SI THE DUNN DISPATCH IS=] _ _ ’DUWN. N. C, JULY 1*. IMft. . . * LABOR MAN TELLS WORKERS TO TAKE OVER GOVERNMENT John Fitzpatrick, of Chicago, Addreoeca Convention of Tha Labor Party . ANOTHER STEP TOWARD FORMING THIRD PARTY Prealdeat ,1 CUu|« Federation al Labor la Plan That Day WIU Cam, Wbea Worker* of U. S. Will Da Jab go Worker, of Raaaia Hera Dome | Amalcematiea Plaaa. Chicago, July 11- Anuuagama llaa of tba committee of 48 and laboi party of the United State# with • common preaidaatial ticket will b« recommended to the two convection! tomorrow. It aru decided tonight by After several boon disrussion the conferees adopted throe resolution recommending combining of the two group*, and than took up diacusolon of a name for the new party. * John Fitapatrick, prrsidrat of the Chicago Federation of Labor, a key note speaker, brought the eonvenlloi to the highest enthusiasm with a pleo "that the day would come when the working people of the United 8tates would got together and do a Job such as the workers of Ramie have done " The biggest demonstration af the day was accorded thie reference, del cgmtes stampeded and whistled, sad when one called for “three cheers for Soviet Russia," they were given. Fitrpatrick declared tier* was nothing to prevsut the "hand and hraia workers taking tht government ont of the beads of—not Americans, bnt international financial pirates," and advised all' the minority groups to unite on one ticket. Agree On I shoe Platform In opening the convention. Mas Hayes chairman of Iks Labor party's national committee, declared that “wary political group assembled la •hie city agrees in substance to the platform.” which the Laher party - had formulated lam November. This —atomsot brought forth prolonged applause, in which da legatee wearing . badges af tht dngls taxers, forty sigh tars, and other elements attend ing the convention. Joined. The NuiiaAsi Labor platform da. dared for as t teas I isation af all as aential Industries, abolition -af the United Staten Senate and of Injunc tion power af iadfes In labor disputes the United States Supreme Court's power to veto legislation. The convention responded to the suggestions of Fi tape trick and Hayes by naming a committee of twelve to confer with a similar gfbup from the Opnunlttee of 48 la an effort to dev elm a common ground on which all oamd moot This eeaferaace was intended to iron ont details that had proved stambling blocks fa amalgi » matioa. Throughout the discussion of com bining the strength of the mlno it; groups there appeared a trend of op tlmtsm among the delegates Speak on argued that by such action the wars promoting a solid front “against a common enemy." C. J. Franc*, of Seattle, who pre sented the Forty-lighters' iavitationx to tho Labor rrooo to Win th« mw party movement, told the convention the question of platform waa "Inci dental’* and that beneath it "are the economic principle* far which all of you and us tea fight" As a name far the new party. "Far mer-Laber" waa suggested. ft* con aid nation, however, was postponed. - A MOW TO AVOID UMiES TO HOGS IN HOT WEATHER Atlanta, On. July 18.