cut lAKia LEAGUE FOR BATTLE CR\ Throne of Cheering Democrat Hoar Acceptance Speech— March la Hot Sun Fair Grounds, Dayton, Ohio, Aug 7.—Democratic presidential standard with the league of nations and pro grass Its peak escutcheons today wai marched Into 4h* 1M0 campaign b> Governor James M. Cox. A throng of cheering Democrats estimated variously at between no, 000 and 75,000, witnessed Gov*mo! Cox's acceptance of party leadership in tbr presidential contest, following formal notification by Senator Rob inson, of Arkansas, chairman at the Ban Princisco convention, of its choice. To th* ceremonies at the Mont gomery county fair ground* Govern or Cox srith Franklin Roosevelt, his ninningmat* at hi* aid* naarchnd for a mile la a broiling ton at the head of o parade of Democratic delega tion* reviewed el th* grounds. Their premnee eras an 11th hour thought of tha governor, who had planned merely to review the Democratic hosts, which cem* in thousands from Ohio and also other states. The pa nda line alone, sprinkled with two score of bands was estimated to coa ts la >0,000 marchers. Kaeps Throng Cheering For two hoars the governor in hie ifMrflH nf ifranfanr* Wont t ha van* throng cheering, ti he gave, with em phasis, his campaign policies. He made the league his paramount de claration. declaring he stood for Am erican and world peace by Its adop tion, with “interpretations” preserv ing IU vital plan. Be declared the league Was a part of the Democratic offering of progress an against Re pohllean reaction. His advocacy of the league drew lengthy demonstra tions from his audience aod ttate manu of approval from party Isad ora gathered hero for the Democratic ceremonial Two reservations he has suggested to the league covenant were empha sised by the governor regarding the controverted article 10. Ha was cheer ed loudly in comparing it to the Mon roe doctrine, with iU peace record. The Deanocratic legions also shouted approval of the declarations for wo man suffrage, law enforcement—hia only Inferential reference to prohi bition—reduction of taxation and ■cares of other uwues he proclaimed. The candidate's address closed, as evening fell, a day of Democratic Ju bUlatloa. Rain early in the day which threatened to mar lha event, gave way to bright sunshine in the. after noon. with sultry humidity, hut sfeort ly before the governor coccluded, an other light ram poured upon the crowds, causing many to Uava and L. somewhat marring the closing event. Cm Used Het Vl(e-—d7 With pointed forefinger to vigor sua arm thrusts, the governor got mors applause as he emphasised his iiidictmcnt of the Republican plat form and leadership. The crowd also voiced IU approval of hie'deelareuon that the lorn of the league would must men- armament expu** The candidate's tribute *-0 l*r«l dent Wilson and hie Jepraealion of Republican "discourtesy given In -towered voice, was given further rolls i at applause. A prolonged demnnstra lion followed hit assertion that Re publican "sleuthing” had failed to ■Dearth dishonesty in thn edmlntauw Uoa direction of «h« war. ™» tesnnmd in, pounding his table with 'ducked 1st .. More cheers approved the candi date* pledge to aid ex-service men. Several demonstrations marked hia dee la ration* for consideration of wo men, induing ratification of the eooal suffrage amendment. Repeated tnnmpa oi ait puneiuatea tha Mvcreor'i critkiaia of Senator Harding's »Und an “party govern ment,* aad the audience rvidcnced it* tympethy frequently The governor delivered only one sentence of hie statement on educa tion, jumping to the rtbjeet of cam paign contribution* and b* *»» «hmr-1 (4 la declaring the Democrat* would net attempt campaign dollar competi tion with the Republicans Aa he eloeed hii addreaa, the gover aor’i collar waa wfltod and h* »ppr»r" •4 somewhat tired but he turned hap pily to meet group* of coagratula tjtrm . The ceremony eloaed with the ben •dktion, given by the Rev. Bartn P Kevill*. of Holy Aagei'a Roma* Cath olic church. ItllK’t CREEK WOMAN DIES AT RIPE OU) ACE. Lilllngtoa, Auk 8.