****** * * * ¥ L O C A L * * ******* r A. Bradley Godwin was. n v»tftvn lo Raleiph yotyiday. Mrs, J. L Conrad, of Ttaihom, i« I*era to vi»il Mr#. .fin».-v Far. hi Mg. R. C. Godwin, of New Hmi, is i here to vital hi# fntlni, Wl!»y God | win. MU* /»lph‘.;« "nndKj', oC Cold# boro, u hn» lo v;#ii fir. uud Min. J I C. Fopo. 1 H. P Tun Mire, of SmithfU-ld, it I hero lo \ijr hij coit#in. J. Walter Tumairv. Mr#. I: adley (I ml .via left yeaterday f<^r Wilmir.irioii to upend .several duyr with relative#. Owen Odum and ’*. f.. I.rviiinm, of Coat#. Vv.Tr- hen* to attond Recorder*# Comt Thumlay. Thomas N. Thaxmn returneri hum* J ,v«*«tc.xJ»y vil'T vp-Mil.nif #. vi-ml day»*; In South Carolina. Mr# U. 8 Pay a i* turned yonerday from Rfhevon County, when #h.,« had been vijitinjr relative#. R. O. Prlmrn.w rctamiit Tueadayi from 3!oiphead Pity where h»* had! .pent several days of hia vacation. Rev H F Part.rr. pa.tor of the Mt-ihodUl church at Duke, has k*1*'', to PaiU'.on to apene. * short vacation. Mia* I tact Ipock, who has boon' viritiof Mr*. J. Frank Hjtu for aov : era) day*, ha* icturiod to her home in Norfolk. M . and Mia. K A. Slrw.irl, of I.d-i lingrton. w«-n hen this week to viiu* Mrs. Stewart’s parent*. Mr. and Mrs 1 J. K. Crockett: Alia. E M. Hoyle and children who have been v^itiny Mr. and Mrs T. V. Smith, have* returned to ihei. home at Conediu#. Mr#. Virgie Warren and Mtv# Pe&': Jet nig an lelmned Tuesday ni»;h» 1 from N«*w Yoik. where they had been visiting fHriuts for acveial day*. Ben Jrlin oM, KenUn*y niula and] horse dealt i, returned to L>un.n lad i mgnt atv»T spend.ny the tumntr in Kentucky. He will reopet. h«« bam here? in the near future. to H Warren u quilo i'icx at In. homo neat Dunu. His confinement l? delaying work on the racetrack • ' the Fair GjuiiJi*. but ft is hopod tHa. hi will soon be able to be out act! lupenntci'd the' woik. Otl* P. Shell, ongromng clerk of' the North Caiolina House of Reyrt •exilaliti». arrival home Iasi ni^ht f.-om Raleigh. He will rwumi- h < da lias with the Department of Corn mane of the F»Ueral Government a. once. M M. Oliver and S. (I. Godwin have formed a partnership to con tinue the groccij businea* ni otofon conducted by Mr. Drivar in Kills Av*. Mr. Godwin wai for sometime con nected with the Johnson Hrothert aale* force. Captain and Mrs 1. M. Reams and their daughlar, Miss Julia Howard Ream*, returned Wednesday night from a tour of the mounlmn ioun try of Western Ca.olir.a. They were away for about two weeks and en Joyed the trip immensely. i Mu lietlie Vin-on, who has bet-n ^ visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C Pope, ha* returned to her home In Goldtboro HV Rev. A. G. Doniinr, who is preach ^^ing in the camp meeting at Falcon. • will preach at thr Free Will Bapii:l Church next 6unday nigh l Bud Hawk Jcrnigan is preparing to build a iargv garage and automo bile sarvice slmtioa on lh« William? lot In EA:»t Brood Street which he re cently purchaivd. Material ir already being placed J. Waller Turnage ba the contract for concrete work W. C. Martin, in chnrgv ol ui» new municipal artevnn well proj'x-L. Iff! Tuesday night fur his homo 'n Rich mond io be treated for an ailment which incapacitated him for rcurk. Law-cnee Armifagc. who