorjiop aient of thU industry will shipping *>•«• fJT»Brly a*»d ,f*J transporting f**0*’0* from the United States _ PASQUOTANK CITIZEN IS fatally injured tttsabeth City, iu»T •■.—*1. H 5U« T". of Weeksvills. f»UUy tajur od Sunday morning B1“l died shortl;' •N<v noon. . . . tor. lawyer was driving fnyr, when sa* broke away- .«• «all,d ,, s colored man who sms driving K fcw •od b’MEy to head the w»w* off. The obUgM*£* down from bis buggy sod headed off ^ na'"S*Je‘beca«»V ^MenH Mid ran away, raaghtg *"» **rEaw BOY SCOUTS IN CAMP WITH PARSON DANIELS Lai* ruatiar fur TV,, Outlna on Banka cf TrV Ri* , .■ In cha<c« of Fir. Jan., i N 1«1j, paHor cl b\>•'.». ^u|.«> dial Eputton.J ;‘.iut'»i thin* r.v> liny 3cout.. Hum. . /t • T^-.duv •flemior. 'y u r • » 0:« Yi*r Tiwi □ear Grifittf^n lhcv v^ili rp«nd ten dayr tit* tv *»i <.f u ji. With the hoy* went Cooler ^utltaou, h>i iUm ocotit mwi*. Thoflt in the party ore: Ihotna.. llo«ju, Carlisle Rovloi.d. Lin wo oil Pildjcen, W Mi am Vatle, Grali am Olive. Adrian .lonct, C.irJ XVihvn, .fi»hp 0. Harris FrititL Di*iva •. Edvard I lodge ltruro Cramur* Gib. on Cook, b.'rt Hollnti.J, *l*.K^ni Parker, Raymond C:*opta • *. V, ( . , Waujigvi, J. C. AndiuwH, Harry N- . berry, George 'Vil>on. Pi-..; yio-. Uariui Uoynlr, Ed. Cur *. I W.J* l)av.i| O.ffonl, Hann:!> *i Goc\ Hilton Hu tier. Jack Rhcv r. Ee mm Cooper. LEGISLATURE i C MEET AUGUST 10 Go\craor Iiaucia Proclamation Calling Special Tax Seaaioo Tun.Jay, Aoru.T 10. wm -.«mrd by Cvvainui T W IMi«*tf, v>ith tho rnn. nmnie of The Ci.anr I of b'ta'.u, an i^c day for thr ruRvcnme of a moc IB I k* a i tin <U* l>in lliani.n.l I ua » bly tn prrtcr'be a m-w lax rate bused upon the rrvalualu n of tbo property! in the Slat.; under the re valuation set.'to .cna d.T constitutional umund • ! menu reducing the tua -ate. and to consider such other mnlte; ., at it may ice fit. An eaiher date had been tentative-1 !y agtsuJ upon but lha St-iie tax com-, mission found that it was jomewhat behind tlx schedule in tabulating the rrault* of revolution, and would not be ready to submit lu finding* and recommendation* before the Jny tamed. Under the comtituLional limi tat.oa. the rcu.on mill b, Ijsited to 10 day*, and will adjourn August ?0 Vs . An jibing or Notblag Contrary U the general impreaalon, Governor p.ckrtt l ild a reprxweijte, dve of the Now* and Obeervor,. tho rpeelal evasion will bo limltad In thy bwni It 4on*idere only by Ha own IJaeaam. It eon diocua* revaluation «f * or H nay Ifava H alone; K ■ay Wnaider nay art of enactment that a&g rtamVo wishes to in trod ass, f H.wwnt/to, rfr it starts' Only two thing*. «ri$h« led to the Gag^Sl ( be Suaan' B. Anthony suffrage o to tilt Federal conetlto ligadtera will bo ready for n ra the body when it con i' other things may br fu any member no electa. Tbe Fresjamatism The Governor’* proclamation la as follows: “By and with the advice of the Council of State. I, Thome* Waller Blekett, Governor of the State of Vortii Caiolina, in tho vxurciso of the -lower conferred upon me by the con . billion, and as rnn Urn plated by 6 -t'nn 3 of Chapter 8-1 of the Public l-awi of 1918, do ihioe this my pioc enaction on thU extraordinary occas ion convening the General Axaembly n extra cession. and I hereby notify biisi ivqutm inc omnun m u rutui of lbs Houm of Keiircsrntativi:. af thv General Assembly nf North Carolina, In mr.t in their respective hall* in the capital, in