—On July 88th Hi*. N. O Spence, wife of Mr. W. D gpenee, departed thi* Ilf*. She wa* born near Dak*. N. C., July 80, ISM. 8k* wa* the daughter of RUV. W. H. Boyd, who lived Mgr this place. She era* at tha time of her death 68 yagr* and 8 day* eld. She mat * member of Pkaaaat Plain* M. E. Church f*r 40 year* »od Superintendent of the 8am doy aoheol ef that place for it year*. She wa*L"??0**"* » miartmanr In India. She had denied harmtf of her bnakfwt far year* la order to save and. to mod fun* arrom the ocean to »preud the goapal to heathen land*. She waa a falthfal soldier oflhe cram 0»e who served her heavenly Father |i£*kM her knrtaad *e leaves five children and quite a aumhet ef grand children to Horn htt tSssp 22|Er" *4 8. Croak. N. C.I Mrs i J* *.“jj *•*, H. Cj Mr*. C. H. »|P. » U lingtoa, N! C.I R C. Spew*. H. C., and t. T. Rpenea, *»'«*■. «• C. All her children ware pr***«t at the funeral aurvieeu. Her «*"*' war* tenderiy t*M to root la Ptaamat Plates cemetery la the prewoe* of a ko«( of friend* aad retetivm Th* faaaral aarvkm were conducted by bar faithful pastor. Raw. M. M. Me, of LaitafttM, amktod by Rev. J. A. Blalock, of Dana, aad Eav. Mr. Mavrina. I "RArT UOOCERJ' DRIVE WILL START SHORTLY 'Taka tat Wa of Num s( Draft D* MrlBt* by Array Rapidly Nw(>( Csmplstiaa 1 Wadnngtoa, Aug. 9.—The work of the Array in lifting the name* of non whoae records fcow them an draft deserters la rapidly nearing comple tion. and in order to avoid having ih« name of say man who served honor ably on the llat of draft deserter*, ,the war department announces that I any draft registrant, who U In doubt I as to hit status, should write to ths adjutant general of the army at ; Washington, D. C„ and find out now - he ia classified. If any error exists in the record of the registrant it la pro bably dur to hit lack of interest in keeping track of his obligations to the government. Each man who has been classified as a draft dcaoiter has had hla name posted in the ooasssanlty in which he registered as being required to per form certain duties and efforts were made to notify the man at the address given by him. Although the fact that a draft rag iitnact does not know his status Is largely his own fault, yet ary man . ^,no7 that he may be elaasdfted as a deserter een, as stated above, write to the adjutant-general of the atruy at Washington, D. C-. and rretive full information as to how he is classified. This notice Is given to the public so that any of the 176,911 men whose ninn ars* nnv IIrLmI wKn ab« akea that Uasy did not wilfully «vade their duty may have their name* removed before the publication of the lint. Any man who ia in doubt aa to hla status should communicate with the adjutant-general within the neat two urccki so aa to afford anfBcicnt time for his cam to be settled before the public announcement of the names of the di sorters. Due to the treateadoas expense that the government would he pat to m apprehending such a large number ef draft deserters, sad believing that lbs public spirit of Stats and local of ficials patriotic societies and other agencies. Including ike Department of Justice, will cause them to coop •rule in march for offenders, the War Department has decided to tern porsrily suspend the payment of $80 for each drift deserter apprehended and turned over to the military auth orities. HEAVY POLISH ATTACKS FAIL TO STOP BEOS London Aug., 10.