wimmmst 18 S!V£ RURAL HELP Program for Pufcllo Health and Community Welfare Is Now Well Uniter Way. Rur.il «Mii,ni inln** H|»I tmens of te-re h'“' S..-HI |e.j •..-..cm In » very lor**- . " I n. p-,,i.iu liculth and crui!:>:..,(ltr< w..tk ,.f the A turn t K '< rf’"»* Aimo.i „|| of tb* Y ■* ^ 1 *' *'■ viuil'lcrt hnvi- Mini* It!!, ' .iioif .« tl.e'r tvri(lory. Then for. 1. .• It... iVt Kuril Service. Ilrl"!...-. n,.. p.jr,,o«M ut Rural Serv "« 1. I.people to g,* out of Ilf* r.inr., i.iil:. uptiith uiui happiness In 1 ‘ :|r. ovc jmlillc lieuirb Instruction • ml on'.nl eCdcalloiml pi ogress of oolb children nod adulie pluy ■ lilg part flcrciilliin u found to be ou* of tb* hlfc’Keai nerds in rural Uf*. There Is In. k of sulhcltai ploy life for tl* chil dren nod social Ilf* for tlto udulu. rlenlcs, pageants, dehat Iiik Hubs, barehoii leugues. rminnun!l> sltixlnc ond other *..,.a| events urblch bring 1»C People of «am>ur.irt**s, R*d Cms* srlmols of tun fiction In H.*mr Nursing. Cure of the HU\ und Flmf Aid tn the ir.rgvr lowl.t the Heed for m«'more* an<1 poh Vc ccmfnf MTsitom •* hotug mot hsj. I F^vlinds for (he rlilW im hove been | e^tuMlr.hod tod mcrwsciocjiil tciJrlttes ; worked out for the your. In order Shut lhers rnny he concert*! effort in rscrying on (hs programs of the various welfare sgsndcs hi the rorsl cjlsiiirrs. Ked Ocsa Rum) Sere Ico twit* rho orirnnJrstlons already on the ground The mu In object of the service Is to I»nk1 s hand everywhere •nrt lake tbs lead only where neesa* «jiry. ’’""juSISr red cross ACTIVE IN EUROPE! — flrrden »c*<1« for Pr.ll»h orvlmn*. i milk fur bninilf Qrauk hnhte*. mr pet'le**' fools f.ir CsovHo Slornklan rrtujilu*— tlu-w sro only n few of tke gif'* that fimiil AMerlcme are send ing to ll.» v» *r-er“j*l.e«l children of the OM World . Tl.r nth (hr Junior Red Cnot* the hoys «nd tnadl cal auppOc* hare been **nt ta tba Hal kaa»'Houpiunl«, Bolgorto, Albania, kfnolanagro. Barbla. Iloanta aad Or**ca - aluc* tb* beginning of Had Cro** ra Hof op*r*tlona Ontral Knrop*. while minion* of dollani worth of food alone baa been **••! ta the naady In tba*e at* to* Th* money arpendad by th* Rod Oraaa 1* tbla *1rleV*n portion af Bo ropo ha* haaa n*a-l to *« up hospital,, orphanage*. dlapvuenrtc*. mnhlla modi cal salt* and to help In lha general ro conatrucllon of dovnotntod arena A mar Hcan tructora and other farming Impla manta liar# boon aanl ta th* agricul tural region* where aid haa b**o *•* an In plowing tha land By the Inat of tbla year prohabtj all American Had Ooa* aganeta* ad gilntMertng relief la Central Buropt will hare wlfhdmoro By that tltrvo, I ta hollared, th* penpl* wttl hare a* proerbad a normal atat* af tiring en< will ha a hi* through rhotr own « greet* which th* nod Croaa haa hotpad m B ta prarlds for thoanaetraw ! BENSON NEWS (From tttnn New..) Johnaton County Superior Conn [«nll open next week in Smithficld fo. * * *r» for the trial of crim IwUea^ca. There la a heavy docket. ttiiih’ruM* f*,rk'r, l?M'nt Toceday ie -t»i*lnfinld on Uni boiineu. Shrill Utley, eon of Dr UUey, of UlU place. returned home Tuoadav iiight from Ohio. Hr. UUey drove a ford Sedan fivn Columbua, Ohio, to TJenaon, between SOU and 900 mi lea, e. nce Friday afternoon, making the Inr.g Journey in about Tour daya, and til add to thia feat he did not have a single puncture in the whole Journey Out of the crowd of thirty, he wa« ifir first to arrive home UttJr Cornelia Strickland, from "*V * »i«tin8 her bro thrr, Mr. Waite. Strickland. ra^i*vR ? J*cL»™h *nd little Mar f. Bui..PC^V We,k W,Ul Mr. and Mrv Jemat Barbour vilfted near Angler laat week. Challl. Hay Royal returned Iriday from Richmond, where abe had hcun vliiting bar uncle. Hr. Hugh Koval. Mr. and Mm. J. L. Hall and family »pmt Sunday with relative# near I Bmoe Creek. 