IDE DUNN DISPATCH WWI ISMFDEVERY TUESDAY AMD FRIDAY. j BMamd M —road tan matter' Afril 1M. Ult, at the part o*ce * IMM. N. C„ under lk> M ill Mamh «, HtL UMMMI POPE. MU* Three months- .at)1 ntonthe..-.Sl.idi Om yaw....-...-tt-uj' , DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES I NATIONAL TICKET For Frtudant JAMES M. COT For Vic* Prerdent I FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT For Daitad State* Senate 4.RE E OVERMAN Far rjproacntatief in the United Sntt*a CongreM, SO, Jitt-lct, Ilnmet L. Lyon. STATE TICKET For Cortranr CAMERON MORRISON For Lirtueaaat Goromer W. & COOPER For Secretary »f State J. BRYAN GRIMES For 8taW Auditor Baste* Du kan For State Tree Hirer B. R. LACY For Slot Public Inctraetion E a BROOKS For Attorney Cerrra! JAMES S. MANNING For Commiuioaei o' Agriculture W. A. GRAHAM For CoaaaUsionet of Labor and Printing M. U SHIPMAN Far Ceeumimioeer of Insurant STACY W. WADE For Corporutton Commiaaioner A. J. MAXWELL For Axeceini* Jutticc Supreme Court W. A. BOKE. W. P. STACY For tilt Senate Hanry A- Grady and C. I. Williams. For Hour* of Rapretaatatir** N. A. TOWNSEND County Ticket: For Sheriff J. W. Me ART AN r For Auditor D. P. MCDONALD Per Register of Deed# W. H. FAUCETTE For County Recorder: D. R MrLKAN Fo. ComraUaioam J. C. BYRD J. W. JORDAN R. T. JOHNSON W. J. STEWART JAMES T. BUCHANAN For Coroner Dr. WILLIAM P. HOLT Tka lud k HmM Even while lh« war was claiming thousands of live* on the European batlHlclda, hand reds of bourn nd* of livws wore lost right boro st homo because of preventable disease*. The war t* over. Wt u'.ve won the light fov Democracy, bit oe hoe* yet to win the fight c gainst this more in ssnent. and la the fov of man clean food, clean hands, clean teeth,'clean milk, pure fresh water, fresh air, annitary privies, as: or Mas and mosquitoes — their cost is trifling, yet they win* wonder* and wtl prevent much sickness. Are yoa tore yoa are doing your part? Do you keep your home clean and well aired? la your drinking water anfe? If it come* front a spring or well, are you / rare that ao drainage from a privy, r6--pool, or stable can pollute the wa . tor? 1> the milk which your children drink either parteori-ed or scalded? Do they each race tv- three glam.'* sf milk daily? Is the baby aarsad at the breast as ho should ha Is he kept clean. Doe; he get ptenty of fresh air and Is he kept ogl of the hot, stuffy kitchen? Do you knew that bottic hsMes should Havo o-ango Juice even day after the fin* month? Do yoo know that flies and mol quitoes carry dbeaw. aad do you hoop them out of your hoo*» b> pro per screening? Do you know that all rnkfc a«* ’•ealrhlng” nrd may l-vd to damror (•O' disease io other*, • •[iveially chil droo? Do you know that WcVae«s is often rad bv dirty kinds? Do you al ways wash year hard* bc'oro eatlr; or handling food? Wbea any of your Uurlv is •)! with scarlet fever, measles, dlptkeria, whooping cough, tyunoid fever, tu borculaeis, or other p wenlnble dis co* es. is your health cAevr always • min and coafmoment, showing that' Her faith was well founded, and ihc lid not ftar the approach of death. Surviving her is her husband, four hildron, her mother, three brothers. X. R. lee of Dunn; Rev. 1C. Frank t*e of Greensboro; and A. W. Lee of Newton Grove. Two sister*. Mr*. Y. J. Barefoot of Newton Grove and Mrs. A. W. Britt of BentonwlUe, and .