DUNN FAIR OCTOBER 12, 13 14 15 r^mm thfi rSi TM A-***** *★************ JB 1 ^B Volume VII r. ", "_. ;_ Dunn, North _____ FARMERS FORM ORGANIZATION IN I HARNETT COUNTY Executive Committee To Advise Cotton Growers In a concerted and well directed effort to prevent further decline la I the price of cotton nearly one thou-' •and Harnett County farmer* met la I Lillinyton Monday to perfect an or-1 yaniaation that will work toward that end. Robert L. Godwin, of Dunn, was elected head of the oryaniiatlon and an executive committee comprlainy fro” p**h »«tl»y pre d.JuJ" Ul'' e#U?,> *U •PPU't'Led (o devleo way. and moans of tarry,ay out plane of the oryantiation. Reso lution# urytny fanners to market grir ,c®‘‘?n tmduaily and deviainy them to denounce the propayanda of fmr and panic and preach the dac trine of confidence.” 8. P. Gentry, of Lillinyton. and Henry Spears, of Lillinyton. ware Sleeted KcreUrr and treasurer, ro •pcctlvely. Members of the executive committee are W. G. Wood. Linden. mT-. - n. A. lownifoo, £dw»rd 8“‘th. Dunn, Avenuboro; T. W. Harrigton. Brandway. Barbecue; *35: Blnrk Elver; W. J. Godwin, Dunn, BouU ». Duke: W. H. Turlington. Duke. Grove; W. L. Sonter. Xipl.n*, Hoctor'e Crorf; W. H. Johnaon, Pine yiv*’ uohneonville; Chari** Row. y j'Hton: F H. Taylor, Buie* Creek. Neill. Creek; J. C. Byrd, Duke B I, Stewart'e Creak; J. D. Pattcrao* Broadway Route 2 Walter Ray, Ul lington Bobu S. Upper Uuie River. The ezeeativ* committee wa* di rw"t7d, “imaaediately investigate all avertable warchouaea la the county secura cuOcient erarehouaaa cither bv leaao of purchase from any avail able fund*, and provide for the op oration of euch warehouee* under the provision* of the Bute warrbouet eyetoa. The committee also ie to eon. for with bankers of the county U ae earUIn U what extant local bank* eaa finance the holding of that por tion of the crop that la In diotreaa Tbo finding* of tha committee arc to bo made public aa eoon aa poawble In tbe moaatim* a mamborahip committee will endeavor to swell the membership of tha organisation antU It iacludm practically ovary cotton farmer in tbe county. Duos of Ua cents for aaeh bale grown by' tbo «• mboi wtU -b« ihtpl Tkee* duos to poy-tho ubpeaoua of tbs local orgaalaatlon and U pay tl * »I necessary* to membership la fta' cT' Lionel aaaociaxlo Young, K. W. taUb.Vf. Patto’nou. M. U Ballard. D. P. McDonald. Henry M. Spears, B. F. NcLood, F, D. Byrd and J. X. Stewart. Necessary mew baretiip aarda will bo furaiahod upon applicative U BocrcUry Gentry. There a ever was a bettor ueettag Of Harriott former* than that of Mon day. Every man peasant waa deeply Inureeted and fairly enthueiamicover tk« orfAnlution id— Mr. Godwin • opening remark* ralaUve to the ob ject* of the meeting wore well re ceived. It wa* evident that tbe term er* thought they were in trouble and were look lag U him U poll them, out of a hole. Ho wa* preceded by Col. Dan Hugh McLeaa, who a* tempor ary chairman, started the meeting to - functioning. Col. McLean Hated hla cose briefly. “We most hold cotton,” he mid. “end to do that wa mast ar range to got help of our banka and our govern Brent Ovganuatlon and the creation of bonded wnrehouam li the first I Up In thie direction. TWi meeting la called far that purpose. Mr. Godwin eoaid ae* no r*aoo» why the wive* and daughter* of Sou than* cotton grower* were not ai much entitled to the