1 Mima Maud Wood and Maitor Her . here of Charleston, 8. C., are viaiUng r. laLvee and frienda in and around town. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Whittanton and family apent Sondey with hie bro thcr near Angiar. Mm Lillie ColHna, formerly of thla plnco but new a reeidenl of Charlca ton, 8 C. apent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mm. R. F. SmiUt iLd ill r*Uthr” l«« John mon ana Smidmii ratmlia. ko/__ iu. ni njr home. ” .,.**'•?** Hall, accompanied bi ^lu Evelyn Boon* wont to Rockv M'.iiut Sunday to visit her brother. r Alton Hall, in a hospital there.” We learn ke t* rapidly improving and libne he can toon roai home. Vr. and Mr*. J. D. Dixon apent the week end with friend* in Angler. Mr. and Mr*. John Smith and fam •Jv heve renamed home from Apex, N C , whet# they have been viaiting relatives and friends. Mr. Hassell Blackman, a prominent farmer of Bentenvllle and son were p.raaant visitor* to Benson this week. .. M*«” ,T- R •"<« T. C. Barboor, of low Olka, w+a bu*jnc<4 viaitora n«re Monday. Mr Preston Woodall, one of our “"■'Aanu, left Sunday for northana market*, accompanied *Y Mr*,.W “ Jj«‘«h “«» Mia* Wyebe hia milliner, where he will purchase hta faU sad winter stock Md take Smithfivld. Muse* Blanch Mnrtin and Wilhel mina Utley spent the wank end in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Turlington and Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Hobbs spent Sun day in BmlLhfield. Misses Dorothy and Velma Finch are viaiting rclativsa and friend in Lu enma. Mr. J. W. Norris left Sunday for Norfolk U> buy building material and to *pe-id a few days at the beach with Mr* Norrl* and their daughter, Mix* Myrtle Mr. John Evans, the contractor. W returned from Fayetteville and other points, where he apent Sunday and Monday. Mr. Jno. E. Brown spent the week end in WOaon. Mlaac* Ethel and Annie Rose Tur lington, of Wilton, are viaiting Min Sarah Turlington. Mr*. Alii* Smith has returned from W'rightxville Beach, where she spent a few days and has resumed her du ties at Mr. Jake Greenthals’ rtore. Mr. Psul Lee sprat Sunday after noon and night in Smithflcld, return ing Monday morning. Mr. W. E Barbour, of Wilson, was here the first of the week visiting relative* sad friends. Mr. B. W. Barbour, of Coats, we* in town Tuesday on buainaas and called in and subscribed for th* News. Mr. L. A. Stephenson, of Elevation, was in team Tuesday on buainaas. Mr. C. B. Clifton, of Smithflcld, waain town Tuesday an buslaasa. Mr. J. G. Dixon w>»nt Wednesday at Clayton on buuinaaa. Mim Thelma Johnson, of Clinton, I* Tilting Misses Maude, Mabel and Kata Johnson this week. Jefferson Barafoot returned borne from Chapel Hill Thursday, whara he attended the rammer school. Mias Mary Turlington returned from Chapel Hill last Thursday, where the attended th* summer school. Hr. ana an. w. M. smith return ed from 8mn Springs Friday, where they spent lest week. Ur. Georga Holland and little daaghUr, Mery Lou end Mr*. W. M. Smith spent Saturday In JUIelgh. Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Rand, of near Bmithfleld, spent Sunday ta town with Mrs Reno's mother, Mrs. K. H. Par ker. and Mbs Banes and Master Pres ton Putnam returned home with them to spend awhile. Mr. J. T. Byrne was in town Tues day and paid the News oflba a eery. plttMBt call. Mr. R. B. Brady aad L. P. Denning went to Wilmington last week for a f»w days eaeatvan. They made the trip through the country. . Messrs. John Neighbors, James Kn and Howard Denning returned from Wilmington last Sunday. *'•* Clare McLeod, if spending the >» bruadway, N. C “r- {• M. La whan ha* purchased the entire «»oek at honey and fancy grot arise ofy.ha M. J<(n«* W< wish for Mr. *-• when much success In his new eautura and his many friends i will do wall whan In seed of anything , In his Hne. Mr. and Mru. C. H. Langdon and children arc Waiting rsUtlyaa in „ Sampson this wash. SUGAR SPECULATORS GET CAUGHT ON MARKET SLUMP Holder* of Large Stocks Fear They' Have Overstayed And Prices * i _?!!!_ i r New York, Aug. 12.—Heavy d« - creases in th« sugar market, fari-J ihadowad by movements during lh* i PAvt few days io«>k plaru todav. Onel largo de*Jor reduced his price li-t on; , dne granuJatud from 21 u, j frucuon over 17 rents per pound nod raw sugar sold on a be*.* of 13.04 coni* I which was 10 cents per pound less than the high level of three month. A pronounced weakness in law *u *4. began early in eh* week. Nctu-e eb.c in future contracts on the charge and in the spot market "t'-. om] hand” sugar, or speculative stocks, have been offered for .mu. days at Id cents per pound for : -,v granulated, but no weakening on the part of refiner* wax in evidence un til today. Holder* of large stock, of sugar expressed the Iwr that they had overstayed their market. Dealer* de clare the p<< sent weakness ■* due to lack of demand for refined sugar, froe offering from all parts of ths world and a feeling of unrest throughout the trade, lack of demand ing indicates that heavy purchase. •Arly m the season were not entirely tor immediate consumption. WILL TAKE NEGRO DEAD OR AUVE IS the POSSE’S PLAN Goldsboro Aug 11— Kloyd Winn, a negro, who had escaped from the caunty roads, where he was .erring a seiitrace for robberies and house breaking, rubbed Miller’s store Sat urday night and escaped in u stolen automobile. The ear was fuoud this morning, but the negro is still miss tug. and an armed posse is searching . for him, determined to take him dead I or adrve. j . fintton. who li employed by John W. Tohrotoo. left TkuruUy mf tornoon for Charlott**. to dt ivi* a Ford coupw Wk from thAt city, t'nx Mr. Thornton. agvertkedby ITS GREAT ALLIES A caoae la knows by It* friend* Friend! ami aupitorrera of women auf fraca ar* legion and Include pravtl fnOy every lnflneatUI nrgunliatlon, atat* and nailooai A partial Hat fol i taardal Travelura, Notlnnnl American Idler Carrier*' A*vkI«iIoo. 1 nduatrlal Organisations. National Women'* Trade Union league. United Mine Worker*. Amcl gainated Aasodatton of 8>rert and Electric Railway Kmplnyeca of Amir tra, Waafcm Federation of lilnrrm. Colled Textile Worker* of Auu-rlrft. Professional Ocganlxalloo* National editorial Aaaocintlon. In ternational Council of Nitre**. A -Tin ! can Nurvi-i’ Aeaoelaihin, Nntionnl league of Nursing Education, A me il ea n federation of Tearlier*, NeIlona' Bdoeartonal Association, Association of Collegiate Almunae. Kdlgleui Organisation*. Methodist