THE DUN DISPATCH1 • • I . . V. r'.W" VOL 7 DUKN.H.C, B. IT, I MO. ‘ J _ ____ • _ mnnutu m MULATTO CHARGED WITH WRECKING OF LEXINGTON HOME Editor Varner File* Suit Asoinat R. Baxter McRary, Head of Negro Order SUIT FOR DIVORCE ALSO FILED BY NEWSPAPER MAN Whil* Plaintiff la Cum Away On Buuaui In Naw York. Citiaaas a I Town Claim Thar FouaJ Pronom sat Nvgvs Laatlar ia Baaomanl of Cditw'i Hama Thar#. Lexington, Aug. 14—Suit for 1100,001) damages has boon filed in Superior Court here against R. Bax ter McRary, a mulatto, with large I holding* here and tltewbere. who for year* has posed aa a moral upliftcr of hia race and who haa bean for a nan brr of year* Grand Matter of the ne gro Ma*nnic Lodge. The ground of complaint ia that McRary deliberate ly sought to and succeeded in wreck ing the domestic life of H B. Varner, the plaintiff, by invading Mr. Var ner’* home during his absence. At tachment has been run against al) tangible holdings of the defendant that can be discovered. While Mr. Varnai was In New York Monday night as one of a committee of nlna representing the motion pic tore exhibitor* of the nation in an important conference with large mo , tlan picture producer*, McRary sees, taken from underneath the floor of the Varner boma between 12:30 and I o’clock Tuesday morning. Being In f01 inert ’hat McRary had entered his home by stealth on previous oecas ’ Jans while the husband was away, a * number of citisens set a watch and u* MrKary'entrr the premises about 1(1 o’clock. OiOt Mulatto to lun Guards ware placed around tha lot and a search made of the house with nobody fooad. Some af the cltisenr remained end continued the search, a spotlight locating McRary, who had evidently entered the basament upon hearing the first alarm, crawled out of the basement and made his way under the floor toward the front of the bouse. The mlaeraani seas taken from his hiding place and gladly took advantage of an opportunity to spend the night in Jail. , . Most of those who knew of the ori gins I march had gone home and but a faw were present when McRary was found. Early Tttasday moyuing risk ta that if he valued kis personal safety hr bad better leave town without de lay, and further that if he returned it would be at his peril. Where he bar gone is not definitely known here but it is believed he is now at a long dietanri- from this placa. Mr. Varner was requested to re turn immediately from New York and upon arrival here he was acquain ted by hjs friends with tht situation of which lie uras totally unaware. Up on artival he went to a hotel and con ducted a searching investigation. Fnl lowing '.his he remained at the huts’ lint l after hn wife, who Is s native of Kentucky, had left Thursday even ing to Join her mother. Suit for absolute divorce has been begun by Mr. Varner. It will be alleg rri In the complaint that on the oc canons ejjil, Mr. Varner was away from his home at nights his wit'e’i companion was a negro woman srr vant about (t years old, rather hard nf hearing. It will also be alleged that thin servant’s room was upstairs and .'he was accustomed to retire early and usually slept soundly. Incident Stirs Town Nothing that has occuimd in this town and county, where unusual oc euisnees are rather frequent, has so stirred the people here as this. Kk prrjenona of loyalty and sympathy from hundreds have poured in on Mr Varner since his return home re graraiM* 01 piBTigu" i•*.vivu«< - wires. Cm shed by the deplorable oc currence that has suddenly sundered a home of about twenty yeans, be haa stated to friends that he will continue to devote his time to hi* newspaper and business interests and his duties as chairman of the State prison and to various official capacities In con nection with the motion picture exhib iting industry. The influential local law firms of Rapes and Rapsr, Phillips end Bow er, Weathori and Weathers, J. R. Mc Crary and J. F. Spriull represent My. Varner's interests io th*» pending liti gation tbit is to be the outcome of the disclosures of the week. PREMIER CEORGE REFERS TO POSSIBILITY OP WAR t/ondon. Aug. IS.