VOL. 7 HNfc HUDSON $199 IN CASE CHARGING LIQUOR TRANSP0R1 Yoon* Farmer Foard Cuilly On Several Count* Hare RECORD CROWD HEARS TESTIMONY OFFERED W**k A»« »"*• He'** in Jai Pendiag Telal—Cieee Cop* CsoJ Figkt Whoa They Serve Papon By Guy to Hava Bean Invalid. ,*8r*on' >‘u,nlf fanner, aon-in-law of R. W. Kmlaw, of Dunn **" yest-rilay found guilty of iwi-a. •ujung more whiskey than th.- A'.ate law allow*, of currying a rnnrcaled weapon and o. operating an automo b,lc w,lh defective light*. Thr <». oral ease* were tried yeiterday be fore Judge Robert l_ Godwin, of th* Recorder’* Court. A fine of *100 was .mi>o**d in the whiskey race Hu«|>cndvd judgment and coat* Wi the doriaion in the other caart. A fourth ca*r rharg-ng that thr ■.I’"”* •V'" *■*'• resisted arrest wo* dlamiaaed because of extenuating eir iuin-iae.i. i, when Charier Lee Guy, rep. eventing with W. Claud* Bril the defendant. threatened i0 contest the validity of the arrest because thr ar rrating officer had not conformed to the letter of thc law in .hawing the warrants. Mr Guy’s contention vui1 that the oilleer had lasluil the war-! lent and cauicd them In be aerred! before they had h*Mn In k-l—. a legally ronstitutcd authority li wa* his opinion ihut thr defendant had the ri^tit to re*irt the eervicr of papers to the fullm extent of hi* power. By t** Q»c (urirvs't crowd over to have ititDCAKed a minor rata In a lo cal court wa« pr* icnl to hiar the toe* timony. The little courtroom vai pach«al to iU utmost capacity by fHrrtd* of the young man on trial. , tven the vestibule was crowded and the windows were completely «:>oaeil by spectators on the outside. Of von during the prove** the police wore compelled to chase people away from the window* in order that the court might have air. The caae consumed all of the afternoon n>«iun and would [*■'* continued Well into the nipht j had Judge Godwin not requcjtod 1 counsel to dispense with argument. Young Hudson wti arreatr.il la*i \ Friday night by Chief of Police Page, Policeman Nipper and IHrputy Sheriff \ •j r* Jtmifna following the chaos \ of a car t» wMoh Bodaon ia alleged < ■ ■■ ; Street, whri* it wa. alleged Hudson , »nd m negro jumped from th« e»r ( ltd Willi. Spcoce. enother ncjro, owner of the car, wu In the , car when the policeman overtook it. | A ecarvh disclosed about three gal- ■ ion. of liquoi hidden in • rear by eottou patch and a pistol in the i«r. On information .aid to h.vr been furnished by Willis warrant, were is- , ned for Hudion, charging him with operation the hadly lighted car and ( with po-wceaten of the liquor and thel gunl It *r/; pvith these warrants that the officers were armed when] they went to tnkc Hudson, whn was found at the home of Ml. Kinlaw. when, his wif. was visiting. Evidence was that the young man] was attired for be.d when Depot >-l Sheriff Jcrmgsn .uramoned him to the door of the Kinlaw home. Page was at the aide of the house and Nipper at the rear. Mr. Kinlaw re monstrated with Ihv officer* for this procedure, demanding that hi* home be treated vrith the respect due that af any reepoetuble eiliten. At this, according to Jernliran, the defendant began cursing and demanded that he ba allowed to return to hi. room for big clothe. Thlt waa refused but the • officer Inatructcd Mr. Kinlaw-to get the eluthce. Pag. and Nipper rarae upon the scene then and attempted to carry Hudson to an automobile. After quite a fight. In which Page was fore ud to un6 hi* club on Hudson § knuckle i and everybody waa scratched up a little, the defendant waa gotten to City Hall, were he wan lodged un til the trial yesterday. Evidence given by Willie in the trial was to the offeet that the Other I negro had brought the liquor to his] far Ml M pOli'l U»1 ■ —— -- Hlsck River. H« could not my that Hudson owned any P*Tt of it nr that It had war barn In hU Poamwicm. Young and Brat Minted N. A. Towns*I’d, town atto.ney. in the prosecution of tha t*»c. SORRELL ITEMS. Mr. Charlie Enni* of Wilmington spent the week end with hi* parent* Mr. and Mr*. II. M. Enni*. Mi.