Episcopal 1‘hu-ch, Gar, oral Conference; National Society of Friends. United Presbyterian Church es of North America. Central Confer anca of American Rabbi*, National Conference of Unitarians, Jewish Con grass, Presbyterian Church of th* United Hale* of America (Genoral Assembly), (Sanaral Sunday School Oonvantlon of Unlvcraalltt Church**, Eastern Council of Reformed Rabble Fraternal and Bonavolant. National Order of Vareabetel, Tntnr aattonal Onlor of Good Templars. Grand Lodge; National Women'* Ile llaf Corps; the Great Hire, Ladles of ths Modern Maccabeus; Women’s Bo aavatant AaaodatVm of Meccaboea Agrtaultaral Organisation* National Grange, Farm are' National Oangraas. Warnse's Organizations International Otruncll of Women. representing over 7,000,000 woman; Oanaral Fadarmtloo of Women! Qibi, representing over 1^00,000 wo man; forty Stats federation* of wo man's dubs. Woman! Christina Tam paresc* Union. population Of worm carwvia Ovor Twoi»ty*ono Yoart of Ago Whlta woman. M9899. Oolomd w» piw maean Tbmlon, Hurt in I99MT <»om whlU woman la North Carolina than color ad. Whlta woman. M&S8S. Colored men ■ad woman. *00.099. Therefore, them am ooar 60,000 mare white woman la Worth (hnUaa (hia colored as and PopUtatlon of Tmuw Over Twonty-ono Yaart of Aoo Whlta woman. 419.049 Oolomd wo man. 1*1707. Therefore, them am (99,99* more whlta woman In Tenneo M than colored, or mom then three •tore u many whlta aa oolomd women. White women. 419049 Oolomd man .ad woman, *41.9*6 Therefore, them Ifl.fn mor* whlU women la thaa colored tnoa and wo Mr John W- Jonar rpent ThurwUj at Godwin riartintf Maud*. Him Jowetl HaU. of Fnjrrtlcv.Mo arrived thia moraln* to vl.it relative, and frlorda I" the e»t» Mr. A. T. Kyala apont Tuw.lay a 8m KM old oa h* alarm. ■ l ; YOUR R* CROSS Th» American /L 'craea, by eia | Congraaalanal tk&r, la officially deal (noted: <[ To furniaie veljjpar aid ta the a*eK and evaundJV'af arnalaa In tinea of war, arid, tha oonventloeia ^Careawa. To act In rna^Ljgf voluntary ral.af and aa aKa of coeev munlcation baten^K)* Amor can pacpla and thalrHL and Navy. Ta continue ae&irry an a ayo um of national^E/«eetornallenel rallaf in tlena afK and Jo ap ply tha tamp In ^Kptlng the auf faringa cauaod by^Buenca. faenlna. Art, ftooda and SM am at caiarrv tlaa. W To daviaa aad oa neaaauma fan- proven ting ■, atimea of outfacing. fOURTH RKD ROLL CALL two. U nu: A.• 1.00 H;. cooo U.. looo . 100 DO M aaaeaat local FIRST AID fUNiG TO MEN A WOMEN American Red cXj* Teaching Hundred* of Life The pnrroe. W JLtfcm * First Aid in ill* Injured o^Hd by lbs Amer ican Kail Crum Is ^Bfein nu ^u>d women tu tidmlnlstJBbst Aid treat meat promptly snd^pigeii*lr when muercendes ytr»t y , tn-stiuetit la “ttfll'ti tike t..« place ur s phylldsM^rT'WeO^^^. neon should u ' s prscnuUontry^Wlll^V'^^^^ such • esse s ctrmAnatli ts'pirwt AUJ Is IotsIusMs no? t>afr to the Is dividual, but through bus to the corn inanity In which he Ursa. Tilers la perhaps as wap of ascer taining the number' offftsstbs or sni ous disable meats which result from lack of proper safeguards or prompt emergency treatment. It Is sate to ■> nert Uisy number thousand^ dally. Titers can be nn doabt that tb* anplF cutlun of First Aidjf ethoda to tacb caw wnald luimraswmbty lighten the country'* toll of suffering and death. The dlaecuduatlon d«r efficient ss otstance. Ussy live* nay depend upon such emergency car* Ited