-« host of other relatives and friends. The large attendance at the fuiter aI and the expressive floral offerings ’■•as evidence of the strong bonds of friendship she had woven during her ‘hort stay on earth. CARD Of THANKS Wt take this meant of expressing '.o yon our deepest appreciation for ■aur assistance during the illness and death sf oar little son. MR. AMP MRS. A. U. ADAMS. Tests made by the United Stater Department of Agriculture with 130 •r Australian wheats recently intro duced into this country have brought >nt three varieties adapted for jcrow ir-« on the Pacific coast, where they produced larger yields than oro* of the native commercial vsiie ies. They are known as Federation, Hard Federation, and White Fcdera uon. The Australian varieties in ;er.eral arc susceptible Ho most; 'areal diseases, hut many of these! ire not destructive in the Pacific •east region. Professional Cards j : * * * * * I * DR. A. C. TEBEAU * Osteopath * a Ofiles of Dr. 8andoi ford * * FayeltevilW. N. C. * * Write for literature eoaoern- ¥ * ing Osteopathy * * . * ********** ¥ Member American A* tecta- ¥ ¥ tioa of Eaginoors * * Boa US * * Dana, — North Carolina ¥ ********** LEGAL ADVERTISING1: notice Of valuable land I FOE SAliE l.'mln- and by virtue «{ a> order uf the sup* rlv ' cuv t of S'tmctrjj . ty, mode l:t the t> vial ca titiud "W. .U. I'll: .-*, c f .‘.‘.an in Shaw. ! col. I front of the I Fo»vO#lc*- in th • town of Coot*. IItr ue 11 Cuunty. North Carolina. offor 'or tala to th* higho.t bidder for oaa half caah. ami thr balance in one and two yea.*, -cured by tint mortgage on tr.e propirty. that certain tnset it land lying and being In Crov* Township, Harnett County North Carolina, and more particularly de •cribes! la follow*, to-wit: Cugin'.ing at u *um corner A. W. Denning* comer in the (Verb ; thence South z blast 32 12-I'M ratlins to a corner in Arch Allen’s line; there* north 88 1.2 West 0 20-100 chain* to a stub* corner in' Arch Alien* Iti.e; trance North 3 1-2 East 8 82 100 chain* to a ttakr end pointer*;, th-.nce West with -Arch Allen’s line I in a stake corner In Rob Rowland's | comer; thence North 5 Karl 10 25- j 1* C chiiu t » Rob Rowland's rimer; I thence a.» ih» road 49 East .j 55-100 chains to a yum comer and gum poislen ou the weyt side of n bridge; up the run of said creek u* it nect..dr y to tho'hoginnir.g, con taining thirty-two acres, more or leu. f Th'1 the "th day of Octob.r. 1920. • J. It BARBOUR, Comm'..-Noners, I N'/.RA PARKER. I BONDS Of STEWARTS CREEK TOWNSMl?. HARNETT COUN-, TY, NORTH CAROLINA Thu Road Commitsiontrx of S te st .srt'n Creek T.vwrvdiip, Harnett County, Slate of North Carolina, will receive rented propers!* for the pur chare of Twenty-FWc 'Th.-’uaand i$2«,COO.OO» Dollars, in bond* of raid commissioners, ijried under authority of Chapter 427, Public Local Lawj of t&ia, up to 12 o’clock M. November 17th, 1920. Said bond* will be ir,urd Ir. denom ination' of $1,000.00 each, unless otherwise prescribed by the purrha* er; will be dated November 1 -d. 1920 and bear intrrert from dat- at aix nr,- rent, payable »erai-*nnuo;,y. both jriaeipal and Intnext payable in tha Oily of New York said bond., to ma ture twenty years after date; that ia io say, nu November l«t, 19<0. All piopoxal* must ba accompani J b/ certified check upon a reapon Nhle hank, payable to the Treasurer -if the Road Commissioner* of Ste wart's Creek Town*hip ia the cum.of $300.00. TSo Board rcoervee the t rljtiit to reject *•■■" and all bid*. All -woposalx will be qiened in the office uf Clairnrc J. Smith, Purdle Bio*. Suildirgr. ihioii, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock >1 November 17th, 1920. Knfurther part culars address the Chiiitncn or Secretary, ar Clarence s. Faith, Auotucy, Dunn, N. C. / T'l'ui '.nr Ui'i d.iv .if October, 1920. ,7 M HOriiKS, Chu.rmsn W. T. SH1T11. Si-c. Oct. 12.|9-2d-2-9-l*. . NOTICE C“ SALE UNDER MORT motUMUtu deed executed December i Utt*i, lilG, by G. R. Simmon*. and | wife, Moll:* Simmon»,Norman Camp.