— To prevent looses to Use stock, particularly bogs, to transit daring hot waatber, the Lies Stock Deportment of the South ern Railway System has Issued Um following suggestions to shipper* with i request that they he followed as close ly as pomible: Haul ar drive bogs to ctaUen in am pis thus to allow thssn to become rust ed and cool before loading. Whoa ordering a ear for loading hogs, racist upon a dean one bedded with mod, clay ar earth. Wet thoroughly tho bedding and in terior of oar before loading Give only a Mall fsad of groin be fore shipping Heavy feed meant snore body heat ganaratod. Load not more than one hour be fore the train la to depart. Load slowly and carefully. Avoid excitement and do not boat or bruise th« intT»ilr Load not to exceed 14.000 tba fat bogs sad 14.000 lbs. stock hogs in ■ standard 84-ft, ear during warm wen tbsr. Hava water applied ts the bedding In the ear at availabts points imme diately after tho train stops. Use ice an floor of ear whenever possible, three Mocks to a ear. Report Inattention or nwtoci Kaptly (• Superintendent of Divio oa which mipment originates. • Never throw water directly upon hogs after they became hooted. Rui K oa floor of car 'Under hags instead N. AND W. RAILROAD TRACK! WASHED AWAY BY RAIN Roanoke, Vs.. Joly ll—NorfoJV and Western railway tracks betwev* Rice sad Hlghhrtdgu. Vs., oast of Lynchburg, wore swept asm* by I cloudburst tote »«**sy eight, eaua tng Ihsumads sf dollar* w»rth oi 4ms ago to crops to that section, se sordfag to raaortg rsgMvod at th« headquarters of tha road her* today D. MrN McKay, of Asheville, u base to vtaR Me brother John A. Me Kay, and hie cassia, Harvey it. Me DEES WIU* CONDUCT HIS CAMPAIGN FROM PRISON C«il“ M«tKo4» T• £« P«r»u*i Unl«»» Pre«id*nt Pardon* TK* Social! *1 Iletiolt, Mich., July 12.— Unlcne he i* pardoned, Mots l« V. Dob*, p:**i denlial nom nee of the Socialmt par ty, ’.Till direct the party'* campaign thti summer from Allan,. Kedsrml prison, whan ho I* herring a aentmei | jon n . barge of violating Ihc tupiim-1 jiffc lawj, the Social!*! National Com mittec decided here tdtay. I'arty lea den would vieit i)rh« frequently a! the piison during the campaign ami learn hia wither. The committee dec.ded first, hov j ever, to make a person.1 appeal • Prcaident Wilaun for Deb* eleaec. group of about 200 Soc-ali.-ta plan t ,1 call on (ho President wiih n the n-. I two w»ek» and urge him ti :M on . I request medv by u aimil.i - >>mm ‘ two months ago to 8ecn' *.■ ■/ T r.i il ty Tba Socialist Nationalist Commit tee expect* to complete iu work there tomorrow. r&UD D D A/*r rfikinr Uu ir-ir\u I CASE POSTPONED TO JULY 1« The coni, most ion proceedings oil Ithr L'mled States against the mow I than 5(Hi owner* of the property now occupied by Camp Bragg which was l rot for bearing before Judge Henry U. Con.ior ycrtunlay fiaa been poat pon.-i until Thursday. July lfi. ' Judge Connor unived in Raleigh ye(t;iday and heard several matlerr la chambers ADVISES VIRGINIA WOMEN TO PAY POLL TAXES AT ONCE Roanoke, V»„ July 12.—In t ctr eular letter vent out to women of Vir ginia by Cha«. 8 Hammer, secretary of the Republican state committal, they are enjoined to pny.their poll faxes at once, |r. view of lh. fart that they, "soon j»11l hove conferred upon them the privilege of casting a bal lot." USE COMMUNITY KITCHEN T9 FREE I HOUSEHOLD SLAVE, Wife Shows How Co^Opora boo Would RoWm Wo man From Drudgory life with too henry a broom." * TTii* is a suggestion ^ur an epitaph' to be plsrad over the grave of s household drudge. The idea torse* from Mrs Loup:* R*ed Welrmillar. Deputy Commissioner of the Depart ment of Markets of New York Here is another one. "Mother faded away with the steam out nf the teakettle." You never sec such bold, bod linasi chiseled In the granites that grace, graves. No, indeed. Instead of the truth yeu read that Emily rest* in peace or thut Auntie departed her Joyous Hft on some other work of fiction. Mother* SkruUsh Work Mrs Welsmiler doesn't believe that mother* or grandmothers sbou'* work themselves to death cooking things over redhot strive* Khr ha* a splendid idea fur “kitchcnlcss