Cross First Aid work inclndee (1) the formation and conduct, through Dcd Crows chapters, «f desses for In struction In aedrteof prevention anti First Aid to the Injared amtag men and women hi oil communities and In every Industry; (2) the Introduction of course* of InitrucUt* In high schools and colleges The lied Cross la fretwred to supply First Aid 1 tonka and equipment at rasp ton able price* IJvwry iKwson In Ibis country able to do so •Istuld, la hla own Intercut, rw ct-lv e tied Cross First Alff Instruction. Iufonr.nl Ion uboat the course and m structloT. clasaoa map be had at the Dearest chapter boodlusrters. __-±r._ KE.U i-A I LDU3 RELIEF POLAND Mure limn bat been epent by the American Ha* Cruet to elding (be ntrickto people\of Poland. The argentrnlInn bee netted (he nick, fed the Marring, clothednaked, abetter od 'be bomcleoa. gCtMed the children nod cnml for the nrtSmn* ihrre. It hoe conducted a releoome light again* tjpiiun, cholera and ether terrible die earn* So today mlfilonn at men and women la that . rftarrected nation apeak In gvotcfdl appreciation of "The Oreateet Mother In Ike World." Nearly 300 America* Had Owe worker* ere now ebpiged In relief nr tlrltlet la I'oleM. fan large relief hurra »ru In opcrallen and riemn aeo hlK' tmlia arc In tba Arid. During tbr Inal Iwclra monlhe thla orgnnlantlon wae largely larlraaaental la the re ea lubllaliment af a wHlInn refugee* al 1 reel for genoral rrrief af more than Sl.noo.ooo. leaf witter nae half mt! lion arnr orphan* were elded materiel, ly, and atnee then e eerie*, of largo on t>!innate* hare been aaubtlebed to glae them porma ne*»t ram rtnt for American Bad Crnee aid. of Ad*I* of Poland deelarnd recently, mil Ilona of people In that country wnnld I hare perlrhed of dfeeaae. erpnetire «« II rtamVd* the R«el eighteen month* And the wtrrl) there an net be kept eg ter another y*gp. REJECTION IS CERTAIN IN STATE LEGISLATURE M.-her. .( North Carolina Homm Wire Tmiimw Leg is la Tk*rf Iojs*t a Ckaac* Raleigh, Aug. u.—Rlxty-lhrec of the lJiO members of the lower house of the North Carolina legislature to night lent a trlrgram to the Tennoa mc Ivgftlaiaic a*-ur,uy that body that Noith Carolina will not ratify the federal suffrage amsr.dmnnt and a-king that the mraauir be nut fore eu upon the people of North Caro lina by Tennessee. "We, the undersigned mrmhers uf Lis p. neral^armbly of North Caro hen ecnotltui^ntohe majority of said body,” reads the telegram, '‘send giertinge to the general eo-erably .of fr.m tie and muit yon that wi w I not ratify the Susan B. Anthony amen..Kent interfering with the *ov esaignty of Taoncisee and olhoi state* of th* onion. We moat reepret fully request that this maasurr be not forced upon the people of North Carolina.” If the S3 signers of the trlrgram 'n the houar vote in areordanco with tkotr • aprrssrd view* the amendment will be defeated In the house by six votes Ilarry P. Oiler and Lindsey War ren, anti leaders in the bouse and wmate, rwpcctivcty, tonight claimed two additional votes in the lower houso- against ratification, nil of whom are expected to arrive in Raj sigh before the fight begin*. On the strength of the aignaLires to the tel egram go TennesHVe, anti loaders tonight claimed that "finis" had been written to the federal amendment ftrht in North Carolina. The suffragist* appear to be undla tuihed, looking for pneiaurr fgom na t.onal Iradwra to overcome the apper* nt