VOL. 7 HYGIENE CAMPAIGN AUSPICIOUS START HERE YESTERDAY More Than I .000 Men And Women Hear Lectures WORK. HIGHLY PLEASING TO ALL WHO ATTEND Gillftl- »nd Hughe* Talk on Pr« Vtulii** of and bhow In trrc c*»r g Picture* — Campaigner! Al Augier Tjdujr aad Litlinglon Tumoi row. Mur* ih:ii» l.hOO men end wom«*n »d (he MM-inl hygiene lecture* yca .* I i' u?m\ r the- .lurpiceH of the Uni* ( I SLi«i*« I'ulil r Health Service, the. 'm« r'mn F.. .The picture » havt* taught# a • i that ill h*v.» a very benertBal . ,T'. 1 ap-** »h. hi nlth of future t^n* mi.';n the community. »t I* ad rn i1**! I»v iho.. who ara inlei Dated • •• hit public w.dfMn*. VS h* r. Uh toxx-n council moat* ne-X*. Toe i'av rv-.ht A w ill be a* Vet to ap p;u|.- iAtc t KkJ te» pay one fourth of th»* coat of fo\»r additional day* work In fhn « j^n. Thyae four day* will com.- after the waiker* has** romplet* • A (In- campaign in othar comm unities ,f H-iiirtt counts. Hr W. M Uliw.ir, 'egionai con 'j11mrI «>f the Uniu-d States PubtU llaltti Service, lectured to the white ;•« oph yesterday. L)t. W. J. Hughes, rokitii. of the North Carolina Board • f Health, bet-tied to the colored •». Mor hMiiirian Fitzgerald.* of the American Social Hygfbp* Aaao* ^rjation, opei ft ted the machines show * picture. Gillette ivas a surgeon in the ■ink* the* late war and was r** i*ui *Jie c’;o>:tM of all red ClrTCta along the Atlantic Sea* lie pointed ojt today that of .osi-ttiter- arrested in Nrwporl TTTwT 222 vrer*- nfi cted with at least one ver.eical dim-s^r Dr. Hughes, mccording to Dr. Gil h-tte, >s one of the brightest and ef fluent physicians ever U» have conn tin«l«M |ii» observation, lie is doing a wonderful n-virk among the colored iii-iipir. Dr. Cl.lletti* «.id. Mr. V'-Ugomld served with the Rod ( rov in thi* war snd operated mo tion j.ic;urci for enUlicr* in the tren »-liC< &I«/P'» i*vi r> front of battle. Ilsmcit i* tl.« Hi-cond county of the riatiofi to b» visited by the campaign r •. They ur** in d'lgir* today an Saturday and Sunday. Next w.-el. they will open at Chalybeate Spring"* gome from there to Cokes bury. They will b** a1. Mainers, Pino. Vic'.r. Flat Ttr.iuch ihuirh and Bunn* l«*vi-1 in lh*- o ru*rA% «l Su>»r 8am« from, an. U.iPHi- for th*- death of his wifa. Sh r»ff Mitch**1 sUtsd that the Mi.difton cnr>nl># sheriff made no cf fn I to pot IlnHvram through Ok th .<1 degree, hut that when he wi.« A«kv*l to tell sll he knew of ths case hi broke down and confessed, stating ihnt the murder followed the alleged infidelity of hi* wife. 1 inrtcen Stills Arc Captured In A Week Whlla Oft«r. Bcala Up Many SH1U They Can't K.op Paa. With tli, Maaaakinars North Wilkogboto. Aug 2*.— With the breaking up today of two moon ■h'.aa- plunla, prohibition ofllcari at. lion. (I In Wilke* county Kara a total of 11 rapturm to tholv evtdlt during I ha* part f. w d*y«. At that one of Ihr nfflci ra eonfeve* that th»y can't ki-.-p up with the thrifty blockade™ A big truck load of Junk .tills «nd airm. naaeod through today to the -ortap pilt*. five man nr, held lo court. Two automobile* and 11 otitla h(Prc boon lakan In a wo,k. The YadV'O riser w*« well within ■t. I.ianha wh?n North Wilkealioco pca» pi. awoka t Ktoy and tha water h.i ilkappcand from Lha bottom, wherr K. day It cowered acaw of com. Klnriiy of damage .11 aiosnd cumc in trdny. Hut no Intelligent call mat. i« mad. of the total. I -I MEN TO MARE A STATE I - (Gcoifre Washington Doanc.) i Then men, to mskr* a stats, I ar* mad# by fsith. ' A man .that has no faith is *o much flesh. His heart Is a nniarli ; nothing mot's. Us has no past, for rwvrtncs; no fu- | lufn, for rsliancr. Such men l can never make a state. Thoie must bv faith to look 1 through cloud* and storms up I to tiir sun that shines as cheerily, on high, as on crea j ! lion's morn. There munt b« j | j faith that can afford to sink | the present in the future; a&d lei tins* go. in it* strong grasp upon eternity. This is the way that men are mads to make a >tatc.