home*-'' If worked not according to the specifications which tha to en thuataatkaliy Mis forth it would be a wonderful Borers* and redace, first of all. the h:gh cost of living then it wnuld aaae the household temper and, lastly, It would liter*ate the a mount of time a woman could give to the interest* of- her husband and children and home. , The fact that a million loaves bf bread are thrown away in New York Cityevery day waa the occasion for Mrs. Wclam11*r# exposition af her idea. “During tha war,” she said, “are investigated food condition*. Wa beard a lot about walk. But ttw throwing assay of bread we find in many cases ia unavoidable waste. “You can no longer tay to tbe housewife that she ought to make the •craps of stale brand into pudding* o* Brown Pettys, for she may eon front yon With the fact takes milk, aggs, butter and tagnr, to say nothing of froit and spies, perhsp. to finish these product* properly. And I there ia the roet of the fire to bake the podding. Fried bread is indigesti ble, bread and water punishment . "Mggy poor families who He* high In tha tenements send out tha chil dren to shop. Perhaps the youthful representative of the group will be given somewhat stale bread, by the baker It ia a lot ef trouble to make the long trip down the stairs again to change it, and many people Kale to attempt returning thing*- * “Then, the bread ia found in be' unappetising If too dry, ia eaten m-j differently m»d much left- This must he thrown out, for them people know I only top w-II that to make ever the hit* lot: viU coat from twenty.Are) to thiity csntr To discard It coda' only ten to thltteen cents “Mow. It ia my belief Oust *hc trl chcnless home proposition waul} do assay win nil waste. "At present tvary family stunt bavo a cook. Ono hundred families, then have on* hundred cooks. If In stead w« had' some form of commu nity kitchen requiring ten cook* for several hundred families, buying food at wholesale lata and reducing tha east of delivery and rent, you ean see hew mask better sad cheaper food sroald bo. “But we have then, the problem of the aaaa who tay a," laughed Mr*. I Waltmllar. “my pile always cooks' tbo meal** for the thtldra* and my eeH. . i "Bow bo Idvaa to too her over tbo hot Movo—hev place being “la the homer But than maybe b* never taw SOME lHlrvGS DONE BY DEMOCKATtC NOMINEE Wi ar Reviews Cora* C .nSnctli v Legislation ip Ohio Py Gov HDor Com d. . r.» ru•-‘t.—. wj x'jr mcr Corgi raaman Anebeny, of Ohio gives the following conciae analysis of the constructive legislation achie ved by Governor Cox. A model workman's compensation and a child labor law. Mother's pansivna. Reform if Judicial procedure, ao that there is do longer in Ohio any plaint of the “lar.-’c delay.” Tha Initiative and referendum. A acivntiflc and workable budget system. Pruon i rforrn, which inrludce a prison faim to be a reformer of mon. Prisoners com j*e n vated far laboi and their earnings given to their do pendents. m C ontract labor in work houaaa a-1 ooluhed. Elnu'i alion of sweatshops. A ‘Blue sky” law to protect Ohio investors. Strict regulation of 8tata and pri vate banks A Invar an wn .