lead of the anti* and dcclaio they expect the amendment to be ratified. The amendmrnt haa not bren sub mifiPd hv flflVPTnrtr RLsLats TV - -- ernor stated today that be expected to complete a brief message to tbc crneral assembly tomorrow and would probably transmit it to the legislators Friday. If not, he eaid tin- message win get to the body Sat urday. . WILL INVESTIGATE ENGROSSING CLERK -hadietary CasnmitU* Will Ak CUipa of Miaoppropriotioa Of umU Cooemrtteo No. 1, of the of Reprvc rata threw Th< report* of the State auditor. I who Investigated complaint* made by I yon-g ladies employed in thr engross-1 ing clerk** offer mwjon. of Kiiuton, is rhaiiman, yesterday by Speaker b unimitt. Accompanying the auditor** report :* a ropy of a letter from the auditor e-rtrten to Governor Bxkett, in Apirl 131k. pointing out that Mr. Shell bed d'jrec *102 on warrant* payable to rtenographer* without turning the '.ami ovi r to them. Mr. Shell, in an explanat o.t furnished Speaker Dram m-’.t, say* that the failure to turn the money collerli-d over to the yotrar mdii*e >va- a mistake. By p-runsl check. We made good the diffcreners Mlw Gladys Smith, who fhrmcrly lived here, end Miss Emma Lee, of Dann. arc t* of the young ladies concerned. They will probably bs calif d to testify in the investigation *hsuld Mr. Shell contest the charger made by the auditor. KcprvscnlatlVr Dawson said Inst night that the mat tec would be conaidercd today.Newr and Observer. SEIZED BOOZE VALUED AT OVER A MILLION New Haven, Coon., Aug. It.—Ao temnbilsf and Uouors coafiveated by prohibition enforcement officer* as the result of sciiurcs on Connectlewt state highways this summer have « value of a million and a half dollars, ia the opinion of Thomas MeAuliffe, in t-Karrr fit tk(« Hidtrirt. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE WILL CEASE AUGUST 31 Wn iMngton. Aug. 10.—Th* Amer iean expeditionary force* will pa** In to Mxtory Auguxt >1, when the only remaining unit of the army that fought ia Prune*. A. R. F., headquar ter* here. cea*a* to exltt. The follow ing day General Perilling will open headquarter* in hla new tapeeity a* general of the army, accordfag to an announearaant today by Secretary Baker. BAU-ANCE — HUMPHREYS A *»rp»l*e marriage of intercet to a large number of Dunn people took place Wcndeiday evening at 8:46 o' clock, in the heme of Rev. Luther Davit, when Mr. John H. BaJbu.ee and Mu Harriett Humphrey* were an ■ ted ia marriage by Rev Devi* as >leted by Rev- J- * Daniel. Mi*. Humphrey* le a popular and attractive young lady who** home U in St. Paul’* N. C. Far aevaral month* *be bad held a petition with the Pleixhman atnrea here and during hc.r etay *hr ha* made a hoet at friend*. Mr. Salience ha* been a reddeat of Dunn for a. number of year* and ha* not anly made a hart of friendi but ha* become oac of oar fortenM bu>in>«* m*n. He ha* large holdingi ia Harnett and Rob*ion count!