G. 0. P. CANDIDATE SPEAKS TO LARGE . AUDIENCE IN DUNN Parker \Vant* Taxation Reform And Better Road* And School* HOPES TO BREAK SOLID SOUTH FOR REPUBLICANS Rakufcas Perpetrators pi Alla(ad Po litical Dishonesty and C karma tar i am a Gerrymanders As Olgrsfs Upon Paapla Saga His Party Weald Hava Fear Repreeealatfvee. Taxation reform, good roads and better school, arc thing* moat needed in North Carolina, according to be lief* cxpi.-mcd here today in a speech by John J. Parker, Republican can didate for the office of Governor ot North Carolina. Thcat belief*, he said, are the foundation of the plat form open which la based bin how of eh ctiott- He also expreneed the hope uf breaking the "Solid South" by carrying Noith Carolina for thi u ts i*., a.hi aiiministc'ieu a atingtng rebuke to ihoae whom ha arruard ot political diehoneatjr. “One reaaon," he raid. "why the /aimer it leaving the farm in Noilh Carolina )« becauar or bad ro tde and had chool*. foo' rannot iaolata e man and deny to hi* children the ad vant- vea winch they can grt in o'.hti I'Mpolice aril efpect h‘m to remain t.'r nave n rate highway commiariai but whoever heard u( It building ; road In Wurth Caroling? We have i publ.c school ry-.t-m in the State, but the ia.1, o aft 'ho'vc-d that 25 per cent of the young white men of the State weld illiterate, unit <0 pci cent vetg tnite ati acrocdUig to government standard*. i A.'kanaad af illiteracy “1 am .tanamed of the further fart that North Carolina .stand* only fourth from tha bottom in the teak of illiteracy ard that the wagai paid the whoul teuehc-ra of North Caro lowad'of any.state in.the . tt~I>arhira county kcori without apeeial tax cannot ba defended. “We ant build at mki a atata ayetent of roada Every atata that baa aver bacome rich or great haa flrdt bailt adequate ayatem of puhlie high way*. Wo qan build a etate ayatam >w of highway* in ftorth Carolina. We can pay for it with a tax on autoaao bllca and gaaoline. No aeueihlc mao who own* aa automobile will be un-, willing to pay a raaionable tax in or der ip hxvr a good road over which to drive his machine. The damage done by driving hia machine over US / mile, flf bad road ia frequently grenv I or than the lax for twelve aian'h ; would be. Would Break Solid Sooth "The great problem* of American life," «aid he, “are being fought out in the arena of national politic! but the Mouth la practically without a voice in the natation of three prob lema. Both partiex ignore tho euuth. The R. publican party think* that nothing u to be gn.ntd by consulting the withrv of xtatea which nre hiJe hnund III political piejuidic* The Drinociu.le party think* It ca* coo.il on the M’RMrt of the South whatever in pi/. I form or whoever ita nom-nre e d It d-afu its nlatform and naant-j ii candidate to plaaaa tho D*ir> ic party in Diom atate> where Demo crats are more Independent. “But the reaaon fur :hc ‘Solid I South’ no longer axi lla. rteconrtiu: t'on i* a thing of the part. The race ia.ue luu been eliminated from pol t’cA The men o' the south can' n id ought In give their beat thought P* reiving thr problem* of tba nation Th.* 7' at tho Republican party hn.. taken up th* gage of battle in defense I nf tbe civilization and Un- cor *t‘tn I lional govcn.ment in which the peo ple uf North Carolina believe. North Carolina owe* it to hcraelf and to th* nat'on to give her electoral vole to the Republican party in ihi* election " “Tbe time haa crime to raiaa the Call: obi morality of North Carolina c*» than flftocn years ago I hoard a distinguished Democrat laughingly refer to the election frnuda of hi-, party aa a matter of small moment. The other far governor now is boast in* of hit port In political intjr.ida lien. Can any state aver hour to ha a gnat stale whore such ttnnJa'd art accepted? la it any tars a crime to Stoat a rote than to steal a horse or t nig To cordons dishonesty In tbs source of public power la to invite political and moral degradation, legs foe Fa irons* "For year* the Republican par-1* her b-gf.it for a fair election law. Tlta'r p!