* Thelma Turlington of Tur lington, .pent Saturday night »nd Sunday with Ml** N»nnl« Enni*. Mine* Ida and Viola Spencer and brother Elon tpent lh« w«k _c"d near Benson et the home of Rev. M. V. Smith. „ . , Howard and Everett Droning. and MImc* Elgie Surlc* and Irene Penny, of near Benson. *p*nt * utes Sunday at the bom* of Mr. J B. Simla. Mi,* Maud# Johnson of Rom Hill |r visiting her sinter Mr*. J. L. Bor rail Mis* Efllc fipencoT. is visiting rsl alive* near Mirro Mlsa Vsda Enni* of Angie^ l* vis (ting her slsfer Mrs. Wsltcr Sorrell. Mr. and Mr*. Jebnnlv " Coats, spent a while Sanday after noon at the home of He- WUli* E* p|g Little Mis* Lorens Kellam of Pc ter*burg. Va. relumed home '»> WBy. . |V Ml** Estelle Whituntna tpent tb week at Coat* with relative*. Charlie Out-and family and Mr Jones a»4 MW Jonee spent Sunda with Mr. and Mn. J. H Ennis. Mrs J T. Spencer is visiting hr daaghter at Petersburg. Va. Dana, Aug. 4th. A CONSIDERABLE EIGHT IS PREDICTED UY COX !*■•*•*•• 1 **■' Ready far the Flfht’ 1 He le!!i Several Hundred I fe-ru City Denecrau. Dayton. O.. Ang. 4 —A fiicbliu* i m-’/i: age to D'-mucrtti and Kepubti ram war given by governor Cox, thr | lortnar a prewdentia! nominee in ar .ii'hli-c.i today at a local Democratic . P'mic. j Speaking from a • oped arena, for j Soxiog events on tho picnic pi-ogram. iwowmor Cox. avoiding definite i* vica. declared he would carry the of. fu’V.ivi- In "’a considerable fight" for -T^i.hPa predicto<l «»<•*♦*»• Inch Id- r.lal’y he promised thr.’. hlj adders next t a I u relay aereoting the prr,.d»n i~“l "dard could be understood ec.-n by rchool children.” ! , ’.Eo-v^- 11,1 rwM*>‘ fof the fight,” he II »-]*ri'll to the chcciing plaudits of frc vrrsl hundred mi mtiers of the Gem Crtjr Democratic club of thin city. ”ikr need make no defense,” the I governor continued. ’’Ourr will be |the ofiennivc fluhi from the begin mr.g to the end, and it will be a con s.ilensb|e fight. Make no muuk. . «h»t- '„h»v« f«ith m me li. t there will be triumph of riBht Pi mcipliM this fall, which will ,crv« notice to Republican leader* for years :o 1 *B* »bou’. to *ov that it would be a DemorratV triumph. It v.iti not be that. It w.ll not be a v.etory in the partisan sense. It will b.-_o triumph of the right.” lurn.ng upon hia opponents, the R*>v*Tnor rrvntinuHi): • We’ve won tu foie in the <amr k.nd of i» fight We’ll win again be •The opposition ha* been good to •i». :inil Ihv advantages that it ha* given will be re counted in the mr itne day* »hre<: of u». Tha oppoti apparently had adopted the ' coulee of doing what wc farmer* . u*ed to do of ploughing around the dump* of Staking to avoid the thing* oat perplex. “It ia. with the opposition rxpedi •ncy pur# and simple. They attempt ‘ si appeal to thi* group, that group ‘ ind other group* without tha (lightest ‘ nusidcrulion Of the great ncnici ! hereby to the perpetuity of our gov- C iT.menL Obi course ■* the straight e our,e." * t GODWIN ITEMS. _ 4 G. Culbreth and children j" I Tarver. Ga.. are vuitlng Mis* Re- " 'coca Culbreth. Mi** K*u line Starling left Tue»- f night for an extended trip to lew York. Atlantic City, and Phlla- , HphiaI from which places aha will H ■O to JCerahaw, S. C. to resume her r "e'tu ^“nigTn‘"ith< M,cr> T^»- r. hpPWM*MMB*mMrp--Tun»ar motored _ ver to Sanatorium Friday to vlait j rienda. Rev. and Mra. E. B. Carr of Greely- tl ir, S C. haw arrived to spend a a ew days with Bn. Carr’a mothe*. a lr*. E. J. McIntyre. h Mincer Naomi and Ruth Surle* of p ,ir.d>n are v'.aitlng Mim Irena Lucas , E. C. Himm’.ngway ba« returned |> Johnson City. Trnn after *pend v rg « few day* with hia father G. Hemmingway. , Mr. and Mr*. E. C. Edgertan have , eturr.ed from Sanford where they ( •irusi relatives for n few days. Albert l.ucit* i* confiend U> hi* (mm with Malaria fever. Ilia many ] 'liend* hope for him a speedy recov- , iry. | Miss Euta Mat Starling ia vi*iting , rolalivaa in Cedar Creek j Quit*- a number of our younger ample arc enjoying a pirnic mut at , Rhode* pond this afternoon. It wa» i n honor of the visiting ladles of our lown. iiodwin. Aug. dth. PRESIDENT GRATEFUL TO MINERS FOR COMPLIANCE Wilwn Send* N*l* ef Appreciation Te Joha L. Lawia For Is suing Order. Indianapolis. Ind.. Aug. t----Preai dent W it son has exprraoed to John L. Lewis, president of the United Mute Workers of America, his gratification