hud beer. A*si»l1itg Vr. Ma>tin. hn3 swumed charge of ths work ar.d will continuei the drilling until Mr. Martin return*. | Thr hiidgc over the Cap* Fear at UMingfun collop-' d Wednesday when | a tiuck load of b rick, was crossing it , One Mtlr of an entire span cave way, , but waa arrertod ty the lower pillar*. * Thr truck was Jammed by an abut ment juit aa it waa about to fall Into the river, scror*lirig to information reaching here. Tha damage will be re paired immediately. J. J. Hoaidsley. of Ch*rlnttav a member of the Os*'* Temple hood, waa !*»rc thi* more ng to visit Mr. and Vr . H.rr; L'-c *d- bua.-drlev acconnanied thr baud to Portland nnd waa in the or tv »h ch attc-oded the wedding of Mr. und Mrs. Leo In lew Angels*. TV- vr: hi* Prat visit In Dun* f 1 he wr-» mrr mprcaaed by it* spirit of ii.U-iprla*. Mia* Paornu Ima.-dl. of Fdenton, Birived tbit afL:ro:: to viait Mr* ( M. P-a-i . She r.lll gwnd a week here. Mist Ha-se’l wa» for aoveral term* a trachor in thr primary dr paitnu-nl of Ihv Uunn Gnulcd Schools and wsr one of the mort populur younr women with the childran ever to teach then. Mr* Ream* extends a apeclsl invita'ion to visit Mia* tlas aell -to all of Vr former pupils. Mi. and K Tl. li. Hoed will leave tonight on a tour taat will lake thara to Wa'hington, Niagara Falla. Mon treal. Quebec. Xcw York and other puin'.a of intorcit before they return to Ounn «*veral weeka heme. They writ* 'ia!t Jak»- Chamnlnin und cruise on Lake Ontur:o x* by the depradatloa* of some m srrrant who rut uwnt of the pnoma-ie machinery to piere* !a»t week On: of the first Jobs to bo un dertaken by the plant ia a monument for tbr'gi-iv» o' the Into John Henry Pore. Thi Is to be one of the moat elabo.au- In the lotnl eemeteiy, the slono alorr weighing more than ll« 000 pound*. Caeper Warren. who ha* b«cn tak ing a post i-raduaU eoorso in law under Profcajoi Gulley at Wake For ■at Collage, arrived homo thin week and ha* taken a position with Clif ford ami Townevrd. Mr. Warren waa licensed to practice law it lltl, but elected to confirm: hi* studies until he had aneOrrad tho profession. HU many frienda here will he glad to I learn that he han decided to locate in I Dunn. Hn I* a son of Mr. and Mra'| Richard M Warren. | E. li. Cnlhielh has ret jrned from a visit to Sewn Springs. Mrs. Cul breth will remain thi-te for several days. Mr*. Sosa Mangum Brower, of Thomawille, is vititing Mr. and Hr*. J K. Turlington at their home. South Hill, near Duka. Typhoid fever das made its appeal • oce at Duke, according to statrmant just issued by J. S. .Wltchener, State eoldemlologist. in a telegram to thr mayor warning him of thr danger of ■-ho diseases presence. He slate* fur ther ihnt the typhoid treatment ad niniits.vd frvu at Duk>- Friday and hrro Saturday will prevent spread of lira disrate. Uroige K. Grantham, msmber of the Legislature from Harnett, return 'd home yesterday. While he vss at tending ihe Legislature ne enlisted thr aid of Toro Warrvn, secretary nf the State iinmorratic Esecutlre Com m liter, in Ihe of fort to get Governor Ci.x to address visitors to the Dunn hair In October. Hr said that Mr. War.vn WHO really very anxious to hnva lh' Democratic nomiree visit llunn and thought he would bo suc cessful