luxuries of llf< a* wars thorn of the New EngUni manufacture™ who Bead* the eottoi Into cloth. Organization, he aald. wa the farmer* solvation, since this wa ua age of organ lie tion which fans ever* other emaa of Industry and aa E^toToSmltawl to hold it. l. the bottle* of Ufa. H* wea tied t _» many raoroaonUUv* farmer pToacnt »»<! »“ *• De " v ^ it the leaden af tho movement which ha thought would help hla brother ** Hoary Spear*. of a Llllington bonk and C. k Hicka. of tha Bask of Har jwtt. wore among thoae paw* and Vromlaed tho mooting that the banka >f tho county would load *he aw* f£|Sd. It dwuld'ootb* «P««Md. boor, they putatnd •'**»**• would or eouM Baaneo tha whom mop. Tiny »dvl**d that thoae who could, hold thoir cotton and market no more than ton par eont a moath. Thoae who am under obligation* tt merchant* or bank* ahoold, *oll enough to retlro their obligation* ai noon M convenient. Krnot f. Young aad M. J. flontai were of the opinion that the cottar f.rmor. mWatloa tint fc growini foodstuffs it ham*. Wlik a fai »mok«h«\iM *aA crib tfct cotton farm r°^t hay. t. ***•«•*«« of apoeulatora. Mr. *•****•** „ tho Wet former* of thoeoumtj. If lo twenty eleht yoartI bought only forty ponnda hit life—ond that waa l« » „ all of kl* aw In* died of cholora- H baa noeor bought u mack a* t*n hae ral* of floor or corn or meal la » hi* farming experience. Ho la not woi eying ahoat tha preaont prlca of eoi ton. deorgo 1. Smith waa our* thut It big fault eu In the lack af organ cation, lock of kaowlodgu ond Ml of capital. Soil feoda, crop rota tie proper fertiMuntton and organlaatk •hooM b* •^iU* tb* f*rn*«r 1 mid. Whoa »ho farmer learn* Mu h (tneu aa Other meu know thoir*. 1 declared, farmoix win not ho n Joe ted lo the misfortune* that n< Tl*{delD*Hl»IUdnr, tho Dunn hardw* ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ * PRESIDENT ANNOYED BY 5 2 TENNIS PLAYER'S ¥ * LETTERS ¥ 1 Y?,k> 8rPL Edwin ¥ 2 P. Pimhjr, the Unnie player. ¥ 2 who is being examined her* ¥ * in connection with the Wall ¥ * etreet explosion last Thun- ¥ 2 day, in July, 191«. annoyed ¥ w President Wilaon with a ee- ¥ * riei of letters demending that ¥ 2 J* end the war, It became ¥ 2 known her* late today- ¥ The letters. It was learned, ¥ urged the President to pat an ¥ end to th* slaughter of ho- ¥ man beings and asked that ¥ th# writer be allowed to visit ¥ Washington for the pur-poo* ¥ of conferring with Mr Wil- ¥ •on at th* White Koust. ¥ Federal agents admitted ¥ today that these letters, mall- ¥ ad in this city, had baan turn- ¥ *d over to them and that had ¥ tracad them to Fiaeher. ¥ At that time Fischer was ¥ reported by government ¥ •gents to be a harmless latter ¥ writing crank and a religious ¥ fanatic. No action waa taken ¥ against him on kit promise to ¥ I •top postering tks President ¥ I and to keep away from Wash- ¥ I ington. The record of tho in- ¥ vcAigation la preserved In , ¥ i the archive* of secret service ¥ I headquarter* in the Custom ¥ I Houif. ff. ( ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 1 1 ---- n. who has on* acre af cottoa. , of the occasion. a did not spook as a farmer, bot as t - un whom (MIIK 1g t wrappod la the lint package that '«*"■ that of the farmer. Organi** tlon m hi* keynote. H« pointed to i whot other Industrie* hare done r through Intelligently directed organi- < aatlon and corporation. Billy jhalth wound up