«>a has been answered by the Jnvtmcnt of tbe infsmoua absentee etc* law which has opened tbe very flmi'Wata* ef corruption. If election* arhurast. why does the Democratic niffy deny u* a fdlr election law? Not a* a partisan but aa a state plare Its* If above stup'rion in this vital Rsaltn. A noth o* form of political dtsHon e-iv la the gerrymander In North Carolina The taw provides tbnt the cnngrtmional district* shall be com pact and eontigious. The eonyrrar tonal dl-teict* of North Carolina era geographical mossat rest ties. The rev nr.*b dletrt"t e*t#nd* from the a»o*» hi Ins nf Wilkes county tn Scotland «*-srty. enly a ah#** dialaire from fh* saa The AtaHsallte landmark asvs that the gerrymander la p rue tie ed In other states. I defy any aa* to produce an laatanee af a ferry • l LIGHTER CAPTAIN TRADES HIS SIGHT FOR DRINK For L:f» By Wood Alcohol,; Ho B*fi To B« Circa Hi* Freedom Kew York, July lii.—Ju a hospital uom IK,<i«l,'H « ih fanlight today Gardner W. Goolii n fiil yo.iv clu ightar eaptaio, bll.idcd by d • inking wood alcohol contion-d in h drink offered to him a> whlckey. pli "led to be told “how long they are going to keep me In thie riaik room." Phyidci »n« at the hocpiUil have not yet hod the courage to trU him that hit- night i» gone forever. "They **>• that I'll lie here i month,'’ rheiared Ihf rnptaln. “Te'l them 1 cannot epan thnt much tiiri".] I'm uecd to being out of ilocva and] I'll get hotter a lot quicker If they let! me oat” UVI'IU l.aufll H IPW OI 5.1 vcr ami his vision for .ho poxonons .'oncorUun. A foreign -ailor, who] boaxllid his lighter itt the harbor. of fered him a d.ink of th; beverog. yesterday rnd the- broti"M h’*n itve pints today. The captain tac’. a drinks this morutng and ihsn tipo!-'. o»er on the d-ck Mr tras ruyh>d li a hospital, where physician? laid thy he poison had caused a'.tophy of th. >ptie re vi?> end that he would never see again INFATUAIIUN Or SERVANT CAUSED TRIPLE mAGv.DY #>Ta?h.';tion, Ju'y 20.—Infotnation of a eaevant for th; dau;hle<- of his master and the hlaat.ng of h’• dreams <l Ihc me men he im'ui.xd h tr. sc'f m the threshold cf thv.r r>'a1'a..:'nn ltd L> tne tf.plv t .ip fir .a Wusiii.iip j sit 'is. t Sunday .ihec lhr«s Grah.'l c killed m a dtiWDtmn 'oiiahvj hviise, according to The..''*?. '.I,': kero today b.y a fneed of r» o of 1r. j victim.. &ccfaEv;s I STUDSfiTSAT O.N.C. Ormje Load# Witli 110, Guil-1 . ford, Meddasburg add Sampson Nest Chir»1 HIlC the onice of Dr. registrar Eweiy other one of the rmeaininr! WW IC^ICUClIVtU "Hll wi angr whom own summer school Is • part of thr Dnirerrlty summer ; arhool, away in thr load w.th 110 *tud:nU. Othsr leader* arc Guilford which ac.it 22 student*. Maeltlenburg ?1. .Sampson 30, Mowan 20, Aiamaacr ?8, Wake 24, Korsyl$ 23, Cer.ercl 23, Durham 22, Wayne 21, Pitt, Cas io n and Beaufort a id Catawba, 20 each, Iredell. Jehnrlnn, and Sutnljy 18 each. Po ty-fi\“ student* a o studying la* wnd 1.547 lire in the iPEiru whool pinner making the Isryc! •nob»r of .tud.-nls that h«< ecer l>ei n in Chipcl- H U in the rumm r. Worn*-' arc far in 1 In* lead over m t. with 628 to n mere 31ft. $rv,.,i |,un drrd fifty aix have taught hafora and 1S1 are preparing to teach. Fuor handed and th.;i/-*i* n-e, uklng eol’.igr credit wc-rh. i The Mothi-d'it« and Haptiita as usu al ore lie j- the load of the o!h>-i ■eligioua giiiupr. the ?if>.thi»d' U lord-1 in,™ w th *15. the Japtixts second w-th ‘.28 thr t’resbytfv'ae.