—A significant reference to the present crisis was made by Prsmier Lloyd George In ad. drawling a meetinr of coalition lib erals today After expressing fervent hope for co-operation between Eng land end France arhieh be said had been "sanctified by the common sac rifice," the Premier continued, ap parently alluding to the.possibility of war with Russia i “Wbrn thn terrible question of peace or wgr has to be decided our first duty as a government la to the people, who trust us not to commit their t-ea»ur» to any unjustifiable ad venture. Nothing but the moat imp erative call of national safety and national freedom can Justify war. Before this country la committed to it. even in the rant* limited form, we must be satisfied Wises are In pe rlL” George P. McKay ia remodeling the residence on B. Magnolia avenue, now occupied by B. A. Rowland. Mr. Me. Kay will move Into this residence ni soon as It la completed. Mr. Rowtaad wIB move Monday into his dwetllai on 8 Elm 8t., which ho Was purchas ed Harnett’s Towns Show Big Increase In Population Growth in population of Harootl County towns during the decide end ing In January of this yi-ar was sixty and two tenths per tent, aeotrding to ngurw Just released by the Census Bureau. Of thla. Coats shows ths largest percentage of growth with 626, tinea it was not among those present when the census rain made his visits ten years ago. Both Angler and Lilllngton were ahead of Dunn in tho matter of percentage, but far behind in numbers. Angler's per cant of increase was .09 LiUlngtun's wns 68. Dunn's was close to .48 Buies Creek hid ths lowest with 21 per cent. Figures for the five towns are as follows: 1920 1910 I>unn.2,806 1,823 LiUingion .. .....__ 663 860 Coats ..626 _ Angior .... ......._376 221 Bute* Creak.291 241 Dann's figures will prove disap pointing to these who have not al ready taken time to prove an alibi. Like all other towns whose folk have been claiming thousands is growth, Dunn's people plead that Its larger growth has been in the suburbs. This, of course, u true, says Uncle Sam — but It is equally (rut of practically LVtry other town in the country that has experienced any growth at all. It is a matter of pride, however, Lo the people of sail of Harnett's towns that tbsyhsvs gotten their in creased population from other tac tions of the State and not at tha ex pense of the rural sections surround ing them. Figaros for the rural parts »f the county arc not vet available, but it is predicted that they will show almost as largo a par cant off growth as did those for the town's. THREE MARYLAND KIDS RIDE WITH MR. WILSON lust 0»f Of ■ Swimming Hole. They A**.' Pmkod Up By Piwiful And RUn 4g Miuuto. Washington, Aug. 14.—Three kids, lust out of a swimming bole in Hock Creek park, were picked up today by President Wilson, treated to a 46 minote motor nde and droppad out >t their horse is town so proud the folks there could not bold them with i rope. The. trio had just come from a dip ji one of the park’s streams and ■sere hiking 'along the roadway when they saw the White HtflT up and recognised Use- President, iheir caps and as Mr. Wf __ ...._ US. and hey hopped. All along the ride they kept their .yes on the president and Mrs Wil •on and answered more questions than they asked. Water from tousled scads trickled over three sunburnt feces snd dropped on the president’s shoes. One youngster ducked to save die president's shoe and apologized out was told not to. worry. Coming down Connecticut svonue Jie youngest of the trio, a thin, frail .id. barely eight years old, spied a hr knew and called to him by namet .The youngster in tho street Iropped a loaf of bread and gasped. Whin the kids got out all three Look hands with the president and iu wife. “So long. Bo," one shouted to the .roct service man on the front seat, ike preddant smiled broadly, lifted us hat and atartad home. BARBERS SUE FOR ONE WEEK’S SALARY .'low ion, Johnson And Patterson Win Fight la Magistrate Wlgglas* Court duu|ntrniF wci* iuimchu Seorge E. Hall in Magistrate Wig gins' court on Tuaaday In favoT of Messrs. Newton,-Johnson and Patter ton, who were barbers n the La Kayctte barber shop. R. H. Dye eras attorney fOT the defendant while W. C. Downing appeared for the plain tiffs. According to the evidence at given a court by the three men. a petition rai gotten up and signed by the har bors asking for a raise ia