— Msmr filing's Ideals of | Heroism sod Patriot Lira. i i._ . Fconomica Committee Meets With Fair Miu Marian Swain, who wenaded Ml* Fannie Brook, a, home d.mon *t ration agent for Harnett County, with several of the young woan who arc to uatit her with the home tiomimir, department of the Dunn, l-»ir, wa. her, yut.rday in confer* i no- with T. L. Riddle, aecrelary of the Fail, to aitange preliminary de y •' of the wort Miaa Brook, caam frum d illirjruin with har u> aaairt Ti muc^i a - her time would allow in mak mr ‘-he defjirtincnt a real eueceaa. Thou her, with Miu Swain we to Miu Alda Ennie, Miu Bertha Sorrell, M as Nettie Sorrell, Mia, Iuieretia barker and Mra. T. U Riddle Mra. L. H. Duproe and Mien Alvah Twr I ngton. the two othar aaaietanta . signed to Miu Swam, were detained r.nd could not attend the matting. The young women were enthuala, Ur over the work and were confident" that they would attract one of the moat notable collection of exhihita lvi r mn at a county fair. There are IOC A rat priae, offered la the home economic, department, according to the premium liata jest beln^Tmailed out li/ Secretary Riddle. Theae ag I'l-egate uv.ral hundred dollara and ’rover all varietiea of oannlng and tood waving. L CARL DUNCAN . | DIES AT BEAUFORT Republican Leader And BuaineM Man Pnitri . Away at Beaufort E C Duncan, former Republican National committeeman from North Carolina and prominent business man of Rnlrlgh, died Sunday morning at 1 .30 o'clock at the Davit House in Bi-aufori. where hr had been criti cally ill tinea hit return from the Republican National convention in .t'huagu la>t June Mr. Duncan waa a ilulegnte at-large to the convention I from thia State. He had been in bad health alnce 1 laat spring when be went to a Balti ;moie botpilal for treatment. He re I tamed an active interest In affairs un ‘ til about ten day* ago when it was ra , lined that the end was near. Mem bcn, of hia family were called to hil : bedside. Edward Carlton Duncan was born , in Beaufort, North Carolina, March ! 18. 186- son of William B. and 8a ! ah A (Ramsey) Duncan. He wa» i educated in public schools of Boau I fort and b-gan life ee a fisherman and a farmer. He was a licensed pilot ar.d boated in the waters adjacent to Uiautfort harbor. At this time More hrsd City and the Atlantic Hotel was the summer capital of North Cum lira, and this began Mr. Dunealri large acquaintance with pis most j prominent people in the State. In IH90 he was appointed Collec tor or i Biiomi 01 in run or Demo fort. and served until 1894. Was elec ted member of the North Carolina Legislator# and served daring sea sions of 1895 and 1897. Waa ap pointed Collector of Internal Revenue at Raleigh in 1898 and served until he resigned in 1908 to become one of the Receivers of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, which property bo hoi perl to administer with each signal rucreu that it is one of the few re ceiverrhlpa of large raih-eeda which was discharged without the sealing of i any bonds of the railroad. Mr. Duncan for many yeara waa active in politics, dating prior to the time of hia appointment aa Collector of the Port of Beaufort in 1890. He was a delegate to the Repnblicaa Na tional Convention In 1899, 1999, 1904. 