(.la MhU _\. . '.he Federal reserve system — V Reform of the acbool system. XVovmior for a central high ichoo' •n country district*, thus giving equal opportunities to children, whether th. accident of birth placed them In town 3r country. Vany reforms in the antiquated aii4 inequitable tax system. which hex rcj..ted in placing millions of d<|. nra of Intangible property upon the boolu. Practical business management for (jl-vir owned faima, which have plac id them on a paying baste Good rood law* » >!xtra compenaat.on fpr dapendonis 3f man k.lltd in mines. Provision for semi-annual payment 3f wages Mlnlmirr.i w igr* for women The consolidation of sown diffcv :nt agi irulturml bdrraus under o.i ‘emmisaion Fertlliirw inspection provided fo; Additional safeguards erected a rainst importation of diseased Uvr nock. A comormon created to stud la m credits Strengthening of the orchard •praying laws. A corrupt practice act with teeth a it. Mo4f<nir«tion rtform of elec non laws. The Smith law preventing cold itosegc hoaxes from keeping food •tuffs longer than a spec (Had tons. Judge James G. Johnson, who plac sdGoverooi^Co^iiijDOgjjatjon^ea^ With Gov. Cox as you cand' late Ohio 1* Democratic, and with Ohio Democratic, victory is ours "When thia country Was forcad In to the Great World war oar peopio. in common with their fallow ceuntr, men In all the Stales, weie thrilk I by the call of the gnat man who aiis in the seal of Washington and Lin coln and erho with superb spirit and matchless phrase interpreted the high set aspirations and invincible purpose »f the free peoples of tbs earth. If tnvy, hatred and passion shall de prive h>m of hit just recognition nov, snd deprive his country and humanity >f the benefit* of hi* vast avrvlce i.i their behalf, socctedlng generations will pay Increasing devotion to hit honor. "The American people must now ix41- ttfkelkwr Ikal nemswl MallU-i I which oar soldiers sad oar people won shall ho ahonduned or wbctfiti we shall show ourselves worthy ol tlis inheritance we have enjoy ad COWIN NEWS ' Mrs. Bailie K. Elmore from Atkin son i nd Mrs. Catherine Woodoouh iron. Mount Oliva have returned to their homos after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. It Pops Mr and Mrs Tom Spell of Rom boro spent Tuesday In Godwin with Mr. 8peir» brother, C. W. 8p«U. Mr. W. P. Moure of Foato Flora, W. C, la spending his vacation ir Godw.n with friends. Mr. and Mra W. H. Wiggt, of Sal isbury spent a few hours in Oodw'.n Bunday with Mr. and Mrs H. Mcln tyr*. Misses Kathorias Myers and Eu nic# Cawthcn of Xerrhaw, 8. C.. and Mias Essis Givens of Springfield 8. C, have rrutmed lo their homes af ter speeding seveial day* In Godwin *e Ih* gueati of Mbs Estsline Star ters Ed McNeill of Van*. N. C., is spending a few days with her father, C. C. McClellan. Miss Ruby Turner has returned from Pittman’s Hoaplttl when the underwent an * pc ration, she is impro ving rapidly and will soon be out sgela. * Mr. and Mra. Jim McNeill of Ned ereldn, Texas ipent the week end la Godwin, at the guest* of Mra. C. T. Jone# and Mr. and Mrs. R. McIntyre. C. B. Mason and E. C. Markham spent Tueaday In Fayetteville. Mra C. 'W. Spoil and little eon, Charles Connelly spent Monday la Dunn shopping Mr. R. L. Prldgyn, Jr., of Fayette ville In pending * few days with has mother, Mra Mary Vick. Dr. ). W. McLean and family are visiting Isis ans>ther, Mr*. McLean of Cameron. 1(1** Lcslls Morgan of Kipling, was bar# last week to visit Mrs. John Monde aad Mr. end Mr*. Purdie Monde. # anywhere rise, so how can be Judge! Horn* might be-a brighter place If she war* to have some spare time far getting acquainted with her family, after the kitchen drudgery war* lift ed from her life. ’Thl* sort of thlag ha* filled many premature grave*. And the grave stone# ted of hew p happy life vrae ■taken up oa high’ er how some on* may et least’ net In pear*.’ I “All this sort of slavery bah a* eeoeem’e value.” < l STATE DEMOCRATS. PLEASED BY CHOICE •OEGOVMWORCOX B1CKETT SETTLES STRllfe AT LANDIS PiUm Serviaa CaApetatiaa* fn>u tn« Ta A*j> Pat Ju 11 nd Stvaat Car Far* Kat|r-Xtm»WI »a ■!