—Russian bolshe vik troops have broken into the town of Soho low a boat forty miles northeast of Warsaw, and have cap tured several points aomth of Broot LHovak, according ta an official state ment issued in Moicqw yesterday and rscslvkd hare by wintMa Jms At Malkin, a rdfcisl the Bag river, a boos few miles south east of Ostrew, the ho I* svfil have bests off fierce counter-attacks by the Poles, the statement says. It adds thst soviet troops on the northern front are successfully advancing to ward the Narsw river. In the direction of Siedlee and Lu kow the fighting continues with al ternate rucccae tbs statement says On the sontksrn front, bolshevik forces debauched along the river Bag oa August fi striking the Polish linos from Ulodaya to Karytalki village, sd vs firing to Die town of VladnDr Volbymsk and developing their ad vance south of that Uawn. In tho Tam pool region In Galicia the bol aheviki base driven back the Poles to the tapper reaches of the Strips rtver. Along the Crimean front fighting is proceeding favorably to the soviet army the statement says MARRIAGE LICENSES. A C. Tew to Sarah Linton. Allle Pope to Jennie Jackaon. Haywood Gains to Mary Elisa Williams. William Be* tier to Lilia May Barpfont. M. M. Johnson to Della Meaner. P. H. Denning to Mr* Kllie Wsa ver. J. D. Byrd to EDI# Stewart. James C. Barefoot to Meta May Stewart. Tommie Home to Fannie M. MO GUL Earl M. Jamison to Sadie Ford Pittman. J. W. Money Ham to MUlie Rowe. J. O. Elmore to Nrille Q. Hodges. Hnbart Ivey to Bcrtba Lao. Richard Jones to Loe FauHaar. Duncan Melver to Boll MrConalek. Thomas Wardeworth to Ada Jack eon. Pink Andtraoct to Georgia ' Mat thews. thews. M. M. McLean to Josephine Mo Gladdy McLean to Nannie McKay Alexander McLaan to Isabella Mamie. R. L. Maynor to Alania Shaw. TWO PERSONS KILLED IN C * O. RAILROAD WRECK. Five totaling and Several lajwrod. Three Car* Sorted Under Wreak age of Eight Other*. Huntington, W. Va., Aug. t.—Two parsons are known to have beea klH od, live are misting and saveral re port ad Injured la a railroad wrack on the Lexington division of the C. ■ad O., near Ashland, Ky., lata today, it it reported her*. Three ear* af the train, which waa “Frrlag a carnival from Olivo HU), Ey., to LexIngton. were derailed and T*T* hariod aader the wreckage af eJCH «« Of tha train. The •*araod*f *** WT®ek had not boon In rural comma z homo newspaper. Are they all pro*, partnc h. year Aoighhortwod) STARTS SPEAKING DRIVE THIS WED C**. Cm To Make First w TkurWayi Caamialt d*M On * djbaie Dayton, O.. Aug. 8.—Ten iuusc diets engagements for Governor Or to entry personally to the people tb Democratic cause outlined yeeterds] In his address accepting the Presides tial nomination ware announced to airid, The governor will begin hie travel lag campaign naat Thursday at Cam] Perry, Ohio. Other da lei announce; were: August 14, nt Wheeling, W Vn., two addresses; August IT. Col umbuii, 0,; August 19, South Bend Ind.; August 21, Canton, 0.; Augus 28, Evansville, Ind.; August 27 Pittsburg, Pa.; August 28, New Tori Uty, and September 2, Coiambus Ohio. . Other engagements probably will be added and early in September tht governor will proceed with his trli to the West, including the PaetAt coast, with Itineraries thereafter vtr taally until election day. The immediate spooking plans were mads today by the governor is conjunction with Qeorgr whits, «ha;» man of the Democratic committaa sad Senator Harrison, of Mlarlsaippk managing the speakers' butuau. To Push Margin* OS "Tli* governor'i add rasa ytitenlij and the demonstration will push Ben »tor Harding from hie front porch raid Senator Harrison In eanoonciaff the present itinerary, “and mark my prediction, before many week* have paaeed they will have him (Mr. Har ding.) speaking in former Republican stronghold* to stem the tide of Demo cracy.’ Governor Cos (pent moat of today receiving congratulations on hie ad dree* and its reception yesterday by the thoaaande at the fair groands and m conference with the Democratic l^(UCV(> That vigorous championing ef the League of Nations would ecaHaue prominent in the campaign wet indi cated by the governor in a speech be made late today far phonogiepb re cord*. This etnphaxned the attack made yesterday against Senator Har ding, In which the governor mfA tha Republican candidate favor* "staying out of the league ” * today “This i. the ■e act is concert with the free na tions of tha world In setting on a tribunal which will avoid wars in the future? This q use Lion must be met and answered honestly and not by, *aa In It the hop* of paaea and world peconstroction, or whether we propose lo follow tha old palha trod by the vations of Europe; paths which ai ■sayi led to field* of blood.’* HARNETT PEOPLE WILL GET FREE VACCINATION The tine for tha opening data of the Vacciaatlon Campaign against Typhoid Fever I* bat a few days off. As the time drawl near many ettiiena probably find tbemaelvea in a sympa thetic position with a certain colored trooper from North Carolina before *n early morning attack upon a treacherouu German stronghold. Tim conversation that took place between :he solder and his lieutenant was a_ bout as follow*. “Dave, in a few minutes v« an to go over the top in attack that will he a fight to tha finish. Do yon wish to make a will before we charge?** “WUL nothin; the only will dat 1’aa thlnkin* ‘boat is. Will I git back?” No doubt yon are asking yourself, at you think of your duty in getting vaccinated, will it prevent Typhoid Fever? Will It hurt me or keep me iwijr iron n*j worn nnq uwrc probably arc a few pepote with aeeh aa tinfortunata Imagination who real ly wondering if they risk their lives by being vaecinatrd. Ta tbsso and to all, the State Board of Health of fers the assurance that vaccination will prevent Typhoid freer, that there is no danger and that t wilt not disable a man. Daring tha Spanish-American War Typhoid Fever killed more mIdlers in the American Army than the Span iard** guas and bullets, because none were vaccinated. Typhoid Pwvr, on tha other head, was practically un known Id tho Allied* Armies af mil lions of men naceaaarilj living under ar> favors bit sanitary conditions Thu shannon Of the Fever WSI due to s Isigo extent to the fact that every soldier was vaccinated immediately on his entrance to the training **dT our State in 1914 thero wore *39 deaths fram Typhoid Favor. Last year (1919) aa a result of State wide sanitation and vaccination campaign! the deaths wars rodeoed ta 417—a redaction of *9 per cent. U sack person in tha State will ho VACCH NAT ED and if every family will use a SANITARY PHIVY, Typhoid Fa vsr can ho entirety stamped out. Can you and year family afford to hi without this protection T The psopti of North Corollao have takoa throe mllUorn doses of Typhoid Vaccina Do you knew of any nannaamt harm anyone has received? Serna conn ties have had practically aa Typhoid over since the people were vaccinated WhSe tha vaccina may canto i alight headache aad a ohflljr feeltai for a few hours. It Is rarely seven to keep eaa from hie regular work With vaccina thru you run no risk Without vaccination* you run tha rial of a long rieknoao aad of loting yarn Ufa No olty in the nation is remove, from starvation more than twi weeks.