1819, 1919, and 1990, was Re Publican National Committeeman Tiom North Carolina for twenty yuers was high In the party council's and la tha only Southern man who has ever been selected to help manage a Pres idential campaign, being one of the Sub-Commlttcc of five Whs success fully managed President Taft's cam paign is 1908. In June, 1920, although at that time not fully recovered from a aa -ious operation at Johns Hopkins, Hospital, Mr. Duncan attended the | Republican National Convention at 'Chicago aa detoguta-ot-lergo from North Carolina, and took port la the Tirol eedlngs, hia coonaal being sought by tha party leaders, whose sorrow at his sickness and death have bean evidenced by many letters and tele grams from men of prominence. in 1 eluding Presidential Candidate Hard 1 inf aad other*. Ralph Do Palma Wine Elgin, 111 . Aug. 98.—Ralph De • Palma wan the eighth annual Natlen ' al Road race of 889 milaa bars today. D» Palma cars red tha eonrae of 251 miles, 2.890 feet. In 8.08.84, »i breaking lap and race records In ths » process and tvsraging 79 1-8 mllei an hoar. Unearth Indian Village Close To Cemetery WecfcaeM UxmrW Bed of Arm Km4i Aad A Wain M.r tv Ten feet below the surface of the little stream near Chlcora Cemetery, workman under H. C. McNeill who weia digging the foundation for a bridge pier uncovered a wooden mor tar used by Indian* for grinding corn and a quantity of arrow heeds lad week. Although a large piece of the mor tar had been broken from the upper edge it was in a perfect stale of pre servation and showed evidence of it markable skill in its manufacture It evidently had been broken before it was discarded by its user*. The thing la certainly 500 years old, sines at least that time moat have elapsed to have allowed to much to accumulate over it. It Is bolloved by Mr. McNtill that this point was that at which many of tha flint arrow heads were manu factured, since there is e great pile of flint scraps and many finished ar. row heads. Before the Scotch tattler* came up the Cep* Fear the sections around Dunn were inhabited by the Chlcora Indiana. It Is believed that this tribe bad one of its principal villages near Chicora. The mortar found by Mr. McNeill is displayed la tha Hood and Gran tham show window. It will b* *«hib ited with other Indian relica at the Dunn fair. WIDE PRICE RANGE IN COTTON MARKET Net Changes for Week On N. O. Advances of 180 to 209 Points Nc» Orle.ru, Aug 29—Fluctua tion. wore unu.uaily wide lo the cot ton market last peek, price* ranging over tU la *01 point., October (bowing tb« widest rnaga, trading at 2*.M at its lawan, 28.66 at it. high est and cloaing 18.46. Nat changes for tha weak were advance, of 93 to lit point*. At tha lowest levels nricao were 180 to 209 point, under the doae of th. preceding week. The doae wo. within 10 to 20 point* of th* top. In th* .put deportment price, laat 176 point, on middling, which cloaad nt 80.75. Wcnkneaa In tha rpot market, of th* interior wa. th* main cans* of heavy aaHing in tha early aaaaiona of r nalr road. Six person* ware killed and nearly 40 wounded, many of tham seriously. All the killed were young men, tha victim* of gunshot wounds. Baflymecanwu. a suburb of Bel fast, responded to the lord-mayor's appeal and remained fairly quiet, but Saturday afternoon Cullingtree road, abating Oroxeenor read, the unionist district, and from which Ride street* radiate to the falls, became the storm renter. Later In the evening the battle shifted to the northern pert of the city by way of Townsend street, a long thoioughfnre extending from the fell* to tha Old Lodge rood. The loiter and the apper part* of Crumlin and Old Park roads were the center af the fiercest Aghtinc of the whole week, aapoctally