* end wife, Florence Camp, to the •ndersigned, and rcprist*red Decem ber 21. 1910, in Book 107, Pago 274. in the office of, the Register of Deeds if’i .if.Ktt C-uur..y. ")t Vcdo. i MMiave, wlU »..| Mui-dj., J ...... j IV* i**l*. aL *tt - *i. ,• *. mi. • ... | I'" a-. j.J1 I v ,i,.r * 1*4 |h< '-.i,. , liiliivi'. Io cash, a* lie Yu.. c ., i .VillUiV, IT the I i ,* t p. >rs»'iiu» K».. /*,;*o*v rv d > c.’.b i. <.■’ Var-i, 'jj.T.i;: I - ' * tiac.i. of njeeid of la d in l.l ..a r. » hv. co-uf.iti . ml;* nf tV . iu.m as fell* M4 Ail ol !oa t- paifc:-’. . I * ••InS "“ il l»e:r.i (« tia.rlr.t . .vj , tn.l near the 'form o/ On.Tn :i Av ■ a*boro Tiiwiuhii', a^d b <-;»•* *.. Hop 0 ant! 7, fully dfe.-.bed in a Sriiv it " .i ira, mada by1 V. d. Stroa wh, civil engineer, which is rocordrd in tire ofttet of the KcgifVer of Jleedc »f Harnatt County in Book 169, Page »88. and this record la hereby relcrved to and mad* » part of IhU deed. For a description of said lot] said iota an a part of tfe anbdiviaion *-d mlc mad* by Mr*- Eugenia A. Harper and art the same lota convoy ed to the mortgagor* by Jesse B. Loc, ltd wife, end the deed*.conveying sold lota whieh are doty recorded in .lamett County are here referred to and made a part of thia deed for a »aore arc arete description of laid lota i nto the 8th, day of October. 1920 THE BARNES A HOLUDAY CO, Mortgagee. Clifford and Townsend, Attorneys. wr MW’- VIU.C. Under the authority eentainrd in a deed of trust executed by E. T. Spence, and wife, Eatie Clyde Spence, which deed of trust ia duly registered i* the offlee of the Regis ter of Dead* of Harnett County in Book 109. Page 876, the conditions named in said deed of hut not hav ing been complied with, and the hoi let of the note aecured thereby hav ing in accordance wflb tha provision* named in said deed of truat declared the entire ind-btcdnwa secured tb'. rob;- to be due and having made ■I-mand upon the trustee* that the power of aale contained in Mid deed of t.ast be exercised, the undersign ed trustee, named in mid deed or trust wit!, on Monday, November 8, 192;rior Court of Haraott County to .-eeid County to be held at ‘a- eor.rt hooac of mid' eounty in MlMn-ton. V. C., oa the 22nd day Nr/ca'Kr, 1926, and answer or 'tmu - Li tbr complaint in said action •>•• the plaintiff will apply *• eourl for the relief demand ad in laid cam til.-iisl. I*.!* October 18. 1920. A. A. McDonald, Clark of Superior Court. Tu lu ff 5 9. • notice I Mo-'!< r?r>’in«, n*ra*»t County: In th> Superior Court Wore the Cltrt.. H.rlvini* Jnhnoon. 8, W. Haro, J. .V. IJnro, J.O.Hurt S. D.Hare, N K. Hr re, Lind* H*|)#m). Otlly Cotton. Beley A- Capper. M.yyr Weed. P.oeu wniford, Mary ET M.irhharn. Dun Her* J. Lonnie Her*. John Haro, j£n Dudley, Cho rite Wort, Loo Weater, Lou rant# ’Wuetet, Cornate weater, TUaekkarn Willlaau^ Rokt Wll lam>, Setvaala Pay* Daa Wll liana. J. A. Caamhell, Gotten Tlrdly. W. II. Dudley^ J. A.Dod. ley, T>#*»ie Burhaan*^ et. fi'rtlt BeUa. (widow), and tk* children or kelra at law of Wiloy William*. Sophia Baiufeot, Rokt W lHania and Nanay fan, do 'eared (reetdoneo and name* UI known). «»d the faOowtiw minor*: Alta Matkbur”. Canie Ma.hknm. Kte'n Matkkurn Bee tetea Markka m. Tamer Maek knrr. CralK MaaMwfc Ckateten Mu. ikv.rn. Eden Dudley. John rtndl*;.. Emmon Dudley and Era Wort. TV defendant* aboe» named ^ -R, IV belie at law M Wiley Wil l*m*. decoaaed, and of Robt Wil iam* daeaaaad, and of Nancy Page ind of Sophia Barefoot, daeeaaed, tanma and residency* unknown, will aka notice that an action entitled -rJ—-’--r^w~T“- — Superior Court of Harnett County, North Carolina; to partition the land* belonging to the eatata of M. C. Betta leceaaod, lata of laid C ounty and State, mid landi cituated in Haetor’a Creok Township, laid county, eon teinin* about seventy. (70), acres and the laid unknown defendants, who It appears bw-aSdarit art prop it partial to thla actlon__eiHl h»T< d ee ei.