—Ash ary F. Levnr. Oleo the caver craps a rood >tar before cold weather comes ceaiMTiON : Wm BRIGHTER ' Show* Moro Oi^BiW Thi* Yitr * TUflMr till W**hino4^Kag~9~—A bright pie > Ur* if c**J tstuaUon r !• priatod WfTgaatogical (array ia fiC»n* fay &Kk of Jaly SI. , SEfOi ' V** '» peed action of '■52>.OO0 tofk compand with th. previoo* to th* ■ trike* of i ■»'»• labora»|ffniln»ii and Indiana, I U* end at Wm found -bltuminotu prod action' dBtk* beginning of th. , y»»r to hav^B*efcod 301.727,900 , ton. .n incj^Brf 44,500.000 ton* ; ovor th. aa^K gp to July 31 la*t Anlb-aeM^^BLwtioB alao com parea faroMf&rtb ISIS, haring reached SOjufMQ ton* on July SI. v =°«P»rad«|t47^07,000 ton. »t the .no at 1*19. Report. aorrey a. to car nipply indic^Hg th* *nd of July "no W^***^^P," * ehangr fAr-^^Bigtar being noted In di*U4*^^B# th* loam. In pro duction duo ^KguAeiont traiuoor. t-Ogn grew M\TnT. ta othrra^ during th* w.chgpf July^EahlUhed wkat th. surety b*Ii«J*k, a mw rword for ‘MljianiiBn, Odowutor »i*ra o adngU w^B Th* total tid«wa L«r dumputp^Kuatod to 17,461 cam. a*. iaei^B*f 1.771 can or.r th. p.eroaa A total *f 104,1*6 car* for Ui* of July war diri d; d among K port* a* follow*: N„*W X,0?V BBIf Philadelphia, 18, 120; BaUiia^^Bg'4.109; Hampton fscs8’ 8hf7a^K^l2r,l0H’ S' to" leg the welkjHSJ* iT'^htoh to before the i I priority or der Steam* aK^ THE L£GII|Aee AND the TjBEaTIOM ntOBLEM The I of North Carolina i K# aaaaion am Week lUjfiootnt hSb i. th*t of mu "• believe fiat the majority of -he people baM^m property oaght to * «m~»d fall mail value If k'UJt, W“ thSfcA veins, thL bZ£ w»U drop lower fidlowsr year alter >-e*'r, and lower Jg aame asetiona time ■ !ffhara._undl torn-g«t bach to tha >»» |Sfaaathlng ^ like fa* * 9” fear ttmc*a*tB£h S*ey oaght far he support of fhp State. How «tae to rtmedy this situation sxcopt by mats supervision and eon— tro'. »• eoafeaa we cannot ana. Without mate supervision wholesale competition la reducing-rm nnti begins. One county aaya: “Our neighbor county la not going to pay Its fair sham « taxes so -let's radneo our ssaemsats atiD lower la order IP beat lt“—and so oa and so on. Tha result U that ratoa oa honestly axanmed property boeome ruinously high. ralr aaarasmsnta and low atoa” is tbs oorroct principle When wa get to the point where hs stale government and a state <ym«m of schools and roads can bo supported from income, Inherit^ i' •nd corpomttea taxes, and laavs real, state to ha taxed only for eouaty »nd local purpaaaa (sad that day win1 come eventually). It wlU be easyi nough to let, the counties assess iroperty In thstr own amy Whether' i is assessed :*ow or high win then matter littla t» people to other conn-, ties The situation we are now np, igainst however, t, this: As thingsi are today, tha wealthier counties; _-a. V _Laat-_a _a . .a I rortr counties, and real eatat* must ba taxed for'this purpose Co are-1 luently, tha people to other counties toe* a perfect, right to say: “I am| glad to pay tgxae on my property ta | *K»a your egpaty get goad schools and good roap, but X Irat want to! **» that yon* proparty and every, body rise's prSparty to fairly sea eased. I I don’t wanC to pay on a ldO par while you perhaps pay eant valuation—for that 1 would ha tax es heavily as you.”: * lint that property I -J