pay, asking for an increase from 88 to 70 per :ent of receipts When they presented he petition they ware told that they wyuld not receive the increase and .'urthsimore their eorvlcee would not be wanted any longer. They ware old to got out. The petition waa pee icnted last Friday and they all agreed :• work out their time of a week, but oa Monday morning when Mr. Pair _-loth appeared in the shop he was told be need not take off his hat and coal as he could not work at all and he jot out. Newton, Johnson and Patter »n worked on until about M o’clock oa Monday without being paid off for tha past weak's work and they **ked about their pay. Whan tole they would not get K now they pro ceeded to walk out. Falrcloth was not » party to tha suit as he waa paid by run. The throe barben immediately brought suit individually before Mag istrate Wiggins for their pay. The defense offered was to tha ef fect that be was paying all he conk sfford and had a right ta rrfuss mere, and that he did not propose U be driven into paying more. Mr. Hal told the court he know he owed tha men but dealined ta par them now. Notice wee given that aa appea will be taken by Mr. Hall from tha decision of the magistrate.—Fayette villa- Observer. N. C. COUNTIE3 SHOW BIG POPULATION GAIN! Washington, Aug. 12.-—Census a Nsrth Carotins eouatiasi Cleveland 34,271, lacreass, 4,77» ar 18.2 pa ront; Oastaxi, Si.242, increase, 14, ITS err U S per tent: Harnett, 28,31 increase 8,1 S* or 17.7 per eeat. FARMERS BUSY IN GATHERING CROPS Great Scarcity of Labor Arid Continuous Rains Causa Considerable Delay Fuquay 8prlngs, Aug. 1C.—The faimen of this section are over whelmed with work at the present time taking Id the flnnet crop of to bacco rear grown In this community and adjacent territory to the Fuquay market. Owing to the weather condi tions, having had min almost contin uously since the caring season open ed. and the exceeding scarcity of la bor together with prohibitive prices the farmers have to pay in order to secure it la making the crop one of the most expensive ever gtown, but the outlook for handsome prices is good which will in a way, offset the present neccsaarily heavy expenses incident to bousihg the crop. Big pre parations are being made to handle the crop and the warehousemen will be ready to handle it m the usual creditable manner. Mesai* Wheeler and Watkins of Oxford are here moving the large prise houses from their present site to a more convenient place on the side tracks of the Norfolk Southern; railroad, which will greatly facilitate the handling and marketing of the crops as well as a great saving tonhe buyers here. The hotels and boarding bounce are all crowded te their capacity with summer guests who are hore for rest and recuperation and morn primarily for tha purpose of getting the benefit of the spring water with its healing qualities. Tha biggest need of the town Is more houses or at least a first class modern hotel to take care of the transients News has been lecc ivod hoi r of ths serious illness of a former townsman and ex-mayor, E. J. Ragsdale, at Vasa Mr. Ragsdale is located st Vaas .uprnnu noiny a Ikrgl IUMCCO Wire house at that aoint the earning Ma jor- Mr. Ragsdale was stricken with paralysis in ths right aids last Sun day and his condition is gra**. Mr. A. F. Smith, on* of ths oldest merchants of the town, who has been in faoble health for some months, is very much improved, and Is again able to attend to his business The handsoms department store re cently completed by Mr. K. B. John son. is now occupied by Mr. Harry Isaacson, an eotererislng and Indus trious young merchant of this place. ATLANTIC COAST LINE TO IMPROVE ROAD BED I_ rolling stock of the read. Ths com pany has purchased 40 locomotive*. 28 passenger train cars, 800 ventilat ed nox care, 400 coal care, and 100 phosphate care. Some of this equip ment including 20 of the Pacific type locomotives is already In commission, taking care of the increased trans portation. and business of the com p,"tL road bed of the line is also being put into first class condition Since the termination of Federal con trol of railways the Atlantic Coast Line officials have inaugurated a poL icy which wil bring ths railway ser vice to a maximum of efficiency. HENDERSON. LA GRANGE AND riKEVILLE ALL SHOW GAINS Washington, Aug. 11.