th* epooklng f with a slap at th* gutnere. "Even ear p ,a“* k“V £«t*d picking an « V . kc declared The ginner’e aaao- „ eletien thia ywmt raised th* priee of a (inning to *fl.76 a bale. Mr Smith . thought that toe much ' ih« eoaamltt** waa for- k ri1Mrs Tt u Bontor, R. L. Godwin ««wt Henry m Bpcar*. Ita reaolutioni fallow: _ B* It rceolved by th* Hareett ' County Dhrialon of the American Cot- *! ton association. that w* endorse th* « program of th* American Cotton aa- m :SW asrsrsiaj* l EJfe 5 ■ ferthag ; - -nretiW#* - price in die fail of 1914~wta duo t»l a temporary condition of demoraliaa- w lion. Th* price advanced over fifty p, par cent before planting time, and w* „ look for a ft rung upward trend in pH tJ eaa aa anon aa condiUoaa « b* ad- d juatad. The financial world it dllturb- a ad by now Fodorul Booorro regain- t tion*. bat the country at large 1* t sound is4 prosperous, and hones, ibu pruoonl d«mormll*uti©fi mo* too- f Elfiips ii or w%»rk, ui d for ill® J*oM t part, «l \cufu to rr*Uf fro* that * qviitcr m j.*‘ m*> wperted. riw fern Of | t)U *:mp ku ftrUuJf * i fully *4 ‘mated, and wa believe over- { oatimavui. and <mt ma-t , help th# built rather than th# ban. , Tha ond of the Proiideafal oloctma , will alto land toward* ttoodier and better hnrinim •‘Tor all theoe and other rwnji I wo mrge oar people to denounce the propaganda of panic and faar. and [ preach tha round doctrine of confi dence. If w* Aght arc will win aad ! tave the prof Ita on thia year’t crop. If we lie down end surrender before th* propaganda of bear •peculator* w* simply throw th* profit* of our labor* into their hand*. "Second: W* recommend th* ap pointment by thi* convention of an esaeutiv* commit*** »oneil*lmg of *a* f Imendtor from oaeb towaahip la th* county for th* parpoe* of doriaiag ■mono fof the holding, warehoaaiag. and Anancing of Harnett county** . cotton troy; and to thia end erg* that committee to Immediately Investigate all available warehoua** la th# coon ty. securing nflelcit wirckwiiii Cither by mm or paramos •"ii available funds, aad proridie,/ for Ole operatian af >sld srerehoases under • Ms provisions af '.k* Statd worvbooee ■ > stem. Said coaunlttes alo tv eva f»lth chd barkst» of the eoaaS). aad secure sock accessorise as ttsj may bs able ta five of their aid ta finaaetnf the movement. We, roeaauaend farthar (hat sold committee publish, at toon as avail, able, the resaHa of their levesUfaUea to end that all farmers may kaew jast what warehouses ata avellable and what tha respective charfes will ^ “Third: We endorse this m^re ■want far tha reduction of eottoe Jacroofo for the year Ml, »♦ . comevend do oae of the bo* method* of -telnw this sad seeartaf the bone | a It far this year's prices, th J [Of a lanfofy increased acre > df« of Mtallfrala by ten eosrlaf. ’ “Foarth: We oadona as eoaad ad 1 vice aad wholesome practice the Ida 1 if Vedual market Inf af this year' ! crop to meet naaaaMWee, aad theta > mediate nlaekic of the fande derive i from the sale of cotton back Into th : SSMte eftrnde by ttataymcnt c ! ' tehee co farmers of tbo ■Uta. an pledfo them ear oo-o*emUoo In th • common cause la srbleh wo are «ni 1+ _ l. Avo TWy AM SewWrryeT n <• There ore 4 It Co eft»moose at V Otity II Senators to bo elected la K to vombor. Sat the Repmbtleen MtUoa k- Coosmlttoe has screed to odvam w ItOO.ItoO to the Soaatertal comm toe oad only »100.000 to the Co re freosloaal eommittea DANIELS TO SPEAK AT HARNETT FAIR Will Speak Before Gath ering In Dunn Octo ber 13th (Newt a Obacrrer.) Heavy artillery being mobilised la “* Democratic headquarter* will be D»i*ed upon the ranke of the oppo »*Uon la North Carolina during the Brat half of October when Secretary Dnnltla and Senator Simmons come down from Washington for aome •feechaa. The Secretary will be at 13, “d th* it MaUaya Nash county, October B ***u>t*<l »t joining Si SL 0UT ,V Uc ooantine to 8iaU, JUinctt, Cumberland ^hnaton and Sampson. It ia down to F**r, eo"*«T that “God Slewed Macs , long sines made fa. , aoua when the Secretary applied that >ame to them, have their IlibluUoL 1 [h.‘.y wi1.1 «•«*“* their annaal fair "*** “f1 ‘houiands of the afore- , t wtji n!ecr^r^^“orf' Thto will be the flirt campaign 1 Koch made by Mr. Danlela to!C < tr daring the praaent campaign, l omnlTt2T h ',lintr,ry ka* "®* been < ompteted, but May counties la the , Hate have asked tha State HmdqJT ! "■r#r. f»**eh*» '">« him dating he final drive of the battle. A ia Iflie- | 1 that he will remain in the State ntil after the election, spooking to t "•ta* of the weatero counties that « •« Repuhlicana wrUa—.1. -T... i_ »• o*uMfulw column. « B%Ury$ ||u mL ,,3l“l/own of Bailey, gate bat little *® “** newspaper*, but two weak, leai next Saturday it will be on tka wet payee ef most of them It ii i the soelhweetarn center ef Nash "*Y *° Johwtoa. Wake, raakUe, and witkia rrack ef Wileon •l***1*' ** Jf • tort of coaeeryiay »mt for ell that aaetloo of the state »d onto* day named, they are plan-' lay •'huge barbecue, picnic and De •eratie rally. 8enator Slmmuna will i the ekiaf apaaker . u *'***«■» DanieU »U1 be the first speech from the nior m aator duriny the camaaixn b the beyianlay of a .serJT of caches that aril! be continued until ni CTV°* '1*ctioa At Baileys jll probably be one of tbe'Urraat *«T ®f Democracy ever called «eUmr la the State. Loader la the >rty for a scare ef years, the sama r occupies a pcbttaa that_> aaiyaa . «1mW k^tha State. iaov y frees AshedUls to WOtoLmtoa. id stopping at many Intermediate lints far yaitw taker la tka .oath, be sees at the levitation of is National committee, to Okie, In iasm and Illinois far a asrtas of seeches fer Goi end KooeeraK, re irainy UUr to reeame the drive la m State. An of the 10 Democratic nomlnoeo >r Conyrem have fall engagements ut wOT keep them boar until Mec ca day.- Farmer Bob Doughtan be ins a week from today with kb op •aaat op Is the Eighth district. Dr. bmpbeU. staging a joint debate that rill last fer e eosspl* of we sirs TUa remises to bo one ef the chief di ermbns ef the ei^ire campaign. CAMPAIGN OPENS IN DUNN TUESDAY Clyde R. Hoey to SpeaV In Metropolitan Theatre Democracy's campaign will open |i Hsmett next Tuesday night _ whei Clyde *. Hoey, congressman, of Chai latte will mask la the Metrepelitai Theatre here. On the fallowing da he will speak in LUliagton where I b planned to have a regular eld tha i ally ef the Democrats. Mr. Hoey is on, ef tha ablest mo ef Piedmont Carolina ud Is I no entertaining and convincing spenkai tiro comaUttee. brilttM his presence km will gtve renewed strength to| Democrats whtso kneee are weaken ing end bring seese of tke dlseotlkWd Reanklleens Tate Democratic ranks. ft U admitted by aU Democratic loaders that the party hoc a Mg Job •bawdy of it