the city of Ra leigh, on Tuerduy. the lOlh day of Au?u«t. '.MO, at 11 o'clock a. ra.. for iho following specific purposes: *'J. To prvacribv ruth tax iate« at may be wise and just in view of the actual value of the mopeity in the State aa ascertained by the revalua tion act. "2. To can/id.r cnnstilutiona! a mondmonts reducing the ux ratei that may be heraaftrr levied. "3. To consider such other mat ten of grave to die public se the General Arscmbly may det m wise. “In witneu whereof. I, Thomas W. Bickett, Governor and Commander in-Chiof, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Giaat Beal of the State to be affixed. “Done ia our city of Raleigh, this the 7th day of duly, In tha year of our Lord one thotuand nine hundred and twenty, end in the one hundred and forty-fifth year of our independ ence. VWTVIDVr. By ths Governor: BAXTFORI) MARTIN. • Privet- Secretary. Raads sad Suffrage The Irrepressible T. LoRoy Kirk patrirk. president of tho Wilmington Charlotto-Ashevllle Highway Associa tion, Is still minded to hava an im posing lot of road legislation put Into effect, and expects to have ghat Gov ernor Bickett rails “I'rexident-elect C**" flown hers to address a mats meeting of some thousands of people good roads the mgM before the Assembly meets Neither the Govern ing I [Ml t>;S TESTIFIES JO ALLEGED sr.CONU WILL . «®*. M« ■vn*4 l'.f Dtc'ir 'it i— p n Bwi Wk»i:* For Mr*. King'* Piptri f ... • 1 • • !#*'» * ~q »•-X.M* Mli L. iA.Vm’is p/incipal ligvre in the light to •probe * Uip alleged second will of • th; Ui« James C. King, millionaire limibcHiMii, on the stand today told of .lindiag ‘-he document In a tin box. | •*litl« suarvhing for papers pertaining to the sffnW.i of 341^. Maud# C. King. I Tho 4.i«*<ed second wUl leaves Mr. Kir.g'j millions to his wife while the flit*, wll, which, the prebit* court ac ! N-pted, left the money to found a i norm* for a*;rd mcr. Mr*. King has d:«d. Meanj wji trial and ac quired .mi a charge of me i during her -l Concurd, N. 0. Her Miter, Mrs. Maj’y C Melvin, arid Mean.* are light I ini; to Live the Second will probated, *e the notiry would *.hae go to Mrs. Melvin. M.-ans l« said lo hu%ro a con l-^urt -al’.irg for payment to him of itppiMfOvi if the will in probated. - lokl the court of mooting Mrs. K rjr and Mrs. Melvin in 1PJ4 .»nd ol h:s rol.’Pr<|urn*. rela tion with them heir ard at New 1 ork. H.mded the alleged er-rond will, hr *cid he flirt saw rt in Aiigmt, ltllo, when he found it in a tin JupuLh box at hotel Muji.Mle in Sow York. Attorney* for Mvan ard Mr*. Mel vin Lndiiy a*kej the court to order ihe .Nurth» Trust company, t'nstoe of ifl cniaie, to tu.*n over all cor* ***J^»nrip and rr-ccipts fox money' •aunt D!str:rt Attorn^' John I •ng. of N\w York, and C C1 *»c, who, Ik y allege, offered Ia to th* it w.'.nesrc* if Ihe/ U»#t.fy. The court reserved COX NOMINATED BY DEMOCRATS Wina Orer McAdoo And Phi nicr on 44th Ballot at Ban 1 Francisco < Auditorium, San Prancleeo, July 6. —Jamea M. Co*, governor of Ohio, wg* pominitrd for Prealdent «t th' Btatoa in the Democratic n« WP’ftd convention at 1 40 o’clock thh ^•rpla*. Tb» nomination runs at the ConchutoV of n 44th ballot atrnggP ip wbfc.h, t4»w steadily beaten aawn the foreci 6f Q, McAdoo, fog “■r xactetagfTnf th* .treasury, and ltai)d*at WJJpnfh n^-ba**w. When the ballottnf ef thd 14th proacning tha nacaaanry two-thirda or 7fp. flam B. Atnldon, of Kenmai mar. •-zer'of tbs MeAdoo force* and vicc • a airman of th* Democratic national committor, took the platform sen moved that the nomination of Oorei or Con be made unaaimoan. Imate 'lately ther* wax roar from tha tircc nd worn delegate* which laated fot fall iour minute* before Chaiimar. •tobinvon could j>u« the question or Amidon'* motierrto auxpend the rulo* end nomine.