** a*4 ia wdl known for hi* boneety •« «inc*rity in hi* dealing* with b * f*» lowuun. The couple will make thrtr hent .in Doan. A POWER COMPANY MAY COTO ANQER lUpreMnuiiTM at Faywtterffla CooooraLooUag Om Fiald —Owur Now* Item* Angler. Awaat If —Mcama. Allan ^nny. Creed teM, W. J. Ring and Rcanett Nooe af Hit- Cumberland Railway and Power Company won • n town Monday looking after mak ing arrangements to eater town with t» power line. This is a comparative new company. Having organised last |. ear, hut li doing an extensive bed »ow lighting over a doxen email owns in th;* section of the Stair •Jr. Benny etetee that they intend to ■**■* on a new tew* for every weak luring the next year, and hope to be iccommodating over three hundred owns within the next taro year*, i P1***®4 to state that Mr*. I. P. Dixon i* much improved from 1 recent attack of -hmmatlma W. are Informed that Mr. WUUc ■■ organ Is sooa to build a homo oa hureh street. It is stated that ho srlU mild a modern bungalow. W* will iv pleased to welcome Mr. Morgan o our town. Be baa made many riande since coming here in the print, and is doing well with his label badness. Tb» recent rains are damaging th< epe in this section. Cotton is al nady failing badly aad mack daaihg* ia» boon done to tobacco crops. we understand that Dr. T. L. Voung has recently purchased the orr.sr tot at latoesectioa of Williams nd Raleigh street. This Is an Pt—I •eliding lot, and wo art advised that He doctor is to build a modern beau here in the aaar future. Much has •ecu said about the doctor making a clous trip* toward Sampson, aad ocginmiig io Muevi that there rv real merits in the accusations. ••Jl anyway, wa trust all the good »w» wc have heard ia really so. The typhoid vaacine treatment ir » be unrrn here bagiamiug August »lh It is to be hoped that everybody has not meently taken this treat* u-nt, will take advantage of U. Il osU you nothing and it aaay be that will save the community lota of •knew on aeeouat of typhoid fevev hat usually ia prevalent daring the alter mrt of the summer and early •all. No greater blsaaiag aver befell t community than good health. Bat hat every oae la this community akes advantage of this treatment. Prof- J* H. Hancock of Jackson rat a visitor Wednesday. Ho was -sere look over the school rft mtien. hat Mr. Etllnctou is figuring on go at; into the saw mill buninesv Hi UK been operating a garage here 'or the past few. mouths. We wish m much soeeem along the line of hu saw mill basiaeit. Mr! and Mr*. D. W. Denning are -pending a few days with relatives in tanvpeoa. Mr. Alonso Upchurch ef Jackson ille, Fla., returned home today. He 10« hcen spending some time with i i sister, Mr*. J. W. Ellington. Mr. ' I pc here h is wMh the ClsM Uni lUram ship Company of that place '7c understand that ho has boon with hat company for about thirty years luring which time ho has worked Vmsolf up to general freight and ride manager. UNCLE TOM. A GOOD CIRCUS COMING thoda Royal's Cldc. Billed Fes Dusm August IB The advent of the Rhode RoyalV rr-otest shows, on Thursday August IB, will, it is mid, mark an epoch ir the matter of tented amusements ir Dunn. That this show will pres eat tbs biggest and finest street pagcaa Dunn has yet witnessed, is assertes without qualification. That tbo circa company numbers mere circus par formers and ef a better order r merit than hav« heretofore been goth orsd together under any one man agemrnt, Is also stated positively Thousands of dollars cash were ex -vended last winter In areumulatmj -vew features to add to the gloriv sf the ‘Rhode Roys! Greatest Shows. The menageries 1* mid ta be ■ ver complete one. containing the find reflection of rare wild beacts ever o: the const. The newspapers all aloit he Use speak highly of this huge at ‘.ertalnment, and the “small hoy." ■ wr-ll as those older folks who win h • " 4 VU utc IVBM Vi »■* | ir.nny mate and female performer*. t