—Population figures for three North Carolina townie— Henderson, Pikesvills and La Grange—all showing Increase* over 1010, were announced today by the census bureau. The figures ara a* follows: Henderson, present population, 6, 287. compared with 4,o08 in 1910 an increase of 17 per eenL Pikevillc, present population. 833. compared with 210 in 1910, an in crease of 58. 6 per eenL La Grange, present popualion. 1, 399, compared with 1,007 in 1910, an increase of 38 per cent. Ths census huresu is expected to releace this week the population of several North Carolina epontirs. SURELY COMING—THE RHOOA ROYAL R. R. SHOWS Every man, woman and child who knows anything a boot circuses, and who ever my the Rhoda Royal Enor mous R. R. Shows, will bo delighted to know that the big shown, in all their magnificence and exalted gran deur , will surely exhibit at Dunn on August 19th. and precede both exhi bitions with the grandest morning street parade ever seen since parades ware fist exploited. In the grrat shows will be seen several naw features which cannot be seen elsewhere. Tbos who have seen the monster bo valnpas pronounce it the greatest, the strangest and most unique marvel to which the doep ocean ever gave birth. The shaggy, fierce though beautiful, horse-riding lion, "Wallaes," is part excellence tbs premier quadrndcdal performer. The bsby Hons, foar of a kind, in fants of this forest, are a strange and lovely sight. The Soman hippodrome, an exact reproduction of fthe Course of Ancient Roms, end the modern races sttaehed U> It, are at once cx citing, exhilirating, and In all thlngt equal to the beat races run on a mod am race course. The circus, which confiiU tf on* noofirw »nd fifty n parlor acts, glees by one hundred m Crior arenic iters, requires three fall urs in which to give them The menagerie wfl) be a delightfu study for all, because it comprise! more wild, tame and strange beasti than our people have ever before kac aa opportunity to see. The show I I groat In everything and small ia noth ; ing.—Prase Agent. A home built In 111*J of heavy oal r timbers wtth a field Stone feandatioi -'is still in excellent condition In Lops > Reid, Maaseehoietts. It baa been ta hen over by aa historical society. ¥ * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ PCPULATI«Qk ¥ * HA^Kt COUNTY ¥ * ~K»tO 1910 ¥ ¥ Harnett CaJK,|lS 12,174 ¥ ¥ Anderson «ltt 1,061 ¥ ¥ Avar*short) S4,1U 4,100 ¥ ¥ Barbecue ..»,UI *06 ¥ ¥ Black KivsrV 1810 1,102 ¥ ¥ Buck born ,.>Uit 1,117 ¥ ¥ Duke .....Ml^76 1,601 ¥ ¥ drove.VlslTO 1,046 ¥ j¥ H actors Cre* 1,172 1,098 ¥ ¥ Johnsonville 2 699 610 ¥ ¥ Lillington T«l,781 1,814 ¥ ¥ Neils CreekJB[>S7 1,380 ¥ ¥ Stcwarta Ck.B«,116 1,622 ¥ ¥ u. Little ILKg,180 2.801 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ANOTHER SVASiON DUE IN ■PTEMBER ’MVorm Prspsr* Tbi fi.t-Jeroj^Kbd troable.come army worm, wft^^Bgrneral end no board ol_st:stan^Hrc its destruct ive appetite far end succulent coin .» peepsnn^^H another of fan 31TC against the ^Kn(s that hsve ercr been tamad^^Morth Carolina, arruiding |n Kraflfe Sherman, en tomologist of thjfcs Department of Agriculture, iMhUcm-nt issued yeierday givin^^Hfccdi by which lhe erraturee m^^^Khtopg* d Tranches*kre f^Bjfeg The array worm raovde 00 ^■Ftaecb, prefer ably over smooth ■■tad. U it comes (o a deep ffcTVwXMpad around its new objeetjek, ttjjmlly falls into the furrow aha dJMgMrs. Hr u un able to crawliut Ak sod he starves to dsath righUha^Mtfcle plain view of the green letd^B had eat out to rapture. A rA-ho^^low la the only ,nt ennckifiw t itel a.d it. row turned avajri f objective. Ju*l now Urn tag F have dona vuch havoc W th^^Bmrlog cropa af ih« Slate—g&ara^Ha^jng. all of the tm itoiTrtpa^^mvg^hjnr drawn f ora MechlaAiw^m BaDtlFraon, in i.xiiuL-elA Br ground, urepanng «> jhwBlVrrflHi A little later theMi^Hg out of the earth ready array of •''in' to cogHfl^^BieatrortiGn The only way HHn off it u. ugiuiU th# n4^^Htrro», turr. them op to th^^^^^Haun, of the August cutfc. aa^^^^Bhay ba. let ^jjhaeaafdW the army. Sk^jfl^B^MMNdgrnd ar graas alongside dVuLfpurrOw. Or, If they bava takanelBg of a field of torn duet a hvMH ahead of th* 