over the prompt action taken by Mr. Lewla in directing the striking coal minors of Illinois and Indiana to re lorn to work. Lewi* reeaived tha Coll owing letter from President Wil ton today: "Your action in response to my statement urging tne firming nun«r* to return to work, has gratified me very deeply indeed. It la the action uf a patriotic citlaen and a man of vision and presence. I am glad that you feel a* I do that in arftng the (gen to return to work. 1 was speek ing in their Interest a* much ■* of the industrial energy of the country. Today President Lewis sent tele grams to thirty local Unions in Kan ,an ordering the striking miners to return to work. PLAIN VIEW NEWS. The Revival at Lee Chapel rioted lest 8unday. A laigc crowd attend ed each service. Mr. J. L. Stona and fowl)/ of Lat ti», 8. C. ar«* upcrvllnir daya with his father, Mr. I>. 4 Mr. J. W. Elmore la on the lick list. Mr. Junior Oarfrtt and daughter, of Florida and Mis* Iona Pope of Ullie Oa. spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. R. J. Stona. The revival at 8pring Branch is being attended by a large crowd this week. ! Mr. R. 4. Stone and aoa returned last night from Baltimore, Warning • ton, and other rltlea. They report a good time. . Miss Vada Williford la home finis t Greenville, whore she has Seen at tending summer school Ucr man] ‘.friends are glad to welcome Hot back j Mr. and Mrs Godwin of Bensoi i were visiting at the home of Mr. R r J. Stone horvday. I Aug >*, «*«*0. ^ 1 Japan’s hosiery factories, U( o them, have oloecd down. 'SUB-COMMITTEE J BEGINJHDRWOR! Hold Flrat Mo.|i.f. Whip Into Shape Bill, For Special Souioa nj-l.lph. Aw J.-Sob-rommiu** „ ^ 'T"”0' A--«ubly which raw l ‘" ’PfC'al fc""<’-' here nexl week, ai «. mble.1 her.- yesterday ami after , u" nt i.r ?1*. ,S«VOT><W nickct » ot rtraipht Into the cnnsidoriitlui ,of Jctn.'ation which will ra-Ty the re ZilXuT ">rouyh With th, jeetabllehment of a lower rMr ,of cHle*. county official and other interested persona air lnvi. toe. T “iel *‘lh thf io.M commit ICC. Tuesday aftornon Anjce-t 10 al •1 o Clock Hhon the attitude i.r the counter Cities and town, toward the ./rr,nation of the trx sjUcm xr.L *'■ jnven the eummitter. Most of Ilia afternoon rr-uion of the letpr.'utor* yp.ie.-day nns K:K*n '•»er to the discussion of t conetitu ''nnnl amendment to roducc the con J/Xi-n hmlt on taxation The d;S?L or tne amendment presented to the btmrd to lim'! the rate of taxation, -ten for m-renr-try purposes, which can be impo,;. d without the vote of w"’ HE''’ A rfe6"U developed m whe-h the view- wo. pie«M«d that , ' „,p,t’a’r. ,h'' conitltution IcaviiiK i reasonahl. amount of f.«dom for lh* levying of taxes f0, necexsary lort'orra, should not be daturh-d hnuthcr argument dcwWcd ah. . 7 ™a 01 -i.-vrcnl election., the, HI. by the majority of qnalTird vol ir. or the majority of vote. out. j The proposal wa» to amed th..| on..tllotion hy striking not Section! h* follow^;''flvc *n'1 'uU,,tuti^ "Suction 4. So tax on proparty V*i’ '"I "**'«**arJ' espenac shall *>y the Stale at a rate e eat r than -Cent. ot. the one hundred oliar. ro. by the .coral connl.c. f„r uunty porposo, «. k „u "» the one hundred I obara nor by any city, loan or in nrpo.ated village at a rate gtralet tan— ernta on the one hundred dol-1 "£**,}• lh* 1“*»tinn of . higher I* been approved and I rnes a lu ,the voUr* in Uie tor-1 tory effected and approved bv a laiqrity of the vote, can at to elee 'h“‘ rurP«s* held under the!. EHlat.cn. picwnbcd fur aa, byf General Assembly: Provided. I lal Lh;„ section .hall nut apply to . ixea levitd for th» maintenance of I i* public rchoola for term required , < f lrUeIc J. section 3 of this con.tl- Ij S5}W jf lytnent of dobta aTrcaoJ luiiffactcd 1 id inter*at on same " I When adjournment w*> taken yes rday afternoon late, the comm die* . at still discussing varinu- foaturra f te limitation proposed without av.ng reached the question of lint-1 at,on. The committee will mectl fain thin morning at ten o'clock. The member, of the committee bo met here yesterday were: • | Senate Committee un Constitution-1 I Amendments:—G. V. Cna-pcr, Kin ton: P. W Glidcwell, Keid.ville; U. i l. Slovens, Brunswick. House Comm tteo on Conililutional tmer.dmvnta: R. R. Redefine, Union; . H. Matthews. Burke; V.etor Hry I nt. Durham; O. B. Twueuc, l.eo;j idgar Pharr. Sfackl.