art "marrowbone,'’ . the nickname of the nationalist en clave at the top of Old Perk road. Wan Fctatere in this neighborhood mad* an organised descent on enlon ists la Crumlin road, smashing win i dows and Bring late house*. Failure ; by the police to bold thorn back led to [ the summoning of military pld. For i several hours armored ears ware hi t, action together with squads of poller , and soldier* and volley* were poured , Into the crowd. After two hours of . stiff fighting the Sinn Felaers wen . driven beek Into their own quarters. . but sniping Into the unionist quarter* continued far Into Sunday morning. Californian Make* High Cue Bear* Cleveland. Aug. II.—B H. Bun • any, of Venice, OeL, won the Color* t but. Rn., cop, awarded the ahootci . with tha highest average during th< • weak ef the grand American haadl • cap tournament here. I|e brake T* out of BOO targets. • ASSAULTS mm PUT REPipICANS ON' Democratic didate’s Dynamic lation To P wins yaleTai ty by HIS POSITIO! LEAGUE Both High Brow I hata Amd Man Ob laa Strsal lltrutaf ky Straight Far oan anar af Ohio Man; Labor b ily Ta 014 Guard Caviar Washington, A , 19.—Governor Cox i* proving hi f a veritable revelation tu the rican people and a terror to thg Scan party, >■ Ih, verdict of AO I tho peraona aho witnessed the dale'a recop lion in New York 'rday. He Ha* pul the enemy on ran with hi* fierce aauult*. Chai' n Will Haye* slipped out of town go and la now cloartr.d with thr loi of thr Rrpub lican party on th< Marion back porch. At New Haven, won over the Republtran faculty Yale almost in a body. I'rof. lrrln| r, who had )u*t reiurm-d from' interview with Mei-alor Harding o ic League af Nation*, raid that eat an inde pendent Republican; it he had nev. cr voted for a man President who *ai not elected, ant it he intended to vote for Co*. U« said Cox would be darted because the great inde pendent elrment th*i always elrcti was for Cox. Cox ia winning th edu cator* and the teach an and churrb mrn everjrwherv on the league of Nation* i*»ur. Practically every Epis copal clergyman i* the State of New ,York ia working for the Democratic i undulate. winaiaf miunwi mm Rut the candidate it not only win nine thr high brow Idealists but the man in Lhr streets . Be ia corralling the grr«t multitude, la meeting and handling a crowd Cdx has shown himself a real mag.elan At hia rocep (ion at lhr Now York Democratic club yes to day be ared both haadi and shook bapds of 2,400 peep! within less than an boor, an actueve raent that nq one ever got thiough with with such (read before. At the end of his talk the Ctvernor waa as fresh as al the beginning. In hia doa ble handshaking he employed what i« known as tha "Australian Crawl' with his right hand. This crawl U a .tare prereqtioi tf Iweqsit He not one In that Itha srftl ever forget the grapple ia the Governor'* hand and th« gi ret lag -on his* lips. it ia dis closed There arv Democrat, who say that Cox in his charging the Republicans with the raising of flG,000.000 to buy thr presidency, fired hia big guns too soon: that he ooght U> have wait ed t-ll much nogrer the election to that the Republicans could not have time to m< ct the fharge. The Gover nor's view It that the Republicans should have all the time they wraat His puiposr la hurrying his charge:, ia to give the Senate iivretigdling committee the necessary -. me to show the American prop!