'In* of march jMDpa potaon, and .hey will be sMHHTwiuIiofi muel be obMrrvod niRnf corn, or jrna*. for feed Par ulasootfc after poi soning. J| t POLAND IS MOVIM e SLAT Or GOVERNMENT FROM DANCER ZONE Wi.ilui Dispatch Pnm Msimv Soy* Poise Avo Beeeeellai Warsaw Lordon, Aug. Th* Pol jh gov inisenl is leaving Wareaw lu capital : ic amertad In a wireless dispatch from Moscow received bar* this af ternoon. The place to which th* government a being removed, th* measagr aay*. Is Kariah. Karirh, mrnlion** la th* feregoing ducn not appear on available map*. It m.iy be that Kalbe-I* meant TW town is the capital af the province of Kailsx and is ah gal IMF miles aouth srrst of Warsaw, Ilea*,to th* German border. It is on thWAct falwaiy lint from Warsaw to ▼biea, for wtyich latter place all tha foreign legations •n Waraaw have left, it waa announc DR. STUART MeCUiRI noted Burgeon. UNDERGOES OPERATION Richmond, Va, Aug. 11—Dr. Stuart McGuire OR* of th* beat known curgeon* la this section of the country, iy reported la a favor able rendition today bl Eoehevtcr. Minn., where ho underwent an oper ation yesterday. 28 HUMAN SKELETONS FOUND BT CONTRACTORS Uo pus Christ*, Texas. Aug. 11 — Twenty-Are homSB skeletoas V.svc hern found 14 mBee south of here >n lho west bank af Um Laguna Mndre by Thomas 8tee* aad C. 8, Atwood, local contractors. Indications points to the fact mat they had bam covered by earth far many yran aad it la thought that »h* storm of Arp Umber last brought thorn to view. Tho teeth of ail indicated m r> ol sbont 40 yaere of ace and aid lr*t*Ti recall the sinking n a Spanish tress uia ship hi the early forties nea: thli glare and suggest that this la th< crew. No articles of Identificatior have been found. Apostrophe la Water All hail to the Brink of drinks—U water, tho daily «Md of every liviai thing! It srnrendadrma tha earth Ir obedience to tho the tun and drureuda in showers of Measinga It givos forth Ito Mark Hag boauty t< the flagrant flow#! Bo alchemy Iran ■mate* base clay Into golden gra’n it la the radiant aassvaa upon urh'el tho Anger* of tha lafhsko truce* lb rainbow of pram la*. It la tho hrver age that rufroMea aad bridge* no tor row with it. /shornh looked upon I at creation's daw* and mid ~lt i good."—W, J. Bsytn. Former reetdent* of a Fellah v|| tag* who t migrated t* And weak l America aend ho#* an avert#* o 1400 each year far tha «*pport o their fam ilioa. TREND IN COTTON TO LOWER LEVELS New Orleans Market Closes Week at Net Loafs of 68 To 120 Points Nuw Orleans, Aug. 16.—Although net advanci* esre mad* in th* early eaioDi last weak in the roues mar ket. the trvnd arms toward lower lev els in the later tiading and the mar ket finally closed st net losses of 66 to 120 points, October making tha widest decline and closing at tha low est quotation of (he week, 26.70. In the spot department, prices lost 116 points un middling, which closed at 36.00. At the highest In the contract ms,kit, prices were 46 to 71 points over th* close of th* preceding week ar.d st the lowest they were 74 to 120 under. The market moved over an ex treme range of 128 to 176 points. Iduch of the sailing of uio week dti done on the unfavorable political B(»>, although there were periods, Hhrh ss followed the rumors that Bus sis and Poland had agreed to sa ar mistice, when political news caused sharp bulges. Crop news was badly mixed, one dement claiming August rains were beneficial, while another claimed they were detrimental. Two mid-moath condition reports were is <ued by private buraaos, on* placing th# pcrcantagls at 73.6, a loss of only thieo-tcnths of & point since tha end of the July pnrlad. while th* other male the percentage 72 4, a loss of 3.1 points. Private reports told of considerable deterioration and of in ert damage, as th* result of dally •bowers and cool nights, bat the ofi -la! report, were more favoiwbl* than otherwise, and pointed to continu 'd cron progress over the greater por tion of the belt Thu week the mark'* probably will •ct hr able to fat vary far away from lb* big factor*, thr stats of the rrowlng trep, and the way thing* go n Europe. It bia proved most susesp •hlo by fnrrig.i news, but is u easily moved by unfavorable reports as by fsvnrablr rep oils. So far aa crop news ia enneeraed. it is likely con Jro-d raiay weather weald have a bullish effort on prices, hecauso it is saltaid the time of deterioration is at hand and the majority of traders ■ire ready to befUvo that insect dam age wi<l increase maUrtally If the ain* and cool weather continue. 