* Con by acclamation. At ): i3 o'clock tW» rooming Uw notion wax formally votad on with u rolling ekorux of aye* and n emitt ing of the braa bands. State etand ■id* arhich had curged back and forth n the desperate battles of the deed x-k raced to the front of the hall nnd to a place b-fore the platform. In the eonfuxion ana excitement ns 3 nomination the body forgot abou «i nnmniktion for t Vl a- uii a.t**a*i<4nH... While the crowd wax demonstrating It* release from tha deadlock thi cadciS arranged an adjournment, ui. ' il today noon to canvaax the qnectlon ,:t ascend place. IoAeVELT IS NAMED V FOR VICE PRESIDENT Auditorium. San Francisco, July 6. —Frankl n If. Roorevelt, assistant »rrct.iry of tha navy and rrlativr of • h« I'rnidint by that name, wax e.hov n by tho Democratic national eon •* nfion today ax its vies-president nd running mate to Governor Cox. vho aarly today wnx nominated for r*r<»denl. The band a ngfm mpvt-ment for Mr. llonvcr.rlt go', ur.rtar way very quickly ocn after the convention assembled »nd ulthodgh other; eandWIataa. among them Governor Stewart of Montana, and Mxj. Gen. L D. Tyson, of TcnncKwc, were prvxentccl, tharv va* no doubt of Mr. Roosevelt's **. '.action -from the first. The gntalp about the convention '-nil was that Tammany organisation, with whom Mr. Roooovclt has not al •xyr been on good terms, wss diiin dined to accept him at first but in the language of Iks politicians who were working for Roocovelt, "Tam nony decided to swallow him." Oav cruor Smith of New Yorh, finally tooly ho platform and told tha convention he had been instructed by his dala irntion to second Mr. Roosevelt’s nation. - • Romr of tho political manages* re called that today was the second time •hat political leaders of tho state of -lew York had againct their will ac cepted ■ man named Rooaavait on the slior.aJ ticket. The lata Thomas G. flail war reluctant to accept Thco orc Roosevelt for the vice president's luce In 1040 and the Tamsnany ar . saltation was reported no more far nab|c inrlln-d to accept FranVt<o D Ion', veil today. WO NEGROES BURNED AT STAKE IN TEXAS Paris. Texas, July d. — Ci Irving .-j d Ilona in Arthur, negro brothon, rged 19 and 10 yeam, who last Frt • Hi «hot and killed thetr landlord, J, I. Il-xlgim. ar.d hit son. WilliauN Hod . cr., on the latter's place northaaat •.' Peril, were bumod at a stake Is tha fairgrounds her# tonight about |i o’clock, having bean taken from i jail by a mob at 1 sSO. 110,000 ! AND TV 411:0? AEROPLANES W>T HERE, NO PILOiy AVAILABLE D«»he Tm« BhIi Ln Whoa Local, Beys Fail t. CiMwt With Lsuobs i Dali Tory-Races kn* I Thao Thoao ol l£fi Yaar'a Fair. j More trtan lO.Oul Vitilora Wi re in Dunn Monday to s/gacw Un- groatoat Indvpandcnco Duy hiiobnition ever held in the town. ijanildciably more tharf half of tfeU oahbrr paid for ad mireion to the Fain Grounds whore the athletic events mnging eonUats ar.d horae race* wad* held It was a jolly Jawd and a very , arcll behaved one Athing to mar tho jdfarare of the eakbranu war cot- ] ■red. The oilginal