«e d*w"lh the' pcfllioncri ir thif action ask to b« partitioned, will further take aotica that they are re qoired to appear before the Clerk el the Superior court of HaroeU Conn I »_J-1 USU_LI tj, At 'hi* office in UL'iojtoi, on the ldlh ilij of 1920, and answer or demur to She petit! in In sold ac. tivn. o. the plaintiffs will apply to the coa t for tl.J relief demanded in -w 12lli day*c? Octob i?rmu A. A. McDonald, Clerk of Superior Court of Harnett County. Tn.19-26-2-9. ■■■ —°^a Visitors To The Great Cape Fear Fair! October 27th to 29th-Fayetteville, N- C. ;1 -arf. invited to MAKE —- I FayetteviOe’sBestStore I THEIR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS I The New Lowered Prices a! Prevail Throughout g Our Entire Store I Lovely new Dress Suits, Coats, Millinery, U Furs and Dry Goods await your approval and inspection. mj vcims mi w »iv»* vvuiiig eta a third less than prices quoted for merchan dise of equal goodness thirty days ago. KINDLING’S STORE HAS DOUBLED ITS SELLING SPACE Entire first floor is devoted to the dis play and sale of women’s and misses’ r£ady to-wear. Second floor is devoted to the display of Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods. You will be delighted with the new and enlarged store where quality style and low est possible prices go hand in hand. W. E. Kindlsy Co. FAYETTEVILLE. - NORTH CAROLINA fi‘ Agents for Goss rd Corsets S' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamMmmmrnmAjmtrMmmr r tarn .rr. .* utrrt i /j j [Jf h . /, / '«. ' I I 25c For Middling Cotton To our many good customers in this section we wish to announce that we will accept middling cotton and above for anything we have in dry goods, clothing shoes and in fact everything for the the family, at 25 cents per pound. Realizing that the present price offered for cotton % is nowhere around the cost of production, we are willing to help out all our customers who wish to take advantage of the above offer, which is good until further notice through this paper. Remember that *ur prices are all marked in plain fi'g ^ ures and you can see the price* you are being charged for t . what you want. We have the beat, most complete stock of merchandise you will be able to find in the four counties around us. There is nothing in the clothing line that you cannot find in our stocks. There is an article to please any taste in any thing that we sell—the range of prices will suit any pocket book. > \ Johnson Brothers COFFINS x CASKETS Funerals are solemn things. They inspire us with awe. At best they but accentuate the vanjty,of life. But, sihce they must come to all, it is a comforting thought to know that ther solemnity can be surrounded with that evidence of tender love which is insured by our undertaking depart ment. ‘ i Every effort has been made in this department to dull the edge of the keen blade of grief. Our men are schooled in that most commendable of all human characteristics— sympathy. The unpleasant tasks of burial are underta ken by them with a thorough understanding of the pangs that are in the hearts of the bereaved. They serve with a genuine spirit of service. This department is equipped as thoroughly as is he j;; best undertaking establishment of the country, ^num bers in its personnel a licensed embalmer and carries cas kets that range in price *ip to $ 1,000. Look this department over when you come to town again. Barnes & Holliday Co. Dana, N. C Coats, N. C. « - • * *