in the county this year Republics* workers bare waged a strenwows csmpolgn for men tbs sod hove mode hssdway. They arc work ing to poU their satire strength far the coaaty ticket srad ore hying to repeat the victory of 1*14. Tan will do this too, unices ssma affart Is made to gel DeenoeraUe voter* to the la this end of*the coaaty tho Bo ' publics ns have gained oomo strengt) Isad nrohohty now weald ho Mire ol tSoSW *Zi for th-fMt the N. A. Townsend is tho Democrat!, . nominee for the Hotom at Repraaeis > tslives. Practically sll ether Demo 1 erotic aomlaom /to frj- the *ke . side of tho ooanty, o far* thot doe | not srecse mock oathaolaom siaou I voters hero. f ---- Tho .“Cream Uss j “The Hate has strivwd when son ; ESSi'SS.r <«*».•» « SEEi.'V?'.?sVJMrS oownalttee tho doote snd the palm plan."—From tho OAclal Be d letio, Treasurer's OBro, Ropubllci >-| National Committee. )•> “Thors Is not o Uac la tho Rope t- Ikon platform that profocam aa ea> s- Uoa of pride la what America did win tho war."—Oeveraer Co*. Wash B; T Collision of •* * *”*’ torn of anothar, of the city the combined ^ f ^ C0“* in which in J 7, n of Inter locm) history chronic tod a pot hckln, kappa, : sine, that rTf^r \ ha Police _ j * |0lln« bis brain to qJJ a which tba fbtoa ! on Lac ara intnri Godwin »n an eharstd ' j ato tba Won _ „ bait , ibout one ml la f of Saturday , » In jaO and On “ iaclinad , _ tarty in tba,., Dona- i falter Phfnipa, a , it:nan erai rard on Ma-. , ha cans In front on- | 'in boaaaataac oat third ipon by two _ tood. * , •*t». Walter’s somebody Utn la the <. broke into FrmnkV re.■ rttn, tobacco to tha value of mcibi to aay Ford car In a tpolla away. Bat road In front treaty fliw»r wheel and fill Tha evertani and tha henna Whan tha foand hr tha j that H had m Walter FUMne* formation gaiand berfcood gave lie# to believe ton wore Thea Chi Matthews. ■aa Troy sllagad off! home of fooad Wa have vomaaMon of a IB ^oma*of itl that thia ear 'here bv one af — aamher ia IMU»» _ Judyn Godwin ^tampt to straighten oat r dWdra athaa ponline W* "* J?6”* with tha boya In • C*Ut Thursday maralng. ,m FOOD PRI€| STAKE DOWNWA ID SLIDE Twenty-Seva^ {Standard Articles Fa id Show Decrd ike 10.—Twenty i <d artielce go f anally market basket In price between Jaly 15 and Aandill. h mablag this aknatwaat to day the Departments of Labor's ba rtau of labor Mathdilca made public i flgurea akowing that daring the thlr > ty-dey period ending with the middle - of Aagnet the retail price of potatoea l fall 44 par coat end The price af cab I bags want dowa 41 par eeat The I drop In eager prtaaa la plated at • 14 par eenl. Meat blade at meet da f(|i want m 11 par eaat ia price dnm.g I ha p triad. With this excep tion end pork cboaa ware increased flee Mr cant, the lac roll— ia ethor foeditaffi wan two par Mat er law. Indication* that the decline la food price levels waa general ia mae in ■tatUtki ahomlag that each of the 61 citiei covered by the bureau*! eurvay reported duriaoaa. Minneapolis lad with a decraaaa of'il par eaat with a ten par east decline. Detroit wee third with a nine par eaat decrea—. Dacreaa— lir outer dttoe follow: Eight par eeati Cl aval and. ladle napolia, Kaaaaa fHtr. Mihrankae. Omaha, Peoria and Springfield, ID.; ■av—I per east: Denver and Mean phis; 81* par caat: Botta, Cincinnati, Cola-baa. Newark, nTt.i Philadel phia. Pittsburg, Bt. Lewie. Bah Lake City and Beattie; ftaa par eaat: BeW Mancbveter, N. H-; Beehaat— and Washington; fear Bar east I Atlanta. Beaten, Houiton, Leo Aagelea, M» - bile. New Haven, Portland, Mains r Portland. Oregon; Pnvidaa—. Set l Franciaco, 8avamah, and Scranton r three per eaat: LMh lack. New Or leone and Norfolk; baa par eaat Jacksonville and fecit—and, and on par cent, Cbnrlaataa, B. O. » WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH j IN MOUBBi INVMTIGATlOf y Chechen me, N. C., Bap*. M.