- ih'-rd with 170 th:- KpUi'opi'iann fourth with 67. Stnrtentr of the Univc-nty make! up the largest s'nglc rtoup fiom ary institution. 31K rtromr (ani etly rn.n' taking collage work in au effort to. e> »>.e up It it tlu> • or in finith thc>' olVge CiUtsc quickly. North Carolina Co'lure for Women •vet the biggest delegation of »n/ cram* i> i'etitution, J26, foll-.-wnd hv th* Els'. Carolina TrscheiY Training S'hnol with 10, Mrreil th, Greerv horo Cultc^re for Women, and Guil ford with 28 i-ach. I lor* McDonald with 27, T.lnitv with 26 Eton with 23, and Wake Pome bh 15. Bonn fifty odd institutions am rrp'rsar.ted I in' all. last year the attendance nl thel <umme. school was 022, but th: l*r-i goat previous attenUnec wax i.-t 1016 a pre xrar year, when 1,062 vs-( on • the hill. The pr .u-.t alt'ndcnc* briuk:> th.i summer record. The win t'-r rrco-d of IOIM-20 has alrouly bus l> okcn by th* 1406 xtnd'-ntx whr wvro here. Combining all staik-nl-s winter and summoi, since Sentamber 10.'ft, let* than a rear ago, thu total it 2.5! it, With p'-obalily •rvetel hun d.-rd duplication*, wh rh would re rlusss. rk» i*d( I a 1 I'limriKinv l.lfr u,ar.o. i Director K. W. Welker of the vent-* raer nehool ii authority for the rtate ni'-nt that more than 300 aloder.ta trnrti ieluf**d admittance to Iho eotn nivr prlicol btfiao' no room Could he found fir them, eltbc: tn ro’ievc dor. j-n'to loa ot in town. mvtilcT a.> ihanri om or. tl-.a party raandcr of North Carolina; but it I* 'no onvwer tn I'Mhanorty to na* tha: othenri are dUfconvet. Under nny hoti eet division of tbo it.-la the Eepuh. '!:ean party would here had four ,,.p ’ rrocntalieco in <:otu;rv » four year-, I ago. To divide the netc up eo an to deprive tho great hulk of ihr Bcpnh | llcnn voter* of the eUlc of any po litical powm cannot be d'.atlnituiahed in otorala from rtcallng from them their rights undor thr law." Mr. Porker war hoard by a lags crowd here. Ur arrived In town le.-t night from Clinton and motored to Duka, where ha wet herd by another largo erowd. Wet •aatoma, of Clin tea, accompanied him to town. YOUT.I 13 ELECT P.OC UTED ir» hire SING PRISON sv N. Y, Juy 2Eiebtotm ii. < t Hyatt. the convict.-d ilavtr ul’ latroima-. O'Rnr.. of Koch fit.'", ».ui put In death in the electric cir.ir at ^1-7 Sin * pHaon tonight, j. itl enter* I the dialh chamber to “he ‘ *c.jt» of ‘ rood bye*’ from the “th*> :• Malta 01 the death .kobaa. *\fieri liyr tiny*,“ Ho called hi return, •' h* rvktily walked to the chair ae :onv>. ry. d b\ toe lUv. A. N Patar •oe, !*>idt .-fjat Chaplain of the pita 911 .’lyall irr.i the: you nee vt peraon ever J :t to death In Sin* fling prion. He I'd 1.01 r<.arh«u hie eighteenth birth v t.iitn be -that and killed the Ro .« ter policeman oftir an oichioge t. rnviilunr JLLIZVE CLOTHING PRICES WILL COME DOWN THIS FALL Strhno.id, Va., .»«!’• 28.- That the : 'iny of voluntary rebate* by maoo uctuter* of nationally advertised Tothing price* will lead to a alight l.-up .n | .ice. thir fall was th« belief vprpov-d by loading Richmond mti nantt at tbi npenieg eeaajon of the •oi’»rntion of tbo Virginia Aaiocia .:on of Retell riolhim and Furnish* ”* her* today. ITALIAN IMMIGRANTS COMF. IN QIC THRONGS 1 off man l^and Detention Station Haa Av ra;.‘ Term ««.! Pep.Ulion Of I 00 A Day . .V. «v Ye V, Julv 211 —Hoffman la ~u on station of Iht Not* To;*. 1—f—t nc 'Oiv ce, now has an ‘v t 1 r-'i ant populut'cn of tnort '>W 0 liny .Ijr to tl’* inbound •n h r" Tv.l'ao ntmipsant-t. It i:«!J tc1, five doctors at V. ;! ic the .tation havp given up all • ru-•’ •.