■ Fa«* JUtara* P|am ^Faeklaytaa Wkar# Ha Wea*<4» lateral of Read*. Haleick, Jaiy ljaa^aartiag Demo crat* of Bal«i*ta tkemaelve* a* vary maofc rl—fit wttk tka nom ination of GovernorOn and Frank lin IX RaanvafV «%fla tko majority of tko Hortk Cafoiaa Democrat* nntsd to Mr. nominated they ban tome U lueioa that a candidate from -middle west, coupled with a ’ Yorker would hare a batter y lhaa Mr. Mo Ad oo ia the Nov, aleetiona. Ihe Democrats 1 Cox will hart a i of carrying Obi* slats, than would uKo belter* the •All make a Mro York, to Maw J nla and rthar slope. Gororaor recent IWtMil H county, where bo far the parpoae Of o_ _ the dlaputaata ia the opttoa mill strike. While tho foranuMJa all other In dus trial dkMiw wMS h* baa band lad took tho rtde rf #h laborers be found that labor wunht fcsuH at Lan dla, and told the sKem “d ylcka lecrs Utot .thay hJ5o right to In terfere with otkarMpb who waat id to work. Likewise the r .told tho pie kots that if they d ia.dieturb mg people who to w«rk ha would an* aval- of tho state to protect the to wanted to work. The result I vary plain talk waa that _ Mopped and the mill* have r< ia fuP. Tea That Out: for tho _ ______ fare* ia North Carolina eiUea to tea cents is the oplaioe of those familiar with conditions la the aocouating of fices of tho Traction companion Two com panios have s trendy fltod the ap> plication far tha ineroas*. Tbasa are Goldsboro, where the increase haa been granted, and Durham, whose ease is now pendMg before tha Cor poration CoauaiaMaa. Tha companies claim that tha price of coal and labor as advanced so M«ch K ia pomMo for thorn to seme out on a seven-cent fare and that the only thing which wiP hoop them o«t of the bankrupt courts is additional Itvsnsss Inc gat comps**** art faring the same alt nation ao> half a doaan of thorn hast already filed applications for increases in to* gaa raise. Them petitions wit) bo board Boat week. Ha Raged ItnsW Highway wdRldhtr Frank Pago ha* returned fra* Washington wbara be bold a conferee** with tha Inter state Commerce Commimton la tha hopes of gettiag tbs order against the aae of open top care for healing other awterlal thga coal, ehaaged to each an Stent the* all the road work in North Carolina would net be bold up. He found the commission de termined to keep tha order in ferae for another month since the coal sit uation was aaeh that every coal ea in tha country sstM be Beaded for healing coal to the conaasaen. Tlirrttn Beard Muh Cel. Wilson O. Lamb, chairman ef the state board of etoetloua has called a meeting ef the heard far Wednes day morning at Id o'clock for the puipoee ef saniastiag the returns f>om the second Democratic primary. At tha tltae ef esWt| of the hoard the reports from ainntpwlgbt eooa ties have been seat la and verified by Secretary W. U Beasley ef the i-oard. It is expected that the other two counties will be In by the time the board moats. .It bad Men tha hope ef the chairmen that tha haard could bars amt an Tuesday, bat the failure ef soase of the county boards to got their return* hi promptly caus ed ^be delay af on* day. Mwat Fee* M>*|s Isms Tho refusal af tAs gaveruer af Ver mont and ef Florida to call special aaeelona ef their legislatures far the purpose of voting *u the Bad rage amendment to the constitutive, sad the fail are af the Loulrtaaa legitia lurt to ratify. ppH the hap* ef the prospective wsmes vetera at the dees ef ths legtslaturee »t North CaraHaa and Tennessee. Beth ef thee* mates •Ul^vc special ****** in August North Carolina wfll, doubtless, play the watting game beptaf that tha sU tor state la the we* will ratify tha amendment and ttileve this mat* af the neeeeiaty of patting up tit* fight ABMED BANDITS ROB RANK AND WOUND SEVEN PEOPLE PlatofUld. Rltoais, Ttowwa Istto T« atatti Robber* Make .Thais Joliet, July lV—Kala field, a sab. hrh. ulna mile* weal of Sattat, wmi thto afternoon isecvsilng after tto t^ hud been lakda by tea anno* hanh be adits this morning, seven per tonawetindadaad the Plato field Stats totoh robbed af • !