progiam axmngcd by Kills Goldstein end T L. Riddle, , president and saerdmry of the Cham ber of Commerce,w eamgd out id thou t a h.irh, ajkspt for the fail ure uf the flaat oruacroplama to or •iv* from Gamp Bapn and the ran- , ceiling of the colomj baseball game. lit L a ruurco of Jaap regret to ih i'air Aaaocialion Ih* tha plane* did rot coma. The fl war# advertised ] in good faith. i_ tha eommandanl , of the camp had ilaed to send ol) , f tha plane* wars available , There ware sows the machine* in the c*mp at tha i, but at the Ian luusnursiw » WfT-TQ IUI til Dl the pilot* hod other points. 1 Without tbs machines could not be However, a fall program it It wev The f sohs and other iUiletie. toiteats I the time actH noon and tha other musi cal numbs tha big crowd unit races Malted. Tha race. l» mean more ..iterating naad during last years — McLeod* • home was the the field. < but was clpa fay Charlie > Hodge* black B. Woo- < ear'* horse. 1 nine entries, trotting seven, The third prist < veal to Calvin Hodges en •jy developed strength of- - ter tho second the first she I jailed the ngthi to the 1 ; .beats was I to nothing en • error*< uwme umiuiu . Henry Shell, who p.tfhod for Dunn. Henry did ml allow bis exponents o hit until tn eighth tabling and struck out twelve man. Dubn was un shk to kit Lamb, the Duke ditcher, dsinc garnered one kit la the first and Rusty Randall, plneb bitting for Bains in the clouted oat alt Teas* leaguer in the nttyh. That was el) the httttpg for Dunn It made a total of four hits gotten by the local trove in their last, four gmmea The erlcBmUeU opened with a rand pc trickle pageant which tmnr jrmod the principal streets of town ind dispersed at the epIrene* to the fair grounds. ‘This wit led by the Duke band under the direction of Signor Michael Bom and was formed if float*, automobiles, farm wagons. Sievclea and pedestrian*. Prise winners In tha parade and 1 contests were: . Singing Class—First Prise—Grove Church., Second Pried—Pleasant Grove ^ Third Prise— Maple Grove Church. Fiddler**—Pint Frier—W P. But ler. , Second Prlac—L O Jackion. * Third Priae—C. T. Butler, Jr. ' Banjo Picker*’—Pint Pri**—W. E. J Joaaa. Second Prise—L. D. Jaekaon. Third Priaa—HI**, Hattie WBion Clown* — Firat Priaa — Chria ' Jacobs. Second Pri**—Error* Bullard. Baa*ball—Duka Taaai. .Horae Baca*—First Priaa—Julio* JlcLeod Second Pri to—A. B. Weaver and (X T. Rodff**. Third Pria*—Calvin Ivay. F loata—Patriotic—T. L. Biddle. Decora led Automobile* — Firat ! Priaa—J. -W. Draugbon. 8ocend Pria*—J- N. Creel, Jr. . Decorated Trasks—Firat Priae— Parrith - Driver Co. Bueond Prt* e-Marvin Bryant Decorated Bieyelea— Cutheral Bat Iff, Second Pria#—Margaret Gardner. Decorated Peny Buggies—First i’riaa—WlUie La* Wagatuff. Deco >ated Store Front, including Thow Window* Pint Priae—The Goldstein Co. , “ .. Second Pri**—H Fletahman and 3ro*. • ,, Beet pair of mil** in tha parade— Arthur Neighbor*. The largest man hi the parade—J. C. Byrd. ’ . The largest crowd from tha eaun try riding on on# vahlel* la tha pa rade—Mare la Bryant Duka No. S, “iCT— *». « —r. ». Hadron, Duka No. t. Tha largaat atalk of cotton and contain inalhc large**. number of •quoree—W. B. Norria, Bonaon, N. (X, SS uquaraa. , , . The beat Decorated Ford Aatomo tfW- Kanoy B Ut Watch for climbing tha grgaiy pole —Erueet Byrd, Btslntl. 