*' that what he has stated gives only a hint of what may be revealed. He tells Ike Senate com mittee to get the names of the Re publican chairman seven donna to the county oiganirafioas and it will learn !the amount of money being raised .and the sources (rum which it ia com jing. What the candidate Is after ia to chow the enormous amount of money being raised and the taint oa it. Debar Hostile Ta RspcUisaa, Another thing that is giving the Rtpoblkaaa much uneasiness at this stage of the campaign ia the practi cally open hostility of organised la bor. Governor Cox in hia speoihes has emphasised thk state men t that big buainsas is pouring its money into the Republican treasury to Install a party tii hit • ' "iviai |u>vinnnin» mim. win uae thr bayonet Against strikers. Gompers fear* this. He has already made a rpe-ch almost openly endor sing the Democratic candidate and for nearly two weeka there Has bore on the desk of every Important news paper editor is this rounbv an an alysis 'of both Cos's and Harding’s records on labor by the leaders of the American Federation of Iarbor. This annlyris ihows that in aimert every instance-the Democratic candi date while he was m Congress and Governor voted to favor labor in leg illation. On the other band Harding’; record shows that bo voted again<1 th" Imeieets of labor-in fully 78 por tent of instance* Gompers calls this comparison of the two candidates re cords a non-partisan otic. Ho Is ton clover a politician to try to force his organisation to taae sides. But he says look for yourselves, there air the facta Thr Republican* are saying that the hostility of organised labor will rouse Interests that are hostile to or ganised labor to consolidate in favor of Ibalr party. Bat the Republican party monopolies* every Internet In this country that oppose* organised labor. The Republleana cannot lou* with equanimity upon hostile labor. MELVIN—BAIN On Wednesday evening at eight o’clock - la McMillan Preabyteriar church a very pretty wedding was sol ’ rmnised when Mi* Jani* Cutanbri: ' Bain, became tb« bride of Mr. Thom a* RauKsr MoMn. The ceremony waa witnessed by I few friends and relatives and wn > performed by Rev. A. 8. Anderson The bride la an attractive daughti i - of Mr A. 8. Beln of Dunn. The groom it a promising your) r.man who Is with the Barnes A Hol’l * ilny Co., of Puna. -* After spending a fsw days wKi > friends and relatives Mr and Mr> Melvin will be ot homo in Oman. . * Empty House Greets Men Who Answer Call • Chief Beau Me. Te It And Make* Off With The Equip Dung' Jlung! Dong! The sultry air of midday yesterday! was lent with Ike clang of the big] xll that bangs 'neath the water taw., T Volunteer firemen scattered ibout town hopped onto automobiles,! wagon* and bicycle* in t mad rush ror rtty kail where is quartered un-1 ler ordinary nrcumatanees the track | which rsrriet the fire lighting equip I Bent. They airived in record time. But. Consternation. Yc Gods and lil fishes, fhe truck was missing. It had van-. shed. Deep, dark and dank mystery. Flad Sinn Feiners, Bolshevik! or wo B*n suffragist* accomplished their fell purpose to wreck the town. No >ody knew what. Pearl Harris, Doc Srxtoa'i man f'riday, volunUerod the Informstion :hat Chief John Thornton had sp ared un the uccae and with hit boy tovor had made way with the ma chine So the company followed to [he teens of the usual fir*—Pope's nil!. ; Chief John, however, had over ooked the slight incident of hose end was having a time with the blaxc when the boys arrived. Wbilr they, were rushing back up town to get a' lew sections, the fire want out. ‘ definiteTrend TO LOWER PRICES Committee Reviews Crop And Business Outlook Washington, Aug. SO.Biuarn and ndustrlal eondhiono during tbo re aainder of the calendar year will be narked by a “definite trend te a ■omrwhat lower level of pricoa, ac cording to a somi-annual report upon crops and business given out today by the United States Chamber af "emiarrre. Tb* eemmittoa which pro. pared thr report added tb* general fl aaacial opioa In th* country was that he reodjaatmont would be aoeom plishrd without "financial disorder or •ny sudden economic calamity." Tight money, aarost of labor, tb* ooveosd bonds in some phi see of so cial Ilfs, the Russian-Poland mar, and the blab cost of aeceoaftias art tram crated as disturbing business factors, !ha*Jh*no"^3l,fer*tJ^*?o8S5!