boon assessed at J tail for. That of i and tha law should - - provision for remedy |ng any tafusUea. And provis ion should —Ida for rvdaefng ae < carmen La _j land v aloes drop to aa to Such redactions. Bath those i favor, together with <1L for making tha farm er’* — lata May 1 Instead of January 1 •) provisions which will per— — awnaar of mortgaged head to pay Paly am such part aa b« really owns, the creditor paying the remaining parties. kmt ***“*• These <*> the policy nBaaaaaalag all properly ad Ha fall valm—lOO par cant and (t) prariatoa esfWUl require ovary conn s' to »»••* jWf condition and three hy prevent ft from so catting its oe '«*a«vcnt M aa to eonapeT honest •ft* hi sdMr aouattoa to pap half «ha Uxm l*ho^d jZti, p.^ CLtMltM GIRL. AT TALK Clinton, Aug. *.—Mias Georgia Faison daughter, of Attorney H. E. Falaoa having raoaaUy c cm pie tad a coarse In library work at Columbia University and toft Clinton • few lays ago ta taha ep bar work In that > front InstHatioa. Mias Fatsos hai 1 boon a teacher for sovaml yarns Is b# high schools of the tuta She k a most attractive young tody and hoi I fHonds congratulate bar upoe seem lag tha desirable peeltioa at Tala. GOV. COX PRAISES ROOSEVELT SPEECE Doytoo. Ohio, Am. 10—latere* Of Oerrmer Cm (a the oetiflcatioa ceremonies of Us roanlim ..i. frukliu D. Roosevelt ——- ifg*' ad la « statement Maned teaixbt to u» Omitmtmae P.'ytodratiel candidate commaating oe Mr leenrdtb per sonality mod acceptance address. "Mr. Roomette speech Is (torse. f"**1**, of (to asx* mid Governor Cox. It Is a wholesome, sensible view of conditions, fall of hope as to oar foture and radiant of the heptanes* of the Individ aoL The went sen coun try will like this splendid type of progressive statesman. Follow!** the twe years of gloom mad carpiog, tan tious critieimn from tho Roaabllma leaders, it will he a gm.toTEfnmE meat in the groat land Mr. lmeevUt now enters far the y—ylr to moot * r!pT~*Utiv* of Tv^enment whose soul is nfrTmnd of the ebllme^r of Joy." yense.^y Coeernor Cox reeerved nemmeat "“*1 hia fata re wttthn at least an the sutesneat of lonator Hardings hmdqeerters criticising- hitamepT rk» governor's Mend. vM that tew not expected that We TSis The first speech of hia traveliog rout* ant Tnnnday mi Um OUo. rifle eontoot wffinet •leal Importantly with major mot palgn Issues tbs Governer stated to "lisbt. He plans to Si sense principally be pe ls ef the notleaal gnord la the ear. Tho Governor hoe shsogsd hia plans for reaching Camp Perry. He plane ta leave hers on Weds today Tor Columbus sad motor from there e ly Thursday morning to the comp sboat Itt miles Women* i*UmU od tha-T-'l~ •eeeived mere attention today from Governor Cox. He conferred with Mr*. Abbey Scott Baker, of the Me Uonal Woman’* Party, mgnrding tha Tennaaaaa Mdatnw fight over tha waaaa aaffrage amindmml TSr Oenrner aba rare trad tonWkt n delegation ad woman mho an ay peeing ratification ta Tmimat They protested their --p-i*t in detail, draaaing th*t of •teta'a righto Tha delegation repronaattog tha Nt t'onal Aenorlatiaa Oppanad to Warn an Jeffreya and Tamtaaaaa Smta Op P. Ban, of thi committee of the with tha Governor Mr. BaTmtl^kw thooear.d Democratic wnmin maak an woald ha pieced ad mock and ay peala mada aapacialty to meiaaa w« cra on tha laagac of nationa lma aad Governor Cox’* mooed in Ohio Wgio lation of benefit to woa*on and t& dron. TERRIFIC HAIL STORM VOtU . GRRAT HAVOC. Lad Sanday afternoon tooot fanr •’clock the aky to tha tenth of LB. lington nnamed a dell load color that Mamed to ha only a harbinger ad mdraehtng t*H~rr Tha dead ioakad