tha jhandaom* horse*, the wonderful e f*lt-'bition of wild beasts in the air- t mlar steel cage, the mare*low aerial t arts, aad the exciting me** an the hippodrome track. Exchangee aro all , oaanimdn* in praMsg the ®a*rla*y . »f Royal’* employee while handling ( tV- tnuaenen crowd* aad Hading aeatr ( far late comer*. Tha lack of “aar* thing" men and k fakers also add* material* to tha en- J ferment of the spectator. The reputation af Xheda Royal for J falthfally carrying o*t all hi* advance 1 -icornier* and fnr dealing fairly with •hn public in all thing*, afford* post- ! Mr* eaaoranc* that hU show will ' arllpaa anything of a like mat ore ' •roa her* before—Pres* Agent. ACQUIT FOUR OFFICERS ON CHARGE OF MURDER *?•""**. V*.. Any. 11 — Fed era prohibition agent* J. K. Vital and E ft. Drummond. Jr,, and apeeia] pa* Hco officer* R. H. Wilmoth and J *■ f°lh Jointly charged with the starder of Hatch Tbomaa. war* ae JE'Nad m Faderhl court how today, following inatmrtlon* fW 1 STplIjif* lBTT **jBdf* **"TT C-' SMTHFIELD BUSY BUILDING HOUSES i Mar* Titan Throw tmrnir*d Naadad Last Yaar. About 200 ProYtdad _ Tbs county mm of JohnMon SolthfleM, U to lively in Tin dnpmaal tkmM day* yon tNH tbtak ft had many mart than 1.00* pmlo, hat that ia tha popalatioa. o ,l entertained tba North Caroliaa Shrine™ in extromeiy hand Mm*. *>*•■ *nd Rave th«a the bia f*rt barhreac on record in the Stela, 'oking on one tide of a street “a quarter of a mi)* of bey*.*’ 4«to/5r*ter TrULty at Baaith* n> of faadllea. Last yaar it wai atat> od that three hundred #f these ware lr ■*** *•* bar* bam • provided, all attractive and with all uodem convenience*, h i* a So* rer ora. The larRC*t leaf tobacco war*. hon*e i* unique becsiua it fraate oa :bree Urveta. It ia, perhaps, the Ian. <«M ia the State, and haa dryinw ooaeee, etc, attached. One former to mcco warvhoaie has been eoavectad •oto f a handmjam front built, in which there arc rert room* and •stha, and a laipr room for dhrta ot machine*. It ia ,aid there are 1,00* {**•• Wad In a bin, all sum numbers. A new tobacco warehoniia. a lane rar **e. * flOA.OO* throe atoty dapart- . -- *1 ■« auuiusil W out ox IA9 WO cotton Bill* and a number of dwellings art jast completed or udsr conrtruetlon. A newspaper offlsa of brick, has bora built for Tho MsKI “Id Obmrver. and tbv first une ap pears this week. Tbe town has a sroU located eejat tery. along the high bonk of Naosc near, and It ia admirably kept uadar -hesjwcial direction of theWaaaaa’s CJ«b. a wotw win begin on the M 00.000 court boose. Thr senior aop ply ia taken from Keom river. Hi, miles away to u largo pond, known “ ^ha Lake," wkora than *« bntking pavilions, etc., and tho vatCT is Wolf stocked with bom. Tbe home of Mm. Cole, mr the . E. Dempsoy, of Burlington, in Ml seconds, srith t. I- Boyst of Orseas bom, second. A straight l.OOO-yard iron by Stalls? A. Cook, ef Burling ton: 0. E. I-ove, aad W. l ls*t.sm of garUngton srer* reread aad third. It sms snaaunced taday that tho judges bad sostoiaed Urn protest against swnrd of sswond plamja yao terday's chemical contest to Kiastea No. I. Orsewdbora, ButasrUla Bad Coaaord rasper Urol y. At the special meeting of the Board ef Steward* on Banday night the petoor. Rev J, >|. Daniel, was «*•• » •» turn weeks be vrhh next Monday. Bo* aad Mnt. Daniel with the turn children, wUI loav* early neat week for War fMj* to spend most of bis vamtioe with his mother.