-nbaru; J- G. h*Eon. Lenoir; CapL Grant New! lanuvnr. House Committee on Pinancc- -Vic-1 or Brynnt. Durham; J G. Ilaw.on,I «noir; W. N. Everett, lticmond. O.J I. Teague, Lor. Senate Committee on Finance: amr-s A. Gray, Forsyth; J. A. Brown: iiolumbu.; H. B. Stevens, Buncombe; f. II. Hyalh. Burnsville. rEN THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTEND BIRD'S FUNERAL Newark Cobbler Heart Broken When Pet Canary Din. Bet Frieod. Are Kind Newark, N. J., Aug. 3.—A crowd estimated by the police at ten thou sand persons, thronged the streets of the city tonight to witness th» fnnoral of Jimmie, tho pet cenaiy of Emidio Russomar.no, 65 year old eobblcr. Pollen reserve* were called nut to preaerve order and clear the streets for his funeral cotege. Jim mie, dmrrlbod by iU owner ns a pot of CaruBO," choked to df»th Sunday on b watarmclon Leading the proccBtion wbb b band of twulvH pieces, playing funeral dirge* followed by a hearse, bvdcck «d with Sower* and carrying a rtnall white coffin in which the bird’* body repoaod. The old cobbler, tear ttained and vuibly affected, rode In * coach with a few Intimate friend*. Tha cost of the b!id’» fiiMNl on timated at 1400 *»• contributed by the cobbler's friend*. When Jimmii died, the old cobbler drew the blindi of hi* ahop, hung ont a sign close* oa account of Jimmie'* death," pul crepe over hi* door and went Inu deep mourning. A tombstone In the *hap* of e crow with a canary bird In It* center wll be erected over the bird’* grave new Branch Brook Park, tho cobbler nald NEW WORLD RECORD MADE •Y AMERICAN BOY SCOUT! London, Ang. S.—A team of A morican Boy Sconta from Miami, Eli at the International Boy Seou "Jamboree” today eatabliahcd what i believed to be * world'* record i trecWart competition. Eight of Ui American yonths competing again' a eimilar Web* team, covered BO yard* ever obstacle* with a la whoa led tree kart loaded with clgl (tandbng* weighing 400 pound* In to minute* oS S-a eaconda. The lean |had to unload their raita get thri over a wail, reload them and ru through a pool of walor. The wbti ' boy* took more than fonr minuh to accomplish the task. suffs say jr their; [I BIBLE’ Nff.-.-. w.,! I ot | Diaiti A. Inciting IstwjL S«hal3rt,n Uu ytTtBnffr»a< Asm>. - . “ ■'•** issued yes 1 ,H7, «*“*»»• which , North tm-ollna Lqujbwt the organ i. Iciotion « statement!* the iatarpre ^triday in answer to He as offered In W- bero biought aKE arroneoaKly | of fubscnblijy, Bible,” or tn.ionof I he Script*? The suffee c •* popularly like Impotatlon I *n,,w" »* ,h« “StidBCd of correet the M Oman’s BlhBMlatefarraation. p.eU heartily rcenjttjit follows: *nd art taking thl* ||W|n Miffragt* 2!f “"y „ have Th? text of lha tlaSKtion of wo "?hr «PPon«rnti oK> entirely o». la tneir due need fSh^nUrioue be injected into the of • past n*Kn'« right to rotofff | related question o£^M%-caIlcd "Wo j'lef "f ■ few iiMUy Elisabeth Icenerwiion. H. friends of tody Staunton an^H with part h-IS sh.Tut fifty By IspRes. Dr Anns B| doctrines lm Mr- Cor ,« ChapedBOto the North oulhorrh.p of the Ik tion they attiIbuJMfceU had noth perused in thia bdSkoeshiD of the < J,--n ,nc- 'uffr»r>«iflB«fflixa Suffrage Hr. Shaw and ^H ltl existence mi u. do won the ^Hfuti-s uffrugista. o Hjl- Thr Nntfk i:.. ...r leadcm know notht|9(ahn a copy of unt.l told of it that «*r know of no Mfl'E opportunity fr'gtvt that haa e^Sj^jufartpos doc .•ultiwynts have Mklcf required l' be degraded byjB* |k that wo W"'L _ * of an if rage The one artk-lelKf •. We take ftr rafran niM Jtrahip In tha men should have tUB An reqniret on equal terms wWK Are we , it for granted that )Kfn|lit Is Anti-SufTrag* Jeoicm ver 'imply the reverse SBBe standard In infer that ne^TbeiB, ad requirr.l to accept t^E^Eta Asoocia lon of the HolAfM^H^Bre Inform , r religious belief ^^^ETCatholic*. , nittrd to the Anti^^^Hbarians a ) • vn’ Surely not.dMKSpald not, ; •d that th. Antia.»«^iformlty < lews, Protestants |BBl nung their r*°k*B^^K' Bible' herefore. dmuthOB 0f our jn. , f belief. "hBwih'i dOI- I "The socallsd 'fllT «,.