1 Tha aidant aw* attending—Jiaan n Hair, Duke, M Nt'« and » months Boyi* riot Bacas—100 Tattle— Ftrat Priae#—Cutbaanl Butler. L J. Tanner. Saeqrd Priaa*— Carmen T. Hodge*, Shuar Anions. 10® Tarda Dade First Priqp—W. C. Both am*. SWEDEN AND FINLAND IN BELLIGERENT STATI Critical Situation A Isa* Over th< Dlipmt Regarding Alaad leUed* Stockholm, Jim ltd. — - A critica ti'.iuiion hat arisen between 8w«l»i and Finland ovei Sweden's auitudi toward a delegation from the A lane Inland*, which raprrnrntad to th» Swedish government that the popola lion of the inland* desired ielf-d'Ur mi nation on the baau of a refnm ducn After a rharp exchange of not*! bolwern the two govern menu a bat talion of Flnnlah troop* b** brer landed on Aland and encamped r.aai Mariehama. The Finnish government haa arrest ed two leader* of the Aland deputa tion ou a charge of high treaaun Swaden ha* diipatchcd a note to Finland urging tho Finnish govern font to conaant to a plcbucltc by nhich the population of the Island* oould deride whether they shall be ung to Sweden or Finland but it it indoratoori the Finnish government f unshaken in it* determination to ippoae any *u<h mcam.e. Official opinion here is that Fin and'* attitude la baaed upon the aa umptioo that the initiative for aepa ation nf the Aland* from Finland *a* taken in Sweden, where**, it i* lectured, tbc agitation began with Header* who Inwii Ibnr right of rlf-detcnmeation on historical rooude and upon principlca reeog •!nd by tha leagut of nations. The Finnbih government ha* un ion* rd that it "abtolutely relict* ill such claim* as are irreconeilabl. vith her sovereignty over the Aland*, eblch Sweden mcoghiud withot^ re creation." ^ SUFFRAGISTS NOW TURN TO GOV. COX , ATill Urge Nominee To Um I» ftnoacc or Ralificatua la Tana, and N. C Washington. July 6.—Governor los as the Democratic nominee for be presidency will now become the enter at the National Woman'* Par y campaign on Tcaneoeee and North olto line in a telegram odd raised to Dr. lUlette Hayden, of Columbus, Ohio, Itatr chairman of the dtnu'i party, tlicc Paul, national chairman, directs hat an appointment he mud# At once, f possible, with Governor Cos oa be “Govasnor Cos, as the dged leader of his parte/’ mid Alice •aul tonight, "has now the opportuni y to procure for his party the les sen ee prestige of giving to the out rage amen dm ant it* thirty-sixth rat 1 cauor*. Women win judge his eandi ary largely according to the use he sake* of has party leadership In eom ilcting their eafraachUemeut. “AU National Democratic lenders rone President Wilson down have ord their influents to make Tonnes, qe or North Carolina the thirte-eizth off rage State. Governor Cos, by ad liag the weight of his power to their* an insure suffrhgo victory. Wv will ak that he use this influence at, »* net. CONTINUING INVESTIGATION OP STRUCTURAL MATERIALS Chapel Hill, N. C.. July 8 —Con muiDf lbi invwiifiiiyn ui uw ut* oral material* of the Stair that <a< eirun Id the early part of the rum ner. l>r. Jowph Hyde l>r«U, Uhrrc or of the North Carolina Uaolflkal ne Economic Surrey, haa mpoyud nr. J. L- Stuckey, a geologist oi me itatc University, to do the field wor*. a connection with this investigation the investigation, which Includes urh structural materials aa clay, and, gravel, and such stuno as gran le, lunette ns, sandstone, rhyetits. rap, etc., was begun with the idc* at orating commercial deposits of these aw Materials sod of detentfining, t ests and experiments, their