—b a veetifaUon ia bak— -ad# bare of h fire of andeteijied origin wMa I- Thursday night bacaed to death Mar a Nichole, •• pear* aid, la b— bow I Eva — Mm aorthjiOere. The da—re; baaban? lewHa Wfeila, Njd bn"** rod corpse waa —cav—ad fro— U to ratal fear bean after tba ft— eeeti rad PRICES OF COTTON AT LOWER LEVELS Moderately Higher Pri ces Set in Toward End of Week i _ i New Ortaaaa, Sept. 19.—Bright I wonthor hi the belt, continued an- ! Favorable trade account* and report* l that labor condition* were affecting running time of EngUab miQ* bald < !b# price of cotton down laat week, J 11 though toward th* clooa there ware . roc overt ta o* th* in created trading it moderately higher prievi in the . ipot market* of the waatam belt. Laat { »n*«a war* at net laaaaa of 8 to 37 ! loiata. At ae time war* price* goner lUy above th* level *f the aloae of tb* preceding weak and at tha lowaat < iriee* tha active moatha ahawed net * aaaaa of 90 to 1S6 pel ate. October traded down ta tf.Cl, eloa ng at 16 81. In tha apot department aiddling cloaed at M.OO, thawing a , let lot* of 1(8 point*. The weather laat weak was clear , ind dry in nearly all auction* of th* , wH. aad report* that ranehod thia . aarkat indicated cotton wna oponing rail up into th* more northern limit* , if th* cotton country with picking >**ng puabad evarjnrbaea. To apot leepi* tb* moat encouraging feature , if th* new crop Mtuatlon wna tha , my th* grade nedpta wna improv *^n aohe af th* favorable weather 1 wavniling privet* bureau report* an m tvuHiuvii vi uk cnra imihwu ■ ■oesMerabia faUina off from tho par | satap retained Sy tha leronmt * a A apart tl. This weak wUI and tha September ondKloti period, tha final parted af he sees on, while sit U reaftaad Oat I ha and ef tha rawing season is winging tha aauaT datertoratios tha ran aval disport tioe u to conrtder that ha deterio ration is not ezneedro and tot nearly aa grant aa it woald hare teca had tha rainy wanther of tha —iter part of the month contained. This week also ends the second gin- 5 ling ported of tho oonoon nnd aapor- i ntiona arc that ginning will ho hoary a is the remit ef the favorable picking d raather. As tho dtnntion now stands « he trade appears to bo giving aaors i ittention to reports concerning the t tato af the spot demand aad to do- a ulopnssnts la eonaoettea with tho (i Area ten ed English coal mine strike f haa to waalhor conditions. This as ft |, if thing win probably coatlnaa If the , 1 ( i _ u Washington, Sspt. K^OhJaetivna r the Senate committee Investigating • impaiga mpenditoraa i* ramming a hearings bare Wednesday ware ild by Chairman Keayo tonight to « * tha “cleaning op ef loose end" « rowing oat of the aarlter hearings 1« nd inquiry into rtleged ylrtiesl ne- P rvitias ef tha U—ae interests. * Tha tori as af hearings harm, Sana- * or Keayon mid, is axpeeUdto J* * oeciaded Retarder after whieh the • ommlttea will