■ 'f V"eat op and am working. - »' tr.e c-jar r.tine officials said •i- I rr. >f of homsn endurance in : tt 'a. fumm-ring and inspecting *i n vr erit. . 3. t; .h*'r families* .cue •« for the unusual call fot 'xt . : T-.eij of Hoffman Hand 11 isio » h t m -o id., .tandi i^ on the part f 1* % ul x.'aLs nod ttaainah.p com 'Ti.l” ri;fo>«'.;rg llrited f,talcs Pub <*■ Health, -.'gjfatle v- ‘ Traveler. •*t» d'nrieti where typhus ard other It'tclttalny diseases prevail are sop-. •■..J'i to be “Atl(u»'d. • Vxamtned and nTpa nfvo Don dttained in quarto-1 >« while the steerage 1 paasenghirfcf - umbtVioe from ona to 2.000 on a*kk I tun. were taken off* on barge* landed Hoffman Island and detained for l to 48 hours. FO CONSIDERCOAL mm ON MONDAY ronftrtnce Called by Govern, ment OCficioLv WltJi Ltsdsn Of Coal Industry V.a h':;.Rto-., Ju'y 2I> —Mean* of i**ort|--£ u-fttor coal chortagr* sad :! d.-ftt&ng profitc* ing In the cost 1 -idc a." * hr tii.c*’*M-H t a confer '■ir ,n Xvw York Monday between. r-WM 'i-Utlvet of four tlovrrnmnnt Jipi.tmtn'ji and a committee, from ,i‘ «'• industry. Actne Attorncy " '■ ’•'* '* TO " In announcing the eon* cc lani'jht, raid the ufrernmect in develop a program on which •■>* cost inkieata could com- “hslf •.« ,<>hi>g the coal jtroblcm. fV ,ln-> who with Attorney - .u-ral Palmer, w.ll direct the for natioit of thw plan, declared there v-i - ;.o r.-*«-jn for n scarcity of fuel 41 Lie p. 1-sont time and that if s ii->rl ,p Ktticd It win through faul lv di-tr.Nation. He said thst there we,-;- “no economical rcaiont" for lit hiRh r'-rv] pi ires which obtain ji<-iogkout lh corntry. ’thin parties pho - of IK” -iituilion, ho said, la r>r:r.R ;t.v<n. riots study both by the ;’.'--tmcnt of Juat't-e and by -‘many “--rentnHec,-- tho coal industry " ' ’, /• present conditions ho;’ n ubdrtso s ebrnge. J,ihtho qiK’sLion of sn en O- ;.o or *■• port coal will be disc eased .‘Sr coming conference, Mr. Asset A*,l it (•tn ,n«a<l I iV. -* . ?®OtJ be d;«c* vied so an effective f •«», . of lAcvetlrg the aupply avail ■ >la for dome fc uae. Lea. than 10, "<* LOO ion» o' r«e) have been ex >«<. nj ilvrinx the firm. MX month* of ■h:/ year, including ^h<sments to Can nil, lie •ceirP-d, and this amount had nt. tareefara materially reduced Ui« >•01-1 a histe with a productior far the p--'nil a .i matncl at 266,000/100 ton*. ri'c.i'u i|uotlona probably will alao critic tin for dlneunuon aiaeo fleere f * ®f '‘ho.- Wilavn la understood to •i»re rein n-mended a reopening of * wage award in a prrpnrad report >r the coal sitttat'vjn in general and • - he ecrditloite in thv lUlnole and '*s!"i KM:. 1'. i-.v-t'eiilar aubmittad ' <l»v t-> P;t»ldent Wilton. f ervla.v of Cern.-m-rce Alexander, crt-fVT «f the Nary Daniels and t'hn' mu i iU u:en of this Shipping 3n-v it hr.ve been I jvited to vend rep. reonKtjMto the Now York confer anec. ACriJ WOfdAit RUN DOWN AeherWn, July ?e.—Mre. Dare flti;n*tn, aged 12. b lying at the Ion it uf dn*‘h in the Mcriwather boo i! ti l I» lh« rvauls of nn accident near Car list Wcdr.'Sdar morning when a •->r drlrm by Oia M. flmathore. of f '-ulos, rti tacit her, knocking her te tV (tro.iod end peering ever hef body. POLICE SEEK FOR MOTIVE FOR TREBLE GREEK. HOMICIDE Principal* in Walking ton City i..Tragedy Formerly Lived Jk In Gnarilk BROTHER OP WOMAN IN -CASE HAS DISAPPEARED J«*a (MImm. Wfc. Klllad Slrtar «.d • K*r and TUa Hiawll, ■<ea*l» U(| With Har Far Vidl la Narlalk) WVJI Faaara in Cmaa v8U WW. HajMad Cola Craenviiu, Julj It.