*£•« to cash and geverasaowt beads The baadlta. af 'tor sweeping the main street of tto tow* with rtfls fir*, escaped to ten eatemobUsa On* ef the .(eadlu war weaaded. CHOKER ABU TO HANDLE HU OWN VAST AFFAIR! Circuit C—H OHw Wndwi In inulim Former Tem , BUT Chief Jacksonville, Fla., July It.—Rich urd C rotor, former T an teeny chief it mentally pound and competent u handle hio owe reat affair*, accord hf ft a circuit court order tuned to day hr Judge E. B. Donnell in Wool Palm Beach, whore the apod formal Tammy boao hap o winter home. The court'p order dlmohree a temporary la Junction granted March SO teat at the lnjtrace of certain of Crolnr*! •one and daughters who alleged that team father erne being onduly influ enced by hip pecond wife, Bute E. ; Crokor, in acquiring pomepploe of hip eaat estate through gifu and daad« I The cam wap ana of the moot In teracting of Its character ever contest cd la Florida, a big army of legal tal ent being employed on both sides. Many of the country's moot noted a UcnieU wore aim drawn into the case which waa emtsetod with mure or lam It is net known hero whether or not there wOl ho-an sppeal from the de cision of tho court. Tha aider Crokcr declined In dis *“ ^ «•* tonight, aping ha hdd *•* raad tha text of the decision. Ho •tetod that ha aad Kn Crokar weald lanea for Mow York Tender night sad would anil Saturday for Mead. Thab trip across had haaa paetpenad hr tha trial. CREW urutu TO BE WASHEL. SWF IS MELD IN QUARANTINE Boston. July II.—Tha White Star Unar Cratio has haaa held at qnaran tl«a sines Friday hoannaa tha craw infuse to bo water d. Tha dstantioa Inrolrea 1,(41 staarago passengers, wore allowed te leaf without hath ;"B E. D. Taylor rata mod yesterday fro« -a brief rielt to Raleigh and oth er North Carolina cttUs. M’LEAN IS SLATED FOR TREASURER truer Cox wiB ha the next freaidiat. bahla pa manna) of tha r iMnl, and hare with unasnal nnaaimRy sat Bp aa Hon. Angus WUtan McLean, of Lomborton aa tha State's awtir of tha cabiaet, and tha secretaryship of the Treasury as hlapaatfetla. Thro# year* In Wsshington aa the War <Flaanes Beard kae* aarsad to bring Mr. McLean much Into tho attention of party I aad its, big man of tha bo tineas world and r#k places where tha destinies of the nation are worked oat. Altogether ha has made aa Imp resales that U flattering not oruy is aimaeu, m U IM KUt mat ha calls Horn*. H* baa haiuHsd the complex arablaai that nai before bis board with admirable skill, and his koaaafalks believe that President Cox could find few ahlar man to taka [the place. Havbw a Secretary af tha Trane on from the Booth would ho eeteh limtag a precedent la tha choosing ad a cabinet minister for this particular Job. North CoraMtm has supplied Boo naval «arret arias, and other Southern State* have had eons la ether places la the cabinet, but nan* as keepnl4 the nation** finances. Than have S -* few with requisite experience to fi nancial matter* in them part* since tha Civil War to hold neb a Job, there being not mock money dawn this wap from which experience canid be obtained Bet tbaaa wars to ether times. The 8soth today, according to banker*, la lam acquainted with flmaaeial trou ble* than any part of tha country, and passing year* will serve only to forti fy Ha eowhuandlng position hi na tional finance. At the and *f half a century af financial bondage result ant from tha destruction ef mart af tha Saoth's wealth during the civQ war. the section he* com* Iota Us awn again, and its boats eat inter sate may be able to dominate where they bava served before. CLAM BEOABDS COX AS *SAFX AND CLEAN Washington, duly 11.