adioorn until after • he election except for possibly o two * ay eonfereaee prior to tha eloetlon J • discuss its plans. . _* In eienning ap loose ends. Chair- l san Kanyon said tha committee j could boor wmiarn Boys Thanip ioo, 1—— af tha way and means < 'ommlttea ef tha BepahUcmi nation il committee, and WlUtem Bornae, of Hew York. Both srera to hey been leard in Chicago. the ebsirm— ante, nit the committee decided to port pone their anamination temporarily, fir. Thompson la to be qaartlonad. it i was said, regarding eontrfbattonii and rapandltare* nmdo bythe It to ba examined regarding the imb rication of tho eamyal»n ** ^U_ r—->— la 1*20. Propormtory to try of to ah 1XL'StZSS+l S«.’£ boon Uaaod lor Qootfo TT^rniL of Eiloabcth, N. J. prorfdoat of thaKn tloaal Retail Liquor Dealer** oooocla tioa of America. , Other Wttnooooa to bo board thill week war* aaM by Chairmen Koa J to Include: Cbaria* McDonald I Ed word Stokes, chairmen reapoctleaj W of the DowoerntI* and RooubWeaiU lie »lem treataror for the Democratic National committee. and Herbert B. Houston, treafarar tit the Lw|M to '’"■SSJlT&y. -M that calling of thTnJS Hm J«n 8UU ebatoama war la line with the eommlttW* do cUm to take that Mato ao aa «x»m alo far the uarpoo* of aocattalalag Stot'Vn toOT- by the WaUwr gaaisattons la raising money h» addv Saa to Nationa) faada _ •*lt may be wa win tail reprenn la tino from other #t»Ue before w» _* thronob with it. tha chalrmaa l dM. H?ail, howooer, that ho did ! nfm tV mnibor of wit i mooooo would ba bid by the eom [ mtoo* at It* mdtM bet*. _ Tba investigation eommltt** bw •at decided whether It wW oatam to laqalry ta bmtad* the Domeerott I Mlooourl or into the election of dot* gates to tho RapaMlean netloaol coa . nation. k Cbootott* Up Car*** 1 bo^P 53ir ‘tick Korin cj a Thu’^riTbT^O1 Nsrrcr* 1 Railroad Avenue Made One Way Th oroughfare! Ka'liosd Avraif, between Broad »nd Cumberland street*, (a now a ■eac-way" thoroughfare Following nstrurtlona from the Boa d of Com n wignen Chief of Polka Pago thia Doming blocked the arcane to HCtk> toand vehicles at the peetoOer cor m. la f at are no vehicles will be allow 'd In th* block ualea* they ere eeolh oand. Thia action la daa to th* aar owneaa of the avenue a-d <ta gecer lly crowded condition. Another traffic regulation ti being ut inle effect today. Thia to ngu Ite pa.'ktng in Broad r.reet between tall rood and Wllaor avenue*. Service Men Colled - 1 Meet Friday Night Kormir sc. vice men have been raU d to mart at hf’edqmartsrs of the | .merican Legion, City Hall, next Frl- ! ay uight at 8 o'clock te arrange fer j it lasaaace of victory medal• to all 1 ■ho pai Urinated ,* the laU war. Captain l B. Williams will exptaln 1 > the men jest what the legion ] leant te them and ta the nation. The 1 ueetioo of booms and ether mutters ' f importance to the men will he die- ' WHSVWBB VI MW 1V|WU gjr arfVBt is krlr nq—l that all man wha wrro ' ■ service attend this meeting. j 4ARION BUTLER AGAIN IN RALEIGH; "ormer Senator May Be Member Of The Assembly j ——— i (Special Coe respond spec) I P.alcigh. N. C., Sent. M.