—Folk* auth. orltlaa K thia cl% today be«an an invoatiaattoa to atrcruln the wberr -- —‘K rauiou 07 lh» Washington Cgjr poliro in con nection with the Itfillpc of hi* sister, Knthrine Odieeeoe, * brother, Jean Odineeos, former ,(}rc*k resident of th'-s rrty and Tbdtffcs Apostolce. an employee of the Norfolk Y. M C. A., but up until a lata Hour the search had been fUtils. T It was leame# from a reliable tiurye thet Odiaaias disappeared a lew .lays ago vrrthrgrt any of his com pontons hero boiagJiware ef his dos .ttal'oa. It was 1 sashed, however, that hr left with lotentW of going to Up home of an ttds.dt J. D. Stefansuo :n Laki C ty, 8. Old far this fact 'ja* not been conffmed, and palter sre ns much ip th* dark concerning his location. . - j That the mysts 1 thus disappearance rrid subsequaat mdflkr o{ J«aa Odis eccs. her brotherWtd her prafvmed over, Thoaqps ApSelsa, has created unusual inbfest ia? CitoJ rssidanta. •omc of wheat wet* lntidbttaly aatto : laird with tin views of the tragedy luting the-stay bayf and while there arc many dif/inaaWtarie* told con erning the iactdhB, it Is generlly btlicvvd that- the Jbt and her love eaans to their 4' at the hands of loan Odiarsos, oualy objideti .» A po stoles’ Mil T far his sia t •, and whp a pi nmg of* im rroptr _amae%p" 4 the fataj troti and than . Keperta ' £•1 bar care fully and did everything posable to prevent her from gottlni under bad nvlronmenu. H* qpndnrted a small refs, and to all appearances Rave the :irl the hunt of ear*. Then sudden disappearance several Jay* ago failed to create more than usual, interest- It was supposed that they went to Norfolk, u the result of -he girl's persistent pipeding to too v*r lover, but the trip to Washington >n company with Apostoies and fol lowing murder aro incidents that have baffled friend* as well as police. It is not believed, however, thet the disappearance si Phillip OdLaceos, *ho went by the name of Dan Odis coos, while employed in a candy kit then here, was implicated in the mo> 'Iw although the fact that he still emains in apparent socltuion has iroduced much speculation. Tbs theory that the young woman rilled herself and brother aftr-r he had shot her lover in an attempt to obtain possession of the money. Is ac cepted ms doubtful and it is believed by those intimately acquainted with both tbe sister and brother that hr committrd the crime after learning of Apostoies’ continued Insistence to r*'» hit lister's hand in marriage. PRISON CAMPS IN STATE HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED So Soya E. E. Dwddiog, President ol Prisoners’ Relief leeiety. In Repty Te Csvernsr BtekeH's Statemenl Age last “Ostlssfsr" luvcstlyetious Washington, July Eg.—An investi Tut •on of prfionv ind prison fiiraa ir iforth Carolina already bee been made by the Prisoners' Belief Society of this city according to a statemenl today by I. B. Dud ding, president ol the organise ttoa, bi reply te a ilrrls 'RHmI Maw kv flauaeo *» SlaUatl that ha did not propose “to lot any body from outside North Carolina in vestlgato any of our Institutions.” Governor BickeU’e statement fol towed publication la North Carotins of dispatches from ffaahinrtoa to th< effect that the organisation arms eon ! emulating an tavastlgnUon of si "epidemic of complaints” eoncernini prison conditions In that state. "Tha matter of the conditions o: the rood ramps and prisons of Norti Carolina was brought to tho aUontioi Governor Blckctt a year ago.” sail Mr. Dodd log’s statement. ’Complaint continue to eome to 00 aad we hav been looking Into tho matter of lb treatment of coavlcta la North Can t'na, and If the repart ef ear invest, gators warrant noth action wo wl] bring tho matter U the attention o •he North Carolina legislature at it aext session. “Mia. lea. H. Doekatt la In No;t Carolina now aad the may rdmal for sometime gtUIrbr facts about