3: Ight and war weather would pro bably canso afcoavy islllng, and Udd to renewed talk of a large yield. Kinston, Aug. •I4c-J|fc« . . lutt convention of the Free WHl laptist church will b« hold at Ralaa‘ iiroaaroads, Johnston county, Sep tmber 14 to 1*. The location ia be .wion Xrily and Princeton, on the Xtlantic Con-1 Line and Southern lailwayi respectively. Cood roads ead from both place*- The church at Kales' Crorvroads i« eoavenient to S*tras. Pin* l*w*l, Black Creak. Goldsboro and n number of othai owni on :nilroad*. H is expected that oveial hundred delegates ar.d olhen *-Ul atU-:d the senders. Ministers rom every : cct.on of North Carolins .rill be instKndanco. A church hym ■*l will be d scussed and a ritual will ae presented for adoption t»r rrj 1*. iion. Tho Will Baptist* arc nu -piroua in thr em*tcin part of the .lisle and hove congregation* in all petion*. The churches of the Fifth Eastern District held a joint conven tion ok Friendship, Jones county, yes terday. VILLA GIVEN BIG ESTATE Cost to Mew** 92.000.000 Will Be Guarded Kovl of His Lif* By . SO Treitod FoBowve* San rchro, ooenuiia, nexice, «***. 7.—Under trrni of hi* unconditional •urrender Fixnelcco Villa, bandit '.radar, w,ll got a hdge relate al Can otilla. Daranro. where he will be Tuanlrd for tha remainder of hla lift by fifty of hi* treated follower#, wba will be paid by the government. It waa learned here today. Villa'* aurr*nd«r will eo*t the Meh ran Government 12,000,000 gold. *« cording to estimator Villa, with 900 office*# aad men, i* *n male over tha deaert to an Padro Crom Quarto Cientga* for final ar Tiriffinelitl for hit wircndtr *nd dimming of hU force*. II# will reach b#:« monday and then march to Go mel Palacio, where hi* man will ba dimmed and receive a year’* pay prior to being given farm* where tha mar* thamaalve* deaignate throughout Mexico. Port of them will ba la the northern tkir of aUtea. Villa hna *pina in every Mexican inwn and hamlot and th**a alao are •nroute Vo Oomex Palacio to ahare la tha *urvvndar term* The peraonal gut;d of fifty man Villa will aelcet, H ia proaumod. from imong bia moat truat.d officer#, thua heaping a nucleua far another revo lutionary array If be become* diaeat JMflOd. The guard will ba paid according to the rank of the verioat offleor* bold ander Villa, and rannot be diaplaecd aeeordiag to the official agreem—I General Ttoganla Mirtlnai made pah Me her*. According to tko agreement sign ed July »» Villa cavo bl* "word o< honor” never to nght hgalnat th« conrtltutianhi government or agalnal Mexico, and Mxrtine* gave bia worrl i #f honor that the condHJana amruad i to wonld bo complied with atrktly. i The agreement treat** in Mexico ■ ritual ion paralleling that mulling Ir ■ the United from the Indan aattl* 1 manta. . . H Villa In aurraadaring ia aa lado I pendant at ever. Federal government I xgunli for day* follawing hi* a want - Ing to the nirrrndrr agreement war* 1 unadvlaod a* to hi* w^arcabouta Thai f gave riaa to many rum ore the aurren f dor had net accerred aad that VI1V had tricked tha gaverameat Falcon's Camp Meeting Will Open Next Thursday j Falcon’» annual camp morning will .opc-a Thursday. Director* of tbs #« caaioq have issued thr following statement.! ‘■For twenty yaara ttiia Camp Meu« *"« ha. ‘continued steadfastly ia Di. apomiaa' doctrine,’ aad has provici u blessing to thousand. of pouphi; t*. approval of tied has baon upon It dar ing all tbs yaara, it baa surmounted • very obstacle and diflieuUy that has eoaav in it* way, aad, of in dividual opinions, It commands the revptet and admiration of every thoughtful and fn.rmmded pnsou that has acquainted himself with lw spuit and work. "This Camp Meeting is Interde nominational, with one common pur poee of building up the kingdom of liodi and the spirit of our woi-skip re cognise* one common brothcritoud among all of Qoda people, without any distinction of difference because of church relationship. “Ihe