THE DUNN DISPATCH .. PUBLISH KD EVERY TUESDAY 1 AND FRIDAY. Bate red u avecod-cla. . mi. tor April 1st, 1P14. a: th« pen oitcv at Dana, N. C., under the act of! »"* »• _: | L. BUSBEE POPE. PeklUW Three months........._... .00: Six moaUii_ll.CO I Or* year_12.00 ’ i — CONGRATULATIONS Now trial there U nothin* else for us t> do hr.rt Trnaejtee has "done jr> ce and done it.” wc b** to he ni-. Iov.d to congratulate oar good Sta tus upon the battle they have won. | If there it no slip between the pre, cot and nest November, wpmtn of: Nvrth Carolina srtil be a lowed to1 vole in the voc-la* national and State I ejections. Fr.mCy. »'* adroit that we have not i tarn afraid >f fSe viimcn, but FOU 1 chv >r*ini>r.. Now that thsy have equal i-uh:> of ftanchise with men, we look i with toms m'sq'.vln* to the future Women may have a good influ »tci upon politics. But there is some doubt of that. It Is certain, however, that politics will not have a good In* Hesses upon woman. W -t- ■ • *- -k._L. ha. _ _ : drrty and th* isolation trun tha filthy thing* of life thnl this raodvety as surra her. White we will not go «o tar aa to say that th* u*o of th* ballot ' U going to sake away hrr modesty, wt ir» e-rtair. thr.l it is r.ot going to be th? heaoU'ui thing it was. nowrvr-T. since it it in ordor. wa „ congratulate. A young army officar writas to ro -att.d at that f*w nf ths "prominent j lawmakers who arc bitterly oppoiod l So the . a' ideation of th< Kirn urn th A o- -i.dmcnt on tlx- grounds of dtmtrs' j Wight*" over gave the States' Rights ..I 'kought when they voted for rati Kraeion of the prohibition amend ment. The young gentleman's point is urc-M laki n, but it serves only to em phasis* that men—and some lawma ker- can ho railed men—too often ■a>* a stand and flr.d tha excuse af rsrerd. Stales' Right*—as much aa nr* newspaper folk Kka to talk of them—died with th* fall of the Con federacy. It wa’ th* iasu* of th* War Between ths Stale I and it was decid ed when Lie surrendered. State* hav* no individual right* that a thri-* fourth majo.-ity of their sis ter commonwealths cannot surrender to tha eantral government. PitkiU tien would hare been an invasion of States’ Rights had th* central govern ment undertaken to impoaa it upon the several so-called sovereignties without the content of three fourths of them. Suffrage is in the same emt ' gory We do not argue against suf frage it appear* to us to be lit invasion of the rights of North Carolina. Wa arc against suffrage for the same reason that Bob Page was and t». against it—because we are afraid ot whs.: pol.tie, will do to our women Mr. Pag->'* reason has sinct been bor rowed o>- Governor Bickett. Wa have no pctlenc* with the argument that women will politics. Its polu ton is too deep and thoroagh. Its filth will elirg to the haada ot those •■via to-ieh It. V.'a might a- well say that nimn'i cnt.-wr.eii tato war will e. -rrsc wur aid make it U*« dread ful WHAT Cf THE HOTEL Ybtjt arc a lot »! f.ik 2b aiul oat Hi f r.Uitn rr'to in wo..dti ing v.hal *t»* vrv g->f*ig to do nbov* that hotel • ye.*;, wtUh v.v> started to ou*picl O', .if hti fall. Wo »r among the wonih-rer*. JVimoit!’.!* Urn IdO.OCO Wat »ab r •'•ih'd hi tbs mvornl campa’gn* wag ml to p’a.w «toex sufficient to build »,nd £ hotel that would be err. '<• to I'd.a and prov.J; for tbc ../it if tl.-v who r,ii« to do buni at, a with oar .wopla. Aa ay:.on ni Koeurcd at a very •-U.V ih'le prU-e ..n a place of prop civ." whirl: mao) of tha promoter* to W the tcoet admirable in •<>». 1 ai ■ a<ta. howrvot, «u not *»t ftfartory to time who were exported to .‘ihrtrlw UA-i l.berally. Ttu gave I,-. *o a fee.-og that wvrk;<l to te vial yfifttu ca tin- prujtet. Finally i: .e.v'i.d in coeaaiion of effort al UigMht/. ft l« now .ugg iLd tha: all who am inteiaatod gat together, aubeerfb. • ruTiviont «um to baild a firat claaa hotel, and then appoint a committer to ebooau a ait*. Thi*. we beiieva. ia the only eoijUoa of tha problem, and the quicker it h done, the hotter it • will he far the community. Gf»a{ la joeing In Capital Oca rr»l Carr Rejoice*—Co« Joyful — Taaaoaaar Action Bring* Joy Her* Mach Jabtlal on Aaioag Advocate* .'he a are mmple hradliaa* from Tnmlay marring*a X<«i and Obser ver abrwbleli.ig tho ratification of the amendment by Tannrmeo. W* taka It that tho r*f< ara torn* elated * # _ Old fn Dough:on’« acw reran** h i may not ioelod- anything far lha a*eraga laapayrr will not notieo »ejr d-rraaai la Me tnt year*a tax Ml. > •* 0 CAMP MEETING *■' ffs "io *eu(T. and remain to the cam/ art: rut* at Faleor. •»ii sh. l*«!U session of tha Holl campaign against unrightcoiu * began yettarday. ".lv»e meetings a n unique, Many f >'• "ho Tialt them through t M» ■: of curioaity, but no parson ha. •»vr listened seriously to the preach **S without foaling a deep sense ot rr. in-.’ duty to Cod and a profound to* 'pact and admiration for thoae men m>J women who are striving to free tt'rmsalves and the world from (In. It it a peculiar doctrine that one '1 nr* at Falcon, but, like all thing' - .ht haro sprung f,ora tha Savior's il'orti, it is 0oo,l Ws doubt that the-1 .1 t. a:l the world a doctrine whose a ilv.rMl sdopl oa would mean more fir ihr pence and happiness of man Tha Dispatch wants to sand it; whole force and stufT down there fot can or two night* and it would like W meat all of Its friend* there. Bro *he.‘ Kbbtrwon, of tha Evangel, prom* ■*» to give us a hearty welcome. PKLACHEK OBJECTS fiiv. W. J. Janes, of Salcmbuig. '■‘rile* to inToim as that he is die ts'ecstd with the conduct of Strwurl 1 "id as a pleasure resort on Sundays riding by there one Sunday, he says, ts hts way to fill an engagement in -icnson: “I found the young men nd ypung women, hoys and girL -•ho had gathered in a Largs crowd iar plea lure. On making Inquiry In Arason I found that some of these ,'ioplc in former days attended Sun Uy school and church. Now they rent ■oth sous and ap, nd the time on Sun day moralr.gtt and afWnan*. both • iyr aid girls in this pond. "Nothing good can come of this aw fil Cabbath breaking. It saddened my \~art when I thought of what a bless. -AST '.His pond cuuld be if tXL* eufumot wort were used for pleasure during •vtk tim«, wi.h the young people pro v.-rij chape,onsd. but instead of this i mg the case, Sunday seem, to he -.’je of the biggest days, perhaps the tt'ni of all other day..1’ The Dispatch aril) not undertake to ,<ass upon the justice of the good sir1. impUint. It meix-ty passes the word eicng so that any person interested - an investigate for himself. If tbete is such a thing as dying of /07. for The News and Observer': 'f w' are glad that Tennessee took the Job of ratifying from the hand. • I the North Carolina Legislature. ^ Anyway, the sixty three Mound r oblners, of whom our own Ccorge •«:sntham was one, havs the knowl edge that they did their durndest to those Ta«—i—e that Ms Carolina was looking after her daughter. Colonel Charles R. Hashrook, adi .or ia chief the Richmond Tlmes-Dll .wch, i« dead, and in his passing we •ae one of the belt friend. w« ever htd. It was our good fortune to nd nearly two year a with thii fine i d man who has left his mark upon American newepaperdom. He tonic u When We were “broke,” staked :i and us on our feet, elevated Is to the political editorship and gavc u th./ benefit of his years of exper nec He was an austere man—not Much loved by the rank and file of ms men who had not Ur knack of f* *ting to know him well. But he arai •veabie, withal, with a mind rich ia r- mpaper wisdom and a mind filled Aith memories of men who made the American Prsit what it ia and who srere his personal friends Colonel ’aebrok wna a native of Missouri id hsi operated newspapers In New j - ork, Boston. Chicago and Kansas ’ity. tie numbered among his friends some of the most celebrated men of he last generation He was probably 4ghty years old, but remained In Harness until a few days ago. He Was >ar friend. We grieve. c i .a, ii wu ju*t ft iri circus—i ■ut it had all tha emtll of the tan-i berk and the blari of bands, the tin v. I and bangles, duluetnblc denude mighty men, fins, clvfunU ind cameb, and all of the quaint cu rio* and Interesting things that used lo fill our hearts with gladness when •ft wrro the age of our young son. Bees use of this same yoong son we iroue from our downy roach at Use ingndly hour of six yettsrdsy mom ng and, with him, hied away to th* "‘ding on which the show train eras, '.ring shunted by a puffing little. «n 'ina. Arrived there ere found e>-vernl ••-her bored fathers who hod other oung sooe—and other men who had to yoong SODS to furabh sn