in his efforts to get him. Hr. Grantham has also written Ed Ton ai d Secretary Joeephos Daniel* to ttet their aid in the undertaking. BANKING • This institution will use this space to entertain you with some interesting about Dunn and its bank ing progress. WATCH FOR THEM STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. A radio method of guiding rceae-ls through fog in the Ambrose Channel in New York Harbor has been tried out by the Navy Department. -i* i 1 -■ 1 'i-rBanarngg— I 1 I I CUMBERLAND RAILWAY AND POWER COMPANY WISH TO KX PRESS THKllt APPRECIATION FOB THE PROMPT MANNER IN WHICH THE CITIZENS OF OOATS AND BUIES CREEK HAVK MET I THEIR CONDITIONS IN ORDER TO CKT UOIIT AND POWER. IK THE PEOPLE IN THE COUTRY WILL DO AS WELL, POWER AND LIGHT WILL SOON BE AVAILA BLE OR THESE TOWNS AND 5 COMMUNITY. CUMBERLAND RAILWAY AND POWER COMPANY By W. J. Kinjf, Rcprwntativ*. ..mitiiimtnmiuiiiuiimuiniiBtnttiiimimtrntnnrama Gear Insurance COES WITH THE USE OP Crystaline Lubricants We insure the transmission and differential gears of all cam using Crystaline Lubricants exclusively. We enter an iron bound agreement to reimburse you for damage done to your gears if you use our oil. Come and see the policy. KEYSTONE TIRES and tubes McCRAW TIRES and tubes There are none better than these, and we are pre pared to fill your orders for any size. REPAIRS Our repair department Is equipped and manned o do the very best of work. We can fix any car. MARTIN AND BTfijfflGHTON NEXT TO PARRI5K-DRIVER CO. WILSON AVE. ✓ A FEW BARGAINS LEFT at Our Sale has closed, but we are still offering many bargains for the Thrifty Buyer i COME IN AND LET US SHOW 0 YOU. THE GOLDSTEIN CO. 9 * . *. I ! COMING!. * TS I •'■■ ■ •■.->•; ■• • --- FREE! FRFFJ FREE FREE FRFF.1 I U. S. Government’s I ENLIGHTENING : INSTRUCTIVE i , EDUCATIONAL | Social » Hygiene Exhibition CONSTERNATION - PRODUCING REELS AND FILMS NEVER BEFORE SEEN In HARNETT ca or.owings oi ly under auspices of U. S. Public Health Service, American Social - Hygiene Association, and North Carolina Board of Health.. Com* mercial Showings Forbidden by Law. MOTION PICTURE DRAMAS Animated Pictures, Stereopticon Views, Other Exhibit? n«:l.. Afternoon. at 3 o’clock, WOMEN ONLY 1 Wice Uaily Eveninct .t 7:30 o'clock. MEN ONLY Separate Meeting* for White and Colored People in Each Town—Afternoon and Night. Dunn, Angier, Liilington, Buies Creek, Coats, Duke, Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept 3 Sept. 4-5 ' Chalybeate Springs* S. 6 Coke*bury, Sept. 7 Mamerj, Sept. 8 Pine view, Sept. 9 Flat Brandi Church S. 10 Biutnkrvel, Sept. 11 WATCH FOR THE BANNER READING: “U. S. Government Social Hygiene Exhibition” In the Town on the Day of the Sho For Local and County Committee Activities, Watch The Dunn Di ' ■! ' ■■"TT ... —— ?■=■.. ■■■_ - a—a ... CUT GLASS If " 1 ” ——^"1 ——— I SILVER PLATE u A large stock of choice cut glass in many attractive fl has just arrived«and is on displry at our main w store -also a beautiful line of— I COMMUNITY PLATE 1 GUARANTEED FOR 50 YEARS W In Every Article Needed For The Table B There ia no larger or prettier atock in all Carolina and jg you will enjoy looking it over. 8 BARNES & HOLLIDAY I COMPANY I r«tHmw»mw»t»wn»nw»»»iniinim:»m»wMiwttwim * \