snitabil ty foe industrial purposes such ua: uttabls day* for brick and tils mnnn actnm; limestone for cam ant; stoat tad gravel for concrete and road milding; mad for eoacreta, plaster, md for foundry purposes. Because of the tremendous amount if construction under way and jutt ibead of ua this data will be of giant lorvice to engineer*, contractors, and ilhart contemplating construction noth in which thane materials will bo ict-dod. This investigation will alw >o of great soivice to those owning IcpasiU of any of these materials as it will bring them in touch with a market far lh«vn In this work Mr. Btueksy will visit Ihr felMsing places where it is mown tSat deposits af itruetaral rns terial* aic to be found: Puqosy Spring*. LlWagton, Kinston, Pitt County near Bruce, Contes tains. Elm City, Tar bore, Bpred, Thelma, Wise, dripstone, Wendell, Neversoa, Car than. Wadotboro, Granite Quarry Faith, Mount Airy. Boekford, Mt. IJl la, Hiddaaite, McDowelP Coanty noai old Port. AabuvlUe, Balfour, aad Hat Byrrugm. Second Prise—John Miller. Third Prise—J C. Jaetnon. . Calorad — Pint Prlaa — Davit BtinM ‘ Second Prise—Lather Layton. Banning Broad Jamp—r Jet Prl«< —W. C. Bethuno. Bneond Prta»‘ H. B. Byrd. Third Priae—J. C. Jackson. Colored Boys’ Id Yards Poot Kneei —Pint Prise—Jo* Ham. Sdeoud Prtxe—Melvin McNeil. Bicycle Races—One-half -mile MaMa Jones Second Prise Liaweed Pridgen [cox HAS THE FRENCH NrV/i?AFERS GUESSINC - 'V™ l*r* It la Mkall l« PiWte ia Foreign Policy Should He Hi Elected lari*, July 7.—rmnim xl'-ng on tbi nomination of Jaree* A. Cox, of Ohio, for the presidency of the United Stale* by the Democratic convention :.t flgn Prune!eta, Figaro w_r*: ! “It it rilfftrolt to predict Mr. Cos'* foirign policy if adjcttd. We under -land that foreign affair* ioUTMt him bat little and that ho ha* mod K"a coi.fidanm in the league of na 1 • Oiu. TF.I re arc many Atnciiraa* with 'him. | The Petit Parian* e«y»: “Ur Co* i Lao proved tn be a good politician on U amali acalr in hi* local rtatv. It re main* to be keen whether he i* a I Matronal, of the calibre to look after ihu aftair* of America." SEES POPULAR VOTE AS FUTURE METHOD Hintery of Preaent rnmTumtiaei Mur Lead to Radical Han Fratieiace. July S.—Tha big hijtory this convention helped to maha i* aj yet unwritten and almost unutlei«d. But men foe] it coming. It will find exoreadoa at no very -emote day and that expression will be for legislation providing for the saleelion of Pn-sidcntial nominees by t genuinely popular method. It has been a .happy convention. I Physically happy and inu fleetually ■—sell, tot rolousl. , It has sidestepped history rather than ramrtr It, but its body has beat: well looked after. It could tec sitd hear and it did not rwcltcr. Cods and men mere good to it. Tho gods gave it the ideal sroather of a land that aecoants itsvlf th* pre war seat af idea) vsoathcr aad men did not' gaugr it. . It was w»U fad, troll housed and pretty well wiaad, considering the fact that native sherry ha* gana ay to 87 a gallon aad is handy to ha sfrlsln sd savo by nuthrea whoso m areas af afoi mation are rapoeialty tecetdt Above *11 th* convention gwasta ... ^ deal af giving away. - - 7 .] Frisco Thonghafnl I Evrry morning tho 2.00b to the convention aad th, to of fioit and bags door with the _ _ or other. Sometimad these token* cam* to frequently that nobody quite knew whsaeo they cam* aad or cry body got to taktag thorn a* a matter of course. - , As to tho practical matters of *v ry day in which there mast ho a quid pro quo, the Ban Franciscans crero equally scrupulous. The boa people who could have doubled thui. . .