excuto -all watching the things that no mall town hred mao uvur bc-como* no old to enjoy. At the dirt-begrimed ro nets boots ->cre awaked from their fitful stum J*rs by burly booses who used their tools as Big Ben's and got to work tnloading the draft animals, we for dot that there eras tuch a thing ne a :ewspa pur, aad wore carried buck to be days whan our own Cnelc Jha Costt-llu—head of on* of the oldoal circus fnaUllos In the us rid—used to •airy us around a bit. W* could sou hu caavaas bus sue of lung ago, big, worthy fallow*, who ruled with iron •and#; wc could see Old Jim IIanting, ha elder John Bob! noon. CuL Bill Jody. P. T. Born ism, aad all the old rowd who war* ear heroes urhea the 'aturr'a borison was buraiahad gold en by the sun of hope. Down the tread wav walked the big I’CTebrrone, bruised, battered aad dir ty from their all night ride end glad :* grt late the free a I wand nibble th* term gram. th«n over the skid* roll 'd th* wagon with th* big top and Ha lm*r canvaca. Out I* th* lot .e«psd th* cava lead*. By Met th' opt wore up and a liuir later the •rand, giorwu* gamma* parndi, mud* Ha way through th* etc cuts No. it waaat a big show. Bui it was all t* th* merry aad ovr youag torn enjoyed It Iwatiamdr. Of roars* wo had to mw.mpaay him. McD. Holliday, prafclftttit of * tfc> -3 DtJ ft Holliday Coppur'. h vra» eI tv w d vjci* :*•. *. U .*1 •• .1* K/uthcrn Retail M. .I*,., l ion cnbraran ne:»i* .1 . t: , , •a«to«n RU;« hi. 11> cho larger n:crvhar.i '• % i » ory. ThU is th.- ^ r » d • ir^ * • •day hiu. been sc hoou cj s dr*, null d*y »re expect, d ta ... o Dunn today. Two bungalow, in South Laytoa t venue, being ronetructed by Pope ind Tart, are nearly completed and aril* be ready for occupancy within a abort while. There wfM fo rent. The home bafl^Bttilt b;r Tin \ L*w>a in West Ptalfll SUift In- | by Vernon II. Mmfc|IC in Sobu Binf Avenue, mad UmHoq being bv . I by Ihr Dunn Dcvo'.oyneat Cu-t,a> nlao are prorreaaiM Jjixcly at.. will , be completed aoon, IB it nU. Brick la be inf playd tod a r new bulldinjr at the Bprnrr n‘ a ttcviUe Avenue any Broad (tree*.. a Thi» will bo conetryMB for Smrl 4 .McKay, automoblft dmlers whi rrv row dtuated lcl the HowsrP Bo.ldny. V■.iimi.niHinHtminttmain WATCH and CLOCK We have just instituted a repair depart ment for watches and clocks and have em ployed an expert to direct the work. The DepVrtmerf is equipped with the beat and latestWarfiinery, and we will ai> preciate your potiwiage. I We will c;)4/f a first class stock of jew • e.ry, clocks and Wit glass in this department. BUTLER BROS. Dunn. N. C. mmtmmammmmmmmmmmmmtkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mnu ! Victrolas and Vic tor Records We have a large stock of new Victrolas —finished in the prettimt woods and design ed to match all style^f furniture, With them we Wave the newest records made by the Victoj/Company’s most noted singers and nyusidXts. The Vic tar machine is without a super < | ior. It has fewV<£als. All the fimJpoints of talking machines • manufacture luK been built into this mach ine which has s^tod the test service through the years since such machines Sfecame a part of the music world. We will be glad ta demonstrate these m ichines and these records to you. COME AND HEAR THEM ' t; Butler Brothers " % • *■» —+++ ....... —I—L_ . — One of the first school essays \rri! sa bv l.incoln waa “cruelty vo ant aal*. 4 When the fi<K resorts to ei.rt i:n ricks to outwit nrd deli y tin hvund if he ervr cvnaeiuusly does eo>. say'1 l(|lin Bnrmunhi, h<* exeirienc a k >1 intcll nonce— lh» loner f i. m «rhh-h w-- boll fundin';. *■ >! h” > rumpled to this by an instincts of elf-pi rsci vation. ——r—-——— j I II u I ■ 1 1 IOffe^Good Until || Sept^rbber 1 st | Johnson Motor Co. I Old Henry Johnson Garage ■...aaaaaea——ami Just Tr>\ tile Melo-Harp | We want you to visit ou\ saetroomn and play your favorite •elections on the Melo-Majp yourself. Only r>y trying it can you realize the delightful Viter cnee of the Melo-Harp. Found only in Straube-rralle player-pianos, the Melo-Harp i combines the soft sweet enins of the harp with the full rich tones of an unusually high Quality piano. D' Stop in some time toon and enjoy this musical treat jl :r Barnes and Holliday Co. Dunn, N. C. ! i

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