^®' bscome panicky over any of thesa m attars. Trend to Lower I srol "Amid all the crom torrents and rddics of the indaetrial situation, a definite trend aaame to ba slowly de veloping toward a gradually incroao ■nr gain af supply upon demand and: a somewhat lower level of prices”! thr committee reported. "Here and there mills have shut! down. Hero and there they are run ning on reduced time. It is a scatter ed end local matter rather than a gen • ml proposition Ante Output Slower “The automobile industry seems to he beaded toward somewhat lessened output. Alto the Jewelry business in New England Is slowing down. Con liariwto* paper mills are busy tod full of order*. Equally Is this true of thr metal lines. "Constroctios and building have •lowed down, because of high prices and scarcity of both labor aad ma terials.1* "Coal mining as usual has lu flock of trouble*—strikes end lack of cars being the principal ones Religion Enters Into All Things In Falcon Town Mayer Open Court With Prayer— Also PnMivlu Men Sayi Dees Lawyer Falcon folk are consistent. It is re ligions settlement they have there and religion plays iu part in every thing they do. James Barr, Junior member #f the Aim of Young and Best, lawyer*, went down there the other day U> defend Roland Goff, C. L. Tew and J A. Edwards, who war* charged with having exceeded aotomebiie speed laws. The case came up before Mayor Autry. Jim waa much impress ed when hit Honor opened the little conrt with prayer. He was confidant that hors justice would certainly be metsd out—Jim, af course, believing that justice' would discharge his ; clients. j Bnt, said the young lawyur when be returned to town, “the mayor I seemed to mistake hie role. Instead I of being Judge of the facts he undev i took to be prosecuting ■ttorney.’* The result was that the alleged rdfr» were fined tan bones and costa. Jim couldn’t see it that wnp '.and appealed the cnee to Cumberland iSuairier Court. Mayer Autry, however, was net to bn swerved from hie drtermlnatlen to make it as Hard for speeders as hs conscientiously ran. I Seawlerial H sadness Named Henry A. Grady, af Sampson, and JC. L Williams, af Leo, have been nominated as Democratic candidal*, for the State Senate from the Four > teonth District, composed af John •ton, Lee, llarnett end Hess peer ceaatiea I Both the Democratic candidates an : wad known ia the district Mr. Oradj ’ has been a State flgnre for a nnsa her af years. Is an aMe lawyer and i i brilliant campaigner. Mr. willisma ii e member of the low firm of Wltllami and Williams, of Hanford 0—-f * Sugar Price Fail* I 1-f Coats New Orleans. Aug. 80.— ' > The- wholesale price of granu- * laU-d sugar wa* reduc'd OH casu today by the Henderson I Rtfinary, making the juice to i retailer* 1? cents. 