£*. ! rtirely ou uide^thd^EJHL wlT i, adtAst* *2 ™nr^ .0 do wither** Bi" 'ed hun a copy of Ini ^PVF ’ “v rould have to do*1! Kk KelJt ptec: an campaign, or a« BaT Jefferwm !fbl.- with the Demo Bffc campaign ' i - E~ * SUFFRAGISTS OF (BATE t START TH # CAMPAIGN Mrs. Jarman la Charlotte Oat 1 lines Work To Bs Sdat In (State— Ssvsval '"S*r tlBl I I Made Charlotte, Aug. i*--Tuesdsy waa -uffrag.Rts' day la* Charlotte Not 1 with blowing of hoorm, for Charlotte >a pasaira on the eonject.' as the re cent vote in the prefiroaUal primary Spued, but with a peralstanee that hopes to convert ana conviifc* those opposed, and to confirm those in the faith. The women here represent the e.ghth. ninth and tenth eungraaaion id district# Tha rolaon of the in vasion was In the Imttst of the rat ification of the fedOJRl woman's suf frage amendment. Mr*. Palmer Jor man. of Rulelgfa, state chairman of the North Carolina Equal Suffrage league, outlined tha. work before th* women, who met .In the Woman’s club room- in tha Mint building, that is to He done throughout the state in favor of ratification. She spoke of the work at Mata headquarter* in iPal'.'igh. which was opened by M'*» Gertrude WaB, of Goldsboro, pmidviil of th# North Carolina Kqual Suffrage leoffoe, in charge. Mis. Jt-nssn spoke optimistically of the prospect of Natth Carolina rati fying. Asked if th* work of ratifica lion would continnfln eaa* the Ten nc*<r legislature, which meets first, is favorable, she uM tt would and If it failed to ratifyJr"‘would redouble it- effort#.” i. i Mir* Lavinia Uh, field aecretary 'Are” work, and iuptne«d that a plan waa on foot to hg*4 » apacUl petition day for Mccklcnbtfg eonnty prior to the fecial Maniony* the legislature, at wkith tim* bdot|a would be inetall ed for the getting** aignaturea Noah B. 1-e*. dfctrict manager of the Jeff.-reon Standard Life Ineur (ance Co. and hla aaaiaUnU. A. W. I D.iughtry, P. 0. Biaaoll. Roger. Barefoot. Cariiala aaekaon and 1-con 1 idoa iaekaon, haea returned from, a trip to Ocean Via* and Norfolk, I where they were Ike gueet* of tbu Jrifar<on Standard. The party made the trip from Raleigh on a special err with a numbat *f other agenta [ who had qualldad for th* trip by \ writing n certain amount of Inaur aitro during the riontha af July and ' August. The J*g»r*on Standard 1* a popular company In thla auction of tbe Slat, and ita agenta And it aaay I to plaea H» poltafoe. The trip waa thoroughly enjoyed hy the ontire ■ parly ’__ t Ma. Inn, Ohio, Amr- •.—Senator » llarding, the Rrfillllna praoldrntiBl 1 nominee, la going V> proca to the pub nlVe that hr la a teal printer. TrxUr t1 hr threw aside hi* mat. rolled up hl> • I at.-ev. a and "made-up” the drat pagt »' of hi* paper while motion picture t metbirre-a rrcardod hla action* o 'All work at tk* newapaper plan' *|.njap*ndrd while the pictoroa were a, being mad* and ample yea gathered a n, bout to aac that/ boat working whllr h' they loafed. Tha Senator kept up i ia rapid Are of auacoraetiaa with hi foreman while «t wrok. « I Lrt TT I LA AIll/ tl/r I- STAGE A BATTU Clrt,U* Lew Cay Cr.wi. Nipp, ■« Tho Mwa Iripal Building. _ C*?rle' l« Oujr l» wearfn • lmndairr over his right ey f/ll.t’0 /tm*n j'!9Pcr •» importing "f wuund* o" hu right chei •*® „hr,1]‘,cl •t>Vu' W* <*<'oat u th . *u f ■ jlttlr battle between th two last Wednesday afternoon. Nipper >• Silent about the Aghl Mr. Guy will not talk fur publication •*? wltnoai, however, volunteer th- information that It occurred ir the sol.tude of City Hall early in th. afternoon. Mr. Guy. in the role o( at.orncy tor hoy B. Hudson, request cd the policeman to allow him to *e« hl» elir.it who wne incarcerated in i donjou of the castle. With him wars < Uudios Bell, brother attorney, and two witn.waos to be un d la the trial “r^N-pyer, it is stated, was wiUing that Mr. Guy sec hu client He wai not so couitenas, it is alleged, tu Mr. GUL and was downright Inhospitable to the witnesses The latter were shut out entirely until Mr. Guy d» mended that they be given enlruner. Ariel- the witnesses were s dm It ted the policeman balked when requested h* *“• Ih^rycr to laave him with hi. client and w.tneeses for a few min otee. Some harsh words were eg. changed hcfoji- the policeman acced •d to tho requwt. When the confer ence was mdnd Mr. N*>p<-r is allegod '* .?v,..rVm,"1tcd •<« »ould be double d d If any body would have bet a admitted to the cell had be knsw-n what was going to happen. (dueling a little conatitutional law ss to the rights of Foy B. and pris oners in general, Mr. Guy applied an nipolite epithet to Mr. Nipper that rllrctsd UDfin flll uwarlfu a.