regularly engaged ereaeben far this year an Bar. A. G. Doner, of Ontario, Canada; and Kev. 6. A. Bis hop. of Firming ham. Ala., and in ad a:ucA u> kit, we will bxv# io&jc o* tnc be* of our own local praachon of various denominar.or-a, who wtii pieaeh aad lead their efforts and in fluence otherwise to the success 01 the meetings. Representing the mis r<on fluid, we expect to have the fal lowing missionaries with us; Rev. J. O. Iwhmsn, of South Africa; Rev. Hubert Atchison, af Japan, and Mis* Anna Demur Cole, from China, who will bring us news fresh from tht d-Stam lands uuy your ucaet ana nave yuji baggage checked to Godwin, N. C., a elation on the A. C. L. Railroad, be .ween Fayetteville and Wilson. God arin is abuot throe miles wool of Fal con, but thorn will ho ample automo bile amice at reasonable- rates far both passenger and baggage. During .he part wo have furnished fra-, wa gons for the transfer of baggage, jm\ -o many pee pie now come here en automobiles that the service does not justify the expense of providing it However. a truck will bo opera tad by a private party who will transfer bag /ago at reasonable rates. “Board may he obtained at Ike Jchoul Dormitory, with room all fur .listed, at tl.M par day, and assay private families give the same accom modation# far about this price, aad perhaps km. TUN h a good raw a rood cook he froc use of the earn, ire to hriag provisions and do their own cooking. Also the stores keep many kinds of canned goods, crack ers, cates sod cheese, which can bt narchased reasonably. We have m hesitancy In stating that the boarding ind rooming accommodations will bo ;ood. as considerable expense hai km incurred in making pieparation 'nr the comfort of those who attend his Camp. Those who do not obtain board eh-eh includes furnished room cat .score sleeping rooms wtth clear, cheat rtraw btiidiag. at the rate o) 12.CO for ths entire meeting (payable tric'Jy In advance), these rooms be ing large enough for several persons which makes the cost very cheap to •sch individual. Furthermore, in or Jer to fully protect those who conn 1 .'or good, we reserve the right to re .use these rooms to any one whose X<: have any reason to believe would jo objectionable to our good .ho occupy adjacent rooms" rilK kl-RAl. COMMUNITY CEN TEE A number of agencies have beer .-oeponeibl* for the origin, growth and development of the rural eommunit) renter. Perhaps Urn most obvious b hr automobile, beaus** it hag unab ied farm people to much man easily then they could id lbs old days It's a mailer of a vary short run from center to corner of tbs averagt townablp, and It's snap to got m evsa ng moating* of one mud and another .be state agricultural colleges have done much to advance this wort oy arranging for evening mootings .urni'hing speakers and giving all the essistanc* is their power. Oae other thing has bee* parlicu .arty balpful in this respect and that .te* bee* the farm sleetric light and Krer plant Introduced within the few years. Many a rural tchoo : to use that formerly hold tta evening .westings with the aid of dim and •maky ail lamp* or bold no meeting, at all. naw shows a blato of bright .hearts! electric light from every window on ana or marc evmiugs ot -ach weak. In the first place electric light stakes good cheer, as compare! with the old method*. It Is an cat) thing, too. I* arrange the electric lights just where they will do the m<Bul*pori*aps the greatest advantage of electricity far tb* rural edmaaoai ty-schoolbenss Uoa in tha fact that it make* possible Its sm ef starap tican and motion picture*. Far real entertainment aad far education*, work there am few thing* a* good at thr motioa picture. It speaks a ual Vtrual language. With Its aid on* cat. travel to tb# fear corners of the world In the short length of an woo ing. It* straight odacnUomal valaa la tremendous. A good film showing the latest and beat way of carrying a* various hinds of agricultural wart can make dear la a moment what s peakcr might have trouble la ex plaining at an. With all those agendo* working la its favor, a at the toast *f wkkfe is 1-lectrieIty, the rural community eea ter Is an secured sweesa* An egg I 1-4 Inche* tong was told by a hsn la Odhkash, Wisconsin. VICTORIOUS, MIGHT SEER FORCE MIL IUjwUkui. Gridai Back late Powar, May Try Ta Em trench Tkaritei V/ashiogton, Au*. It.