0 --° Cox Almost Certain To Speak At Fair This Year It now ami almoet certain that Corcinor Jitmea M. Cox, Democratic' nominee for Prexidenl, will apeak here at the opening of tbe Dana Fair on Tuckday, October 12. George K Grantham, member of the Legisla ture. «bo ia aiding T. L. Riddle, eet irlaiy of Uc fair, itatcd that he had ■ nlietad the aid of Tom Warren, chairman ef the Slate Democratic Executive Committee, in the project| and was confident that Pucceae would attend the effoit. Governor Cox ia to make three' ipeechee in North Caroline this fall,. according to Infoimation givea Mr. Grantham by Mr. Warren. DaU* and' plxcei have nnt been Axed, but Mr. Warree if confidant that he can get! tbe caadldadte to come in October. If he dorj decide to rlalt the State durirc the wo«k of Duan’a fair. Mi. WiiRri will endeavor to bring him beet. The aid of Representative Edward Pou also hai been tccurad by Mr. Grantham, wbo ia a eloaa personal friend of the congrctaman. Robert N. K."**, hi* campaign manager In tbe recent Democratic gubernatorial cam page, alas are among those who art working to bring Governor Cox keie. Mt. Rom is chairman of tbe County Di'fiff rat ir Executive Committor. Christmas Tope Arrive Tacoma, Aug. 28—Soveu tbooxand e**«e of Chrletanax toy* from Japan’ are being unloaded bote from two Japanese steamers. The toys are bill rd to almost every Importaat city in the United State*. A total af 815,00(1 art Mas ia In tha shipment THIS STATE GETS BIG PAPER PLANT Ohio Concern With Fibre Mill at Canton Build Plant Cincinnati. Aug. 28—Official an nouncement was made at Hamilton. Ohio, main office of the Champ ten Coated Paper Company, the Fibre Tram Company of America that thi corporation had decided to soon begin tho erection of an extraordinary romprehenaiec paper mill in North Carolina, owing to the exroplional timber supply to be found In that State suitable to the purpose of that corporation. Champ on latcicate have at present a »mat plant for the manufacture of paper fibre at Canton, N, C. The pulp will at once he taker, from the finer plant to the new paper nill which It ie expected will hi the 1 argent In all America. The new mil1 will manufacture the finest booh ami mainline paper. Th* BOW plant will only have mammoth paper making machines especially designed. It la ex pected that at least throe thousand hands will he employed at tho begin ning and this number increased a* the occasion reunites. The annual payioil it exported to go over three million dollars.. The Champion Coated Paper Com pa ay started from a small beginning at Hamilton a few yeara ago but as u re.-It of securing the largest II. 8 government and New York magazine contracts now occupies many city squares In that suburb of this city. PrUr G Thompson, of College HUI Cincinnati, ie its president. TW in fronting interest In the ports of 8om them states and thoiv advantage tr Shipping to South American count rle, has a decided weight in the mlectior of North Carolina for thi* oaammotl paper making plant, according to thi Champion Company officials as aim North Carolina hat an abundance el labor. Building operations will bogir in the foil. Th* Nerth Carolina watei power facilities so necessary in th< paper making trade ha* also been t deciding factor In the decision, fav , orlng that State. POPS REUNION On Wednesday, Auguat 16th. 1920 there OM»rrrf »n rvmt that will long he remembered by the fealty of George P. Pope, when his kinfolk gathered together under the (bade of the #14 trees on Rhode* Pond daa to celebrate has 60th. birthday. The crowd assembled about 11:20 a. a. to puy respect* to the barbocos, fried rhieken. lee cma end various other good things, to eat, which had been ; props red for the occasion. After grace had been aid by M. B. Pope of | Wallace, dinner was served. I When dinner eras finished they 1! talked about the days when they won 1 lads, wallring to wheal via the daa on which they wars standing and How they stopped and skated on tbs pond when It was a‘field of tea The*.