-sUuitnt prices without creating .■much resentment, held their admir able hot*! dinner* down to the regu lar price of $1.80. The daytime tax, rxt* of $1.10 from the convention to -rtf hotel remain'd $1.10 at 2 o'clock it, the morning, when weary com m ttcemen wore leaving th* sessions o*i resolutions and woe tired enough o cut up with almost any impositions These things may sacra but trivial factors in th* record of big aad for c.ish transactions, but be assured, ti'sy won endless hind word* tor tbU g:vat Pacific capital from a body of m n and women representatives of every section of this country. But th* abiding «ncm<7ry th* uelc C-ites will take with thvm to their n me is live memory of th* eloanli nym, th* convent. SCO, the grand cor ridors, th* good nir and good music u. the convention hall, a structure •paclous enough far all their pare sees ujt so wall anuagad that it did not swallow up Uteir deliberation*. After the week of rruclal taut to which th* ouilding baa been subjected, on* » ready to beliovt what th# San FTun t.scsni told us upon our aerial, which was that 14 shews aad aesot Jigx could bo given simuttanvousiy under ths roof wlthoi* disturbing jjc another, and that is th* mam had *« many a* five big moating* have bovn held within 72 hours without th* citation of disorder or untidiness :n th* huge pavilion. Msdd for Other CHI*. Aad ail that is not a trivial part of hr rocord of th* Mg weak areas* ,t qniti that other American com munities that want to build the*, things right, will have to com* here to sec th* medsl. Thu*'ha* San Francisco, both as a grant .convention city aad as good friends to th* whola country, duns H. k«i( proud. Tho poll**, tho courteous car con ductors, tho Jovial street car loafers who ixlp aad not harry th* vbitew; the hotel clerks, who war* dot arro yarn; the rvpcditious waiters, th* ob liging small boy* nod this mayor, who in tome quarters. Is up .to hit nook is political qua iters, hut who forgot them all and became a regular Aboa Ren Ad hem far this occasion and th* Arms who frequently refused U toko money for th* tomporary us* o< their facilities, all have united dor lag a trytng weak to mak* thousand! heartily Ilk* aad profoundly rtepwl 3*0 Fmrlifn Out here it a Gold** Oat* aad H leads to hearts of gold. , Huoh was this national feuvontfoa la tha aspect af physical wsM kshq ■ slid that u why it was a* happy. Aa th* taasis ad giants ka tha areas of latoiloet it was aot groat. h % • LYNCH NEGRO FOR ASSAULT ON YOUNG GIRL AT ROXBORO AssAJuNTroirnvttY IDENTIFIED by victim ^■r» Attmpts _ UFV" Miw Aula In Aad U FHgkUuMl Away By Hmr s»«ter, tauk Amrial Wuu At t-mpllug Ta Maka Hk Getaway. Koaboro, Joly T.—At the rrenlt of Jt-»mptid criminal attealt upon An cle Lob Chamber*, a 1A-ytar-old ao sr» from RcldtriUe, tea lynched •*aily thie miming by a mob camprio :a« approximately 200 mem. Aa inves tigation hol.1 today felled to fieri an <h» identity of any member of the mob. •**•* Cb»*aborat who it the daagh ter of Mr. Edward Chamber! ef Chat *“■» co“«t7 I* viaiting her tnch, Mr. Garland Chambera, who Uvm nevanti “i1** wnih of Rosbeco. Yetteaiay afternoon the wont into tho orchard fff tho Coamber* borne, carrying fear