^ mm.—.ml Jther things. In reprisal the police nan IS alleged to have bsieted Mr. •uy w't* h» black jack. That U »hy Mr. Gay wear* the litUa ban '*** Mr. Nipper's wounds, uc ‘ording to the story, cam* from what ollowcd. Mr. Guy it u said, grabbed the •olicoman by the neck and was wrll m his way to sleepy land with him isforc ha could be p,-*«d .from kU °.,J- 'be melee Mr. Nipper.tus ained four parrallel straaks across ,, rbcek which appear to hava re oiled from moderaly manicured nails 0 m Often i&r* fingtn. **%•"<* Mm- » M. Jackson are pendmg several days at Mr. Jackaoa'a iome in Spring Hope and |t Ocean Mew and Norfolk, Va. _ _ beard rela ive to waging a campaign to raise fund of 140,000 to build a colored ndvmrial s>-hool. Yesterday in Hal igh he eras promised that tar Ganer >1 Education Board would supplement Vii supi with a like amount in the |||t^lJ luiscd. Already Prof, ‘.milh ha* in pledge and cash several hourand dollar* for the work. Mla*r> Elcnor Hatcher, Ella PHm os« a'ld Emily Grantham arc attend ng a house party in Smrthfleld thir reck. IOU3E DEMOLISHED BY MAIL TRAIL AIRPLANE Omaha, Neb.. Aug. 3— Plana Na. | 1 of the mail trail blazing squadron.' >ii it* way from New Ynrh to Ban Francisco, crashed into a house while mdrwvoring to make a get-away f-oro Ok-Ssr Ben held here today U.J fell tn Lie ground. Acids from i shaking up, occupants of the plane escaped injury. The plkne was ivrcekcd. Captain Eddie Rlckenbzckcr, who ins one nf the passenger*, sustained ;i slight bruirc on the bead, but none of the other occupant* of the plane njured. The house was demolished. The plane, piloted by Captain H. FI. Harney, was the last to (tart the other two murhines having mads a aafo as cent- After tbe accident they return >d to the field but again hopped off on their westward flight at 11:35 p. m . Captain Blcltenbackar occupying a place in one of the planes. STEEP ADVANCES MADE IN PRICES FOR WHEAT Chicago, Aug 3.—Wheat made a advance in nriee today as a ro ult of Increased epees 1st Ire buying (.Insulated by Kuiupean war telh. n a little more than a single hour an xtreme upward awing of IB crate bushel had taken place, March du : ivery touching $2.80, as agalnal yortenlay's flnlth. The market bounded upward a .nin at the leat and dosed nrrvoui it virtually tho topmost point of th« ,'ay. With March *2.88 1-2. a nat ad •■anco of 17 1-2 cent* a barhel dur ng today’s session. December climb • <1 to 82.30, but finished at 82.28. *» .timed iherr ascent of IB 1-! rants Whan, during the discasaion 9, tho armistice General Farh ami aak id how long H would takr to driei the Gciman armies aeroaa the llai if it were concluded not to grant mi nrmiatice, General foch replied “Maybe four or five months—wh, l nows!” A 888-pound ntiaen of Philadel ihia rwluead his weight to 30$ pound in three month* by working in tb .-team room of a laundry. Philadelphia la eonaldarmg th I raping of a rente on the road to at vcttlae tho etly and to promote boa Paaaeagnr airplane srrvlea I planes accommodating eleven peraor . v/aa opened at Mew York during U international yatch raiee. D i p’aaaa followed the rare by air-lln i Moat of the jam ronaumed In Boat Africa ia «*do In Austria. -• “ M1UACC w ADVANCE NOT VALt] f iTfc, |. C. C. Make. *«lta- A. a & TrV‘*°IUh*" Paruha.3 Be. Efatlv. w w-htHBM»Uuc. 4 —Drturn tie. iSC* e^f**^?** boobf k^b* before the blgbw fares allowed xa.lroadi r nVt kt'tXff* J*""?' •®oe,lv“ w«ll ’ noT OC Vslicl when the new airkd>Hnla.. • (to lnlu effect, It VII ssud today at the I Inteimtau Cemmeivn commission. 