—Senator Carter Olaee, ef Virginia, who arriv ed bate today from the Democratic national convention, dmlarad that Rawrner Can, (Da preBdeatlal earn late, “la a genuine Dima tint and If elected w« give the country a mfa and clean udmlilrirutlia.” Shortly after Mb arrival hare Sen ator Olsen, who woe chairman of tha sommitoaa on lesetaUau* want to tha White Hauaa but did net am Presidents WHaas. He rapramid him self as “greatly ptoasM* with tha work af die tauvauMiu and mid ha laaimd far a “leaking goad campaign with Governor Co* and mid ha r* gardad Mm bigfily. “Cox la a ganalna Democrat and If alaotad wW gtvo the country a *ef< and clean admlaiatratien." said Hr 01 Ml* “Of enna. I think wal ef tha plat farm aa I had a hand to Its prepare tfcm. The convention thought w*H *1 too. Indeed tha laavmUan annul mauaty dee lined to permit It to h tamparad with la any raagaiL It wn I Imperious alike to rhetoric and wham tog. 1% wn* adapted whhewt altera Uon af a ward and rrjnmii tha ten vtettan. the hope* and dm aaplratiew af tha Dmnairatli party withaot avaa State* ta Whlefc TW An to |* T. A. Sainted Thirty-See atatej will elect gcrer aon this fall ad the Ume wh*n the President aad Vie# President an clmnii. Thirty-two United Statu MBaton, to tail affleo March 4, 1*11. wUl aim ba elected at the aaa time. Of the (ovamon whose tarns ex pire next year 22 are rapabUcaas aad IS democrats, while 17 of the St sen ators are democrats aad IS republi can. The etatu which wiU elect gorer non thl* year, with the inruhcoi. hi* political salary aad tan of affiae 000, two yearn ' nitoaU, F. 0. Lowdeo. republican $11,000, foar yean. ladiana, J. P. Goodrich, republics*. 18,000, four yuan. Iowa, W. L. Herding, republican 18,000, two yearn H. #. Allen, republican, $6,000, two yearn. Maine, C. £. Mllllken, republican $8,000, two yean. weeeechneelte, Calvin Coolldgc, re publican, $10 000, one rear. Michigan, A B. Sleeper. republican $0,000, two yearn Mfaraaoato. J. A. A. Bangui*. re publican, $7,000, two yean. Mlaeouri, F. D. Gardner, democrat, $$.00$, four yean. Montana, 8. V. Stewart, dean mat. 87AOO, four yean. Nebcaaka. 1 B. McXcMc. repub publican, $1,000, taro yean. Mow Mexico. O. A. lannaolo, re publican, Mi, two yearn * Mow Talk, A. S. Smith, democrat. $10JN, two yearn North Carolina, Then W. Biekett, —, -Ju yean. *• "T" -- A- B_ Roberta, demo crat, $4,060, two yuom Texan W. P. Hobby, damaant, $*, 000, two yearn Utah, B. Baadberpar. democrat, $$^ 000. foar yean. Venaawt, P. W. Clement, republi can, $1,00, two yean. We*fcgtoa, L F. Hart, repsbk **$friaeoaain, l”*J^Slllpe, repabll caa, $6,008, two yaan-AnorieUd Preen • UNIONS BIDING FOB A FALL Mr. Cihrart Tiirilty. •£, ttw ABtrictn IxtfUtiti d Electrical Engineer*. at tha annua] meeting af that organisation hold at WhiteW ghur Springe, W. Va.. oa Juno tUth, was tho foil on tag: | "The unions ara in tha saddle now, but an riding for n fall. Fleaso 1st me. remind you Mata that I am not biam lag tha unions or any aao atea. I am t^rtngto confine mysatf to state aunts "TW. number of workman in labor naloaa Is vmriouriy aatUntad to ha tram 10 U 4# gar cent of the man employed ta trades where there are unions. Them figures represent the extreme sialms If wa eoasidar