infant coutin in her arm*. Roach Wapcd at bar from behind a damn of buAea. bearing Lh« girl to the ground •■f Ac baby from her arms. “I’M kill you if yon boiler,” be ‘-old Mlm Chambers, but ehcaeraLmcd at the top of her lungs amd bar tieUr ran from the house. frightening floark Mwmv Ulan -w-*- a *> bruited and bean Bnarh'i Sneer prist* os her throat end face. Roach wa« next aeoa board in* a Norfolk and Weater* train at Hdmi. ••van mile* woth of her* ahodt Mx • o'clock yesterday aftonxMm.' D* Oh. Gentry of Roxboro, who wax fcW the' • station, hoard that the mbow an the train and need the laremnllea to ‘•teas&tr"1 Jell and positively a* l*r assailant. * oadl two o'clock thin » nmW of aboot <00 w Re Person eouaty Jail "Serif" ___. hamkor of pens la oat eh loros of the ■own sad wasadrised by ml of Um not to re back to the jalL No farther effort was -■- to thwart the mob and Roach was tahesi to the graveyard of a angrs ekarek three mile* soath of here oa the an -onal highway sod hanged free* a Tar. After th* lynching the corpse was riddled with bullet*. The sent at the lynching is not far frees the Chambers hpaee. Solicitor Gettis of Hillsboro arriv ed here this morning mad inanediatclj began an Inrestlgetioe. Be found that Coroner 3. K. Clay Um bed slrtady aammoaed a Jury. The solicitor sttcaded tbs' Inquest end -xamined Sheriff Thompson, aad G. oTfiall, W. M. Kirby, X*. Rrad haw end V. Lbasford, all of wheel *«rr on duty with the sheriff as da ■>ulic5 when the mob first ranched the Je'.S. All testified that they war* an to Mr Mnnllfv asaaekum *# be ncriu worn by the ant Sol cilor UattU remained Iwt only t few hour*. I earing at 4 o'clock to •*ln hit family at Kill Spring*, fa. He announced that ha weald te am next Wednesday to raeome Me nvntigatlon. So far as known. the inly witne** yet to ha rami nod is mother deputy who mas asleep when he mob reached the Jail. General to lled here It that ■eficleat t evident •will not he obtained to i net try ton nr- ' -eet of any member of Aa mob. Ae •ording to remora, Aa neb eras ceat poecd of both farmers and itddnda of Ae town. There hate been no Indteatlona af lay race trouble aa a result of the racking. However, the entire road force of which Roach warn a member. . ornpriiing aboat 74 men. has gait, bo negreti drclarlmg they win not •verb any more in Person coeaty. The fore* ™ engaged ta Ao eeaslrac Mon of tend clay reads In the county. Before leaving town Solicitor Oat •U twoed a Matowwnt virtually aa mvrathig Sheriff Thompson far ra pnnaibility for the lynching. The tatemeut points out Ant Ao ehoriff bad no inthuaUon of the lynching. ‘he deputies having boon swam la to prevent aa eapeeted attempt ta rescue the negro by member* of Ae mad farce, and that awing to the laleama of Ae hour, It area impomiblo far Ae •hvTlff to ralae a pome rireng mmigb re resist Ac meb. Ran of Ac JaB wers set *arroadcT*4 by Ae meb frncid their way into A# JaB. ONE KILLED AS TRAIN CRASHES OTTO BUGGY New Bara. Joiy 9.—Traveling at a <pcad of 44 mOoo an bear am A Antic Coast Una train, aareuto from Wil mington to KmT Racw. lari_algk«^at a point a mh aawA af PoMockcvilU, Jama county ctraoh a haras sad bug gy la wfcieh ware Mss. Han Merton, ■rife af Aka Morton; her Itngtftm. Jails Cracr, sad her little grand STSK and her __ __ or loan arlwih lajnred, hut the littla Baum dan |M escaped mhut « <

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