lb matter In qncsMm. Mrs Duckett la native of Rablgb, so- the Governor i dealing with his own poople in th matter.” Vra. Dbekett is assistant trssumrs I of tha Prisoner** Relief Society an ! is the wife of the Rev. Root. B Duel eU, pastor af a Baptist church la th UPTON GIVEN OVATION , IN HUDSON HARBOI New York, July 89—Sir Thom# Liplon. »*mr ot Shamrock IV, ua luecaarful challande. Tor the Am«rl '•#'* cup, had dlr/unity gettInf ahoan h!» own yacht tonight whan an an hneuatic crowd of mo/a than 3,<Kx pe; son> who had yattwred at a Mad *’ i riaer piar, wbara tha craft wa moored, barred hi# way. Tha crowi charred thc.lriah liaronet and block «d tha piar until police racarva# clear ad a laue to thr dock. Shamrock IV and tha twonty-lhre malar Shamrock wore towed up th< Hndion today to penult vl.lton to r aboard tha challaarnr. Sir Thosaa announced the yacht* would reman in the Hudeon until Saturday. PLOUR CRICKS DROP AS WHEAT MARKET SLUMP! Minneapolis Minn., July 28—8a fleeting the alump in whaat price# flrtUP limnnuai Inrluu ><t mil to _ 111. here, one of the largest mills report ing a reduction of aevqnty j-ont a bar. • el, end another a 76-ceat drop. To Jay’s quotation* were {13.60 to $18. 'r- » barrel in carload lota, in 9f pound cotton sacks, for family pat ents. MANDAMUS PETITION ON PEACE IS THROWN OU1 Action lo Fore* Seerotary of Stata Ts Promnlgel* Cengr-eeeional Rocoia lien* I* DieaiWeed Waehlngton. July >9—Chief Jut -*• McCoy, of the District of Colum bia Supreme court, today d.*miair>d the petition for man dam as to comp-I Secretary of State Colby to promal gatc the congressional peace resolu tion reloed by Preeidcnl WiUon and dcelare tha united State# at peace with Germany and Austria. Harry 8. McCartney, an attorney of Chicago, who filed the petition, noted- an appeal to tha district court of appeal* and also announced his m tention af enehiag a writ of cartierar from tha United 8tato* Supreme court to timnafer the cast to the tri bunal without watting for the action of tha district appellate tribunal. Wairing the point of absence ol formal demand as pointed out by the court, government attorney# railed the attention of the court to tha sec. ton of the netted statute* of. the U Utod State* ia which la ant forth tha power of tha eocontary of Matt TREND OF COTTON PRICES IS LOWER Good Buying Develops at De cline, Especially For Octo ber Contracts Nr» York, July 29.—The trend ol cotton prices was lower most of the day, but good buying developed at -be decline, especially in October and the mxiket had a sharp recovery it tbs )s'-e afternoon. At lowest tevoli of the day it was 4b to 7H points un dor the previous night, but at thi close was very steady at a net da clluo of 10 to ib point*. Pen >«h nywt predominated at tbs outset and In fact a good pa.t of tht -.omen the principal factors being '.h ■ report of a Memphis piper giving condition- at 70 8 compared with 89.3 last March, favorable weather report f-otn all part* of the belt, and Wal 8trcet telling Inspired by rarly weak aass in Kachans* and a cont-'naac bearish interpretation ef general out' side conditions. The exiling force* October down to >2 cunts, Usreiubai to 90.81 and January to 29.97. It waa evident that the market kai hero me oversold as a result of Ux heavy bear operations this week am efforts to replace sales irv the after noon advanced October buck to 3S.4' and other months to almost best poin of the day While local spot house kwrM October, there wit selling o 7»nt nets by South western spot in tcrewtr, presumably. Influenced by tlx dullness of demand in that quarter. The average of private reports thu | mi 1-u.uvu in tawsuj i v.n luin »mred with tho