nothing ad tha feraciaa*, nei ther mat k tamaatad that ’iibhid k* •ombre ha. w*. bidden any doeomd of d attraction. Rat M awtftty da velopad into oaa od tho meat torUBc downooam of hail aad rain that in ever boon u The mtad i- » coarea Util H I coming sown Tha hail waa largo aad at tha “dam dam” variety. Seldlerv af tha UU war known af tha “dma-dam" bnllct. Thia hall waa af that Jagged tnpoar It waa by raaaaa af this fact that it worked tha great has oc aad mads desolation la tta path mare complete. G. W. Howard, whs tares Jast out side af tha tawa Inadta, has between U aad 40 acres af aa the tot sees aa was rear grown la thia vicinity. The storm a entered aver Ms Said and when tha hail streak, any* Mr. Rew ard. "I aaald aae the Mg tehaeoo Maoea go dawn as if they wore being palled from beneath. ” The whale at tha groat held was stripped earn pletaly net a blade at tahacoa being left, nor a piece area as Mg as a lean's hand. A man asm slate dc etruetiaa canM aad have aeon Im agined. Tha A aid ad be plowed len der, anld Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard’* sweet potato patch was mewed dawn aa if by a eytha, net n leaf remaining. HI* earn waa tern te ahrcdl Hie nhhnrf mu shorn of tta Trait, aad tha waiter melons and eaaUlonpee were ales “strafed.” Nine turkeys were heated te dsath before they aaald gala Shel ter, several lories fr Sven i id crag. 'Ttetva a< i« setco af cm met am aam* nM I L D. Harwell lest Av* sereest eettea and Ova acta* ef ear*. Hb !tobacco waa awt af the d**< '”?5tan Morgan, A ©. ►**». ker Broe. oil In lha aama arte, agd T. r. Smith Kaofc WiTkorn uJ era across lha Capa Fear HMr M farad grant lam la sera, eteMB tm FIVE KUONI Mtm IN AN A DTP ACCIDENT °®=’SrS* Oitot, M4. Aif. E Bn m> •mm MM MM Hill iflMMH who* m aetoiaoblto lm wfclah *qr«m rid ■E mm atrpek hr m latorurb** ear “ ' aear here. The occu frato W the ear. hB member! of owe 5*5*. mm halted 14* toot ead tntt^aaa aniElhii wen killed la The deed were Jlr. ead Mr*. Ed *"« *T*» a* Arthur, “ I?/* **»mI aeer P* W» **»- The motormac of U>* toUnrtj. M.Ud that h. aoundcd rr ”*•" WPW'-i'icr u ‘'^•tanr. but apparently Arthur, who waa drrrinfc failed to hear them! RETURNS HOME TO FIND HU CROPS ALMOST RUINED d«2^Si A“* *-rMr H- 8 Bed “{*• • Imrt fhim a fi-w milrn above btatoa. waa aatouadud ST «*•*"» *»•■» Wrifbtavilic *•••• A«|wt Id to learn Set hit grmt crap of tebaeee had been dm ^>r*d b, hall the day bcW ^.Mreawd no evidence ot a atom. Mf home aer about the raal d*»ee and lt waa *nly wbea a tenaat eamc to **h him what Ueald he done •heat the teheoee that he leaned that a destructive hell atorm on Sna toy, Aapnat lat. limited to only a Nit ef the Beddard farm aad the Leaaio Tew farm, had ptacticallp de Mtnyad hia ha* crop of M aerea of arigs^sfieTitfaj [btom«r hM beadea from the atalka. ABaMmt baa been made to pick ap gfl«. siirJsu: bla leaa at tea or twalv* Uodaand dol ta wlm to him U>*. **»• Baddard la om of the amber of Gimm eecaty tamer* that have dioeavarod the atanta *f ham, eaaaty land* within Uu bat three ymia Ba has bought aaa of the old “-*■»dan!Irt?