1 v?w tbf <0“m»*aion will handle the J ££?blf™ litk,u purchased bcfo.e ; tar new fares ara made operative u,c ‘bolt affect datoD now • bain* worked out. It »aa mid. Com , 2ir£.i*?rr 1'* •®Pba««ed. however. I t**Trl f°r the present price* would not be pmwitied after tfs «f .foetlva <iatt or tha now Neele. • .Li" 'Xp,cVH fbat a» order wlU be teS* the railroads to re fu.d the amount paid for return .coupon* or unused mileage and com i mutation books or that ■ Wfll b. .Unwed to uselhem *" additional , V'"'0" *<*-b method Is adon te»l it was pointed out tickets could, be purchased for future lisa in 1.™ quantities which would result iu pZft * ponmg the effective date or tha high-1 er fares. FROM ANCJErT • L?? £*,*”■ A- L Overby and I e!phk °VClb)r "k*"1 klonday ,q Bat youn« P^Pb- enjey KJ C £ihd*? t*rty by Jfr. K. C Price at his home on West; r?2“ .?*£?** Saturday evening from fiFht thirty to eleven Kofresti menta were served after a number i oi interesting games were played. I Among thp out of town guests at B^dSfn. 7T ¥i“ Lacy W,1U of: „,.v: "•“""Mf of Ban Francis. k™UW0r*r' U. relatives her*. Mr. Canndy has been in Lbs railroad service practically all of hU uf ' #*"d ‘f, * "^i"* of this -county. I H« forme rly ran an engine from'] Flore •’.’a to Roekr Mount on the|.t farast Lino. Ho has been out West < for about tan years, bat has nrrsr forgotten to love the old North * State and especially Harnett county. 1 W*_*r* welcome our old I neighbors back notwithstanding tha'l fret that they sons times almost 1 fail to recognise us on account of i wonderful growth for ths post few i r«*r». ^ The stockholders of the Angler Oin i Company amt last Saturday la an- ■ ftual mrrtfn*. and mmnnt tkt thlnn a Mkeu u»jsy thorn, 1* was docidod to they worn unable to gat ncry operative until late hi the ssssm I b'.ng delayed *n account of Retting I the machinery, but did a great deal 1 business after starting. They have i one of Uie best and tho most up to t dstc ginneries in this section. This 1 is ths third ginnery system in the i town, and we arc now prepared tO|i take care of all the cotton that may' be brought this way. We ere pleated to report that Mrs. j J. W. Barnet is rapid hr Improving i from an attack of LaAJrippe. She i ha? been sick for last thicc weeks. < Mr. O. S. Young and family spent i Sunday with hit mother. Mrs. Fran- i cis Yoang, who liven on route two. I ITe reports a good time, bringing bark a number of nice melons and some fine garden “ui." Mr. D. A. McLeod is laying a con crete side walk in front of hit new store. This extends the concrete < walk to Liliiagton street. Wc shall Yu ‘gleaned wtsea the m*rU walki on f/ont street is completed- Who), wiil be next to help along this cause? i Mo I letter way than each property 1 owner to go ahead anil concrete the apace across his property for It will mean this in the long run If we have to resort to taxes, then it will be this plus that, and th* bill will. ! no doubt be larger. Mr. J. T. Ellington is installing a' > new planing mill near the riven Wc are advised that he will do prin-' clpolly local work. This mean* very | much to th* people her* as w* havo i been unable fa the post to got mat*- j rial prepared at tr other mill here l as it is engaged more la the whole-j i_ ' It he*. bean reported that there were i ;a number of cases of chicken pox I jherr in town. A good thing for there1 who have it i* to keep it close. There1 Iie ao aeod of strewing a disease. Remember "You reap what you sow.” School will open ahortly. We aoed ro draw barks. We want to make it the beat school year yet T# do this must keep our children well. A number of the*boys went to hear 111 on. John J. Park or. republican can 'd idatc for governor, speak at Dunn | last Friday, among whom were I Messrs. AUle Smith, W. II. Parker, •O. S. Yoang, John R. Dupree, Dal las and German Collins. The boys all came bach filled with enthusiasm for th»It candidate, stating that he aiade a fine, impartial speech aad a ’ fair prceentatien of his side ef the ' question. We note In the last week's Issue 1 Of the Harnett Mows that Coats has ; an editorial page, which. It bi stated. 