—Well, we | •d oar old ocqsslntooco, Marioa lutler, of Sompooa aad Wellington. < ilh no hi Ralekyh again the lent row eye, aad U edrreat report U comet ’• will have mm am of him hero uring the next legiriatars. It Was at rat mooted that the ftrimtat af pa ro deminetion days hod tiHrf to Old a confer tore with hit tslag of that law Judge Karr, after hcariog nrgo snt, dismissed the rale against the t ale boa id of aiactiODS which hs Isso ( I tan days ago, aad the operation of I ic aboentee voter* law la now aa af- ( ictive aa ever. Counsel foe plaintiff • spealcd. It is true, hot as Jodge Kerr t Sllitli tha case Tie cause of the i ek of canoes of action ia the eon Lsint,” it is o safe prediction to make ’ mt the higher court vrlll surtain . udga Karrs decision by adding tbs | nsl knockout blow to this partiainD , ttempt by tha Republican campaign , innagement to kill a good law. The , keen toe voters law not only protects , ko ballot of bona Adc eittsens to par- , dpato in slectlom when they srs an- , voidxbly absent from their heme prw , Incta, but to protaeta the lick also, 'allowing is the prevision In the ten bat doea this: “U ddB be the duty of the County loaid of Elections to mail or sand to ay voter abaaat from the county, or rho is physically enable to attend in arson, on application for same by neb vote* or by any person for him, i form of ballot, ate. Nog roes la Pofitsa* This Yaar Evidence of the purpose W Agurv he negro vote in the si sc ties In <orth Caroline thia year to multlpty ag. Ever since lhe Republican can I Mate for Proaldont received the DANIELS SPEAKS HERE SECOND DAY Of HARNETT FAtt Secretary of Navy Ac cepU Oty Invita tion JoMpima Daaleto. HtnU,T at tka uvjr, will nk hare at the Barnett dr. Daniel* Monday w«mlM In honei ef Mr. tlwldf etofc the ’air aaeociatioa U armnyiae to ataae .bif -oetoji* iT ZSSr ebooto of the aanaardto* tiHi »d the indeetriae at Dour tie la ate* part. An effort la ah* hate aade to get a ignefi in of aEa >r-d a aarlae hand te taka pait to he parade which wOl adhar tot aae otary te the fair gnand* •f ^“fllto^SSSuS^tSSJSfc etter thin movniaa tram Mr. Daatate rtto • keea pUeanie. Sa to*tSa • o..— --T^nTa mao ef twe or three toareeaada tarpontlae dletOiery. Me kaa hwrd ■nek at Dana'* growth and to eaa Mto U Me the -bat Twww Under he Ban." ^ 'kydr^ktoAi tratloa, ao they coal* rate aa tka aak >*«t^of a^ortgot ta«^ to ttbotrm to tackla tka ahaiswa Jak kafara tka. Women with a 4t*taata far particiaa tin# la elaattaas aa atraaa tka* Aar P_"g ifc.it appeals (ram aaaa am ^m atectiaa U A haad tka* affaaU Aa adaeatiaa af their chlldraa, aaad to be Wakadaftar^mtaa^ ja^mkJ Mi in«7 BIB w MWB IV « ■ able extent la tha tea era! alartlaa ha Novaaabar. It to «p ta tha Pin rrllt aea to mis* aad Mac that ainaal •ad family taflaaara ta baar aa tha female meaabare af thatr faaaglaa, by Improeatsc apaa tbaaa thair DOTf ta oat thair a—aa aa tha raptotratUa baaaa wbaa they art apaand ■» II day of September. Tha nallag ad tha Attoraay Oaaaaal that maaa mm* ragiatar la paaraaa, ‘ham for • tha famfly ta end *He rvthar ilad^ la wad ta ha lift bahlad baaaaaaaf tf. aid'ty. Ca to It, gaallanaa. Sama af iSr-icsSfwatPTt: aart aa’ aaatbar. ■ howw*4£*wtthyw “»W • rtair- la thla day aad pnaaratlaa af ■ tha N'aataaath AmaadaaaV Prlphtar OaMaah far Cattaa DaapMa tha aDapad parpaaa 1 • BcpaMfcaa "high flaaaaa* ta araata » m lath palWaal capital aa paaatht. ; stars: a arts: P Don day. the cattaa aad tabaaac r. c owan arc Robm ta aaa aat hattar alums tha — toafatan af tha mark* I planned. The Lord halpa tbaaa who Italy theaaoaleaa. yaa bat. .aad tha ► SSSTM”* mmm

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