- attending wore: Mr. aad I Mr* H. i. Pop* aad eon Georg*, ol i Mount Olive; M. B. Pope and eon . Marcellae, af Wallace; P. P. Pope ■ and family, af Maysrille: J. D. Papt - pad family, of Caste: Mr. aad Mr* i W. M. Pep*, ef Godwin; R. W. Pop# of Dana; Mr*. Lon Mabry, af WUeeu r Qirk MeCleHaa, L, A. Tart, aad Wat t .ter Jones, of Dnna. » l.iaotype operator* aa Maalla pa a per* went a* (trike because editorial a in papers said lb* Filipln** were na ready for independence. ROOSEVELT SCORES FRONT PORCH PUN OF G. 0. P. NOMINE! Resulted From The Dis astrous Touring Of Hughes DEMOCRATIC PROGRAM IS MOST PROGRESSIVE ViaTmUMlUl Cmraar Cm's psW«> Party's Method* Dei dseay Ta Ce Oraad bland. Nab., A as. 18.— fnaUte D. boossvelt, Dims vat, Vica-Praaidaetial caadidau, socahlsg at th* Ualan Pacific nation bar* to day, declared tba Democratic party this year offered the mast prsp*n Wa program prasataad to tha Amart ten elcetonito. The front parch reck inc tUir p|gn of MtMBtiAff (mmi by the opposition party, he mid, re suited from tba <1 metrics "bat It awful, Mabel” touring ef Hmbaa la 1*1«, and ha added that tha dtaaloa araa of Governor Can with refusals to campaign expenditures woaid de monstrate to tba paapla that^the *# rolng btcTnrd, placing adminSuni **•■ of the eauntry’a affaire largely In the hands ad tha selfish taw. Big fsapslm bam This contest between pragrmtore aad reactionary ideas, ho doelarnd, was tba biggest tssaa before tba peo ple Tuns Ns* fun* Tat I "And liii was attempted at a Urns I when the pnhUe bad began to better* we bad get bp the lavish expend! tore* of money in a paMtianf nm ipaigs and the eontribnuons of oer jporsUon* and individual* for mlflah ' purposes ” | Mr. Roeaereit recsivod some ap plause oa the Lugs* of Nation* re | icrenee bat were an hi* remaztu ad drreerd to tameoign axpoadttarm. iMAORK MARRIKD lefoo— ..N..N | hacbeler* Sop Smodiet* Mare Mere Post-War immigration Records Again Broken , Nearly It^Ot Allan* Paar lata EMU | Idul la Wa*ki Mask Caa N*w York. Aug. tt.—Arrival hero I of IMtl ullan* during the waak oad jrd today'broke all taunlgroUo* i» | cord* at Kill* Iflaad siaet before the 'War. impaction* of 15.438 of them wrro completed up to this mom If. with 1.343 yet to be pa—d upon. I Probably tha werat *ooge«ttea to the kiatory of the Immigrutiaa etotloa confronted Klli* I aland aUtharWm tonight whan considerably mar* than 2,000 nud b* houaad and fed. In a *tat«mant tonight CommUNon ar af Immigration Wain* mid: "Judging from I reform* ti on reerhr l-d from steamihip agents, I must conclod* that next waak will bring :mor* alUn* to Now York than tha n eord-hraaklng Rguom thU waak. Ev : ary ebtp U earning loaded, and mum big ttaaragw-carrymg vaaaaU are due : to arrive. "Pram a— an It will b* merely a i.matter af Klips. Huedroda af tbsa > made af people in vaidao* part* *f . i Korop* ar* clamoring fat a ckauea I U ea— to Annie*. The pa smart ta r gu la lions, although matrirtlvTia thalr • ■ nature and eptoutlom, ar* having r nathiag to do with tha uumhar of tan. I migrant*. f*r there am i mar* who qualify with *l*piiO than r aur 1 halt ad number of ablya ea* bring t Imw. II •.. 1 NOTICE or ADMlNIATMATtOM •i Having qualified aa admMKmtor 'af tb* aetata of T. A. Ivey. late of J Haruttt eoanty, this if to notify aN ' persons balding «UJ— agstoet mid '■ dotoamd. to praaent tha mm* to the ' **d*r*igned admiaUtmtor daly prd *. van according to low aa or bafar* the ^' *0tb day af August 1*11, ar Urit not '• le* will bo pleaded, In hoy of their TT * eavery. AIT aoroaaa laiibtll to told . * .deceased win pi mm t— forward i iCS. «aife.>*asyr. * AdminMtntor of the aatot* af Y. 1 A. bray, dscoamd. Jtom T. WHaan, a tiara ay.