ten year govtrnman avnage of 78.8 which the trod* ox y ch will be equalled by tho flguri of tho forthcoming government r« port Tax** r« porta Indicated tho gin* are commencing to nrn fol i '-'m- and that t'elda in come aertion tea going u high at n bale In th i nora. I _ _ TRANSFERS of real estati r ■ (Harnett Comity Now a.) Joe Barn** ta J. E. Baylaa, IS ft* I aerca In Ncilia Creak tawnabln. *1*1 i it W. Underwood to Ira Cox, tw * • racta of land In Avcraafcoio tanukl > *850. ' J. D. Baraca to William R Barm - rr tract r.f lar^l In Avoraabora lowi I h’n, 80 acre*. *2.800. [ f?»orge W. Howard to PotHe Ell a 17 aero* In Lillingtea townabip. *1 -">0. , Qb * M. A Atkina to J. BTttamo*, or ' lot in I.IIISgton, *1,0*0 » Jo* Henning «nd *rtfo to W, * > Allan, 80 aero* in Btawarta Craa * towmVrp. *6,j. W. W. All*n and wife ta J. f. B*n 60 acre* In Stewart* C.vak townahl r *2 000 I William Tutor and wlf* to S. 1 Carpenter, 17 1-S acraa in Buakhat a townabip, (11 P. M. McKay and wU* and atb • 1 I HARVESTER/ COMEANT 1 »MTI with employee I: E-rl.r. WiU MA.UM IimI Om lull Of Hi. Own E***iag. jl Paring Ya, Chicago, July SO—Tha employ*’. ,rt*<k| •Jr»*r,,hiP *f tha Iatnru. tional Harvester company. which aw ‘ aypiav.d today at a Oockboldan' I meeting in Hobokrn. N. J provide* for distribution of th. fond ’“ta the •,proportion which th* actual earning* iof each employ, for Uc yaar bear* ' to the aggregate earnings of all cm ' P’°f wing in tha distribution.” ’ tf, • statemant issued by > the stockholder*. The plan will be effective aa af "9 k H*vid«» for dim trlbutton of SO par cent af the com pany’s net proflu la excess of 7 par cent upon capital iaveeted. la prrlVr nd and common stock. Th* executive and managerial force, including “tha important mm in tha general office at ChlsM*” the All other aHytbU employee will nr ceivo two-third* of the fend, “part m the company'* 7 par cent cuaule t|ve preferred itock at par mid part In caxh. The fund will be dirtrtbeted about ^•L1, r*»r ‘aHowiaw the peri od !n which It waa *aiw*d. It wax an nouncod. AT SUMMERVILLE „ (Hncimtt Canty Nrwv) . v A- •• Meijaaeu of Doan will be the preacher In the writ* of meet. !ng« that hripu at Sanwarrill* church next Monday even.nr, July Id, at H :30 o'clock. There will b* preach In* every morning at tl •’clock aad every evening at 1:30 throtmh tba *rst Sunday in Anew*. Everybody ia matt cordially invited to attend thirty irrvlaaa BLAMES U. S. FOR UNREST IN WORLD bran ah for democracy. Lot u hope that the tapes it only temporary.” “Two yean ago President Wilton Democracy. Be row to t pinnacle of greatness uaeqaallcd by the bend of any ttale. The hopes of humanity won centered upon him.” "Mr. Wilton't failure—the reason and eauee I will not dltentt to live up to hit lofty prtneiplao and hU no bio idea* chilled the hearts of milhont who had put thKr faith In him and llwort worthipped him. They look with real torrow upoa the moral laser of America' ao one of the tragedies of hietory.” (ARNETT COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS AUGUST ZND. (Barnett County Newt.) 11m faculty for the Harnett Coon ty Summer School it now completed. At stated la this paper tome time ago, Mr. A. C. Campbell of Buie'r Croak will serve at director Mite Edith Pocree, rural supervisor of Harnett county schools, will have charge of primary work. Mitt Mae Belle Cobb of FVeemoat ha* boon se lected as director in grammar grade methods and subject matter. Mist Cobb I* a teacher of tome experience and>ae splendid preparation for work of this kind. Mr. Campbell's record at t tcocher and director le on# that Harnett couaty may well bo frond of, and our fummer school official* wore