*"* nahSw**/ -be noat attractive country hanaa b tha CMaty. Of MONO* or MM PIPKIN. (Plan HittlaAan (IDaa) Nana of daljr nth) A nan enioyabb affair af Wad waa tha laschaoa g>*a by Bn T. I. Waltar 1> haaor of hn anther, Mm C. «. Pfehtn. of Lining tea. N. C Oaaaao war* bid tor Mm {fergri.L.vr^ la the diming room and Viv tog raan, addbd to the bcightaen of •Ur ~'***-', Anar torlag Cl* during room to* gaaat* war* entertained with naZ’ tog* a»d aabrtiaaa on the plane hy LocOe Walker, tainted littb daugh ter of tin hnaitaa Mr*. A. L. Joan aba gar* aaverml piano ittaben.' With tha ploaaaat aatorlatidn together tha aoeaaLn arfll long be reman bev ad bp friend* af Mm Pipkin, who r*.. gret to aaa bar leave. P» Friday to* will leave tor Roa ffBe, Va.. to vialt another daughter, auto accidents every day, atorfmi net ■""! « ••« or two nttto hark kot ef entire femlHea heUr^JrflLi They are doe. to tonlma dj3!jn» Tflt Mt to to slip mockoafen even Lime And they ore (Oku to contJnio to rteek go with their frequency uottf the driver* of theeo ear* rtsalike the fact that they can not po soornin* down the hipkway* at it aofovero Ohio rate of meed. Of coarac H is to ho expected that with as May [aMoMfciict at aboaad in the coon-' try WO moot have miihopa of this character tat the Mr* Important potot to ..ill ir is that no plotter "* ai*j eon on to urn, fotPUtici w«M ho minimlood if the driven of than would axerclaa diearttfen sad prilwiaa at the .wheel. Tha whole •aaatry la MIUW to rorhlam with *ba •abwHaa Tha Mr* on* ho mm* accustomed to dHvinp than th* aptar that on* h point to ho ex mihnty eonddant of Ido mper-toWty at too whial and than, “4a such on hoar n yo^totoh ^oot^* ths toovMahle . ■-. ■■ an.p f CAPTURE WC iml IN . GROVE TOWNSHIP , UOJtaten New* • Deputies Motto*** Gun-in, Rich •* “*■*•**- *l*ty fal len beoaa battle to Creve. tcwcukip Tsaeday alpkt. Tha oaUlt w*a not s^TSur auvts a »■irigseg'.rgs jej Wo apcnaofo won feund U eilto 2S558L? £*,£**} **• n wm SSSSSSfLXuf*4**0" Tta Marat looted only a few mir ■to* and covered a romperetivot] gy "y Otomldorinp itetwrita «seh hall f*U lt> town, tat « "Ml! to tin* and did no damac* •• far aa can ha i f aad. there wm •• iMannao mvtouf of Uk JW* destroyed.—Barnett Coaat] Bows • v . ; *. *t %t* • ■ * * * * # • • • NOTIFY ROOSEVELT OF HIS NOMINATION By* Put, M. Y„ Aac. t.—Uatar, ■ crowd at acrcraJ " .who Mood for Mirly two Worn aa dor o iwokerlng Augruttaa, Brook, bo O. BoomtoU gore on addraaa for* ■oJty accepting the Doboc.wUo dob. I nation foi rico^rctidont koto todar He anted ratification of tbo *•£ tnwty "which to nuke It o tool Uooty for a real pence nut inrtodo a loagao of nation* ** “fV- loagoo of anUona," ho aaaart •l. "tot peoctaeol notation at o prao ttail dtuUoo. It ia an ntrt oorfate than oar original eonatitotioo. which - hoa boon nwondod If tteoa and »■ •te^ort boa*, bo omoodad tbo 1Mb. »«rfo^It fa act aofi a ad anal. « b “Thxoogh It wo Mar aitb tenb erory altar daly ooortkotod gtoom into tbo ala of pooaa. That ah aa object ahoald ho ooatzaxy to Aa ’ J*U«y to-dSl ' hot if there bo any citioea art haaoM ** *■ rSS ito plain intent an aa to t wtoh oar eoUMbbod to m of goraraoaL it wffl ta Utopia to decEno tohS »r.d ta other nation* that the cotwti totioa of the United State* ta la *r •nr way aapraac. METHOD l*T »AI*» CHURCH At a meeting af tha charge it was announced that tha congregation ' diet church and Maj saceaaafal la church debt of tha Church, heath.. Tha yraaent red autearillc • tad light gray t»17, and la a (haaign. Tha hat coat ; ' Mah.^am ! congratulated ef aach UMUT _ _ ,*h ;tntJrt church debt at thla anett dha The foadi raiacd aad thla thee did net lad Mg af all aatMaading the church Itaalf. hat aenaga alee, and n a Vo in Mall each yctitMhe *a I day hcbeyl dayeitjeerta*m , ad. aad aach wart at ha beautify tha rtarrt aad 'yah2tai*ta"S3Ef ehargt'oV the’mart ;aod at# that Mm GwKlaf teartca ata tttaaded to at ana#. Chan Jchaaaa, fmiisffirat *- M. Hall hat Mrttad Mrtag Pirlinton to d«4ittto tko Miw r*^?::!z:£sS3 V (Wf j* he beta aa that data— Bcaatn Newt

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