—la Un« with the efforts of Senator Botes Penrose to tire to Us party Ha old poai word of protection to Americas industries is the enterprise of Con lit noun Isaac Slgol of New York, chairman of the itHippottiaamoat« in 1K« Iioti»e. CbtlntM blif) set to work to learn what la :ht sentiment <n Lb* North for redoe '*V Southern representation la Oso I‘ «** and >■ the doctoral college from southern Stale!, where the aagro la not allowed to vote. Accord lag to .■spoils that h« has received, ho claims •eotimont ii overwhelming for the re rival of a tores blU anti its passage ’h rough Congress. Whatever the ox twit of this fsatimoot It, of course, U entertained only by EepahUcam. “'f*1 “f’s fmt bill will be p<spared and latrodaced st the next semi on of Cagna aad at nrsdicU that tbs House will paao it. Six of the 9 members of bio com - aitlea are Bopablieaas and aae of here, Rrj-ros*nlatWs Barbear, of California. to a loader in the poppa rends of reducing Southern reprcoca uUtfti home of the Istti re received aa this asbject a.e given oat for the adift rat.on of the American prepla the •1«>» Is mad* that atom white men ban secroer are disfiancUaad la V lu tin'*. South Carolina, HlaaisaipJ and Alabama In Booth Carolina aad Nise rtlppl, there are mors Uaoka thaa rime* which proves that the above •mcrtiofi it without fosadattowaWhat •*>otly nettles many Republicans vho so fiercely aad mar**aomMy’'i«ta V.Uon is what they point to as the owi-i-dic* of their ewa party la not yawing a force bill la the rompsi onto tint of 1004 or 1010 sad boo* has insured the election of Haghos a 191«. .’E GOMAN err UMM IN CURRENCY AT FAIRMONT >*ch Safa la Pe.laffi.a aad Held Cirafi Away at Petal of Gone LumberUin. An*. 11_Yctyara obbad the poet office at Falnaaat, lobtvon county, latt Bight of fM, 900 ia currency aad tcvcral huadnd lotion worth of portage atampa. The money belonged to the Bank of Fair mont bavin* boon tant there by in jured mail. The building wat entered ■*r prying open a door aad the eafe ana blown open. People living near >y the buiidmg were awakened by Ac expiation aad whan they >-» eat upon tho at reel one of the nAhera I red a piatol ecveral ticara and vr lered Ada to retreat which they did. The robber* loft tha acenc in an onto tolar, from a gat age near tha part rtBcr bat abandoned the car a mile fj-om town. Them ia no dae *a to hr guilty partial. OLDEST MASONIC HALL STILL IN USE _ Dpvrj on Franklin etraot, between lighter th and Nineteenth, la one of the most famous shrines of American /rso Masonry — the oldest Masons' ini! In rootinaous use in tho United States. In tho laying af the cornsr tMie of this structure an October ft, •7*8, James Mercer, tha grand aus '/• fc'h'aopd Raadolpk and others >f distinction bad a part. In tee rate ■•* of fu id* to complete tha buildiag. >r.e wa* bon unwearied than sea* oho MarihaH. Respite tba extreme inar.c’al repression and Uw biting -wvetty of the time*, tba ball wa* ompl«l*d In 1787—the year af tha '"Mladolphl* convention that drafted ‘ho Constitution of tha Uaitad State*. Since that date, witboat Interrupt to* ■if a tingle year, the wall* af the wilding have echoed the ritual of the Masons Complete records af Uw Lodgat from the opening of Uw haD are preserved in the vault of a Rich mood bask. In these rocorda appssrs ha signature of LoFayotte, who was admitted to moiabirthlp on one of itis visits to Richmond. One of the moot notable gattwring* la Mass as' hall was bald la lMf (a honor of Lswoard a. Robe rts, master af St. Joha'a, Rotten, (be,aidant af Aowri 7*8 lodge*, established la 17**. On that occasion many of the lUtean ap peared In Colonial costum*. Fires were lighted on the kearths of the edge. (Too of the old platter* former ly uaed at Masonic supper* wan bronchi down from tho Valentino Museum and was adorned with a fat \ R3r u mood Newt-Loader. Mr. and Mr*. Job, C. Adam* an aoanee the engagement of teals dooghter, Cora KateUo. te Mr. Wah ter Xeon Ratten of UUtagtam. Tho wedding will take plans wat ttew in October at Uw boaao af Mr. and Mr*. Adaaw la Uad*a.

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