RF.XALL COMPANY HAS PIGEON RACE Birds to Fly 500 Miles to Their Home Lofts One of the most spectacular sport ing events ever arranged in this coun try will be contested on September 2.i next, when thousands of Retail Homing Plegona, racing in pairs, will fly front points within a radlua of 5410 miles of St Louis back to the homo lofts in that city. In order to make possible this race, which will be officially observed by a detail of Army Officer* sent by the Pigeon Section of the Signal Corps, thr biggest Pigeon Lofts in the world wore constructed by tho United Drug Company. Tho best breading pig i ons purchasable wore procured #00 I" all. and placed in the breeding •°ria From this nucleus upwards of fl.000 of the speediest beet trained thoroughbred homers have boon rear ed Each is trained te the hour and many are expected to set a new speed mark and .unash old records. Srorc* of married men who havo visited the great pigeon loft in St. Louis, where mors than 5,000 birds arc in training for the big Retail, Derby, have had revealed to them by I his feathered clan tome beautiful ex ample* of domesticity. The most predominant trait .in the character of the homing pigeon, of course, is his love of home. His birth place. the loft in which he ia brad, reined and trained, ia home and no other spot on earth, no matter how nlliiring, has any Interest for him. He may he carried off, miles from home, and tossed off into specs. Ev entually hr will return. It may take dayi, or it may be only s matter of hours, hut no anxiety la felt on the part or his mate, for aho knows that he will be bark, sooner or later. De votion to mate and their young, and love of home ia to dominant In their natures that they arc oblivious to all else. Thefe arc no slarkere la these fam Both male and female da their part towards making a hoses. The male finds the materials of tobacco l'ivcs and stems, and the female seta h< rself to the task of aetnal neat building. One* mated, pigeons re main mated for life. They never wa ver in Iheir constancy and loyalty to and love nf mate. V the age af three months thr young pigeon looks about for his wife and once ha wins her, and this only after the most ardent wooing, he Is hers till death and he slaves for her and Iheir progeny from diwn till dark. Every day circling over the great loft in flt louia, training far the rare, hundreds of pigeons may ba 'fen, familiarising themselves with thr home surrounding*, and always with the idea uppermost, of returning to home and family ones the night it Aoishsd. The ears and training of these pdg eons has been under tha direction of an expert who was la.charge of ths pigeons used an tha American hauls front during the world war. Many of 'hesc war pigeons won distinction and were hailed as heroes because of their intivpid and unerring flights through Jf fflfTti suited In saving tha liven of hundreds of American boyt in the battle line. Some of these hero birds sre to bv sent to 8t- Iouis by the U. 8. A., and trill be exhibited in tha Raxall l-ofts for thr benefit of the thousands of Rexall Delegates to the Conven tion. Pigeons arp ssisf to be sent to oruggirts Within five hundred' miles of flt Louis. At a specified hour! a pair of theaa birds will be released[ by thr mayor, some other high oScial or a girl delegated by the mayor, and srnt on its way to the 8t Louia loft Rach bird will carry a bird massage' beneath its wing addressed to the' Coventor of Missouri who personally will be at the RcxaU loft to receive it. Handicaps as to time and dis tance have bean worked out and the Aral bird trapping in at the Rexall; Loft will win the golden prtsa. Tbe race is to be the crowning fea_ ture of the anneal convention of the United Drug Company at which up wards of 8,000 Rexall druggists from a'l parts of ths country will mast. At the same time the new (4,000,000 factory erretail by the United Drug Company for the manufacture of all Rexall products win be inspected for tho first time by the Rexall delegatee, oil of whom are stockholders in the United Drug Compeny. Prank P. Lucke, president of the International Federation of American Homing piegon Fane,ere. la tojudg* the race and he is keeping close watch on all details leading up to tha actual contest. Godwin Newa Mr. and Mr* C. P. Ward nail Monday In Fayetteville shopping. Mr. and Mr* C. W. Spell speat Sunday la Red Springe with Mr. 8pell » brother, Mr. A. P. April. Mra. Laura McNeill ha* returned I'vm a several days viait ta Jackson Springs. Mines Ladle McIntyre and Raby Turner spent Monday in Duos ahum ping. Paul Starling af Beaton spent Wed nesday In Godwin with hi* parents, Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Starting Kierman Godwin of Toledo, Ohio, I* spending a f«w day* with Mr. and Mrs. H. McIntyre. * **!!!:.w- ^ ,p0I~ '• ** h . pltal receiving treatment. Albert Lucas who ha* bean quite alck formvav.l week, with fever tea tlnofi HU frlindi Wopc f#r a upoady rteovary. i Mr. and Mra. 0. W. Rhodes of High Point, *P*Pt Wednesday with Mr and Hn. C. F. /ahas. . "'i E J >• ^turned from -Belabors, where aha spent are ata) day* with har daughter, Mrs Harwood Howard. Mr. and Mr* Robt. Burrow^ af Florence, 8. C., ar* spending several day* with Mr. and Mr* ». T. Mark ham. Mr*. Harper Jonc* spent Taaaday In Dann shopping. J. W Driver, af Doan. was a basi nets visitor In Godwin Wadneaday. By removing apparatus la liftt hegasa, the Rina Pels bare endanger ed navigation aff the coat* of Ire land A Chicago society girl baa pwrehea rd an airplane besaoaa autaaaaWtaa ar* too slew for bar. She la an MR rtent fltac. i . - 'vjj ! Sis?' • Last Thursday’s Audience Mystified by Phonograph Hears famous contralto compare voice with RE-CREATION by Edison’* new phonograph could not tell the two apart. MISS HELEN CLARK, the popular contralto, gave an extraordinary recital Thursday night'at the Metropolitan Theatre. • ^^ed on to the stage and stood beside a rtately cabinet. She began to sing ‘Alice Blue Gown.” 1 he audience immediately yielded to the spell of her beau tiful voice. Then suddenly there was a stir—a subdued murmur of surprise—and a perplexed rubbing of eyes. I he voice continued to fill the auditorium with undimin lshed sweetness—your ears were proof of that—but her lips had become absolutely silent-your eyes told you that. • • What wizardry was this? It was the test of direct com parison with the living artist, which Thomas A. Edison has developed to demonstrate that the Official Laboratory Model of his new phonograph will sing any song exactly I as it was sung by die artist, and that his Re-Creation of a singer s voice, as it comes from this wonderful new phono graph, positively cannot be distinguished from the singers actual voice, when both are heard in direct comparison Miss Clark and Mr. Phillips, made repeatedcomparis El?8 always with the same result. It was truly wonderful. I nis master .achievement of the great wizard, Edison, marks a new epoch in music. The NEW EDISON The Phonograph With A Soul” .Yo|U“" hav<r.a duphcate of the wonderful instrument used at Metropolitan Theatre and, if you act quickly, we can famish you with an engraved certificate (signed by both artists) certifying that it is an exact duplicate in to nal quality of the instrument they used in their amazing comparison; also that it will sustain precisely the same CC9t. i. t % I • jj We have ten of the famous Official Laboratory Mod els and the artists have certified every one of them. Come to our store at once and ask to sea and hear the Official Laboratory Models on which these great artists have issu ed their Certificates of Authenticity. i • ' The BARNES & HOLLIDAY Dunn, North Carolina i m

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