1 will be carried from now oa. This impresses us to hs a good thing If propmlv rondueved, and we believe ' that it will he under the manage 1 aient of our friend. Mr. I.evinen'n. ■ No doubt that it will create a lot of local interest In and around Coats which will go te help It along la many s ways. We are almost attempted ta - say that we believe that this would ■ be a rood Idea far every Httle tows that haia't a local paper ItooH Angler, Aug. llh n 17N01J5 TOM. • A man claiming te be Csar Niche e las hat a price of^.Odo.OOO ruhlii t. an his head by the act of the Serial Government. He says a servant Ise b personated tbs Csar gad was kOled while the ruler eeeaped. CAR DRIVERS HAVE i BUSY DAY BEFORE I RECORDERS COURT i SNIPES PASSES LIE TO CHIEF pouce “".Jr-VT-t* —FrartHc Albnl n«- ?*r Th irt jr-thrv* alleged Viola ton of Slat* autoraobil lava and of local traffic regulation* «gp tnmmonad to In Judge Godwin’# court ye* to+V. Of theoe fourteeu wut* aen ▼ictad, three failed to a nee a T and X'SSJ'V S£FM’-afiS Chief of Polica Pago. armaruHng • »itnm* m all of the » “lia” by Z V »bo denied that MrfWe’had aaan bun speeding on Pair Greund Bond Tovidiy tvtniof of Uit *i«k •fr- Page had toeUAad that he and Policeman Nipper had timed Sr Salpc* between the Durham and Soothers track* and Harnett Street. ,e"M **• timing akownd him tTbe !"* Um* twcnty-Sve mile, u In reMy to thi* Mr, Snipe* aakod ® bo lllowtd tO »qshf | JtOiOHMSt ® the court. It waa evident that ? *•* •'’Try and In tense hr excited cine tho earn, ha adjadwad Hr. inipvs not guilty. Tun Mr. Pag*, •ho bad rcasained cool, suggested hat if Mr. Sutpes ssbecqaectly found luwtf in error, be was sure that he roald admit It'and so tall the court, ir. Snipe* mid be sorely would, rhat satisfied everybody. J. R. Hag nr, mechanic In the etn iloy of J. W. Thornton's garage, was it first adjudged guilty of operating ear without license. He drove o sr owned by Id. Hutton, a fellow mpioye, to the express e®««- Pago ought him in transit and rannaouod urn to court- It developed that Urn ■ar until that day had belonged to l.ank Wads, bookkeeper at the gur igr. who had remoyed tho Hseuse lumber when the sale was mode, dsgar was accustomed to driving dm rar and did not know that the nun xrri had been removed. These farts were emphasised when I. W. Thornton came over to remon strate over tho original judgment >f the court. Judge Godwin ac knowledged the jostle* of tho reusen draace and dtsmlmsd the cam. Bud Norris, mechanic and chaff our fn tho employ of Dr. Wallace S. Col Lruno, was another allogud offender srhoeo case oxeited tho Sympathy of spectators. Bud and the doctor had been out last Sunday to answer a call •n the country In the doctor’s tarvieo car. They returned to town lata m the evening when It was nluiae. IW.A, eumstrei that h# taka BS Old car, which ti sot In regular uu aad for which there I* bo llcenae. to go home. White on the way he «< caught by Page. Ha waa taxed with the com Dick Jernlgaa, colored, waa ay far operating a ear belonging to Mi brother. Krnoet, without lkenas. It war unified that the Ucenaa had bean ordered and that it hod arrived • few hear* mbeeqoent to the arrant. Effort to produce the now number, however, waa net eucecMfal and Disk wa* taxed with tha cost*. It was proven that the car waa one rated with llceaae number* teat Sunday. Pago i* now on the watch for too number* u**d then. Ho believe* that they were borrowed (tom another C*Otbe>v convicted ware Malcolm Jemigan. T. H. Thaxton. V. *- Wft HawaTg. P. Pope, W. |L Strickland, Henry Ham, W/H,Davla, C. C. Wil der, A Win hi well, Laalio Wood, Dr. O. U Denning, Luney McLain. 1 TboM! who fatted u> appear in cent iwerv H. I. Avery, Wiley Bryant and Ithad Pone. They will bo tried la I next week'* term af tha court The** earn* warn tha outgrowth of Judge Godwin'* determination to break ay peruirtont violation* of traf fic aad mood. law* la aad around Dunn. For uevural dor* and night* Chief Pago baa bean hiding in conve nient ipoU about town and ha* tak en tha number* of all apeedar* and the aim** af al who had na lie raw. During tha weak deaona df offen der* have whatMtod to the ehotgw againat th*m oud aattted tha ***** Thar* atil ore many other* to ha aomamoad before the court. AS flr*t offender*, it i* eodarutaod, wfS be held under nuaycaded judgment pending future good hihurfue. Baa oad offer)*** will bo riven mate rift on* pualahmcat, it laliBtuad t

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