the to ut voting strength of tho coma try, tho parentage of mda In an tone la certainly not over to par coni., and probebty not over K par coat. "Already there ara Indications that the people wCI not much longer sab mit ta domination hy tha aniens, Tho Governor of Massachusetts defied urao riser tty thereafter re-elect od h» aa abnormally large majority, and haa now boon nominated for tha HepuMieaa National tlefcet far Vleo President. Tha 'State af t—tt has enacted a tew ta curb union interfer ence with tha peace and comfort of bar cities os and bar Governor haa become a popular national figure in i0“AK*tage haa vary generally beta taken of tha opportunity to Ju ersass profits by these who had warm to as arkst, which te only another way of saying agate that aalftehaaas te a uatvenaT trait of wklah no close, or classes, has a 4y- A battering of conditions effected hy a decrease te the 4 far, or an ia •ranaa la, tha nppy of labor. Al toady there ta a marked redaction te tho antes of certain products resulting from aa ■mtlWfmi or tha teabtUy of^many p^ te pay thousoriritaat .jyggrag’ swiiTsirittr "-“ta M, w« m- TWfK. „ " tot permanent change in either our mate! ardor or In ear Industrial struc ture te to ha aaHrlpgtad. "Tree play far the hatorel forem •f trade may be counted upon tho ex amine a beneficent teflaenea, and they should ha hungered and inter farad with te government restric tions aa little aa possible. Wa cannot of comes determine from history at a.'ttafcfsME.'su grysmstsata fjsarszsjgv&ii JOINT E WM TRY TO SOLVE COAL PROPOSITION r v meeting to bz held AT N. Y. ON WEDNESDAY __ * Wateinctoa, Jaly 12.—"If Miami DNtk| tor, 1*4*7 •# a ctoHlttM to —fr-rfl total at to* joint cwlmte* %t otanton m>4 nOnal *s*c«ti*«* la Nnr Y.rk Wc4„*a4*p, wton to* m*1 1 ratin' tattoa prtbl — will to <l*t*t**< Tko “■■IHte ia bee on a •a* to f* action oa all Wtaf to arjniv. IX E W*^ST| tioaal Coal aaaJ bagta function effectively to heath** *0 day* * No (pacific hutractioaa, It wn* an nounced, war* given ta tha aammlt ta* that att confer with tha taBraad naenthra*. hat aaaaral apaaharv nrgod tha aarriers far aDagad (till* ta okay thtMteahi'k prtarttar ardar TREND OP COTTON WAS DOWNWARD ’LAST WEEK Tha Nat Re*aha aa the Claaa Wore PacMaaa ad Right ta Fifty Eight Mala New Orteaaa, July II.—la tha tab ton market laat week the tread waa Waar, anoayt far parlada tf dtrt covering aad react!*na aa tha apaa tng aoaaioQ and again aa the cleat ag. _ During the gruatar part ad the Mma* tailing waa paraUtaat aa Ih* favora ble weather aver tha halt aad aa re pent of poor trad* tram the tattoo good* markatt ad tbl* country aad Tagtoal At tha high— level* tha trading month* war* S* ta Tt point* near tha claaa af tha i »Uh tat tathal Tha net i dint* of 3 to m palate I* the mat department middling loot SO point* at N N. Tha rlaatng price af inly wa* M.M. aad aa Oc tober 12.<1. Wanthar aad atop re turns war* favorable aad on the whole, antS the dewan ad Friday after— and night aat la, and the aaaaral ilgoilHm era* ta look far n Jaeldad hnpmramant In tha aaarfV lag* aaaatau tit ahnrta war* h Marly dlmppatatad by n privet* haraaa >* port an condttfo* af 714 par cant af tonal, -tonriag a gain far 4h* half mnath of bat 11 point* Friar to th» raport. them war* of Agora* at hw+ a.- IS aad even SO Tin, faotore ad the ‘•ria maaanta af tha auk waa tha eta lx af . ..u".i» antra. \merl* — . miUr, aad tha lanauuater—* dot «m- tageeg c.rien mil* h»H d*».4>d b> ria * at hi at taro a <U larky July himmaa af the lack at raw ac he aad ad the wuah waa a faraaaat af SIMM I

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