fortunate tn securing hint. Mitt Petros has had wide experience in primary work and will-bring tom* wholeoom* ideas to the tonehort who attend this school. The Ulllagtec High School board hat reneroudy agreed to the ose of the city school bmttdlag for the sum mer eehool, which wlf open Aururi 2nd and continue for n term or six weeka Already many touchers ere IwrltlBB and notlftin* tha pAnntv am porlntendenl of thair intention to ah , tond, and it is exported that approx) * mitely thirty teaehor* win ho In ah tendance. Mr. A. T. Alton of the State Board I of Eaaiainnra will be precept on lb« '- opening day and It le earaeetly uni > that oil teacher* ragtoter on tola da) » when they con bare hie bolp in taktni the kind of work which to noeoaoon ■ for rencxrtny tholr certificate*, la et ruction will bo froo to all teacher In attendance. It to to bo hoped the * a Ian* number will take aarantagi of thto opportaaity which I* grvei them. to T. W. McKay, aereral lot* In LB ’. Krigton ll.ORO k W. H. Turf tout on, Sheriff, to W >P. Horkaday and other*, IK sen* k d Grove townAJp. C. W. Howard aid wife to J. I ■ Barnes, III arras la UBtagton aw I. Neill* Croek townships, II AO. a J. M Denning and wlf* to L I Denning and athan, 140 aeraa t inOim to wash Ip, tor* and aft satis* VILLA SURRENDERS TO HUERTA REEHE ON CERTAIN TERK VILLA AND HU MSN ON THEIR WAT TO TOMUON ' HU SelAer* Ta Ba Manmad Oat At That Flaaa, With laah Ta Oat A Vaav’t F»y Aai Treat af ball vpu Alta Cine laa. — - , Eagla Fata, Ttxaa, Jaiy tl,—fata ciaco Villa, bandit Idol <A tha M caa paoo an«l far yaan a aaaaaaa la (orirnmant af Ua eaaatay thniggi out Northern Mexico, la entrained tonight with Ua aca far Turtle, than ta taka tha Ant actaal ataaa leaking ta Ua aatraaaa awe* mare la print* Modena dtiiaacUa, a nan oucnoci af hia nngallatlaat vMh At de la Hatrta gitrimtU. mmMm at SnMaat amity taday. Adrleea narking hen fna Bahia an which contain tUa UfamaMea. laid aba tha tenu node* wkUkVE than help with the Bilking- h» 7# per . cent ef the Mm* kerosene lamps ere need. Twenty-dLx par cent ef the homos here fee er eieetrte Mehta. Ninrty-*ix per cent of the wesson do -Tbe^ family ^wajhh^T bet not^msro chinos. Ninety-two per cset dsiler seas* of the family sewing. Mlastg four per cent make all er part ef the family bread, aad sixty par cent da ty-feur per east ef them spend aix weeks er atom daring the year Ms lag with ant part of the Arid weak. Forty-eight per cent ef thaas farms hare power far operating the dans machinery, bat only twenty-two par coat here power for operating the washing machine In the linaaa We are afraid tbe Man folks sen not And anything in this report * brag sheet. Under planssr conditions when erery mambar ef the f seedy had te work hard aad economise hi the effort to secure a heme, tho men folks had n fair defense far eBsertag ihotr wtrse to work fourteen been a day. Bat we era no longer andar Mores r cendUsees la the earn belt. We bar* been making msaeri bat wa have baan thinking taa much ef amk Ing more money Instaod ef getting mom eat at Ufa. It la time ta stag new aad taka n I square look at oarseireo. It Is tkat Is - spend soasa of our men ay In aldag I our standard of Brlagon tho farm. for tht wifa and aeUwr, wfca, after all. tear* tte kiarlaat hard in. aa Matter what wa May da. k la tfcaa to raa water tot* tfca hoaaa, pat la a bathroom, tetter R|hth| ■yfcaaaa. DO WOT maohlaorr I" tte hlM*. aad ja pap oral ralaa aar ataadard af No In*. Why apt tea aaato af aar aaaar srafar=rr-T52: i folk*, la at aad af teytap to pfea at M«ra mow ay, white adiaatetp »*« will pwoa*_te T HP . /♦ . v ■ • .’ v . i * «

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